Thinking out loud: how to learn to speak correctly?

Use the thesis - argument - evidence scheme

It will help you structure your thoughts, construct a statement or text logically and consistently. Especially if you are arguing with someone or want to convincingly present your point of view on some problem.

First, you put forward a Theory and Practice of Argumentation thesis or assumption. Then you expand it a little, explain what exactly you mean. And finally, present evidence. For example:

Thesis: “Reading the classics is important and necessary.” Argument: “Classical literature helps increase vocabulary, develops imagination and emotional intelligence.” Proof: “Scientists have found in Reading Literary Fiction Improves Theory of Mind that people who read classic literature are better at recognizing other people’s emotions.”

What makes a good speaker?

In each of us there lives a little speaker who has something to say to his listeners. But only a certain set of qualities can make him a truly unsurpassed master of words:

  • erudition and erudition. A large vocabulary and a corresponding store of knowledge - without these attributes, speech will be quite colorless and not inspiring to others
  • clarity and intelligibility of spoken words. If your diction leaves much to be desired and listeners have to make significant efforts to hear you well, then you will not get the expected effect from your speeches. Or you may not get the one you expected.
  • the ability to control oneself and feel the audience: at the right moment to restrain excitement, and at the appropriate moment to give your speech the necessary emotional coloring. You influence the hearing of your interlocutors, and ultimately touch their soul. Always remember this!

learn to speak correctly

Write loglines for films and books

A logline is a very short retelling of the plot in a few lines. Screenwriters use it to quickly explain what their story is about.

For example, the logline for the movie “Forrest Gump” sounded like this: “Forrest Gump, although not very smart, becomes an accidental participant in historical events, and his true love Jenny Curran eludes him.”

And here is the logline of The Matrix: “A hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of the familiar world and about his role in the war against those who control this world.”

It may seem that writing a logline (or its more extended versions - annotation and synopsis) is a piece of cake. But even for writers this is sometimes difficult. After all, you have to learn to highlight the most important thing in the plot, and even explain the essence in just a dozen words. So creating loglines can be great training if you want to learn how to express your thoughts clearly and understandably.

How to learn to speak beautifully: 21 tips

It is advisable for every person to strive to improve their communication skills, for which it is necessary to know how to learn to speak beautifully. It doesn't matter whether you're speaking to an audience of thousands or simply conveying information to a dozen employees, the basic principle is the same: when addressing several people at the same time, effective communication of information in such a way that it is accepted is essential to achieving a successful result. undistorted form and were not forgotten five minutes later.

Learn and use a new word every day

This seemingly simple task still requires some effort.

Due to their specificity, some words are unlikely to be used in conversation every day. Plus, sometimes it's hard to remember what you had for breakfast, so remembering to use a new word can be a big problem.

No matter what, keep putting in the effort and you will soon begin to enjoy this daily task. It will definitely pay off when you need to give a speech and find the right words on the fly.

Practice speaking without preparation

Public speaking should not consist solely of a prepared speech. In many cases, there may not be time to prepare.

Even when you have plenty of time, it's important not to overplan your speech. Listeners don't like having information read out to them. Public speaking should be considered more like a conversation than a poetry reading.

The most important skills when conducting spontaneous communication are confidence and the ability to relax.

Anxiety is the biggest obstacle to becoming an eloquent speaker.

If you want to learn how to speak beautifully, you must be confident in yourself, in your knowledge, and, most importantly, you must learn to relax.

Speak in simple language

Writers, salespeople, and public speakers know that this works, and for good reason. Simple speech makes a greater impression on the mind of the listener.

While it is tempting to assume that a speech filled with fancy words and phrases is the key to eloquence, quite often the opposite is true. Extra words are just a distraction, and the impression you leave with your audience will be something like: what was that all about?

Undoubtedly, a rich vocabulary will add charming sophistication to your eloquence, but for a speech to be truly effective and memorable, the use of “beautiful” words should not be too frequent.

Just remember that you don't need to overdo it. Worrying about every word in every sentence increases your mental stress levels and makes it harder for you to speak well.

So speak simply and let your eloquence develop naturally.

Know the power of silence

People who speak well know the power of silence, and if they have to pause, they use that moment to their advantage.

Silence creates uncertainty and can make the next statement more expressive.

There is power in silence, and the greatest speakers know how to use it to their advantage.

Eliminate filler words

When people feel uncomfortable, nervous, and don't know what to say, they tend to stutter and fill the silence with unnecessary words or sounds.

Replace ridiculous interjections like “Hmm,” “Uh-uh,” “Ah-ah,” with words that actually make sense: “Let’s move on to ...”, “Another important consideration ...”, “Let’s move on to conversation..."

Phrases like these are fillers that will help prolong silence when you need time to think.

Slang is a hindrance

The best speakers leave the jargon and jargon at home.

Do you know the difference between an inexperienced salesperson and a sales professional? An inexperienced salesperson can confuse and leave you confused, while a professional one can make you feel more educated and intellectually developed than you thought you were.

Slang is intended for people involved in your field of activity, so that the work process can be completed faster.

It should not be used to impress other people. Instead, listeners will be left confused and communication will clearly be ineffective.

Be concise

When you get to the point and convey the necessary meaning, you should not continue to procrastinate on the topic, because there is no point in it. Nobody wants to disappear into your stream of consciousness.

Say what you want to say in as few words as possible, but in such detail that people can imagine it with complete clarity.

In one case the details may be really necessary, in another they will make listeners fall asleep.

Say what you want to say and say it well.

Remember Quotes

Oscar Wilde once said: “A quotation is an excellent substitute for wit.”

Being able to come up with a relevant quote during a conversation is really cool.

Do you think memorizing quotes is a waste of time? May be. But you can definitely make a strong impression on the female half.

Focus on the last sound

Avoid mumbling by making a conscious effort to fully enunciate each syllable.

Pay special attention to the final words in the sentence.

Study talks from famous speakers

Need some inspiration? Watch the speeches of famous speakers and analyze their speech.

They have certainly learned the skill of eloquence and can become an example for you of how to professionally master your words.

Speak with confidence

How to learn to speak beautifully? Speak confidently.

Even if you are talking on the phone, how you feel affects how people perceive the information you convey.

Speak loudly enough

To develop eloquence, speak loudly enough so that people furthest from you can hear your voice, but not so loudly that you make nearby listeners uncomfortable.

Never raise your voice to the level of shouting. If you find yourself in this position, ask for a microphone or ask your audience to move closer to you.

Speak at different speeds

Speech that sounds at one speed quickly turns your speech into a monotonous drone.

Instead, slow down or speed up depending on the importance of the information being conveyed.

Speak more slowly when you present new or more important information so that your listeners can absorb it fully.

Think before you speak

Surely one of the most important principles of eloquence is to know what you are talking about.

Having a clear idea of ​​what you want to say will allow you to organize your thoughts into a coherent structure. It's not difficult at all.

Focus on the Listeners

Learning to speak well only makes sense if people are listening to you, but they won't do it if you're thinking about something else or your eyes are constantly wandering around the audience.

Eloquence without focused attention is mere sound.

Avoid looking around awkwardly, as this makes you appear dishonest. If you need to look at your notes, use only your gaze, but do not nod your head.

Position your body

Add emphasis to your words by moving your body.

For example, if you are performing on stage, you might move from one place to another to emphasize a new point.

Likewise, when sitting at a conference table, lean forward a little when you want to focus your attention on something.

Straighten your back

The ability to speak beautifully is more than just mastery of words. Body language is of no small importance.

The position of your back is the basis of your body language and therefore the source of your eloquence.

By slouching, you seem to be declaring a lack of confidence in yourself and your words.

An upright but relaxed posture puts you in a mental and physical state in which words flow smoothly and easily.

Lift your chin

The position of your head is just as important as the position of your back, as many common expressions emphasize.

For example, “holding your head high” means showing confidence and determination. “Having your head down” means you are defeated.

Keeping your head straight is advisable for physiological reasons. If your head is tilted down, your neck becomes tense and you won't be able to speak clearly, leading to muttering.

Support words with gestures

Use hand gestures to emphasize key points.

The easiest way to learn this skill is to watch celebrities and public speakers.

Notice how their hand movements seem to be an extension of their words.

If you are not inclined to actively use gestures, keep your hands relaxed. Playing with your glasses, rustling papers, and scratching your body will distract the audience from your speech and will negatively affect your eloquence.

Elimination of defects

After identifying your shortcomings, create a plan to address them.

One strategy for eliminating them is to address the specific issue each time. For example, focus on getting rid of filler words on Monday and being more confident in your presentation on Tuesday.

Practice, practice, practice

Stephen King wrote about mastery of words: “If you want to become a writer, you must constantly do two things: read a lot and write a lot.”

Constantly practice in an effort to learn how to speak beautifully, day after day, and you will definitely master the instrument of eloquence.

Advantages of beautiful speech and areas of application

The development of eloquence allows you to build a beautiful, reasoned speech and learn to communicate on various topics. This is a special science that provides the following benefits:

  1. Ability to persuade. This practice will be useful in any area of ​​life. Correctly chosen words will not allow you to refute the argument.
  2. The ability to express thoughts clearly and without pronounced pauses.
  3. A positive image of the speaker is formed on the basis of well-chosen phrases.
  4. The ability to control your condition. All speeches, important negotiations and meetings are associated with nervousness.
  5. The ability to control your condition will allow you to get rid of many fears and complexes.

Mastery of eloquence will be useful in almost all areas of life. But this topic is especially interesting for those who are growing in the professional industry and want to develop.

This science will help you form the right attitude, allow you to learn new skills and make a good impression on your interlocutors.

Communication skills are especially useful in the business industry. All speeches, presentations and negotiations will be much more effective if you are able to correctly express your thoughts.

That being said, there are several types of eloquence that can be used in a specific situation.

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