How to slow down your menstrual cycle before going on vacation

Sometimes situations may occur that a girl needs to induce her period ahead of schedule. Of course, it is not recommended to do this intentionally every cycle, as you can end up with some serious health problems. But we are all human, there are times when you are going to a resort or an important event, and you simply need your period to start earlier. Here the question arises: how to get your period ahead of schedule? How to do this so as not to harm the body?

There are several ways you can get your period earlier. Not all of them are safe, so it's up to you to choose.

How to get your period a week early

​The processes that occur in the female body, including the menstrual cycle, are under the control of the neuroendocrine system. It includes peripheral structures and central sections. The regulation of menstruation is a chain of very labor-intensive processes, including the work of the hypothalamus. When thinking about how to induce menstruation ahead of schedule, keep in mind that a shift in the menstrual cycle can have adverse consequences, because by doing so you violate the integrity of natural processes occurring throughout the body.

Without the use of drugs or products

If you're looking for a way to safely get your period earlier than usual, here are the gentlest methods without using any medications or strong herbs:

  1. Increase the speed and strength of blood flow to the genitals
    . To do this, just lie in a hot bath and have sex after the procedure. Muscle tone will appear and your period will begin about a week earlier. Women note that most often this method helps to induce menstruation 3 days before their natural onset.

Is it possible to induce menstruation at home without consequences?

In most cases, methods that introduce changes in a woman’s hormonal background are used to induce menstruation ahead of schedule. This is achieved through the use of folk remedies and medicines. Both of these methods are not considered completely safe. There is also an opinion that intense exercise can cause menstruation. Any increased physical activity is a stressful situation for the body, which can affect hormonal changes.

Emergency medications for menstruation have many contraindications. The instructions for them describe in detail all the side effects that should be expected from taking them. Among the most dangerous are disruptions of the hormonal system, which entail a number of other undesirable effects. Traditional medicine has a whole arsenal of herbs to induce menstruation prematurely, many of which are considered poisonous and, if the dosage is not followed, provoke poisoning and allergies. Before using methods to speed up the onset of your period, consult your doctor.

The early appearance of menstruation is promoted by high doses of vitamin C, A, E. This, in turn, can cause hypervitaminosis. Hormonal contraceptives are taken as follows: from the first day of the menstrual cycle for 21 days. Next, a week-long break is taken, during which menstruation occurs. If you stop taking oral contraceptives early, your menstruation will begin prematurely. These drugs are prescribed for the treatment of hormonal diseases and correction of hormone concentrations in the body. Using them to induce menstruation is not advisable.

Regulon tablets to induce menstruation if your period is delayed

The ideal menstrual cycle lasts 21–35 days. A delay of up to 7 days is not considered a pathology, since the female body is susceptible to the influence of various factors.

But if menstruation does not start on time quite often, this should alert the woman and prompt her to take some measures. You cannot take pills to induce menstruation on your own; all prescriptions must be made by a gynecologist. The drug stimulates bleeding, and it begins after a few days.

Women of reproductive age and who are sexually active usually perceive a delay in menstruation as a sign of pregnancy.

But if the test is negative, and a doctor’s examination also confirms the absence of pregnancy, the reasons for the delay should be looked for in your own lifestyle. For example, constant fatigue and inadequate rest reduce the body's performance, provoke headaches and weakness. The menstrual cycle becomes unstable.

Other reasons for missed periods:

  • Stress. Problems in school, at work and in the family and various everyday troubles spoil a woman’s mood and disrupt the rhythm of the body’s natural processes.
  • Puberty. In teenage girls, irregular periods are associated with the development of hormonal levels. In the absence of pathologies after menarche, menstruation improves within 2 years.
  • Climate change. Moving between time zones affects a woman’s well-being and disrupts her cycle.
  • Weight problems. Excessive thinness and unnecessary pounds impair the functioning of the reproductive system. A balanced diet and stabilization of body weight will help regulate your cycle. In difficult situations, you will need the help of a psychologist.
  • Medicines. Sometimes critical days are disrupted under the influence of medications prescribed by a doctor to treat a disease.

Irregular periods also occur after suffering from colds and infectious diseases. Menstrual function is restored on its own as the body copes with the pathology. Sometimes this takes several months.

Special medications that affect menstrual function will help women speed up the onset of bleeding.

The simplest option is ascorbic acid. Vitamin C not only strengthens the immune system, but also thins the blood and stimulates blood circulation.

If you drink a few ascorbic acid tablets when your period is late, spotting will appear faster. The drug is allowed to be taken if the process is delayed by 3 to 5 days. If critical days are delayed for a longer period, you should not take vitamins. You need to see a doctor.

The dosage of ascorbic acid to speed up menstruation should exceed the norm (see instructions) several times. Excess vitamin C prevents the uterine tissue from receiving progesterone. As a result, bleeding begins.

What other pills are there to induce menstruation? Usually, to achieve this goal, gynecologists prescribe Duphaston, Pulsatilla, Norkolut, Postinor, Mifegin, Non-Ovlon and contraceptives.

The drug is suitable for patients with progesterone deficiency.

For the timely onset of menstruation, Duphaston is taken 2 times a day, starting from the 11th day of the cycle. The last dose is on the 25th day of the cycle.

This drug does not solve the cause of delayed bleeding. Its main task is to support hormones at the required level. Your period will begin 2 to 5 days after you stop taking the pills.

Before starting cycle correction with Duphaston, it is important to make sure there is no conception. If the delay is related to pregnancy, interference with hormonal levels will harm both the expectant mother and the developing child.

Homeopathic pills that induce menstruation are based on phytohormones. Pulsatilla gives the desired effect already on the first day of use. It is enough to take 5 - 7 granules, and bleeding will begin after a few hours.

To avoid hormonal disorders, the intake of phytohormones must be agreed with a doctor. The correct use of Pulsatilla is to place the granules under the tongue and remain there until completely dissolved. Reception is carried out on an empty stomach.

Please note that the effectiveness of Pulsatilla granules is reduced by coffee, chocolate, mint, lemon and alcoholic beverages. And be sure to take into account the contraindications - pregnancy and sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Postinor, an emergency contraceptive, will help provoke menstruation at the right time. The active component levonorgestrel inhibits the production of luteinizing hormone, thereby affecting the process of release of a mature egg. The drug inhibits uterine cycles and helps avoid unplanned pregnancy.

To induce menstruation, Postinor tablets are taken once. Bleeding from the genital tract begins quite quickly. But emergency contraception cannot be used more than 1–2 times a year, since abuse of high doses of the hormone is dangerous for the body.

Postinor also gives unpleasant side effects - diarrhea, pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting, dizziness. Sometimes calling menstruation with Postinor is unsuccessful. If bleeding does not appear within 2–3 days, you should urgently consult a gynecologist.

It is not recommended to use Postinor for chronic diseases of the liver and biliary system, as well as if you have bad habits.

A drug containing norethisterone can provoke menstruation if you take Norkolut 2 tablets for 5 days. The effect is ensured by the properties of the components to prevent ovulation and reduce the tone of the uterus. The active component of the drug blocks the synthesis of hormones by the pituitary gland. As the drug is discontinued, critical days come.

But before inducing menstruation with Norkolut, it is necessary to study its contraindications:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Pelvic organ cancer.
  5. Kidney failure.
  6. Liver diseases.
  7. Bleeding of unknown nature.
  8. Neoplasms in the mammary glands.

If for any reason a woman is interested in the topic of which pills cause menstruation, she can always consult a specialist. An experienced gynecologist may recommend taking Mifegin, a means to terminate pregnancy.

Mifepristone is the active component of the drug, inhibits sex hormones and enhances the contractile function of the uterus.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a drug containing prostaglandin. The combined effects of the drugs destroy the amniotic sac and provoke prolapse of the fertilized egg.

Mifegin is a very powerful drug. It is prescribed after a thorough examination of the patient’s medical history. The list of contraindications to the use of this drug includes:

  • Anemia.
  • Porphyria.
  • Liver failure.
  • Taking glucocorticoids.
  • Adrenal and kidney insufficiency.
  • Impaired hemostasis.
  • Use of anticoagulants.
  • Severe extragenital pathology.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of Mifegin.

Mifegin is used in a hospital setting under the supervision of medical staff. This will protect the woman from complications and unpleasant consequences of calling her period on her own.

The drug Non-Ovlon as an emergency contraception causes heavy menstruation.

Its side effects are unpredictable and affect the hormonal system of the female body. Non-Ovlon cannot be used uncontrollably.

A menstrual booster called Utrozhestan suppresses the effects of estrogen.

Tablets taken from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle will help to cause the timely onset of critical days. The daily dosage of the drug is 200 – 400 mg, divided into 2 doses. Your period will begin 4 days after taking the last pill.

It is contraindicated to drink Utrozhestan for epilepsy, breast cancer pathologies and a tendency to thrombus formation.

Women who take birth control pills always have the opportunity to shift their cycle in a direction that is convenient for them. For example, when it becomes necessary to induce menstruation ahead of schedule, taking the pills should be interrupted. After some time, bleeding will begin.


author Gulnara Cleveland updated January 15, 2020 questions and answers 1 comment

Regulon is a new era of protection against unwanted pregnancy. It is also used as medicinal therapy. In some cases, after stopping OCs, women's periods are delayed. Let's look at the reasons for delayed periods after Regulon.

Regulon is an oral contraceptive that includes a progestin, desogestrel, and an estrogen component, ethinyl estradiol. The drug is indicated for contraception, for menstrual irregularities, for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, and for dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

The principle of action of regulon is based on the inhibition of pituitary hormones, which are responsible for the normal menstrual cycle. Progestogens inhibit the production of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. They inhibit ovulation and interfere with the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity.

Thanks to ethinyl estradiol, the density of cervical mucus increases and its composition changes. At the same time, the environment into which sperm enter becomes more aggressive after sexual intercourse, which prevents them from safely reaching their destination.

A small amount of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones contributes to inhibition of egg maturation, normal development of the corpus luteum, and follicle rupture. The insufficient endometrial layer also grows. If normally the thickness of the layer should be from 1 cm, then while taking the drug it does not exceed 4 mm. Thanks to this, the fertilized egg, if the egg and sperm overcome the previous barriers, simply has nowhere to attach, since due to the lack of a normally developed endometrial layer, there is no possibility of developing adequate genesis of blood vessels to nourish the latter.

In addition, hormonal contraceptives reduce the contractility of the fallopian tubes, which reduces the speed of passage of the egg.

To avoid undesirable consequences, you need to start taking the drug correctly. Regulon should be taken from the first day of the cycle, that is, from the first day of menstruation. Then the use of additional contraception will not be necessary.

If the start of use falls on the 2-5th day of menstruation, then additional means of protection must be used for at least a week. If more than 5 days have passed since the start of the menstrual cycle, then you need to wait for the next cycle.

You need to take the tablet once a day at the same time. This way we will reduce the risk of hyperovulation (the maturation of several eggs against the background of a burst of hubbub). The maximum warm-up time between tablets should not exceed 1 hour.

So, if you are not confident in your punctuality, it is better to set an alarm that will help you maintain a stable hormone level without spikes. If this happens, then you need to take the pill as soon as you remember, if this time does not exceed 24 hours.

If more than the specified time has passed, then it is better to simply continue taking the medicine, leaving the untaken tablets. In this case, additional protection in the form of a barrier contraceptive is necessary.

After finishing 21 tablets, take a week break. Your period should start at this time. After 7 days, you need to start a new pack of tablets, even if there is bleeding.

Before you stop taking it, you need to talk to your doctor about whether it’s okay to stop taking the pills at this time. After all, sometimes Regulon is prescribed for therapeutic purposes, then the duration of administration should be clearly designed.

A break on an unfinished pack of Regulon will definitely lead to bad consequences. The cycle will definitely go wrong, and it will take a long time to recover. This can lead to uterine bleeding.

  • Avoid taking pills strictly according to the plan.

The treating gynecologist draws up a regimen that is favorable for each woman. It is individual, since the purpose of prescribing the drug, the characteristics of the woman’s body, and the duration of use are taken as a basis.

After Regulon is discontinued, changes occur in the body. Since a woman’s hormonal system is accustomed to hormones coming from outside, the ovaries and adrenal glands are not particularly stressed. After all, before this they were slowed down for so long.

The delay in menstruation after discontinuation of Regulon is caused by the consequences of the restructuring. The ovaries continue to work for a certain time according to the old scheme, and in the absence of the required dose of hormones in the tablet, they are in very small quantities in the body.

Due to the lack of hormones, not only the menstrual cycle, but the entire body suffers. After discontinuation of Regulon, hair loss, dryness and brittleness are observed. Skin problems begin. It becomes less smooth and rashes often appear. The menstrual cycle may change. It may become longer or shorter. The volume of menstruation increases. The woman now loses more blood than while taking the drug.

We looked at one way of behavior of a woman’s reproductive organs, but there is a second one, which is observed more often.

After a certain period of time of control of the pituitary gland, it tries to work with the same result. Since it does not receive a response that the hormone is the right amount, the pituitary gland produces another portion of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone. And so it works all the time, but the progestin and estrogen component slow down its work.

When the block is removed, the pituitary gland continues to work with redoubled force. But now the hormones reach the ovaries, and the latter also begin to work more. Against this background, the likelihood of becoming pregnant is extremely high. It is not for nothing that hormonal contraceptives are used to treat various types of infertility.

Each woman who takes hormonal contraceptives develops her own “schedule” for the onset of menstruation over several months. For some, they start on the 3rd day after the end of treatment, for others - on the 4-5th. This is all individual and depends on the woman’s body and her hormonal levels.

A delay in menstruation is considered if 10 days have passed since the end of treatment.

Let's consider what reasons can cause a delay in menstruation:

  • Pregnancy due to non-compliance with the rules for taking oral contraceptives;
  • Strict diets, sudden weight loss;
  • Severe stress;
  • Food poisoning, vomiting immediately after taking Regulon.

So, a delay can occur only when hormonal levels change: due to pregnancy or a disruption in the level and ratio of hormones due to neurological disorders or redistribution of hormones in the body.

Most often, pregnancy occurs due to non-compliance with contraceptives. Even without skipping pills, but only with taking them at different times of the day, hyperovulation can occur, then 1 egg will be released on time, and the other may be released at the end of menstruation without covering with hormones and quietly fertilized.

One of the insidious factors is food poisoning. Even when taking pills normally, minute by minute, vomiting can play a cruel joke. The tablet leaves the body without dissolving in the stomach and without being absorbed into the blood.

This can happen if less than 40 minutes have passed from taking the hormone to vomiting. Then the woman does not even mean that she missed taking a contraceptive and needs to additionally protect herself with condoms.

Severe stress can very rarely affect hormonal levels when taking contraceptives, but it is possible. Nervous breakdowns can change the amount of hormones released into the blood.

Sudden weight loss and strict diets cause a redistribution of estrogens in the body, because adipose tissue is a depot of female hormones and their producer. Due to lack of weight and fatty tissue, periods may stop altogether.

The reasons for a delay in menstruation after discontinuation of the drug may be the following:

  • Withdrawal syndrome . As described above, the hormonal system begins to work in double mode, since previously additional work was spent fighting suppression. With increased levels of hormones, pregnancy is more likely than with normal levels of hormones.
  • Accidental pregnancy . Lack of systematic use can cause a hormonal surge and hyperovulation, which is described above.
  • Amenorrhea . The risk group includes young girls and premenopausal women. The number of such women does not exceed 3%. Regulon, like any hormonal drug, can cause this, but the likelihood is extremely low. Such a pathology can be caused by disturbances in the endocrine or hormonal systems of the body.
  • Pathological functioning of the ovaries or thyroid gland . Delayed menstruation can be caused by polycystic ovary syndrome or uterine cyst.
  • Oncological diseases. Regulon reduces the risk of cancer, but does not completely eliminate the possibility. There are hormone-dependent forms of cancer. If the gynecologist did not notice or special research methods were not carried out, then there is a possibility that Regulon will even help the tumor grow, since it grows from the production of hormones.
  • Urogenital infections. Regulon protects against unwanted pregnancy when taken correctly, but it does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases. If you are not confident in your partner, then it is better to use barrier contraceptives.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Syphilis.
  • HIV.
  • Hepatitis B, C.

If your period has not started 10 days after taking the entire package of Regulon, you should consult a gynecologist.

Before this, you can do a pregnancy test. If it turns out to be positive, do not worry that taking the pills may somehow harm the baby. Regulon will not affect the development of the fetus.

At an appointment with a gynecologist, the doctor will determine the reason for the absence of menstruation and prescribe treatment. To do this, the following research methods will help him:

  • Taking an anamnesis - a detailed question about sexual life, time of taking Regulon, systematicity of taking and daily fluctuations between pills taken. It is necessary to provide information about your sexual partners and the likelihood of infection with various diseases.
  • Objective examination - the doctor will conduct an obstetric examination. So he can determine the signs of pregnancy by the consistency, color of the cervix, and the size of its pharynx. Can palpate ovarian cysts, take smears for flora culture, and determine tumor markers.
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system - will be informative for determining pathological processes of the uterus, ovaries - cancer, polycystic disease, cystoma, uterine fibroids. Also, if there is a possibility of pregnancy, it will help confirm or refute it.
  • A blood test to determine hormones - this method will help the doctor determine amenorrhea, determine the goal and course of therapy.
  • Additional examinations aimed at identifying extragenital pathology that can cause problems with cyclicity and the appearance of menstruation.

So, there are enough reasons for a delay in menstruation. You need to stop taking Regulon strictly according to the plan, then the likelihood of complications will decrease. And yet, taking the drug will not pass without a trace. After stopping oral contraceptives, prepare for changes in your body, mood, and deterioration in the condition of your skin and hair. But if taken correctly and without deviations, the menstrual cycle will be restored within a few months.


So these doctors went with their hormones. Nature knows best.

they called me for my period like this: 10 days Duphaston 2 tablets, then you stop taking them, after a few days your period comes

Somehow you took up this issue too early. If you breastfed for up to 4 months, then little time has passed to restore the cycle.

I brewed elecampane root a couple of times, they came in a day or two)) but if suddenly you are pregnant, then it can cause a miscarriage. And of course it’s best to see a doctor))

When I had a delay in M, the doctor recommended that I take vitamin E... a couple of days later they came... then I called them a couple more times (when I needed it for a vacation)

I had 10 DZs in February, then a week of diarrhea, in March they didn’t come at all, I took hCG tests and I’m still doing them and it doesn’t matter, I can only see the doctor on the 15th.

This, of course, is not a method for you, but after I drank alcohol, they came the next morning.

I remember you eat ascorbine and they come a few days earlier. Chamomile tea, warm baths, and I remember Nastya’s sex from bay leaves

Wow, this is the first time I’ve heard about ascarbinus - I always eat it in huge quantities (more than in the photo) and they’ve never come before in months

Same story! Constant delays.

This is due to the endometrium. The body is waiting for it to grow to the required size in order to come out. But it doesn’t grow with you. That's all! You need to look for the reason. Either Progesterone or Prolactin. Drink Cyclodinone, it is completely harmless, almost like a herbal dietary supplement. It will help the endometrium and M. will begin on about 2-5 days of use.

Girls, please tell us about vitamin E? how to take it to get your period... I’ve been taking cyclovita for 3 packs already, it hasn’t helped me because my cycle fluctuates, hormone tests are always different, they said to achieve some kind of stability then take it... and the results are distorted... I think I should drink cyclodinone, but I’m still in thought. Anyone who has had experience in normalizing the cycle, please write after the cancellation, ok, it has been jumping for a year now. And it’s strange that 2 months go by with a difference of 29-35 days and then 2 months they are gone, it’s just a pattern, according to the tests everything seems to be normal, but they say they are probably distorted for me.

While you still have time, start drinking vitamin E. It is for phase 2 and helps start your period. it helps me! And so they prescribed me Duphaston.

Take a hemostatic tablet. Then the cycle may fail

No way. It’s too late to drink OK, because it was necessary earlier to build the cycle

You should consult your gynecologist about this issue.

I’m a week late this month... Take vitamins with vitamin E or just vitamin E. This method won’t cause it quickly, of course, but my cycle is normal

Call? No way. There may be a failure due to the weather, hormones, seasonal changes

Are there any hormonal imbalances? Is endocrinology ok? Is everything clear on the ultrasound? Are there any adhesions or inflammation either?

if the problem is with inflammatory processes, then there is a folk method. Before eating on an empty stomach, drink two glasses of chamomile decoction in one gulp. I myself have done this more than once, if I knew that I had a cold, my period came on the same day. if the reason is different, it will not help

Better go to the doctor, he will take a look at you. You never know why they don’t break through.

Are you sure that you had exactly these in November, maybe it was lochia? For me it took 2 months, and intermittently. And many people get their periods after a year, for me the first two come at 6, with the third at 10. So check it out.

go to the gynecologist - get an ultrasound and hormones.

You need to see a doctor with these questions

Only consult a doctor

Duphaston 10 days. if they come earlier, then stop

when there was no m, sex helped))))

Medications to change your cycle for a week

The most effective method for getting your period earlier than usual is taking medication. However, it is extremely undesirable to prescribe pills for yourself or take them on the recommendation of friends. Make an appointment with your doctor and discuss this issue with him. But the doctor may insist on the dangers of medications and refusal of them. Be careful, any drug has its contraindications and side effects. How to induce menstruation ahead of schedule with medications? Here is a description of a couple of effective drugs.

Duphaston tablets

Duphaston belongs to the group of drugs called gestagens that help induce menstruation ahead of schedule. Progestogens mean steroid hormones that are produced in the female body in the ovaries and adrenal glands. The therapeutic effect is achieved without disruption of menstrual function and suppression of ovulation.

  • Ingredients: dydrogesterone, hypromellose, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.
  • Indications: infertility caused by luteal insufficiency; endometriosis; secondary amenorrhea; premenstrual syndrome; habitual or threatened miscarriage; dysfunctional uterine bleeding; irregular periods; in hormone replacement therapy.
  • Application: in case of irregular periods, 10 mg is prescribed orally twice a day from 11 to 25 days in the cycle.
  • Cost: from 550 rub.

The drug Postinor

​Postinor is a hormonal postcoital contraceptive for internal use. It helps to induce menstruation before it is due. The drug has strong antiestrogenic and gestagenic properties, and is capable of suppressing fertilization and ovulation if sexual intercourse was performed in the preovulatory phase. In most cases, Postinor helps prevent unwanted pregnancy by inducing menstruation before the due date.

  • Ingredients: levonorgestrel, talc, corn starch, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicone, lactose monohydrate, potato starch.
  • Indications: emergency postcoital contraception if the method of contraception used is unreliable or sexual intercourse was not protected.
  • Application: after sexual intercourse, it is recommended to take a dose of 750 mg for two days; after 12 hours, the recommended dosage is taken again. If vomiting begins within two hours after taking it, repeat the use. It is allowed to take no more than two 750 mg tablets per course.
  • Cost: from 247 rub.

Drugs to change your cycle

Hormonal medications will help you quickly induce your period before a vacation or on the eve of a holiday. The choice of remedy remains with the doctor.

What a specialist can recommend:

1) Duphaston – does not suppress ovulation. Premature bleeding is provoked due to the increased production of steroid hormones. The active substance of the drug is dydrogesterone, an analogue of progesterone.

Duphaston treats irregular periods, secondary amenorrhea, DUB, infertility and prevents miscarriage. For irregular periods, tablets are taken 2 times a day, 10 mg. The recommended period is from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. If Duphaston is used to induce menstruation, they will begin on the 3rd day after taking the first pills.

2) Postinor is a hormonal emergency contraception. The package contains two small tablets with pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties.

Folk remedies

​Traditional medicine has several methods that ​induce menstruation ahead of schedule. However, their effectiveness is not too high; you should not place high hopes on folk recipes. Recommended dosages should not be exceeded. Folk remedies, like medications, can pose a great danger to the body. How to get your period ahead of schedule using folk methods? Methods such as using onion skins, ginger, bay leaves or soda baths will help you.

Onion peel

​If the delay in menstruation is not due to pregnancy, then onion peel will help ​induce menstruation ahead of schedule. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the peel from 1 onion and boil for 25 minutes. Strain and cool the broth. To induce menstruation earlier than usual, drink a decoction of the husk on an empty stomach in the morning, one and a half glasses. The other side of the coin is that it can cause severe bleeding. If this happens, call an ambulance immediately.

Bay leaf

​Bay leaf, which can be found in any housewife’s kitchen cabinet, provokes the onset of uterine contractions and ​causes menstruation ahead of time. Remember that during pregnancy this method causes prolonged and very intense pain, but does not cause miscarriage. To prepare the product, boil 1 pack of bay leaves in 400 ml of boiling water for 7 minutes. Leave the decoction for 3 hours. Divide the entire volume of the resulting bay leaf decoction over two days. Drink equal portions of each part during the day before meals to induce menstruation ahead of schedule.


Ginger helps to induce menstruation ahead of schedule. A normal reaction after drinking a ginger drink is a hot flash, but if you experience nausea, this may indicate pregnancy. In this case, you should consult a doctor to provide qualified assistance. You should not overdo it with ginger; in large quantities it will harm you. Pour 1 tsp. dry ground ginger 1 cup boiling water. It should be left for 20 minutes. To induce your period ahead of schedule, drink 1-2 cups of this infusion a day.

Ways to speed up menstruation

In order for menstruation to come earlier, girls resort to medications and folk recipes. And there are also ways to induce menstruation through stress or creating conditions that promote abundant blood flow to the genitals.


There are no special medications in medicine that are aimed at premature menstruation. But there are drugs whose side effects include a premature zero phase in the menstrual cycle.

Typically, these drugs are intended for emergency contraception. These oral contraceptives may not be safe if used carelessly.


Duphaston helps speed up the onset of menstruation. This is a histogenic drug, that is, it works with the help of hormones that are also produced in the woman’s body. The drug acts in such a way that it does not suppress the natural course of menstruation and the onset of ovulation.

This drug is prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • Infertility;
  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • If you need to speed up menstruation;
  • As hormonal therapy.

The cost of the drug starts from 550 rubles or more. You need to take it 10 mg twice a day. The medication is taken during a special period of the menstrual cycle, namely between the 11th and 25th day.


Postinor is a hormonal oral contraceptive. It can help speed up the onset of your period. It acts gently without causing harm to women's health.

The drug is able to prevent the fertilization of the egg, the period of ovulation.

The drug is used for rapid contraception after sexual intercourse without a condom. I use it for 2 days after sex. And also if there was vomiting after taking the contraceptive, then the dose is repeated.

The cost of the drug starts from 250 rubles or more.


How to get your period a couple of days earlyQuite often, girls use Norkolut tablets to speed up the onset of menstruation.
It contains a component that copies the hormone gestagen. Quite often, with a lack of this hormone, there is a delay in menstruation.

The medicine is prescribed by a doctor. To speed up the process, it is enough to take 2 tablets a day , after which you stop taking it for one week.

And also stop taking it if menstruation begins in the first days after using the pills.


Periods may be delayed due to constant stress. Due to the fact that the body is often exposed to stressful situations, hormones cease to be produced in the required quantities.

To restore hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle, the drug Utrozhestan is used.

It should be taken 4 days before and after ovulation .

Before taking the above medications, you should consult with your doctor and carefully study the attached instructions.

Traditional methods

Previously, there were no oral contraceptives and ways to induce menstruation using folk remedies were developed. They are not very effective, but sometimes the effect is observed. It is necessary to strictly follow the recipe. Traditional medicine can cause great harm to health if you go too far with the proportions.

The most popular folk recipes:

  • Onion husks. Onion peels can be used if the delay in menstruation is not caused by pregnancy. It can induce menstruation. It is necessary to remove the peel of a large onion and add two glasses of hot water. Let it brew for half an hour. The resulting decoction must be filtered and drunk immediately after waking up. If the bleeding is too heavy, you should consult a doctor.
  • Bay leaf. The good thing about this method is that the main ingredient is in everyday use of any housewife. Bay leaf can help induce menstruation as it can induce contractions in the uterus. This method is not suitable for pregnant women; its use will cause prolonged abdominal pain. In this case, a miscarriage will not occur. A pack of bay leaves must be boiled in half a liter of water over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave the seasoning to infuse for three hours in a warm place. Take half a glass before meals during the day.
  • Ginger. Ginger helps to quickly induce menstruation due to the body's reaction to its consumption. A rush of blood and heat contribute to the rapid onset of menstruation. You can brew ginger or eat it just like that, cut into thin slices. It is not recommended to consume a lot of ginger. If nausea or vomiting occurs after eating ginger, this may indicate pregnancy. In this case, you must contact a medical facility. Pour a glass of boiling water over ground ginger and let it brew for an hour. For premature menstruation, it is recommended to drink two cups a day.
  • Hot baths with iodine and salt. Baths with iodine and salt can induce menstruation. You can add a small amount of chamomile infusion to your bath. The bathtub must be filled with water not exceeding 37 degrees. In a separate container, mix 100 grams of salt and 10 ml of iodine with water. Pour the resulting mixture into the bath and take it for a quarter of an hour. To speed up the results, you can exercise before taking a bath.
  • Ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid can cause menstruation ahead of schedule if consumed in large quantities. And it is also recommended to steam your feet well after taking ascorbic acid. To induce menstruation ahead of schedule, it is necessary to inject about 20 cc of ascorbic acid solution intravenously. It is necessary that the injection is given by a person trained in this matter. You should not try to give an intravenous injection yourself.
  • Fennel decoction. Steam two tablespoons of herb with half a liter of hot water. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Take 100 grams twice a day .
  • Parsley. Pour boiling water over parsley seeds and leave for 4 hours in a warm place. Take a standard glass 1 time per day. It will be better if you eat parsley just like that, and prepare dishes with plenty of fresh parsley. Dill is used with parsley.
  • Anise infusion. Boil the dried anise for 5 minutes. Let the broth brew for two hours. 50 ml half an hour before meals If vomiting or nausea occurs after taking the decoction, stop taking it.
  • Oregano infusion. Pour three tablespoons of oregano into half a liter of boiling water and leave for two hours. Take two spoons strictly after meals three times a day.
  • Gladiolus candle. A small diameter cylinder is cut out of a gladiolus bulb and inserted into the vagina. Usually your period comes within 2 hours . This method is dangerous because the suppository can go deep into the vagina and you will need medical help to get it out. A tied string, like a tampon, will help avoid this.
  • Hot bath and sauna. The method should be used in the absence of pregnancy and hypertension. It is worth understanding that the bath must be really hot and you need to sit in it for half an hour. This will help blood flow to the genitals. After taking a bath, for the onset of menstruation, you need to have sex with a regular partner. The chance of getting your period earlier will increase. If you do not have a regular sexual partner, you can take a hot bath before exercising.

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Traditional methods are good because they can be used at home without a prescription from a gynecologist. You should not think that methods for calling your period ahead of schedule are absolutely safe. It is necessary to protect yourself as much as possible from possible consequences.

Non-drug methods

Non-medicinal methods of causing the premature onset of the zero phase of the menstrual cycle include stressful situations for the body. If you engage in active sports for a long time, your period may begin.

With frequent sexual intercourse, periods always come on time, since sex helps restore hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle begins to work like clockwork.

Should you induce your period during pregnancy?

A delay in menstruation can occur in the event of an unwanted pregnancy. A woman tries to induce menstruation at any cost, but does not think about the consequences. Doctors say it's a home abortion. Particles of the fertilized egg may remain in the uterine cavity, provoking the development of severe inflammation. If the consequences are not treated, the woman may remain infertile. Also, calling your period earlier during pregnancy provokes heavy bleeding. In such cases, the woman may require surgery.

Feedback on the results

Daria “I once had an embarrassment during intercourse - the condom broke. The next morning I bought a package of Postinor and drank it according to the instructions. After this, I was not found to be pregnant, and there were no major disruptions to my periods.” Katya “To induce menstruation in advance before the vacation, I took hot baths with iodine several times. Personally, it helped me, but not the first time. I didn’t worry about this problem during my vacation.” Alexandra “I took Duphaston once to induce my period earlier than it was supposed to come. The drug worked, but over the next few months my cycle was a little off. Later everything worked out on its own.”

How to induce your period

When thinking about whether it is possible to induce menstruation ahead of schedule, you need to understand that it is quite easy to disrupt the established cycle. It turns out to be very difficult to bring it back to normal. Therefore, before shifting the timing of menstruation, you need to evaluate how important such actions are in each individual case. Perhaps this is just a fleeting desire - and you can do without intruding into the menstrual cycle.

To avoid unwanted complications, you need to consult a doctor and, together with him, choose the appropriate option for calling your critical days. To ensure they arrive early, you can use medications and effective folk remedies.

Abuse of actions aimed at ensuring that menstruation begins in advance is strongly discouraged. Doctors allow the use of menstruation stimulants no more than twice a year (for example, during vacation).

How to speed up the start of your period?

It is very difficult to speed up your period even by a few days in the natural menstrual cycle. It is impossible to determine exactly when and which parts of the hormonal chain to influence to provoke the onset of menstruation. Folk recipes for provoking menstruation include a decoction of onion peels, parsley, a sauna or hot bath, as well as physical activity. There is no scientific evidence for these methods and there never will be.

The situation is easier if a woman takes any hormonal gynecological drugs:

  • How can I speed up my period by a few days if a woman is taking combined contraceptive pills (COCs)?
    In this case, planned discontinuation of the drug can be done a few days earlier. For example, if you are taking 21-day contraceptives, cancellation can be done 5-7 days earlier. And when taking 28-day tablets, you can stop taking the drug 7-10 days before the last tablet. The next package should be started 7 days after discontinuation and in the new cycle, additional barrier methods of contraception should be taken for the first 7 days. After such early withdrawal, you can also take a break from taking medications for a while and use another method of protection.
  • When taking pure progestin contraceptives such as mini-pills, you can provoke the onset of menstruation when you stop taking the pills.
    Typically, mini-pills are taken in 28 tablets without interruption, but you can stop the medication approximately 5-6 days before the desired start of menstruation. The next pack should be started on the first day of menstrual bleeding and for the first 7 days of taking the contraceptive from the new package, additionally use a barrier method of protection (condom).
  • When taking gestagen drugs to regulate the menstrual cycle, for example, Duphaston, you can also cancel it a few days earlier.
    If in the standard regimen gestagens are taken from the 16th to 25th day of the cycle, then to speed up menstruation by several days, you can cancel it on the 20th day. In this case, the regimen for taking the next package should be calculated from the onset of menstruation after discontinuation of the drug.

It is important to understand that such “tricks” are absolutely not regulated for these drugs. Therefore, the consequences of such actions can be unpredictable: bleeding, disruption of the menstrual cycle, unplanned pregnancy. Such methods of premature drug withdrawal should not be used regularly.

Is it possible to speed up the end of menstruation if it has already begun?

If menstruation does not start on time, there are several ways to shorten it.

  1. Avoid overheating: hot baths, saunas, baths.
  2. Try not to take vasodilators and antispasmodics: No-shpu, Papaverine, Spazmalgon, Magnesia.
  3. On the eve of menstruation, take medications that strengthen the vascular wall, for example, Ascorutin, for a week.
  4. A decoction of nettle or shepherd's purse. These plants are sold in dried form at any pharmacy. To obtain a decoction, you need to pour half a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of raw material and let it brew for 30 minutes. Take the infusion one tablespoon at a time for 2-4 days.
  5. Water pepper extract is an excellent hemostatic agent in gynecology. The mechanism of action is based on contraction of the uterus and compression of its blood vessels. This alcohol extract can also be purchased at any pharmacy. The drug is taken 1 teaspoon three times a day for 3-4 days.
  6. Etamsylate or Dicinone. These tablets are classified as general hemostatic agents. You need to take Etamzilat 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3 days.

Drugs to induce menstruation

Among the drugs that cause menstruation a week ahead of schedule (for example, before a vacation), there are hormonal and non-hormonal ones. It is possible to stimulate the arrival of regulators by taking large doses of vitamins E, C and A. It should be borne in mind that such actions will lead to excessive saturation with these substances, which in turn has a negative effect on the body.

The safest way to approach the onset of menstruation is available to those women who regularly take oral contraceptives. A few days after their discontinuation, bleeding appears.

Emergency contraception is used to stimulate menstruation. Their purpose is to prevent pregnancy, and the main side effect is the arrival of menstrual periods. In this case, the following pills are used to induce menstruation:

These medications should be taken under strict medical supervision. This is due to the fact that they can significantly disrupt hormonal levels.

Progesterone-based medications are used to increase regulation. The process of ovulation directly depends on this hormone; when its concentration decreases, bleeding appears. The drugs Progesterone, Femoston, Utrozhestan, Pregnin and Duphaston will be effective.

Menstrual cycle

Your period comes at a certain time every time. This period is called the menstrual cycle. So, girls get their periods every 27-35 days.

Every girl has her own cycle. The regularity of the cycle, that is, when menstruation comes at an equal interval each time, shows that the ovaries are working correctly.

It's important to keep track of your cycle so that your period doesn't come as a surprise.

Cycle mechanism

The menstrual cycle is divided into several stages.

Stages of the menstrual cycle:

  • Follicular cycle. Under the influence of hormones, the egg in the follicle begins to mature. The follicle begins to increase in size. It increases fivefold. For women, the duration of this cycle is different. The cycle lasts 11-18 days.
  • Ovulation. As the follicle grows, it is pressed into the wall of the ovary and it becomes thinner. At this point, the mature follicle ruptures, and the egg enters the abdominal cavity. This is how ovulation occurs. The period of ovulation is considered the most favorable for conceiving a child; the chance of getting pregnant increases several times. The onset of ovulation can be calculated by subtracting two weeks from the start date of menstruation. The resulting date will be the day of ovulation.
  • Corpus luteum phase. Ovulation will end and a corpus luteum will form in place of the mature follicle. It produces hormones that stimulate the uterus to prepare for a possible pregnancy. The stage lasts for two weeks. If conception is successful, the corpus luteum secretes hormones before the placenta forms. If not, it turns into scar tissue and stops producing hormones.
  • Zero phase . The moment of the beginning of menstruation. Fertilization has not occurred, the endometrium is rejected and the blood vessels that feed it are damaged.

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Possible consequences of changing the cycle

Before speeding up your menstruation, you need to think about the consequences of this action. Some of the consequences can be negative for a woman’s body.

The following consequences are possible:

  • The appearance of anemia. If your cycle is disrupted, you may experience heavy bleeding once or twice a month.
  • Hematometra . After a premature menstruation, the next cycle may not begin due to blood that accumulates in the uterus.
  • Inability to have children.

It is worth paying attention to the side effects of drugs that are used to change the timing of menstruation. For this purpose, oral contraceptives are used.

Causes of delayed menstruation

Nowadays, women quite often face the problem of irregular periods or cycle delays. The fact is that the cycle runs its course thanks to hormones.

And now there are quite a few factors that can significantly change hormonal levels. These include frequent stress and the environment. As soon as the hormonal background changes, shifts in the menstrual cycle occur.

And also a delay in menstruation can be due to the following reasons:

  • Hereditary phenomenon;
  • The presence of inflammatory processes or infections of the genital organs;
  • Defects in the functioning of the ovaries;
  • Trauma to the reproductive system, recent abortion, surgery;
  • Stress;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Physical activity, like fitness;
  • Weight loss due to dieting or weight loss for another reason;
  • Obesity;
  • Acclimatization during climate change;
  • Changes in time zones;
  • Delay is a natural phenomenon during the first menstruation;
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • Increased background radiation;
  • Imminent menopause;
  • Chemical poisoning;
  • Presence of pregnancy;
  • Recent birth;
  • Taking emergency contraceptives;

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help speed up menstruation. There are many ways to induce your period, including herbal remedies that induce your period. With their help, it will be possible to make adjustments to the menstrual cycle relatively safely.

Chamomile decoction

You can induce your period earlier with chamomile using one of the recipes. To do this, pour 100 grams of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water and simmer on the stove for just a few minutes. Next, the liquid is infused, filtered and taken 100 ml immediately after waking up and before going to bed. After the appearance of menstrual bleeding, stop using the decoction.

Decoction of bay leaves

This drink is considered one of the most effective menstrual inducers. Thanks to its use, critical days come after a day. It is believed that taking bay leaf decoctions is relatively safe for the body.

Folk recipes

To stimulate menstruation, you can use recipes using various natural ingredients. However, not all of these formulations guarantee the onset of menstruation within 5 days or less. Directly depending on the characteristics of a particular organism, they may have no effect at all.

An extraordinary way that will help induce menstruation earlier than expected is to use a candle made from a gladiolus bulb.

A candle is cut out of the flower tuber, similar to a pharmaceutical preparation for vaginal administration. Injected for 3-4 hours, menstruation can occur within half a day.

Onion and ginger

A proven and simple remedy that will help to urgently induce critical periods at home is onion peel. The method has been used since ancient times and is suitable for stimulating menstruation, the delay of which did not occur as a result of pregnancy.

Prepare a decoction from a spoonful of husks and 0.5 liters of water. This mixture should be boiled for no more than 15 minutes, and 300 ml should be taken strained in the morning.

If you have never used this method, start with a dose of 100 ml, as the husk causes heavy bleeding.

Ginger root is known for its stimulating effect, increasing blood circulation. If you drink tea brewed from 1 tsp. grated product and a glass of boiling water, a feeling of heat will immediately occur. Take 3 cups a day, and menstruation begins on the 3-4th day.


Before artificially inducing the onset of menstruation, you need to assess all the risks associated with these actions. Intervention in the menstrual cycle leads to disruption of the normal rhythm of processes occurring in the body. The premature appearance of regula will inevitably affect the state of the reproductive and hormonal systems.

The consequences may be as follows:

  • cycle failure;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • a significant increase in the volume of blood lost;
  • infertility.

In addition, before calling, they find out the reason for the absence of menstruation.

First of all, a possible pregnancy is excluded. All products that can affect the menstrual cycle have a negative impact on the female body and the fetus developing in it. Such manipulations can lead to irreversible consequences.

You can bring the timing of the arrival of the regulus closer with the help of medications and folk remedies. All of them are effective, but unsafe. Their use is allowed only in exceptional cases and only after consulting a doctor. In addition, you can adjust the arrival of menstruation in this way no more than once every six months. Regular changes in your normal cycle can lead to serious complications.

Is it possible to shift the date of the onset of menstruation?

The timing of menstruation depends on the functioning of the hormonal system of our body. But there are times when the appearance of menstruation is extremely undesirable.

For example, they may coincide with the day of an important event in life, vacation and other occasions. At such moments, you begin to think and look for answers to the question of how to get your period ahead of schedule before going on vacation?

Today there are several methods known how this can be done, which the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful” will tell you about. But it is always undesirable to interfere with the functioning of the hormonal system of the female body. So before you take this step, think about whether you really need to postpone your period?

Hormonal drugs

You can delay the onset of menstruation using hormonal medications or folk methods.

Let's talk about some drugs that can upset the balance between the levels of estrogen and progesterone - hormones that change their ratio at different stages of the menstrual cycle. It is on this principle that the formula of all hormonal drugs is based. Therefore, the easiest way is to induce a different date for the onset of menstruation before a vacation or other event with hormonal drugs designed to normalize hormone levels. These include:

  • contraceptives (OK and COC);
  • hemostatic.


Having understood the principle of the effect of contraceptives on the body, you can understand how to use them to delay the onset of menstruation for at least a week during the holidays.

Let us remind you that drugs of this group are taken strictly according to the scheme: monophasic ones begin to be taken on the first day when menstruation occurs, and stop taking them for a week when menstruation occurs. If you don’t take a break for a week, but immediately start a new course, then your period will not come on time.

In this way, you can delay and cause the onset of your period later by at least a week or even a whole cycle. This is the simplest and most popular way to delay the onset of menstruation using COCs during the holidays.

  • If you have a three-phase drug, where taking the tablets is divided into cycles, then you need to skip one phase and immediately start taking those that are intended for the third phase. But! In this case, by delaying the onset of your period before going on vacation, you will gain the ability to conceive a child - you will need to look for ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.

It is important to understand that with the help of medications, the main purpose of which is to protect against unwanted pregnancy, you can delay the onset of menstruation only if they have not yet begun.

Once menstruation has already begun, there is no way you can stop it.

  • The most popular drugs include Jess Plus, Regulon, Utrozhestan, Norkolut, etc.

Cycle Features

Before you try to induce your period before your upcoming vacation, you need to understand the mechanism of action of this natural cycle. The countdown of menstruation begins on the first day of its onset and ends on the last day before the onset of the process. Nature has placed a similar mechanism in the female body as a preparatory stage important for pregnancy.

The whole process is aimed at preparing the body for gestation and implantation of the egg in the body of the uterus. During menstruation, the endometrium of the organ constantly changes its structure from thin to thickened and soft. And, if conception does not occur, by the 4th week of the cycle the body begins to destroy the loose endometrium.

It is this that is excreted along with the blood during the natural renewal of the uterus. However, this whole process is impossible or does not proceed correctly if the woman’s hormonal state is not in order.

It is on the principle of controlling hormone levels that the method of influencing the menstrual cycle is built.

Hormones are produced under the control of the endocrine system - the most important thyroid gland, adrenal gland system, hypothalamus and pancreas. And it is simply impossible to interfere with this delicate life process without certain consequences.


Reviews from those who induced menstruation with contraceptives ahead of schedule before going on vacation talk about a guaranteed result.

  • With Norkolut, I shifted the start of menstruation a couple of times by 3, sometimes 4 days - I called another date that did not coincide with the vacation. To do this, I started drinking them before the start of my period, 1 tablet 4 days before my period. I would like to note that I don’t use contraceptives and bought Norkolut precisely in order to call them later than the due date, and they did not coincide with the holiday. Monica.
  • I’ll write right away that I under no circumstances recommend using this method often. But, indeed, there are cases when it is really necessary for you not to have your period these days, for them to come earlier or later. My husband is a gynecologist. Sometimes he and I practice this exact method when we go somewhere on vacation. Buy a Nuvaring ring. You insert it inside, and 100% of your period will not come. You can use this method to shift your cycle and cause your period to start on another day. In this case, Nuvaring will be the best salvation during the holidays, but just don’t overuse it! Nikki.

Side effect

“It would seem, well, if I delay my period a couple of times, what harm could it do to my body?” You may avoid serious consequences, but troubles are not excluded:

  • The cycle can be disrupted for several months if you very often call for periods early or late.
  • It is not recommended to use these methods for those who smoke, as well as for women over the age of 40. Already at this age, hormonal levels begin to adjust and prepare for menopause. We talked about how hormonal drugs (HRT), which are recommended to be taken before the onset of menopause, affect the female body here.
  • Those who suffer from heart disease or thrombosis should not take oral medications to induce earlier or shift menstruation.

Perhaps traditional methods will help you. They, of course, are not as effective as those that we described above, but you can try to use them to induce menstruation at a different time: earlier or later.

What is not recommended to use to speed up the onset of menstruation

There are many recommendations on what can be done to speed up menstruation or cause it to start if it is delayed. Most of them are quite effective and can really help in the current situation. However, some methods are completely untrue and, on the contrary, can even be harmful to health. For example, you need to think carefully before following the following:

It is necessary to remember well that using seemingly harmless methods, you can not only speed up your periods, but also cause harm to your body. Traditional methods are good and quite effective, but in everything it is better to follow a sense of proportion.

Regular periods have always been considered an indicator of a woman's health. But in the life of a modern woman there are situations when it is necessary to change the menstrual cycle. For example, speed up your periods before a vacation, an important business trip or a date. Is it possible to do this?


On the forums you will find reviews from those who were able to induce menstruation ahead of schedule before vacation and postpone the onset of unwanted menstruation on these days. This is mainly done with the help of hormonal drugs, but there are also reviews that talk about folk methods.

  • Lemon. Some claim that if you intensively take lemons 3-4 days before this day, then you can, if you do not delay the onset of your period by several days during the holidays, then significantly reduce their abundance.
  • For the same purpose, some advise drinking heavily ascorbic acid (1 g per day). To induce a different date of menstruation, you need to start drinking ascorbic acid 7-10 days before the start of menstruation. On the forums they say that this method helps to shift the onset of menstruation by 2 days. But do not forget that if you have stomach problems, then this method will not suit you.
  • Some people advise taking a decoction of nettle or parsley the day before. These plants can delay the onset of menstruation.
  • But chamomile can cause its onset earlier.
  • You can also induce menstruation ahead of schedule with a decoction of onion peel. The broth should be dark brown in color. You need to drink 2 glasses a day with breaks. Your period will come early, usually the next day.
  • And there is one good piece of advice on how not to delay the start date of your periods, but to significantly reduce their duration. The author of the recipe assures that they will go away in one day. All you need to do: buy a herb called “shepherd’s purse”, brew it (2 spoons per glass of boiling water), let it sit for half an hour, after wrapping it in a towel, strain and drink 3 times on the first day of your period. They will end early.

As you can see, there are several methods to get your period before a vacation or other event on another day, but it is important to be aware of all the risks. Remember that even if you delay your period for a few days before a long-awaited and promising vacation, you will interfere with the smooth functioning of the hormonal system. It is not difficult to destroy it, but it can be difficult to restore it.

So think about it, is it so important to manipulate the body before going on vacation in order to deal with the possible consequences later?

Medicines to stimulate menstruation

Drugs that can be divided into 2 groups will help induce menstruation: hormonal and non-hormonal. Non-hormonal methods of stimulating menstruation usually include taking heavy doses of vitamin A, C or E, but hypervitaminosis, which they can lead to, does not bring anything good for the body.

The safest way from a health point of view to stimulate the rapid onset of menstruation is available to women who regularly take oral contraceptives.

If a girl suddenly stops taking the pills, then within a few days menstruation may begin. But this method of stimulation also does not give 100% results, although it disrupts the cycle in a certain way.

Emergency contraception

As such, there is no means to quickly get your period, but using powerful emergency contraceptive pills can speed up the process. They are created mainly to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the earliest stages. The main side effect of all these medications is premature onset of menstruation, but you should remember all the nuances of their use:

  • emergency contraceptive medications contain shock doses of hormonal substances, so they should not be taken without consulting a doctor;

It is undesirable to use all these remedies without strict supervision by a doctor, as they introduce a strong imbalance in a woman’s hormonal system. But they are almost 100% confident in achieving their goal—calling their period ahead of schedule before going on vacation.

Progesterone-based products

The hormone progesterone is responsible for the production of yellow cells by the ovaries, which are responsible for the entire ovulation process. It maintains the possibility of pregnancy, but if the hormone level drops, menstruation occurs. With the help of oral contraceptives this goal is achieved.

Hormones can cause early onset of menstruation (about 7 days before the normal period). But such an action cannot be performed without the involvement of a doctor.

To achieve their goals, drugs with progesterone are often used: Femostin, Norkolut, Pregnin, Progesterone, Utrozhestan and Duphaston. There are also homeopathic analogues (“Pulsatilla”, “Graphites”, “Tsimitsifuga”).

When choosing a medicinal or traditional method of stimulating menstruation, think about whether you want to deal with the possible consequences of such an intervention in the body. And isn’t it worth waiting out a few days of vacation, sacrificing them, but maintaining your health?

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