How to learn to kiss and overcome the fear of the first time?

Are you sure you know how to kiss? Check yourself so as not to spoil the moment - 800x530

How to feel unity in a kiss with your loved one

Legend says that previously all people were like a ball and had two arms and two legs. But the gods punished the inhabitants of the planet for their arrogance and divided them in half. Since then, each half has been looking for its own and through a kiss can be reunited with the separated part of itself. How to kiss correctly so that at the moment of unity with your other half you feel “butterflies in your stomach” - we have collected all the secrets of the right kiss for everyone.

What you need to know about kissing:

  • What are the benefits of kissing?
  • Emotional benefits
  • Set up for a good mood
  • Benefits for the cardiovascular system
  • Prevention of caries
  • Extension of youth
  • Why do we close our eyes
  • What types of kisses are there?
  • French
  • tender kiss
  • Platonic
  • Air
  • Kiss your hand
  • How to learn to kiss if there is no lover
  • On the hand
  • On fruits and vegetables
  • Baking
  • How to kiss your partner correctly
  • How to add variety to a kiss
  • Strawberries and cream
  • Kiss in an unexpected place
  • In the rain or snow
  • Delicious kiss
  • Use your hands

What are the benefits of kissing?

Constant nervous tension and a cycle of problems contribute to an increase in cortisol, the stress hormone. When kissing and affectionately hugging, oxytocin is produced - the hormone of happiness and neutralizes the negative effects of cortisol.

Emotional benefits

When you kiss, biochemical reactions are triggered in the body, which reduces stress levels. If you feel sad in the evening after work, learn how to kiss deeply or French and relieve stress together with your partner.

Set up for a good mood

Morning kisses are the most beneficial for men. By charging her beloved with the hormone of happiness in the morning before work, a woman gives a mindset for success and helps to achieve a lot in her work.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

If you kiss on the lips correctly, for at least 1 minute, the pulse accelerates to 100 beats per minute, blood pressure rises and blood vessels dilate. Blood flow improves significantly, organs are saturated with oxygen.

Prevention of caries

When kissing passionately, saliva and the mineral salts and natural antibiotics it contains are exchanged. Lovers exchange oral microflora and strengthen each other’s immunity, which helps strengthen tooth enamel.

Extension of youth

Learn how to tongue kiss a guy properly to strengthen your face and neck muscles. An energetic kiss uses all facial muscles and burns up to 20 calories per minute.

Interesting fact!

Since 1981, the science of philematology, under the patronage of the Ministry of Health, has been studying changes in the human body during kissing.

Why do we close our eyes

When kissing, the eyes close automatically and this is due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Our vision is automatically focused on our partner’s face and the brain cannot process information, distracted by the release of the joy hormone.

If you kiss a guy or a girl correctly, a lot of tactile and tactile sensations occur during the kiss. The brain does not have time to absorb so much information, so it “turns off” vision in order to focus on the main thing.

What types of kisses are there?

It is impossible to learn how to kiss a guy or girl correctly and passionately without knowing the techniques and types of kisses. Researcher, American scientist Cheryl Kirshenbaum studied passionate manifestations of feelings for several years and wrote the book “The Science of Kissing.” We invite you to learn about the most common kisses and their meaning.


Passionate kiss with the use of tongue. Symbolizes strong love relationships between partners. If a couple, even after 20 years of marriage, kisses in French, their love is still as strong as on their first dates.

tender kiss

Romantic and sensual, symbolizes deep tenderness and appreciation in relationships. To kiss a girl correctly, alternately touch the upper and lower lips, hug and, without using your tongue, gently press your lips.


A kiss from a couple in a strong relationship. Often practiced in public so as not to advertise feelings. It happens practically without joining the lips - this is how the bride and groom can kiss, when they are often shouted “Bitter!” and they are embarrassed.


Means that the couple loves to flirt. Everyone did this kind of kiss - just kiss your palm and then point it towards the object of adoration and blow, mentally transferring passion through the air to your lover or beloved.

Kiss your hand

One of the oldest ritual kisses associated with the expression of reverence and respect. If you want to be known as a gallant gentleman and learn how to properly kiss a woman’s hand, remember: a man must stand, a lady can sit. Lightly touch your lips to the back of your hand and compliment.

How to overcome fear and anxiety before your first kiss?

It’s not news to anyone that fear and anxiety begin to suffocate you emotionally before some important event. We must fight this so that these feelings are not a black spot in our memories. Probably the most effective way to deal with this would be to talk with an experienced friend who has experience in this. An understanding person will always help solve this problem and be able to give advice that will relieve fear and anxiety.

It also happens that there is simply no one to advise. This is where a support group of strangers comes to the rescue. You just have to ask and the answer will not be long in coming. With common efforts, any problem can be solved. In any case, you need to get rid of all doubts so as not to escalate the situation. Everyone should understand that learning to kiss can only be done with experience. If the guy is adequate and well-mannered, he will take this inability for granted and will carefully help in every possible way.

How to learn to kiss if there is no lover

Love will unexpectedly appear at any moment and you need to be prepared for it. In the meantime, while there is no loved one, we offer proven ways to learn how to kiss correctly with or without tongue in order to avoid mistakes in the future.

On the hand

  • Make an OK sign with your left hand, placing your thumb on your index finger.
  • Insert the thumb of your right hand into the resulting letter O, close it with your left hand and remove it. You have a simulator on which you will learn how to kiss correctly.
  • Touch your lips to your closed fingers. Gently move your tongue over imaginary lips, kiss and focus on the sensations. They are the ones who are important - your boyfriend or girlfriend will feel the same.
  • The next step is to tickle the skin of your palm with your tongue. Watch how you feel and whether the kiss is too wet. Periodically change the technique and strength of movements to understand when it starts to work out.

On fruits and vegetables

  • Take a fruit or vegetable with elastic skin - a tomato or peach. Bite off a piece so that the opening resembles a half-open mouth waiting for a kiss.
  • Make exciting movements with your lips and watch the position of your tongue. When you learn how to move your lips over your makeshift mouth without biting, start kissing with your tongue.


  • Buy a bun or a round bun and bite off enough so that a semblance of a half-open mouth appears on the side.
  • Do the same steps as with a tomato or peach.
  • It is important to learn to feel the force of pressure - this way you will understand how your kissing partner will feel.

Why did this happen

So, let's figure out what can force a young lady to take the first step:

1. You are very indecisive.

Although all women dream of being pursued and initiated by guys, in life everything happens exactly the opposite.

You can often find couples where the girl is the main one.

This is not to say that this is bad, it just goes against the stereotype. If the girl kissed you herself, perhaps you should be bolder and take control of the situation.

2. You are inattentive.

The most common reason that young ladies take the initiative is that guys are not paying attention to their signals. Any girl who respects generally accepted norms of behavior cannot say: “It’s time for us to kiss, I allow it,” especially if this is the first date. Many young ladies wait for this for several days, and then decide that they simply don’t like their boyfriends and leave.

More courageous girls can openly speak about their desires, but from that moment on they stop respecting you and the relationship deteriorates greatly. So never forget to catch her secret calls to action. As soon as she looks at your lips and is very close, don't slow down and take action.

3. Jealousy.

The reason is rather unusual, but it occurs quite often. You are walking with a friend and suddenly she presses her lips to you. “Fell in love,” you might think, but no.

Look around, perhaps somewhere nearby there is her ex-boyfriend who she wants to make jealous or a stunning beauty that you might have your eye on. Desperate girls can decide to do this even with an unfamiliar man.

4. Alpha females.

There is a type of girl who is in charge of everything. Typically, they occupy leadership positions or work in male teams. Such young ladies love to have the upper hand even in sex. If an alpha female wants to kiss you, she will do it at any cost.

5. You give her signals.

Without knowing it, we can give a signal for a kiss. Girls in love perceive them in their own way, most often as a call to action. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you control your movements and speech, especially if you are in a relationship with someone else, because your girlfriend will not figure out which of you made a mistake.

6. Women's magazines.

Unusual? But many women believe the yellow press. Moreover, they act according to advice from magazines. I don’t argue, there is a small part of information with which I can agree, but assessing men by their zodiac sign is not very wise. You may not even suspect that there is sympathy between you, and the young lady is already typing into Google “can a girl kiss a cancer guy first?” At the same time, in response, she will receive a hundred articles with the statement “of course, it is possible and even necessary.”

How to kiss your partner correctly

Learning to kiss on the lips correctly is an important step for a strong relationship with a girl or guy. The first kiss can happen at any moment and you need to be prepared for it.

  • Freshen your breath. Carry menthol-flavored spray or chewing gum with you. If the date continues after dinner at a restaurant with a walk in the park, prepare for the first kiss so that it will be remembered with pleasant emotions.
  • Don't just kiss on the lips. Great advice for men on how to kiss a girl correctly and break her resistance. After kissing on the lips, lightly bite your earlobe or kiss your neck - these are erogenous zones that will set your partner in the right mood.
  • Take your time. Most men behave like in the movies - they tear off a girl’s clothes after the first kiss and try to seduce her. There is no need to rush; a guy should kiss properly for the first time with restraint. Let the girl “ripe” for a second kiss and continue the evening.
  • Change your kissing technique. If you know how to tongue kiss properly, you shouldn't use this technique all the time. Change the pressure, use your tongue and hands, change the position of your head and the speed of the kiss - let your partner be surprised at the ability to kiss well.
  • Do not be silent. During a kiss, you should not moan loudly or make other uncharacteristic sounds, but it is also better to kiss correctly with the tongue or without passion and not in complete silence. Between kisses, say soft, kind words to the girl to relax her and create a romantic atmosphere.


Choose beautiful background music for your first kiss. The best musical styles for creating a relaxing atmosphere are chillout or new age.

What to do after the first kiss?

As a rule, both partners begin to feel awkward after the first kiss. But if you are sure that the action was flawless, then there is no need to worry too much.

For many couples, after a kiss it’s nice to hug and just stand there for a while. If you are very shy, then you can go home, this will not harm your relationship in any way.

You shouldn’t run home the second after the kiss. The young man may take this to mean that the girl did not like the kiss. You need to wait a little, say goodbye and boldly go home.

How to add variety to a kiss

If you already know how to properly kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend in French or have mastered kissing without tongue, move on to the next stage - a variety of sensations. We offer you tips on how to make even a technically correct kiss even more passionate and romantic.

Strawberries and cream

It may seem banal to some, but the use of fruit and cream in desserts brings people together. Dip the berry into the cream, bite it and bring your lips closer to your partner so that he can also taste the strawberry.

Kiss in an unexpected place

When you find yourself alone in an elevator, on a deserted alley in a park or in another place, be sure to kiss your significant other. Suddenness will awaken your feelings and bring romance into your relationship.

On a note!

The famous kiss on the stern of the Titanic is considered one of the most romantic in world cinema.

In the rain or snow

While walking in the fall and caught in the rain, seize the moment and kiss your significant other passionately or with your tongue. Or go for a walk in the snow in the winter and kiss in the light of a lantern, like in a movie.

Delicious kiss

Take some wine, liqueur or other tasty drink into your mouth, sip and leave a little on your lips. Kiss your significant other to let them feel the taste - it brings you very close.

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