"Intuitive eating in the family." Text of Anastasia Repko's live broadcast

Again about food in the problems of organizing proper nutrition

When a family switches to proper nutrition, the difficulty is not only to ensure that it is balanced, but also not to be ruinous for the family budget.

proper nutrition

Unfortunately, given the absolute diversity of opinions in society, medicine does not provide a clear definition of the term “proper nutrition.” No matter how scientists in their publications about food call nutrition itself rational, balanced, healthy, the very fact that fraudulent and advertising structures are involved in the science of nutrition prevents people from understanding the problem of organizing proper nutrition for their families.

We have repeatedly addressed the issue of finding the “keys” to proper nutrition on our blog. This is discussed here in the articles “How to eat properly from Mother Nature’s table”, “Nutrition program is a vital necessity”, “Raw food diet in the problem of longevity”, “Principles of healthy eating inherited from our ancestors”, “Shchi and porridge - Suvorov’s soldier’s diet” , “How to cook delicious borscht”, “Brown rice for health”, “Homemade bread in the oven”.

The wisdom of our forefathers about nutrition says: “I am what I eat!” Despite the fact that the pace of our lives is an order of magnitude higher than the pace of life of our forefathers, when we are sometimes simply limited both in time and in finances, under no circumstances is it permissible for us to skimp on food. The ability to provide your family with proper nutrition is a priority that should be preferred even in conditions of a full schedule and a tight budget.

Products of the modern food industry. What are they?

But all priorities must be dominated by the desire to give your child only the best, to provide him with conditions in which his life will be filled with joy and happiness. This can be fully achieved with the help of proper nutrition, as one of the vital means on the path to a long and happy life.

In the kitchen of modern man, there is a dominance of refined products, devoid of vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. The modern food industry has doomed us to a persistent shortage of healthy substances. The forefathers did not know sugar, margarine, preservatives, semi-finished products, thickeners, sweeteners, or dyes.

In addition to everything, modern man is prone to overeating. Excess weight has become a scourge and a problem in our lifestyle. Paradoxically, the fashion for diets, with the aim of getting rid of excess weight, has brought the diet of our ancestors out of the depths of the past. The everyday food of the forefathers became a luxury for a civilized person.

An understanding comes to us that it depends only on each of us what and how we should eat. Slowly but steadily, the realization comes that you yourself need to make a selection of those products that can stably support the metabolic process.

About healthy nutrition products in the product range of stores

Every time we visit supermarkets or other facilities involved in the sale of food products, we are obliged to confirm through specific decisions and actions that by buying the best and most useful, we will make the life of each family member joyful and happy.

First of all, we must be interested in the expiration date of our future food. Products with an expiring, especially expired, expiration date should under no circumstances be purchased.

In addition to the expiration date, virtually all food packages require information about their composition and energy value. Product manufacturers, in an effort to give their product an attractive appearance and taste, add dyes, preservatives, and flavoring additives that are almost identical to natural ones, but, unfortunately, they do not improve its quality.

For example, it is quite easy to get hooked on ketchup, seasoning or mayonnaise, when boiled potatoes, rice or buckwheat are unthinkable without these seasonings. Our tastes are so distorted by such additives that many even add mayonnaise to soup rather than sour cream.

When communicating with nutritionists and mentioning bouillon cubes and other similar food tricks, one often hears words of indignation towards businessmen and the food industry. It is enough to read the labels of what all these bouillon cubes and similar products consist of, and the anger of nutritionists will not only be understandable, but also justified.

To establish proper nutrition for your family, it would be a good idea to spend a couple of days getting to grips with the range of products at your nearest store. In any case, after studying the range of products, it is useful for us, real buyers, to know in the future about those products that we should give preference to.

For a baby who has reached the age of 2 years, regardless of what kind of milk he has previously drunk (mother, goat, cow - as part of infant formula), it is advisable to gradually and carefully introduce partially skimmed milk into his diet. This is dictated by the requirement that only 30% of the calories in the daily diet should come from fat.

The diet of adult family members is unthinkable without the inclusion of cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, curdled milk, and yogurt. Cheese is very desirable in such a diet because of its nutritional value and enormous benefits.

Since yoghurts are prepared using strains of the Bulgarian bacillus, and kefir is prepared using a special starter culture, fermented milk products included in the diet have different compositions and thus have a beneficial effect on different parts of the intestines. Read more about this here “Bifidobacteria and their cooperation with the body”, “Microflora in the processes of healing with food”.

It is important, when organizing proper nutrition, to take into account the fact that there is a huge difference between whole and refined (processed) grains. Since more than two dozen components are lost from grain during the refining process, the health benefits of such grain are minimal.

This is why whole grains are much healthier than ground flour. The use of whole grains in porridges must serve as the basis for proper nutrition for all family members, regardless of age.

At the heart of the nutrition pyramid, developed by WHO specialists, are grains (and whole grains) and only after them come vegetables - fruits and meat - fish - milk.

The importance of family meals

Why is it so important for a strong family to eat together regularly?

Seven reasons why this is important

1) Sharing meals keeps children safe from harm

Children living in families that eat dinner together regularly are less likely to engage in risky behavior. According to a 2000 study conducted by the National Center on Drug Abuse and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, USA, children who did not regularly eat with their families were 61% more likely to use alcohol, tobacco and drugs. In contrast, children who ate dinner with their families every night for a week were 20% less likely to drink alcohol, tobacco or take drugs.

2) Eating together brings the family closer together

Families who regularly dine together are more likely to have stronger and happier family relationships. As many families struggle to find opportunities to spend quality time together, family dinner provides the perfect opportunity to do so. When families spend time together, they become stronger and healthier.

3) Eating together provides stability

Families who regularly have dinner together develop a strong family identity. Additionally, this family tradition provides a sense of stability and security that provides children with a positive environment in which to grow into healthy adults.

4) Eating together promotes information exchange

Families who regularly have dinner together can keep in touch with each other. Everyone, both children and parents, can be aware of all family events - what is happening at school, at work, with friends, etc.

5) Eating together gives a chance to resolve conflict

This time together provides natural opportunities for problem solving. Many families find it difficult to set aside dedicated time to make plans and discuss problems and needs. Eating regularly together may offer a natural solution to this problem.

6) Sharing meals teaches children

Regular, conscientious eating promotes learning. When families discuss various topics over dinner, children unwittingly learn. It has been proven that such children have a richer vocabulary.

7) Sharing meals promotes healthy family nutrition

In this case, a simple but true rule applies to children: when children eat with their family, they eat better. Eating meals together means children and other family members are more likely to eat healthy foods.

Source Translation by Natalia Pochinovskaya, especially for TBN
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Product requirements for a healthy diet

Nutritionists recommend following the rule that the closer the prepared food is to its natural state, the better it is. For example, fresh or frozen vegetables are much healthier than both pickled and canned ones. Meat after slaughter, the so-called whole meat, is much better than semi-finished products processed from it.

With the development of the refrigeration equipment manufacturing industry, the “quick freezing” method began to be used quite widely. When organizing proper nutrition, preference should be given to products from refrigerators that have been frozen no later than 2 hours after assembly (information about this is placed on the packaging). The advantage of this processing is that “quick freezing” allows you to preserve vitamins in foods as much as possible, and also their nutritional value in fruits and vegetables.

Traditionally, in many families, something special is usually prepared for family dinner on weekends. But in real, everyday life, food that is not only simpler, but also much healthier is more suitable. For example, dishes with stewed chicken (turkey, fish) with cabbage, boiled potatoes with green salad, buckwheat porridge or muesli will bring enormous benefits to all family members.

“Family food culture” article (junior group)

  1. “Family food culture”

Prepared by teacher:
Semenova S.A.,

It is very important to learn not only to prepare healthy and tasty dishes, but also to serve them aesthetically on the table, and to create a calm, welcoming environment during a family meal. To achieve this, it is not at all necessary to have beautiful china, special tablecloths or expensive cutlery - spoons, forks, knives, etc. All you need is good taste, a love of order and cleanliness. The truth is known: what we teach a child in our own home, the family will stay with him for life.

Traditions in a family are created by all its members - both adults and children. Everyone should have the right to initiative and active participation in all household affairs. One of the most important manifestations of aesthetics and the culture of everyday life can be called the culture of the home table, based on the preparation, serving of food, and table setting.

Naturally, on weekdays, each family member goes about his business somewhere outside the home. In the morning, everyone is in a hurry, most often they eat separately, as some leave earlier, others later. And in the evening everyone brings home fatigue, some unfinished work, which is why in the evening the family either doesn’t gather at the table together at all, or only gathers for a short time, since they still need to prepare for tomorrow’s work day and get some sleep. But on the other hand, weekends can be made festive, and above all at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If possible, it is better to set the table in the room rather than in the kitchen. Lay out a fresh tablecloth. Place napkins to match - woven or paper. Spare no effort in decorating the table and creating a festive atmosphere. For some reason, it is believed that this is important only when guests come, and their own people will get by anyway. But we must not forget that a child warmed and caressed in the family feels confident and calm in any other environment. A well-fed child also feels comfortable in all respects. If such holiday breakfasts and lunches become a tradition in the house, then each family member will try to be combed, dressed up, and with well-washed hands by this time.

The set of basic dining utensils for one person includes: shallow and deep plates, dessert plate, bowl or glass for water, juice, spoon, fork, knife and teaspoon. After you have laid the tablecloth on the table, arrange small plates, place dessert plates on them and arrange forks (on the left side of the plate) and knives (on the right side of the plate). Paper napkins, folded in half or in a triangle, are placed on the left side of the plate, next to the fork. Even one flower or a small green twig greatly decorates a set table. You should not place tall vases with flowers in the middle, as they interfere with the communication of people; besides, someone can accidentally knock it over, and then the peace of diners will be disturbed. Quiet music won't hurt, as long as it doesn't annoy anyone, of course.

There is a proverb: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.” Of course, you can talk at the table, but in a calm manner, and not heatedly discussing any matters or problems. Children should immediately, as soon as they take a place at the common table, be taught not to slurp, not to chew with their mouths open, filling it to capacity. The mouth is wiped with a napkin, not with your hand. You need to sit with your back straight, not bent over. It's both ugly and bad for the stomach.

Sugar and sweets in healthy food products

There is no need to once again expand on the fact that the calories that enter the body with sugar are not only useless, but also harmful. Read more about this here in the articles “Sugar may be a step forward, but rather two steps back” and “Diet for diabetes in stabilizing lifestyle.”

However, it is impossible to completely exclude sweets from a healthy diet. This fully applies to the diet of children. Since glucose is involved in many chemical processes that are extremely necessary for the development of the child’s body systems and especially the brain, honey (if there is no allergy) and fructose can be used instead of refined sugar.

It should not be excluded that natural sugar is found in many products, especially milk, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. It would be better for children to add jam and soft dried fruits to their porridge.

As for artificial sugar substitutes sold in tablets, they are primarily designed to solve the problem of excess weight in parents and their use in baby food is completely unacceptable.

Remember: everything is good in moderation

One of the main rules in life is to avoid extremes.

. The same should be done in the case of maintaining a separate budget. Serious problems in the family arise not because of a lack of money, but because of a lack of dialogue and mutual understanding between spouses. In financial matters, you need to be flexible and not stubbornly follow established rules.

The amount you set aside for general needs needs to be adjusted periodically

. Money tends to depreciate, and people's needs may change. Therefore, spouses need to openly discuss emerging financial problems with each other.

Don't closely monitor the actions of your loved ones

. So you can get to the point where you have to count: who eats more cutlets and who brushes their teeth more often. This approach will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the microclimate in the relationship.

If one of the spouses does not have enough personal money before the end of the month, then the second spouse can

without unnecessary pathos,
take on his expenses
. If a person needs additional money for entertainment (for example, to go to a cafe with friends), then in this case the missing funds can be borrowed and returned. If there is not enough money to buy the necessary thing, then you can give it free of charge (because you live in the same family). Remember: by law, all money earned by a husband and wife is considered their common family property.

It may happen that one of the spouses will temporarily be left without income (go on maternity leave or lose their job). Second spouse

in this case,
you will have to take on the maintenance of all family members
. In particular, we should not forget about the personal needs of a loved one who is left without income. So that, for example, a wife does not have to ask her husband for money every time for tights, you can agree in advance that he will give her a certain amount each month for personal expenses. The amount of this amount is negotiated based on the real needs and capabilities of the family. At the same time, a husband supporting his wife should not control what exactly she spends the money she receives on.

When the family income situation normalizes, it will be possible to switch again to a separate budget. And everyone will again have personal money for expenses.



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