What to do if a man is impotent: treatment, advice from a psychologist

At the initial stage, married life is full of emotions, love and passion. The newly-made husband and wife try to spend as much time as possible with each other. Also, sex life is quite rich and vibrant. But the well-known everyday routine reduces intimate relationships to nothing. Over time, men develop erectile dysfunction due to addiction and psychological disorders. Next, the woman admits that her husband is impotent. How to live with this is a rather difficult question. But there are many ways to correct this situation. But, first, it is necessary to improve relations with your husband and bring him into a confidential conversation. So, if your husband is impotent, what should you do?

Why did my husband become impotent?

The main causes of husband's impotence can be divided into two groups: psychological and physiological. It has been established that the most common factor in the development of impotence is the psycho-emotional state of the husband. As already mentioned, everyday routine turns vibrant sex into a banal fulfillment of marital duty. First, the husband’s libido decreases, which affects the number of sexual intercourses. Over time, sex may simply disappear from the lives of spouses. Therefore, it is important to maintain romance and passion throughout your life together.

What to do if your husband is impotent

Excessive stress at work, frequent stressful situations, conflicts in the family lead to psychological disorders. Very often, in the absence of proper rest, men become impotent. It is worth noting that one-time, rare failures in bed are considered the norm. After all, no one is immune from the effects of external factors. But, as soon as cases of fiasco occur with enviable regularity, there is reason to talk about impotence.

In case of a one-time fiasco, it is very important that the wife reacts adequately. You shouldn’t attach much importance or focus on an isolated case. This makes it much easier for the husband to cope with the problem on his own, and his mental state will not be shaken. If the husband quickly became impotent, you need to look much deeper. An unsuccessful first sexual experience can lead to this disease. In any case, first of all, you need to talk openly and frankly with your husband.

If the husband has become impotent due to physiological reasons, it is worth noting the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Injuries of the pelvic organs;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Urethritis;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Diabetes;
  • Disturbances of the endocrine system;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Thyroid dysfunction.

In addition, do not forget that your husband has bad habits. Drinking alcohol and smoking will sooner or later make your husband impotent. Therefore, it is important for a wife to monitor her man’s lifestyle. Factors leading to impotence include diet. Trying to feed her beloved husband with various sweets, baked goods, and fatty fried meats, a woman does not even think about the serious consequences. Therefore, if your husband is impotent, you need to reconsider the daily menu.

Features of manifestation

According to many specialists in the field of urology, andrology and reproductive medicine, problems with potency in men have recently arisen more and more often. The causes of this condition are frequent stress and the influence of unfavorable exogenous and endogenous factors. Inflammatory or infectious processes do not contribute to full sexual function, as a result of which impotence develops.

It is very important to help your sexual partner, to encourage him to see a specialist. After all, if a man is impotent, this is also a disease that requires certain therapy. The difficulty is that the stronger sex does not always agree to visit a doctor, preferring independent treatment. And therein lies the danger, since it is not enough to simply restore sexual function if the husband is impotent; it is important to find out the cause of this condition, get rid of it, and only then begin to restore erectile function with the help of medications.

What to do if your husband is impotent?

Sooner or later, women begin to complain that their husband is impotent. How to live and what to do in such a situation? Over time, any sex becomes ordinary. To return your husband to his former strength, or to maintain the existing one, you should follow some rules. It is important for a wife to have a positive impact on a man on a psychological level, take care of herself, and balance her husband’s diet. If the spouse is always in a good mood, impotence will not threaten him for a long time. Therefore, to prevent a husband from becoming impotent, a woman needs to make every effort and ingenuity.

Psychological impact

To maintain normal potency in the husband, it is important to maintain a favorable environment in the house. Stress at work is difficult to avoid. Therefore, when coming home, a man should feel relaxed and blissful. If conflicts continue at home, sexual desire disappears very quickly. And sex itself becomes rare. Even if the wife has some complaints against her husband, they need to be expressed calmly, without scandals.

Unfortunately, the statement “my husband is impotent” is not uncommon. Few people know how to live with this problem. If you begin to notice serious changes in your sex life, first of all, the psychological impact lies in a confidential conversation. You can't blame a man for this problem. It is worth positioning him, coming to the rescue, and offering options for solving the problem. As a rule, your spouse, seeing support in your face, will try to change the situation. Sometimes a simple conversation is enough. The husband begins to completely trust his wife, which leads to the restoration of potency. After all, talking with your wife or a psychiatrist is considered one of the options for treating psychological impotence.

Everyone knows that men love their eyes. The main role in intimate relationships between spouses is played by the appearance of the wife. You need to meet your husband from work in full readiness, and not with a dirty head, in an old stretched T-shirt. If the husband is impotent, the woman should take the initiative in sex. At this time, all boundaries and internal prohibitions are relegated to the background. As a rule, such liberation brings new sensations and returns potency to the spouse.


If your husband is impotent, you need to adjust your spouse’s daily menu. Factors such as excess cholesterol in the blood, cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, and excess weight lead to impotence. All this is due to poor nutrition. Therefore, fatty fried foods, smoked foods, salty foods, sugar, large amounts of baked goods and sweets are completely excluded from the husband’s menu. Also, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of coffee, carbonated water, and alcohol.

Instead, the menu is filled with aphrodisiac products that increase testosterone levels in the blood and cleanse blood vessels. This diet is rich in zinc, selenium, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium. The following foods can help an impotent husband:

  • Nuts;
  • Honey;
  • Sour cream;
  • Greenery;
  • Green onions;
  • Garlic;
  • Seafood;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Bananas;
  • Citrus;
  • Lean meats.

We recommend reading:

  • How to become impotent

Other reasons for the development of impotence

There are also certain physiological factors behind the problem. Often, impotence begins to develop as a result of various diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • drug addiction.

The listed conditions negatively affect blood vessels, due to which they lose elasticity and flexibility, and become fragile and brittle. Illnesses, stressful situations, and taking certain medications negatively affect the possibility of full sexual intercourse.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

Does the state of potency affect the ability to fertilize?

If a couple is unable to conceive, the first step is usually to see a doctor.
The specialist will examine all functional indicators and determine the cause. As a rule, if a woman is healthy, then the problem is in the man. Most experts agree that the quality of erection and the duration of sexual intercourse of an impotent man do not affect the ability of fertilization. Thus, there is a chance to get pregnant from an impotent man.

The quality of the seminal fluid is much more important. The formation of sperm occurs in the testicles, after which it undergoes a rather long maturation process and moves through a special duct to the seminal vesicles, where it remains until sexual intercourse. In general, the entire process of seminal fluid formation lasts about two and a half months.

Its passage is influenced by:

  1. Temperature.
  2. Nutrition.
  3. Infections.
  4. Alcohol consumption.
  5. Smoking.
  6. Taking drugs.
  7. Taking medications.

Thus, with excessive influence of any of these factors, the process of seminal fluid formation may be disrupted, which will lead to the impossibility of fertilization of the egg.

How can a wife help?

A wife can only help if the man has realized the problem of impotence, accepted it and is ready to solve it. Some women, desperate to persuade, begin to threaten with divorce and provoke jealousy, but the opposite side perceives this as a challenge and a reason to go deeper into depression. You cannot demonstratively show your irritation from the lack of sex. This stresses the man out even more. The wife in his eyes becomes a nymphomaniac, far from his own needs.

There are men who, when showing signs of impotence, withdraw into themselves and try to distance themselves. The complexity of the situation is that this may be evidence of his relationship on the side. It is important not to immediately accept this thought as the only true one. A confidential business conversation in a calm tone without a hint of pity will help bring a man to a revelation and develop constructive tactics with him.

The first thing to do if potency is impaired is to rule out physical pathology . You shouldn’t expect any particular enthusiasm on the part of a man when he proposes to be examined by a urologist-andrologist, but you need to gently insist. You can start with a simple hormone test.

Table of normal hormone levels in the male body
Table of normal hormone levels in the male body

If everything is in order regarding urology, then it would not be a bad idea to check the spine . Due to injuries in the lumbar region (hernia), a man's erectile function and libido can significantly deteriorate.

If there are no physiological problems, you can agree with a psychologist (sexologist) and go to a family consultation.

If your husband is overweight, then you can adjust the diet by removing trans fats and enriching it with fiber and protein.

What can be done?

Of course, erection problems will not go away on their own.
Such a deviation definitely needs treatment. Most often, experts prescribe an effect on impotent disorder using a chemically synthesized product, massage, and folk methods. It is worth considering that, in addition, before the onset of exposure, the cause that provoked the development of the disease is established. When establishing the influence of a psychological cause, the influence is carried out with the help of a psychologist or sexologist. If a physiological deviation acts as a factor that provoked the development of the disease, then various medications or folk remedies are used.

Most often, specialists prescribe massage for impotence. As a rule, massage is performed in the penis area. This procedure has proven itself to be one of the most effective.

Another fairly common way to treat an impotent person is with the help of medications, however, it usually has a negative effect on the body as a whole. Most medications contain chemical compounds that have a detrimental effect on the body.

Timely treatment

If the wife is ready to help, the problem will be solved. Impotence does not occur on its own; more often it is a consequence of a disease. It can appear due to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, endocrine, nervous and genitourinary systems.

A caring and loving wife will immediately notice a deterioration in the health of the head of the family, she will become worried, sending her husband for treatment. In this case, the problem will be effectively resolved and the man’s potency will return. Therefore, the wife’s task is to monitor the health of her life partner and convince him that timely treatment will benefit not only him, but the entire family. You should not cheat on your husband suffering from impotence. Such wives not only help in solving the problem, but are also the main cause of the disease.

A loving wife should make sure that her husband eats right, gets plenty of rest and exercises.

Will aphrozodiacs help?

Advice on when to use Viagra and other similar drugs if your spouse is impotent is incorrect. These remedies have a short-term effect. They temporarily increase blood flow to the penis. You need to focus on foods called aphrodisiacs. They increase people's sex drive. If a man periodically consumes such products, his sexual function will return.

Recommended to eat:

  • Seafood.
  • Citrus.
  • Spices (ginger, saffron and cloves).

But even when using aphrolysics, you need to consult a doctor.


Pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs for men to treat potency and improve erectile function. These medications help improve erection, blood flow to the genitals, and increase sensitivity.

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