Why you shouldn't be nervous in late pregnancy. How can I help myself? How do nerves affect a baby?

The influence of nerves on the condition of mother and baby

Excessive nervousness during pregnancy can provoke unpredictable consequences. It is especially dangerous to be nervous after 20 weeks.

  • Constant stress can cause fetal hypoxia, which is life-threatening for the baby.
  • Also, according to the doctor, if the expectant mother is nervous all the time, then she risks giving birth to a child with underweight or lung disease.

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  • In addition, an unstable emotional state can cause hyperactivity and anxiety in her child. Such children often suffer from sleep-wake disturbances.

This is what constant stress and worry can lead to and why pregnant women shouldn’t be nervous.

Factors that provoke increased nervousness during pregnancy

Constantly changing hormonal levels

The main factor has already been described by us: unstable hormonal levels. It is hormones that are responsible for emotions, and, consequently, for mood, and not only in pregnant women, it’s just that all this has a stronger effect on expectant mothers.

And then all that remains is to get used to the idea that the body is now pregnant, which means emotions can change, because the endocrine system is being rebuilt, and all this happens inside me while pregnant. This factor is internal.

There are, however, some reasons that can change a woman’s mood from the outside (and again, not only in pregnant women, but in them it is somehow more noticeable).


It is clear that this sensitivity itself is also an internal factor and completely hormonal-dependent, but it is provoked by weather changes: in the rain you want to cry, the wind increases anxiety, temperature changes lead to headaches and melancholy, the sunshine brings quiet happiness.

Or, on the contrary, anger: I, poor pot-bellied one, am suffering here, and this “yellow face” has come out again!

Lunar cycle

Since ancient times it has been known that the menstrual cycle is connected with the lunar cycle, because blood is a liquid, and all the ebbs and flows on earth are controlled by the moon. In pregnant women, menstruation, of course, stops, but, firstly, the body still “remembers” these cycles for approximately the entire first trimester.

And, secondly, the pregnant woman’s womb is filled with all sorts of additional fluids, such as amniotic fluid, plus the volume of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid increases, so the moon has something to control in the pregnant body. And when there are ebbs and flows inside, the mood will inevitably begin to change, if only because of changes in well-being.

Psychological atmosphere around a pregnant woman

Well, here we are talking about well-known things like the support of the child’s father, the parents of the pregnant woman, her various relatives and friends... When all this is there, the pregnant woman feels that both she and the baby are loved, there is somehow more peace of mind in her soul.

Although there are two sides to the coin here: I have more than once heard complaints from young mothers that after the birth of a child everything has changed, the husband and other relatives concentrate on the offspring, and she, the poor thing, no longer receives as much care as she did during pregnancy. So too much of a good thing is also bad.

Unexpected pregnancy

I really don’t want to mention this reason for the hysteria of the expectant mother, but, nevertheless, it exists: the pregnancy was not desired. Awareness of the “unplannedness” of one’s situation, coupled with unstable hormonal levels, increases nervousness in a pregnant woman and can lead to nervous breakdowns.

How to deal with nerves?

So, the emotional state greatly influences the formation of the future child.
And when a woman understands why she shouldn’t be nervous during pregnancy, it becomes easier for her to take care of her emotional health. Outbursts of anger and sudden mood swings are a thing of the past. And they are replaced by peace of mind and self-confidence.

To make it easier for pregnant women to endure hormonal changes, psychologists give several tips that should not be neglected.

Learn to plan.

It seems that there is less and less time left before the birth of the baby, but there is only more work to do and there is nothing to be done? Pregnant women who carefully plan their time are more likely to remain calm.

To do this, you need to concentrate and think about what you need to do before the baby is born. By making a to-do list, it will be easy for you to act according to plan without the fear that you will forget something.

Find out more about pregnancy.

In order not to be nervous during pregnancy, be interested in all its nuances. Especially if you are pregnant for the first time.

It is very useful to communicate on forums for young mothers. There you can get answers to many questions that are relevant to you.

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The experience of other women will help you understand why you are experiencing certain sensations at the moment, for what reason they are happening, and whether it is worth spending time and seeing a doctor because of them.

However, do not under any circumstances use any folk remedies or medications that have helped others without consulting a doctor!

Find support.

According to psychologists, this is the best way not to be nervous during pregnancy. Reliable support in the person of a loved one is the strongest shield that protects you from unnecessary fears and worries.

Knowing that pregnant women should not be upset, your loved one will constantly protect your peace of mind. Tell your loved one what is important to you now - this will make it easier for him to support you.

Talk to your unborn child.

Communication with your baby will help relieve stress during pregnancy. Stroking your belly and talking with your child will give both you and him the opportunity to relax.

In addition, by communicating with him, you establish a strong emotional connection between the child and the world around him. It has been proven that after birth a child recognizes lullabies that he heard while still in the stomach.

Pamper yourself.

When, if not now, should you treat yourself to your beloved? You can’t deny yourself the pleasure of getting a relaxing massage, getting a beautiful manicure or a new hairstyle.

Positive emotions from these procedures will have a beneficial effect on your psycho-emotional state. And they will give you a boost of energy.

Don't take on everything at once.

If during pregnancy you continue to live at the same pace, without giving yourself a break, naturally, you will have to be nervous.

Do only what you currently have the strength to do. Pay more attention to your favorite activities, reading and communicating with loved ones.

Eat right

One of the reasons why pregnant women feel nervous is poor nutrition. In addition, it will help control your weight.

To maintain a stable emotional state, you need to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products every day. Also, foods rich in proteins are very beneficial for pregnant women.


Carrying a child is hard work for the mother's body. Therefore, she definitely needs proper rest.

If you have a free minute, why not sleep, or just lie on the couch? Even a short rest brings noticeable benefits to both pregnant women and their children.

Positive environment.

Your emotional state can be disrupted by negative emotions and bad attitudes from people. The consequences of communicating with them cannot be called pleasant.

The hurtful words they say and the increased sensitivity during pregnancy can lead to deep stress. Therefore, choose your environment very selectively and limit communication with people who are unpleasant to you.

Nervousness in early pregnancy

Nervous breakdowns and crying for insignificant reasons are observed in many women during their first pregnancy. The main reason for emotional agitation is changes in the body that are unusual for the patient. The first trimester of pregnancy is a treacherous and difficult time. The expectant mother may be plagued by signs of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting).

Almost all women at this time are worried about weakness and increased sensitivity to odors. If a woman has hidden infections or chronic diseases, pregnancy will expose all the weak points of the body. Against the backdrop of deteriorating health, any external irritant (intrusive advice from relatives, remark from a boss) can cause an outburst of anger in a pregnant woman.

Symptoms of hysteria in early pregnancy:

  • sobbing;
  • scream;
  • active gestures;
  • pallor.

Scream and tears

Some ladies, while crying hysterically, try to throw a plate or other object at the wall. An alarming signal from the nervous system is convulsions in a pregnant woman.

When a woman screams and sobs, the amount of oxygen in her blood decreases. As a result, the embryo experiences oxygen starvation.

Prolonged hypoxia can cause defects in the development of organs of the unborn baby.

Ways to regain calm

If anger and resentment make you take it out on your husband and relatives, do not escalate the situation. For a woman who has a difficult relationship with her husband, a psychologist may recommend a change of scenery.

To prevent a woman’s sobbing from turning into a hysterical faint, doctors advise her to do the following in difficult situations:

  • drink a glass of cool water;
  • wash your face with cool water, moisten your face and neck;
  • balance your breathing: when tears are choking, take 10–20 deep breaths, exhaling, imagine that all the negativity comes out and dissipates in space;
  • count to 50;
  • roll a round object (ball of thread, ball) on your palm for several minutes.

Psychologists advise pregnant women to avoid watching sad films, as well as reading books containing scenes of violence.

Imbalance of the nervous system is often observed in women with low levels of B vitamins. The gynecologist will prescribe you a vitamin complex, which includes vitamins B1, B6 and other valuable substances.

Why are women aggressive during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, too violent expression of emotions and excessive irritability, bordering on aggression, are often found in pregnant women. Moreover, this condition is considered “normal”. After all, everything puts pressure on a woman:

  1. The reactions of her own nervous system in response to hormonal surges. Changes in progesterone and estrogen levels affect the functioning of brain neurotransmitters. The result is sudden mood swings and anxiety.
  2. Physiological changes in the body and their external symptoms: weight gain, heartburn, nausea, constipation, pain in the legs and lower back.
  3. The need to live as usual, despite the “special” situation. Problems at work, illnesses of loved ones and everyday troubles affect a woman’s mental state, depress her and cause anger.
  4. Stress and overwork.
  5. Inflated demands from others and the pregnant woman on herself.
  6. Taboo on negative emotions. There are instructions that pregnant women should always smile, not get angry or offended, because this can harm the child. But in reality, all attempts to suppress anger or resentment only result in even greater aggression.
  7. Doubts about the husband's ability to become a good father. Already during pregnancy, a woman subconsciously feels like a mother, while a man realizes his new status only after the baby is born.
  8. Fear of pain during childbirth, death of the woman herself and her child.
  9. Lack of a full sex life, loss of libido.
  10. A feeling of uncontrollable fear and complete helplessness. Some scientists associate this with so-called “genetic memory.” In ancient times, women and their babies were threatened by wild animals, the elements, and other dangers. Despite the fact that this problem is not relevant today, the expectant mother intuitively reacts sharply to even the slightest threats.
  11. Feeling of injustice. All the “delights” of pregnancy fall on the woman, and not on her partner. Toxicosis, fatigue, drowsiness and, most importantly, abandonment of the usual active lifestyle do not add joy, resulting in self-pity and an aggressive attitude towards others.

How to avoid a nervous breakdown during pregnancy

Of course, everyone already knows that nerves have a bad effect on a baby. But what to do, how to avoid various stresses, when in such a state there is so often a desire to cry, scream and make a scandal.

There are two ways out of this situation - medications and activities that can distract. Only a doctor can prescribe any medication for a pregnant woman. Since both drugs of chemical origin and herbal origin have side reactions that can adversely affect the health of the mother and, of course, the child. Doctors usually recommend taking medications such as Persen, tableted valerian, and Magne B6.

You can also sign up for courses where women prepare for the upcoming birth, where you can talk, make new acquaintances, which will provide an excellent mood and psychological relief.

Another great option is to sign up for gymnastics designed specifically for this period at. Moderate physical activity is a very good prevention of nervousness. This will help eliminate the nerves and prepare the pelvic muscles for the upcoming action - childbirth.

Many experts recommend that pregnant women stock up on paints and brushes. If something is bothering you, try drawing it. Think carefully about which drawing can best reflect your condition. Try to draw all the small details - it doesn’t matter what the result is, a painting or just an abstraction. If your nervousness still doesn’t go away, just burn the paper with the design. This method of psychology will help you get rid of bad premonitions and thoughts.

Another recommended method for getting rid of nervousness is meditation. Set aside some time each day during the day to simply be quiet. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and watch your own thoughts. Listen to your own breathing and feel the warmth of your body. 5-8 minutes a day is enough.

This procedure will help you realize how much of our attention is spent on finding the answers that actually exist within ourselves. Perhaps many experiences will not seem significant to you at all.

The course of pregnancy, or rather how a woman will feel emotionally during this important period, is greatly influenced by her relationship with her partner.

Often, it is during the period of waiting for a baby that a woman begins to have doubts about the feelings of her lover. Talk calmly with your husband, explain to him your condition and experiences. No need to throw a tantrum, talk calmly. Tell him that you need his support, that his care and understanding are especially important to you now.

Every woman, probably, since growing up, has heard at least once that it is strictly not recommended to be nervous during pregnancy. After all, during this period of life you are connected with the baby as closely as never before; his condition also depends on your condition, and directly. Many scientists confirm that you shouldn’t be nervous, it’s quite dangerous, you don’t want to harm the child, do you?

I get nervous and cry a lot during pregnancy

Hi all. Honestly, I don’t know which category to include the question that’s tormenting me, but this is the first time I’m writing on such forums... Well, I just don’t have the strength…. the situation is this... At the moment I am pregnant (29 weeks) and have a 2.3 year old daughter. My husband and I have been married for 5 years, before that we lived together for about 5 more years (in general, it’s been a long time) I’m 28, my husband is 31. The problem is that my husband stopped understanding, supporting, reassuring me, and all that kind of stuff. He thinks that I don’t do anything around the house and in general…. he says, why are you tired... my daily routine is something like this: I woke up with my daughter at 8-9, according to the plan, breakfast, cleaning, loading the laundry, loading the dishwasher, preparing lunch, then I go for a walk with the child for 3 hours, then lunch, nap (I don’t always go to bed) flood afternoon snack, games, from 6 pm to 9 we walk, water treatments, eat, get ready for bed. And sleep. By the evening, I no longer have the strength to do anything around the house, especially as always, bend over, straighten up, and my stomach is already big... I get tired every day, I’m on my feet every day, and my husband doesn’t help with anything... I ask you to go for a walk with the child in the evening, he tells me, go yourself, either I’m tired, or I went for a walk today..... in general, when my husband comes home from work, he plays tanks and drinks. He also eats without leaving the computer, if the fight is not successful, he can yell hysterically, and then I get offended... He spends time with the child only when they communicate via video with his mother-in-law. And the way he spends it, he talks, she runs around him, spins, etc. , well, maybe sometimes I’ll give her a bath if I ask and walk around the house. They’ve already eaten. In general, my first pregnancy was easier for me, but I had it in the winter, but here it’s all summer, it’s stuffy here, I feel bad often, I tell him about it and he doesn’t care.. I always cry silently, the child sees everything, the mother comes up and speaks don’t cry, she feels sorry for me, she says how little I am, how much she loves me, even my mother says let’s sit, she takes my hand, we go and sit down. It feels like the child understands more than the husband. Maybe I’m asking a lot from my husband, of course, although I want him to just ask how I’m feeling, how the day went, hug me, reassure me if necessary. And then instead of not even crying, he says why are you whining.... Well, my first problem is the one that weighs me down, the second one, for me, is more serious... it’s the Mother-in-law.... During my first pregnancy, she arrived before the birth and stayed with us for 3 months after. At that moment, I still didn’t know what I was going to face. She climbed everywhere, told me where and how I should store the pads, what I should, what I shouldn’t... gave her old advice on caring for and raising a child, and if I was silent without conflicts, I do it my way, then demonstratively showed how she was not happy and threw the caps in the trash for everyone to see…. She didn’t even advise, but rather tried to impose her own. this was after in July she tried to dress it for her child, saying that it was right and necessary, and the child was freaking out because of this hat and I saw it. I stood under the door in the morning, I open my eyes, she says sleep, sleep, I look at my granddaughter. The child will cry in the middle of the night, she will run, no matter whether my husband or I are dressed or not. The child was diagnosed with staphylococcus, lactose deficiency, and at 3 months we also began to suffer from teeth. I tell my husband I need to see an experienced gastrointestinal specialist, my mother heard me and says there’s no need to go anywhere, oh my, you don’t need to take any medications, let alone an ultrasound... just drink dill and that’s it. In general, I made an appointment with the doctor myself, confronted my husband with the fact, and the doctor confirmed everything to me. There were a lot of different situations, I somehow left the house, I was shaking, I didn’t want to go home, but I understood that my baby should be there…. So the mother-in-law, even at the slightest opportunity, runs to her son and complains, well, I’m like Olechka’s mother with kindness, but she doesn’t hear me, my husband gets angry and we still quarrel. I started talking to her, she says, by and large, I came to my son. Well, yes, with her own rules and all that... she washed her baby, prepared food, then she shows how tired she is, and I haven’t even been back from the maternity hospital for a week, my husband comes up to me and says why mom is doing everything and you’re lying there.... Mom came to wash the floors and cook food... by the way, I’m after the CS. She will start frying the pies, but she can’t stand at the stove for a long time, so who should do this... so I fried the pies, although I wanted to sleep next to the baby, I can’t put my daughter with me, I don’t breastfeed like that, I don’t do frying like that, in general, everything is not as she would like... in general, it only gave me more work, not rest.... My milk eventually disappeared, I was always crying, freaking out, my daughter too... and she manipulated the fact that she was tired, she’s a mother, she’s older, how come they don’t listen to her and she had cancer many years ago and constantly says that she should be nervous It’s impossible, she feels bad, and stuff like that. Now she’s asking for it again and doesn’t understand, or pretends that she doesn’t understand and they can’t cope here without her... how hard it was for me, and I don’t want her to go, my husband puts all the conversations with my mother on me (shifts the responsibility so as not to upset my mother by saying no), then he says send my granddaughter to me. I tell my husband, well, of course, send a 2-year-old 9000 km away, it’s not to the village... in general, someone tell me, maybe I’ve really become somehow wrong and inadequate. But all this has been gnawing at me throughout my entire pregnancy and I am afraid of her arrival like fire. I’m afraid of my nerves, that the milk will disappear again, that it will begin to re-educate my child and my husband and I will cease to be an authority on her. To make it clear, she raised her son alone without a husband, then they moved in with her parents and lived with them all their lives, but I have no one, I grew up in an orphanage, I was always used to doing everything myself without relying on anyone.

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