7 steps to attracting a man into your life

There are many conspiracies and love spells, prayers and special talismans that supposedly affect the object of your desire, change its priorities and force it to pay attention to you. Is it so?

Or maybe it's the other way around? All these witchcraft, magical attributes, your thoughts, desires and actions change something in you.

It is not for nothing that all the rules of a happy life turn a person inward: “The rich person is not the one who has everything, but the one who has enough of what he has.”

“Happiness is a state of mind,” etc. Let's try to attract the right man into our life by working a little on ourselves.

The ideal wife of a rich man

As a rule, rich men are lonely. The fact is that they devote too much energy to work and career, while forgetting about their personal life. And, as a rule, in adulthood, when the time comes, a rich man sets out to find a wife. Then they begin to think about which girl to choose as their constant companion. As a rule, rich men prefer to see girls much younger than themselves as their wives. This is another unique way of self-affirmation. At the same time, it is not always important whether this girl knows how to cook, clean and do other housework. For a rich man, all this can easily be done by a servant. Sometimes the education of the future wife is also unimportant. On the contrary, many rich men want their wife, even if she is very smart, to never show it, otherwise it could be a blow to their pride. In other words, the wife should be a little stupider than her husband.

How to attract a man into your life ↑

Changing the setting

The natural attitude of consciousness is the mental position of a person in everyday life.

There are several settings:

  1. Social . A certain attunement of consciousness to the perception of existence.
  2. Motor . A certain setting for actions.
  3. Mental . Stereotype of thinking.
  4. Diffuse . Adjustment of perception during a single intersection with an object.

Why change it? The attitude that has taken root in your mind prevents you from becoming the ideal man you have chosen for yourself. If you are absolutely sure of this, try changing the settings.

Another thing is, is it possible to do this on your own without a good psychologist?! He will be able to somehow reconfigure the motor setting (a month of control over his muscles), and can easily cope with diffuse, but only time changes the mental and social settings.

Breaking yourself at the level of consciousness and subconscious is a thankless and dangerous task. Maybe it's better to change the object of dreams?

Drawing a clear image

You know exactly what height, weight and eye color a prince worthy of you should have. His shoulders are broad, his body is slender, flexible and muscular, and his hair is wavy, the color of ripe wheat. Everything is clear with the external data of an ideal man. There's even a photo of the prototype hanging on the wall. What to do with your inner world?

Let's try to get a clear, clear picture of his character. We rewrite, separated by commas, all the positive traits of a person: brave, smart, honest, etc. That's it, the image is ready. We mentally make a stencil out of everything we have come up with and from today we walk around the world with it, applying the resulting template to every guy we meet.

Want to know where your search will end? In a couple of years, you will sit down at the table and slightly correct your ideal, adding universal human traits to it.

Just a little bit of weakness. The hero can do this. Well, for example, sometimes he lies for the sake of saying something. And again in a fruitless search.

Another year will pass and you will trim your angel’s wings a little more. And the search will simply end. You will fall in love with an ordinary brown-eyed brunette and begin to consider him your ideal.

It's good to have time to search. In addition, any high level provides an incentive for one’s growth, while a low level provides an incentive for laziness and degradation.

Falling in love with ourselves

How disgusting looks like an arrogant FIFA who considers herself the most beautiful, smartest, stylish and charming in the world! Pay attention to how the heroes of Russia, the president, world champions, and miss beauty behave. With dignity, but without arrogance.

You need to know moderation in everything, even in pride and self-flagellation. Excessive modesty is also harmful.

This part of the article is for girls who don’t like to look at themselves in the mirror, who are embarrassed about their voice and awkward figure. Let's start with that, with clumsiness.

Remember the parable where the man was told not to think about the yellow monkey? As a result, all his thoughts were only about her.

Yes, you will never acquire a light, flying gait as long as you think about it, about your legs and arms.

Understand three axioms:

  1. There are no ideals in the world.
  2. Beauty is a relative concept. Some people like candy, and some like herring. Some people like skinny ones, while others like them plump.
  3. People treat you the way you present yourself to them. By your attitude towards yourself, you allow others to judge you as well.

Video: How to make a man fall in love with you

Based on these well-known postulates, we decide to ourselves:

  1. I'm not ideal, but I'm no worse than others. This means that everyone around is no better than me.
  2. For some I am a beauty.
  3. I like myself, I love myself as I am!
  4. Learn by heart the poem by Larisa Rubalskaya:

What a luxury it is to be out of fashion. And live without looking at anyone, And dress according to the weather, Not for the sake of the looks of the guys you meet.

Don’t be afraid to be branded a fool, Don’t add height to your platform, Don’t adjust your figure to “sixty” and “ninety.”

Be cheerful and tyrant, Yawn if it becomes too boring. What a luxury - not to be fashionable, but to be yourself - a piece.

Are you ready to do anything for love? Find out how to win a guy away from your rival. Don't know how to get romance from a guy? Read on.


Philosophers and psychologists have long established that sexual energy, called Libido by S. Freud, is the driving force behind everything that happens in the human world. Suffice it to remember how many wars in ancient centuries began because of women.

It is only for the sake of the attention and favor of the opposite sex that feats are accomplished, unattainable peaks are conquered and great discoveries are made. Only in order to win her heart, and then support his family, will he study and then earn money.

Just to make him like you, you are ready to read “War and Peace” and learn to roller skate. Read, learn, ride!

Even if you never touch the heart of your beloved man with your increased intelligence, your level will increase so much that:

  1. You will begin to respect and love yourself. Self-esteem will increase, and therefore the assessment of others.
  2. Another man will appreciate and love you, maybe more than one.
  3. Looking at the object of your affection from the top step, you will see him from a new perspective and... fall out of love. Sometimes it happens.

Changing the atmosphere in the house

It has long been known: the simplest way to at least somehow change your life is simply to rearrange your apartment or change the decor in your house.

For something to change, start with your home. A new environment will attract new love to you or simply stir up new emotions in you.

Let's keep calm

We are lucky, we were born women. This means that with all other equal rights, we can always bat our eyelashes and cry.

Not sobbing with hysteria and screaming, but quietly and miserably, so that a man would want to press him to his chest, pat him on the head and, feeling like Rimbaud and the Black Cloak at the same time, promise his protection for the rest of his life.

Men are afraid of hysterics! Calm down. Passion and love fill your heart. You want to throw yourself on your neck, hug, kiss and confess your love, shedding tears. Even if he had some kind of nascent feeling for you, now at this moment it disappeared, died from fear.

He is not a coward in the usual sense of the word, but, like any man, he is afraid of change and violent feelings.

Stay calm and wait until he is ready to find out. Take a step towards him that is the same length as him.

Numerous offspring

Many rich men believe that a woman must definitely want to have children. For a man, children are a source of special pride. Rich men tend to want a lot of children. For a rich man, an heir is also a way to assert himself, as well as a profitable investment. At the same time, paradoxically, fathers themselves spend little time with their children. It is enough for them only to realize that they have children, and they are ready to entrust their upbringing entirely to their wife or governess. But in his social circle, a rich man is certainly obsessed with his children and their successes.

What can await the chosen one of a wealthy man? What should you be prepared for?

  • Age difference. It just seems - where there are 10 years, there are 20, or even 30. “In our time, who cares!” But no. Not all the same. At first, the age difference is covered by the “benefits received.” But over time, not only disagreements (quite logical) enter family life, but also a gradual physical distance from each other. A young beautiful woman begins to look at her husband’s younger, wealthy friends, and it is extremely rare that a marriage lasts “until the grave.” Usually it ends in a loud scandal and division of property.
  • Jealousy. Of course, the husband will be jealous of his young, beautiful wife for every “pillar”. And jealousy will be completely justified.
  • It's rare that an oligarch's wife feels happy. The thrill of love is from a different opera. And it’s good if there is simply no romance and this very “awe”. It's worse when a woman is treated like furniture. Which can not only be moved to another room if not needed, but also kicked in a fit of anger.
  • Risks. Wealth and success always go hand in hand with crime. Moreover, the risk here is double-edged: a wife (child) can be kidnapped for ransom, a husband can be removed as a competitor, or even put behind bars if his wealth is by no means “honestly acquired.”
  • Bankruptcy. No one is immune from these risks. There are many cases where millionaires were suddenly left with nothing.
  • Free movement of the spouse is something out of science fiction. The oligarch's wife is not only under the gun of the ubiquitous paparazzi, but also under the constant control of her husband.
  • Feeling lonely. There's no escape from it. A dear spouse, even if he is truly loved and desired, spends most of his time at work, or even in another country. Out of hopelessness and melancholy, many wives of rich men find an outlet on the side (which later, of course, comes up) or in a bottle (which also does not end well).
  • Even if the wife raises the children without the help of a nanny, the husband still does not take part in this process. Because there is no time. The wife’s task is to raise them, his task is to be proud of them (or to get them out of troubles that the “golden youth” often get into).
  • Equality is an empty phrase. If a woman cannot boast of her own business, acumen, or fortune, then she can only play the role of a “kept woman,” which sooner or later will become boring and humiliating. Dependency does not provide the opportunity to “dictate terms.”
  • Losing friends. No, of course, they will be - only new ones. Who will become “equals” in social status. Friendships with friends from a past “poor” life will end as soon as they feel the difference in status. This will happen automatically and cannot be changed.
  • A woman's interests and hobbies will be filtered and eliminated according to the opinion of her husband. Most often, the wives of oligarchs have to receive pleasure only within the limits of what is permitted.
  • Jealousy. And there’s no escape from it either. His husband’s young fans will hover around him almost around the clock. And the wife will either have to accept everything as it is and close her eyes to everything, or constantly drink valerian until her nervous system completely fails.

Of course, everything is relative. And there are successful wealthy men who carry their “Cinderellas” in their arms, and “the whole world” is thrown at their feet. But these are rather exceptions.

If you are not from the world of the “rich and successful”, if you cannot boast of independence, then family life will be difficult and unpredictable. However, everyone has their own destiny.

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Golden cage

The wife of a rich man should not build her own career. A rich man needs a beautiful woman with whom he himself will blow away dust. The wife is allowed to take care of the children and sometimes do some housework. Also, the wife of a rich man needs to periodically attend all sorts of social events and parties with her husband, while looking great and always making sure that she is in a good mood. But it often happens that women in such a situation begin to abuse alcohol, they experience nervous stress and breakdowns. Not every woman can withstand such a life in a golden cage.

Ways to attract the guy of your dreams ↑

According to feng shui

The first thing you have to do to bewitch a good man is to free yourself from previous relationships and experiences. And to do this, you need to thoroughly clean your home.

Remove dirt, dust, everything negative and superficial. Get rid of dry leaves and branches, wilted flowers - symbols of rejected love, photographs, gifts and letters from your ex-boyfriend.

You can keep the gold ring. Just keep it under running water for about an hour, and then put it away. Remove pictures and posters of lonely women from the wall, remove photographs of you alone.

Parted as enemies? Do you want to fix everything? Learn how to apologize to your ex-boyfriend. How to make peace with your mother if she doesn’t want to talk? Read more.

Do you know that there is a way to stop loving a guy quickly? Read the article.

Do this kind of cleaning as often as possible, and everything in your life will change. Place two pillows on your bed, and place two candles and a vase of peonies on your bedside table.

Through ritual

To bewitch an unmarried man, there are hundreds of love spells, conspiracies and rituals. One of them is the most harmless, but perhaps the most effective is the “love spell on the tongue.”

To perform it, it is enough to read this plot seven times a day before sunset, lightly biting the tip of your tongue:

Just as I bite my own tongue, I call upon my betrothed (name) and attach it. Let him, without knowing rest, always dream about me (name). On a starry night, on a moonlit night, on a clear day and early in the morning, let him dream of me day and night under the moon. Amen (three times)

Rich man

A love spell on a rich man can be done in the same way. Just one small addition. Give alms to the beggar for three days in a row, saying: “Let the hand of the giver never fail.” It’s good to have a wooden or ceramic frog at home that needs to be stroked every day.

Mutual love and happiness

Mutual love and happiness will certainly come to you. This may not happen right away. You shouldn't consider every guy you meet as a potential lover. Wait a little, your heart will tell you when he is near.

A specific man

A love spell on a specific man is done by having some thing that he has held or worn for a long time (for example, a scarf, a calendar, a business card, or even hair).

You should put this thing and your hair in one paper bag, crumple the bag into a ball as much as possible and set it on fire, reciting the spell: “We are together now, we are together later, I love you, you love me. Let the fire seal our love."

Place the ashes in a bag and hide them under the mattress. The love spell will work within a year.

Using affirmations

This beautiful word means auto-training using one succinct phrase. There should be no particles of “not”, past or future tense. Affirmation should consist of 5-7 words, contain program code and evoke only positive emotions and associations.

For example: “(name) loves me, we are happy together.” Repeat this several times a day, write it on paper and put it under your pillow.

Flexible character

Rich men prefer women who are calm, balanced, and decent. Such a wife will be quiet and wise and will under no circumstances fight her husband for leadership in the family. Thus, rich men also have a kind of calculation when they get married. Of course, they do not need money, but procreation, power and self-affirmation. If they lack something in their marriage, they always reserve the right to find it on the side. And this is again another way of self-affirmation. And if the wife is ready to understand, accept and endure all this, then a marriage with a rich man will be truly happy and successful.

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