Stop at any cost: how to maintain weight after a diet

Everyone who struggles with excess weight has managed to lose a couple of kilograms at least once in their life. Or even to the desired level. However, few people are able to maintain weight. What's the secret? First of all, in the understanding that after completing the diet, working on yourself and your eating habits does not end. This is not the time to relax! You are more likely to maintain your weight if it remains stable for at least a year: if it does not grow or lose weight, then plus 50-10 kg, then minus. Only then can you confidently say: the weight has been taken. And the following seven tips will help you achieve this.

Recalculate the energy value of the menu

It's simple. During your weight loss phase, you should have been expending more energy than you were getting from food. Now - approximately equalize the “income” with the “expense”. You don’t have to use fancy formulas for this. “If you have a sedentary job and do fitness three times a week, during the weight stabilization stage, consume 30 kcal per kilogram of body weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, you need to consume approximately 1800 kcal per day, says Elena Tikhomirova , nutritionist at the SM Clinic. “If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then you should have 25 kcal per kilogram, and with daily training - up to 35 kcal.”

Increase your caloric intake gradually

By doing this in one fell swoop, you risk also gaining weight in one fell swoop. “Instead, increase the calorie content of the menu once a week by 100-150 kcal due to complex carbohydrates and proteins,” says Elena Tikhomirova. - If during the diet you, say, ate 1400 kcal, then a week after its completion, go to 1500-1550 kcal. Eat like this for seven days. Did you keep the weight off? Add another 100-150 kcal. Have you discovered that you are gaining weight? Return to the energy value of the diet at which your weight remained stable. Next, try to increase physical activity and gradually add calories again. An important point: per 1 kg of your weight you should consume at least 1 g of protein, and the proportion of animal fats should be reduced by consuming dairy products and lean meat and poultry.”



Obesity has become one of the most important problems in the modern world. In developed countries, 1 in 10 people are obese, meaning they weigh more than 20 percent above the healthy weight limit.

Obesity causes serious health problems mainly due to the stress on various organs, bones and joints.

For example, being overweight causes pain in the lower back and knees, as well as shortness of breath. Obesity increases the risks of potentially life-threatening disorders such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. People who are obese tend to have high levels of cholesterol in their blood, which causes atherosclerosis - the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels. Atherosclerosis can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Obese people are more likely to have gallstones, as well as diabetes, prostate, uterine and breast cancer. Finally, obesity can lead to depression and other mental health problems. Scientific studies have shown that “obesity takes on average about 13 years of life.”

Reducing weight by only 4-5 kilograms in overweight people has a very positive effect on health. Those who achieve this success experience significant improvements in physical well-being and increased self-esteem. But most importantly, the risks of developing many diseases disappear forever.

Obesity is a serious problem not only for adults. Obese children are also prone to the above diseases, many of which become apparent as children grow older. For obese children and adolescents, measures should be taken to limit further weight gain. This will ensure normal growth and development and help them avoid obesity when they become adults.


To do this, it is recommended to use two methods: height-weight index and lumbar circumference size. The height-weight index is calculated by dividing weight by height and squaring the resulting figure. You can calculate your index and determine the degree of adequacy of your weight thanks to the height-weight index table presented on the next page.

Compared to simply determining weight, establishing a height-weight index is a more objective indicator, since it gives an approximate idea of ​​the degree of excess fat in the body. However, the height-weight index has its limitations. For example, it overestimates fat load in stocky and athletic individuals. However, the height-weight index underestimates the degree of obesity in individuals who have lost muscle mass.

Another indicator of the degree of obesity is the diameter of the lumbar circumference. Recent research has shown that it is not just where fat is stored that is important, but rather where the most accumulation occurs. Although bulky thighs (pear-shaped) are the most disappointing from an aesthetic point of view, scientists have found that fat accumulation in the abdominal area (apple-shaped) is more detrimental to health.

The fact is that fat in the body is divided into two categories - subcutaneous, which is the most common, and the so-called visceral, or internal. Normally, approximately 90 percent of fat is stored under the skin. This is the fat that can be easily felt by grasping any skin-fat fold in the hips, shoulder area, etc. As for internal fat, it cannot be felt so easily. This is the fat that covers our organs located inside the abdomen in the form of tissue called the omentum. Normally, omental fat is only 10 percent fat. In obese individuals, the ratio of subcutaneous fat to visceral fat is 75 to 25. What is the reason that visceral fat is more dangerous than subcutaneous fat? Researchers believe that visceral fat cells are more aggressive than subcutaneous fat cells, causing an increase in blood cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis.

It has been established that there is a connection between the accumulation of internal fat and various metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, as well as the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, waist circumference is an important indicator. It is believed that a waist circumference of more than 87 cm in women and more than 100 cm in men indicates a potential risk of these diseases.

Height and weight indicators in adults. Note your weight on the left side of the table and your height at the top. Draw a horizontal line from your weight and a vertical line from your height: the number at the junction of these lines is your height-weight index (HWI). RVI from 19 to 24.9 corresponds to normal values; RVI from 25 to 29.9 reflects excess body weight; An RVI over 30 indicates that you are obese.


The process of sustainable weight loss requires serious effort and consistency. One of the effective ways to achieve success is to develop an optimistic internal dialogue. If you constantly hear a critical "inner voice" that says, for example, that you should not crave or eat anything that contains many calories, or that you are not exercising enough to lose weight and that you need to exercise more, then You've probably become convinced to decisively give up your unhealthy lifestyle.

Let's imagine such an example. After years of sedentary lifestyle, you decided to take a 20-minute moderate walk for the second time this week. You are filled with a sense of pride for such efforts, and you consider this attempt the beginning of a new healthy habit, a new stage in your life.

Suddenly your inner critical voice completely destroys this parade of feelings: “What are you proud of after only walking for a measly 20 minutes? Such “successes” will take 10 years to lose excess weight...”

Anyone who is not ready for real changes in life will respond to such internal criticism with a defeatist mood, and will first of all think about how to calm down. An idea may arise: how about treating yourself to sweet ice cream or a cake with a lot of cream. After all, any attempts will not bring success.

This defeatist mood can be changed to a more optimistic and decisive one. For example, you can respond to your inner voice:

  • “Twenty minutes of walking twice this week is a big improvement on how I used to spend my evenings lying on the sofa watching TV.”
  • “Twenty minutes of walking is enough to speed up your heart rate, improve blood circulation, refresh yourself with plenty of oxygen and get your muscles in proper shape.”
  • “A twenty-minute walk is not that difficult, it’s even pleasant; I would be happy to repeat such a walk in the near future, and even go more often.”
  • “In a few weeks I will be able to walk even longer. Walking is a comfortable and wonderful way to break up a sedentary lifestyle and become physically active.”
  • “The important thing is that I give up old habits and start a new life with good skills that are good for my health.”

Every time you successfully fend off criticism from your inner voice, you become more optimistic and more determined. This is the key to success in achieving your goal - weight loss and health.


Body weight is primarily determined by the balance of calories - those we consume through food and those we lose through physical activity. Weight loss is achieved by burning more calories than we consume in food. At the same time, the key to successful weight loss and obesity prevention is consistency and consistency in the desire to maintain a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

Diets that primarily focus on limiting fat or carbohydrate intake or excessive protein intake are often recommended. These types of diets, although they provide temporary weight loss, are nevertheless not recommended for long-term use. The fact is that a long-term imbalance in the consumption of staple foods can adversely affect basic health parameters.

The most realistic is a uniform weight loss of an average of half a kilogram per week. It should be noted that obese individuals may lose weight more rapidly, especially during the first 2-3 weeks. Moreover, at first, weight loss occurs mainly due to the loss of water from body tissues. However, it is fat, not water, that must be removed from the body in order to ensure sustainable weight loss. Therefore, promising dietary recommendations for intensive weight loss of 1.5–2 or more kilograms per week may only have a temporary effect. More realistic is a moderate but systematic and regular regimen of physical activity and dietary restrictions. By adhering to this regimen, you will ensure a stable weight loss of an average of half a kilogram per week.

To achieve this, it is recommended to reduce dietary energy intake by approximately 500 calories per day. This calculation is based on the fact that half a kilogram of fat corresponds to approximately 3,500 food calories. In other words, in order to lose half a kilogram of fat, you need to reduce the amount of food energy consumed by 3,500 calories. This can be achieved over one week by reducing food intake by 500 calories each day (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories). This can best be achieved by combining diet with exercise. Below are examples of what 500 calories a day might mean.

If you want to “burn” 500 calories, this will require the following efforts:

  • Walk intensively for 1.5 hours.
  • Run for about an hour.
  • Swim for an hour.
  • Play tennis for about an hour.

You can eliminate 500 calories from your food intake by eating the following meals, which contain approximately 500 calories:

  • One medium sized sausage sandwich.
  • One plate of pasta with meat sauce.
  • To reduce body weight, it is important to limit your intake of calories. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet, namely a balanced intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This is achieved by following this formula: 20-35% of food calories should come from fat, 45-65% of calories from carbohydrates and 10-35% of calories from protein. It is important to remember that one gram of carbohydrates and proteins contains 4 calories, while one gram of fat contains 9 calories.

A balanced diet can be achieved by combining vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, low-fat milk and dairy products, fish, and lean meats and poultry. Particular attention should be paid to the portion size of food consumed: it is clear that large portions are associated with excess body weight. Thus, controlling not only the quality, but also the quantity of food consumed is an important condition for the fight against obesity. More details about the weight loss diet will be discussed below.

As stated above, the most successful and long-term weight loss is achieved through a balanced change in both components of energy balance - limiting calorie intake and simultaneously increasing energy expenditure through physical activity.

Obesity prevention is ensured by daily moderate physical activity for 30 minutes. Losing weight already requires 30 to 60 or more minutes a day of moderate or intense physical activity. For men over 40 years of age and women over 50 years of age, as well as for those with chronic medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor before starting intense exercise for weight loss. However, for most people, increasing physical activity does not pose a health threat.


Exercise doesn't just “burn” calories. They help lift your spirit and mood, give you energy and help fight stress. Regular physical activity increases your metabolic rate in such a way that even when you are not moving, food calories are burned faster than if you did not exercise.

As detailed in the chapter “The Meaning of Life Is in Movement,” there are three main types of exercise: aerobic, strength, and stretching exercises. Aerobic exercise involves repetitive movements involving contractions of large muscle groups in the arms and legs. They are extremely important for weight loss. In addition, they improve heart function.

Aerobic exercises include: walking, running, cycling, swimming, walking and running on a machine, skiing, aerobics, etc. Most low-impact exercises, such as walking or climbing stairs, performed throughout the day can be classified in this category. At more intense levels, aerobic exercise increases your breathing and heart rate, while increasing sweating.

Strength exercises focus on overcoming resistance using resistance bands and also involve working with weights such as dumbbells. They can be carried out both in the gym or fitness room, and at home. Strength exercises involve contractions of large and small muscles. They are important for the development of muscle strength, balance and balance.

Muscle stretching exercises are the third element of a balanced physical program. One type of such exercise is yoga. Stretching significantly improves physical balancing ability, and well-warmed muscles are more responsive to exercise stress. They help prevent various injuries.

You can read more about each type of physical exercise in the chapter “The meaning of life is in movement.” To lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, our ten-week plan can be very helpful, which includes alternating four main types of exercise: aerobic exercise, strength training, flexibility exercises and balance exercises. In addition, the chapter “The meaning of life is in movement” offers sets of exercises for developing muscle strength, balance and flexibility, which can be performed at home.

In addition to targeted physical exercise, one should not forget about regular movements, which also help burn calories and normalize weight.

Examples include:

  • walking or cycling for shopping or other routine activities;
  • walking or cycling to work;
  • taking the stairs instead of using the elevator;
  • breaks from constantly sitting at your desk - you can walk down the corridor at least a few times;
  • walking to the nearest grocery store instead of driving to the supermarket or market, even though food is cheaper there;
  • If you drive a car, it is better to park further away from the entrance to the office or store.

Although insignificant at first glance, all these actions allow you to “burn” additional calories and help achieve the desired effect from regular exercise.

There are many different recommendations regarding how often you should exercise. The most scientifically proven recommendation is that you should perform moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and at least 4 times a week. This is a significant change from the guidelines of the 1980s and 1990s, when intense and more frequent exercise was recommended, causing many to quit sports and return to a sedentary lifestyle. Modern recommendations are more realistic - moderate physical activity, but regular.

The most important condition for achieving positive results is regular physical activity. For example, you can start by exercising only twice a week for 15–20 minutes. Gradually, you can add a third day and increase the duration of the exercises to 30 minutes. Ultimately, you yourself will be able to come to the recommended regimen, which will become an integral part of your lifestyle.

Sometimes it's hard to believe, but the time is not far off when you will feel an inner need for active movement on those days when you do not exercise. It is important to make friends with sports. Remember that the meaning of life is movement, and your body is designed to move. With your help, your body will perceive movement as something extremely valuable and important.


Weight loss is a widely discussed topic in many magazines and popular publications. They publish many different diets that “guarantee” rapid weight loss.

However, not all of them are acceptable for health and lifestyle. In order to make the right decision about choosing a diet, you need to make sure that the recommended diet meets the following requirements:

  • Includes a variety of foods from the following main groups: fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and protein products, grains and legumes.
  • Contains the foods you like.
  • Does not conflict with your lifestyle and is affordable within your family budget.
  • Consists of meals prepared with food products that can be purchased at local grocery stores.
  • Includes a reasonable and balanced amount of nutrients and calories to help you lose weight effectively and safely.

If the recommended diet does not meet at least one of these requirements, it is better to look for another more acceptable option.

Moreover, it is important not to focus only on finding the optimal diet. The most correct way is to combine diet with physical activity. Scientific research has shown that a combination of diet and exercise provides more effective weight loss and maintains it at an optimal level for a long time. On the contrary, restricting the diet by 400–800 calories per day without proper physical activity, although it provided weight loss, the effect was short-lived, and the weight in such people returned to the original level within 6 months after the cessation of dietary restrictions.

Below are recommendations on how you can reduce your calorie intake by eating a balanced diet of mostly plant-based foods. Such a balanced diet allows you to stabilize energy, normalize blood sugar levels and even improve your mood.


  • Reduce portion sizes; Consume lean meat, and chicken meat should be skinless.
  • Use the meat in the form of soups or small amounts of minced meat added to a main vegetable dish.
  • Remove fatty visible layers of fat.
  • It is better to replace meat with fish dishes.


  • Cereal products include wheat, rice, corn, barley, rye, as well as products made from them - bread, various types of cereals, etc.
  • Legumes include red and black beans, lentils, peas, etc. Also included in this group are soybeans and soy products such as tofu and soy milk.
  • It is recommended to consume vegetables that are dark in color. Moreover, it is better to take vegetables grown without the use of chemicals, the so-called “organic”. If this fails, it is better to peel the vegetables.


  • It is better to consume milk with 1% or 1.5% fat content and limit the intake of full-fat milk and cream
  • It is better to replace regular milk with fermented milk products, which are valuable sources of calcium and protein.
  • You can also replace cow's milk with soy milk, which is less likely to cause allergic reactions and is a good source of calcium and complete protein.
  • Limit your butter consumption.
  • It is better to cut the cheese into small slices and it is better to consume low-fat varieties.


  • Nuts - walnuts, almonds (unsalted), cashews, etc. - can be crushed and sprinkled on porridge, juices, or simply eaten as a snack.
  • It is better to keep nuts in the refrigerator.
  • If you keep the nuts in the oven, you can improve their taste. Just don't overcook it.


  • It is not necessary to completely eliminate salt. It is best added in moderation
  • Ketchup, tomato sauce, mustard, soy sauce, vinegar and spices are fine, but don't go overboard with them.
  • If you add mayonnaise, it is better to use one that has low fat content.


Some foods contain hidden calories. Below are the ways you can deal with such products.

  • Try to avoid baked goods such as cakes, pastries, and buns. But if you really like them, it is better to consume them in your own preparation, replacing fats with, for example, apple sauce, which is lower in calories.
  • If you like cookies or candies, it is better to buy them in single or small quantities, but not in whole bags or packages. In general, when visiting a supermarket or grocery store, it is better to avoid sections where sweets and baked goods are sold.
  • It's best to avoid margarine, which contains a lot of calories.
  • If you notice grease on your fingers or a napkin, then this is a clear sign that this product contains a lot of fat and should be avoided.


Firstly, it is important to eat food slowly, chewing it thoroughly, instead of just swallowing it or washing it down. Chewing food thoroughly helps in better digestion. At the same time, you consciously consume the amount of nutrients your body needs, and do not just eat food mass.

Another way to control your diet is to periodically put down your fork and knife while eating, while chewing your food thoroughly or being distracted by a conversation with your interlocutor. In this way, you can give up the habit of unconscious and automatic food consumption, during which you consume many more calories than you might think.

Try to eat more often, but in small portions, rather than eating two or three times a day, but in large quantities. For example, in the breaks between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner, you can allow yourself small snacks. This will not only help maintain energy and mood, but will help you avoid overeating during lunch and dinner due to hunger.

It is better to put a small amount of food on the plate. This will help you control unnecessary food temptations. In addition, after eating like this, it is better to get up from the table early. As the long-lived Japanese say, it is healthier to live with a slight feeling of malnutrition.

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Analyze which high-calorie foods may cause you to gain weight again

Often we start to gain weight again simply because we can’t resist our favorite treats or we start to indulge in healthy but high-calorie foods like nuts or olive oil. “Analyze which foods are likely to give you extra calories,” says Tatyana Bogdanova , weight loss specialist and psychologist. — Make a list of situations when you can “intercept” them unnoticed. If, for example, you often buy a bag of nuts for your car, you can easily empty it mindlessly while stuck in a traffic jam. But nuts are a very high-calorie product!”

Once you discover which treats can make you gain weight, put them on a special blacklist and check it often. Control your consumption of provocateurs. Agree with yourself that you will eat them no more than 2-3 times a week and in a certain quantity.

Reasons for the return of kilograms

Gaining excess weight back after a diet is a nightmare for everyone who loses weight. Depression, apathy, eating sweets because “it doesn’t matter anymore” only aggravate the problem.

The kilograms lost after a diet do not always come back. In rare cases, illness and hormonal imbalances may be to blame. But most often, the notorious human factor is an obstacle to harmony.

Possible reasons for weight return after a diet:

  1. Lack of a competent way out of the diet. This is perhaps the most common problem. A gradual transition to the new menu is necessary.
  2. Decreased physical activity. The completed diet becomes a reason to lie on the couch and spend the evening at home. Then hello, kilograms!
  3. Lack of motivation. The vacation is over, the swimsuit and open shorts give way to loose coats. Now you can relax!
  4. Lack of sleep. A lack of the “sleepy” hormone melatonin slows down metabolism and leads to weight gain.
  5. Hormonal disbalance. Overly restrictive diets and stress can lead to serious problems. They will have to be adjusted together with your doctor.
  6. "Little weaknesses." The end of the diet is the time to return to old habits. Friday get-togethers with friends, office snacks of croissants and a sausage sandwich at night - aren't these the reasons for weight gain?

Most often, weight gain results from several reasons at the same time. Those who are losing weight get tired of constant monitoring of nutrition and a strict training regimen. I want to relax, visit my favorite cafe and show off my beautiful figure. This approach is destructive to your own self-esteem and slim figure.

Exercise regularly

When you lose weight on a low-calorie diet, your body goes into energy-saving mode, so your metabolic rate decreases. To return it to its previous, pre-diet level, move more. Do fitness: 3-4 cardio workouts per week, 45 minutes each (jogging, aerobics) is what you need. “Also try to use your car less often and walk for at least half an hour every day,” adds Elena Tikhomirova.

Watch your health

Weight may begin to increase again due to certain diseases or age-related changes. “Most often this happens either due to the onset of menopause, or due to some insufficiency of thyroid function,” says Tatyana Bogdanova. — If it’s menopause, try to reduce the portions of all dishes by about 10–15% and get used to eating like this. To make sure that the thyroid gland is functioning normally, consult an endocrinologist. If a deficiency of thyroid hormone is detected, the doctor will prescribe you a drug that compensates for it.”

Determine your level of fat cell endowment

There are people who inevitably gain weight during the weight stabilization stage, even if they have correctly calculated the caloric content of their diet, are active enough and do not abuse high-calorie foods. “They just have more fat cells,” says Tatyana Bogdanova. - And this is the same individual feature as hair or eye color. The more fat cells you have, the easier it is for you to gain weight. If you find it difficult to lose weight and maintain weight even with a modest diet, try to eat high-calorie foods less often, especially in the afternoon. Eat 4-6 times a day with a daily calorie intake of 1200 kcal.”

Listen to these tips and you will realize that keeping weight off is not such a difficult task.

Additional effective tips

Triple your body's fasting days. This does not mean that these days you can buy a huge amount of your favorite junk food and eat it for several days. We all know what cooperatives are, where it is difficult to refuse goodies. And overeating occurs. Don’t be upset and think that the kilograms will return. The next day, give yourself a fasting day, which will be based on apples and kefir. This will help you stick to your chosen diet.

Personal care. Start the fight against excess weight from all sides. Started eating right and exercising. Now start taking care of your body. Do self-massages using coffee and sugar scrubs. Take a bath with sea salt and add a few drops of aromatic oils. Citrus aromatic oils are believed to help in the fight against excess weight. After all, it is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Don't be lazy, motivate yourself constantly. Gradually, this will become a habit, and you will no longer need to think about eating something so as not to gain weight. Now you know how to lose weight and keep your weight normal. After all, there is nothing better than feeling like a slim and beautiful person.

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