10 questions to ask in the gynecologist's office

Probably, many are afraid of the first visit to the gynecologist , because there is this terrible chair on which you will have to appear before the doctor in all its glory! What if the gynecologist turns out to be a man? It’s better to immediately turn around and leave than to burn with shame on the spot! And how many women have gotten into trouble, not knowing how to position themselves correctly on this chair! Sometimes women tell such stories about their first visit to the gynecologist that you laugh until you cry and decide to drag out this moment as long as possible. In general, go to the gynecologist as rarely as possible. But a gynecologist is an ordinary doctor . And by properly preparing for the visit, you can do without shame and fear . The women's website sympaty.net tells how to do this.

Why is it important to have your first examination with a gynecologist on time?

Young girls visiting a gynecologist for the first time are afraid of the gynecological chair . They don't know how to climb it or what position to take. And having vaguely imagined this, they become even more confused. This is why girls often delay their first visit to the gynecologist as long as possible, triggering possible female diseases and various infections.

However, if you are savvy in this matter, then you will not have to be afraid of the first examination by a gynecologist .

Visiting a gynecologist for the first time is recommended at the age of 14-16 years . Ideally - before the start of sexual activity . Or right after.

A gynecological examination includes more than just checking the genitals for infections . The doctor must also look at how the process of puberty is progressing and whether there are any deviations in the development of internal organs.

Therefore, if you are still a virgin , do not worry that special instruments will be inserted into the vagina. In this case, the gynecologist will take a smear and prescribe an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

By the way, if your gynecologist is a man , it will be even better. After all, men are considered not only more professional, but also more gentle

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