Recipe Green salad 2 parsley cilantro onion. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Everyone knows how useful greens are in nutrition: they are the first to save us in early spring in grain sprouts from a lack of vitamins, they do not leave our table all summer, giving food a special taste, aroma and decorating the most delicious dishes. Greens are widely used in preparing winter supplies, because it’s hard to imagine crispy cucumbers in a jar without dill! In addition to their taste, almost all greens are also medicinal plants that enhance the protective and immune properties of the body and cure some ailments.

All herbs ( dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, green onions) contain bioactive substances, micro and macroelements, vitamins A, C, K and others.

We will not list all the advantages of herbs here; we will dwell only on the particularly characteristic beneficial properties of a particular plant.


One of the most popular representatives of green mass in our country, on average, every Russian eats almost one and a half kilograms of dill per year. The calorie content, as well as the fat and carbohydrate content in it, is almost zero. Dill also does not oxalates, found in other green foods, which contribute to the formation of kidney stones. But dill is very rich in flavonoids (natural antioxidants that protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis and old age) and monoterpenes (neutralizers of carcinogens contained in fried meat, kebabs and other products). That is why it is always recommended to serve greens and, in particular, dill with shish kebab and any meat dish, in order to smooth out all the consequences of the unhealthy, but beloved shish kebab.

Beneficial properties of parsley:

  1. Benefits for women's health (menstrual problems, as well as for improving lactation).
  2. For therapeutic and health purposes and prevention of diseases of the digestive system, liver diseases. To combat swelling and eye diseases. In addition, it helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  3. In addition to decoctions and infusions, juice is used. In addition to many beneficial properties, it also has an antipyretic effect and will relieve pain from insect bites.
  4. Parsley root, when consumed in any form, strengthens the immune system. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of scurvy, night blindness and vitamin deficiencies.
  5. Parsley is also great as a cosmetic product.


This weed is the most popular all over the world.
It, like its brother, dill, contains the same beneficial substances, flavonoids, monoterpentes and vitamins. In terms of the content of vitamin K, which helps blood clotting, parsley surpassed dill and only 10 grams of it (2-3 branches) contain two daily norms of this vitamin. Vitamin C in parsley is more than 20% of the norm and more than 15% of vitamin A.

Volatile aroma oils of parsley contain myristic, limonene, eugenol and other antioxidants with a powerful anti-carcinogenic effect.

Eating parsley has a wonderful effect on the skin, giving it a velvety, smooth and healthy appearance.

Edita Piekha, the Soviet pop icon, especially loved parsley, which may be why the singer looks so wonderful to this day.

Growing coriander seeds and green cilantro

Coriander in both meat and cabbage, because without it it won’t be as tasty!

Everyone, young and old, knows the coriander plant. Thanks to the grains with their aromatic and unique taste, Borodinsky bread became so famous. And homemade sausage!? Just the memory makes your mouth water, and also thanks to the recognizable smell and taste of coriander, which is necessarily present among the ingredients in this sausage product. This is just a small part of where coriander is used.

Forest and Kim Starr /

Coriander is not only grain-fruit, it is also a bright vitamin green, the name of which is cilantro.

It is a pleasure to grow such a treasure in your summer cottage. Of course, spicy grass is unlikely to grow from inconvenience. She needs organic-rich, well-drained, loose soil with a pH close to neutral. Also, you need a sunny and open place , which is especially important for the middle zone. In more southern areas it can be planted in partial shade. This is due to the fact that coriander does not tolerate heat well. In hot weather, the plant blooms prematurely and, accordingly, produces seeds prematurely. Cilantro lovers cannot enjoy the aromatic herbs in such cases.

With sudden changes in temperature, with insufficient and irregular watering, premature flowering also occurs. The seeds will ripen, but there will be little fragrant greenery.

The plant does not tolerate transplantation well, so it is planted immediately with seeds in open ground. It is imperative to wait for a consistently warm period to set in and no return frosts to occur. Coriander does not like negative temperature drops.


Henrique Pinto /

Before sowing, the bed must be well prepared - filled with compost, humus, loosened and watered well. The seeds are not sown deep - 1 cm. They can be planted in rows, or scattered. Sown throughout the warm period. Shoots appear in two to three weeks. Therefore, when to sow can be easily calculated. But you should definitely take into account the timing of the last frost. To obtain faster germination, the seeds are soaked for ten hours before sowing.

Caring for plants is no different from usual. Regular watering, but without overwatering, will extend the harvest time of nutritious greens. If the crops turn out to be thickened, it is recommended to thin them out slightly to a distance of 5 cm from each other.

Loosening and weeding complement watering. Fertilizers are not required during the growth process if the soil is well-amended beforehand.

Greens (cilantro) can be eaten from the moment the plant grows to 5-6 cm. Two or three cuts are made per season, after each cilantro grows back.


Verdurbano /

It is clear that by constantly cutting off greens, you will get full-fledged fruits, i.e. coriander, I doubt it will work. Therefore, the best thing to do is to make two landings. One for obtaining greens, the second for fruit grains.

If the greens are cut regularly during the growing season, then we obtain coriander seeds closer to autumn. Browned seeds are considered ripe. When ripe, the stems of the plant are cut off and hung for additional drying. To avoid crop losses, the tops of the stems should be wrapped in gauze.

The time for coriander to ripen and harvest is approaching. And with it comes the time of making fresh, fragrant baked goods with the addition of grains from the new harvest. Your favorite sausage, as Belarusians say, “fingers phanaya”, seasoned with coriander, will “sear” in the frying pans. Bon appetit and good health everyone! Cilantro and coriander will help us with this.


This spicy herb is not so popular among us for its very rich aroma, which is not for everyone. However, it, like the aromatic herbs listed above, is very beneficial for the body and contains all the same substances, vitamins (C and K), antioxidants and flavonoids.

There are two varieties of this plant: green and burgundy basil. So the second one is the most useful thanks to anthocyanins, which color it burgundy, which neutralize free radicals and provide protection against various diseases and even cancer. Basil essential oils are a powerful antibacterial agent. By adding basil to dishes without heat treatment, we make them safe, as it kills many harmful bacteria.

Tender arugula

I decided to grow arugula in my dacha. The store offered a packet of seeds that said “fine-leaved two-row plant.” Is it correct? How to grow these greens?

M. Kotova, Yaroslavl

Indeed, the thin-leaved two-row plant is arugula. It is a perennial plant with thin, elongated, toothed leaves that is grown as an annual crop. The two-row plant grows back after cutting, and if you leave it in the garden over the winter, it will produce fresh greenery in the spring.

Varieties Olivette, Solitaire, Rocket, Cupid's Arrows and Euphoria easily produce high-quality harvests in open ground.

Green onions

What's a salad without green onions? The smell of onions is created by the sulfur compounds it contains, which are beneficial for the body in that they reduce the level of bad cholesterol, blood pressure levels and give elasticity to blood vessels, eliminating atherosclerosis.

Onions are an excellent protection against viruses and bacteria and even fungi! Carotene and lutein from green onions are true friends of vision; they also protect blood vessels from aging and even fight cancer cells.

Onions are also useful, but still inferior in their healing properties to their green brother.

The table below shows the ratio of vitamins in green and onions as a percentage of the daily value:

Vitamins Green onions, % Onions, %

from daily value from daily value

IN 153
AT 282

The benefits and harms of parsley

Parsley, perhaps, ranks first among green herbs in Russia. Cooks use both leaf and root parsley, but only leaf parsley is suitable for medicinal purposes. An interesting fact is that parsley contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits. So, if you have a cold, then chew parsley, and then maybe lemon.

Parsley is bioflavonoids and essential oils (contains myristicin). Myristicin stops the development of malignant tumors. Parsley has antioxidant properties and thus protects our body from many carcinogens. Parsley juice is used to relieve swelling, insect bites, and also in cosmetics. For example, for skin whitening. It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, tones and brightens it, and helps get rid of acne. Parsley is an excellent remedy for whitening teeth and strengthening gums.

This wonderful herb is rich in nutrients and minerals. It contains vitamin K in large quantities. Therefore, for patients after long-term treatment with antibiotics, it is recommended to use parsley, because the beneficial properties of parsley have healing powers. Currently, parsley is used as a restorer of the acid-base balance after a delicious lunch. Parsley is a wonderful table decoration.

Parsley juice is an excellent but potent remedy. Therefore, you should drink no more than sixty milliliters of juice in its pure form. The best way to make a blend is to mix it with any vegetable juices.


There are two types of salad: green and red, similar in composition and both are very healthy.

Despite the fact that lettuce contains almost 95% water, it is also a valuable source of nutrients and nutrients. In terms of the content of vitamins E and B, it is a record holder among vegetables.

It contains proteins that are completely absorbed in the body, microelements: magnesium, potassium, manganese. Rich in vitamins A, PP, rutin, and in terms of vitamin C content it is next to lemons. The iodine, calcium, iron, fluorine and especially silicon , together with vitamins, make this green extremely useful for those who suffer from diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, and on a raw food diet. In terms of iron content, lettuce is second only to spinach.

Lettuce leaves contain a substance such as lactucin , which has a positive effect on the nervous system and ensures good sleep.

The salad has a calming, diuretic, mild hypnotic and even analgesic effect. Salad is indispensable for weight loss, cleansing the body of toxins, and strengthening the immune system.


Each type of green spice has its own composition and characteristics, but it is the ability to improve male potency that is inherent in many of them. Dr. Josh Ax of the District of Columbia specializes in men's diseases. He offers his current, and especially potential patients, to prevent male infirmity through diet. He recommends adding vegetables, fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and always sesame seeds and watercress.

Watercress, according to doctors, increases potency and even increases sperm count. This is facilitated by the range of beneficial substances contained in these greens. There are vitamins A, E, C, PP, D, B, minerals, iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium and a lot of other useful substances. This herb is known for its properties to improve brain activity, slow down the aging process of the body and even stop degeneration. Lutein, which is part of watercress, improves vision and blocks the development of cataracts. It contains so much iodine that watercress is still recommended as food for patients with hyperthyroidism, a thyroid disease associated with iodine deficiency. But one of its most famous properties is stimulation of the reproductive system.

Alexey Portnov, a family doctor and medical expert, lists many plants as green aphrodisiacs. One of them is basil. This spice is very popular in Georgia. Without it, meat cannot be cooked, and Georgian men are sure that they owe much of their temperament to basil. According to doctors, basil actually helps maintain an erection for a longer period of time.

The well-known parsley is just the type of greenery that is appropriate in a large number of dishes. But in addition to taste, it also has many beneficial properties. Increasing potency is one of the main ones. Parsley contains all those components that are inherent in the most effective aphrodisiacs: vitamins, micro- and macroelements, minerals, essential oils. But the main difference between parsley and other types of greens is the presence of a special component apigenin. It reduces the concentration of estrogen in the body and, accordingly, increases testosterone levels. Another feature of parsley is that it increases blood circulation in the pelvis, which has a beneficial effect on erection. Scientists have proven properties of parsley such as stimulating spermatogenesis, improving the biochemical composition of sperm, increasing fertility, and preventing the development of prostatitis.

Celery, dill and cilantro have similar qualities. Celery contains androsterone, a plant analogue of the male hormone. Dill contains a lot of nitrogen, which is a vasodilator. And for men, this is the best remedy for increasing potency. As for cilantro, only eating it fresh, despite its pungent taste and smell, can have a beneficial effect on male potency.

Iraqi doctor, scientist from Wasit Tarek University Abdhilkadim Alasadi works on the men's health of his patients with diabetes. One of the components of his course of treatment, in addition to direct medications, is various herbs. Some of them are the same green spices that the doctor recommends using along with various dishes. For example, tarragon. We know it as tarragon, or dragon wormwood. Beta-carotene, vitamins B, C, E, essential oils, flavonoids, calcium, fluorine, magnesium, iron - tarragon has all this in abundance. But its main advantage as an aphrodisiac is zinc. It is the lack of this substance that reduces the erectile function of men. In addition, tarragon, according to Iranian doctors, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and this also has a positive effect on the well-being of men, especially those with health problems.

Dried herbs and spices benefits

Not only fresh herbs, but also dried ones have incredible benefits. And as it turned out during the research, sometimes even greater benefits. The fact is that when drying, water evaporates and the concentration of beneficial substances in aromatic herbs increases. Thus, parsley, dill, and cilantro increase the content of the element potassium, which the body really needs. Potassium displaces sodium in the blood, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, dried herbs are recommended in the diet of hypertensive patients, 2 teaspoons daily. So little, but what a healing effect.

dried greens

Greenery colors our lives green

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