How to make neck skin more toned and elastic at home

Every woman wants to look attractive at any age. Many people start care with the face and area around the eyes. However, at the same time, other areas are forgotten. For example, it is the neck and décolleté area that is the first to show age. That is why it requires special care. And you should start caring for this area as early as possible. The same applies to the chin area. With age, it begins to sag and become flabby.

However, there are several remedies that can be called elixirs. They successfully tighten the skin of the neck, chin, and décolleté. Get rid of wrinkles, folds, sagging. Using the components you can moisturize the skin of these areas. It’s also great for exfoliating dead cells!


Massage is done at least twice a week. First, the skin is cleansed and coconut and almond oil are applied to it. Of course, you can choose another oil to suit a woman’s taste.

The massage begins with light stroking down and up. Then, in the same direction, the skin of the neck is gently and lightly pinched. After this, you need to pat your neck with your palms. You need to finish the massage with stroking movements again.

Products for the care of the neck and chin area

There are several proven skin care products for the neck, chin, and décolleté. These products can restore your skin to a healthy and beautiful appearance. Of course, procedures should be carried out regularly. You can alternate them and conduct them in courses. Cosmetologists advise contacting them every two to three days. In this case, the effect will not only be noticeable, but also long-lasting.

With sea salt

The first elixir for sagging neck skin can be called a salt compress. Salt can be sea or table salt. However, experts advise using natural sea salt. Preferably coarsely ground and without various fragrances. This is why after a sea holiday the skin on your neck looks great!

To prepare a salt compress you will need a few simple ingredients.

  • You need to dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of clean warm water.
  • Soak a cloth bandage or gauze in this solution.
  • Next, the compress should be applied to the neck and décolleté area.
  • You can secure the fabric with an elastic bandage or polyethylene.
  • The compress should be kept on the neck for about half an hour.
  • Just two compresses once a week will help you achieve excellent results.

The skin of the neck and décolleté will tighten, smooth out, become fresher and younger. The salt will also help remove dead skin cells from the area.

With mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are an excellent elixir against wrinkles on the neck. Moreover, it is also an excellent nutritional product! The puree has a huge amount of microelements beneficial for the skin of the neck.

It takes a minimum of ingredients and a little time.

  • You need to boil the potatoes and make mashed potatoes. The base temperature should be warm, but not hot.
  • Add one teaspoon of glycerin to mashed potatoes.
  • And also one teaspoon of olive, flaxseed or sesame oil.
  • The mixture should be mixed thoroughly.
  • Then you need to put the mixture on cloth or polyethylene.
  • Apply to the neck area and secure with an elastic bandage.
  • After 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply your usual moisturizer.

With alcohol and lemon juice

This mixture is also an elixir for the neck area! Helps tighten, refresh and visibly rejuvenate dull skin.

Few ingredients required.

  • In one glass of water you need to stir a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Add a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol.
  • Stir in a teaspoon of table salt.
  • Before applying the mixture, your neck should be treated with a light scrub.
  • Apply the mixture to a cotton pad or swab. Treat the neck area.
  • There is no need to wash off the composition from your neck. You need to wait for it to dry
  • . Apply nourishing cream or serum on top.
  • The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week.

In just a month, the condition of your neck skin will noticeably improve!

With yeast dough

Yeast dough is the best helper for restoring elasticity to the skin. You can buy it at a regular grocery store. The main thing is that the composition is natural.

  • The dough must be left to warm to room temperature.
  • Then it should be rolled out, stretched and applied to the neck, chin and décolleté.
  • You can secure the dough with polyethylene, elastic or fabric bandage. You can also use a regular scarf or headscarf.
  • You need to leave this compress on for half an hour to an hour.
  • Remove and treat skin with moisturizing serum.
  • You can make such a mask for the neck and décolleté area at least every day.

With such regularity, the effect will last for up to six months. This technique can also be used for facial skin.


For gymnastics to be beneficial and the effect to be noticeable, it must be done every day. So after a month you can notice the result.

Gymnastics consists of several simple exercises:

  • You need to raise your head up, push out your lower jaw and try to pull your lower lip towards your nose.
  • Place your fists under your chin and resist, lowering your chin down and resisting with your fists.
  • Take a pencil to your lips and draw imaginary shapes in the air.
  • Pronounce the vowel letters “AOUYI” out loud, while actively articulating.

Method No. 2. Special exercise: toning the skin and preventing wrinkles

Cosmetics help keep the skin toned and prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but they are not able to cope with them. For this purpose, it is better to use special serums and anti-cellulite creams. And also do gymnastics for the neck, the exercises of which are aimed at strengthening the lateral muscles.

Read on the topic: “How to properly massage your face”

• With outstretched lips, pronounce the vowels A, O, I, U, Y. This exercise helps strengthen the broad neck muscle. • Hold a teaspoon between your teeth (you can take another object, such as a toothbrush) and draw geometric shapes in the air with it, while pulling your chin forward. • Place your palms on your forehead. Lower your head down, while exerting resistance with your palms until you feel tension in your neck muscles. • Support your head from below with connected fists. Press them on your chin from bottom to top. Try to throw your head back and at the same time try to keep it motionless thanks to the tension of the lateral muscles of the neck.


You can prepare different masks that will not only help tighten your neck, but also provide the skin with the nutrients it needs.

A mask made from dry yeast nourishes the skin well. To prepare it, take one tablespoon of yeast. Milk is added to it. You need just enough of it to get a mixture similar to sour cream. Then the entire mass is applied to the neck and left until completely dry.

A honey mask will nourish the skin and make it smooth. In addition, preparing such a mask is very simple. Honey and oil, such as olive oil, are mixed in equal proportions. Keep the mask on for 20-30 minutes and then rinse with water.

How to keep your neck skin young

Absolutely all women have a desire to remain young and beautiful for a long time. Most, naively believing that the reflection of youth is the face, take care only of it, completely forgetting about their neck.

It has long been known that, first of all, a woman’s age can be easily determined by her hands, face and neck. True, unlike your neck, you can always hide your hands, but you won’t constantly tie handkerchiefs, scarves around your neck and hide it behind a high collar. This is simply not possible, especially when it is scorching hot outside.

It is also worth noting that the male half of the population is seduced not only by size four breasts, but a beautiful swan neck without hundreds of wrinkles and folds has exactly the same exciting and magnetic effect on the stronger sex.

And caring for your neck is quite simple - follow the same procedures as you do when caring for your face. First, clean the skin of your neck with a cleanser, then wipe with toner and do not forget to lubricate the skin with cream. The best option would be a moisturizer, because everyone knows that the older we get, the drier and tighter the skin on the neck becomes.

It will be great if you use a special mask (you can use a face mask) that can restore your skin to its former smoothness and velvety. If you use it regularly, you can easily visually rejuvenate the skin of your neck by seven to eight years.

You can also pour olive oil into a small saucer and heat it in a water bath, although not until hot, but until slightly warm. And then take a cotton swab and use it to apply warm oil to the back of your neck from the back to the back of the head and from the front from the chest to the chin. After the procedure, your neck should be kept warm, so you should wrap it in a soft cotton cloth. And after half an hour, you calmly remove the remaining oil with a tampon, after another twenty minutes, apply a moisturizing, nourishing cream to the skin of your neck.

Of course, unfortunately, the female body is designed in such a way that some representatives of the fair sex noticeably sag the skin of their necks with age, it becomes decrepit and flaccid, and sometimes one or two additional chins appear - naturally, this does not make anyone look good, but only spoils the beautiful oval of the female faces. This problem must and of course can be dealt with; modern cosmetology has methods such as LPG massage, laser biorevitalization, mesotherapy, etc. A special set of simple exercises will help at home.

You will spend very little time doing it, about 15-20 minutes a day. But the effect after a couple of months of training is simply unique - the skin on the neck of a fifty-year-old woman will be the same as that of a twenty-five-year-old young girl.

Here are the complex exercises you need:

  • Shake your head from side to side ten times each (right - left), then repeat the same movements with the direction back - forward also ten times.
  • Tilt your head back and pull very lightly so that there is no pain for ten seconds.
  • Pat your chin and neck at least thirty times with the back of your hand.
  • Make a semi-circular movement with your head in front. Place your head on your left shoulder. Try to press your chin to your chest as much as possible and smoothly move your head to your right shoulder. Do the same movements with the other shoulder in reverse order. The exercise is repeated six times.
  • Stretch your chin, imagining that you really need to move some object from the table with its help. At the same time, you stretch your neck. Do this movement five times.
  • Move your head from one shoulder to the other, like oriental dancers. At the same time, try to keep your chin parallel to the surface of the floor.
  • From the previous starting position, you should stretch your neck diagonally and forward.
  • At the same time, purse your lips, straining the muscles of your neck, and relax; repeat this exercise ten times.
  • Finally, tilt your head back, opening your mouth slightly. And begin to pull your lower lip towards your upper lip so that the lower one covers the upper one. The exercise is repeated ten times.

Also, do not forget that to get rid of a double chin, various contrasting compresses and light pats on the chin with a warm towel soaked in a salt broth are very helpful.

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Method number 3. Best friend - girl's pillow: anti-wrinkle remedy

The right pillow is not only a guarantee of good sleep, but also an anti-aging agent. The fact is that sleep is not only the best medicine, but also a rejuvenating agent, because during it skin regeneration occurs. But if, under the influence of an incorrect posture, mechanical injuries are caused to it, then their result will soon appear on the neck in the form of unwanted wrinkles. How to choose a pillow for an ideal sleep: • the height of the pillow is directly proportional to the width of the shoulders: the wider they are, the higher it is; • the hardness of the pillow depends on the sleeping position: maximum hard when sleeping on the side, medium hard when sleeping on the back, soft when sleeping on the stomach; • anatomical pillows should be used by those who have problems in the neck area (including skin). Orthopedic pillows are intended only for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

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