Why pancakes don’t turn out well: they turn out lumpy, tear, burn, don’t cook through

Pancakes are such a tasty, but at the same time ordinary dish that few people think: is it difficult to cook? Making the dough is a pleasure, but frying the dessert is not the easiest thing! It happens that pancakes burn, stick to the frying pan or do not turn over even with experienced housewives! What is it like then for those just starting to cook? But don't be upset about it. There are not many reasons why pancakes turn out lumpy. You just need to figure them out and avoid making these mistakes next time. The article explains why pancakes stick to the pan, and also provides a recipe for which they always turn out perfect.

Why the dough burns and sticks: the most common mistake cooks make

Of course, every housewife wants variety. It is impossible to cook pancakes according to one recipe all your life. And so, when preparing the dough, the housewife does everything according to the rules, measuring the food with spoons and glasses. She has already heated up the frying pan, greased it with oil, poured in the dough, but the pancake just won’t turn over. Why? Because she has no experience and doesn’t know what the consistency should be. Remember that for regular thin pancakes the dough should be similar to sour cream. When adding flour, do not follow the recipe exactly, as different types of flour thicken the pancake batter differently. Focus on thickening the consistency.

Ways to fix the error:

  • If the dough turns out to be too thick, then you need to pour into it the liquid with which it was prepared (water, kefir or milk). It is advisable to heat the liquid or bring it to at least room temperature before adding.
  • If the dough is too runny, feel free to add as much flour as needed until a creamy mixture forms.

The consistency should be similar to liquid sour cream

Non-compliance with the recipe

To prevent pancakes from sticking, it is important to follow the correct batter recipe. Many housewives make the same mistake - too much water, not enough eggs and fat. In addition to this, there are other reasons for an unsuccessful dessert.

  1. An excessive amount of oil
    has the opposite effect - it begins to boil when the pancakes are baked, as a result of which they do not turn over due to a violation of their integrity.
  2. Excess sugar
    . The pancake quickly browns on the bottom, but remains raw on top - it will be very difficult to turn it over.
  3. Lots of soda
    . If your recipe calls for the use of soda, then you must strictly follow the description. Excessive amounts of soda can ruin the taste of pancakes, give them an unnatural yellow color and destroy the stickiness of the dough.
  4. Adding spices
    . If you add too much cinnamon, vanilla, and cardamom to the dough, the strength of the dough may decrease, making it impossible to bake whole cakes.


When the pancake sticks strongly and breaks, it is worth adding another egg to the dough, as this is a kind of “cement” that holds all the components of the pancake mix together. Also add vegetable oil (no more than 40 ml of oil per standard recipe is considered optimal). If this does not eliminate the sticking, then it is better to redo the dough completely, preparing it exactly according to the recipe.

Do I need a non-stick pancake maker if the dough sticks to the pan?

Unfortunately, even experienced pancake bakers are not always able to cook perfect pancakes. But don't be upset, you just need to reconsider the recipe. You cannot add foods to the dough “by eye” or by taste (we are not talking about spices). For example, if you overdo it a little with soda, the pancakes will stick to the pan. When turned over they tear. And the lack of such an important ingredient as an egg will make the dessert loose and unattractive.

And this can and should be corrected, but the test should not be lost:

  • First, add the egg, mix the pancake mixture thoroughly and fry the pancake. If you think it is a bit pale, add another egg.
  • Is the situation not improving? Fixing this error requires a lot more work. Prepare another batch of pancake mixture (but don’t put soda in it anymore!) and mix it with this one.

It could also be a lack of eggs in the dough.

In order to spend less time fiddling with correcting defects, it is better to do everything immediately according to the recipe.

How to serve a dish correctly?

Pancakes can be served in the form of a pie, which consists of pancakes layered with filling. Pancakes are placed in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, and the filling is laid out on each of them. The sides of this pie can be coated with the dough left over from the pancakes. The next option is to cover the pie with puff pastry. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

The filling options for this pie are quite varied:

  • boiled or fried fish, boiled eggs, fried onions
  • fried minced meat, stewed cabbage, fried onion
  • chicken fillet, finely chopped and fried with onions
  • fried mushrooms, boiled eggs, fried carrots
  • boiled rice, fried carrots and onions
  • boiled millet, boiled cabbage, butter

You can layer the pancakes with these fillings one at a time, or you can use just one.

Hello! There is no housewife who has had pancakes stick to the pan at least once in her life. And we know how offensive and unpleasant it is. After all, so much work and soul was invested in the cooking process itself. And now we will give advice on what to do if pancakes stick to the frying pan?

What to do if the pancakes don’t come off or the frying pan is to blame

Indeed, sometimes the frying pan is to blame for spoiled pancakes. If you bought a new device for frying pancakes, but you can’t fry them on it, then don’t worry.

You just need to heat it up:

  1. Pour salt onto the new device so that the bottom cannot be seen.
  2. Add forty grams of baking soda to this powder.
  3. Mix everything and distribute evenly throughout the device, then turn on the heat.
  4. When you see the powder begin to change color (usually a creamy color), turn off the heat and remove it from the pan.
  5. Rinse the dishes under running cool water.

Sometimes the frying pan is to blame for spoiled pancakes

Never wash a pancake pan with rough or wire wool. Try not to use soap solutions when washing it.

But if you are going to buy a new frying pan, then it is better to purchase a special one for frying pancakes or with a non-stick coating. Because they will not stick to it, even if you do not smear it with oil.

How to choose the right frying pan and prepare it for use?

Today's manufacturers of frying pans reasonably supply special models for baking pancakes, namely: pancake frying pans of different types and with different coatings. This is how they try to help housewives in this process so that the pancakes do not stick to the bottom and walls.

The pancake pan is characterized by:

  • a smooth, even bottom, the diameter of which should best match the existing heating device (it is better to install a special flame divider on the gas burner to distribute heat evenly over the entire surface);
  • low sides (for ease of turning and removing pancakes);
  • comfortable and heat-resistant handle (to avoid burns);
  • equipped with a temperature indicator at the bottom (for beginners);
  • various, which prevent sticking.

It is desirable (but not necessary) to have a lid when certain recipes require limited air movement. At the same time, the weight of the frying pan practically does not matter for baking pancakes, since there is no need to retain heat for a long time. The thickness of the bottom is also without obvious wishes. Although, of course, in a frying pan with a thick bottom the pancake bakes more evenly. The only disadvantage of using heavy pancake pans is that they are inconvenient for the housewife - her hand gets tired quickly.

If pancakes stick to the pan because it does not meet the specified parameters, baking pancakes is unlikely to turn into an enjoyable procedure. In this case, the way out of the situation is a new frying pan, the use of which will avoid problems with the coating or heating rate. Before use, like any new utensils, they should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan: maybe there is not enough oil

Nobody wants to gain weight, so they add critically little oil. It’s good if you have a frying pan for pancakes (at least don’t use oil at all!), but if you don’t, then the dessert will burn. To fry thin pancakes, it is enough to lubricate the device with a napkin dipped in oil, but to fry thick ones you will need more. If you still do not want to break your diet, then add olive oil to the dough itself and spread a thin layer of vegetable oil on the frying pan. This will not harm your figure much, especially if you consume dessert in the first half of the day.

Don't skimp on oil for frying

Incorrect dough consistency

It doesn’t matter what you cook pancakes with (milk, water or kefir), since the main role in the recipe is given to flour, which forms its consistency.

  1. If there is too much flour, the pancakes will turn out undercooked and will fall apart due to their thickness.
  2. Not using enough flour will cause the pancake to stick to the surface.

The correct consistency means the dough flows viscously from the ladle, but not in a too thick stream. This state can be achieved only when the batch sits for half an hour. During this time, the dough will have time to release gluten, which will give the pancakes greater elasticity.

Recipe for “perfect” pancakes that don’t stick to the pan


  • seven hundred and fifty milliliters of milk;
  • three pieces of chicken eggs;
  • fifty grams of granulated sugar (if you don’t have a sweet tooth);
  • fifty grams of sifted flour;
  • ten grams of baking soda;
  • lemon (you will need a spoon of its juice);
  • salt to taste;
  • thirty milliliters of sunflower oil.

The pancakes are tasty, juicy and fry well.

How to cook:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt.
  2. Whisk everything until a foamy mass forms.
  3. Add flour little by little, stirring all the time.
  4. Pour in the milk and mix everything.
  5. Add like this: one hundred grams of flour, one hundred grams of milk - mix everything (so that the dough is not hard). If you see lumps remaining, don't be discouraged. At the end (when everything is added) you can mix the mixture with a mixer.
  6. Add everything else and mix with a mixer.
  7. If you think that the dough is too liquid, do not add flour to it - it should be like that.
  8. Grease the frying pan with oil and fry on the middle window.

Options for fillings and additions to pancakes

Ah, pancakes! There is room for your culinary imagination to run wild! As an excellent addition to them, sour cream, melted white or dark chocolate, cottage cheese with sugar and raisins, condensed milk, and honey are used. These sweet pancakes can be used as dessert


Pancakes coated with raw jam are very good. Raw jam is berries passed through a meat grinder or whipped in a blender with sugar. A wide variety of berries are suitable for these purposes - raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, currants, cranberries.

Sugar and berries are taken in equal parts. This jam should sit in the refrigerator and take on a jelly-like form. You should definitely try pancakes with such an original and healthy addition.

Pancakes also go well with savory fillings.

– they are served hot and cold.

For hot fillings, minced meat, liver fried with onions and minced, cottage cheese with herbs are suitable. The pancakes are rolled into an envelope and heated in the oven. Pancakes also go well with salmon, caviar, cheeses, and smoked meats.

It is worth trying suluguni or feta cheese with herbs such as tarragon, mint, and basil. These pancakes are served as cold appetizers.

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