18 mistakes you shouldn't make at the beginning of a relationship

The question of how to behave when meeting a new partner is very individual and largely depends on some nuances.
Let's try to figure this out together. A big nuance, of course, will be the age of both yours and the new companion. It is better if it is approximately the same, plus or minus 5 years. Then you will be able to communicate on approximately equal terms. This will help you avoid many awkward moments, make it easier to even approach your partner and smooth out age-related errors.

The next nuance indicating how to behave with a partner at the beginning of a relationship can be called a social difference. We are, of course, talking about the position in society that you or your partner occupy.

If they are equal, then there are no barriers to communication, and if there are, then the one with a higher status may have arrogance, pride and other nuances that are not very easy to communicate. If all this does not scare you, then it is worth considering other communication factors.

How to present yourself

At the very beginning of communication, usually one of the partners experiences awkwardness, which is caused by embarrassment, fear or another feeling. At the same time, we must not forget that the long-term relationship depends on a woman’s behavior.

But again, you must determine for yourself how much you are ready to be connected with your partner and how long you need it. If this is a temporary relationship, then behave as you wish. If the goal of the relationship is marriage, then you need to be more careful. To do this, it is worth observing the rules of decency and unwritten canons.

1. We must not forget that not a single man likes disrespectful attitude towards his person, even in a normal conversation. You should not be familiar and chat about obscene things or events in your hectic life.

2. Few men approve of women who are too talkative. A woman should behave correctly at the very beginning of a relationship and talk about herself or others in restrained tones. Thus, allowing the man to show his talents and character traits. This will allow both of you to learn a lot more about each other. Excessive chatter incessantly will only tire your partner and push him away from you, and very quickly.

3. This all applies to women and younger girls. After all, it is also very important for a girl to behave correctly at the beginning of a relationship. This concept includes a lot.

There is no need to paint too brightly, you are not going to war, and war paint would obviously be out of place here. Excessively provocative and revealing clothing against the backdrop of a not very well-formed vocabulary of words can be perceived as promiscuity and cheekiness towards you.

Read: How relationships are born!

Any ideal girl should be clean and neatly dressed, have light, unobtrusive makeup, talk a little, and listen more. Do not impose your thoughts or ideas on your partner. A man is the master of the situation; he needs to be given the primacy of decisions and ideas.

I don’t understand what’s going on in my relationship with my husband!

Marina, good afternoon!

You have been together for so many years and it would seem that you know each other inside and out, but it has not yet worked out to establish a hormonal relationship. Or maybe it wasn’t always like this?! (if yes, then after what it changed).

The fact that you are trying to improve your relationship is good. But apparently we need to choose the right methods. You have already realized that prohibiting something does not give any results. Just like if you raise your voice at them. Men like to make their own decisions. When you “pour out your soul on him,” he closes down, perhaps it scares him or puts him at a loss. Try to “dose” what is boiling in your soul and present it not in the form of reproaches, but calmly, softly, quietly, tenderly: “It becomes very painful and difficult for me when you drink often, I’m worried about your health, I don’t I find a place for myself. What should we do? Yes, it’s not always easy, but you are a woman, so use it, you already have it all! Try it and see the results immediately!

You also often write that it’s as if you speak different languages. This may indeed be the case, because we come from different families, with different ways of life, from which we adopted our way of building relationships and vision of family life. You should discuss your views on male and female responsibilities in the family. Perhaps write each one separately on pieces of paper first and then compare. You can really surprise each other. Such communications strengthen the relationship, and you will understand each other better. There are also 7 different languages ​​for expressing your love. For example, you feel that you are loved when they constantly tell you this or, for example, give you gifts, and you do the same to your loved one, and he feels loved when you constantly touch him, hold his hand, hug him. It turns out that everyone speaks their own language and expects this from their partner, and feels unloved. If you are interested in this topic, I can tell you more about it.

If you see that you cannot be heard, then you should pay attention to whether you hear what your partner wants to convey to you. Perhaps he tried to say something in his own way, but he also ran into misunderstandings and now it’s easier for him to remain silent. If he feels that you understand and accept him, then he will open up and want to understand you. The main thing is to talk about this in a calm state. As soon as you feel that emotions are taking over you, reschedule the continuation of the conversation for another time.

Tired, the appearance of a baby in the house, this also greatly affects the relationship between spouses. If up to this point everything was different, then it’s worth looking at where you set your guidelines incorrectly. He shouldn't feel like he's second best to you.

You know this peculiarity of yours: hot temper. Try to curb it, turning it into feminine softness. There are various ways. Your spouse will appreciate these changes and then there will be a desire to change himself.

I believe that you will succeed, because you want it so much!!

I don’t understand what’s going on in our relationship
Good answer3 Bad answer2

How to behave at the beginning of a relationship with a young man

In order for a relationship to develop from the very beginning, it is worth showing respect for the interlocutor. You should not interrupt him or chew gum during dialogue. It would be good to exclude parasite words from your vocabulary, such as “damn”, “infection” or something similar.

In addition, behaving correctly for a girl at the very beginning of a relationship also means that the presence of girlfriends or other guys when you meet will be unnecessary. After all, this is your personal meeting, and not a meeting of classmates. Behaving correctly at the very beginning of a new relationship means that endless telephone conversations and calls are unacceptable. This obviously will not add brightness and irresistibility to you in the eyes of your partner.

Of course, it will be very good to behave correctly in a relationship, in such a way as not to scare the man away from you. You shouldn’t immediately invite him to visit you or immediately introduce him to friends and parents.

Freedom is very dear to any man. Any attempt to limit it will be perceived by the partner as a violent restriction of freedom. And even more so at the beginning of a relationship, who knows, maybe he is not at all interested in a long-term relationship with you.

How to meet a man and not scare him away

Problems finding a partner are among the top 5 reasons for turning to a psychologist. Mostly women come to me who complain that they either cannot find a man at all, or that a man disappears without explanation after a short relationship. Why is this happening? Where did he go or maybe there really aren’t any suitable men?

We can distinguish two very different, but very unsuccessful strategies for meeting and treating a potential gentleman - the last man syndrome and the star syndrome.

Women with last man syndrome live with the door wide open. Everyone who at least flashed on the threshold, that is, reached the second date, is immediately included in the category The man of my dreams. There is no critical perception of the partner. Some kind of recognition of him - take a closer look, get used to it, think, compare with others, choose, too. If sex happens and a toothbrush is solemnly brought into the house, that’s it, the woman is completely blown away.

What is happening is immediately interpreted as the beginning of a long family life. It doesn’t matter that nothing except a brush is brought into the house. And there are no other signs that a man is going to stay in a woman’s life. Questions are not asked, intentions are not made clear. A woman may timidly ask “what’s going on between us,” but any muttering or just “uh-huh” counts as “everything is fine, we’re a couple.” Then everything depends on the man’s interest and decency, but interest, as a rule, is not enough for long, and decency is enough to send an SMS “I’m sorry.”

Women with star syndrome, or the Princess in the Tower, on the contrary, are not just critical, they are overly confused by their complexity and how unique and mysterious getting to know them must be. They follow different rituals: in order for me to pay attention to him, he must write me some original text, and not just “hello”, invite me to the Bulgakov Museum at night on the first date, and on the third he must bring a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. Sex after the eighth date and a candlelit dinner in Dracula's castle. If, God forbid, a man gives you tulips at the first meeting and invites you to drink coffee at the nearest coffee shop, that’s it, he is crossed off the list of those living on this planet. After all, she is such a super personality, she cannot stoop to simple platitudes.

Both the first and second categories of women usually find themselves alone and wounded, men constantly run away from the first, and do not run into the second; they do not pass the standards for rituals. Women with last man syndrome underestimate themselves. The princesses in the tower are overrated many times over. Both are afraid of intimacy, just in different ways. Women with the last man syndrome absorb the object so that he loves them both for dad and mom, and for all the previous last ones and for herself. Only he will love, and she will not believe him, because she does not love herself. She wants to be loved, but does not believe that this is possible.

They also want to devour the stars, but after torturing them first, just as their cold, narcissistic mothers tormented them: “I will love you later, when you become what I want.”

Just as the truth is in the middle, so a normal man is found between these polar types. A man does not want to love a woman who does not love herself and self-deprecates. A man cannot love a woman for himself and for someone else. A man doesn’t want to climb a fairground pole for a prize and constantly pass some tests and standards. Relationships are not a competition of skill and originality, not a battle of personalities, not sacrifices and not compensation.

A relationship is a union of two equally interested people, and in this union both are comfortable. Self-esteem needs to be treated in a psychologist’s office. And treat men moderately selectively. Don’t forget that there are more than 3 billion of them on the planet. And even if we take away everyone who is under 21 and over 80, married, not interested in women, interested but incapable of anything other than interest, those who pick their noses and cannot read and write, then there will still be a couple or three million and that will be enough for our lifetime. But if you put in the criteria “a blond man, 185 tall, with graceful long fingers, who plays the harp, reads Shakespeare in the original, knows how to bake Madeleine cookies and can distinguish a Cabernet Sauvignon from the harvest of 2006 from 2002,” then there may well be no left of these millions no one.

Treat yourself and others adequately. And then adequate relationships will come into your life!

Author: Elena Shpundra

What men love

1. They love attention, courtesy, care, but not excessive.

2. They love it when their talents are respected and appreciated.

3. They will like it if the initiative is in their hands, and decisions will not be made by you. Discuss together how best to proceed, find a common compromise, again proposed by your partner. This is the only way you can establish long-lasting, strong relationships.

4. When the dating period has already dragged on and you see that your partner has more than just a sporting interest in you, remember the old truth and feed him a delicious dinner. After all, most men love to eat.


You need to take care of your significant other from the bottom of your heart, without expecting or demanding in return. It is very strange to consider yourself to be in a serious relationship and at the same time keep count of who gave whom the most gifts or called the most times. The desire to make a loved one happy is natural .

showing care in relationships

Caring for a loved one


It’s trite, but fidelity is the basis and key to a serious relationship

In some couples, cheating is considered the norm. The partners explain this by their open-mindedness and their own advancement, believing that fidelity is a relic of the last century. In fact, loyalty should be observed not only based on moral requirements or fear of social condemnation.

If the relationship is serious, being faithful and not allowing thoughts of any intimacy with another person is the norm.

big hugs

Loyalty in relationships

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