8 reasons why a woman’s belly button smells unpleasant

Unpleasant odor from a woman’s navel: causes and treatment features

The body of a healthy person does not emit any pungent or unpleasant odors. The only exception is sweat. Its release is not a pathology, but evidence of normal thermoregulation of the body. Sweating does not require treatment, but every adult has to mask and prevent its occurrence with the help of deodorants and antiperspirants.

An unpleasant smell from the navel should alarm you and prompt you to visit a doctor. For women, there can be many reasons for this strange manifestation. By the way, any changes in this part of the body often signal the development of serious diseases.

Main reasons

The scar that forms at the site of the umbilical cord must remain dry throughout subsequent life.

Among the causes of odor from the navel in a woman, it is worth noting inflammation or the presence of anomalies in the genitourinary area - these problems are most often diagnosed among the fair sex.

The scar itself, in the central part of the abdomen, as a rule, does not emit any aroma. Regardless of the reason, a woman's navel odor occurs due to discharge.

Foul-smelling fluid from the rumen is quite common in medical practice. The following factors can cause an unpleasant odor and discharge from the navel in women:

  1. Poor quality or irregular care of the body and the umbilical area in particular.
  2. Infection with a bacterial or fungal infection.
  3. Disorders of the genitourinary system.
  4. Inflammation due to chronic diseases.

Before starting treatment, the doctor must understand the reasons why the navel smells unpleasant. Despite the fact that this symptom brings a lot of discomfort, you should not try to get rid of this symptom on your own. Be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

Poor hygiene

First of all, the doctor should pay attention to the anatomical features of your navel. In some women, the scar is too narrow or deeply retracted. This structure is most favorable for the accumulation of sebum and dead cells, and therefore for the proliferation of bacterial microflora.

So, for example, if dust, particles of clothing, debris, or sand get into the area of ​​a retracted scar, tissue injury and infection are likely. At first, there may not be any smell from the navel. Most likely, you will feel itching and burning in the abdominal area.

If the scar is not treated in a timely manner and foreign bodies are not removed, rotting processes will begin, which will become the very reason for the unpleasant odor from a woman’s navel.

Infections and inflammation

If the foul-smelling discharge becomes purulent and other symptoms appear (fever, swelling, hyperemia of the navel and periumbilical area), the doctor has the right to suspect omphalitis.

This is one of the common bacterial diseases caused by anaerobic microorganisms.

The foul-smelling pus released during omphalitis has a yellowish tint, but as the disease progresses, the liquid may turn brown and acquire a thicker consistency.

Another potential cause of odor from a woman’s navel lies in a fungal infection. Typically, the scar itches, burns, and the skin peels or becomes wet (depending on the type of pathogen).

Among the representatives of fungal microflora, Candida is the most common. This microbe prefers to live in the navel even in a healthy person, without interfering with normal well-being.

Problems begin when candida actively multiplies. This happens in two cases - against the background of weakened immunity and in the presence of constant moisture in the scar area.

A characteristic feature of candidiasis is a cheesy discharge with a sour, milky aroma.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system

Diseases of the urinary tract and genital organs, as well as abnormalities in their development, can provoke the appearance of unpleasant-smelling discharge from the umbilical area. In women, the cause of navel odor is most likely to be:

  • Bladder cyst. This pathology manifests itself as painful sensations in the abdomen and persistent low-grade fever.
  • Endometriosis. A very common disease in young and mature women, which is characterized by the proliferation of the uterine mucosa and its penetration into the peritoneum. The pathology can only be cured surgically.
  • Abnormal structure of the urinary ducts. Between the navel and the bladder, each person has a kind of connecting tube - the urachus. Normally, after birth, this duct closes, but sometimes, for reasons that we will not understand, this does not happen. As a result, a urachal cyst or fistula develops, problems with urination are possible, and mucus and an unpleasant odor appear from the navel. In childhood, the pathology may not manifest itself in any way, this really happens, but sooner or later it is discovered with age. The anomaly can only be cured surgically.

What else can cause discharge?

We cannot remain silent about other possible causes of smell from a woman’s navel. Treatment of the problem directly depends on the provoking factor. Inflammation of the umbilical area and the release of purulent fluid can lead to:

  • Postoperative complications. Most often, the navel becomes inflamed after gynecological procedures for female sterilization (tubal ligation).
  • Diabetes. This chronic disease is often accompanied by candidiasis. Discharge of a nauseating, sour odor from the navel is not a rare occurrence in women with this diagnosis.
  • Benign tumors. These include wen and atheroma, which do not have a direct effect on the scar, but when an infection or minor injury occurs, they provoke the development of a painful inflammatory process.
  • Excess weight. As stated at the beginning of the article, sweating is not a disease. But people with excess body weight are prone to increased sweating, which makes their body constantly wet, which means it creates all the conditions for the rapid proliferation of bacteria on the body, especially in the skin folds and navel.

Navel in pregnant women

Discomfort and unpleasant odor from the umbilical cavity sometimes bother women expecting a new addition to the family. As the volume of the abdomen increases, the expectant mother may notice that the skin around the scar is constantly wet. The cause of this phenomenon is most likely a slight inflammation due to changes in tissue stretch.

Consequences of piercing

Fashionistas who decide to get a piercing often consult a doctor with symptoms such as discharge from the umbilical area. If the puncture was made without the use of antiseptic drugs and compliance with hygiene rules, the consequences can be unpredictable: from severe inflammation to bleeding and blood poisoning.

Treatment Options

Let's dwell on how to get rid of the smell from the navel. Any of the diagnosed diseases and pathological conditions requires appropriate treatment. For example:

  1. An umbilical fistula or cyst is a direct indication for surgery. Otherwise, serious complications are possible.
  2. For omphalitis and other inflammations of an infectious nature, doctors resort to conservative therapeutic methods. The basic principles of treatment for this disease are regular treatment of the umbilical scar with antiseptic and antibacterial drugs, maintaining dryness and cleanliness of the body.
  3. If discharge from the navel is a consequence of pathological processes caused by diabetes, the woman needs to undergo a treatment course to reduce the percentage of sugar in the blood.

Preventive treatment of the scar

For diseases of the genitourinary area that provoke odor from the navel, the first thing to do is treat them.

In all other cases, you can get rid of such an unpleasant manifestation by washing the scar daily with a soft washcloth and soap, and after water procedures, disinfecting it with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

For a woman, especially an overweight one, it is important to prevent dirt plugs from forming in the navel.

Source: https://FB.ru/article/368157/nepriyatnyiy-zapah-iz-pupka-u-jenschinyi-prichinyi-i-osobennosti-lecheniya

Pathologies of the genitourinary system

Diseases of the urinary tract and genital organs or anatomical abnormalities can provoke the appearance of unpleasant-smelling discharge from the navel. These include:

  • Cyst on the bladder. The woman develops pain in her abdomen and her body temperature rises. A liquid with an unpleasant odor begins to ooze from the navel.
  • Endometriosis. The pathology is characterized by the ingrowth of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus into the abdominal tissue. The problem can only be solved with surgery.
  • Thrush. Candidiasis is one of the most common reasons why the belly button smells bad. This is explained by the fact that a specific fungus develops in the folds of tissue, leading to the appearance of cheesy discharge.
  • Improper structure of the urinary tract. The urinary ducts are tubes that connect the bladder and the navel. Sometimes the ducts do not close the tubes immediately after a person is born. This provokes the growth of the cyst, problems with urination, the appearance of mucus and an unpleasant odor from the navel. The defect may not appear for a long time and only become apparent with age. Only surgical intervention helps to cope with the pathology.

Discharge from the navel with an unpleasant odor in men

Why does an unpleasant odor appear from the umbilical fossa? Very often the reason lies in basic lack of personal hygiene, especially if a person has a deep navel.

Dirt, dust, particles of skin and hair, lint from clothes accumulate in it - all this leads to the appearance of umbilical pellets - small balls of hair, which, if you do not wash and remove them from the navel, can transform into a foul-smelling mud plug.

Urachal cyst (bladder cyst)

This disease is an abnormal development of the urinary duct, urachus. It may appear during embryonic development and not make itself felt for a long time.

A person can live with this cyst for a long time and not suspect it, but at some point (this often happens in adulthood) it will still reveal itself. An infection that has entered the body will lead to suppuration of the cyst and require urgent treatment.

Urachal cysts are usually diagnosed in men, but sometimes occur in women. It requires surgery.

This is an inflammation of the skin that is located in the umbilical fossa. Most often, this disease develops in children, but it can also appear in adults. The disease occurs due to damage to the skin inside the navel, which then becomes infected. For example, this can happen as a result of an unsuccessful navel piercing or an injury to the abdominal area.

Characteristic signs of omphalitis:

  • navel smell,
  • navel discharge,
  • inflammation of this area
  • if you press on the umbilical fossa, pus is released,
  • Sometimes the temperature may rise.

What should you do if these symptoms appear? See a doctor as soon as possible! He will prescribe treatment or, if necessary, refer you to the hospital.

Umbilical fistula

This disease is usually observed in children, but can also occur in adults (both women and men).

Characteristic signs of a fistula:

  • the skin in the umbilical fossa area is red and irritated,
  • the navel is wet and stinks, there is purulent discharge from the navel (with a complete fistula, urine or intestinal contents may also be released),
  • a person has a fever.

If you notice the symptoms listed above, you should immediately seek help from a doctor! In some cases, surgery may be required.

Candidiasis and other fungal infections

Because of them, the navel sometimes also stinks, and the skin around it itches and turns red. Candida fungus loves warm and moist places, so it can develop not only on the genitals, intestines and mouth, but also in skin folds, including the umbilical fossa.

Navel candidiasis can occur due to hormonal imbalance, including during pregnancy, improper or insufficient hygiene, taking antibiotics or hormonal contraceptives, diabetes and other diseases.

In addition to the unpleasant odor, white cheesy discharge, redness of the skin and itching may appear in the umbilical fossa area. To treat this disease you will need the help of a doctor.

Why might there be an odor from a newborn's belly button?

The most common causes of unpleasant odor from the navel of babies are complications during the healing of the umbilical wound and the formation of fistulas. Both cases require medical intervention.

Why are there difficulties in healing the umbilical ring? In most cases, this is due to improper hygiene: parents do not properly treat the wound, use stale towels, or touch the umbilical ring with dirty hands.

Umbilical fistulas in infants are accompanied by the same symptoms as in adults:

  • irritation of the umbilical ring,
  • redness of the skin around and inside the navel,
  • purulent discharge,
  • Sometimes the temperature may rise.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor from the umbilical fossa?

What to do to get rid of belly button odor? It's quite simple: you need to maintain regular and proper hygiene in this area.

How to properly wash your belly button?

It is necessary to wash every day, preferably using a liquid product (shower gel, soap), which will help clean all the folds in the umbilical fossa - these are the ones that cannot always be washed thoroughly with bar soap.

What to do if the smell does not go away?

Remember, ignoring such symptoms can lead to complications, prolongation of treatment, unscheduled hospitalization and even death (in case of strangulated umbilical hernia). The same applies to self-medication.

What should you do if your baby smells from the navel?

What else can you advise young parents?


Irregular hygiene

Why does an unpleasant odor appear from the umbilical fossa? Very often the reason lies in basic lack of personal hygiene, especially if a person has a deep navel.

Dirt, dust, particles of skin and hair, lint from clothes accumulate in it - all this leads to the appearance of umbilical pellets - small balls of hair, which, if you do not wash and remove them from the navel, can transform into a foul-smelling mud plug.

Pain in the navel area and fluid discharge in an adult

Every person has a navel - it is a memory of our intrauterine development, a scar at the site of attachment to the mother’s body.

Since the umbilical cord heals in infancy, little attention is paid to the condition of this area in the future. When adults have an unpleasant odor from the navel and fluid is released, they wonder how this can be? After all, the navel has long been overgrown.

Such symptoms indicate unpleasant conditions or the onset of inflammatory diseases that need to be treated.

Causes of irritation in the umbilical area

There are enough reasons why adults experience navel discharge with an unpleasant odor:

This phenomenon is especially common among young people. In the desire to be beautiful, the navel is pierced and jewelry is inserted into it.

In cases where asepsis was not observed during the procedure, or dirt got into an open wound, an acute purulent inflammatory process begins. Piercing can also cause the formation of an umbilical fistula.

To prevent it from occurring, you need to do dressings after laying - after all, this procedure is also an operation, albeit a cosmetic one.

If treatment is not started on time, then an attempt to decorate yourself may result in sepsis - blood poisoning.

Navel diseases and treatment

If an adult has a navel pain and purulent fluid is released, but no internal organic changes are detected during an ultrasound examination, regardless of the etiology of the disease, a diagnosis of omphalitis is made.

It is impossible to eliminate the disease at this stage only with soap and water; a therapeutic regimen must be used, as with any purulent processes.

When the inflammatory process cannot be stopped and there is a suspicion that pus begins to penetrate into the body - the temperature rises, the inguinal nodes enlarge - it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

First, the wound is probed and cleaned of pus, then dressings are made using antiseptics. Synthomycin emulsion, Polymyxin-m sulfa, and Bactroban in the form of a cream or ointment effectively help eliminate omphalitis.

If the question “Why is fluid released from the navel and strange white lumps appear?” The answer is a fungal infection, then eliminating this condition is quite simple.

The stomach should be washed regularly and the navel should be smeared with an antifungal agent. To get rid of candidiasis: “Nystatin” ointment and any topical remedy with clotrimazole.

In people with a reduced immune status, candidiasis can be local in nature - spread deep into the body, affecting internal organs - in particular, the intestines. In this case, oral antifungal agents are used.

Local candidiasis, a rather dangerous disease, should be treated by a doctor.

Another trouble is a weeping navel, which also appears due to the activity of fungal flora. Dermatomycosis at the stage of fluid secretion from the navel and the appearance of serous crusts - before the onset of the inflammatory process - is quite easy to eliminate.

Increased attention to personal hygiene, treatment with antiseptics, use of powder to prevent the skin from getting wet.

If the integrity of the skin is damaged, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the adipose tissue around the umbilical area:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • other types of pathogenic microflora.

Not the only symptom of phlegmon is the discharge of fluid from the navel in an adult; if the inflammation reaches this stage, then not only the navel hurts, sometimes pain is felt when moving, radiating to the back. The temperature rises, the vessels located in the upper layers of the skin undergo pathological changes. The process is dangerous and requires urgent surgical treatment.

Treatment in an adult with fluid discharge from the navel, if the main cause is a fistula, is the same as for other purulent-inflammatory processes: treatment with an antiseptic and antibiotic ointments. When the condition worsens, they resort to the help of a surgeon.

If after ablution you pay attention to the umbilical cavity, dry it, and if irritation occurs, treat it with an alcohol tincture of calendula or water tincture of furatsilin, then the risk of an inflammatory process will be minimized.


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Source: https://www.otvet-medika.ru/zdorovyj-muzhchina/vydelenija-iz-pupka-s-neprijatnym-zapahom-u.html

Why does my belly button stink?

In the modern world, keeping your body clean is not so difficult: everyone has a bath or shower in their home, and baths are also built in private homes. If desired, a person can wash not only every day, but several times a day. Why then does an unpleasant odor appear from the navel? And how to get rid of it?


This is an inflammation of the skin that is located in the umbilical fossa. Most often, this disease develops in children, but it can also appear in adults. The disease occurs due to damage to the skin inside the navel, which then becomes infected. For example, this can happen as a result of an unsuccessful navel piercing or an injury to the abdominal area.

Characteristic signs of omphalitis:

  • navel smell,
  • navel discharge,
  • inflammation of this area
  • if you press on the umbilical fossa, pus is released,
  • Sometimes the temperature may rise.

What should you do if these symptoms appear? See a doctor as soon as possible! He will prescribe treatment or, if necessary, refer you to the hospital.

: why can odor appear from the navel and how to get rid of it?

Source: https://otvetprost.com/768-pochemu-vonyaet-pupok.html

The umbilical wound gets wet

A systematically weeping umbilical wound is a sign that it has become infected. In this case, you need to consult a pediatrician. If a weeping navel is not treated, it will begin to fester. The constantly weeping navel is treated using the following algorithm:

  • soak the crust at the navel with hydrogen peroxide;
  • remove softened crusts with a cotton swab;
  • rinse the navel again with hydrogen peroxide;
  • treat the umbilical wound with brilliant green or 70% ethyl alcohol;
  • treat the umbilical wound with Fukortsin or Baneocin

Happy baby

Every responsible and loving parent wants his baby’s umbilical wound to heal as quickly as possible. To do this, just follow the simple recommendations given above. We hope that now you know how to properly clean a baby’s navel. The happykids editors wish you and your baby health and joy!

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