How to make your daughter the main tenant?

when can you conceive a girl table

The birth of a long-awaited and desired baby is a great joy for the whole family. And if this is the first child in the family, then, in principle, it makes no difference what gender it will be. However, many couples, having one or two children, want the next child of a certain gender. And there's nothing wrong with that. It is better to ask in advance how this can be accomplished and conceive a child of the gender that this particular couple would like. Some people really want a son, while others are interested in having a daughter. There are many options and calculation systems, methods, calendars and tables for conceiving a child. In this article we will talk about how to conceive a girl according to the table. There are also several such tables. There are Chinese and Japanese ovulation tables. However, you need to understand that none of these methods gives a 100% guarantee that you will have a girl. But the chances of getting the desired result are still high.

How to find out when ovulation?

The most accurate way to calculate ovulation is to measure your basal temperature. It is necessary to measure it over several cycles in order to then create a table and see exactly when this process occurs for you. You need to measure the temperature with a regular thermometer in the rectum. This needs to be done every day, without exception, at the same time, always immediately after waking up (you don’t need to get out of bed before that). It is advisable to start this study from the very beginning of the cycle, which means on the first day of menstruation. The cycle is divided into two phases: before and after ovulation. Temperature readings will help you figure out exactly when ovulation occurred.

how to conceive a girl table 2014

In the first phase the temperature should be lower than in the second. The closer “day X” is, the more it will drop, then there will be a sharp jump up (this will be ovulation), then the temperature will rise and in case of pregnancy should not fall. In order to find out when you can conceive a girl, the table must be compiled correctly.

Japanese table

This method was developed by Japanese scientists. In order to find out how to conceive a girl, the 2014 table was also compiled by them. To answer this question, you just need to know the month of birth of the future father and mother.

how to conceive a girl ovulation chart

The table is very simple and understandable, in the “mom’s date of birth” column you need to select your month, the same applies to the column for dad. At the intersection of the column and row there will be a number that you need to remember and find in the second table. There you can see in which month there is a probability of conceiving a child of one gender or another. Therefore, the question of how to conceive a girl according to the table developed in Japan is not worth it at all. Everything is very clear.

What should you do to conceive a girl?

Among the many different methods offered by gynecologists today, the most promising is the method of calculating ovulation or, as it is also called, calculating menstrual cyclicity. With this method, it is possible to calculate the girl with a 90% guarantee. Although the risk of another 10% still remains, and whether you hope for it or not is, of course, up to you to decide. It is worth not forgetting that no one will give you a complete and 100 percent guarantee, since it is impossible to deceive nature in any case.

However, in order for a girl to be born with a greater probability, you will have to draw up a schedule based on your cycle and, following it, create your desired masterpiece. In addition, any gynecologist, when you contact us, will tell you in detail about the conception of a girl according to the ovulation calendar, you just have to ask.

Chinese table

Month of conception
Mother's ageJan.Feb.MarchApr.MayJuneJulyAug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.

Another answer to the question of how to conceive a girl is a Chinese table that has been helping people achieve the desired result for thousands of years. This is one of the oldest methods for determining the sex of an unborn child. The creators of this method claimed that its accuracy is 98%. You can find out the sex of the child already during pregnancy or plan it in advance. The Chinese believe that the sex of the child depends entirely on the mother, and calculations are made taking into account only the girl’s age and month of conception. However, calculating a girl’s age using this method differs from the usual one. One more year must be added to the actual age, since in China age is calculated not from the day of birth, but from the day a person was conceived. And the child who has just been born is already 10 months old. This is a very important point, so you need to carefully consider your age, otherwise the results will not be accurate. Another very important moment is the beginning of the first month of the year. It changes depending on the date of Chinese New Year. This date is different every year. In 2013 it was February 10, in 2014 it was January 31, and in 2020 it will be February 19. The table has 2 columns: horizontal and vertical. The horizontal one contains numbers indicating the months according to the Chinese calendar, and the vertical one shows the girl’s age at the time of conception. And at the intersection of these values ​​there are cells with colors indicating the gender of the child. This method is also very simple if you understand the calendar and age. In this way, you can see when and how to conceive a girl. A table whose reviews inspire confidence can really help with this.

Other methods

In addition to the above, there are many more ways to plan the sex of a child. There is no exact data on their reliability. However, if the desire to become parents of a lovely daughter is great, it would be useful to try all possible methods.

So, how to give birth to a girl? There is an opinion that a special diet helps in this matter. So, several months before the conception of the little princess, it is advisable to limit the consumption of salt, sugar and meat. It is recommended that the expectant mother’s food be enriched with calcium and magnesium. A woman’s diet should be dominated by foods such as milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits (with the exception of bananas and peaches), boiled fish, and rice. It is believed that such a diet allows you to create an environment inside the body of the expectant mother that is conducive to the life of “girlish” sperm. But opponents of this method of sex planning argue that the intention to create a deficiency of some substances and an excess of others on the eve of pregnancy is not beneficial for the health of the unborn baby.

Since ancient times, all kinds of “counting tables” have come down to us, allowing us to plan the gender of the unborn child. So, for example, if a woman is of an even number of years, then she can conceive a daughter only in even months of the year, and vice versa. Or another option is to add the mother’s age at the time of conception and the serial number of the month of conception. If the number turns out to be even, a daughter will be born, if the number is odd, a son will be born. Such methods belong to the category of folk signs - their accuracy is low, and sometimes the “counting tables” generally contradict each other.

At all times, parents have tried to influence the choice of the child's gender. What seemingly absurd things did future mothers do to get their long-awaited daughter - sprinkled sugar on the windowsills at midnight, put a ribbon under the pillow, waited for hot weather... Today, women have even more methods in their arsenal to plan the desired gender of the child. However, we should not forget that you cannot argue with Nature. None of the known methods gives a 100% guarantee. And even if a son appears in the family instead of a daughter, this should under no circumstances be a reason for disappointment. Every child is a miracle and a gift of fate.

Blood renewal

It has been proven that the blood of any person must be completely renewed at a certain time. This period is different for men and women. A man's blood is completely renewed every 4 years. The countdown begins from birth, but if during your life there were operations or injuries that were accompanied by large blood loss, then you need to count down from that moment. This also applies to women, in addition to operations and injuries, childbirth and abortion are also accompanied by blood loss, therefore, if they occurred, they must be counted from that period. It is believed that in females, blood renewal occurs once every 3 years. The point of this theory is to calculate which of the future parents has younger and stronger blood. There is an opinion that if the mother’s blood is younger, then there will be a girl, and if the father’s blood is younger, then the child will be a boy.

Ways to conceive a girl

However, in different cultures and even in modern practice, methods of planning the desired gender are known.

The more rational ones are based on the menstrual cycle and days of ovulation.

By day of ovulation

The method of planning a baby of the desired gender based on the day of ovulation has a certain scientific basis. It is believed that sperm with an X chromosome are not as mobile, but survive more easily in the acidic environment of the vagina. Cells with a Y chromosome (male) are more mobile, but die faster.

It is advisable to have sex a few days before ovulation, so that more durable sperm with the female chromosome remain in the woman’s genital tract, and all male sperm die. Therefore, the ideal period for conceiving a girl is 1-4 days before ovulation. This is the average lifespan of a sperm cell in the female genital tract.

Attention! There is no guarantee that this method will work. Many women have an unstable menstrual cycle, and ovulation may occur earlier or later than expected.

This video tells you how to calculate the expected day of ovulation, and when to take active steps to conceive the desired girl:

How to calculate

It is necessary to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle. The average cycle is 28 days, and the duration of bleeding is 3-5 days. The beginning of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle - from 11 to 15 days after the start of menstruation.

For the birth of a daughter, sexual intimacy between spouses must occur four days before the expected release of the egg, i.e. 8-12 days after the start of menstruation. For example, your period started on August 10th. The probable release of the egg from the ovary occurs on August 21-25. Therefore, you can conceive a daughter from August 18 to 21.

According to the "youth" of blood

On the Internet there is a description of a method of planning a son or daughter using the so-called “youth of blood”. It is believed that blood tends to renew itself: in men once every 4 years, in women - once every 3 years. The gender of the one whose blood turns out to be “younger” at the time of fertilization will determine the gender of the heir.

For example, the father’s age is 28 years, the mother’s is 24 years old. Simple arithmetic will allow you to calculate that a man has gone through 7 renewal cycles, and a woman – 8. That is. the mother’s blood turns out to be “younger” than the father’s blood, and they will have a daughter.

By blood types and Rh factors

Some people claim that it is easy to calculate the sex of the planned baby based on the blood type of the parents. There are even different tables and online calculators that compare the groups and rhesus of parents.

What this method is based on is not fully known. Some sources say that it was invented by a close associate of the soothsayer Vanga, who for many years collected prediction statistics and compared the blood types of parents.

In practice, this method does not stand up to criticism. After all, many married couples already have both sons and daughters, including opposite-sex twins. According to the logic of this method, all parents should give birth to either sons or daughters.

According to the lunar calendar

It is believed that the female menstrual and lunar cycles are connected. The moon stays in one zodiac sign for approximately one day.

Astrologers divide all zodiac constellations into male and female:

  • Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius are masculine signs;
  • Female signs belong to the elements of Water and Earth: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

The nature of the sign in which the Moon is located at the time of sexual intercourse will theoretically determine the gender of the unborn baby.

In practice, this method also does not work. After all, both boys and girls are born every day, despite the current moon sign.

Chinese calendar

The Chinese suggest using a table comparing the woman’s age and the month in which conception occurred. Gender is indicated at the intersection of rows and columns. For example, if the mother is 20 years old at the time of pregnancy planning, and fertilization occurred in February, then the gender of the baby, according to the table, will be male. A 24-year-old woman who decided to conceive a baby in May will give birth to a daughter.

Instructions on how to conceive a girl

Despite the fact that the Beijing Institute of Science guarantees 97% reliability of this method, it does not work for all parents. Again, according to the theory of probability, either a son or a daughter can always be born. If the baby's gender matches the values ​​in the table, this is a statistical coincidence.

Japanese tables

The Japanese method of choosing gender using a table is similar to the Chinese one, but more complex. First you need to find the woman's birth month and compare it with the man's birth month. There is a number at the crosshairs of the columns and rows. It must be compared with the month of conception in the second table.

This method allows for statistical variability. For example, if the expectant mother was born in February, and the father was born in October, then at the intersection of the column and row in the first table we get the number 10. We correlate it with conception in March. From the second table we see that at the intersection of columns and rows there is the same probability of having both a son and a daughter.

Vinegar douching

There is another method of influencing the gender of the planned baby using vaginal douching, which must be done before sex. It is believed that sperm carrying the Y chromosome (male) do not survive in the acidic environment of the vagina, while sex cells with the X chromosome (female) respond poorly to an alkaline environment, but feel better in an acidic environment.

Therefore, if you wash your vagina with an acidic solution, you will increase the likelihood of having a daughter, because... There should be more female sperm remaining than male sperm. The solution recipe is as follows: 2 tablespoons of acetic acid per 1 liter of boiled water.

Attention! This method of sex planning not only does not justify itself, but also carries a health risk. Disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina after douching is fraught with the development of thrush and increases the likelihood of a bacterial vaginal infection.

Poses to help conceive a daughter

The idea that the position of a man and a woman during sex affects the gender of the baby is quite ancient. But if you turn to science and logic, it becomes clear that nothing depends on this. The position of the bodies of future parents during sex does not in any way affect which sperm gets to the egg first.

According to some eastern ideas (India, China), the dominant position of a woman during sexual intercourse contributes to the birth of a girl. And vice versa: if a man plays the leading role during intercourse, then this increases the likelihood of having a boy.

Therefore, to conceive a daughter, you need to choose the following positions:

  1. The woman is on top facing her partner (the so-called cowgirl).
  2. The woman is on top with her back to her partner (reverse cowgirl).

The partner can transfer her body weight to her knees or squat.

Attention! Some doctors claim that the reverse cowgirl position increases the likelihood of conception in principle, especially if the partner has a curved uterus.

There is another interpretation of the method of planning the baby’s gender by choosing a pose. Male sperm (containing a Y chromosome) are more mobile and reach their target much faster. With deep penetration, ejaculation occurs directly near the cervix, and fast male sperm usually outstrips slow female ones.

But if they have to travel a greater distance, this leads to the death of most of the germ cells with the Y chromosome. The less mobile, but more tenacious X chromosome has a greater chance of connecting with the egg. Therefore, to give birth to a girl, you need to choose a position that provides relatively shallow penetration (missionary, on your side facing each other, “spoons”).

Moon calendar

This method also has its supporters. Some people believe that the birth of a child is associated with the lunar phases, and conception is no exception. You can conceive a girl when the moon passes through a female sign. This happens approximately every 2.5 days.

how to conceive a girl chinese table

In any case, no matter what method you choose, you should not hope for a 100% result, so as not to be upset if you give birth to a boy. The birth of a child is the greatest and long-awaited happiness in life, therefore, no matter who is born to you, a gentle daughter or a courageous son, the main thing is that the baby is healthy.

Conception according to Shettles

This method is based on the activity and vitality of sperm with X and Y chromosomes. It is important to know exactly a woman’s menstrual cycle. Scientist Landrum Shettles found that X chromosomes are more active and mobile, maintaining their vital functions from 3 to 5 days. Whereas Y chromosomes are less viable and die faster.

To conceive a girl, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation. It turns out that the tenacious X chromosomes will lie low waiting for the follicle to rupture and the release of the egg, and the Y chromosomes will die by the time of ovulation. 9 months after fertilization, the long-awaited girl will be born.[2]

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