How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true easily and effortlessly

Secrets of correct formulations

New Year's Eve is not just a date on the calendar and not an ordinary holiday. This is a time filled with a huge amount of energy that you can use to fulfill your desires. It's a shame to miss such a moment, isn't it?

There are certain rules that are important to follow in order for your wishes to come true. And the most important thing is to use competent and correct wording. What is important:

  1. All wishes must be made only in a positive way, without denials and negative formulations. Don't use the particle "not". Instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” formulate “I want to be healthy.”
  2. Keep your focus on what you want to get, not on what you want to get rid of. Example: “I want to get rid of excess weight” is wrong; with this wording, you can, on the contrary, attract a couple more kilograms. But “I want to be healthy in a beautiful and slender body, weighing N kilograms” is already the correct formulation.
  3. Your desire should be as clear, specific, and measurable as possible. “I want to be rich” is the wrong wording. But “I want an income of 300,000 rubles a month” - great.
  4. Do not forget to determine the deadline for fulfilling your desire. It shouldn't be too close so that you can "let go" of your dream and not get hung up on it. A dream that has a clear deadline is already a goal, and the Universe will give you maximum opportunities so that you can achieve this goal.
  5. It is advisable to describe in the wording your state that you will experience after the wish is fulfilled. For example, if you want a happy relationship, then try to imagine how it would feel. “03/26/1019 I am walking with my man in the park, holding hands. Passers-by look at us and are touched. I feel tenderness and see how he looks at me with loving eyes.” The more detailed you describe your state “in the moment,” the better.
  6. And, most importantly, make wishes only for yourself. They should not touch other people. “I want my mother to be healthy” - such a formulation is useless. Moreover, by making such wishes, you interfere with the intention of another person. Therefore, the maximum you can formulate is: “I want to be the daughter of a healthy woman.”

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Try to write down 10 of your desires and formulate them according to the rules that I described. And then read on.

How to formulate a desire

How to make a wish on New Year's Eve so that it comes true 100%

It would seem that what could be difficult in formulating your intention? Many people don’t bother at all, saying common phrases: “I want a lot of money”, “I want to get married”, “I want a good job”, etc. The main secret of fulfilling desires lies in the correct verbal form. Simple rules will help you learn how to formulate your message to the Higher Powers:

  1. There must be one desire. Don’t try to fit financial well-being, an apartment, a car and love into one sentence. You must concentrate your energy on something specific.
  2. The desire must be positive. You cannot wish someone harm and ask for revenge. The maximum that can be wished for is a fair solution to the issue of interest. If you are asking for personal happiness, do not mention a specific person in your message. Any imposition of one’s will is perceived negatively by the Higher Powers.
  3. Don't use negatives. The particle “not” should not appear in your message.
  4. The desire must be formulated in the present tense. Examples: “I live in my own apartment”, “I lead a healthy lifestyle and have a figure that I like”, “I am happy and loved”, “my monthly income is 200,000 rubles”, etc.

Why don't wishes come true?

It also happens: a person has formulated everything correctly, made effective techniques for fulfilling desires, but for some reason he just can’t get them in real life. For what reasons does this happen?

They are as follows:

  1. You make not your true wishes, but those that are imposed on you by society and your environment. Or these are the goals of your mother, partner, employer. But not yours at all. Think, maybe it’s not you who want a promotion? And your mother. Or society promotes being successful and you want to fit in. In fact, you may wish not to work at all, for example.
  2. Your energy levels are low. Energy is the engine that drives external intention. If it is not there, then there can be no talk of quick fulfillment of desires. Therefore, the energy level must be constantly raised.
  3. You are focusing on what you want to get rid of, rather than what you want to get. For example, if you wish to get rid of debts and loans, you will further aggravate the situation. And you need to think about financial freedom, major purchases, the life of your dreams - abundant and fulfilling.

And it is very important to check how united your soul and mind are in the desire to get what you want. To do this, I suggest you do one very simple exercise.

Imagine that tomorrow you will have the opportunity to fulfill your dream. All that remains is to get up from the couch and take what you want. For example, if you want to travel, you can pack your bags and buy a plane ticket tomorrow. If you want a relationship, then you will meet the man of your dreams, and all you have to do is say “I do” at the altar.

Feel it and carefully monitor your inner sensations. Is there 100% readiness? Do you feel complete comfort and confidence? Or there are some doubts, fears, a lot of “excuses” arise in your head.

In the second case, you are not yet ready to accept your dream and make it come true.

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Tree of wishes

When people first began decorating the Christmas tree, not only paper decorations were used as toys, but also tangerines, cookies, and candies. This has a magical background. Decorating the Christmas tree with goodies is necessary to fill the house with everything you need.

how to make a wish for new year
Important clarification: on New Year's Eve, each family member needs to take something off the tree and eat. Each decoration has an interpretation:

  • candy - prosperity;
  • cookies - strong relationships;
  • tangerines - happiness;
  • apples - good health;
  • lollipops - sudden surprises, joy.

Simple effective ways will help you make your most cherished dream come true on New Year's Eve. But remember, higher powers favor those who achieve their goals. Therefore, there is no need to remain idle and wait for everything to happen on its own. Make an effort to achieve your plans.

Methods and rituals

Well, now about the most interesting thing - rituals aimed at fulfilling desires. In fact, what is important is not how to make a wish, but everything that I described above. Then any action will work.

So, read and choose:

  1. Write your wish on a piece of paper, and while the chimes are ringing, burn it, pour the ashes into a glass and drink the champagne to the bottom.
  2. When preparing holiday dishes, keep your focus on your desire. Think about it as if it has already come true. And don’t forget to try everything you prepared later. The food will already be “charged” with your energy, and all you have to do is wait for your dreams to come true.
  3. Write a letter to Santa Claus. Who said that only children can do this? Describe what you want as emotionally as possible, with feeling. Thank the good wizard for what he has already accomplished. Tie a piece of paper with wishes to a balloon and send it into the sky.
  4. Buy a beautiful postcard and write all your wishes in it. Put it in a secluded place and read it next year, 12 months later. At the same time, check how many list items have been implemented.
  5. Make a wish card. But it’s better to compile it not on the traditional Russian New Year, but on the Chinese New Year, which begins on February 5th. Then the likelihood of all your dreams coming true will be much higher.

To summarize:

  • Correct formulation is the key to success.
  • Mark the lines and feel the state when your dream has come true.
  • Check whether your wish may not come true using the list from the second section of the article.
  • Choose any ritual you like and get ready for magic on New Year's Eve.

What to wish for the New Year?

what to wish for the new year
The traditional holiday from December 31 to January 1, Old Style New Year, Chinese New Year is a great time to make wishes come true. Here are the most suitable options for wishes that will definitely come true:

  • meet your soulmate;
  • create a strong family;
  • improve relationships with relatives;
  • go on a pleasant trip;
  • see loved ones more often;
  • become healthier;
  • see friends more often;
  • successfully complete the project;
  • make repairs the way you want;
  • learn new things;
  • make the right purchase;
  • do what you love.

A common belief is that you should dress brightly for the New Year. The more red details you have in your outfit, the more likely it is that the Universe will notice you and bestow blessings on you next year.

Correct formulation is the key to success

“Be careful what you wish for—they tend to come true.” M. Bulgakov.

Ways of making wishes are one thing, they are not difficult to fulfill, we will talk about them below. But correctly formulating them for the New Year is a completely different matter, much more important than the method used itself.

By following these tips, you can be sure that the information you put into your dream will be correctly “interpreted” by the Universe. You may not believe it, but New Year's wishes are not just words, they come true.

A girl makes a New Year's wish

And so that exactly what you really want comes true, and not what you incorrectly asked for, here are instructions on how to make a wish for the New Year correctly:

  • always formulate your request in the present tense, many are accustomed to making a request using the past or future tense: “I want me to be healthy,” do you feel it? Was... The Universe answers: “You were healthy,” but no fulfillment occurs. It’s a completely different matter when the phrase sounds like this: “I am grateful for my health, which is improving every day.” You get the point;
  • Never make negative or overly critical statements in your requests, because Providence takes everything literally. You know how it happens, they say: “I have a bloody nose, but I want to go to the seaside.” One person, constantly repeating the phrase about a bloody nose, completely unexpectedly fell ill with a severe form of sinusitis, instead of getting what he wanted. Like this. Another option is “I want a car at any cost.” Think about it, really at ANY cost? Even at the cost of the lives of your loved ones and your own health? So, be careful;
  • ideally, after each desire, make a positive written or oral message: “this is done easily and joyfully” or “at the same time, I, all my family and friends are healthy and happy” or “this is only beneficial”;
  • do not use the words: “must” - this is already an order; “I will” is a promise; do not use the particle “not”; do not make negative thoughts about other people, because, according to the laws of the universe, a negative message will return to you, only tenfold;
  • invest the energy of love and gratitude, give thanks for what you already have, don’t be afraid to ask for more. Do not use the words “at least”, “at least” and similar ones. You know how sometimes they think: “at least a room, even a small one, even in a shared kitchen, just their own corner,” and then they complain and are surprised that they live in a communal apartment all their lives. Isn’t this what you yourself wished for?
  • be clear about what you want, do not make abstract or ambiguous wishes that can be misinterpreted or ambiguous. State it very clearly and simply, and most importantly, feel it, be saturated with the energy of your wish, know that in the subtle world it has already been fulfilled, all you have to do is correctly materialize the request into your reality.

Rules for making wishes in the New Year 2021 so that they come true

In order for what is planned to be favorably received by the Universe, the following rules are followed when making a wish.

  1. Precision of wording. There is no need to “spread your thoughts over the tree.” The desire is stated briefly and clearly. This is also important because there is little time to pronounce and perform the ritual - only one minute. Therefore, it is better to generally formulate your desire in advance. Spontaneity in this situation is a bad option. You may be in a hurry or even make unnecessary wishes.
  2. There should not be a particle “not” in the formulation, otherwise it can be understood as a negation. Esotericists also advise not to use the word “want”. For example, not “I want a new car,” but “I am the owner of a new car of such and such a brand.” Such a statement will reinforce the person making the wish’s faith in his dream.
  3. Every event has its consequences. Therefore, you need to carefully consider whether fulfilling what you want will bring any trouble. For example, if a person wishes to become the owner of an apartment or house, then it is quite possible that he will get it from a deceased beloved relative. Therefore, it’s better this way: “I will buy (win) a new apartment.” Otherwise, the person who made the dream may not like how the dream will come true.
  4. The wish “World Peace” is unlikely to come true. That's why they make a wish for themselves. There is also no need to think instead of others, even if it is a relative whom you know well. Someone else's soul - darkness and aspirations may not coincide.
  5. In the formulation you cannot use the words “at any cost”, “at any cost”, “nosebleed”, “I will not regret anything for the sake of...” and other such expressions. The wish may come true, but it will cost the wisher dearly.

Rules for making wishes for the New Year 2021

How to make a wish for love correctly

Making a wish for love must be approached with all seriousness. There are no trifles here. There are general rules in making a fortune.

How to make a wish for love for New Year 2021

  1. Preparations begin several days in advance, since many objects are used in “love” rituals.
  2. The particle “not” is not used when formulating a dream. Such denial reduces the chances that your plans will come true.
  3. The desire should not harm another person. You cannot desire someone else's loved one.
  4. The goal is formulated as an accomplished fact, in the present tense, for example: “I met a loved and loving person and am happy with him.” If the desire sounds like: “I met my beloved,” then there is a danger of falling in unrequited love. And the aspiration must also be emotionally charged. A message with vivid experiences will be heard faster by the Universe.
  5. Esotericists urge not to make a wish for a specific person. After all, he can treat the person who wants it completely differently.
  6. Before making a wish, you need to discard thoughts that you are unworthy of love.
  7. After making a wish, there is no need to withdraw into yourself. We need to help the Universe and not immediately push away the person who shows interest.
  8. If possible, love rituals should be performed alone.

"Tangerine Heart"

For a simple ritual to attract love, you will need several tangerines, two new glasses and champagne.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • peel and separate tangerines into separate slices;
  • put glasses under the New Year tree, saying: “One glass for me, the other for my loved one”;
  • Place heart-shaped tangerine slices around the glasses;
  • pour champagne with the words: “I pour champagne, I invite love into my life”;
  • say “I’m drinking champagne, I invite you, dear,” and drink the drink;
  • pour champagne from the second glass out the window.

"New shoes"

Another simple ritual is buying new men's slippers. On New Year's Eve, you need to list in these shoes all the features that the chosen one should have. Then they say three times:

"I love you and I'm waiting

I'm keeping the slippers for you.

Come to me quickly

Put on your slippers.”

After this, the slippers are placed under the New Year tree, where they should spend all the holidays. Then the shoes are stored in the hallway, waiting for the owner.

How to make a wish on New Year's Eve

Anyone can make a wish, but it doesn’t always come true. Why?

There are several principles for formulating queries.

Here are the main ones:

  1. The wording must be extremely clear, otherwise the execution price may be high. An example from life: a girl really wanted to stay for another 2 weeks in another country. She asked so often that the universe heard. She was admitted to the hospital the day before departure and spent those same 2 weeks there.
  2. To avoid troubles, when making a wish, add the formula “this brings only good” at the end. Then both the result and its achievement will be pleasant and painless. You cannot wish evil or harm to other people. The universe will satisfy such requests, but with bestowal upon those who wish.
  3. You really need to want with all your heart for your wish to come true.
  4. Record and visualize. The clearer the execution is presented, the greater the likelihood of receiving what you wished for. Think about what you wished for as if everything had already come true. “I want a red car” is wrong; the correct way to think is: “my new red car is gorgeous.”
  5. It is correct to wish not for money, but for what you will spend it on. For example: “I want 100 thousand dollars” is incorrect, “I’m flying to the Maldives to a five-star hotel for two weeks” is the correct formulation.
  6. You need to make wishes in a good mood and with kindness in your heart, otherwise they may be distorted for the worse. Don’t ask for things that could harm other people, for example, “I’m marrying Lyuska’s boyfriend.” Such requests will not bring happiness.
  7. For everything to work out as desired, remove the “not” particle from your formulations. “I’m not sick” is an incorrect statement, the universe can interpret it in its own way and correctly formulate: “I’m healthy.”

Making a wish for the New Year 2021 according to your zodiac sign

The zodiac consists of 12 signs, divided into 4 elements: Air, Water, Earth and Fire. In accordance with this division, they make wishes.

Rules for riddles for Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Making a wish for the New Year 2021 according to your zodiac sign

For any ritual you will need either soil or objects related to it (plants, stones, metal). There is a common ritual for Virgos, Capricorns and Taurus. The magical action is carried out in an empty room. You will need to take a coin and place it in the center of the round table. A square or rectangular shape will also work, but a circle is a more harmonious shape.

Then the wisher must sit down, concentrate and look at the coin for several minutes. After this, they say their dream to themselves three times. For greater effect, you need to lay out your aspirations on a piece of paper, wrap it around a coin, and tie it with ribbon or thread. The coin must be buried under the roots of a tree.

There are also personal rituals for each Earth sign.

Virgos need to seek help in fulfilling their desires in a forest or grove. You need to carefully examine each tree and choose the one that will seem to attract you. After this, they clasp the trunk with their hands, close their eyes and relax. The wish is made at the moment when they feel the greatest unity with nature. They speak out loud, but in a whisper. Then they thank Mother Nature from the bottom of their hearts and bow to the tree.

Capricorns and Taurus will need amulets to help them make their dreams come true. For Capricorn, such a talisman is a coin. They get it this way.

  1. You need to go to the market and buy a kilogram of sugar (to the market, not to the store).
  2. At the moment of purchase, they say to themselves: “I’m not buying sweets, but I’m welcoming a wish coin. Come to me, talisman, and give me protection.”
  3. You need to ask for change in coins. If it was given in one coin, then it will be an amulet.
  4. If there is several money, then you need to hold it in your palm and close your eyes. As an assistant in making a dream come true, they choose the one that is heated the most. This is how the talisman makes itself known.
  5. The remaining coins and sugar are taken to the temple.

When making a wish for the New Year, be sure to hold the talisman money in your hand.

Taurus will find their assistant at a deserted crossroads. The amulet itself will catch your eye and call upon its owner. Such talismans can be a stone of an interesting shape, as well as a coin or other metal object. The thing should evoke only pleasant emotions. At the slightest rejection, it is better to leave the item at the intersection. When carrying out rituals to make a dream come true, the talisman must be held in your hand or pocket.

Rituals for Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

Rituals for Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

For Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, when performing a ritual to fulfill a wish, you will need an open fire. It is carried out in a quiet, dark room, where the only light source will be a candle placed in the center of the table. Devices that can glow are turned off completely or taken out of the room. Curtains must be tightly closed.

The color of the candle is chosen in accordance with the wish:

  • red – love and passion;
  • white – spiritual cleansing. Used when making bright, intangible wishes.
  • gold – victory in the competition;
  • green or brown - attracting wealth;
  • blue – health, peace, tranquility;
  • orange – success in litigation and property transactions;
  • yellow – help with studies.

You will need to sit in front of the candle, look at the flame, throwing unnecessary thoughts out of your head. As soon as you calm down and unite with the fire, you need to say your goal out loud three times, and then write it down on paper and set it on fire with a candle.

You can also make a wish for Leo by looking at the sparks from the fire flying upward.

Rituals for wish fulfillment for Air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)

Rituals for wish fulfillment for Air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)

Libra, Gemini and Aquarius are under the protection of the Air element. Therefore, their magical actions aimed at making their dreams come true are carried out on the street. The weather must be windy. A wish is made in a field, forest or wasteland, in general, where a person can be left alone. You need to close your eyes, relax and feel the air moving. Then they say their goal to themselves and imagine that the wind is carrying these words away.

For another method, you can write your wish on a piece of paper and attach it to a balloon. The rules for choosing the color of the ball are the same as for a candle for Fire signs (for example, red is suitable for a love desire). This ritual can be performed in the company of loved ones.

But just for representatives of the Libra sign, they will need a crowded place for the ceremony. Therefore, esotericists advise attending celebrations in a public place where you can meet friends. The positive energy that arises from a joyful meeting, hugs and kisses increases the chance of your dreams coming true.

How to make a wish correctly for Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)

How to make a wish correctly for Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)

Representatives of the signs Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio will need a clean body of water to perform magical actions. The place should be secluded, for example, a mountain river (due to the flow, they practically do not freeze in winter, which is especially useful for the New Year). You will need to place your palms in the water, relax and say your goal out loud three times. Then slowly take water into your palms and wash your face with it.

If it is impossible to go to a pond, then you can use a simpler ritual. You need to pour some holy water into a cup, go to the window and say your dream out loud. Then they take a sip from the cup and say: “Holy water, fulfill your cherished desire for the glory of God.” Repeat this two more times.

The best way to make a wish on a piece of paper

This is the ritual that has remained popular for many years. You need to prepare in advance a pencil or pen, a candle of the color that best matches the content of the wish, and a piece of paper. As soon as the chimes start striking, you need to quickly write a wish, set the paper on fire and hold it over a glass of champagne. The ashes should fall into the sparkling wine. Champagne must be drunk before the chimes stop striking.

The best way to make a wish on a piece of paper

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