Which doctors should you see at 3 months and why?

ultrasound screening of newborn

Finally, pregnancy and childbirth are over. The baby is with you and you are learning to be a mother. In the near future there will be a first trip to the pediatrician. When a child turns one month old, a commission is required to assess his health. In this article you will find out which doctors to see at 1 month for a newborn baby?

Let's go in order. I’ll tell you how I passed the commission when my son turned one month old. It was in a regular municipal children's clinic. Newborn babies go to the pediatrician without a queue, so feel free to go to the office, you don’t have to make an appointment. There, the pediatrician will give you a coupon for examinations. What examinations are carried out in 1 month? First of all, this is ultrasound screening of newborns, general blood and urine tests. They also give you a pass to pass for narrow specialists.

Which doctors should a newborn baby undergo at 1 month? This is an orthopedist, surgeon, ophthalmologist and neurologist. One coupon is given to all doctors and at the same time. Let me explain, when you come to the ophthalmologist, along with you there are other mothers with children from 0 to one year old, who have the same time as you, and who also came for the commission. You get in line, stand and wait. Therefore, it is advisable to occupy it in all offices at once, and first go through those specialists who have fewer people, so it’s faster.

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An examination by an ophthalmologist usually goes quickly, she examines the eyes and that’s it. Your baby will spend the longest time with a neurologist and surgeon, since there it is necessary to completely undress the baby. It was during the surgeon’s examination that my son was found to have an inguinal hernia (you can read more about the danger it poses and how to recognize a hernia yourself in this post ). There was also an umbilical hernia, but it was later successfully cured. Find out how I did it here.

For what reasons do newborns need to visit a medical facility at 3 months?

At 3 months, the child must go through a rather serious trip with his parents to a medical children's hospital so that doctors can assess the general condition of the children and observe its development.

Sometimes local pediatricians offer parents to make the first visit in the 1st month of life, but most often it is postponed until the child is almost an adult, that is, at 3 months. This procedure must be mandatory, so you need to carefully prepare for it and in no case neglect it. When a child undergoes mandatory medical examinations, parents will be able to know exactly how the baby is developing and what its general health status is. To make a correct diagnosis for a 3-month-old baby, the doctor must be a real professional, because any disease in small patients is not so easy to identify.

Doctors that newborns need to see at 1 month: which specialists, list

Even before being discharged home, immediately after birth, the newborn undergoes his first examination by a neonatologist, who determines the baby’s health status using the Apgar scale. This procedure is carried out twice: at 1 and 5 minutes of life.

You might think that Apgar is an abbreviation that can be deciphered (each letter stands for a specific criterion for assessing the baby’s health). In fact, this is the name of Dr. Virginia Apgar, who in 1952 proposed her own system for quickly assessing the well-being of an infant. Indicators on this scale are entered into the child’s medical record.

They allow you to determine whether your baby needs medical attention. If the assessment criteria are normal, the mother and baby are discharged on the 5th day.

First examination of the baby after birth

The pediatrician should be the first to check the general condition of the baby after discharge from the hospital. He and the nurse conduct rounds (patronage) three times until the child is 1 month old. The pediatrician is obliged to explain to the parents which doctors the newborn needs to see at 1 month.

During a thorough medical examination by doctors of various specialties, the child will undergo an external examination, and if necessary, other diagnostic methods will be used. Such a check is necessary in order to fully assess the health of the baby.

Why is the first medical examination important?

A routine medical examination of a newborn in the first month is very important. It is known that most diseases do not manifest themselves immediately; the first symptoms will become visible only at the complication stage. Therefore, it is so important not to miss the opportunity to preserve the baby’s health and undergo a full examination by doctors in a timely manner. In the first month, a complete medical examination of the newborn baby is necessary.

Doctors in 1 month

Which doctors should a child see at 6 months?

So that parents do not become confused by the abundance of information and requirements, the visiting physician should tell them which doctors newborns undergo at 1 month. The Ministry of Health recommends that you undergo an extensive medical examination (or medical examination) by the following specialists:

  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist.

This list can be expanded if a pathology is detected in the baby. For an in-depth diagnosis, the baby will be referred to a doctor who was not included in the special list.

Baby at a pediatrician's appointment

At an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon

A pediatric surgeon examines and palpates a newborn, feeling his body. As a result of such examinations, the doctor may identify the following abnormalities or disorders:

  1. inguinal or umbilical hernia;
  2. benign vascular skin tumor (hemangioma);
  3. absence of one or two testicles that have not descended into the scrotum (cryptorchidism);
  4. narrowing of the foreskin, leading to problems with urination (phimosis).

Important! If pathologies are detected in the baby’s body, the surgeon monitors the child’s health and makes therapeutic prescriptions. If after a few months there are no changes for the better, the question of surgery arises.

At an appointment with an orthopedist, the baby will receive a complete examination of the musculoskeletal system. What abnormalities does the doctor observe first?

“Hip dysplasia” is a diagnosis that is quite often observed in newborns and usually shocks parents. This anomaly is correctable if it is diagnosed and corrected in time. The baby's hip joint is not yet fully formed.

Due to the increased activity of the baby, he falls out of the hip socket. First, the doctor will visually determine the presence of a deviation by spreading the baby’s legs bent at the knees to the sides. If the folds in the groin are asymmetrical, this is a sign of dysplasia in the child.

To correct the anomaly, a special massage and devices that stimulate the proper development of the joint will be prescribed.

An orthopedic doctor also examines the condition of the spine and identifies other congenital or acquired deformities of the organs of support and movement (torticollis, clubfoot).

At an appointment with an orthopedist

Examination by a neurologist

The main goal of a neurologist is to identify malfunctions in the functioning of his CNS (central nervous system) in the first month of a newborn’s life. Using special procedures, the doctor checks motor skills, innate reflexes and muscle contractions. In addition, the neurologist determines whether the fetus had damage to the central nervous system during pregnancy.

It is very important to find out exactly at 1 month of a baby’s life. Diagnostics will help to identify a group of pathologies (hydrocephalus, intracranial hemorrhage, heart disease, vascular changes, etc.) at an early stage. Doctor's help and observations will help the baby cope with disorders and develop in accordance with his age characteristics.

Examination by an otolaryngologist

Another doctor who needs to see a newborn at 1 month is an ENT specialist. The main task of an otolaryngologist is to identify hearing impairment in infants. Testing is carried out through audiological screening.

If hearing loss or other hearing impairment is detected, the mother and newborn will be sent to an audiology center for an in-depth study. Pathologies of the hearing aid will lead to disturbances in the development of the psyche and speech.

Therefore, the sooner parents begin treating the disease, the greater the chance of restoring the baby’s hearing.

On a note. The throat, nose and paranasal sinuses of a newborn in the 1st month of life are usually not checked. Practice has shown that many mothers, during a routine medical examination, request that their babies’ respiratory organs and throats be checked.

An ENT examines children's ears, throat and nose when parents consult a doctor in the following situations:

  1. difficulty breathing through the nose (the child breathes with his mouth open in his sleep);
  2. cough and hoarseness;
  3. refusal to breastfeed;
  4. wax plugs;
  5. lack of response to voice and other extraneous sounds;
  6. small objects getting into your mouth, nose or ears.

A specialist in the diagnosis of ear, nose and throat diseases in the case of a sore throat, acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection, sinusitis, otitis or sinusitis prescribes appropriate treatment at home. If complications are observed, the mother and baby will be sent to hospital treatment.

Medical examination by an otolaryngologist

Consultation with an ophthalmologist

The list of specialists a child needs to see at 1 month of age must include an ophthalmologist. For a newborn, an examination by an ophthalmologist is simply necessary. The baby's organ of vision is in a state of active development from the first moment of its birth.

Immediately after birth, babies are farsighted, that is, they see distant objects more clearly than those that are nearby. Over time, this anomaly normalizes. Diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts can be congenital, that is, they develop in the womb.

A timely diagnosis of the disease will help prescribe timely treatment.

Important! Do not be afraid of a child’s involuntary squint. This anomaly can be observed in a baby for up to 3 months, until the antagonist muscles responsible for the movements of the eyeballs become stronger. If after 3 months the baby mows, you need to consult an ophthalmologist. Special eye exercises will help correct the defect.

Parents turn to an ophthalmologist for special advice if the baby’s eyes are stuck together due to conjunctivitis, or if a foreign body has entered them. In such situations, urgent medical attention is needed.

If the baby does not follow objects with his eyes, turns his head, or does not react to them at all, an urgent examination by a specialist is necessary. Diseases such as eye tremors (nystagmus) or prolonged strabismus signal disorders of the central nervous system. In this situation, joint treatment with a neurologist will be most effective.

Observation by an ophthalmologist

Vaccination room and first vaccine

Weeks pass, the baby grows up. He begins to get acquainted with surrounding objects, hear voices and extraneous sounds, recognize his mother by her voice, and involuntarily smile. The baby is active, trying to roll over onto his tummy and raise his head. This means it's time to visit the children's clinic.

The pediatrician will measure and record your weight, height, and head circumference. Be sure to palpate the abdomen, check the condition of the hip joint, reflexes, hearing and vision. Without fail, he will listen to the baby’s heart and examine the fontanelle, palpate the lymph nodes, armpits and thyroid gland.

Finally, he will examine the child’s skin and genitals.

After making sure that everything is fine with the child, the doctor will give a referral to receive the vaccine at the vaccination office. At the end of 1 month, this will be a planned visit by a healthy baby to the vaccination office to receive a second vaccination against hepatitis B (the first vaccination was carried out in the maternity hospital).

Contraindications for revaccination:

  • heat;
  • diarrhea;
  • acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
  • allergic manifestations.

On a note. After receiving a vaccination for a child, a breastfeeding mother is not recommended to add any new products to her menu for one week. This can negatively affect the baby’s weakened immune system after vaccination.

At the end of the medical examination, the pediatrician will give the necessary recommendations to parents on caring for a month-old newborn and directions for urine tests at the next visit at two months.

First vaccination in the vaccination room

Do I need to take things to the clinic for a 3-month-old baby?

Many mothers, visiting medical institutions for the first time, do not know whether children at 3 months need additional things. Some items must be taken with you, but you should not pack huge bags to the clinic. What list of things should you have with you? The following list can be given:

  1. A pair of baby diapers.
  2. 1-2 diapers.
  3. Favorite toy for distraction.
  4. A bottle of water and baby food if the baby is not fed with mother's breast milk.

A pacifier will also be useful if the baby feels calm with it.

Visit to an orthopedist

At 3 months you need to visit an orthopedist. After all, the child is growing quickly, and pathologies that were not previously identified may now appear. The doctor will check how symmetrical the baby’s folds are, assess whether the spine is formed correctly, how freely the legs spread and how developed the feet are. This will allow timely detection of hip dysplasia and a predisposition to flat feet. Perhaps the suspicion of dysplasia arose earlier, during the last examination. Then the specialist could prescribe wide swaddling or other measures to correct the situation. Now he will look at how effective they were and what actions are needed next.

Upon examination, the doctor may note the first signs of rickets. This is a serious disease associated with a lack of vitamin D. It affects the development of the child's bones and muscles. The doctor must order tests. After the results, he will decide whether to prescribe this element in therapeutic doses. Without detailed research, increasing the amount of the drug is risky, since it is poorly excreted from the body and is dangerous in case of overdose.

Baby massage


  • https://detskiy-medcentr-spb.ru/poleznye-materiali/planovye-osmotri/1469-kakih-vrachej-prohodyat-v-3-mesyaca-rebenku
  • https://birth-info.ru/168/3-mesyatsa-malyshu/
  • https://agushkin.ru/zdorove/kakix-vrachej-proxodyat-v-3-mesyaca.html

Examination by a pediatrician

The most important doctor for a 3-month-old baby is a pediatrician. It is this specialist who will maintain a special table that takes into account the child’s development. The table shows the following parameters:

  • height and weight indicators;
  • head and chest circumference;
  • abdominal cavity circumference indicators.

In addition, the local pediatrician must examine the site of the vaccination, which was done in the maternity ward, measure its indicators and enter them into the table too.

Next, the pediatric specialist will examine the oral cavity and listen to the heartbeat of children at 3 months and their lungs. If at 3 months children already have their first teeth, their condition is also carefully studied. When examined by doctors, parents will be able to ask any questions regarding the baby’s health and tell them what the child can do, how long he sleeps and stays awake, what he eats and how he defecates. All additional information is very important for all doctors who need to undergo a routine examination to accurately determine whether the newborn is developing at the proper level at 3 months.

After the pediatrician has fully examined the child, parents will receive all the answers to their questions. The doctor will establish a health group for the patient, whose age is 3 months, and give advice on visiting other specialists. But if the condition of the newborn does not cause any concern, then the routine examination can be completed after the conclusion of the pediatrician.


The express examination is carried out by a general practitioner (GP), who will evaluate the test results, conduct an examination of the child (neurological, surgical, ENT, gynecological for girls or urological for boys), give the necessary pediatric opinion and draw up a medical record.

The cost of such an inspection is only 3900 rubles.

The price already includes a medical card for kindergarten No. 026U

Such an inspection will take no more than 1.5 hours if available.

Please note that children under 2.5 years of age must have with them a report from an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist) from the last screening examination (by order, an ophthalmologist examination monthly and annually) or a copy thereof

Express medical examination can be completed in just one day!*

*This is possible if you have test results (general clinical blood test, general urine test for no more than a month), have undergone a dental examination and have a vaccination certificate.

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