Toxicosis during pregnancy. Why does it occur and how to deal with it?

One of the most unpleasant conditions of a pregnant woman is toxicosis (preeclampsia). Characterized by many symptoms, it can appear from the first days of pregnancy and continue until childbirth.

Depending on the period of occurrence, toxicosis during pregnancy can be early, observed in most women in the first trimester and passing by the beginning or middle of the second, or late, called “preeclampsia”, common in the second or third trimesters, and they differ in clinical course .

It has not yet been precisely established what provokes the development of toxicosis, but it is known that most often it affects pregnant women with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract, as well as those who smoke during pregnancy or are constantly under stress . Women usually associate nausea, vomiting, nervousness and increased fatigue with pregnancy, which is why they are not considered signs of pathological toxicosis, which, in turn, requires treatment.

What happens to a pregnant woman’s body during toxicosis?

After conception, a period of adaptation of the expectant mother’s body to its new state begins, accompanied by dysfunction of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, metabolic disorders, etc. As soon as the pregnancy ends, the body begins to return to normal, and until then it can react differently to the presence of the fetus, including toxicosis, that is, poisoning by metabolic products that enter the bloodstream due to its development.

Toxicosis during pregnancy is expressed in frequent nausea, severe attacks of which usually occur in the morning and are often accompanied by excessive salivation and vomiting. The general well-being of the pregnant woman worsens, her mood deteriorates for no reason, apathy is felt, followed by irritation, sleep becomes short-lived and not deep, which leaves the woman feeling tired. The result of toxicosis is a sharp weight loss; in its complex forms there is dermatosis, tetany, acute icteric liver atrophy, osteomalacia, and exacerbation of bronchial asthma. In most cases, by the 16th week of pregnancy, the general condition of the body improves, since at this time the hormonal levels stabilize, and the formed placenta keeps all harmful substances inside.

Premature birth

Why is this happening? Childbirth between 28 and 37 weeks of pregnancy is considered premature. According to statistics, every tenth birth begins prematurely. Problems provoked by: smoking (including passive smoking), poor nutrition, stress, physical fatigue, twins, uterine pathologies, acute infectious or severe chronic diseases.

How to suspect? Symptoms of preterm labor include more than just uterine contractions, a dull ache in the lower back, pressure in the pelvis or hips, intestinal cramps, or a sudden increase or change in discharge. There is also a symptom - “a feeling that something is wrong.” This should be decisive in order to call an ambulance.

How is it diagnosed? In the maternity hospital, where the pregnant woman is hospitalized, based on the results of the examination (including ultrasound).

How are they treated? Premature labor, in which the cervix has not dilated more than 2 cm, can often be stopped. But for the rest of the pregnancy (up to 36–37 weeks), you will most likely have to stay in the maternity hospital or at home and take antispasmodics. Every day is precious, because the older a child is at birth, the greater his chances for life and health. If labor cannot be stopped, they are, of course, accepted. Yes, premature babies have a hard time in the first days, weeks and months of their lives; they are not yet ready to be born. But modern medicine works wonders, and doctors are doing everything to save even 500-gram babies born in the 26th week of pregnancy.

How to deal with toxicosis?

If toxicosis during pregnancy is not severe, then you can fight it at home , creating an atmosphere of calm around yourself and using a specially selected diet and folk remedies. When you wake up, it is not advisable to immediately get out of bed; it is better to drink a glass of still water, maybe with lemon, this will ease the discomfort and relieve an attack of nausea.

In case of toxicosis, food should be light, but at the same time nutritious, and it should be taken in small portions every two to three hours. The stomach should not be empty, otherwise the nausea will only intensify. Your daily diet should include foods containing B vitamins that can reduce toxicosis: stewed meat, fish, eggs, fruits (orange, tangerine, lemon, apple, avocado) and vegetables (peas, lentils, beans), as well as nuts and legumes, unleavened dairy-free porridges. It is better not to eat fried meat, pickles and marinades, chocolate and other difficult-to-digest foods.

All food should be warm, not hot, and preferably taken without sitting. Snacking on salted nuts, citrus fruits, dried fruits and cumin seeds can help reduce nausea, as can chewing these foods regularly, and ginger has anti-emetic properties and can be added to tea.

You need to drink a lot of fluid to avoid dehydration after vomiting, let it be warm water, cranberry juice, freshly squeezed juice, infusion of rose hips, chamomile, calendula, yarrow and valerian, which stop the spasm.

A proven folk remedy for toxicosis is mint, which also helps to calm down. Based on it, you can make medicinal infusions and drink at least three tablespoons up to six times a day; they will also help with salivation. Fresh indoor air also helps reduce toxicosis, since many odors provoke nausea or a gag reflex in pregnant women.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency

Why is this happening? Normally, the cervix is ​​tightly closed throughout pregnancy. But it happens that she cannot cope with the load - and begins to open up. This happens if a woman has already had damage to the cervix with scar formation (for example, due to abortion, diagnostic curettage, difficult childbirth). Hormones can also “mischief”: at 16–27 weeks, due to an excess of male sex hormones androgens (which both expectant mothers have and begin to produce in the fetus), the cervix may begin to shorten, soften and open.

How to suspect? Almost nothing: the tone of the uterus may be normal, and a woman, if she does not visit the doctor regularly, may not know that a problem is brewing inside her.

How is it diagnosed? During examination on a chair or ultrasound. During the examination, the length of the cervix and the condition of the internal os are measured using a vaginal sensor. A cervical length of less than 2 cm and a diameter of the internal os of more than 1 cm are considered ultrasound signs of ICI.

How are they treated? In case of endocrine disorders, they try to adjust the level of hormones, sometimes this stabilizes the condition. In case of traumatic ICI (or if treatment does not produce results), a suture is surgically placed on the cervix under intravenous general anesthesia. The expectant mother will have to take medications that reduce the tone of the uterus, sanitize the vagina, take smears for flora, and go to the doctor for examination once every two weeks. At 37 weeks, the suture is removed - nothing else interferes with the birth.

The level of modern medicine, new technologies and materials, accumulated experience allow doctors to work miracles every day - when a pregnancy that was literally hanging on by a thread ends in the birth of a healthy baby.

How to treat toxicosis during pregnancy?

If toxicosis is accompanied by significant weight loss, increased body temperature, incessant vomiting, causes nervous breakdowns and other adverse effects, you need to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe appropriate drug treatment. It is important to assess the condition of the pregnant woman and the risk to the health of the fetus from the use of drugs.

Treatment is usually carried out with cerucal, hofitol, limontar, cocculin, essentiale forte, and activated carbon. Such medicines are of plant origin and are generally harmless. Cerucal can completely relieve a pregnant woman of toxicosis, but can increase the tone of the uterus, so it should be taken with caution. Hofitol reduces urea content, is a choleretic and antioxidant agent, but is contraindicated in women with liver disease. Limontar normalizes metabolic processes and increases appetite. Cocculin is a homeopathic medicine that improves the general condition of a pregnant woman and relieves attacks of nausea and vomiting. Essentiale Forte restores body cells damaged by toxicosis. Activated carbon is not absorbed and relieves toxicosis. The methods of taking medications and their dosage are determined by the doctor.

To make it easier to tolerate toxicosis during pregnancy, you can use all the methods of combating it together, but at the same time remember about the fetus growing in the womb and try not to harm its health.

Author of the article: Tsarinnik Nonna Vladimirovna

Fetoplacental insufficiency

Why is this happening? Fetoplacental insufficiency is a global problem of the placenta, in which it cannot perform its job normally and maintain the connection between mother and baby. Typically, FPN is not an independent disease, but a companion to almost any pregnancy complication. The reasons can be either obstetric, that is, related to pregnancy, or extragenital (for example, chronic heart disease, maternal lung pathology, diabetes mellitus or uterine fibroids).

How to suspect? On your own - almost nothing. But if the doctor talks about fetal hypoxia, premature “aging” of the placenta, oligohydramnios, hormonal imbalance, rest assured that sooner or later they will talk about FPN. At least as part of prevention.

How is it diagnosed? To do this, the expectant mother often undergoes blood and urine tests, and at each appointment the doctor measures her dimensions. The doctor may suspect FPN, seeing that the expectant mother’s belly is smaller than normal for a given period, or based on the results of an ultrasound (there is too little or too much water, and the baby has an abnormal ratio between the circumference of the head and chest). A bunch of additional tests may be required: Dopplerometry, dynamic hormone analysis, biochemical blood test, hemostasiogram and others.

How are they treated? With adequate therapy and management of labor, the birth of a healthy child is possible, even if he was initially diagnosed with intrauterine growth retardation. Treatment tactics may vary, but doctors are trying to restore uteroplacental blood flow so that the baby receives everything he needs.

Modern women, while pregnant, often combine it with work or study. And this is quite possible and feasible. Only toxicosis spoils everything. And how can we continue to work in this situation?

The way to work

There is a crush on public transport during rush hour, and traffic jams on roads. And other times the situation is no better. Therefore, it is important that it does not take much time and is as comfortable as possible.

Don't worry about being late. Reconsider your attitude to the situation, you are just delaying. But excessive worries may well contribute to toxicosis.

If your journey from home to work takes a lot of time, it’s worth adapting to this and making the most of the current situation. Always politely ask to make room for you, even when your rounded belly is not yet visible. This way you will not cause stress on the veins of your legs.

You can read a book or listen to music while traveling. This will calm you down and allow time to pass faster. You can also listen to audiobooks. Or listen to the sensations in your stomach.

Even if you have a very busy schedule at work, always make time for lunch. During pregnancy, it is very important to eat on time. But in case of toxicosis, it is best to exclude all junk food: sweet soda, fast foods, sweets in large quantities. Therefore, it is better to switch to lean meat, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

Break during working hours

A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle is not good for anyone, especially pregnant women. Therefore, every hour you need to get up and do a short warm-up. This is especially important in the last months of pregnancy. You can just walk around or do a couple of special gymnastics exercises. Even just sitting back and relaxing will do. It is useful to walk the corridors of the organization. The main thing is not to carry any weights during this time.

Work and toxicosis

If a woman is used to being a leader at work and actively participating in everything, then during pregnancy it will be difficult for her to relax and begin to take care of herself. Therefore, start from the first weeks of your pregnancy by gently setting aside time to prepare for childbirth. It's good when you are valued as an employee. But right now it's more important for you to take care of yourself.

Consider which of your responsibilities you can delegate to a colleague. Don't try to work too hard. You don't need this now. If you are the head of a department or project, look for a deputy.

Many women perceive pregnancy as a step towards career degradation. Actually this is not true. Now you are in a different state and therefore you must devote more time to it.

Fighting toxicosis

There are several ways to combat toxicosis. By using them, you will ease your condition while working. If you feel nauseous, you can drink ginger tea or chew thin slices of ginger root. The smells of mint and citrus fruits, especially tangerine and lemon, also help with this. You can also drink freshly squeezed juice, especially from cabbage. It helps reduce nausea. You can eat pickled cucumbers for the same purpose. Rosehip decoction helps remove toxins from the body, which are the cause of toxicosis. Cranberry juice is a great help in the fight against vomiting and nausea.

Try to avoid strong odors. Ask your work colleagues to give up perfume. Sit down to eat separately.

Regarding medications. As a rule, they are not prescribed. It is often recommended to take vitamin B6. A sufficient dose would be 25 mg per day. If you are a supporter of homeopathy, you can consult a specialist. He will formulate a drug that is right for you.

Instead of a certificate

There are very few people who easily and happily endure the beginning of pregnancy without nausea. Most experience symptoms of toxicosis in varying degrees of severity. Surprisingly, many people are waiting for it! How else can you be 100% confident in your position? But when faced with such a condition, they ask themselves: how long does the torment last? Here are some useful tricks to help you get into the good mindset:

  • Nausea usually appears in the first trimester (7-10 weeks) and gradually goes away towards the beginning of the second. A little psychological trick: circle the approximate date on the calendar when, in your opinion, it should become easier. Self-hypnosis sometimes works wonders; this method has been tested in practice by me personally. It worked, and even a little earlier, and it was easier to endure the “rebellion of the body.”
  • Realize that everything happens for a reason - a new life lives in you, and soon you will take it into your arms.
  • Trick your brain: do something that distracts you from feeling sick and requires extreme care and precision. You won’t notice how much easier it will become (studying tedious textbooks before the session helped me).
  • Look at the women around you - your mother, sister, friends, relatives. They did it, and so can you.

And now more about how exactly.

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