The role of hormones in metabolism: provocateurs of processes


The thyroid gland produces several types of hormones. The condition of adipose tissue is affected by the following - T3, T4 and calcitonin, and the slightest disturbance in their balance leads to a change in metabolism in the body. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which there is little or no production of these hormones, creating the conditions for weight gain and even possible obesity. Most often, this means that it is not fat that accumulates in the body, but fluid retention, which makes the body look swollen and edema appears.

The best method to avoid hypothyroidism is to consume iodized salt. However, this cannot be taken too far; excessive amounts of salt and iodine in the body lead to no less sad consequences, causing disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys.

Experts recommend reducing the consumption of raw vegetables and ensuring that all food is fully cooked. It is also necessary to make sure that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D. If there is a deficiency, then an additional intake will balance the deficiency. The diet should be dominated by foods rich in zinc - pumpkin seeds, oysters, garlic, chickpeas.

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What hormones make you fat? What hormones make you fat?

Fats are vital for the body. Thanks to the balance of hormones, they “burn” like fuel, being converted into energy. But if there are too few or too many of them, an imbalance occurs. And instead of controlling optimal weight, hormones begin to promote fat accumulation. They accumulate in the body, burdening it with more and more excess weight. It turns out to be a vicious circle: hormonal disorders lead to excess weight, and excess weight leads to hormonal disorders. What hormones make you fat?

What hormones make you fat? What hormones make you fat?

ghrelin and its antipode

When the stomach is empty, it produces ghrelin. it makes you feel hungry. This is a very aggressive hormone - only a new portion of food can pacify it. The larger the volume of the stomach, the more ghrelin it produces and the more you want to eat. Therefore, it is important not to overeat so as not to stretch your stomach. The best way to tame ghrelin is to drink a glass of water in small sips. But the body has a wonderful “brake”: leptin. It either increases or decreases appetite. When the stomach is full, this hormone gives the brain a command: reduce appetite, speed up metabolism. However, over the years, leptin becomes less and less, and its deficiency leads to weight gain.

insulin and its antipode

The creation of fat reserves is controlled by insulin, a pancreatic hormone. it not only slows down the breakdown of incoming fats, but also promotes the processing of sugars into fats. The more sugars eaten, the greater the release of insulin. This is why excessive consumption of sweets and carbohydrates, which are broken down into sugars, causes obesity. But insulin is counteracted by the hormone ameline. It inhibits the movement of food and reduces the absorption of sugars by the intestines. True, at about 20 o'clock the concentration of insulin is so high that all high-calorie foods eaten at this time replenish subcutaneous fat reserves. Therefore, nutritionists do not advise eating late in the evening.

sex hormones

Whether a man has a “tummy” depends primarily on the production of testosterone. a huge number of receptors for this hormone are concentrated in the peritoneum. therefore, when there is too much testosterone, fats are deposited in this place. The female body requires estrogen and progesterone in significant quantities. They are produced by fatty tissue together with the ovaries and adrenal glands. Due to the excess of these hormones, thick folds are formed on the abdomen and thighs. But as menopause approaches, the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone decreases, and this is also bad: fat deposits grow again.

thyroid hormones

disruptions in her work occur more often in women. when it functions normally, it produces thyroid hormones in the required quantities. they maintain a high metabolic rate, and the food eaten is converted into energy as much as possible, rather than being stored as an emergency reserve. But if these hormones are not enough, then even the most severe food restrictions will not save you from obesity. With hypothyroidism, which develops due to iodine deficiency, excess weight is inevitable. Unfortunately, there is no iodine in either the water or the soil in many areas of the country.

how to regulate hormone levels

physical activity and sports are the best way to correct hormonal imbalances. such loads increase blood circulation and activate metabolism by “burning” fat reserves. But, of course, no amount of physical effort will lead to success if nutrition remains unbalanced. It is necessary to sharply reduce the amount of fatty foods. Reduce, but do not completely eliminate fats, switching to exclusively low-fat foods. You should also indulge yourself with sweets less often. And in general – don’t overeat!


Insulin is produced by the pancreas; if this organ is malfunctioning, a sharp increase in blood glucose levels can occur, which leads to a prediabetic state or diabetes. Glucose, or sugar, is necessary for the body - it is the energy of cells. The hormone insulin produced by the pancreas regulates its level in the blood.

When eating a lot of foods high in sugar, insulin levels may fluctuate upward or completely absent. Both options are harmful to the body, but in the absence of the hormone, a person develops diabetes, one of the signs of which is a sharp increase in body weight.

It is preferable to control the functioning of the pancreas by adjusting the menu. The diet should be dominated by leafy greens - parsley, spinach, cabbage, as well as all seasonal vegetables. Dietary fiber reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood, so porridge should be present in the daily menu. For example, oats reduce the amount of cholesterol, sugar and reduce the need for insulin in diabetics.

For patients with diabetes, it is extremely important to engage in fitness - intense training 4 times a week will improve the condition, prevent you from gaining weight and regulate metabolism. Doctors recommend increasing your intake of Omega-3, the best suppliers of which are foods such as fatty fish, olive oil, flax seeds, and avocados. It is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic and carbonated drinks, juices, sweet fruits, confectionery, and honey from the diet.

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Learn all about hormones.

Most often, people who are overweight suffer from poor diet and lack of exercise.

But what is the reason if you take care of yourself and watch your diet, but you can’t lose weight? And sometimes it’s even worse – you’re constantly getting better.

Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of sudden weight gain. Weight and hormones are closely related, and with hormonal imbalance, body weight increases.

Let's look at what hormones affect your weight.

Estrogen is produced in the ovaries and plays an important role in promoting monthly ovulation. A decrease in its level and concentration in a woman’s body directly leads to weight gain. If the ovaries reduce estrogen production, the body tries to get it from other sources. Fat cells have the ability to synthesize female hormone and when there is an imbalance in estrogen levels, the body responds by converting calories into fat cells. A fairly rapid accumulation of fat deposits begins. During menopause, estrogen levels decrease and this affects weight gain in women.


In men, testosterone is produced by the testicles, and in women by the ovaries and adrenal glands. A decrease in the level of this hormone leads to loss of muscle mass and subsequently to a slowdown in metabolism. The end result is an increase in body fat. Hormone levels decrease especially quickly during menopause.


Another hormone produced by the ovaries. It has no direct effect on weight gain, but it can indirectly lead to such a problem. Progesterone helps remove excess fluid from the body, and when its levels decrease, it leads to edema and weight gain.

Androgen hormones are responsible for energy, physical strength, endurance and vitality. They develop and strengthen muscle tissue, reduce fat and cellulite deposits and provide sexual desire. Androgen imbalance leads to the deposition of fat in the abdominal area and decreased muscle tone.

Insulin resistance is often observed in women approaching 48-55 years of age. In this case, the body turns every calorie into fat. This is one of the most obvious hormonal factors leading to sudden weight gain in women.

One of the hormones that affects weight. Produced by the adrenal glands and reaches its peak concentration in the early morning. The lowest level occurs at night. Cortisol plays an important role in the functioning of the body. It is involved in the normalization of blood pressure and promotes the rapid metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, providing energy to the entire body. Stimulates insulin production to maintain blood sugar.

Under physiological conditions of stress, cortisol concentrations increase. This often leads to weight gain. Excess fat accumulates in large quantities in the abdominal area, which affects the development of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes. Cortisol is often called the stress hormone because it explicates the connection between stress hormones and weight gain.

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The hormone cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands during a period when a person experiences depression, stress, and nervousness. Essentially, it suppresses the body's immune system. A person under stress will be dependent on cortisol, which causes an increase in visceral (abdominal) fat.

Dealing with this phenomenon is difficult and simple at the same time; therapy requires lifestyle changes. The first thing you need to do is get enough sleep, devoting 7-8 hours of rest at night. Fast food, as well as fried foods, alcohol and smoking are completely excluded from the diet.

Equally important are physical activities, including yoga, meditation, exercise equipment, running, and swimming. It is important for the patient to learn to relax and enjoy communicating with family and friends.

How to tame the hormones that influence weight gain

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It's hard to imagine that our weight is controlled not by celery and steamed chicken, but by some invisible chemicals inside us. But it is hormones that give the body the command to accumulate fat or get rid of it. - for accurate knowledge about everything in the world, especially if this knowledge helps us become more beautiful and healthier.

Weight is influenced by many factors: lack of exercise, heredity, overeating, stress, but hormones responsible for metabolism (metabolism) play a significant role.

Hormones decide whether to store or burn fat.


Cells get energy from glucose. After eating, glucose levels rise and the pancreas secretes insulin. It helps deliver glucose into cells. Figuratively speaking, together with glucose, insulin knocks on the doors of cells. The cells hear the knocking and open, allowing glucose to enter.

Insulin gives us energy, but it also stores and stores fat. If the body has high levels of insulin, fat will be stored.


Cortisol is a stress hormone. It is secreted by the adrenal glands to prevent a drop in blood glucose. This is why stress causes a desire to eat, especially something sweet - this is how the body accumulates strength to withstand difficult situations.

Cortisol lowers your metabolic rate to conserve energy. If the body has high levels of cortisol, fat will be stored.


Leptin is a satiety hormone that is produced by fat cells and sends a signal to the brain that “you are full.” It controls your metabolic rate and decides what to do with fat: store it or burn it. If your body has low levels of leptin, you will overeat. Lack of sleep often leads to a drop in leptin levels, which is why it is so important to properly build a daily routine.

Thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) are produced by the thyroid gland and are activators of fat breakdown. The speed of metabolism depends on them. If the body has low levels of thyroid hormones, fat will be stored.

What should you eat and how to train to lose weight?


Research shows that the optimal frequency of meals is still 3 times a day.

Strict diets are stressful for the body. You will become slimmer, but not for long, and the body will receive a signal that difficult times have come, you need to make savings for a rainy day. As a result, even if you eat little, your weight may increase.

It is better to lose weight slowly, maintaining a small calorie deficit (for example, if your norm is 1,900 kcal, eat 1,700 - the exact amount is calculated depending on your age, height, weight and lifestyle). This way you will convince the body that there is no need to store fat.

Eat foods that are least likely to produce insulin. These are foods with a low glycemic index (GI). GI shows what level of glucose will be in the blood after consuming this product.

Instead of fast carbohydrates, eat protein and fiber: they fill you up well and help you avoid overeating. Protein is the main material for building muscles, and the more muscle, the more calories the body spends even at rest.


When we exercise, our muscles use up their glucose supply and need to replenish it. Research has shown that high-intensity interval training is the most effective for improving insulin sensitivity.

The optimal training time is 1–1.5 hours for moderate loads. And 20 minutes is enough if we are talking about high-intensity interval training. After such a workout, the body continues to burn calories for another day. Bringing a carbohydrate-protein (or carbohydrate) drink with you to your workout will help keep cortisol under control.



Testosterone is a male hormone, although it is also present in the female body, but in smaller quantities. This hormone is necessary for burning fat and ensuring healthy bone and muscle tissue. The lack of this hormone reduces libido in men.

Stress and age reduce its amount in the body. To maintain sufficient testosterone levels, regular physical activity is required, preferably 5 times a week. It is recommended to include foods high in fiber into your daily diet - whole grain cereals, vegetables, pumpkin seeds, etc.

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Waiting until you're hungry to eat your next meal can backfire.

This puts your body under stress, which can increase cortisol levels and slow down your metabolism. It also makes you more likely to overeat, which can lead to a drop in blood sugar and spikes that lower levels of insulin, another key metabolic hormone. Too much insulin can cause your body to store more fat.

Experiment with the timing of your meals to find out what works best for you. You can have six meals a day or three - just choose any eating plan that doesn't make you feel hungry.


The presence of estrogen in the female body guarantees health and a blooming appearance. As in all other cases, it’s a matter of quantity - with a lack of hormone, the risk of osteoporosis, early menopause, difficulty conceiving a child and many other problems increases. Excess is characterized by weight gain, progression of benign tumors and other troubles.

Reducing the amount of meat you consume and completely eliminating alcohol from your diet will help balance estrogen levels. The basis of the menu should be vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, nuts and fatty fish.

The importance of fiber

There are several types of dietary fiber, and they all directly affect many of the hormones that regulate metabolism.

Getting enough soluble and insoluble fiber helps maintain stable estrogen levels. (Soluble fiber breaks down in water and slows digestion; insoluble fiber doesn't break down and helps you feel full.) Too much estrogen can slow fat metabolism and lead to weight gain. Aim to get about 28 grams of fiber per day from foods such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Prebiotic fiber, found in foods like artichokes and raw onions, feeds the healthy bacteria that live in your gut. This is important because new research shows that your microbiome directly affects your hormone levels. In one review in the journal Molecular Endocrinology, researchers found that inulin (a prebiotic in foods such as asparagus and leeks) had a positive effect on the production of ghrelin, leptin and peptide YY, three hormones that influence and help maintain metabolism fine.


The sleep hormone, melatonin, is responsible for the quality and duration of night rest. If the body does not produce enough of it, then the person gets insomnia and inflammation, which are often compensated by pathological cravings for food. During sleep, growth hormone is produced, which stimulates the immune system and also improves the composition of bone and muscle tissue. In the absence of sleep, systems renewal does not occur and the body strives to fill the gaps from food, but this is useless.

You can eradicate the problem by adjusting your daily routine. To do this, first of all, you need to get up earlier, and go to bed at night at a strictly defined time. At first the process will be difficult, but gradually everything will get better. To make falling asleep easier, doctors recommend walking, ventilating the bedroom, and turning off all light sources, including gadgets.

No matter how trivial it may sound, a healthy lifestyle, including moderate exercise, eating simple foods, adequate sleep and lack of stress, is still the only panacea for most diseases, including hormonal imbalances. But, if the problem has already developed pathologically, then contacting a doctor will speed up recovery and return you to excellent health.

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How hormones affect your metabolism

The connection between your hormones and metabolism affects everything from calorie burning to muscle building and even your mood.

Your hormones and your metabolism are closely intertwined.

Metabolism isn't just about how quickly you burn calories, it covers all the ways your body stores and uses energy from food.

In addition to burning calories, your metabolism converts protein, fats, and carbohydrates into compounds such as amino acids, fatty acids, and simple glucose, then transports them into your cells; grows and maintains your muscles; and breaks down fat stored in your body.

All of these metabolic functions are completely controlled by your hormones. In order for your body's systems to function properly, your hormones must be in balance.

If some hormones shoot too high or drop too low, your metabolism can go haywire, which can affect your workout, your mood, and your weight.

Stress hormone

The stress hormone cortisol is one of the main metabolic factors. Its main function is to prepare the body for stress.

But if stress becomes chronic, cortisol levels remain elevated, raising blood sugar levels. The result: your metabolism slows, you gain weight, feel tired, and have trouble sleeping.

Nighttime stress is especially harmful because it can disrupt sleep, which also increases cortisol levels. A new study from Stanford University shows that a surge in cortisol at night causes the body to produce fat cells. Dr. Salas-Whalen recommends doing something relaxing an hour before bed: yoga, listening to music, reading, taking a shower.


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