Stomach burns during early pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations and pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are quite common.

There are many reasons and not all of them are related to the pregnancy itself.

Normally, discomfort in the lower abdomen is quite natural and is associated with the growth and stretching of the uterus.

If you feel increasing and constant pain, then this is a reason to be wary. Let's look at the most common causes of pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by three types of reasons:

  • physiological pain that does not require treatment;
  • pathological course of pregnancy;
  • other diseases not related to expecting a child.

Physiological reasons

Most often, the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy due to stretching of the walls of the uterus. This pain can be called physiological. She does not require treatment.

When the fertilized egg implants, usually on the 10th day of ovulation, some women may feel a twinge of pain in the lower abdomen. It goes away in about a day.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, sensations may resemble tingling in the lower abdomen.

Only a small number of women note that from the very beginning of pregnancy their lower abdomen feels tight. This pain is not severe and not cramping, which distinguishes it from the pain syndrome associated with a threatened miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Starting from the third month, the uterus extends beyond the upper border of the pelvis. As a result, the ligaments that secure the uterus begin to stretch.

A sprain can cause a woman to experience bouts of sharp pain in the groin area on both sides. The pain goes away with rest and intensifies with movement.

This condition also does not require treatment and should not be a concern.

In later stages, compression of the bladder by the uterus can cause discomfort. In this case, a pulling or sharp pain appears below, radiating to the perineum. Goes away after the bladder is emptied.

Hot in the stomach

July 21, 01:22

Hot in the stomach

Girls. what is it.. sometimes it feels hot in the stomach. and as if something warm was flowing there. not in the lower abdomen, but above the navel. Strange feeling... Continue reading →

Heat in the lower abdomen

Girls, I’m lying here and I feel like my stomach is burning from below, hot to the touch, much warmer than my whole body. What could it be? Continue reading →

Belly is hot...

The stomach is hot... It starts to ache like before M.... I don’t want to think that this is a flight………

After all, there were so many signs and all to no avail?? ((((But I still hope, I believe, I KNOW that a BABY lives inside me. Today my husband and I bought three more children’s things!!! I don’t believe in omens, I know that everything will be fine!!!!! Our baby, we are waiting for you!!! Show yourself to mom and dad as soon as possible!!!! Read more →

The belly is really growing! photo, week 19. Egypt.

18 full weeks, I realized in the morning that my stomach had grown and it couldn’t be pulled in or removed. Continue reading →

And yet the signs...

Girls, after ovulation, the stomach usually swells and bakes, the breasts also swell, but there is no pain as such. Actually, the question is: during your pregnant cycle, was your stomach still hot?? And how do breasts behave before and during pregnancy???))) Read more →

Discharge after a hot shower

Good afternoon At 11 dpo I took a fairly hot shower and found a few drops of blood on the pad, no further discharge.

Yesterday, at 14 dpo, I took a not very hot shower and for a short time, and again immediately after the shower there was light brown discharge and then again nothing. I stretched my lower abdomen a little and drank no-shpa. TT was 37.2, I was sneezing, my nose was a little stuffy. Your period should start tomorrow.

Is it possible that these are signs of pregnancy? Thank you. I don’t want to do the test so as not to get upset again... Read more →

6 dpo 21 dc.

The chest hurts very slightly, a little very very slightly hot like M and also aches in the lower back. Yesterday there was a pain in the lower abdomen slightly like M. Possibly a sign of B? I feel that it’s not B. Just PMS!? Continue reading →

Please calm down. ..

Damn, I'm stupid. .. it was so hot today, we arrived at the dacha and decided to sunbathe a little. By evening, my stomach is red (but not hot) and my head is full of worries. I smeared it with depanthenol. Did I harm the baby??? The panic just begins (((Please calm me down... Continue reading →

new sensations

strange movements appeared 1 the baby seemed to be trembling 2 as if an electric shock was hitting the stomach from the inside 3 just the other day it appeared as if there were hot drinks and the throat felt hot, the same current in the stomach, who has or has had this? Continue reading →

Electrophoresis with magnesium.

Girls, who has had electrophoresis with magnesium? For tone? When I had it done today, they put a hot bandage on my stomach with these wires. So, isn’t this hot on the stomach harmful during pregnancy? Continue reading →


Girls, one more question.
Maybe someone has this? This is the second day I have noticed that my lower abdomen is hot. In general, compared to the general body of the caps. What would it be? Continue reading →
Poured hot tea over my stomach

I'm having troubles again. I was drinking hot tea and accidentally spilled a little on my stomach. I read a lot on the Internet again, about birthmarks, etc. Tell me, maybe someone had something. How's the baby? Continue reading →

The further you go, the smarter you go... poured hot tea on your stomach... or how the evening went wrong...

..and in general, last night somehow didn’t go well.. Girls, I’m sharing my sadness the last few days and I’ve been feeling so stressed (my weight is growing upward, my husband is avoiding me, I seem like a penguin to myself), although I’m invigorated with all my might.

And outwardly it didn’t seem to get any worse, and it was even so funny when in the store a man tried to get acquainted (the video fur coat hid my surprise)... and last night the apogee of all this happened: I poured boiling water over my tummy, so much so that it burned..

Of course, I immediately anointed everyone and sprinkled them, but the burn... Read more →

Is a hot navel normal towards the end of pregnancy?

Do you also have a navel and the skin near it is hotter than the belly itself in the last stages? The skin has become so stretched that it seems to have become numb, but so far there are no stretch marks. How are your bellies? Continue reading →

11 dpo

Hmmm...TT 37.3-37.4, all hot, stomach and lower back are pulled, breasts are full, normal, it hurts when pressed. Today is 11 dpo, BT dropped by 0.1, I took the test at 9 dpo, even at an angle and in super-duper darkness there is nothing! Today I did it... well, at least the reagent came out... from 9dpo it’s still just as clear... so I’m thinking of giving up hope, right? Continue reading →

Hot belly!

Hello girls! Last night I noticed that my stomach was VERY hot! Has anyone had this happen? We are planning the 2nd cycle, now it’s 9 DC, in the first cycle the periods passed quickly, it poured for 3 days, on the 4th it a little anointed and that’s all (usually the periods lasted 4-5 days). Continue reading →

2 dpp

It pulls in the lower abdomen, especially the left side, and radiates to the leg. During the day there were a couple of shots, something suspiciously stabbed. Everything is hot below the waist... My chest doesn't hurt, I don't have a fever. God help me


Obstetric pain

There are types of pain that should cause concern because they indicate that the course of pregnancy is disrupted.

In this case, this is an ominous sign that warns of a possible spontaneous termination of pregnancy or its incorrect dislocation.

Threat of miscarriage

The highest percentage of spontaneous miscarriages occurs before 12 weeks. It is preceded by characteristic signs that you need to be aware of, since if measures are taken, then in some cases the process can be stopped and the child can be saved.

Signs in the early stages:

The fact that a miscarriage cannot be prevented is evidenced by increasing and incessant bleeding, while the blood turns scarlet.

Increased uterine tone can also precede a miscarriage. A woman may notice that her stomach feels hard to the touch.

Normally, the muscles of the uterus in the early stages are soft, because they should not interfere with the growth of the fetus and disrupt the vital activity of the newly attached and therefore loosely held fertilized egg.

In this case, the following are added to the characteristics already described:

  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • the appearance of edema.
  • maintaining physical, sexual and emotional (as far as possible) peace;
  • taking medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • complete nutrition.

You cannot refuse hospitalization if the doctor recommends hospital treatment. With this approach, there is a high probability of maintaining the pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic or ectopic pregnancy means that the fertilized egg did not reach the uterus, but implanted in the fallopian tube.

Such a pregnancy poses a danger to the mother's life, as it can lead to rupture of the fallopian tube and excessive internal bleeding. In some cases, an ectopic pregnancy ends in spontaneous abortion.

For cervical pregnancy - at 5-6 weeks.

An ectopic pregnancy is characterized not only by pain, but by a whole complex of pathological signs:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, which is localized on the right or left, depending on which side the fallopian tube is located, where the fertilized egg is attached;
  • pain radiates to the anus, under the rib, legs or subclavian region;
  • pain appears suddenly when moving and even when changing position;
  • the appearance of dark brown or red bleeding from the vagina.

If we are talking about cervical pregnancy, then the pain is localized in the middle of the abdomen.

When a pipe ruptures, the symptoms are more threatening:

  • sudden sharp pain;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and weakness;
  • loss of consciousness.

Treatment method: emergency surgery. In order to calm the pain until medical assistance is provided, you need to take a lying position and not move.

Placental abruption

Premature abruption of a normally located placenta can be partial or complete.

The manifestations also depend on the degree of detachment. Bleeding is not always external. External appears if the placenta moves away from the edge.

If the placenta begins to be rejected in the center, then blood accumulates under it and can permeate the uterus and accumulate in it.

Why does the stomach feel cold or hot during pregnancy? Is it necessary to treat this condition?

Almost all nulliparous people probably know what stretch marks are and what they look like. After all, the appearance of stretch marks is one of the most unpleasant pregnancy companions for a woman. But the worst thing is that, unlike others, they do not disappear immediately after childbirth.

Therefore, along with painful toxicosis and severe swelling, the appearance of stretch marks is something that newly pregnant women fear almost more than anything else. In fact, stretch marks are not a fatal disease, and there is no need to be so panicky about them. But it is true that they do not disappear on their own without a trace.

And in order to prevent their appearance or at least reduce their appearance, you need to know a little more about stretch marks than your experienced friends tell you.

When feeling hot is considered normal

In the first trimester, a girl’s body begins to undergo colossal changes associated with hormonal changes and the physical location of organs. Normal conditions that may be accompanied by a feeling of warmth include:

  • Egg implantation. Occurs in the first days after conception. The fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, after which it is fixed in the mucous layer - the endometrium. The burning sensation during this period will be slight and will not cause acute discomfort.
  • Sprain of the uterine ligaments. When the uterine ligaments begin to change structure, the woman feels like her lower abdomen is on fire. Most often, girls who become pregnant for the first time encounter this symptom.
  • Rapid enlargement of the uterus. The organ increases in size from the first days after conception. The girl feels tingling, slight pain and intense heat in the lower abdomen. Symptoms may radiate to the perineum, lower back, or sides.

The feeling of a burning belly in the early stages is not always associated with natural processes.

Warmth in the abdomen in early pregnancy

For periods up to 15 weeks, the pregnancy period is called early. At this time, the hormone progesterone and prolactin are actively produced, which provides support to the fertilized egg, helping it to attach to the walls of the uterus. Already from the 7th week, this is an embryo that has a heartbeat; a doctor will definitely see it on an ultrasound scan.

In this situation, the highest concentration of hormones in the blood. Some pregnant women may not see the second line when doing a urine test, but this does not mean that the pregnancy is pathological.

This only means that the concentration of the hCG hormone is not yet high enough for a sensitive test to notice and determine it.

Over the course of several weeks, such readings will increase, and the pregnant woman will notice an interesting situation based on such characteristic changes as:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • increased acidity and belching;
  • increased gas formation;
  • negative attitude towards sharp, cloying odors;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • aching pain in the chest and abdomen.

Such manifestations also include an increase in body temperature in the abdominal area. The overall body temperature is now also increasing since the growth of the hormone.

This is explained by the fact that the hormone increases blood resistance, thinning it. In some situations, you may feel that your lower abdomen will become a little warmer than it was before. In this case, there is no need to worry.

As a rule, this is a normal manifestation that does not require drug correction.

Possible burning pathologies and additional symptoms

The most common pathological causes accompanied by severe burning include: immune disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, genitourinary infections, as well as incorrect process of egg attachment.


The feeling that the lower abdomen is burning may be a consequence of inflammation of the appendage of the cecum. But in this case there are always additional symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • hardness in the abdominal area;
  • dry mouth and nausea;
  • acute pain.

Abnormal bowel movements do not occur in all cases. You should not hesitate if one of these signs appears during pregnancy.

When the bladder is inflamed by bacteria, a burning sensation is combined with painful and frequent urination. The urge may be constant, but in reality urine is released literally drop by drop.

In rare cases, cystitis can be a consequence of psychogenic causes - excessive stress and anxiety. In this case, you need to get tested to make sure there is no infection.


The herpes virus, which causes lichen, is manifested by itching, pain and burning. A few days after activation, blisters and red rashes appear in the affected area. Most often, ganglionitis spreads along one side of the body along the damaged nerve.

Ectopic pregnancy

If the lower abdomen is very hot, nausea and acute pain occur, and spotting appears, this may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. With it, the egg does not reach the uterine cavity, but remains in the tube. The growth of the embryo can lead to rupture of this area.

Bloating during pregnancy, followed by gas formation and flatulence, is a common pathological process that may be associated with diet disorders and chronic gastrointestinal pathologies.

Hormonal imbalances can also cause flatulence. Most often, progesterone is responsible for it - during pregnancy, its level increases several times.

This reason does not occur in later stages, but is considered one of the most common at the beginning of pregnancy.

Flatulence is often accompanied by constipation, which is also associated with hormonal changes. At the same time, tingling sensations may occur in the stomach and along the intestines.

Types of such pain and localization

Skin allodynia can be of several types:

  • its static mechanical variety is characterized by very strong sensitivity, even if a cotton pad is placed on a person’s body, he will complain of pain;
  • tactile pain appears only after targeted exposure to the skin;
  • thermal, in which skin tissue reacts to temperature changes;
  • dynamic mechanical manifests itself as a reaction to a weak touch.

The localization of pain can be in any part of the body.

The following factors can affect the appearance of skin pain:

  • Experienced stress. It causes complex reactions in the body: increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.
  • Hypothermia of the head causes inflammation of blood vessels or the appearance of spasms.
  • Neurological pathologies.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia. There are many blood vessels in the head; if blood circulation is disrupted, they react sharply to this; a spasm may appear in their walls, leading to pain.
  • Any head injury affects the skin, so the head reacts with pain.
  • Colds.

External causes of headaches are:

  • using tight bandages, hard clips or hairpins when styling hair;
  • wearing uncomfortable headwear for a long time;
  • frequent use of heat styling and hair dryer;
  • avitaminosis;
  • pediculosis;
  • using curlers to curl your hair at night.

On the foot

Wearing tight shoes or models with an uncomfortable last can lead to pain even after taking them off. High sensitivity of the skin of the legs is also affected by neurological disorders or pinching.

On the hand

Painful sensations can appear after burns not only from chemicals, but also from ultraviolet radiation, after intense sunbathing, especially in the first days of vacation.

On the stomach

Pain may appear in pregnant women when the skin stretches during fetal maturation. This phenomenon is also observed when a person develops stretch marks, an area of ​​skin begins to ache and itch, and then a translucent pink tear in the tissue becomes visible.

There are several types of subcutaneous seals:

  • lipomas;
  • atheromas;
  • hygromas;
  • inflamed lymph nodes;
  • abscesses and other inflammatory diseases;
  • hernias;
  • milia;
  • consequences of injuries and surgical interventions;
  • malignant tumors and so on.

Also known as a wen or lipoblastoma, a benign tumor that develops from adipose tissue. Does not cause painful sensations.

It can appear anywhere on the body, rarely in the stomach, colon, etc. To the touch it is a soft, elastic, movable ball, the size of which varies from 1 to 5 cm. In rare cases, it can reach the size of an adult’s head and even more.

Appears on areas of the skin rich in sebaceous glands, for example, the face, neck, back, scalp. This is a sebaceous gland cyst, smooth, round in shape, with clear boundaries, and hard to the touch. Does not cause itching or pain. When pressed, a white mushy mass, the so-called “fat,” may be released.

A painless, oval-shaped swelling with smooth edges, a couple of centimeters in size. Forms under the skin of the hands and wrist joints. As a rule, it appears as a result of injuries or tuberculosis.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymph nodes or so-called lymphadenitis, caused by an infectious disease or inflammation of a local source of infection (abrasions, wounds), can manifest itself in the appearance of subcutaneous lumps that cause pain. The lymph nodes of the neck, mouth, axillary and groin areas become inflamed.

If treatment of an infected wound does not bring the desired results and the thickening does not go away, you should consult a doctor, since without proper treatment the disease can only worsen and lead to undesirable consequences.

Also known as milia or whiteheads, they are tiny white lumps that look very much like a millet grain. Often formed under the skin of the cheekbones, nose, eyelids, due to the accumulation of sebum in the depths of the sebaceous glands, due to improper or careless skin care or excess fat secretion. The specific white color appears due to lack of contact with air.

Treatment consists of using a scrub and proper cleansing of the facial skin. Occasionally, squeezing with the use of an antiseptic or electrocoagulation can be used (as a rule, they are used only if the milia are numerous and form colonies).

Similar gland blockages can also be observed in newborns due to the influence of maternal hormones in the womb. As a rule, such formations do not require specific treatment and disappear on their own over time.

Diagnosis of anomalies

To separate pathologies from the normal state, the girl must undergo some examinations. They start from the gynecologist's office. A smear is taken for analysis in all cases if the patient’s condition is not accompanied by acute symptoms: vomiting, fever, unbearable pain. After the examination, the gynecologist prescribes additional tests:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvis, x-ray if necessary;
  • cystoscopy;
  • biopsy;
  • genetic analysis.

If a woman comes in with complaints of acute heat in the lower abdomen, pain, vomiting and other severe discomfort, examinations are kept to a minimum.

What are stretch marks?

Experts call stretch marks stretch marks. But, despite the simple and seemingly accurate popular definition, stretch marks are tears, and not just stretches.

Due to the loss of elasticity and firmness by the skin, it becomes thin and easily tears under tension, which is what happens during fetal growth. Of course, the epidermis is not completely torn, but only its inner layer. And he recovers very quickly.

However, scars after ruptures still remain, which we see in the form of stretch marks.

In the initial stages of recovery, the connective tissue is permeated with capillaries, so the stretch marks have a lilac, pink or violet color. But gradually they become discolored and, unfortunately, remain just that way forever - white pearlescent scars that cannot even be tanned under the sun (after all, there is no melanin pigment there).

Methods of treating diseases

The therapeutic methods used when a feeling of heat appears in the lower abdomen directly depends on the identified disease. It is important to use gentle techniques that will not harm the child’s health.

However, cases cannot be ruled out when, for medical reasons, an emergency abortion may be prescribed to save a woman’s life (peritonitis and other advanced cases of appendicitis).

Several examples of therapy for various pathologies:

  • sexually transmitted infections - the use of gels, ointments, suppositories and safe pills (including for treating a partner);
  • dysbiosis - the use of probiotics and diet to restore microflora, the same methods can be used to treat flatulence;
  • ectopic pregnancy - interruption of pregnancy;
  • cystitis - use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Natural recipes are suitable for the treatment of many pathologies. For example, flatulence can be eliminated with safe dill water.

There are no specific methods of prevention. To minimize the discomfort that occurs when the lower abdomen burns in the early stages, doctors recommend a rational diet and timely rest. A girl should not overexert herself if she is prone to unpleasant symptoms.

A burning sensation that occurs in the lower abdomen is a consequence of chronic diseases, sexually transmitted infections and other pathological conditions. But not in all cases. Completely healthy women may also experience similar symptoms as a result of physiological changes in the body. But to prevent serious consequences, any discomfort should be monitored by a doctor.

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Pain of various etiologies not directly related to pregnancy

During pregnancy, a variety of diseases can also develop that have nothing to do with the pregnancy itself or with nutrition.

Any pain in the abdomen during this period is associated only with the expectation of a child. Therefore, it is important to understand in time what the unpleasant sensations in the stomach indicate.

Intestinal problems

Constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea, accumulation of gases, poisoning and other intestinal problems can cause abdominal pain, which is associated with pregnancy. But in fact, they have nothing to do with pregnancy.

Distinctive features of such pain:

  • severe discomfort in the abdomen - cutting pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sometimes the pain is stabbing or bursting in nature;
  • more often felt on the left;
  • the pain subsides after visiting the toilet and having a bowel movement.

Method of treatment: rational nutrition and treatment of intestinal problems.

Urogenital diseases

Adnexitis, salpingitis and other inflammatory diseases of the appendages, as well as cystitis, can manifest themselves during this period as aching pain:

  • pain may be constant;
  • the pain can be one-sided, depending on which side the inflammatory process is on.

With cystitis and kidney disease, in addition, there is a constant urge to urinate and pain during it. A rise in temperature is possible.

Method of treatment: treatment of the underlying disease.

Surgical diseases

Pregnant women can also experience an attack of appendicitis or a hernia.

With appendicitis pain:

  • acute, persistent;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is felt on the right;
  • may be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea;
  • may be accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • is not relieved by antispasmodics and does not go away with bowel movements.
  • sharp, sometimes cutting;
  • appears when the child or mother moves;
  • appears with tension, even coughing and sneezing.

Method of treatment: hospitalization and surgical intervention are required.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can have many causes. Therefore, it is better not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to consult your doctor, who will help identify the true cause of the pain and prescribe treatment that will help get rid of the discomfort as quickly as possible.

Girls, my stomach hurts just below and to the right of the navel, with such a strange pain, like when you press on a bruise... It just ache periodically and at night. I want to press my hand and hold ((I’m worried that this could be. Has anyone had this happen?

What happens in the stomach in early pregnancy

Most women feel pregnant even before two lines appear on the test. Hormonal changes occur that affect the body in one way or another. It is very important to know which signs are positive and what to be wary of, as well as what sensations a woman experiences in the early stages of pregnancy.

First signs of pregnancy

No matter how much a woman wants it, in the first 10 days after fertilization, no changes in the body can be noticed. At this time, pregnancy has not yet occurred, and the fertilized egg is just attaching to the uterus. Only at the end of this period can you begin to notice changes in your body.

A woman may experience an increase in mucus secretion from the vagina, which may contain blood impurities. Sometimes there is mild pain in the lower abdomen.

There is no need to be afraid of such manifestations of pregnancy, since when the egg is implanted, the small vessels of the uterus are damaged. You only need to worry if the discharge lasts more than 2 weeks.

Some women do not have such manifestations of pregnancy, which is also normal, since this is of an individual nature.

There are general symptoms that are observed in most women:

  • Drowsiness.
  • Delay of menstruation.
  • Irritability.
  • Prostration.
  • Increased or decreased appetite.
  • Mild cold or runny nose.

These symptoms are a consequence of hormonal changes. A woman’s immune system weakens during this period, and all the body’s forces are aimed at strengthening the reproductive organs.

This is why it is so important to monitor your health, dress for the weather and eat right.

During this period, a woman can easily catch a cold, and if hygiene rules are not followed, she can encounter inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Every day the body begins to produce more and more of the hormone progesterone and hCG. This may cause the following changes:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Acne.
  • Intolerance to certain odors.
  • Change in taste preferences.
  • Increased nipple sensitivity.

All changes that occur in the body are individual in nature. There are women who do not notice changes in their bodies. In most cases, they rarely experience discomfort until the prenatal period. Others find this period difficult. Their chest hurts a lot, pigment spots appear, and pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

Changes in the abdomen

Don't expect your belly to start growing in the first weeks of pregnancy. Before a visual change can be noticed, at least 3.5 months must pass.

The belly in early pregnancy may increase only due to bloating and digestive problems, which is typical for many women. In some cases, a woman’s appetite increases and she gains weight, which also affects her stomach.

It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition immediately after conception.

Already a few weeks after conception, you may feel mild pain in the lower abdomen. This is explained by swelling of the uterus, which provokes unpleasant symptoms. During a normal pregnancy, a woman does not suffer from severe pain or other unbearable discomfort. Nagging pain most often appears at the time of changing body position and physical activity.


If the abdomen is constantly tense in the early stages of pregnancy, and the woman experiences pain, we can talk about a condition such as uterine hypertonicity.

The main cause of this pathology is muscle spasm, which occurs due to a lack of progesterone. This is a rather dangerous situation that requires medical attention to save the child.

Spasms are accompanied by severe pain and bleeding. Hypertonicity of the uterus can be provoked by:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Myomas.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.
  • Immune failure.
  • Abortion.
  • Pathologies of development of the genital organs.

With hypertonicity, pain similar to menstrual pain is observed. In the first trimester, hypertonicity can cause miscarriage, and in the second and third trimester it can cause premature birth. This condition negatively affects the development of the fetus and can cause oxygen starvation.

If a woman feels similar discomfort after physical exertion or shaking on a bus, then there is no danger.

Enlarged uterus

Unpleasant sensations may be caused by the growth of the uterus. The pain is localized in the groin area - and most often manifests itself with sudden movements or changes in position. This symptom is not considered dangerous, but is simply a consequence of an increased load on the uterus.

Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen in early pregnancy are short-lived and usually go away after a couple of weeks. Already at 3-4 weeks of delay, the uterus doubles in size. At this time, it is better to refuse frequent examinations by a gynecologist, as this may cause its contraction.

The effect of pregnancy on internal organs

Due to the close proximity of the uterus to the bladder and intestines, changes occur in them almost immediately after conception. A woman feels a frequent urge to urinate, and if she ignores them, uterine hypertonicity is possible. Relaxation of the intestines causes constipation and bloating. Intestinal dysbiosis may develop.

Some begin to suffer from hemorrhoids. The occurrence of this unpleasant disease is associated with increased pressure on the vessels of the pelvic organs. It is necessary to inform your doctor about such unpleasant changes in order to select the safest medications and begin treatment.

What could be the danger?

The abdomen undergoes the greatest changes in the early stages of pregnancy, but they should not cause the woman significant discomfort. Reasons to visit a gynecologist are:

  • Brown discharge coinciding with the schedule of critical days.
  • Copious bleeding of unknown origin.
  • Severe throbbing pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Absence of any signs of pregnancy with positive tests.

These negative symptoms may indicate a high risk of miscarriage. To protect yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if your stomach hurts very badly in the early stages of pregnancy. Brown discharge may be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection or inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Pain can be caused by adhesions, which most often occur in women who have had several pregnancies or after surgery. A very dangerous pathology is ectopic pregnancy. The pain can be localized on the left or right. Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound and blood tests for hormones. It is impossible to save the fetus.

In addition, discomfort can be caused by various sexually transmitted infections and viruses that negatively affect the fetus. It is very important to undergo all recommended examinations before planning a pregnancy in order to give birth to a healthy baby. In the first weeks of pregnancy, you should carefully monitor your health and follow the rules of hygiene.

If there is a pathology in the development of the reproductive organs, pain and discomfort in the abdomen cannot be avoided. Such women need to regularly visit a gynecologist to reduce the risks of miscarriage.

How to treat abdominal pain?

Out of habit, many women begin to get carried away with analgesics and antispasmodics. Others, knowing that medications can harm the fetus, begin to experiment with medicinal herbs and homeopathy.

If the pain is not intense, you should not take any drugs or herbs. During the first trimester, the internal organs and systems of the child are formed, and any of the medications can cause developmental defects. In case of severe pain, it is recommended to visit a doctor who will prescribe a drug with a minimum number of side effects.

It is worth understanding that most of the drugs that women are accustomed to using during premenstrual syndrome are prohibited during pregnancy. For example, No-shpa can not only relieve abdominal cramps, but also soften the cervix and cause a miscarriage. All medications that a woman takes in the early stages affect the development and formation of the fetus.

Medicinal herbs can also be harmful. Few people know, but thyme can cause underdevelopment of a child’s nervous system, and foxglove can cause rapid heartbeats.

Any medication must be prescribed by a doctor, because even warm baths and heating pads can cause abortion.

You should not experiment and use the advice of friends - after all, during this period, a woman is responsible not only for her life, but also for the baby.

In order for the pregnancy period to proceed without complications, a woman must lead a correct lifestyle, and in case of any discomfort, consult a doctor.

Self-medication during this period can cause miscarriage, malformations of the child, or negatively affect the woman’s body.

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and a stable psychological state are what should accompany a woman throughout her pregnancy.


User comments

I have pain first thing in the morning. I couldn’t even describe the pain and googled it like this: “stomach pain during pregnancy is like a bruise”)))

When I put my hand on my tummy, it hurts from the bottom and the sensation is not pleasant. I immediately think about the bad, maybe something is wrong with the baby.

So I’m not the only one and that’s normal.

Sometimes I listen to a gynecologist - you can fall under a chair... if I hadn’t already given birth and didn’t know what was what during pregnancy, I would drink mountains of pills and lie without getting up...

THAT'S FOR SURE. Every appointment she asks what I drink))) I honestly say that I drink... there are a couple of vitamins and that’s it, despite the fact that she regularly tells me something!)))) And she’s silent... she doesn’t ask: “And Why is this so?”))) That’s the only thing, amoxiclav has now been prescribed, because... there is E. coli in the smear... I’m collecting information on what to do (((I think that if I drink it, maybe I should take a smaller dosage.

Answered: 24

Not that much, but I had pain there, I don’t know where. Everywhere. A feeling that there is both cystitis and inflammation in the uterus. Plus the temperature. Plus weakness. And all from the moment, I believe, of attachment. That is, a week before two stripes.

I thought about attaching)))) I’ll wait for the stripes) the main thing is that there is no discharge?

I didn't have anything extra than usual. But it may bleed a little when attached. And the amount of leucorrhoea may increase. And some people bleed even during the supposed bleeding, which might. the threat of miscarriage - then you should worry.

By the way, take your basal temperature tomorrow morning. If the test is still far away. true, if you have measured it before. For example, my level never rose above 37, and when I became pregnant, it stayed at 37.3.

I'm afraid it's too difficult for me)))) I haven't tried it before. The test is not far away - I'm going to do it on the 27th-28th.

What is the tone if the period is less than two weeks?!

That’s why I’m writing that I don’t know when it might be) thank you for reassuring me))))))))

During attachment and after it, everything described can take place.

I had a high temperature (37) throughout the first trimester. My stomach started hurting 5 days before my expected period and continued to hurt for another 6 days (when it was supposed to be). The pain was really, I would even say severe, I was lying there.

Oh... it’s all very similar! Did your chest hurt a lot? It hurts, but my nipples are not as sensitive as they say they usually are.

no, my breasts didn’t hurt at all until the second semester (now I’m at the end of the 19th week), at first there were no symptoms at all (except for the absence of menstruation and 10 days of abdominal pain like on the first day of menstruation), my nipples began to hurt somewhere - then in the third month of pregnancy.:) I would also like to say that despite the pain, there was not a drop or a speck of any discharge. I saw the second line on the test 4 days before my expected period, but the line was like this... like a ghost, I did the test in the morning, with my first urine.

:) I hope to wait until the 27th :) I won’t do the test yet - so that if there is a stripe, it will be bright :)

I also suffer from similar pains in the abdomen, but I have already seen 2 clear stripes. I wish the same!

Thank you!!! I hope to join your ranks soon :)

I would already try to do the test. I determined the current pregnancy 5-6 days before my period. it happens. if the sensations are strong, try it. it won’t get worse :) if you are not pregnant, then you already have psychosis - look at how many signs you find (IMHO, all the signs that are written about appear the more significant the longer the pregnancy period. i.e. if you have nerves BEFORE the test, then after 3 weeks after the test it will be possible to kill someone%-))) my nausea started at 8 weeks, my sense of smell was acute at the same time, I started killing my husband after 10, my chest also started hurting at 7-8 weeks. I wanted all these signs on the day of the test, only then I realized that I was in a hurry). in general, again IMHO, you already have psychosis, and a test done before the due date is unlikely to aggravate it. but it can be downplayed. What if there are already two stripes? you will be happy, relax, continue to wait :) good luck to you!!! I remember your story, apparently you have come to terms with Libra and just stopped waiting for Scorpio? let everything come true!!!! :)

hahaha))))))) Yes, after reading the tips, I decided to start. If it’s fate for him to be born a Scorpio, then it’s fate. Well, I just wanted... If he and I were then of the same zodiac sign, and both born in the year of the Ox))) Now I understand that if he’s already sitting there with me, then it’s unlikely that he’ll have to wait a month to be in the “right” sign get there) Well, jokes aside, but the main thing is that there WILL be a child, and then we will raise him :) I must say that I don’t have the usual (or main) symptoms - I mean nausea, cravings for salty foods, etc. But I want to - sometimes I even think: “Does this make me sick or doesn’t it make me sick?” And I’ve loved salty food all my life. In general, tomorrow, in theory, my period should NOT start - I’ll try to get tested in the morning :) Maybe I’ll relax)) And my psychosis began even before conception, it seems))))))

position regarding the birth of any sign is the most positive and reasonable :) HURRAY!:-) “the most important signs” may not appear at all! There may be no nausea, and the desire for salty foods may be replaced by a desire for sweets (they say to the girl), and so on. I repeat, I felt nauseous (slightly) in the 6th week (this is about a week and a half delay), and really (so that I realized that before that there was no nausea at all) in the 8th week. I still don’t really want anything salty or sweet either. But I have a hard time eating meat... and I have a hard time eating in general. I lost 6 kg in the first 14 weeks. what will happen next - we'll see and see :))) for most, psychosis begins BEFORE conception :))) think that getting pregnant next month will be even better than this! good luck to you for the thousandth time. Maybe you can unsubscribe, if you’re not too lazy, how did everything go with the test? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! :))

yeah, it even seems to me that I won’t have any - my mother, for example, didn’t have any signs :) you see, you have difficulty eating, but you “should”, on the contrary, be a hamster for two))) THANK YOU! I’ll definitely write back! I still need to find out when I can run to the residential complex)))

See also:

  • Rash on the stomach during pregnancy
  • 15 weeks pregnant belly photo
  • Hard belly during pregnancy
  • Pain between legs during pregnancy
  • During pregnancy, pulling in the lower abdomen
  • 17th week of pregnancy, feeling in the stomach
  • Pulling in the stomach at 38 weeks of pregnancy
  • Abdominal pain during pregnancy second trimester
  • Constant sore throat during pregnancy
  • Lower back pain during late pregnancy
  • Left ovary hurts during pregnancy
  • How to determine pregnancy by belly
  • Why does the uterus become toned during pregnancy?
  • Decreased uterine tone during pregnancy
  • Is it possible to have anal sex during pregnancy?
  • Belching during pregnancy causes

Pain in the lower abdomen with threatened miscarriage

When there is a threat of miscarriage, aching or nagging pain occurs in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, and spotting is often associated. Such pain usually does not radiate (give) to other areas.

Without adequate treatment, cramping pain occurs, bleeding increases, the cervix shortens and spontaneous abortion or premature birth occurs. Pain in the lower abdomen can be triggered by physical activity, stress, infections or pathology of fetal development.

Possible burning pathologies and additional symptoms

Pathological processes while expecting a child are a dangerous condition that can cause miscarriage or pathologies of fetal development. Almost always, burning or heat in the lower abdomen due to illness is accompanied by high fever, nausea and vomiting. If such symptoms are accompanied by chills and vaginal discharge of any nature, this is a direct indication for hospitalization.

A burning sensation in itself without additional symptoms is not a dangerous condition, and there is no need to panic. But if there is a dynamic increase in symptoms, and the woman’s condition worsens, then there is no need to delay hospitalization.

Alarming points that are important to pay attention to:

  • migraines that don't go away;
  • nausea in the later stages without obvious manifestations of intoxication and poisoning;
  • the temperature rises quickly and cannot be treated with medication;
  • blood pressure increases or decreases. Especially dangerous situations - readings below 90/40 or above 140/100. In the first case, it is customary to talk about hypotension, when inflammatory processes provoke a decrease in the immune response, decreased blood pressure, and inadequate heart function are noted. With high blood pressure, as a rule, there is also a pressing headache in the back of the head, it is impossible to raise the head, vomiting and nausea appear, and heart contractions range from 100-130 beats per minute. In this situation, the pregnant woman has difficulty breathing, shortness of breath appears, her heart aches and hurts, her cheeks are red, her eyes are cloudy. This condition is a mandatory indication for immediate hospitalization.


Tachycardia is a common symptomatic manifestation in pregnant women with thyroid diseases. An increased heart rate is observed at any stage of gestation, and the pregnant woman may lose consciousness.


When the stomach begins to burn and you cannot empty your bladder painlessly, you speak of cystitis. The disease is accompanied by a constant burning sensation in the lower abdomen, it begins to ache and pull, and when emptying it sharply cuts. The cause of this condition during pregnancy can be either an infection in the urinary canals or congestion in the bladder. As a result of stagnation of urea, multiple microbes grow in it, which provoke thickening of the walls of the urea.


Cystitis during pregnancy occurs as a result of displacement of internal organs and stagnation of urine in the bladder. Also often, with exacerbation of kidney disease, an inflammatory process develops, spreading to all genitourinary organs. Treatment is usually symptomatic with antibiotics.


The Zoster virus or the common chickenpox virus affects 80% of the world's population. After an illness, the virus does not pass without a trace, but hides in the tissues of the spine, in its nerve branches. With a decrease in immunity, as a rule, in old age or in the presence of exacerbations of chronic diseases, the virus becomes more active and comes out. This manifestation is typical after illnesses that suppress the immune system. The most common triggers are liver disease, acute respiratory diseases, FLU or even AIDS.

Shingles is a disease that is not life-threatening, but is considered a rather painful manifestation that prevents you from moving or walking calmly. The pain is so strong and intense that any movement brings agony. During pregnancy, this disease is especially dangerous, since many painkillers cannot be used, and an exacerbation of the virus is accompanied by an exacerbation of underlying diseases. The disease manifests itself as a burning sensation, in most cases - in the lumbar region or ribs, like a surrounding band on one or more sides. That’s why it gets its name – encircling. A burning sensation in the lower abdomen is not common, but it is quite possible.

Ectopic pregnancy

The location of the fertilized egg outside the walls of the uterus is called an ectopic pregnancy. It is impossible to talk about a possible correction of the situation without medical intervention - this is a mortal danger for a woman. Therefore, the sooner she finds out about pregnancy, the sooner she seeks advice, the sooner she will be helped.

Pain in the lower abdomen during ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is the implantation of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. Tubal pregnancy often occurs, which can occur as a tubal abortion or as a rupture of the fallopian tube.

Tubal abortion is characterized by periodic sharp or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, usually on one side. The attacks are more short-lived and are accompanied by minor bleeding.

Outside of an attack, the pregnant woman feels quite healthy. Rupture of the fallopian tube occurs at significant stages of pregnancy (8-12 weeks) and is characterized by severe, cramping pain, up to loss of consciousness and signs of intra-abdominal bleeding.

The classic symptom of pain during ectopic pregnancy is its irradiation into the anus, leg, hypochondrium or supraclavicular region.

Pain in the lower abdomen with premature placental abruption

Premature placental abruption can occur both during pregnancy and during childbirth. Predisposing factors for premature placental abruption:

  • abdominal trauma;
  • severe gestosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • short umbilical cord;
  • anomalies of labor.

During placental abruption, severe abdominal pain occurs, the woman takes a forced position, and signs of intrauterine hypoxia and internal bleeding appear. External bleeding may be absent.

The uterus is tense, painful, placental hematoma is growing. In severe cases, intrauterine fetal death is possible.

Pain in the lower abdomen associated with the gastrointestinal tract

As a result of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, expectant mothers often experience bloating, constipation and intestinal dysbiosis. These conditions can be triggered by errors in diet, a heavy dinner, or insufficient physical activity.

The pain is nagging or aching in nature, often occurs in the second half of pregnancy and can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn and belching. In advanced cases, a threat of miscarriage may develop.

Pain in the lower abdomen associated with sprained abdominal ligaments and muscles

The growing uterus increases the load on the ligaments that support it in the pelvis. In addition, due to the increasing size of the uterus, the pelvic organs are displaced.

The abdominal muscles also experience increased stress during pregnancy and become stretched and pulled apart slightly.

The pain associated with this is minor, aching, but can also be stabbing. If the pregnant woman's belly is large (large fetus or multiple pregnancy), an umbilical hernia or linea alba may develop.

In the later stages of pregnancy, a slight divergence of the pelvic bones occurs, which is also manifested by moderate pain in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the lower abdomen associated with acute surgical pathology

Acute surgical pathology (appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis, etc.) can also occur in pregnant women.

Diagnosing it is quite difficult, especially in late pregnancy. The nature, intensity and irradiation of pain depends on the specific disease. In cases of “acute abdomen,” dyspeptic disorders occur (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and lack of appetite), the temperature rises, and weakness and malaise occur.

Author: Anna Sozinova, written for the site

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