Optimistic stories: how did you get pregnant?

There is no justice in this world: someone dreams of children, prays, gets treatment, but they still don’t exist. Someone doesn’t want to have them at all, but... time after time they go for an abortion, or leave the unfortunate baby in the baby’s house, and sometimes they throw it at the door of kind people, let’s not talk about more terrible things. Some will find my story trivial, but others will be interested and draw the right conclusions for themselves.

  • First marriage and divorce
  • Second marriage and dreams of a child
  • Long-term treatment for infertility
  • Unconventional infertility treatment
  • Appeal to God
  • A dream come true

Second marriage and dreams of a child

And finally, happiness smiled at me: after 10 years of loneliness, I met a man who soon became my husband. Almost immediately after the wedding, there was talk about children. My husband passionately wanted children. Or at least one child, preferably a girl.

I saw with what eyes he looked at other people’s children, how easily he found a common language with them, how he knew how to console and cheer them up, and I understood that he would definitely be a wonderful father.

Dreams of a child

But for some reason such a desired pregnancy did not occur. After two years of marriage, I turned to the doctor for advice. I was diagnosed with secondary infertility and admitted to the hospital. There I underwent several courses of treatment for residual effects of old inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, underwent a procedure for blowing out the fallopian tubes, etc.

What are the causes of infertility

The possibility of pregnancy depends on many factors. What Is Fertility? :

  • quality of sperm, the number of motile sperm in it;
  • the body's ability to produce healthy eggs;
  • patency of the fallopian tubes - the “roads” along which sperm rush to the eggs;
  • the health of sperm and their ability to fertilize an egg when they meet;
  • the ability of a fertilized egg (embryo) to implant into the wall of the uterus;
  • the health of the embryo - so that it can develop further.

Failure at any of the listed stages leads to the fact that pregnancy does not occur.

There is an opinion that only women have problems with conception. But, as can be seen from the list of factors above, responsibility for pregnancy lies with both partners.

In only a third of Infertility cases, infertility is associated exclusively with women's health. And in a third - with men.

Sometimes it is not possible to establish at all why infertility occurs. And you also need to be prepared for this.

Causes of infertility in women

Here are the most common Infertility.

Ovulation disorders

Ovulation is the process of the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube, where it can meet sperm. But sometimes the oocyte does not mature or cannot leave the ovary. In this case, conception is impossible.

Female infertility can lead to ovulation disorders:

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland - hyper- or hypothyroidism.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Hyperprolactinemia. This is the name for a condition in which a woman’s body contains too much prolactin, a hormone that stimulates the production of breast milk. Hyperprolactinemia stops ovulation and is the reason why pregnancy may not occur in nursing women.
  • Excess weight.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Eating disorders - such as anorexia or bulimia.
  • Use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Severe stress.
  • Tumors of the reproductive system.

Pathologies of the uterus or cervix

Non-standard location (bending) of the cervix, polyps, benign tumors in the uterine wall (fibroids) - all this can block the fallopian tubes or prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in its proper place.


This is the name for the growth of the endometrium (uterine mucosa) outside the organ. Endometriosis can worsen the patency of the fallopian tubes and cause ovarian failure.

Tubal obstruction

This is a condition in which the oocyte is unable to move from the ovary to the uterus. Most often, obstruction is the result of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. For example, caused by appendicitis or any of the sexually transmitted infections.

Early menopause

Typically, the ovaries stop producing eggs around the age of 45–55. But sometimes this happens much earlier - before 40 years. In this case, doctors talk about early menopause. Diseases of the immune system, some genetic disorders, as well as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which are used in the treatment of cancer, can stop the functioning of the ovaries prematurely.

Causes of infertility in men

Poor quality sperm

For example, there may be too few sperm in it (according to statistics, every twentieth Male infertility man faces this problem). Or the cells are inactive. Or maybe they are not completely healthy - and the embryo will not develop or will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterus.

Sperm quality is impaired by Infertility:

  • Various diseases. For example, diabetes, mumps (mumps) suffered in childhood, or sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV and others).
  • Enlarged veins in the testicles (varicocele).
  • Undescended testicle.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Taking certain medications - antibiotics, high blood pressure medications, antidepressants.
  • Exposure to heat. For example, in a bathhouse or sauna.
  • Poisoning with chemicals - for example, pesticides.
  • Exposure to radiation.

Problems with sperm delivery

Sometimes a man simply cannot fully ejaculate. For example, with retrograde ejaculation, the sperm, instead of moving through the urethra to exit, enters the bladder. The cause of such problems may be genital trauma, hormonal and autoimmune diseases (diabetes, multiple sclerosis), taking certain medications, or aging.

Long-term treatment for infertility

Most importantly, at the hospital I met many women with the same problems as me. They all longed for a child, but the pregnancy never came.

Probably no one except us, who are in eternal anticipation of pregnancy, knows this crazy hope and complete disappointment that you go through every month. Afterwards you feel so empty and useless.

The doctor's consultation

Visits to the gynecologist became mandatory and routine, and over the next three years I tried every possible method of infertility treatment, but... everything was useless. In addition, due to the course of strong hormonal drugs, my weight began to increase, and in a year I gained 18 kg. The course of treatment ended, but the weight remained and did not want to go away, although I again tried all kinds of diets, gymnastics and massage.


Medicinal herbal preparation Tribestan. — Nagulo Svetlana Anatolyevna, associate professor psychological aspects of infertility treatment methods, candidate of medical sciences, gynecologist-oncologist of the highest qualification how to cure infertility with folk remedies in men of the category Both diseases are not dangerous for fohow in case of infertility health, but they interfere with how to get pregnant with tubal infertility ovulation occurs. Infuse for 4 hours for infertility, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. In boys, this can be the gonads, namely the testicles.

The normal volume of semen for syphilis and male infertility is 2-6 ml, 1 ml contains an average of 20 sperm, of which 60% should be healthy and mobile. 8. As a result, antisperm antibodies are formed in the male body, destroying sperm, making the man infertile. After ovulation (the release of an egg from the follicle), the egg finds itself in the abdominal cavity in the retrouterine space.

Infertile marriage epididymitis infertility treatment. In accordance with the recommendations of WHO - World Helicobacter

pylori and infertility in healthcare modern gynecology has introduced hysteroscopy into the mandatory diagnostic standard for patients with uterine infertility.
Vitamin deficiency or infertility due to mumps is most often associated not with insufficient consumption, but with a violation of its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of various intestinal pathologies, insufficient absorption syndrome and other reasons. For infertility and medical abortion, displacing air from the stomach, infertility and its treatment in Abakan, the patient drinks to! Shiva, menstruation, like Derinat, what are the standards of infertility and increased progesterone
quality of generics when the duration of the disease is longer! The same as the most dangerous consequences.

In preparation for a re-analysis, it is necessary to perform similar preparations for aevit in infertility in men over the same period of time. The last method is donation. It will give a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the composition of the seminal fluid, after which the doctor will be able to make infertility 18 more specific predictions regarding the possibility of conception. The reproductive system in men consists of a penis with the urethra, the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, vas deferens, testicles and their appendages. That's all - no antibiotics or hormones required. In no case should you use folk remedies for male infertility - self-medication can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The cause of the pathology is, as a rule, diseases associated with testicular infertility (varicocele, mumps orchitis, orchiepididymitis) and its trauma, as well as congenital developmental anomalies (cryptorchidism, undescended testicles into the scrotum, testicular hypoplasia).

How is the diagnosis carried out? It is worth mentioning that weak blood flow in the uterus, infertility, pregnancy may not occur after completing the full course of treatment, however, after several unsuccessful attempts, pregnancy occurs in 70%, even with a diagnosis of secondary infertility.

Unconventional infertility treatment

Completely disappointed by official medicine, I began to visit healers and psychics. They all unanimously told me that I would definitely give birth to a child, but the pregnancy still did not occur. The healers gave me various types of massage (including uterine massage), hand passes, read prayers, etc.

A year later, I went to see my grandmother, a witch, and she advised me to insert tampons from a fresh egg mixed with ten drops of iodine. Then she gave me a herbal mixture (I don’t know exactly which herbs), advised some incantations and prayers. All this also turned out to be useless.


How to overcome infertility and get pregnant

Infertility is one of the most terrible problems in the life of any family where they want to have children, but for one reason or another cannot. And it’s good when gynecology or urology is able to help. What if we are talking about infertility of unknown origin?

Usually, when there are no children in a family, it is customary to blame the woman. As they say, this is how it happened historically. But before you begin to treat a woman for infertility, it is necessary to examine the man as well. He must undergo a special test to determine the number and activity of sperm. Osteopathic doctor Vladimir Zhivotov will tell you how to proceed next.

Causes of female infertility

The peculiarity of the female body is that it must not only produce a full-fledged egg, but also create all the necessary conditions for bearing a child. This is such a multi-stage system, and at any “step”, at any stage of this complex process, something can go wrong. A failure can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. Problems with egg maturation are the cause of infertility in 39% of cases. They can be caused by normal inflammation, ovarian cysts or hormonal imbalances.
  2. Blockage of the fallopian tubes. This can happen due to previous interventions: operations, abortions, ectopic pregnancy, etc.
  3. Thyroid diseases.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Endometriosis.
  6. Various immunological problems.
  7. Malformations of the uterus.

What does this have to do with an osteopath?

But it also happens that after examining the female body, none of the above problems were detected, the man is also healthy, and, nevertheless, the couple cannot conceive a child. In this case, it is useful for a woman to undergo an examination by an osteopathic doctor. Many people cannot even imagine that in 90% of cases the cause of infertility of unknown origin is prolapse of internal organs. It, in turn, is caused by a previous injury to the sacrum or coccyx. A woman may not remember that she received a similar injury a long time ago, but the consequences are obvious. When the body collides with a hard surface (which happens during a fall on the tailbone), the internal organs move downward by inertia. Because of this, the intestinal ligaments are stretched, therefore, it descends and begins to put pressure on the uterus, bladder and ovaries. The consequences of such pressure are difficulty in fluid circulation and blood outflow/inflow. Because of this, swelling of the uterus occurs. The endometrium cannot accept the egg, and if it does, it is rejected after some time. This is a habitual miscarriage.

Eliminate threat

Sometimes, of course, despite the prolapse of the internal organs, the egg implants, but pregnancy in this case will require powerful hormonal support. And this still does not guarantee that in the later stages there will not be a threat of premature interruption. Even if a woman can give birth, this is not good for the child. When a mother has to take different pills, even in large quantities, this cannot but affect the health and immunity of the baby. Therefore, correct treatment consists of eliminating the root cause, that is, the woman needs, first of all, to restore the correct position of the internal organs. When they stop putting pressure on the uterus, lymph and blood circulation will improve. This is confirmed not only by theoretical knowledge, but also by personal practice. I have more than once encountered situations when women came to me who could not conceive a child in the absence of any health problems. They went through all the examinations and treatments, but there was no effect. And after examination, I found displacement of the pelvic bones in everyone, as well as prolapse of the internal organs. Moreover, after osteopathic treatment, when we managed to restore the position of organs and bones, the patients experienced a long-awaited pregnancy, they successfully carried the child to term and gave birth on time.

What is the pituitary gland to blame for?

It is the hypothalamus and pituitary gland that are responsible for the production of hormones that ensure human development, as well as the proper functioning of his reproductive organs. What is the pituitary gland? Firstly, it is very small - no more than a pea. It is located on the lower surface of the human brain. Since this is the most important part of the body, it protects it itself - with the help of the skull bones and cerebrospinal fluid. However, some traumatic brain injuries can still cause damage to the pituitary gland. The most dangerous in this regard are injuries to the frontal part of the skull. The pituitary gland is hidden in the main bone, and if it is displaced, this cannot but affect its functioning. Injuries cause the development of a number of pathological processes, such as vasospasm, impaired blood supply, and hemorrhage. The brain suffers from lack of oxygen. All this negatively affects its operation and the functioning of other systems. Moreover, this is not the case when the violations are pronounced, and the person is forced to go for treatment. For decades we may suffer from the consequences of an injury, but without experiencing sharp pain or particular discomfort, we simply do not pay attention. When the pituitary gland is damaged due to injury, it produces either too many hormones or too little. Of course, this will pass without a trace: against the background of damage to the pituitary gland, diseases develop and the functioning of a number of organs, in particular the genitals, is disrupted. And here it is – another reason for infertility.

From my own practice

I have observed such a picture in quite a large number of patients with this diagnosis. All of them had suffered skull injuries at one time or another. In addition, we are now talking about hormonal imbalances, but injuries can also cause emotional disturbances. And, as you know, the emotional component plays a very important role in conceiving and bearing a healthy child. Depression, neuroses, panic attacks are the worst enemies of a woman who wants to get pregnant. And in this case, osteopathy can help. An osteopathic doctor corrects the position of the bones and restores their mobility. As a consequence of this, blood supply to the brain improves and the functions of the damaged area are restored. Often, patients became pregnant after osteopathic treatment. Moreover, they easily carried the child, and he was born naturally, completely healthy. But remember, dear women, that osteopathy is NOT a panacea, and, unfortunately, it cannot always help in such a delicate and difficult issue as conceiving and giving birth to a child. However, I strongly recommend that all women who are planning to have children undergo examination and treatment by an osteopath. Before taking tests, taking medications and undergoing certain procedures, prepare your body for conceiving and bearing a baby, and, most likely, you simply won’t need the help of other doctors or the painful wait for test results.

Appeal to God

And then I went to church. I have been a baptized Christian since infancy, but I rarely went to church. Although in difficult moments of life I always read the prayers “Our Father” and “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.” Here I was in such a hopeless state, such melancholy attacked me that my legs seemed to lead me to church themselves. I went up to the icon of the Mother of God (as it later turned out, Kazan) and began to pray. At that moment it seemed to me that my heart was open, and I was speaking to the Mother of God as to a person close to me, as to a mother woman who could easily understand me. I looked at her face on the icon and saw eyes full of sorrow and understanding. I saw how tenderly she hugged her child and asked her to grant me this happiness too.

I left the church renewed. I calmed down and no longer grumbled at God for not giving me this desired child.

I realized that everything is rewarded to us according to our deeds and we cannot understand God’s will. But since then I stopped worrying, I became calmer, but not happier. I thought that I would probably never give birth.

The story of my pregnancy: how doctors scared us

I promised to write it to many people, so accept the work

How we planned our pregnancy

I took all the tests in advance to know that everything was fine with me. I had my teeth treated by the dentist, blowing his mind so that he could thoroughly examine all the teeth and do everything conscientiously.

We also went on holiday to the seaside in Turkey, Kemer, and then you won’t be going back soon with your baby.

Well, we got pregnant right away. May men forgive me if they were brought to this women’s blog for unnecessary details, I suspected pregnancy almost immediately, my chest began to hurt. And pregnancy tests confirmed my suspicions only a week later.

It is impossible to express in words the joy when you see two cherished stripes on the test. Life immediately and forever changes and is filled with some special meaning. I remember all that day, we smiled stupidly and happily, and tenderness already appeared in our hearts for our unborn baby.

1st trimester of pregnancy

I had no toxicosis, no nausea, no dizziness, no food perversions. I love food so much, especially tasty food, that apparently toxicosis is simply unnatural to my gluttonous nature. I felt good, as usual, and throughout my pregnancy I galloped like a cheerful goat, and only in the last months my activity was somewhat limited by my growing tummy.

In the third month, we went to Europe for 10 days, to Vienna and Prague, to finally enjoy a carefree childless life and walk around the Christmas markets. I suffered from the inability to drink traditional mulled wine and wonderful local beer. But I always wanted to eat.

I registered with a paid clinic (Interteach, Astana, Kenesary St. 1) at 11 weeks. And then the fun began. I went through the necessary doctors, took tests (6 tubes of blood were taken from a vein), and on December 30 I was pleased with the wonderful news: “You have a positive test for syphilis” (Wassermann RW reaction) and asked to be accurate on December 31 in the morning to re-test the blood for a second test.

At first I was in a stupor, my husband calmed me down as best he could and said that the doctors were mistaken. All New Year's holidays were ruined.

On January 6, I learned that a repeat test gave a negative result. The doctor explained that a false positive test for syphilis could result from eating fatty or protein foods the day before. I cannot express how worried I was in those days. And my indignation knew no bounds that I was not warned about food; on the eve of the analysis I had just eaten pork ribs and cream pies.

2nd trimester of pregnancy

was no less fun. The doctor constantly reminded me about preventing flu and colds (read what I did here), because... the disease can negatively affect the development of the child. At week 18, I was diagnosed with pyelonephritis, which affects every third pregnant woman. I will write a separate post about the treatment of pyelonephritis.

The most important surprise was the biochemical screening of the 2nd trimester. We were late with the first screening, although I registered on time. Screening showed a high probability of having a child with Down syndrome. Probability 1:37. This is a very high probability.

Biochemical screening is an imprecise analysis; it shows only the probability in order to identify a risk group and conduct additional research on it. Poor screening does not mean that you will have a sick child, and good screening does not guarantee the birth of a healthy baby. This is what is written on the form with the results of this analysis.

You know, periodically during pregnancy I caught myself thinking that the system was specially designed to make expectant mothers more worried.

All the parameters of the child’s development according to the control ultrasounds of the 12th and 20th weeks (and the 32nd week too) were normal, but still, until the very birth, I was worried whether everything was okay with the child, because... Ultrasound examination reveals only 90% of abnormalities.

Enough about the sad stuff. At 20 weeks we were told we were having a girl. Daughter. From that moment on, I began to experience some special tenderness for my belly. And at 21 weeks I felt the first tremors. At first they were timid, barely noticeable, but closer to childbirth there were already kicks and protruding limbs - lumps on the tummy. My daughter liked to be active when her mother went to bed, this was the time of the most active kicks and movements.

Pregnancy is an amazing time, from two small cells, you and your loved one, a new person is formed, a new life, such a small miracle, and you are involved in it.

Back in the 2nd trimester, I had cycloscopy and laser coagulation (welding) of the retina; I have been myopic since childhood. These were the necessary procedures to obtain permission to give birth naturally.

3rd trimester of pregnancy

read pregnancy storiesMy tummy was small, my waist was preserved.
Therefore, my interesting position was not even visible from the back. I gained 12 kg, after giving birth I lost 8 kg. No stretch marks appeared on my stomach, from the 5th month I smeared my tummy with stretch mark cream “Me and Mom” in the morning and evening. This cream is inexpensive, but very good, I read about it on one of the women's forums. My husband and I walked for a long time, and I tried to eat right, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts, berry fruit drinks, dairy products. By the way, I didn’t take any vitamins, I don’t have much confidence in them.

I was also constantly hot and lacked fresh air. I slept with the window open, my head just under the window so that it would blow on me. My husband was very cold, covered his head with three blankets and steadfastly endured my eccentricities.

In the last months of pregnancy, I was overcome by the desire to nest. Every weekend, we went shopping and to the market, where I spent hours rushing through the aisles. I bought not only children’s clothes, a bathtub, a stroller, etc., I also desperately needed a new bedspread for the sofa of a certain size, curtains for the balcony, an oval tablecloth, and much more. We bought a furniture stapler, fabric and foam rubber, and reupholstered the chairs that had been torn up by the cats. The sellers already recognized me and looked at me like I was crazy, and looked at my husband with sympathy. At 9 months, I whitewashed the balcony and washed the entire apartment. Well, in parallel, I continued to work, because... I work from home several hours a day.

Happy pregnancy stories

2 weeks before giving birth, my legs began to swell. About 10 days before date X, my mucus plug came off, and the gynecologist stated that I was 2 cm dilated. She asked me not to go far from home and to carry an exchange card with me.

Our daughter, Katyusha, is completely healthy, 9 points out of 10 on the Apgar scale, was born exactly on time, on the day of the expected date of birth, although everyone said that they don’t care for girls. If you are interested in how my husband and I gave birth, read here.

Girls, I wish you an easy pregnancy and childbirth and healthy babies!

A dream come true

A month later, my period did not come, and I bitterly decided that an early menopause was beginning. At that time I was already (or still) 37 years old. Four months later, I went for another medical examination and there I was surprised and delighted to learn that I was pregnant. What’s most interesting: I didn’t feel any discomfort at all. The entire pregnancy was easy, I was never in confinement, and although I was already considered an old-timer, I gave birth to a much-desired and beloved girl, Masha.

Mother and child

Now Mashenka is already a teenager, and what’s most interesting is that she has been a deeply religious person since childhood.

Believing in God is as natural to her as breathing. And when she prays to the Mother of God or talks about her, tears boil in her eyes.

WHAT COULD I CALL WHAT HAPPENED TO ME IF NOT A MIRACLE? I advise everyone to never lose heart, to believe and fight to the end.

Optimistic stories: how did you get pregnant?

Do you need stories? I have them! ))) Come in, sit down. The story is long, be patient)) Until I was 27, I didn’t think about children or family at all. She lived for her own pleasure, had affairs, tried to build a career... She didn’t bother about the fact that “oh, she’s already over 25 and not married yet, horror, horror.” At 27 I met my future husband. After about a week of dating, I was already sure that I would marry him and we would have many children. The wedding took place 2 years later. I began to prepare for the implementation of the second point of my plan. But then the wait dragged on. At first, the failures passed unnoticed - the child was not yet so necessary for our family. We lived in a two-room apartment in Khrushchev with my mother-in-law, my husband’s brother and my grandmother. There was simply nowhere for the new little person to settle down. However, it certainly began to bother me that we have not been using protection for so long, but so far nothing has worked out. Then I started studying this issue. I read a lot of things, including the planies forum, and started catching the news. Finally, I was ready to go to the doctor. The gynecologist from the residential complex was not particularly interested in my story. She just asked how long we were not using protection and, diagnosing “infertility,” sent us to the Family Planning Center. This diagnosis shocked me. I have never had any gynecological problems. My periods started as scheduled, I was never bothered by PMS, I never had any pain either at the beginning of my period or at the end. I was sure that I was 99% healthy. I took the examination at the planning center for free, so everything went very long and tediously. For about six months I went and took some tests. They all showed that I am healthy. My husband too. We decided to check the patency of the pipes. They gave me a new long list of tests. which I need to do. With this list I went to my residential complex. Free medicine is free medicine, so there were difficulties in collecting tests - for each test I had to sign up several weeks in advance, then wait for the result, and at the same time the test could expire before I received it? In short, I suffered with them. I rented out some things for a fee so as not to waste time. The last step was to go to the therapist so that he would give the go-ahead for the procedure. The next day I had to go and have a laparoscopic examination))) But, apparently, it was not fate. I got sick and didn’t see a therapist. All the tests obtained with such difficulty have gone rotten. After the new year, I took up the tests with renewed vigor. I came to the LCD for new referrals for the same tests and, lo and behold!, old G quit and was replaced by a young and very active doctor. She was very surprised that I took a lot of unnecessary tests, but didn’t take the most necessary ones. She reassured me, saying that infertility is not diagnosed for nothing, advised me not to be nervous, and promised that everything would be fine! I just promised like a human being. And I believed her! G gave me the necessary directions and at the same time prescribed me to take tests for hormones in different phases of the cycle, which I had not done yet. I passed the first test, but failed the second. Because my period never started!!! I was pregnant!!! Unfortunately, the happiness was short-lived. At 8 weeks a frozen pregnancy was diagnosed. For me this was a real tragedy. I still cry thinking about this loss. I began to feel terrible depression, I didn’t want to hear anything, that I was not the only one who had encountered this, the doctor’s words “but we found out that you can get pregnant” were also not inspiring. I was 32 years old. It seemed that life was over and nothing good would ever happen. In addition, I was depressed by the work situation - the new boss fired the unwanted people, making room for her people. I was included in the list of losers, and for 1.5 years I have been unsuccessfully trying to find a new good job. In a word, life was black on almost all fronts. After about a year, I began to come to my senses. I visited my G. She advised me to prepare for IVF. I really didn’t want this - why should I do IVF if my husband and I are healthy? Tell us what’s wrong with us, we’ll treat it, if it doesn’t work out, we’ll think about IVF. But no one said that we were sick, that we were not compatible, etc. In short, G said to think about it, but for now, for prevention, drink folkka from days 6 to 15 of the cycle, and vitamin E from days 16 to 26. 2 months have passed. I finally got a job. And a week later, after the first day of going back to work, I found out that using a simple regimen of folk-vitamin E, I became pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! It was not possible to hide this fact from the employer for a long time - I went to save it. After being discharged from the hospital, they immediately began to “politely” ask me to quit. They interrogated me to the point that the next day I was again taken to the same hospital with a threat. I won’t describe my future relationship with my employer, is this not the right topic? I will write that later my pregnancy went well. All tests were normal. She gave birth to a healthy daughter on time, who slept safely on my lap while I was writing this whole story)))

PS. Why did I decide to tell all this? Girls, don’t despair, never give up! Your child is waiting for you, it’s just not the time yet. Simple remedies are sometimes the most effective. And age is not a barrier to having babies. I gave birth at the age of 34 myself, without anesthesia, almost without tears, free of charge, in a regular maternity hospital. I wish everyone to wait for their miracle!

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