How to hurt your ex?

How to hurt a guy

Pain can be both physical and mental. It is better to immediately abandon the first option, unless you attend the martial arts section. But representatives of the better half of humanity are still characterized by more sophisticated and insidious methods. A woman can simply quit, she can start an unflattering rumor, or even commit treason. The motives are different, but the goal is almost always the same - to make the scoundrel regret what he did, affect self-esteem, and humiliate him. Remember: words hurt the most. Your insightful and sarcastic tone will make him feel uncomfortable. And so, when he is completely confused and, in the language of boxers, “opened up”, you deliver the final, “knockout” blow: you deadly remind him of the most awkward, incidental or simply shameful incident in his male life. It works one hundred percent. But here it is useful to correctly calculate the “impact force”. If you still don’t want to lose him forever, you shouldn’t touch on the guy’s intimate sphere or humiliate him by listing the numerous advantages of your exes. This will already be a “low blow”.

To hit or not to hit?

As soon as you realize that a fight cannot be avoided, don’t waste time, strike first. By beating your opponent even by a fraction of a second, you win a lot. Often the fight ends after the first blow.

It is especially important to strike first if the enemy is significantly superior to you in physical strength or if there are several opponents.

Forget about criminal liability, forget about all the ridiculous “it’s not good to hit people.” Now these Thoughts will not save you, but on the contrary, they can lead you to a hospital bed.

How to guess the moment when the enemy is ready to move from words to action? Watch your facial expressions and gestures. Before striking, the person leans forward a little and tilts his head. Sometimes he puts his lower jaw forward and clenches his fists. The gaze is directed to where you plan to strike.

But keep in mind that experienced street fighters know how to disguise their intentions well. In appearance, he can be completely relaxed, look somewhere past you, chat casually - and suddenly strike at the most unexpected moment. So it’s advisable not to wait for non-verbal cues, huh! strike as soon as the conversation, in your opinion, has reached a dead end.

If there are several opponents, you need to hit the leader. It is usually visible immediately. This is not necessarily the healthiest of hitters. It can be small and flimsy. But on the other hand, he is the most active. More often than not, it is the leader who enters the conversation and attacks. Hit the one who chatters the most, you won’t go wrong.

It’s stupid to play at nobility. You have to hit hard, with all your strength, in the most vulnerable places. Don't try to control the force of the blow. It’s quite difficult to cripple a person, so don’t be afraid to invest. Your health, and even your life, now depends on it.

To disguise the blow and make it as sudden as possible, you can pretend to adjust your clothes or hair, moving your hand to a position convenient for the blow. No brave swings! No attempts to get into the correct fighting stance. What matters to you is the suddenness and accuracy of the blow, not the strength. Vulnerable points are called that way because they do not require strong physical impact. It is enough just to hit them accurately and sharply to get the desired effect - an enemy disoriented or completely out of the fight.

1. Eyes. The blow blinds, causes severe pain and demoralizes the enemy. It is not necessary to poke your fingers into the eyes - it is very difficult to hit, and your fingers can get hurt. A sharp blow with the brush is quite enough.

2. Brow ridges. Vision deteriorates temporarily. In addition, you can cut the eyebrow. The bleeding is very strong. This demoralizes the enemy and makes it difficult for him to see.

3. Nose. A weak blow causes copious tears, a strong one breaks the nose and incapacitates the enemy seriously and for a long time.

4. Chin. Knocks out the enemy. You can knock out or break your jaw. But there is also a risk - if you hit incorrectly, you can damage your hand.

5. Throat. A very vulnerable spot even for beefy guys. Moreover, even weak, but accurate

the blow forces the enemy to stop the fight and think about the meaning of existence. There are two downsides: it is quite difficult to hit an unprepared person in the throat; a strong blow can cause damage incompatible with life. So don't worry too much about your throat.

6. Ears. The blow is very painful. May cause suffocation. But again, without preparation it is extremely difficult to hit the ears. Moreover, the blow is noticeable and quite easy to defend against.

7. Liver. A good hit to the liver means the end of the fight. The pain is so severe that it literally stuns the person. Breaking through the muscle corset, especially in a trained athlete, is not easy, but it is possible. To do this, you need to catch the enemy while inhaling and punch him hard into the liver. For reference: the liver is located on the right, approximately at the level of the lower (floating) ribs of the sternum.

8. Solar plexus. About the same story as with the liver. But it is more difficult to hit successfully; the affected area is relatively small. Where to hit to get there? In the upper part of the peritoneum, where the ribs meet. An accurate blow leads to a short-term cessation of breathing. Well, it hurts a lot. Disadvantages: it is difficult to hit, it is not always possible to penetrate the muscle corset, if a person is wearing thick clothing (for example, in winter), hitting is generally useless, clothing will soften the blow.

9. Heart. A very controversial point. But it needs to be mentioned because many masters consider it quite vulnerable. Personally, I have never seen a strong blow to the heart reduce a person’s combat effectiveness. This organ is covered by ribs, which are difficult to penetrate even with a knife. Nevertheless, I can theoretically assume that somewhere someone was knocked out like that.

10. Lower abdomen. Also a very painful blow.

Doesn't cause serious damage, but disables

enemy with a high degree of probability. Just keep in mind that it’s not easy to reach your lower abdomen with your hand. You need to hit from the foot.

11. Groin. If you hit it, the fight is over. The trouble is that it is very difficult to get in, contrary to Hollywood films. Usually men, even completely unprepared ones, react very well to an attack in this zone. They automatically close immediately. So I don’t recommend striking the first blow there.

12. Lateral surface of the thigh. Of course, it is useless to hit there with your hands. But we will still talk about the technique of kicking, so we can mention this vulnerable point now, because it is attacked with a side kick or knee. It would seem: well, what could be vulnerable there - muscles and bone. In fact, hard strikes to the thigh often result in a technical knockout. After a good low kick, the leg simply refuses to function. Athletes call this “drying the leg.”

13. Knee joint. A strong direct blow will leave the opponent without a leg. But, again, it’s quite difficult to get there without preparation. You need to hit not with your toe, but with the edge of your foot - it’s more reliable.

14. Shin. The blow is not dangerous, but very painful. And getting there is easier than hitting the kneecap. You can hit it briefly with the toe of your boot. The downside is that you can endure this pain if you wish.

15. Lifting the foot. You need to hit with the edge of your foot, from top to bottom, as if you were stepping on your foot. A strong blow easily crushes the bones of the foot.

If you don't have any experience in fighting, it's better not to experiment. Hit with all your might in the face, preferably on the nose or chin, and then immediately in the groin. It makes sense to attack the remaining points if you have at least some fighting training.

It’s good if you have some object on hand that can turn into a weapon.

An umbrella can be used to successfully poke someone in the eye or throat. A bunch of keys can serve as a skewer or brass knuckles if you hold the keys so that the sharp ends stick out between your fingers. A folder, if hit in the face with it, can block your view for a split second. A stick, a stone, a piece of rebar are excellent “percussion instruments.” Try to use everything you can get your hands on.

You must attack quickly and decisively - whoever hits first wins. If the fight is one on one and the enemy has fallen, he must be finished off. Necessarily. Otherwise, he will get up and everything will start all over again. And there is no telling how it will all turn out. Therefore, when you see an enemy on the ground, immediately kick him wherever you have to, preferably on the head. Don't think about the fact that he is in pain, and don't be afraid to hurt him. Remember that if you care about his health, it will hurt you. I repeat: it is not easy to make a person crippled. A minor concussion is not a big deal.

. If there are several opponents, you will have to forget about finishing off. They simply won't let you do it. Therefore, if you fail one, immediately switch to another. If there are two or three bullies on your feet, try to move so that they are always on the same line. Then you won't have to fight back from both sides. If there are many more of them, try to stand with your back to a wall, to a tree, to a car, etc. It is important for you that no one can attack you from behind.

Even better is to do the legs. He hit and ran. If you carry out a successful attack and manage to knock out the leader, you will have a few seconds of a head start. The opponents will definitely become a little confused, turn their attention to the defeated leader, and begin to calculate possible options for the development of events. During this time you can run quite far. It may also happen that the enemies give up pursuit altogether.

If this does not happen and they give chase, you can either simply run as fast as you can to where there is a chance to meet the police or simply hide, or use the “fastest - get it” tactic. It consists in the fact that, having waited until the pursuers stretch out, and this is inevitable, because everyone runs at different speeds, you suddenly and sharply brake and suddenly attack the fastest one. Again, there is no need to be sophisticated. It is enough to hit once. Then you need to continue escaping the chase until the others reach you. If you act in cold blood, you can thus “crack” the entire company.

But, to be honest, this method is still more suitable for more or less experienced fighters. If you don’t know how to fight at all and you’re not strong and tall, it’s better to rely on your legs and luck.

So, to summarize: in a fight, the main thing to remember is that there are no rules or laws. Forget about the word “defense” right away. If a fight is inevitable, strike first, do not wait for the enemy to strike. The one who hits first has a much better chance of winning. To protect yourself from a blow, you need to have a certain skill. Hitting is much easier; no special knowledge or skills are required. So strike first. You have to punch him in the face and kick him in the groin. You need to take care of the same places in your home - hooligans also most often hit them there. To protect yourself, do not lower your hands, cover your head with them and stand slightly sideways to the enemy so as not to expose your groin area to attack.

Source: To hit or not to hit? As soon as you realize that a fight can no longer be avoided, don’t waste time, strike first

How to hurt your ex

A few “innocent” tips:

  • Don't answer calls.
  • Ignore.
  • Give statuses to other guys.
  • To the one driven to white heat, answer that you were busy.
  • Stop walking.
  • Forget about promises.
  • Refer to “important matters.”
  • Attract the attention of other men, flirt with them.
  • With all this, look damn irresistible.

Here is an example of a creative approach to the issue. The girl threw bread crumbs on the roof of the car of the guy who offended her. In the morning the whole car was covered in pigeon droppings and scratches from the claws of birds. Let us believe that the avenger had a more than compelling reason.

Hurt a man, what next?

Most girls subsequently regret revenge; moreover, they do not see any effective result of their actions. After all, most often emotions spill out thoughtlessly, in the heat of the moment, and this makes it difficult to evaluate a difficult situation objectively and, therefore, find an adequate solution. In any case, you can resolve the conflict calmly and balancedly, try to understand a loved one (even if already in the past), because to understand is almost to forgive. It is quite possible that the young man does not understand his mistake. In such a situation, revenge is all the more pointless, because he simply will not understand the reasons for your anger. It is necessary to put all the points in their place and sort it out calmly. And he will undoubtedly ask for forgiveness without any tricks on your part. And if he doesn’t ask, why do you need him like that?

To be or not to be, that is the question

Before taking action, all women have doubts to one degree or another. Is it worth taking revenge, or do you still need to let go of the situation and move on with your life. It all depends on the person and the situation, the action that the ex committed.

In some cases, it's really better to just forget. The thirst for revenge is a negative and very insidious feeling. On the one hand, revenge seems to be an act of justice and self-defense, but on the other hand, it deprives a person of reason, adequacy and can lead to sad consequences.

To understand whether it is worth taking revenge on your ex-spouse, honestly answer the following questions:

  1. How terrible was the husband's act? Try to realistically assess the situation. Perhaps, under certain circumstances, you would do or have done the same.
  2. What goal are you pursuing: to hurt, to cause guilt, to make you suffer, to make you angry? Are you ready for the resulting negativity to prompt your spouse to respond and unleash a chain of events that will make life even more difficult?
  3. Do you plan to return your husband, do you love him? If your feelings have not yet cooled down and there is hope for a future together, then it is better to leave thoughts of revenge. If your spouse loves you, he will find a way to correct the mistake, and if not, then no amount of punishment or admonition will work.

You need to be especially careful if you and your husband have children together. If revenge negatively affects the child’s communication with his father, then, as he grows up, he may blame you.

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