Optimal nutrition at 41 weeks of pregnancy

Readiness for childbirth

The 40th week of pregnancy is the final stage of bearing a child, and the expectant mother’s body is almost ready for the upcoming birth. Now you should have everything ready for the birth of your baby - from a bag to the hospital and documents, to complete order in the apartment and the presence of everything necessary to care for your baby. Fear of childbirth, increasing stress, anxiety - all this negatively affects your baby. Try to set yourself up positively, because very soon you will be able to see and hold your long-awaited son or daughter in your arms!

Is there any benefit

Despite the colossal damage that wine causes in late pregnancy, there are some benefits from the drink. This does not apply to the baby; for him, alcohol remains poison in any case. It's about the mother.

Any alcohol allows you to relieve the nervous tension that expectant mothers face in the process of bearing a child. The absence of stress is very beneficial for the baby.

Wine contains a number of useful substances:

  • vitamins;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

The body often lacks these elements during pregnancy. In addition, the red drink perfectly raises hemoglobin.

Thus, some benefits can be obtained from drinking wine. It is worth noting that the risk is still less than in the early stages, so with the consent of the doctor, you can occasionally allow yourself a few sips of the drink. Just remember that the wine must be natural. A cheap product with a bunch of dyes and preservatives is clearly not suitable; it will cause even more harm.

Important! Even if your doctor has agreed to a small amount of alcohol in the third trimester, it is better to completely abstain from alcohol immediately before giving birth.

Signs of approaching labor

One of the most important signs of imminent labor is the release of the mucus plug.

A plug is a clot of mucus that closes the cervical canal during pregnancy and protects the fetus from infections that can enter the uterus from the vagina. The hormone progesterone, which is responsible for bearing the fetus, ceases to be produced at 40 weeks of pregnancy. The cervix becomes softer, the canal begins to open, and after this the mucus plug is released. Other no less indicative harbingers of childbirth are lowering of the abdomen, the occurrence of training contractions, pain in the lower back, sacrum or womb, rupture of amniotic fluid
. Be on the lookout!

If you are 40 weeks pregnant and labor is not starting, don’t worry, your “X” hour will come soon!

Weight gain at 40 weeks of pregnancy ranges from 9.1 kg (with a BMI of more than 26) to 15.2 kg (with a BMI of less than 19.8). To calculate your individual weight gain at 40 weeks, use the pregnancy weight gain calculator.

Drinking wine in early pregnancy

Grapes have another very beneficial property for the female body.
It regulates the level of female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. If a girl has problems conceiving, then as an additional remedy, you can resort to frequent drinking of wine, which will increase the level of female hormones and make conception more likely. Is it possible to drink wine before pregnancy? It is absolutely necessary. Thanks to this diet, immunity will increase, which is very important during pregnancy. After all, a disease that will have to be treated with antibiotics can greatly affect the unborn baby in an extremely negative way. Wine is indicated for pregnant women for one more reason. It regulates body weight. Weight can be a serious problem during pregnancy.

Excess weight increases the load on the heart, causes shortness of breath and burns a lot of oxygen, increasing oxidative processes in the body, leading to premature aging. Excess weight during pregnancy is a disaster for the fetus. From the mother through the umbilical cord he receives not only nutrients, but also the breakdown products of her own body. High cholesterol, which can affect the formation of the fetal heart, causing defects.

Therefore, in the early stages, when the mother has severe toxicosis, she needs wine to relieve these unpleasant symptoms so that she can eat well. In the later stages, when the fetus is formed and only gains the necessary weight to survive outside the placenta and uterus, drinking wine will help control the digestion process and appetite, which should not get out of control.

The image of a drinking woman does not fit in with the portrait of an exemplary mother. But life situations do not always develop according to the ideal picture. It often happens that a woman drinks alcohol without yet knowing about her situation.

If you find two lines on an express pregnancy test and, according to your calculations, alcohol was taken during the period of conception, this is not yet a reason to sound the alarm.

During the first weeks of pregnancy, the fertilized egg immerses itself in the wall of the uterus. Here the outer shell (chorion) is formed, with the help of which the fertilized egg will be fixed in the uterine cavity and continue its development.

At this stage, the fertilized egg is very vulnerable, and any negative factor can lead to its rejection.

Therefore, due to alcohol consumption in the early stages, the fertilized egg may simply die and leave the body along with the next menstruation. If the fertilized egg was not rejected and continues to develop, then the woman need not worry: neither you nor your unborn child is in danger. But it is very important to prevent drinking alcohol in the future.

Indeed, ethanol (alcohol) in the first 10-12 days after conception is not capable of causing significant harm to the developing fetus. But after this short period, alcoholic drinks pose a real danger to the health of the unborn child.

Now the active formation of all the tissues and organs of the babies has begun. This is a very important stage on which the child’s future health depends. This period lasts from 3 to 13 weeks of gestation. Nowadays, a woman needs to especially carefully monitor her health, because any disruption in the laying process can cause serious developmental pathologies.

It's not just alcohol that can cause irreparable damage. There are also harmful effects of smoking (both active and passive), radiation, poor nutrition during pregnancy and medications.

The formation of the main organs and systems is completed at approximately 14 weeks of pregnancy. Now the fetus develops on the already “prepared soil”. But even now, the above factors are dangerous for the child: their influence affects the normal functioning of one or another organ.

Ethanol is absorbed into the baby's blood, entering through the blood vessels of the placenta.

1 Disturbance in the development of stress systems in a child. The effect of ethanol is the possible instability of the nervous system in a child.

Children whose mothers abused alcohol during pregnancy, including in its early stages, are prone to depression, psychosis, manic and other disorders.

It is usually more difficult for them to socialize in society; Also, such children can be either hyperactive, or, on the contrary, too passive.

2 Spasm of the blood vessels of the umbilical cord and placenta. Disruption of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord leads to oxygen starvation of the child. As a result, problems in the functioning of the brain and spinal cord may occur. Prolonged oxygen starvation is extremely dangerous, it can even lead to intrauterine death.

3 Risk of having a premature baby. Ethanol reduces the concentration of vitamins, folic acid and other beneficial substances in the mother's body. Accordingly, the child does not receive enough of the elements he needs.

4 Risk of miscarriage. Systematic alcohol consumption is the main cause of miscarriages. This factor becomes especially dangerous in combination with an unstable emotional state.

5 Development of fetal alcohol syndrome. The term “fetal alcohol syndrome” refers to a set of fetal pathologies. Children born with FAS have characteristic facial features, may lag behind their peers in development, and have problems with hearing, vision, memory and attention.

Alcohol at any stage of pregnancy has a negative effect on the fetus. Its degree directly depends on the amount drunk. The breakdown products of ethanol are very toxic and can cause disturbances in the formation of organs and systems and the further development of the fetus. How much wine can you drink without causing harm?

First trimester

Thanks to the formation of the placental circulatory system, on days 12-13 after conception, the embryo begins to receive nutrients from the mother’s body. From this moment on, alcohol consumed can have a negative effect on the unborn child, causing vasoconstriction and leading to oxygen deficiency. Before this period, alcohol can increase the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy or cause a miscarriage.

From the 8th week, hormonal changes begin, which can cause a miscarriage (if there is insufficient production of thyroid hormones) or a frozen pregnancy (if there is an excess of them). That is why in the 1st trimester the expectant mother should especially closely monitor her health and avoid the use of potentially harmful substances, medications and alcohol.

Wine during pregnancy can cause spasms of the blood vessels of the uterus, causing oxygen starvation of the fetus, and impair the supply of nutrients to the baby. This threatens subsequent disturbances in the functioning of the child’s brain, nervous and reproductive systems. Women who abuse alcohol during pregnancy have a high risk of giving birth to a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome, a disorder that causes defects in physical and mental development.

Second trimester

Is it possible to drink wine in early pregnancy?

Many people believe that by the 2nd trimester, when the placenta is formed and begins to function, the fetus is protected from the harmful effects of alcohol, but this judgment is erroneous. The placental barrier does not protect against the penetration of certain medications, drugs, nicotine and ethanol. However, the risks from drinking small doses of low-alcohol drinks in the second trimester (after the 17th week), when the main organs are formed, are slightly lower, so if you occasionally drink a little wine (no more than a glass), it will not do much harm.

We suggest you read: Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient

Third trimester

Scientists have proven that the alcohol contained in wine drunk by a woman is divided in half between mother and child. And if the first one experiences only slight intoxication after a glass of alcohol, then the consequences for the fetus will be more serious. Ethanol enters the baby's blood, negatively affecting his organs and tissues.

If the temptation to drink the drink is too great, you should limit yourself to 1 glass of dry wine, since the high sugar content can lead to excessive weight gain in a woman. In the later stages of pregnancy, you need to give up alcohol completely, because... it can weaken or intensify labor, resulting in additional complications during childbirth.

If you strongly doubt whether pregnant women can drink a glass of wine, then you should not do this, so as not to be tormented by doubts later. If a woman has no worries about this, then drinking a little good wine will be very helpful:

  • It is best to give preference to high quality drinks, i.e. expensive varieties; a small dose (spoon) can raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is very useful during pregnancy;
  • some pregnant women can drink red wine to reduce toxicosis and also increase appetite;
  • according to the results of research by British doctors, regarding whether pregnant women can drink red wine, it can be argued that the children of such mothers are ahead of their peers in development (they are more active, sociable, know more letters);
  • Pregnant women can drink up to 6 glasses of red wine, thanks to which the expectant mother will feel light, cheerful, and always be in a good mood.

Can pregnant women drink wine?To eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis
, let's consider whether pregnant women can drink red wine in the early and late stages and how much:

  • alcohol contains toxins that easily penetrate through the placenta into the tissues of the embryo;
  • alcohol can have a negative impact on the formation of the baby’s vital organs, his growth and brain development;
  • the negative effects of alcohol are associated with congenital facial anomalies, problems with coordination of movements, and learning disabilities;
  • It is very dangerous to consume this alcoholic drink in the early stages, when the child’s organs are very vulnerable, alcohol is absorbed into the baby’s tissues, causing fetal alcohol syndrome with constant consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy;
  • in children one can often observe physical and mental retardation, problems with concentration, and neurological abnormalities;
  • Gynecologists advise drinking this drink no earlier than the 20th week of an “interesting situation,” but this should be done only in extreme cases, when you really want to.

red dry
A little to improve appetite

What does a baby look like at 40 weeks of pregnancy?

At 40 weeks, the baby is about the size of a pumpkin.
By the 40th week, the Baby weighs 3000-3500 g, and his height is 50-55 cm. He is ready to be born, and most of all he can “boast” of his movements and protruding parts of the body. For example:

  • you can feel the Baby’s back, his buttocks, arms and legs - especially during periods when he is active;
  • if the Baby has a correct occipital presentation (upside down, facing the mother’s back) and the head is lowered down, then it is perceived to the touch as a hard bulge above the pubis;
  • you probably feel the blows of the baby’s arms in the area of ​​the bladder or sacrum - another confirmation that the Baby is in the correct position for birth;
  • with breech presentation, when the buttocks come out rather than the head, the abdomen takes on a more triangular shape, and the pushes of the arms and legs are felt in the upper abdomen, and not in the area of ​​the bladder and sacrum.

Your Baby is becoming increasingly cramped inside and needs more and more oxygen and nutrients for an active life. The placenta cannot cope with the growing needs. This means that from day to day your Baby’s body will give a command to your body that it is time to help him be born. And you will definitely help.

Baby at 40 weeks of pregnancy
Ultrasound photo at 40 weeks of pregnancy

A sip of wine at 20 weeks pregnant

I think it is possible if there are no general contraindications for this and no threats to the child, for example, diagnosed by a doctor. In addition, at a period of 20 weeks, all the most important stages of the formation of body parts, internal organs and fetal systems are already behind. It is best to drink red wine; in addition to satisfying the desire of the expectant mother, it will also increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is very important during pregnancy. Although I would still recommend limiting yourself to half a glass.

Any alcohol is harmful to health; it has a devastating effect on liver and brain cells. And also on the cells of the developing fetus. Wine is no exception, because it also contains alcohol. You can drink it if you really want to, but don’t be surprised later by a child’s lingering jaundice, for example, this is in the best case, otherwise the consequences can be very different. If I were you, I would sip a little wine if there was a very serious reason, which I actually did a couple of times during my pregnancy, but definitely not a glass.

Definitely not, since wine is an alcohol-containing drink, and alcohol, as is known, passes through the placenta and reaches the child. Your liver can handle the load (after all, it is known that alcohol is broken down in the liver), but imagine what it will be like for your baby? where should this alcohol go?

I think not, wine during pregnancy. Moreover, it is not worth using at any time. Be patient until you give birth to the baby, and if you are not breastfeeding at that time, you will be able to afford wine.

But now, I think it’s not worth doing this. No matter what, wine is alcohol, and it contains alcohol, so, first of all, think about the baby, because one way or another he will also “try” this wine with you. Does he really need it?

During pregnancy, it is forbidden to even drink beer, although it has a low percentage of alcohol, and wine has 3-4 times more alcohol. Therefore, it’s better not to rush and don’t drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy, take pity on the baby.


There is no doubt that strong alcohol is harmful to women who are expecting a child. But low-strength drinks, particularly wines, are causing debate. Some doctors claim that any alcohol is practically poison for the expectant mother and baby, others say that wine in small doses during pregnancy is allowed.

Let's try to figure out whether this drink is harmful and what doses of alcohol women are allowed to drink during pregnancy. We will also consider safe analogues of wine that are allowed for pregnant women.

Why is drinking wine dangerous during pregnancy? First of all, it threatens the health of the unborn child.

Due to the mother's systematic intake of wine or stronger drinks during this period, the fetus may develop congenital alcohol syndrome, which has a detrimental effect on further mental, mental and physical development.

In addition, abuse in the early stages of pregnancy often results in malformations of the child’s internal organs and various external deformities. It is possible that intrauterine growth of the fetus may slow down, and in some cases, drinking can provoke premature birth.

The described consequences are typical for regular consumption of significant doses of alcohol. But regarding a small number, there is a different opinion. Studies were conducted in England that confirmed that children whose mothers did not deny themselves wine during pregnancy (1 tablespoon or one sip at a time) developed ahead of their age and did not have serious health problems.

The positive effect of such an amount of alcohol, when it comes to red wine, is explained by its ability to raise hemoglobin levels, improve appetite and reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. Of course, only good varieties of wine that do not have extraneous additives will benefit. Read more: alcohol and pregnancy→

Rare holidays and events are held without alcohol, so expectant mothers may be tempted to not stand out from the group, especially if they hide their status. The question arises: is it possible to drink one glass of wine during pregnancy?

Much depends on the volume of the container. Wine glasses come in different sizes; on average, they hold 125-150 ml, although this is not the limit. Let's consider the permissibility of such an amount, from the point of view of a standard serving of alcohol.

One serving of alcohol is considered to be 10 ml of alcohol. In wines, depending on the variety, this parameter differs. Most often their alcohol content is about 12%. It is easy to calculate that an average wine glass will contain 1.5 servings of alcohol.

For an adult in normal condition, this dose is quite acceptable. Doctors do not recommend that pregnant women drink more than one, or maximum two, servings of alcohol twice a week.

Therefore, a single glass of wine will not harm you if there are no other health contraindications. But you can drink such portions only once a week. It should be remembered that homemade wines, the strength of which is difficult to determine, can differ greatly in strength from store-bought drinks.

Many women doubt whether they can drink wine during pregnancy, and if so, what kind? Each type of drink has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Pregnant women should not drink dessert wines. They are often fortified and contain a lot of sugar. Also, due to excess gas bubbles, champagne is not recommended.

Dry table wine during pregnancy is the best option. It helps cope with low blood pressure, nausea, and lack of appetite. If dry wines seem too sour to you, you can opt for semi-sweet varieties.

It is highly undesirable to buy home-made drinks from your hands. Although they do not contain preservatives or dyes, no one can guarantee that the wine was made in accordance with the technology. The drink may contain a lot of fusel oils or harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

In addition to the amount of sugar in the drink, the grapes from which it is made are also important. White wines are produced from the berries of pink, white and red varieties (preliminarily peeled).

With moderate consumption, there is a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs.

Compared to red wine, white wine is inferior in terms of the amount of antioxidants and its effect on hemoglobin levels. But it is less likely to cause dizziness and weakness after use.

Previously, dry red wine during pregnancy was considered so beneficial that doctors recommended that expectant mothers include it in small quantities in their regular diet. Nowadays this is no longer practiced, since there are many other means and drugs to maintain good health.

But if a pregnant woman has a strong desire to drink red wine, one sip a day will not cause harm and, on the contrary, will even be beneficial. This drink is capable of:

  • reduce the risk of thrombosis due to the content of vitamins P and B;
  • improve hematopoiesis and increase hemoglobin levels;
  • remove toxins from the body.

If you have low hemoglobin, you can enhance the therapeutic effect by adding beef, liver, buckwheat, pomegranate juice and rose hips to the menu. Don’t forget that wine is not a harmless drink, and everyone’s body reactions are individual. Before you start using it to eliminate these problems, you need to consult your doctor.

Wine and early pregnancy, is it compatible? Until the middle of the second trimester, doctors advise not to take risks. During this period, the organs of the embryo are just beginning to form and the likelihood of developmental defects is high.

Due to the harmful effects of alcohol on the fetus in the early stages, facial anomalies, defects in the structure of the brain and heart, neurological problems, mental retardation and other pathologies in the child are possible. Whether to drink wine at the beginning of pregnancy or not is up to each woman to decide for herself. But you need to be aware of the riskiness of this action.

Following your desires or succumbing to public opinion can cause serious damage to the baby’s health. If you already know about your situation and the period is less than 17 weeks, it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol.

Pregnant women tend to change their eating habits and it happens that the desire to drink wine becomes unbearable. To eliminate the harmful effects on the child, you can purchase a non-alcoholic drink that tastes virtually no different from a regular one.

This wine does not lose its beneficial properties, since it is made using the same technology with only one difference - before bottling, ethyl alcohol is removed from it using a vacuum.

The drink is harmless and is even considered medicinal. Its use is indicated for low stomach acidity, chronic fatigue, hypertension and lack of appetite.

But there are also caveats. Due to the high cost, there are many fakes of this product, so before purchasing you need to carefully study the composition, alcohol percentage and manufacturer information.

If you couldn’t find a good non-alcoholic drink, there is another analogue - grape juice. It is not very similar to real wine, but it is safe for health.

Regular abuse of alcohol, even light alcohol, is harmful to the unborn child, and will not bring any benefit to the mother. If you really want it, it is better to drink good red wine during pregnancy and only in limited quantities. A moment's pleasure is not worth the health and life of your baby.

Author: Yana Semich, especially for Mama66.ru


Many pregnant women wonder if they can drink a glass of red wine at the holiday table. Doctors do not give a definite answer on this matter, although drinking a small amount of this drink is even beneficial for the body. The article will examine in detail the effect of red wine on a woman and her fetus in the 1st – 3rd trimesters of pregnancy and identify the most appropriate dose of this drink.

Red wine is perhaps considered the safest alcoholic drink of all. In addition, it contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body and strengthen its immune system. Some nutritionists have even included this drink as part of some health diets.

The main component of wine is grapes. This berry contains huge reserves of antioxidants, which gives it a lot of beneficial properties. The calorie content of the drink is not high, only 65-70 Kcal per 100 ml.

Unfortified red wine has a lot of useful and medicinal properties:

  • Prevents negative age-related changes in the body and prevents skin aging. The berries contain a powerful plant antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals and thus prevents them from destroying the cellular structure of the body.

Reference! According to some reports, daily intake of a small amount of red wine (no more than 50 grams) can extend life by several years.

  • It has a positive effect on the heart muscle, reduces the likelihood of a heart attack, stroke, reduces the risk of ischemia and maintains the elasticity of blood vessels. This effect is due to the large amount of procyanides contained in the drink. Those who occasionally allow themselves to drink a small glass of natural red wine are less likely to seek help from cardiologists.
  • Thins the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, increases the hemoglobin content in the blood. Those who regularly take general blood tests and drink a red drink at least occasionally note good results in their results, and over time the results get better and better.
  • Positively affects vision. Improves visual acuity, prevents the development of diseases of the visual organs, and prevents the occurrence of dangerous diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Reduces cholesterol, which is “bad”. In healthy people, cholesterol drops by 9%, and if before drinking the drink its norm was exceeded, then after a sip of sparkling wine this figure decreases by about 12%.
  • Increases immunity, which in turn helps prevent various viral and infectious diseases. The risk of developing intestinal infections and gastrointestinal diseases is reduced. Improves short-term memory, increases the ability to perceive new information.
  • Positively affects the condition of the oral cavity. Prevents the development of caries, gum inflammation and strengthens tooth enamel.
  • Reduces the likelihood of adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation and x-rays on the human body.

High-quality wine helps overcome a number of negative changes in the body, cope with diarrhea, anemia and hypovitaminosis. After serious illnesses, recovery comes faster. A hot alcoholic dessert with the addition of lemon and sugar is an excellent remedy against bronchitis, pneumonia and flu.

Important! All of the listed beneficial properties of wine are characteristic of natural drinks, which have gone through all stages of the production process and complied with technological standards, and do not contain any synthetic additives or sweeteners. Exposure period and storage conditions play an important role.

The first trimester contains a lot of important events and changes in a woman’s body. During conception, the process of forming a new life begins to take place, all vital organs and systems are formed. This process is extremely pronounced, so a woman should treat her body with double attention.

Experts recommend avoiding drinking red wine until 17 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that intrauterine life, which has just begun, is still very fragile and even small doses of alcohol can have a detrimental effect on it.

In the first trimester, a woman needs peace and a healthy lifestyle. A woman should be in comfort both physically and mentally, and small doses of alcohol can upset the balance and have a detrimental effect on the well-being of the expectant mother. This in turn will lead to a negative reaction from the baby in the womb. This cannot be allowed in any way, so it is better to give up red wine.


There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that alcohol has a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus and the health of the child in the future. Much has been written, heard and discussed about this. However, a considerable number of pregnant women are confident that use and abuse are not the same thing. Is there a difference between these concepts when a new life has arisen within you? Can the expectant mother allow herself to take a sip? And what is the permissible dose of alcohol during this crucial period?

Scientists and doctors have repeatedly tried to clarify this issue. And each time they found a new answer to it. Moreover, there is still no unambiguously correct one among them. But the opinion of scientific luminaries on this matter has changed significantly.

Previously, it was believed that a glass of good wine was not only safe, but even beneficial for a pregnant woman. Red wine raises hemoglobin and increases appetite - this is extremely important for mom now. Which means it is necessary. No one can establish strict limits on acceptable doses, since everyone has their own limit: the body reacts to alcohol very individually. And what is normal for one woman may be too much for another. On average, one was allowed a glass of wine per week.

But it was worth everything and nothing: to look a little further, inside the woman. Could this be beneficial for the fetus? Today it has been proven that a child in the womb “drinks” alcohol with her. True, not in the same quantity as mommy, but exactly half of what she took on her breast. Although recent data indicate that alcohol penetrates the placental barrier in full. A lot can be said about how ethyl alcohol affects the embryo. But this is usually not required to understand the picture. Because your position and desire to drink during pregnancy will depend on only one thing: do you think that for such a tiny and defenseless creature, not yet born, but already living and functioning just like you, there is at least some safe dose of alcohol ? Even if he gets 5 grams out of the ten you drink? Won't this kill him? And what’s even worse: won’t it cripple?

That is why modern doctors have already taken a completely different position: there are no safe doses of alcohol during pregnancy. No one (and perhaps even never) will tell you for sure how many grams of wine or beer will be fatal for your baby. And what’s worse: no one except you will bear responsibility for this later. This does not mean at all that a sip of beer, for example, can end in tragedy for your offspring. But this does not guarantee the opposite either.

Another recent finding: during pregnancy there is no difference between alcoholic beverages. And if earlier doctors claimed that whiskey, brandy, vodka, liqueurs and the like are now prohibited for you, and wine and beer are on the list of permitted ones, then recent scientific research proves something else: any alcohol is equally potentially dangerous for offspring.

Don't panic if you've had a lot of fun without knowing you're pregnant. In the first days, while the embryo is still on its way to the uterus, this is dangerous only in the sense that it can provoke spontaneous abortion. But then you won’t even know about pregnancy. Until the placenta has formed and the fetus has begun to feed from you, there is no danger from alcohol. An average of two weeks between fertilization and missed menstruation is considered absolutely safe. Of course, if for some reason the doses of alcohol were too large and were consumed daily, you should tell your doctor about it. If not, relax. But later, as soon as the embryo lands and begins to develop and grow, alcohol is out of the question! The smallest drop in the first trimester can cause pathologies and deformities. This period is the most important and dangerous.


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The list of drinks prohibited during pregnancy includes alcohol. However, opinions of medical representatives regarding the use of wine during pregnancy vary. Some doctors claim that wine during pregnancy is a dangerous, almost poisonous substance, while other doctors are inclined to believe that small doses of good wine are a cure.

Data from foreign experiments also speak in favor of an alcoholic drink that helps women get pregnant. Researchers from Britain have published evidence of the beneficial effects of wine on the intrauterine development of a baby.

The pregnant women themselves were divided into those who could not even hear about an alcoholic drink, and those who could not resist the desire to take a couple of sips of wine.

[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]

What to do with the idea of ​​the possibility of fetal alcohol syndrome? If this opinion is deeply rooted in your brain, then you clearly shouldn’t drink wine during pregnancy and then be tormented by doubts. If the expectant mother does not have any worries, then a sip of quality wine may come in handy.

Pregnant women should give preference to high quality, expensive varieties of dry red wine or Cahors. Small dosages (a spoonful) raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is not uncommon when carrying a baby. For some expectant mothers, wine helps cope with toxicosis and stimulate appetite.

To the question “is it okay to have wine during pregnancy?” – there are two completely opposite answers. When choosing a positive answer, you should remember that if a pregnant woman has a burning desire to taste the drink, you can only take a sip.

English researchers observed children whose mothers allowed themselves a small amount of wine during pregnancy. As a result, such babies were ahead in their development (they were more sociable, knew more numbers, letters, colors) than their peers whose mothers completely gave up alcohol during pregnancy. According to English scientists, a pregnant woman can drink up to six glasses of wine or liquor, as well as up to three liters of beer per week. Pregnant women who drank large quantities of alcohol gave birth to babies with a number of abnormalities.

Similar experiments have not been carried out in our country; no one can say how wine will affect each individual baby. Doctors warn that at the beginning of pregnancy (up to seventeen weeks) you should not drink alcohol.

Why are there such differences of opinion about wine while expecting a baby? On the one hand, British scientists are in favor of the drink’s ability to increase hemoglobin, and on the other hand, it has a detrimental effect on the developing fetus. Our lifestyle, full of feasts and festive festivities, instills in us a certain need to consume alcohol. Neither a corporate party at work nor a birthday with the family is complete without alcohol. Naturally, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to give up alcohol if she does not want to advertise her pregnancy or has a bad habit.

“Will a glass of wine harm you during pregnancy or not?” - complex issue. Research by foreign doctors, speaking about the benefits of wine and the permissible amount of up to six glasses per week, raises doubts among some. As they say, what is good for a Russian is death for a German and vice versa. There have been no domestic medical studies on the effect of wine on fetal development and the course of pregnancy, so it is not possible to say unequivocally about the benefits/harms of wine.

Medical practice shows that alcohol can harm a child, both at the beginning of intrauterine development and at the end of pregnancy.

What is meant by moderate alcohol consumption and what does a safe glass of wine mean during pregnancy? Let's start with the fact that a wine glass is a fairly large container. If we talk about safety, then you should delve into the concept of a serving of wine and the frequency of use.

So, a serving of alcohol is a volume containing no more than 10 ml. ethyl alcohol. On any bottle there is an indication of the percentage of alcohol included. Wine contains, as a rule, 12%. A volume of 125ml/150ml, respectively, contains more than one serving (1.52) of alcohol. While doctors allow the expectant mother to drink one or two servings of alcohol no more than twice a week. It should also be taken into account that at home it is easy to increase the permissible limit, and in restaurants wine is poured into glasses that sometimes contain three servings of alcohol.

[6], [7]

Not only the alcohol contained in wine, but also its processed products in the mother’s body have a negative effect on the fetus. Alcohol causes spasm in the blood vessels of the placenta or umbilical cord, causing a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

If a pregnant woman is drawn to wine, this may be due to a lack of B vitamins. If you have an unbearable desire to drink, you can sip dry red wine during pregnancy. Just don’t drink for any reason for the entire nine months. Alcohol abuse is fraught with miscarriage, developmental defects and all kinds of defects. Moreover, alcohol-containing drinks negatively affect the genetic cellular structure of the embryo, changing the structure of DNA, thereby causing the appearance of congenital deformities. Uncontrolled consumption of wine during pregnancy affects the functioning of the central nervous system, leading to disturbances in the intellectual level and behavioral characteristics.

[8], [9]

Non-alcoholic wine can be a good alternative for a pregnant woman. The alcohol content in this product is no more than 0.5% (as in kefir). The wine goes through all stages of production, and before bottling, ethyl alcohol is removed from it. This is done in a special container using a vacuum.

All microelements, vitamins, enzymes and organic acids are preserved in the wine. Non-alcoholic wine during pregnancy and not only is considered a dietary, medicinal drink. This type of wine is indicated in the following cases:

  • gastrointestinal diseases caused by low acidity (for example, chronic gastritis);
  • asthenia conditions (chronic fatigue);
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • hypertension.

Wine without alcohol has a tonic effect and improves appetite. When consumed, cholesterol oxidation does not occur, which prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Non-alcoholic wine helps absorb meat proteins, but contains two to three times fewer calories.

You should drink non-alcoholic wine during pregnancy with caution:

  • the composition may contain harmful substances and chemicals that poison your body and your baby;
  • it is possible to develop allergic manifestations due to sulfur or mold present in the wine. The grape variety or pest control method can also lead to unpleasant consequences;
  • has a shorter aging period than wine containing alcohol;
  • has a high cost, which makes it not always available and leads to the emergence of many unsafe counterfeits.

In any case, it is recommended to drink low-alcohol wine in moderation, no more than a glass per week, and if you are confident in the quality of the product.

[10], [11], [12]

White wines are made from white, red and rosé grape varieties by separating the skins from the pulp. Antioxidants in white wines are better absorbed due to their lower content than in red varieties. White light varieties have a beneficial effect on lung function and heart muscle, and are indicated for anemia.

Drinking white wine during pregnancy is considered not the best option compared to red. However, red wine causes blood vessels to dilate, causing dizziness and general weakness.

Everything is individual, so if you want to sip wine during pregnancy, you should give preference to a non-alcoholic product of the highest and preferably proven quality.

An interesting fact is that in the pre-Soviet period, a little dry red wine was prescribed as a diet during pregnancy. Dry red varieties have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and remove toxic substances from the body. High-quality red wine contains useful minerals, vitamins B and P, which reduce the risk of blood clots.

Cahors or red wine during pregnancy after seventeen weeks is allowed to drink if:

  • it is of high quality, without any admixture of sugar, quinine, artificial additives, dyes, etc.;
  • its portion is no more than 100 ml.

In cases where it is necessary to solve the problem of low hemoglobin, you can resort to red wine, rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, as well as biologically active substances. But it is possible to increase hemoglobin with other non-alcoholic foods: beef, liver, parsley, buckwheat, bananas, pomegranate juice, rose hips. The listed types of food are indicated in the treatment and prevention of anemia.

Whether or not to allow yourself wine during pregnancy is a conscious choice of the woman herself, relying on common sense and personal feelings.


Drinking dry red wine during pregnancy has become not only possible, but also useful. A new look at alcohol is due to the ability of red wine to increase hemoglobin, relieve toxicosis and improve appetite.

A number of researchers claim that red wines have a beneficial effect on heart function and cope with insomnia. Of course, it is acceptable to drink a spoonful of an alcoholic drink or a small amount of non-alcoholic wine (no more than 100 ml).

We should not forget about the dangers of alcohol in the first 17 weeks of intrauterine development. A sense of proportion and awareness of responsibility for the physical and mental development of the unborn child should play a decisive role in the question “should I drink wine during pregnancy or not?”

[14], [15]

Wine prepared at home is a low-alcohol and healing product. This drink has a number of advantages:

  • absence of chemicals and harmful impurities (especially if made from personally grown fruits, berries, etc.);
  • the manufacturing process and storage conditions are controlled directly by you;
  • It is possible to use extracts of medicinal plants and herbs.

During pregnancy, you can drink homemade wine in small quantities if you really want to (when you are “drooling”). It lowers blood pressure, helps strengthen bones, normalizes sleep, and contains vitamins and microelements. The expectant mother should remember the safe amount - no more than 100 ml.

Alcohol contains toxins that easily penetrate through the placenta into the fetal tissue. Alcohol can have a negative impact on the formation of the baby’s organs, growth and development of the brain. The harmful effects of alcohol are associated with congenital facial anomalies, learning disabilities, and problems with movement coordination.

Wine is especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, when the baby’s organs are quite vulnerable. Alcohol is absorbed into the tissues of the organs of the unborn child, leading to fetal alcohol syndrome with regular drinking during planning, conception and gestation. Such children often have physical and mental retardation, problems concentrating, and neurological problems.

Obstetricians and gynecologists advise drinking wine during pregnancy no earlier than the 17th week of pregnancy. And you can do this, in extreme cases, if you really really want to. You should not follow a habit or public opinion without thinking about the consequences.

Whether or not to drink wine during pregnancy is a decision only for the pregnant woman herself, relying on medical recommendations and individual taste preferences. If an alarming thought arises about the possibility of harming the baby, it is better not to risk it and completely abstain from drinking alcohol for the entire period of pregnancy.


1. Do you drink? Then know that ethanol easily overcomes the placental barrier, quickly enters the fetal blood, and as a result, a so-called teratogenic effect or congenital deformities (from the Greek teratos - monster) can occur. This effect was proven, in particular, in experiments on chicken embryos, when they were constantly exposed to ethanol vapor. The result was a high percentage of deformities, and many embryos died.

2. Regular exposure of a developing baby to alcohol can cause infant alcohol syndrome. And it will be expressed in..

* developmental anomalies of the maxillofacial region: hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the zygomatic arch, lower jaw; shortened upper lip, bridge of the nose; narrow palpebral fissures; * violation of physical development: disproportionate physique, small or, conversely, too high height and/or weight; * low birth weight; * pathology of the nervous system: microcephaly - underdevelopment of the brain or its individual parts, leading to some neurological and intellectual disorders; “spina bifida” – “open back”, incomplete closure of the spinal canal; * numerous anomalies in the development of organs, the most common malformations of the heart, external genitalia and joints.

3. Alcohol during pregnancy is one of the main causes of congenital mental retardation. Children suffer from persistent decline in intelligence. True, theoretically, in the future they can have offspring. And if they manage not to drink, their children have a chance to be born healthy. Mothers who already have children with fetal alcohol syndrome can also give birth to healthy children. Under the same condition.

4. Women who drink even very little alcohol during pregnancy find it much more difficult to bond with their babies, not only immediately after childbirth, but also three months later, British scientists say. In addition, they take a day longer to recover from childbirth than those women who did not drink at all. One reason may be that these babies have more behavior problems due to the alcohol they were exposed to while still in the womb. "Although a little alcohol may not seem to harm babies, it does have a negative impact on mothers and may cause problems for the babies themselves in the future," study author Eilidh Duncan said. Previously, it was considered acceptable if the mother drank alcoholic beverages up to two times a week, but now the rules have changed. “We now advise young women to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy,” Duncan said.

Well, let's stop at these reasons not to drink. In my opinion, they are quite scary and convincing. Unfortunately, mothers who already have children can imagine what a bottle of beer twice a week can cost. Due to his increased sentimentality and impressionability. They have already known the joy of having a baby. Seeing his smiles, hearing his first words, watching his attempts to sit, walk, run... Is it worth the risk?! Can the happiness of having a healthy baby be compared with the pleasure of drinking a couple of bottles of beer or a glass of red wine? Yes. Of course, these are not the doses that cause alcohol syndrome, but... No one knows what dose will be critical for you in this particular period of the baby’s intrauterine development. I have one more argument in stock. Which sounds like this: “have pity on yourself.” Just imagine what your life will turn into if you have a special child. Which will constantly require your care. All life. And which will constantly remind you that at one time you believed the lobbyists from alcohol corporations (which naturally prosper) and drank alcohol during pregnancy. Well, the last argument is the deteriorating health of new generations. If our grandmothers gave birth to 5-6 children and lived until they were 80, our mothers gave birth to 2-3 and, God willing, will live longer. For both of us, giving birth is already a feat. Health is not the same. Chernobyl, products with GMOs and antibiotics, environmental pollution... None of this improves the health of our children. So is it worth finishing them off with alcohol?!


How does the baby feel during childbirth?

Simply, the birth plan could be described as follows: the Baby’s body, ready for independent life, gives the command to the mother’s body to create conditions for reaching the surface, that is, birth. In response to this command, the mother’s body strives to: expand the birth canal to the required diameter and make it softer, move the Baby’s head and body to the end of the birth tunnel with increasingly rhythmic contractions of the uterine muscles, and expel amniotic fluid. Then everything is even simpler: as soon as the head appears, in the next moment the rest of the body is born. Once - and now the Kid announces in his voice: this is what I am! I breathe myself, I see and hear!

Have you ever made your way to the exit of an extremely crowded bus or subway car? You are being squeezed from all sides, an unknown force is pushing you towards the exit with uneven pushes, sometimes you are suffocating, you are visited by the fear that the doors will close before you can get out, and great relief when, finally, you find yourself outside this terrible crush. Your baby experiences approximately the same thing when he is born, and this experience is natural for him - it has been tested by other human beings billions of times.

Well-being of mother and child at 41 weeks of pregnancy

Many pregnant women begin to worry that at 41 weeks of pregnancy, labor has not yet occurred. But doctors say this is within normal limits. Childbirth is considered timely from 38 to 42 weeks.

The baby is already completely ready for independent life outside the mother's womb. His organs are formed and ready to perform their functions.

The average weight of a child at this stage is 3.5 kg, and his height is about 53 cm. The baby continues to gain weight by about 30 grams every day. Therefore, doctors do not recommend carrying the fetus too far. This may lead to difficulties during delivery.

By the 41st week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is already quite tired, both mentally and physically. She is haunted by constant pain and anxiety associated with the upcoming birth. There is heat throughout the body, increased sweating, and swelling. Blood clotting increases. Sometimes the sciatic or femoral nerve becomes pinched due to the prolapsed uterus. This causes pain in the sacral region, which can radiate to the legs.

On top of that, the body begins to produce stress hormones. They will help a woman cope with childbirth and give her strength and energy.

How to prepare for childbirth?

To tune in to a successful birth means to transfer all your experiences from the area of ​​“I-experiences” to the area of ​​“we-experiences”. Namely:

  • understand what is happening to your baby at each specific moment of childbirth, think first of all about him, help him mentally (if you know prayers, pray for the Baby);
  • maintain contact with him, talk, talk about your feelings, calm him down, encourage him until the moment when he is placed on your chest;
  • concentrate mentally on the situation when childbirth is already behind you and you can enjoy contemplating your baby in a calm atmosphere. This image needs to be rotated in your head constantly, more and more associating it with positive emotions (the less time remains before the birth of the Baby, the more actively you should imagine this image);
  • firmly believe that you will have a healthy Baby with two arms and legs, eyes and ears, one mouth and nose, hearing, seeing, with five fingers on each limb. Did you smile? But many mothers are afraid that the Baby will not live up to their expectations in appearance! Remember how happy the parents were from Ray Bradbury's story when they first saw their... baby pyramid. Your fear that you won’t like the baby will lead to the Baby’s counter-fear of not liking you. And it is quite possible that all his life he (smart, talented, handsome), without realizing the reasons, will be afraid that others will not like him, and will spend his energy fighting for their recognition. No matter how your Baby appears outwardly, you must assure him that you need him as he is, long before birth. And this is one of his most important expectations.

Tests and studies during pregnancy

Visiting a doctor monitoring pregnancy: once a week.
Weighing, measuring blood pressure, measuring the height of the uterine fundus, listening to the fetal heartbeat. General urine test - before each visit to the doctor. Indicates the quality of kidney function.

Dopplerography (a study that allows you to evaluate blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and main vessels of the child) - in the last weeks of pregnancy or if the expected date of birth has already passed, according to indications . The study allows you to find out whether the child is getting enough oxygen and nutrients.

Cardiotocography (CTG, synchronous recording of fetal heartbeats and uterine contractions) - in the last weeks of pregnancy or if the expected date of birth has already passed, according to indications. The child’s condition is assessed and intrauterine hypoxia is excluded.

Examinations at 41 weeks of pregnancy

At 41 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is under constant supervision of a maternity hospital doctor. And perhaps he is even in the inpatient department.

According to indications, procedures such as Dopplerography and cardiotocography may be prescribed. They give an idea of ​​whether everything is in order with the blood flow, whether the fetus has enough oxygen, and the baby’s heart rate is studied.

An ultrasound examination may be prescribed. During the examination, the degree of maturity of the placenta, the condition and amount of amniotic fluid (it may contain meconium) and the weight of the fetus are determined.

Procedures are prescribed in case of unforeseen, emergency cases (bloody discharge, change in the child’s activity) or in order to exclude pathologies that arise when the child is post-term. If the doctor has concerns for the baby's life, induction of labor or a caesarean section may be prescribed.

Good to know

How do you know if labor is about to begin?

Standard procedures during childbirth

How to stop being afraid of childbirth

Large fruit. Features of pregnancy and childbirth

Planned birth. Planned delivery and caesarean section - indications and preparation

Speeding. What are the dangers of rapid birth?

What should a husband do if his wife gives birth urgently?

How to survive contractions: devices for active labor

Causes of labor pain

All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

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