Body care during pregnancy: what is possible and what is not

How to keep your figure during pregnancy

My dear pregnant comrades! I am writing to you. Having a history of three pregnancies and the same number of daughters, I consider it my duty to share information on how to maintain your figure throughout the entire period of pregnancy and, especially, after. It's very simple. We remember Vodianova, Valeria, Gisele Bundchen and many others who, a couple of weeks after giving birth, appeared in all their splendor in tight dresses. Again, it's VERY simple.

It means like this:

1. Nutrition and weight.

Gaining weight during pregnancy is not necessary. And you can even lose weight during pregnancy. The whole point is that the child will receive all the substances he needs from you in any case. No one will divide the contents of your stomach equally between you and the baby, believe me:) Women with severe toxicosis (this is when only water and lemon for 9 months) give birth to strong babies, the same as those who have not denied themselves anything. This means that overeating and even “just eating more” is not at all necessary.

* of course, I don’t mean that you can just take it and intentionally lose weight during pregnancy)) no! but if this process takes place and you are feeling well, there is no reason to worry

2. Belly.

Forget the scary tales about “the belly that disappeared somewhere only after half a year.” If you behave well, your belly will go away at the same moment when the baby is in the hands of the obstetrician receiving it :) This is a normal situation. In my case, this happened all three times. I observed the same thing in many other new mothers. To do this, you just need to “pull it in” a little throughout your pregnancy. Just don’t overestimate the expression “pulling in a little”, it means exactly that, and not that you need to pump up your abs or overexert yourself. No, just keep your abdominal muscles slightly toned, as you do without being pregnant. As you may already guess, this has nothing to do with the tone of the uterus. But what you don’t need to do is, accordingly, “stick out” your stomach in a relaxed manner, as if there is dynamite there, which you need to wear for all 9 months and, “God forbid, even one muscle trembles, otherwise everyone will be screwed.”

* you don’t need to pump up your abs after giving birth - this is the best way to get hemorrhoids :) you don’t need to sleep on your stomach after giving birth either - this is the best way to get mastitis.

Regarding uterine contractions after childbirth

, everything is very simple: the best way is love with your husband in as much quantity (and quality, of course:)) before childbirth, and, if you have enough imagination and strength, as soon as possible after it (“love” is not necessarily exactly that.. that... well, you understand, and a simple kiss on the lips can make the whole body tremble :):) and also, a cold sensation on the stomach. It’s better to sleep on your back, put a cold pillow or a pillow on your stomach (as if to “press” it a little), but don’t sleep on your side.

"Little Belly"

– in fact, your stomach is what it needs to be. If you initially had a flat stomach, then accordingly everything that is “yours” - i.e. the stomach and intestines will intelligently move, providing space for the baby. If, with a small belly for your age, ultrasound and tests show that everything is in order, rejoice - you are just a slim woman :) Accordingly, if you “build up” your belly on top of your gastrointestinal tract, it will be larger. This is the whole secret.

3. Stretch marks.

How do stretch marks appear? Usually, at one moment. A woman gets up in the morning and sees herself with stretch marks, which, as we know, nothing can be done about. Therefore, we make it a rule to smear any stretch mark cream on the stomach, sides, butt, thighs and chest EVERY day. Anointing all this at least once a day is much easier than then spending your whole life admiring stretch marks and reproaching yourself for laziness. It is especially important to apply cream for stretch marks in the maternity hospital, immediately after childbirth, including the breasts (at a safe distance from the nipples, due to breastfeeding).

I will definitely add that this text in no way promotes anorexia or any measures to lose weight during pregnancy. I recommend following my advice only to those for whom it comes naturally from the beginning! I believe that female beauty is a magical power and it’s not about whether a woman has stretch marks or how flat her stomach is

. Well, it goes without saying that a pregnant woman can eat delicious food if she wants.

However, I’m sure there will be top models in my friend feed who will find this useful! :)

Expected weight gain during pregnancy

A woman expecting a child, especially her first, begins to think about gaining weight early. The number of kilograms that can be gained during pregnancy varies depending on the build of the expectant mother and the number of fetuses in the uterus. The more plump a woman is in the early stages of pregnancy, the fewer kilograms she is “allowed” to gain. This means that for large women the rate of weight gain during pregnancy will be 3-5 kg, and this is actually only the weight of the growing uterus and fetus. Their more slender “colleagues” can safely add 10 and 15 kg.

Determining what weight gain during pregnancy is optimal for you is quite simple. There are special tables and coefficients. Let us give an example of such an approximate calculation.

First, let's calculate BMI - body mass index, that is, body mass index. To do this, divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. Women whose index at the beginning of pregnancy or before it is less than 19 are underweight. By week 30, they should normally have gained about 10 kg, and just before giving birth, the gain will already be 15 kg or more.

BMI ranging from 20 to 26 is the average weight-to-height ratio. 9 kg at the end of the 30th week and a total gain of 13.5 kg is considered optimal for this category.

Those with a BMI above 26 automatically fall into the category of obese women, and such mothers will have to spend a lot of effort - no, not on losing weight. This is a completely inappropriate time for dieting. However, each of us is quite capable of keeping our weight within limits, not being led by hormones and increased appetite. Weight gain during pregnancy for overweight expectant mothers is 5 kilograms by the end of the 7th month and about 9 kg by the time of childbirth.

What are the components that make up weight gain during pregnancy? Let's look at them all.

  • Fetal weight – a full-term fetus at 38-42 weeks weighs from 2500 to 5000g. Even before birth, the weight of the fetus is determined quite accurately by an ultrasound doctor during routine ultrasound examinations. He does this by measuring the length from the coccyx to the crown, the length of the limbs and the circumference of the head with some other measurements.
  • Amniotic fluid – 800 ml-1.5 l.
  • Placenta – 650 g.
  • Breast enlargement – ​​0.5-1 kg.
  • Increase in blood volume - about 2 liters.
  • Body of the uterus – up to 1 kg.

All other grams and kilograms are fat deposits, which the expectant mother and child can easily do without.

If the weight gain during pregnancy is too great or the dynamics of changes in a woman’s weight are too sharp, it is important to find the reasons and correct these phenomena in a timely manner.

  • Swelling. A very common problem during pregnancy is swelling and fluid retention in the body. This is a specific problem for pregnant women, and it is associated with an increase in blood volume, an increase in the load on the kidneys and a violation of the water-salt balance.
  • Polyhydramnios. Severe polyhydramnios is determined by ultrasound and, among other things, can cause abnormal weight gain in a pregnant woman.
  • Multiple pregnancy. Normal weight gain during pregnancy in this case is from 14 to 22 kg.
  • Preeclampsia. Late toxicosis of pregnant women develops in the third trimester and is characterized not only by a large increase in body weight, but also by an increase in blood pressure and malfunctions of the urinary system.

To ensure that weight gain during pregnancy is not a cause for concern and does not poison the happy months of waiting for the baby, it is enough to follow these simple rules:

  • Limit salt intake from the first weeks of pregnancy. There is plenty of sodium in vegetables, fruits and prepared foods such as bread. Table salt causes fluid retention in the tissues, which is why the scale arrow steadily creeps to the right.
  • If possible, avoid excess carbohydrates. Sweets - chocolate, bananas and cakes - improve your mood, but do not improve your health.
  • Periodically give yourself aerobic exercise: swimming (if not contraindicated), walking away from polluted highways.
  • Give preference to boiled meat and steamed fish, avoid fried, smoked and marinades.

Belly without stretch marks

You should start caring for the skin of your abdomen much earlier than it begins to grow. But the most careful care will be required in the last few months, when in a very short time your skin will have to stretch to its limit. The following will help increase resistance to the formation of stretch marks (stretch marks):

  • Daily shower. Massage your stomach with streams of water;
  • 15-minute baths (of course, if there are no medical contraindications) with the addition of 5-10 glasses of milk and 3 teaspoons of almond oil. They help restore and maintain the natural moisture and elasticity of the skin;
  • After completing the water procedures, rub your stomach and thighs first with a terry towel, then with anti-stretch mark products. Gently rub in the oil, cream or milk, and then use your index finger and thumb to gently pinch the skin, centimeter by centimeter, until slight redness occurs;
  • Do not neglect your doctor's advice, especially when it comes to wearing a bandage.
  • It is not so important what it will be: imported or “native”; it’s just that both of them, in addition to their direct purpose, also contribute to the fact that the soft tissues in the abdominal area are less subject to stretching with the appearance of scars.
  • Remember to eat a proper, balanced diet. Gradual weight gain and elastic, well-stretched skin are 70% his merit.

Skin irritations and rashes

skin rashes in pregnant women

The changes that occur in a woman's body can cause irritation to certain cosmetic products that previously did not cause problems. To eliminate this phenomenon, you need to identify the cause. To do this, try using unscented soaps and creams and see how your skin reacts. Don't forget about intimate areas, they also become sensitive. There are special hygiene products for pregnant women.

Breast care during pregnancy

As a rule, everyone is ready for the fact that during pregnancy the breasts become larger - on average by 1 - 2 sizes. Her weight increases, and the ligaments cannot cope with the increased load. After breastfeeding is completed, it may become larger or smaller, everything is individual.

But if its size cannot be influenced, then is it possible to prevent the change in shape? Also, many women note that during pregnancy and childbirth, the nipples become larger and darker. Breast sensitivity may change during this period. What to expect?

1. As for the nipples, their size may decrease after breastfeeding ends, they may become lighter, but in each case everything is individual. The sensitivity of the nipples, as a rule, returns to the state it was before pregnancy.

2. Experts say that it is impossible to prevent changes in breast shape. This is a natural phenomenon. Here are some remedies you can resort to to make your breasts firmer:

2.1.1. after consulting with a specialist, do planks and other special exercises - they affect the pectoral muscles, and not the breast tissue, but nevertheless they can have an effect;

2.1.2. breast massage combined with almond, coconut or olive oil will improve skin tone. You need to be careful not to massage the nipple area, so as not to stimulate the production of oxytocin, which can cause uterine tone. It is recommended to do it about three times a week;

2.1.3. good posture, which can be achieved through yoga and gymnastics - as a result, the shape of the breasts improves;

2.1.4. It is recommended to wear special underwear, first of all, for comfort - during pregnancy, the breasts increase in size and need additional support.


pregnant woman in the bath

Anti-aging skin care is required whether a woman is pregnant or not. And during this period you need to pay even more care and attention to your face and neck. Hyaluronic acid, zinc, antioxidants and vitamin C are ideal for this purpose. Salicylic acid and retinols are harmful for pregnant women. When choosing cosmetics, pay attention to the composition of creams.

Hair care

During pregnancy, hair grows very quickly for the simple reason that cell nutrition improves. Most women's hair becomes shinier and thicker, but it can be different. Suddenly, your hair can become very oily or, conversely, too dry.

If your hair becomes oily, wash your hair as often as possible using herbal shampoos for oily hair. Rinse them with not too hot water, as thoroughly as possible. Try to avoid blow drying.

If your hair, on the contrary, has become drier and brittle, use special nourishing hair masks, “soften” the water by adding vinegar when washing. Also, during pregnancy, you should not resort to hair perm or coloring. If you really want to change your appearance, use plant-based dyes, such as henna. As for perm, firstly, under the influence of hormones, hair may not be permable. Secondly, the chemical solutions used are absorbed by the scalp and are absorbed into the blood vessels through it. There is no data on the danger to the child’s health, but it is still worth refraining from “chemistry” during pregnancy.

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