8 things men have that make girls go crazy


Why do guys have visible veins on their arms? The latter may appear due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Most often, such manifestations are characteristic of “wiry” men. With age, the skin loses its elasticity. In the absence of an abundance of fat deposits, veins may also protrude in older men. If there is no pain or other discomfort, there is no reason to worry.

Veins in a guy’s arms can appear due to hereditary structural features of the body. Often protruding blood veins are observed in those with thin skin and thin people. They are especially noticeable on the dorsum of the hand.

The veins on a guy’s arms stand out clearly under the skin when the atmospheric pressure increases, as well as in hot weather. As a result of an increase in ambient temperature, blood begins to circulate faster and blood vessels dilate. On the contrary, in cold weather, previously prominent veins are practically invisible.

Third ring

The third line of the bracelet reflects your health or wealth at retirement age (after 56-60 years). In this case, the interpretation is no different from the previous ones: if the line is thick, long, straight and unbroken, this indicates a healthy body in old age. A thin, crooked and broken third bracelet indicates a noticeable weakening of the body or an inability to live longevity.

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I still prefer to think that we can all challenge fate if we wish, and all these interpretations are just hints. For example, if you see a thin lower bracelet on your wrist, this means that you can make every effort to improve your own body.

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The third line on the wrist will predict what awaits you in love and marriage. In this case, the shape of the rosette, the signs on it, as well as the distance to the second bracelet are important.

The closer the third bracelet is to the second, the earlier the marriage will be; accordingly, a large distance foreshadows marriage already in adulthood.

Be sure to pay attention to the symbols located on the line:

  • The triangle, like on the second bracelet, is a lucky sign here too. It promises happiness in relationships; there should be no separation.
  • Dots on the line speak of separations and partings.
  • Lattices foreshadow a break in a relationship, the possible beginning of a new one.
  • Crosses warn of the loss of a loved one.
  • Breaks in the line can be evidence of frequent quarrels and conflicts in married life. In this case, the couple will most likely remain together. A short third line can have the same meaning.

Bracelets on the hand, the meaning of the third rosette relates to love affairs. You can count on a successful marriage, a strong family and great love if the line is smooth, clear, and clearly defined. In this case, quarrels and scandals in family relationships are actually reduced to a minimum. In palmistry, the stripes on the wrist, 2nd and 3rd, will tell the fortuneteller about late marriage. Too much distance is a sure sign of a late marriage.

A triangle on the road indicates sincere, mutual love. The presence of a dot or a lattice in the third bracelet on the wrist in palmistry warns of a possible break in relationships or the sudden death of a loved one. By a smooth, clear rosette, the 3rd in a row, you can identify a potential leader who can lead other people.


As you know, the hidden motive in communication between the sexes is the manifestation of sexuality. How does this affect the bulging veins on the arms of the guys whose photos are presented in this material? The logic here is as follows: women, as physically weak creatures, tend to seek protection from a strong man. As practice shows, the vast majority of guys who have outstanding muscle mass actually have bulging veins on their arms. This, in turn, activates a certain symbolic chain of thought in the female consciousness. Thus, guys with visible veins under their skin are more attractive to girls on a subconscious level.

Another hidden motive is the association between prominent veins and male hard work. Women's consciousness suggests that wiry men are not afraid of work, and therefore will cope well with difficult household chores.

As for the appearance of clearly visible veins on women’s hands, such manifestations are regarded by ladies as an obvious flaw in appearance and even ugliness. In fact, this phenomenon looks quite rough on girls, especially on thin limbs.

First bracelet

So, what do wrist bracelets mean? It is advisable to start with the rosette of fate, the very first of all known. When the line is too thin, unexpressed, intermittent, this proves insufficient physical and mental health. A person with a bad bracelet will have to deal with the vicissitudes of fate. In the following example, when it is smooth and without blemish, the obvious fact indicates a vocation for mental work in order to easily achieve success.

Representatives of the fairer sex need to know what the lines on the wrist mean. The presence of an arch warns of pathological childbirth. Childlessness threatens girls when the same symbol is displayed on the second rosette. The minuscule chance of becoming a mother will be indicated by islands located on the characteristic line. In men, marked, pronounced signs are associated with impotence. Palmists advise that bracelets appear on hands to be able to read.

Look at your wrist: at the base of your palm, you will see the first rosette. She is responsible for a person’s health and career. It’s good if it is even and smooth, this portends excellent health and successful career advancement.

Intersecting lines and curvatures indicate a predisposition to diseases. Also, not everything will be smooth at work: you will have to try a lot to achieve your goals. And if there are a lot of lines, bends and bends, the bracelet warns of psycho-emotional disorders and a tendency to depression.

Wrist bracelets

If the entire bracelet, like a chain, consists of individual links, this is a sign of a difficult path in life. You need to show real fortitude and courage to survive all adversity.

And a line going up is a good sign, predicting an easy life and financial prosperity.

There are features of the interpretation of lines on the wrist for women and men:

  • If a woman's first bracelet bends in the shape of an arch, this warns of difficulties during childbirth and possible infertility, especially if the second bracelet repeats this bend. They say that the ancient Greeks were very scrupulous about a girl’s first bracelet and did not allow those who had an arch to get married. Such women were promised suffering during childbirth and possible death during childbirth.
  • An arch on a man's first bracelet is a sign that he is infertile.
  • In women, islands on the bracelet are a sign of infertility.

You should also know that if signs of disease are on the bracelet of only one hand, it is possible to be cured, but similar symbols on both hands show the seriousness of the problem and leave virtually no chance of recovery.

Preventing the formation of protruding veins on the arms

If a man or woman wants to visually eliminate veins that stand out under the skin, the situation can be corrected by applying the following preventive solutions:

  • To begin with, it is worth reducing the level of physical activity on the upper extremities by eliminating exercise equipment and lifting all kinds of weights from your daily routine.
  • The veins on a guy's arms can become less noticeable if he regularly warms up his body. The volume of veins will decrease over time as a result of improved blood circulation processes. In particular, holding the arms in a raised position helps to increase the venous outflow of blood.

  • To make protruding veins less noticeable, it is enough to work on changing your daily diet, enriching it with fresh fruits and vegetables. Products in this category contain a whole host of useful enzymes that thin the blood, normalize blood pressure, and increase vascular tone.
  • Water treatments can make prominent veins almost invisible. By regularly taking a contrast shower, you can see positive changes in a short time. Exposure of the body to water of different temperatures activates the work of the heart muscle and also has a relaxing effect on body tissues.

Whiteles and the Pinier index


(from the English vitels vital organs) - dimensions of the female figure - height, leg length, chest, waist, hips

Normal “whites” indicators for young women:
Body type Asthenic Normosthenic Hypersthenic Chest circumference 84 - 86 cm 1/2 height + 2-5 cm 1/2 height + 8-10 cm Breast volume Chest circumference + 4-6 cm Chest circumference + 8-10 cm Waist circumference 60 - 64 cm Height - 105 cm 70 - 76 cm Hip circumference Waist circumference + 30 cm Waist circumference + 30 cm Waist circumference + 28 cm
For a more objective assessment, you can also use the Pigne index indicators .

Pinier index = standing height (cm) – (body weight (kg) + chest circumference (cm))

With indicators less than 10 – strong (dense) physique; 10-25 – normal; 26-35 – weak; more than 35 – very weak.

Why are veins visible on my arms?

As many women age, the veins in their arms are clearly visible, and this is due to physiological changes in the body. But why do veins sometimes appear on the arms of young women? What is this connected with?

Let's look at the main reasons why some women have very visible veins on their arms.

Physiological features

The appearance of noticeable blue veins on the hands may be associated with physiological characteristics of the body.

  • As you know, with age, the skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. This is due to the fact that there are no sebaceous glands on the hands. Over the years, thinning of the subcutaneous adipose tissue is observed. That is, the fat layer in which the veins were previously hidden becomes thinner, and the veins protrude outward. If veins become visible on your hands with age and do not hurt, you should not be afraid of this - this is a natural process of skin aging.
  • Also, the appearance of bulging veins may depend on the hereditary characteristics of the skin structure. Thus, veins can be noticeable on the arms of thin people with thin skin. They shine through the thin top layer and become visible on the surface of the brush. This is often due to genetic features of the structure of the skin: if your mother has noticeable veins on her arms, then you will most likely have this feature.
  • Veins are also very visible on the hands of “wiry” people. If this is not so scary for men, then women often suffer from the fact that they have visible veins on their arms, and they don’t know what to do about it.
  • Veins may appear on the skin in hot weather. From the heat, blood vessels begin to dilate, blood circulates faster, and veins begin to swell. In cold weather, veins may not appear as clearly on the skin.

Some numbers

It’s hard to say where the excuse “I have a big bone” came from. But you can publish a text about how much the skeleton weighs and how much its weight can vary from person to person.

The dry, fat-free and dehydrated human skeleton (that is, what remains of you and me in this world) weighs on average only about 4 kg for men and about 2.8 kg for women. In percentage terms, the skeleton occupies approximately 6-7% of the body weight of an adult.

Bone density makes adjustments

We all know from the school curriculum what density is - and so, with the same volumes, the skeletons of different people can have slightly different weights, i.e. Some people will have denser bones, some less. How big a difference can there be and what does it depend on?

Bone mineral density can change with age (including due to osteoporosis), with concomitant diseases, and nutrition (it decreases with poor nutrition, and, conversely, with sufficient nutrition). Also, bone density depends on weight loss or weight gain: scientists have calculated that with the loss of every 1 kg of fat in the body, an average of about 16.5 g of minerals in the bones is lost; in fact, when gaining the same 1 kg of fat, approximately the same amount is restored per background of the existing training volume.

Here are the average normal values ​​for bone density, including data for athletes and athletes who are developing adaptation of bone tissue to impact loads, and an approximate calculation of the difference in grams between these values, so that you can clearly understand what the overall value for the total bone/skeletal weight is, has bone mass density.

Average values ​​for bone mass density in adults are in the region of 1.0 – 1.2 g/cm2. Roughly speaking, this can be translated as +/-10% for different people depending on the factor. These values ​​vary depending on age, gender, race, level and type of physical activity, nutritional status, body condition, presence of diseases, etc.

By the way, even growth hormone does not make significant adjustments to bone density. Scientists conducted a controlled 15-year study in which growth hormone injections were given to more than 100 people. Bottom line: over 15 years, the average increase in bone mass was only 14 grams.

Wide but light

Ultimately, what we have is that the total mass of human bones, excluding fat and liquid content, is something like 4-5 kg ​​in adult men and 2-3 kg in adult women.

Within these same boundaries, the mass may fluctuate, depending on the bone mass density, but again this difference will not be so significant, in any case - up to 1 kg, depending on the bone mass density. By and large, talk about “broad bones”, “powerful frames”, which radically affect the overall weight of a person’s body, “fat power” and genetic predisposition to increased weight gain, in fact, are not entirely comparable with the real state of affairs.

Yes, the difference in height and build certainly gives its own shifts in various indicators of bone mass from person to person, but these indicators do not differ by 5-10 kilograms, but average no more than 2-3 kg from person to person.

How to remove bulging veins on the arms?

The best way to remove veins on the arms that are very visible is to prevent them from appearing. Therefore, starting from the age of 30, it is important not only to systematically care for your hands, not forgetting about their hydration and nutrition, but also to perform simple preventive measures.

These exercises should help remove small veins that have already appeared on the arms without resorting to surgery.

Set of exercises

So, the set of exercises is aimed primarily at preventing deep folds from appearing on the arms, which can tighten the vein. To do this, you need to very often perform any exercises (do finger exercises) that will stretch the space between the fingers. The great thing is that you can do these exercises anywhere - on public transport, in queues, just walking down the street, etc.

  • Swing all phalanges of your fingers. Something like how we do “Magpie-Crow” for little children.
  • Bend and swing all the creases in your arms and hands.
  • Spread your fingers out to the sides.
  • Walk your fingers along the surface of the table.
  • It is also necessary to perform exercises with raised arms daily to improve blood circulation.

What then makes people heavy?

What really leads to excess weight is the accumulated fat in our body. Which is a consequence of eating too much or an unbalanced diet, which is stored as a reserve for a rainy day. Of course, there is another reason why some non-fat people are heavier than others. Muscle is very heavy compared to fat. So a muscular man weighs more than a thin and unathletic man.

Heavier people are somewhat denser and therefore their bones become heavier over time. Because their body needs more support, it doesn't matter whether it's too much fat or too much muscle mass. These slightly heavier bones do not cause excess weight

Surgical methods for treating bulging veins in the arms

Often the veins on women's arms are so visible that exercises and massages alone are not enough to improve their condition. Patients who seek help from specialists complain that their arms with bulging veins look old and unkempt, so they want to remove the bulging veins.

Experts today practice several methods on how to remove bulging veins on the arms. This can be done in several ways.

Laser treatment

The laser beam glues the walls of blood vessels, and blood stops moving through the veins. Naturally, the vein disappears and is not visible on the arm.


The essence of this method is identical to the treatment of veins with a laser - to turn off the bulging vein from the blood circulation. To do this, special preparations in the form of foam or liquid are injected into the vein, which glue the walls of the vessels, and the vein fails.

By the way, we rarely perform sclerotherapy on our hands. Everything is connected with the peculiarities of this operation in the area of ​​the hand. If you perform this operation incorrectly, you will only get a nagging pain throughout your entire arm, and will not remove the bulge.

Abroad, a special type of banding is performed to prevent thrombosis.


This is an operation to remove a bulging vein in the arms. Protruding veins are removed through special punctures with an instrument.

It is very important to remember that with any surgical intervention the veins become unsuitable for intravenous injections. They are simply removed from the blood supply.

Mysterious signs

These mysterious bracelets can be traced from the back of the hand, but we are interested in the lines on the wrist from the palm. Most people have three bracelets, each representing about 30 years of life.

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However, only palmists can see the events that shorten the time allotted to you on this planet: vagueness, breaks, branches and other special marks. In addition, it is believed that the left palm is responsible for the masculine principle, and the right palm for the feminine.

Most people focus on the life line, heart line and mind line, but rarely pay attention to bracelet lines. I propose to fill this gap and begin to interpret these signs.

Drug treatment

There are many drugs that affect the walls of veins. They are taken to improve their elasticity and permeability. Here are some reviews we found about how to treat very noticeable veins on the arms.

  • I strengthen the walls of blood vessels with chestnut preparations (escusan), and also drink mumiyo. I rub my veins with it. Don't forget about the contrast shower for your hands. Hope.
  • Mommy took Phlebodia 600. It became much better. Olya.
  • I drink nutmeg tincture. Pauline.
  • Heparin ointment helps me. I apply it to my hands to prevent the veins from swelling. Julia.
  • Having tried all the folk crap, including birch buds, I bought Varicobooster cream. The veins became almost invisible already on the 5th day. Ksyusha.
  • For prevention, preparations with lily of the valley, horse chestnut, mistletoe, and vitamin R are suitable. Gennady.

Do not forget that doctors categorically do not recommend prescribing medications for bulging veins on your arms.

Before you start removing swollen veins on your arms, you need to find out why the veins have become very visible on your arms. It may be enough to reduce physical activity on your arms, limit heavy lifting and do a set of special exercises.

Whether it is necessary to remove bulging veins in the arms using surgical methods, only a doctor should decide! If bulging veins on the arms threatened human health, then our celebrities would have gotten rid of this problem long ago. Therefore, most often the veins that are visible on the hands cause only aesthetic inconvenience, but do not threaten a woman’s health.

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