Get insolent with five: how to pass the exam if you don’t know anything?

The session is approaching. It is an obvious fact that it is much more difficult for truant students to pass it. As a rule, it does not matter to the teacher how valid the reason for absence from class was - laziness, work, or some other occasion. I wasn’t - answer to the fullest extent! “Rost” talked to careless students who were lucky enough to win over their teachers during the exam. Perhaps these stories will help someone pass the upcoming exam. We tell you how to pass an exam (session, test) at a university or college if you don’t know anything and haven’t taken classes.


At the university, we took an exam in foreign journalism in FJ. Lana wasn’t exactly a chronic truant, but, as it turned out when she took the ticket, she didn’t know everything that the teacher said during the semester.

— I take a ticket and read: The media of the United States of America during the Civil War. It flashes through my head: slave owners, North versus South, Confederacy... I understand that it’s an ambush. I pull out from the depths of my consciousness a couple of names of newspapers of that time - New York Evening Post, New York Sun... Are they for or against the Confederacy? For another five minutes I try to concentrate on the essence of the issue. The success is dubious, but the plot of Margaret Mitchell’s book “Gone with the Wind” comes to mind - a description of the slave-owning South, battle scenes, a Yankee victory... Disaster! The time for preparation has expired, I get up and, with the thought of the main character of the novel, “I’ll think about all this tomorrow,” I go to the teacher. I begin to speak, at first hesitantly, and then I understand that this is it - I will tell about the war what I remember from the book. Fortunately, the teacher, a big fan of history, appreciated my knowledge of the topic, even if not from the point of view of journalism. And when I stopped to take a breath, he finally uttered the cherished phrase: “Okay, that’s enough, I see you are familiar with the material.”

And just imagine, the teacher gave Lana an “excellent”! So read more fiction if you don’t like scientific literature. And watch TV series, they can also be useful in an extreme situation.

Vocation and money

“Well, okay,” I hear your voice – the voice of the reader of my book. — We understand that a calling is a desire. But no one canceled the money, right? What does this mean? When you are looking for how and where to apply your talent, the financial side should not be taken into account at all?”

All - without exception - great people did their work with passion and pleasure. They could work for twenty-four hours, essentially, because they really loved their job. In their work, they liked the process, not the result. Some of them achieved enormous material well-being. Others failed. But both of them were happy. Because only a person who is passionate about his work can be happy.

By choosing a job for financial reasons, you automatically cross yourself off the list of those who can at least try to become someone outstanding.

I treat money with respect. I understand that they offer great opportunities. I understand that they are needed. But I really like the statement of some genius, in my opinion, the great French writer Honore de Balzac, who argued that money is good servants, but bad masters

. Very accurately said!

The world around you endlessly shouts to you - from TV screens, from the pages of glossy magazines, from advertising posters: “Get rich! And your life will become wonderful!” And almost no one ever says: “Find your calling! Open yourself up! And you will be happy!”

To a large extent, this is why you see so many people around you - both rich and not so rich, and even poor - who are doing something they don’t like and suffer because of it.

It's a choice. And no one will do it except you.

The method of finding a calling was developed by me on the basis of the method of natural conformity by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

. Let me remind you that Pestalozzi proceeded from the fact that man’s task is to discover and develop the talent inherent in Nature (God). Hence the name of his method.

The genius of pedagogy believed that a person should search for a calling starting from the age of five, moreover, at the age of seven he can already generally decide what to do in life.

My method was created for parents who need to help their children find a calling. However, if a person at the age of a scout reads this chapter in the hope of deciding on his vocation, it means that his parents missed the age when it was necessary to assist the scout in finding his talent. And now you have to do it yourself.

First task: find out what you like to do most

. Let me emphasize again: not something that will bring you a lot of income in the future; not something that comes easy to you; but what you like to do, what makes your life interesting, without which it is difficult for you to exist.

For example, you like to play on the computer.

OK. But playing on a computer cannot be a matter of life.

Because the world is so structured that a person’s work must certainly be directed towards others. Otherwise the world will fall apart.

Playing on a computer cannot be a matter of life, but inventing new computer games can be.

Little Walt Disney loved to draw since childhood. And the boy John, named Rockefeller, from an early age wrote down his income and expenses in a small book: he liked to watch the movement of money. As a result, the former became a great animator, and the latter a great businessman.

It is very important to observe yourself and think about which of your passions could become your calling.

Do you like communicating with people? Wonderful. This means that your future profession may be related to communication. For example, a psychologist. Or a journalist, but in this case you must love to write, because even a television and radio journalist has to write a lot of texts.

Do you like being an organizer? There are a huge number of professions related to this matter. For example, a producer.

The main thing is not to be afraid of your desires!


Last session at college. Nastya needs to pass English, which for her consists of troubles and disappointments.

“On the eve of the exam, I managed to watch the new episode of the show “Dancing” on TNT, but I didn’t have enough time to prepare for the exam,” the girl shrugs. — With my level of English, I was ready to retake.

On the way to the exam, Nastya read news on the Internet. I saw a spoiler: it turns out that her favorite dancer from her favorite show will be the winner. The worries about the exam subsided. Nastya pulled out a ticket, there were no cheat sheets. What to do? I went to answer, as they say, with an empty head.

“I’m just opening my mouth to start talking nonsense, he’s in English Language,” says the student, “when the teacher receives an SMS, and on the phone’s screen saver is the very dancer I’m rooting for, and then I burst out...

Having shared the news about the victory of the dancer, who is liked not only by Nastya, but also by her English girlfriend, the girl automatically said goodbye to the retake. The teacher gave me a B in my record book and wished me a great holiday.

Where should an applicant go: tourism or theology?

Most applicants “scour” all faculties, thinking about where to apply on a budget
Most applicants “scour” all faculties, thinking about where to apply on a budget

Photo: Roman IGNATIEV

Victoria MATANIS, head of the Department of Journalism at RGSU, told Komsomolskaya Pravda about what specialties are most in demand today and what future applicants need to know.

– What specialties are currently in demand among applicants?

– Most applicants “scour” all faculties, thinking about where to apply on a budget. The fact is that for admission to many humanities specialties you need to pass Russian, social studies and history or mathematics. There are more than 10 such “universal” specialties from the point of view of the Unified State Exam. These are political science, advertising, history, commerce, management and others. The problem is that the applicant chooses based on the principle: I will definitely pass. Most people ask: “I will study and what will I get?” As a result, many now dream of enrolling in what they consider to be the most prestigious specialty – tourism management, because everyone today wants to travel and work abroad.

– Do future employees of travel agencies need specialized higher education?

– This is a question for the Ministry of Education. I believe that in this case it is better to work first and then study. The trouble is that everyone wants to immediately get a higher education after school, without understanding what it is for.

– And if an applicant understands that he does not have enough points for tourism, where does he go?

– Universities themselves set threshold scores for admission to certain specialties. If an applicant realizes that he is not getting into where he wanted, he asks where the competition is least likely. At RGSU, for example, when applying for social work, tourism and theology, you need to take the same “universal” Unified State Exam. If an applicant has a low score, he is more likely to pass to theology, but will not pass to tourism, since this is a more prestigious specialty and the passing score is higher there. Therefore, among theology students there are very few who actually want, for example, to study Latin and Greek, work in the church, or consult on religious issues.

Social work is also among the unpopular majors among schoolchildren; many associate it with buying food for their grandmothers. However, you cannot occupy leadership positions in social welfare authorities without having a specialized education.

– Maybe many schoolchildren today do not know where to enroll, because the school does not work in this direction at all?

– Yes, I would like career guidance to be established at school and psychologists to work better. First-year students say: the only thing they do at school today in this direction is conduct tests to determine what you are more inclined to do: working with people or with technology. They don't talk about professions at all.

Before the 9th grade, a child needs to understand who he wants to be. You can take part in special classes that many universities organize for schoolchildren, and play at your profession.

I would advise going to college after 9-10 grade, because getting there is easier than getting into a university. After college, you can enter a university using internal exams, passing the Russian exam instead of the Unified State Exam. In addition, the person will already have an understanding of whether or not they like the chosen profession. You can also get a specialty that is not available in higher education (makeup artist, stylist, mechanic), but in any case it will be useful in life.

We need to get away from the stereotype that college is for those who study poorly. College is for those who understand what they want.

– What advice do you give to schoolchildren who will enroll next year?

– I often hear stories from first-year students that schools almost banned taking the Unified State Exam in certain subjects, for example literature. They said that it is not a fact that you will pass well, but this is the school’s rating, and therefore subsidies. It’s easier for the school to have everyone take social studies (the likelihood of good scores is higher). Teachers don't want to waste time on extra work preparing for other exams. Perhaps that is why many do not even think about taking any other exam (besides the three “universal” ones). Try taking another exam just to be on the safe side. Apply to different universities.

Very often, schoolchildren are frightened by the additional exam (which is found in many creative specialties: journalism, design, professions related to art). Don't be afraid of it - this is an additional opportunity to show your interest in the profession. In general, I am in favor of introducing an additional exam for admission to most specialties. But, unfortunately, for now universities decide individually whether to hold it or not.

Many people today are also afraid to take physics. In recent years, the number of budget places for technical specialties in universities was almost equal to the number of applicants. If you understand that you don’t qualify, for example, for Baumanka, but you really want to be a programmer, you can consider other universities where this is not a specialized field and, accordingly, there is less competition.

– What forecasts do you give for the future, what will the applicants be like?

– The number of guys who come and say: I really want to get into this specialty is constantly decreasing. Now about 30% know immediately what they want, the rest simply go to the budget or wherever their parents have enough money.

In the first year, we will increasingly make up for what the school missed; in fact, the first year of study is now spent on bringing the student to the level of a freshman, because many cannot put two words together and do not know how to study on their own.

Dress up

In her second year, Olesya got a job in a coffee shop; due to her schedule, she couldn’t attend one teacher’s classes. At the same time, the girl always actively answered his classes in the first year, so she hoped that the teacher would remember her and give her credit for her past achievements.

“Before the test, I dressed up - all so beautiful, so that I would definitely attract the attention of the teacher,” Olesya laughs. “I asked to be the first to answer, and before the teacher arrived, I sat down at my desk and waited, happy.” 15 minutes pass, 20, 30, and he’s still not there... And then a teacher from the same department suddenly comes into the office and starts laying out tickets: “Well, pull it out.”

Because everything didn’t go according to plan, Olesya got excited and “was already sweating.” I decided to take off my sweater and stay in just my blouse. He doesn’t know what to answer, there’s no specifics on the sheet—it’s just water.

The rest of the story defies logic. Olesya comes up to answer, the teacher looks at the student appraisingly, and then asks:

-Where did you get the blouse?

— In the Aura store. There are now 70% discounts,” the girl exhaled.

The teacher nodded approvingly, gave Olesya a test and dismissed her.

Choosing an educational institution after the eleventh grade

“11th grade, I don’t know where to go”—many future graduates face this problem. Today there are a lot of proposals on this topic; you just need to decide on the right direction and objectively assess your strengths and capabilities (including material ones). There is no harm in the fact that someone chooses to temporarily abandon their studies and prefer to work for a year or two. This way you can get to know yourself and your future profession better. Gaining invaluable experience is sometimes the main decision of a lifetime. You can go to work in several places, find out all the positive and negative aspects of your chosen specialty, and only then settle on one option. Or you can choose an educational institution that suits your liking and budget, which will become the starting point in your professional life.

Don't be impudent

In his 2nd year, Daniil decided to move from the dorm to an apartment, so he had to get a job as a bartender. Of course, it was not without passes at the university. He brushed off the words of his classmates that the exam would be tough, and continued to work day and night.

“The night before day X, I took a shift, worked until four in the morning and called a taxi,” the student shares. “I thought that I would get home, sleep for three hours and come to the exam with a fresh head.” It turned out differently: I fell asleep in a taxi, so the driver next to my mortal body drove more people and earned money. And at nine in the morning he crucified me near the house and demanded almost a quarter of my salary.

Out of despair, Daniil gave the money to the enterprising taxi driver, got out of the car, looked at his watch and... ran to the exam without preparing.

It's time to answer. The young man sits down with the teacher, who made it clear to the student that he smells disgusting.

“I apologized and couldn’t think of anything better than to say that I had a problem.” Well, she gave me a C, and I went home to sleep off,” concludes Daniil.

Daniel’s classmate also decided to use this life hack. He got a B - exactly the number of times the teacher saw him in his classes. In the summer, students passed the next exam to the same teacher. Daniil's classmate forgot about his excuse at the last session.

“I turned twenty-two today,” the student says joyfully.

Unfortunately for the young man, the teacher turned out to have a good memory.

“Happy second birthday of the year,” she wrote in the grade book.

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