6 reasons why a woman can't get pregnant

What factors influence the fertilization process?

Fertility—that’s what the ability to fertilize is called—is affected by bad habits, the state of the body, including emotional, nutrition, and physical activity. By following these recommendations, you can improve your health, get pregnant quickly, and easily carry and give birth to a baby.

Bad habits

Ethyl alcohol and nicotine are toxic to a woman’s body. They also negatively affect the reproductive system. In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoke contains more than a hundred harmful substances that can lead to hormonal disorders. Hence - exhaustion of the ovaries and early menopause.

Smoking reduces immunity, which increases the incidence of inflammatory diseases. These problems lead to infertility. Even if follicle maturation and ovulation occur according to the usual schedule, pregnancy occurs without problems, there remains a risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and chromosomal abnormalities.

Alcohol leads to the same disorders, and a small amount of drink is enough for their development. A woman has a certain supply of eggs laid down from birth. With each cycle, one of these cells matures and ovulation occurs. New eggs are not produced. This means that bad habits, even those that she gave up recently, can reduce the quality of reproductive cells.

To avoid the negative impact of bad habits on reproductive function, you need to give them up at least 3 months before conception. This also applies to the future dad.

It should be taken into account that so-called light cigarettes and soft drinks are also harmful: they contain other substances that poison the body.


The quality of nutrition directly affects the ability to fertilize:

  1. Firstly, vitamins, micro- and macroelements that come from food affect the functioning of the entire body, including the reproductive organs. With proper nutrition, the gonads receive enough “raw materials” for the synthesis of hormones. But a passion for flour products, sweets, high-carbohydrate foods, preservatives, and semi-finished products disrupts the ovulation process, thereby reducing the likelihood of getting pregnant quickly;
  2. Secondly, nutrition determines how many nutrients the fetus will receive in the future. If a woman consumes foods that are poor in vitamins and minerals, this will affect the formation of the baby’s organs and systems. And in the future this threatens with a delay in physical and neuropsychic development and deficit conditions.

If a woman has not paid attention to her diet, then now is the time to reconsider her diet. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, and meat are recommended. Fats are also needed in moderation (vegetable oil, butter, fatty fish) - the functioning of the sex glands depends on them. A vegetarian woman should think through her diet especially carefully so that there is no deficiency of nutrients, if necessary, supplementing the deficiency with other products or vitamin-mineral complexes.

If you encounter difficulties when creating a menu, contact a nutritionist so that he can create a diet taking into account your taste preferences, financial capabilities and allergic history.

When nutrition fails to correct the metabolism, the level of vitamins and minerals remains low, the doctor will prescribe vitamins to quickly get pregnant.


Fertility depends on age. The most favorable age is from 20 to 40 years. The menstrual cycle at this age is regular, ovulation occurs in all cycles, and the hormonal background is stable. There are almost no or few chronic diseases, so they do not affect reproductive functions. A woman can quickly become pregnant, carry to term and give birth.

Until the age of 20, the cycle is just establishing itself, hormonal imbalance is typical, so the likelihood of pregnancy may be low. After 40 years, hormonal changes begin, anovulatory cycles occur more and more often, so the likelihood of conception is questionable. Closer to menopause, spontaneous pregnancy is possible, but it can occur with complications.

Body condition

Chronic diseases can be the reason that you cannot get pregnant the first time. Particularly dangerous are endocrine problems (thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome), cardiovascular (arrhythmias, congenital defects), nervous (massive formations of the brain, vascular disorders ) systems. It is also necessary to pay attention to the medications that a woman takes for chronic diseases - some of them can reduce the likelihood of conception or cause problems during pregnancy and childbirth.

The condition of the reproductive organs is of great importance. Cyclic disorders, inflammatory diseases, space-occupying lesions, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids, adhesive disease, previous surgeries, terminations of pregnancy and curettage negatively affect fertility and prevent conception. Some of them cause the absence of ovulation, some prevent conception or implantation of the fertilized egg.

If you have these problems, you need to consult a gynecologist, sometimes a fertility specialist, to decide on the possibility of conception at the moment. Specialists can prescribe drug treatment or surgical removal of formations so that in the future the woman can quickly become pregnant and give birth without problems.

Psychological condition

Stress and psycho-emotional stress worsen health. Prolonged emotional stress can cause hormonal imbalance, hence problems with conception and pregnancy. Therefore, a woman who is planning a pregnancy needs to get rid of stress factors. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe sedatives. In some cases, consultation with a psychotherapist is indicated.

Physical exercise

Excessive physical activity and passion for strength sports help increase testosterone. Therefore, with regular exercise, the chance of getting pregnant quickly decreases. Girls are recommended to be physically active, but within reasonable limits. Hiking, running, swimming, and gymnastics will keep the body in good shape, will not allow you to relax, and will also provide a positive attitude.

Why pregnancy does not occur: reasons

The reason for the lack of conception can be determined using diagnostic methods, even if both partners are healthy. This is due to physiological or pathological factors.

In the first case, we are talking about the age of the expectant mother from 35 years old, excess weight, etc. In the second - about serious diseases of the body that prevent the successful fertilization of the egg.

Psychological infertility should not be ruled out when a woman 30 years of age or older experiences mental fear of never giving birth. Such doubts also arise among young girls if conception does not occur the first time, as planned.

What can cause problems with conception in women?

If pregnancy does not occur before 12 months with diligent planning, do not panic ahead of time. The reasons can be divided into social, biological and medical.

Let's take a closer look at each group:

  • social and everyday: passive lifestyle, stress, environmental factors, nutritional errors, bad habits;
  • biological: woman’s age and weight, partner’s health, compatibility;
  • medical: previous abortions and miscarriages, operations, taking oral contraceptives, tumors, chronic diseases in women.

It is important to get examined and assess your hormonal status. More often, pregnancy does not occur due to uterine fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, benign neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries and appendages. With adequate treatment, the clinical outcome is favorable.[1]

Problems with conception in men

If a couple does not become pregnant for more than six months, it’s time to pay attention to such failures and consult a specialist. This applies to both partners, since the problem is not always only with the woman.

Often a man believes that everything is normal for him, but in reality the following pathologies cannot be excluded:

  • teratozoospermia – deformation of sperm;
  • asthenozoospermia – sperm passivity;
  • oligozoospermia – deficiency of viable sperm;
  • aspermia – absence of sperm in the ejaculate.

The problem also arises if the partner suffers from one of the forms of diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis. Or there is a hormonal imbalance in the male body, and sexually transmitted infections progress.

Among the physiological factors why a desired pregnancy does not occur due to a man’s fault are the following:

  • excess weight;
  • bad habits;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • power supply errors;
  • professional sports;
  • stress loads.

This once again proves that when conception is delayed, it is important for both partners to undergo a comprehensive examination. Otherwise, the joy of motherhood cannot be brought closer.

hormonal background
Many factors involved


In this case, it is not possible to get pregnant due to the female subconscious. Diagnostics will not help, only psychology. This means that the girl’s consciousness pushes away thoughts of motherhood due to various circumstances, and successful conception does not occur.

Potential causes include:

  • constant disagreements in the couple;
  • internal reluctance to give birth to a child;
  • panic fear of motherhood and childbirth;
  • previous abortions, miscarriages;
  • obsession with conceiving a child;
  • mental loneliness, suffering.

Observation Perhaps the woman is fixated on this issue or is giving birth to a child solely for the sake of her husband and saving the family. The subconscious mind does not agree with this decision; fertilization of the egg does not occur even with diligent planning.

And when you can’t do without surgery?

Not all women can become pregnant for medical reasons. In these cases, IVF may be required. The procedure is not cheap, but without it you cannot feel the joy of motherhood.

When such a crucial step is necessary:

  • adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • immunological infertility (incompatibility of partners);
  • laparoscopic fallopian tube plastic surgery;
  • idiopathic infertility;
  • endometriosis;
  • low-quality partner's sperm.[2]

IVF is carried out after a series of diagnostic measures and hormonal correction. Embryo transfer is not always successful on the first try.

Optimal conditions to get pregnant quickly

The chances of getting pregnant quickly increase if you follow the conditions.

1) Choose the most favorable period for conception - the “fertile window”. At this time, conception is maximally possible. Involves calculating the day of ovulation. For this we use:

  • calendar method - a girl marks the beginning of menstruation and its cessation in each cycle. In this way, you can calculate the average duration of the cycle, in the middle of which ovulation will occur: for example, on days 14 - 15 with a 28-day cycle. For the reliability of the method, it is important that the cycle be regular. If this condition is not met, it is impossible to guess on what day the egg is released;
  • measuring basal temperature - an increase in values ​​to 37.4 ° C approximately in the middle of the cycle indicates ovulation. It is important to measure the temperature correctly - in the morning, at the same time, without getting out of bed, with the same thermometer;
  • An ovulation test performed at home will provide more accurate information about the day of ovulation. Test strips determine the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine, which rises on the “cherished” day;
  • Ultrasound monitoring (folliculometry) means conducting an examination to determine the dominant follicle and the dynamics of its maturation. The examination begins a few days before expected ovulation. The doctor takes measurements to assess the degree of maturity of the egg.

Coitus should take place 3 days before or immediately after ovulation.

2) Plan pregnancy at the most appropriate age - from 20 to 40 years.

3) Make sure that there are good spermogram indicators: the analysis contains enough live, motile sperm without defects.

4) Make sure that during the period of pregnancy planning, future parents do not have significant health problems or signs of colds and infectious diseases.

No method gives a 100% guarantee, but knowing the listed nuances and following the recommendations, you can influence conception.

Causes of false infertility

“I want to get pregnant, but I can’t,” this phrase can often be heard and read on the Internet on forums. Did you know that certain factors can trigger “fake” infertility?

Conception is a natural process that requires perfection, and emergency situations can throw off the body’s clock, and as a result: there is no pregnancy.

External and internal influences on the fertilization process:

  • Stressful situations. They are frequent guests in the life of any married couple. And nerves, as we know, affect a person’s quality of life. You know, there is a saying: all illnesses come from nerves? So, stress has a power on the ability to get pregnant. Therefore, try to worry less and take more relaxing days. You can use aromatherapy, yoga or another suitable technique. Do more of the “I want” that your soul talks about.
  • Psychological infertility that needs to be combated. When they are unable to conceive a baby, couples often think about it and thereby cause the topic to be “inflated.” For them it becomes an obsession. But this is wrong behavior; on the contrary, you should let the situation take its course. Remember how many cases are known when it is not possible to conceive a child for many years, after which the couple takes the child from the orphanage, and then successfully becomes pregnant. Therefore, try to think less about your problem, live for your own pleasure, enjoy every minute of your life. You can go on vacation with your loved one and spend time as you have long dreamed of. Often, it is after a vacation at sea that a woman arrives with a child under her heart.
  • Overweight or underweight. Yes, even such a small amount can cause infertility. In overweight men, sperm are less active and motile. And ladies with weight problems most likely have hormonal imbalances. And a lot in the reproductive system depends on hormones. To stabilize your weight, it is better to visit a specialist and consult with him about your problem. It happens that excess weight is caused by disorders in the endocrine system, so it is so important to correctly identify the causes. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, and not go on a diet and wonder: “Why am I not losing weight?”
  • Medications. If a girl or guy uses antibiotics or analgesics, etc. for some reason, you should limit them. After all, each drug can affect the fertilization process. For example, an allergy medication interferes with the maturation of an egg.
  • Learn to “catch” ovulation. It's simple: an egg can only be fertilized during ovulation or a few days before it, and not when you say to yourself: “I want it here and now.” This is why it is important to know your favorable days for conception.
  • Abstinence from sex. Some people believe that it is worth abstaining during the period before and after ovulation, but during this process you need to actively make love. In this way, it seems that the chances of being able to conceive a child increase. In fact, this is not so: if a man abstains, his sperm becomes viscous and the sperm are inactive. Therefore, have sex as much as you like, just do it more often on the days of ovulation.

How often to have sex

One of the ways to get pregnant quickly is to create ideal conditions for the “meeting” of the egg and sperm, while the sex cells of both men and women should be as ready as possible for conception. For this purpose, plan the frequency of sexual intercourse.

The fact is that too frequent coitus reduces the concentration of sperm. Male reproductive cells mature within 8 to 12 weeks. If you have sex too often, sperm simply do not have time to accumulate and their concentration drops. Experts have proven that it will be effective to have sexual intercourse 2-3 times a week - these are optimal conditions for conception.

And with rare sexual contacts, you can miss the moment of ovulation. For example, sexual intercourse took place 4 days before ovulation, the next one - 2 days after ovulation. Considering that sperm retain the ability to fertilize for 3 days, and the egg remains viable for up to 2 days, conception is excluded in our example.

What to check if you can't get pregnant

If the problem with conception persists for more than 12 months, it’s time to make an appointment with a doctor. It is imperative to assess the condition of the pelvic organs and thyroid gland by performing an ultrasound, check the hormonal characteristics and the absence of infectious and inflammatory processes in a female manner.

What tests to take if you can’t get pregnant?

You need to start the examination by making an appointment with your local gynecologist. First of all, it is important to tell the doctor about your desire and time, how long it has been impossible to conceive a child.

Comprehensive diagnostics includes the following laboratory tests.

  1. Spermogram (for men). Determines the capabilities and quality of sperm, their ability to fertilize an egg. It is also possible to identify urological diseases as a provoking factor in the absence of pregnancy in a partner.
  2. Smear for vaginal microflora (in women). Determines the nature of pathogenic flora, if any. Pregnancy can be prevented by staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia and other infections. This is the main cause of the inflammatory process, which without timely treatment leads to diagnosed infertility.
  3. Hormone tests. This is an important component of hormonal levels, which often becomes the cause of diagnosed infertility. Hormonal screening is carried out on days 20-22 of the cycle, the emphasis is on the concentration of progesterone in the blood.
  4. Infectious screening. In addition to a vaginal smear, it is recommended to perform a smear from the urethra and cervical canal, undergo a PCR test, TORCH complex, and also be tested for syphilis, hepatitis, and HIV.
  5. Colposcopy. Such minimally invasive diagnostics confirms or excludes the growth and development of atypical cells in the walls of the vagina and uterus.

Expert review Olga Borovikova Afterwards, the gynecologist gives a general conclusion about why a woman cannot get pregnant for a long time. Further, he recommends complex treatment, possibly surgery and the implementation of the IVF method.

Poses for conception

There is no need to specifically select a pose. The only thing that is required is that the ejaculate must enter the woman’s genital tract, where conception will occur. The position of the partners can be any.

The exception is women with anatomical features, which include a curved uterus. In this case, the missionary position is not suitable, since the cervix is ​​curved anteriorly, which prevents sperm from reaching it. Therefore, positions will be effective when the man is behind and the woman is on her stomach or in a knee-elbow position. Then the man’s penis penetrates deeper, and the ejaculate exactly hits the cervix.

Another way to get pregnant quickly is the “birch tree” position after coitus. The woman lies on her back, raises her legs up and remains in this position for 15 - 30 minutes. Then the contents of the genital tract do not leak out, which will help the sperm to be guaranteed to start moving towards the egg.

The use of lubricants during sex should be avoided. After sexual intercourse, it is not recommended to get up, run to the shower or to the toilet. Even if it’s not a “birch tree,” you need to lie quietly for a while.

Experts recommend not focusing on poses and other nuances. Try to disconnect from these thoughts and enjoy the process.

The importance of consulting a doctor

A preliminary examination by a doctor before planning a pregnancy is a mandatory condition, the fulfillment of which will not only help you get pregnant quickly, but will also ensure healthy offspring:

  • a woman should visit a gynecologist to determine her reproductive options and rule out conditions in which pregnancy will have to wait. The doctor will take smears and scrapings from the genital tract and send you for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. If necessary, he may refer you for additional examination;
  • the therapist will conduct an examination and assess the general condition of the body, and, if necessary, refer to other specialists;
  • If you have a chronic pathology, you need to consult your doctor.

List of tests that a woman needs to undergo:

  1. General blood and urine analysis;
  2. Biochemical blood test and coagulogram;
  3. Test for HIV, viral hepatitis, syphilis;
  4. Testing for sexually transmitted infections.

A man should also see a doctor. He is examined by a urologist-andrologist and conducts tests for sexually transmitted infections and inflammation. Ultrasound of the testicles and prostate gland will exclude structural pathologies and mass formations of the reproductive organs.

If, according to the diagnostic results, the expectant parents are fine and have no health problems, they can begin planning conception. When any abnormalities are detected, treatment is prescribed, and after completion of the course, a re-examination is carried out.

When partners are over 40 years old, genetic counseling is needed. The specialist conducts testing and identifies the risk of chromosomal diseases in the child. They will help you make a decision. Consultation is indicated for those couples who have had miscarriages, stillbirths, unsuccessful IVF attempts, or congenital malformations in previous children.

Drugs to get pregnant quickly

Medications are prescribed only by a doctor based on the results of the study. These could be hormonal medications, medications that stimulate metabolism, or multivitamins. There is no universal scheme that suits all couples - everything is individual.

When the fertility of a man or woman does not allow him to become pregnant on his own, methods of assisted reproductive technology are used. In these cases, drugs to stimulate the ovaries are prescribed by a fertility specialist according to the scheme.

The only remedy that parents can start taking on their own is folic acid. Folates are needed to prevent congenital defects of the nervous system. Start drinking them 3 months before the expected conception.

Sound the alarm or wait

First, let's decide what to do and how to find out the reason. Are you really infertile or is this a temporary failure that has nothing to do with the reproductive system?

When you come for a consultation with a specialist, you will be asked a very important question: how long have you been unable to get pregnant? The answer is very important for the doctor, because an infertile couple is considered to be a family that has not been able to conceive a baby for a year, or even two. Further, throughout the entire planning period, the intimate partner must remain unchanged. Having sex should be regular. All acts of love must be performed without barrier protection. And only when all the conventions are preserved can we talk about infertility, but only talk, and not make a diagnosis.

The diagnosis is made based on a series of tests, and both partners must undergo the examination. Quite often, the woman is blamed for infertility, but life is such that the percentage of inability to conceive a child is 50 to 50. Therefore, a woman’s natural desire “I want to get pregnant” depends on the man whether he is able to conceive a baby.

By the way, it is better to take a spermogram from a man first; it will be cheaper and faster. If the cause of infertility is found in it, then the man will undergo further stages of treatment.

After all, women need to undergo many tests, while men only have one.

The spermogram determines:

  • speed of the “livelings”;
  • their survivability;
  • quantity;
  • even the trajectory.

All this has an impact on a man's ability to impregnate a woman.

One more nuance: you can find a lot of advice on what you need to do to get pregnant quickly. Or something like this: when you need to have sex to get pregnant with a boy. All this is nonsense!

In fact, the planning process can take more than one month, and what gender your baby will be is entirely dependent on the characteristics of the body. Therefore, you should not give up if you are not yet able to do this.

Traditional ways to get pregnant quickly

Traditional methods for getting pregnant faster are also effective, but they can also be taken after consultation with a doctor. Plants have different effects, some of them may contain pro-hormones, so the choice of therapy should be taken as seriously as when choosing medications.

Sage, hogweed (ortilia unilateral), and pumpkin pulp have a beneficial effect on fertility. A decoction is made from them (fresh for each appointment). They start drinking several months before the expected conception.

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