Drooping corners of the lips: what to do if the smile “swims” The best ways to correct drooping corners of the lips The corner of the mouth is drooping

There is probably no woman who would not dream of always looking young and beautiful. But, unfortunately, some people discover signs of aging on their faces before they even reach the age of thirty. Such signs are often wrinkles near the mouth and drooping corners of the lips. Most often, the reason for this phenomenon is the natural processes of aging, and sometimes the cause of such changes is the individual characteristics of the facial muscles.

This is a fairly simple method, but it only helps to temporarily correct the shape

lips, to do this you should properly apply lipstick.

  • the upper lip should be painted with a dark outline, it should not reach the very edges of the lips, they should have a cut-off appearance;
  • with the lower part it’s the other way around; the contour should be made so that it completely reaches its edge;
  • when painting her lips with lipstick, a woman needs to make sure that the color on her lower lip is slightly brighter and more expressive;
  • It is also recommended to apply a small amount of gloss to the lower lip.

Some women do not use a contour pencil, and in vain, because with its help you can visually create the desired shape. The pencil also helps to hold the lipstick and prevent it from running into the wrinkles around the mouth. It would be good if it was waterproof. You can powder it

line - this will make it more stable.

Peeling with honey and sugar in a 1:1 ratio will help get rid of wrinkles. It is done before applying lipstick. After peeling, eye cream is applied to the lips. When the cream is completely absorbed into the skin, you can apply semi-gloss lipstick.

With the help of cosmetics, you can ensure that the creases in the corners of the mouth are much less noticeable or become completely invisible.

At home, without the use of various means, you can manage a little

with this problem and tighten the desired part of the mouth. There are a very large number of exercises, but almost all of them have basic movements:

  • fold your lips in different ways and take intermittent exhalations through them;
  • place your fingers in the corners of your mouth and try to smile.

Several effective exercises that you can perform without being distracted from other things:

  1. Close your teeth and lips, but do not strain. Try to suck the corners of your mouth to your teeth. The corners should be tensed throughout the exercise. Try to smile a little, first raise your lips, and then lower them as low as possible. This exercise can be done anywhere and at any time, for example, at home while washing dishes or while preparing food. However, there are no specific conditions for how many times a day this training can be done. Therefore, if you have a free minute, you should definitely take advantage of it.
  2. Carefully sing or pronounce the sounds “a”, “i”, “o”, “i”, “s”, “u”. The exercise should be repeated 5-6 times or more throughout the day. It is also not necessary to specifically set aside time for such training; it can be done while doing other chores around the house. Those who like to sing while showering will love this exercise for lifting the corners of their lips.
  3. Purse your lips as tightly as possible, press the corners with your index fingers, they should be in a vertical position. Try to smile only from the corners of your mouth. The fingertips should provide resistance.

Experts do not give a clear answer to how effective such exercises are. It all depends on many different factors, which include age and how pronounced this problem is. You should also note that this is only gymnastics, so you should not expect visible results on the third day.

hyaluronic acid into the corner area.

, which will ensure their lifting, thanks to the formed stiffening rib.

Raised corners with the help of hyaluronic acid filler remain in this position for 4-6 months, and sometimes more. This procedure will also help remove or reduce wrinkles around the mouth.

Botox is loved by many representatives of the fair sex. But in our case, it can be both effective and insidious. If botulinum toxin is administered by a doctor who knows his job well, then he relaxes the muscles running from the corners to the chin, and they drop. This allows the corners of the mouth to rise. But only an experienced specialist can carry out the procedure correctly. If the drug is administered incorrectly, it can lead to a distorted smile, and the lips may droop even more.

Plastic surgery

Of all the above methods of lip lifting, the most reliable and long-lasting is surgical, that is, plastic surgery. During surgery, the muscles are carefully cut

that droop the corners of the mouth. Typically, the incision is made from the side of the mouth. This way the scar will not be visible. As a result of the operation, the “mournful folds” are smoothed out, and the corners of the lips are raised upward.

If this cosmetic defect has an age-related cause, then in this case it is better to do a full facelift, and you can also use a cosmetic procedure and tighten the lower part of the face. Facelifting is carried out using new gentle techniques, thanks to which large detachments of facial skin are not required. The procedure is considered very expensive, however, the final result is truly impressive.

The corners of the lips are an important part of a woman’s face, creating its expression. They can be used to judge a person’s attitude to life and state of mind. Fade and mouth lines can be corrected using a variety of available methods.

A woman’s desire to remain beautiful is understandable. But with age, the elasticity and freshness of the skin are lost, it begins to wither, and the contours of the face change. The problem is the formation of drooping corners of the mouth. Their position is controlled by the triangular muscle, which is attached to the most mobile muscle in the facial part - the circular muscle. When you are in a bad mood, crying or negative emotions, nerve endings send an impulse to the facial muscle corset. When you smile and laugh, your muscles become stronger and tightened. Another reason lies in age-related changes. Upon reaching a certain age, depending on lifestyle, the muscle network weakens, the elasticity of the skin is lost and the edges of the mouth droop down.

Physiognomists regard a lip line with drooping corners as a consequence of pessimism and negative reactions. Such people rarely laugh and often cry, are dissatisfied, and have increased demands on life. As a result, they are often disappointed.

The problem can be caused by hereditary factors and appear at a young age. Due to the structure of the muscles and their natural tone. You can correct the situation yourself by systematically performing a set of home procedures.

Removing grief from the face: how to raise the corners of the mouth

A sad expression on your face does not always indicate that you are in a bad mood. For the most part, this is a consequence of age-related changes, or more precisely, gravitational ptosis, to which we are all susceptible. Thanks to ptosis, the oval of the face begins to float, nasolabial folds appear, tissue sagging and, of course, drooping of the corners of the mouth. Modern aesthetic medicine offers a huge number of ways to cope with this problem.

Alexander Vdovin

Alexander Vdovin

Photo: press materials

Facebook building

You can judge how effective this method is by trying a couple of exercises. Today on the Internet you will find a lot of facial fitness fans who have a huge number of followers of this therapy. From a medical point of view, this procedure should be used for preventive purposes, when no noticeable problems with ptosis have yet been identified in the patient, and in order to avoid them, you can resort to special exercises. For example, clench and unclench your lips, smile exclusively from the corners of your mouth and others. In the case when the corners of the mouth have already treacherously drooped and the face has acquired a mournful expression, relying only on gymnastics is not very wise - this is a good way of prevention, but not treatment. If there are obvious signs of ptosis, you should resort to more effective methods of rejuvenation.

Lip dermatology

Permanent lip makeup can be considered one of the most popular procedures among the fair sex at present. With the help of tattooing, the shape of the lips is corrected, the consequences of surgical interventions are eliminated, and visual imperfections such as asymmetry and scars are eliminated. If we are talking about age-related imperfections, then permanent makeup solves problems such as restoring shade (lips become pale with age) and contour, which blurs over time. Dermo makeup refreshes the face, lifts the corners of the mouth and, thereby, rejuvenates. This procedure also has a significant drawback: permanent makeup does not restore lip volume - a problem that older patients also often face. You can make your lips visually plumper at a young age, and if you have already had to deal with wrinkles around the mouth, it is recommended to combine tattooing with augmentation of the perioral zone (the area around the mouth).

Drooping corners of the mouth and nasolabial folds are consequences of gravitational ptosis, to which we are all susceptible.
Drooping corners of the mouth and nasolabial folds are consequences of gravitational ptosis, to which we are all susceptible.

Photo: Unsplash.com

Lip augmentation with fillers

Some representatives of the fair sex are mistaken when they think that lip augmentation can only be done in order to become even more charming, attractive and sexy. The procedure for moisturizing lips and enlarging them is indicated for almost all patients aged 40-45+. What problems does filling solve in this case? First of all, the augmentation procedure improves skin turgor and promotes elasticity, restores the color and appearance of the lips, eliminates dryness, microcracks and peeling. Fillers help correct the shape, add the necessary volume, thereby solving the problem of swollen lip contour and loss of plumpness. This procedure can get rid of wrinkles around the mouth and even nasolabial folds, which allows you to fully resolve the issue with the expression of grief on the face. In this regard, this procedure is indicated for different age groups of patients facing age-related changes - from 35 to 55 years and above.


Botulinum toxin injections are another method that allows you to lift the corners of your lips and get rid of the expression of grief on your face. This drug neutralizes depressor muscles. These are the muscles that pull the face down with age, giving it a very mournful expression. A botulinum toxin injection helps neutralize the action of the muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth. This procedure is recommended for those patients who are concerned only with this problem and do not set themselves the goal of resorting to lip augmentation with fillers.


This type of surgery refers to cheiloplasty (lip surgery). At an early age, bullhorn is used for the final correction of the shape of the lips. If augmentation with fillers gives a temporary effect, then the bullhorn changes its shape for a long time. However, the indications for this intervention are not only aesthetics; bullhorn is included in the list of anti-aging operations along with upper blepharoplasty, removal of Bisha's lumps, mucosal lift, tragus lift and temporal lift. It gets rid of wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial lips, and lifts the corners. With the help of a bullhorn, you can reduce the distance between the upper lip and the nose, which also stretches with age and under the influence of ptosis, raise the cheek-zygomatic area and give the lower third of the face a much more youthful appearance. This operation is often combined with the so-called suturing of the nostrils, which allows achieving a greater rejuvenating effect.

How to lift it yourself

Simple manipulations and salon procedures will help you change and raise the line of your mouth.

Exercises and massage

There are many ways to lift the corners of your lips, the main one being exercises. Face forming is facial gymnastics that allows you to relax tense muscles and strengthen them in case of hypotonia. Thanks to regular work you can:

  • change the shape of the mouth;
  • tighten the drooping corners of the lips;
  • remove double chin;
  • smooth out wrinkles.

Exercises to lift the corners of the lips:

  1. Pat your lips like you would after applying lipstick.
  2. Smile, lifting the edges of your mouth.
  3. Add resistance to the exercise in the form of fixing the nasolabial fold with your fingers (from the wings of the nose to the edges of the mouth).
  4. Cover your mouth with your teeth and try to smile broadly.
  5. Pull them forward, open and close your mouth (works the orbicularis muscle).
  6. Draw the number 8 in the air with elongated, closed lips (the exercise is useful for the muscles that support the cheekbones and cheeks);
  7. Smooth the inner surface of the mouth with the tongue, focusing on the corner area;
  8. Blow air through a closed mouth (imitating horse breathing). Creates vibration and allows you to relax your muscles. The exercise is the final one in the complex.

The training must be done daily, 2-3 sets of 10 times. Before gymnastics, it is recommended to do a massage to prepare the muscle tissue. Oil or moisturizer should be applied. Massage movements are performed in the following sequence:

  • knead the skin, pressing lightly with your fingertips;
  • Continue kneading in a circular motion from the edges towards the center and down;
  • soft pats;
  • kneading the upper and lower lips separately;
  • Finally, you need to close your lips, as with the sound “p”.

Makeup secrets

With the help of makeup, you can correct facial features and correct the contour of your lips.

Stages of using cosmetics during correction:

  • cleanse the skin with foam or lotion;
  • apply a base (primer);
  • powder the area;
  • choose a pencil and lipstick according to tone;
  • adjust the contour with a pencil, for which you need to draw a thin line from the edge of the descending corner to the center of the lip on both sides (the lower part will lengthen a little, and the edges will visually rise);
  • connect the upper contour to the lower line;
  • shade the outline;
  • apply lipstick.

It is not necessary to paint your lips brightly; you can correct drooping edges with natural everyday makeup. A nude pencil (flesh tone) is used. Apply in the same way and shade. You can apply clear or natural gloss on top.

Professional procedures for correcting corners

You can lift the corners of your lips using cosmetology in the following ways:

  • injections;
  • thread lifting;
  • surgical intervention.

Injections are a common correction method. Fillers are used based on collagen or hyaluronic acid. The drug works by injecting a gel into the lip tissue. Fills the intralabial space, distributed by a cosmetologist in accordance with the desired result. The effectiveness of the procedure is noticeable the next day and, if performed regularly, can last up to 2 years. Botulinum toxin is also used to solve the problem. Botox allows you to block muscle activity, which stops the process of muscle withering. Contraindications to injections:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • intolerance to the drugs used;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases in the facial area;
  • adolescence (up to 18 years);
  • infectious processes in the body.

To lift the corners of the mouth, a lipofilling procedure is performed. It involves injecting the patient’s own fat tissue into problem areas. Defects can be corrected, shape adjusted, and enlarged. The result can last up to several years.

To tighten tissue, cosmetologists use threads. The procedure is carried out in case of lack of effectiveness from injections, in adulthood. A week before the lift, Botox is injected to block muscle movement. To insert the thread, anesthesia is administered and a puncture is made in the skin. This mini-operation will help tighten sagging cheeks, the edges of the mouth and remove a double chin.

Doctors recommend using surgical methods in extreme cases when other methods are ineffective. The pathology is eliminated by excision of the skin and muscle above the edges of the upper lip. The plastic method is called corner lifting. Another method is resection of the muscle responsible for raising and lowering the angles. An incision is made on the inside of the cheek, the muscle and its fibers are cut, thereby reducing in size. The remaining hole fills with fat deposits over time. The operation lasts about half an hour and leaves no stitches.

Contraindications to gymnastics

Face building for lips has its contraindications, like any other workout. Techniques cannot be performed in the following cases:

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3. After plastic surgery on the face for about two years.

4. For herpes, skin damage, sunburn and acne.

5. After Botox injections.

How to avoid drooping corners as you age

To prevent problems from occurring, it is recommended to regularly monitor muscle tone. Can be increased using:

  • massage;
  • exercises;
  • contrast washes;
  • rubbing your face with an ice cube.

To look good, you should drink a lot of water, lead an active lifestyle, and ensure that your body receives the required amount of vitamins and nutrients.

A positive attitude towards life is important in preventing the formation of drooping corners. Nervousness and depression provoke their appearance; you need to smile more often and have a calm, positive attitude.

The corners of the mouth are of great importance. They give a certain expression to the human face. By changing it, you can express any emotion - sarcasm, joy, sadness, satisfaction. The characteristic curve of the corner of the mouth made the Mona Lisa smile popular throughout the world. There are many ways to correct it, regardless of the cause of drooping corners of the mouth.

If their corners are lowered over time or by nature, the face acquires a dissatisfied, sad or stern expression. And this will not decorate even a young girl.

How to raise the corners of your lips so that age does not show on your face, and it always shines with a sweet and friendly expression? There are many methods, some of which can be applied without cosmetologists and special training.

Read in this article

Causes of cracks

Why do cracks appear in the corners of my lips? As independent damage, cracks can occur for the following reasons:

  • Having an incorrect bite.
  • Constant hypothermia.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  • Eating unwashed vegetables, fruits or berries.
  • Using someone else's unwashed dishes.
  • Having a habit such as licking lips. This leads to stagnation of saliva in the corners of the mouth and further damage.
  • Squeezing pimples or scratching in the area, which leads to injury.
  • Various mechanical damage, for example, if a person has poor-quality prostheses or other provoking factors.

cracks in the corners of the lips causes and treatment

Such cracks respond quite well to treatment, and as soon as you get rid of provoking factors (stop licking your lips, learn to wash food, etc.), the condition will normalize in a short period of time.

However, such a symptom may indicate a number of serious disorders in the body. These include:

  • Lack of iron and other nutrients in the body (hypovitaminosis).
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Pathological processes in the thyroid gland (development of diabetes mellitus) and disorders of general metabolism.
  • Weakened immunity, for example, due to the presence of HIV infection or AIDS in the body.
  • Overdose of drugs such as hormones, cytostatics, immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids or antibiotics.
  • Developing fungal infection.
  • An allergic reaction that damages the mucous membranes, including the mouth.

If the treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips does not give any results, you should consult a doctor, determine the root cause of this disease and begin the correct therapy, because in this case this approach can really give good results.

It is also worth noting that cracks in the corners of the lips can occur in a child, and the main reasons for this phenomenon are considered to be a lack of vitamins in the body, especially riboflavin, a substance that is responsible for the condition of hair, nails and skin, as well as the occurrence of an allergic reaction due to nutrition or intake medicines.

cracks in the corners of the lips

Cosmetical tools

You can lift the corners of your lips upward purely visually, that is, with the help of cosmetic tricks. To draw new outlines you will need a makeup base, a pencil, a transparent gloss and two lipsticks that are similar in shade. The process of adjusting the shape of the lips is done as follows:

  • to avoid lipstick smudging, apply a makeup base to their surface;
  • outline the upper lip with a contouring agent, leaving the areas near the corners unpainted, or draw a line on them just above the red border;
  • the outlines of the bottom are completely marked with a pencil, but near the corners they are made higher than the real border;
  • The lips are painted over completely with a darker lipstick, and a light shade is applied on top of both in the center and shaded, giving a natural look (you can use transparent gloss).

Useful video

To learn how to lift the corners of your lips, watch this video:

With this makeup, the emphasis moves from the corrected area to the central part. Due to this, the lips look more voluminous and their corners are raised. To apply lipstick and gloss, it is better to use brushes so that the lines are more precise and natural.

The contour pencil should not be very soft. It is worth choosing shades of all decorative products that are close to the natural color of the lips so that they do not look made up.

Gymnastics for lips

To correct your mouth line, you need to understand why the corners of your lips droop. One of the reasons is the weakening of the muscles that support them. Earth's gravity forces the fibers to stretch over time. Similar processes occur in the layers of the skin.

This means that if you strengthen the muscles of the face and lips, you can return the previous line of the mouth or at least make the downward shift of the corners less pronounced. will be useful for this :

  • Extend your lips as if pronouncing the sound “U”. Inhale, passing air through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Do 10 repetitions.
  • Purse your lips to make the sound “O”. Say it out loud, tense your facial muscles to the limit, and relax. The exercise is done 10 times.
  • Tighten your lips, pressing them to your teeth. At the same time, they narrow, and one feels how blood rushes to this area. Then relax. You need to repeat 30 times.
  • Make your lips a tube and in this position quickly open and close your mouth. You should start the exercise with 20 repetitions, then until the muscles involved in it are completely tired.
  • Smile widely while pressing your lips tightly to your teeth. You should try to pull their corners inward. This exercise, also designed to train the cheek muscles, is done 20 times.
  • Pronounce vowel sounds. Each stretches for a few seconds, facial movements should be as active as possible.
  • Pout your lips without parting them. Place your index finger in the middle of both and, pressing it on the surface, try to change the position of the corners, lifting and relaxing them.

The drooping corners of the lips are lifted using gymnastics to preserve the oval of the face. For this:

  • Smile without revealing your teeth. Use your index fingers to gently but firmly massage the skin near the corners for 15 seconds. Relax and then repeat 10 times.
  • Stretch your lips wide and press them together at the same time. Use your hands to lift the corners for 10 seconds and return them to their normal position. Do this 10 times.
  • Take a deep breath into your mouth, puffing out your cheeks as much as possible. Press on them with your palms, trying to return your face to its normal position. Due to resistance, the cheek muscles are trained, nasolabial folds are reduced if you do 4 - 5 approaches for 15 seconds.
  • Place your elbows on the table, place your palms on top of each other, and rest your chin on them. Open your mouth for 15 seconds, resting your hands up. After a short relaxation, repeat, and so on 5 - 6 times.

All exercises can also be performed to prevent negative changes in the lip line.

Hyaluronic acid

When they talk about how to correct drooping corners of the lips, they also remember a shorter path to perfection - using. It is administered with a syringe using a special technique. Injections are made along the contour of the lips, stepping back from the edge 3 - 4 mm and inserting the needle in the direction from the mouth.

To eliminate the line formed from the corner to the chin, use a fan technique, placing no more than 0.2 ml of hyaluronic acid into the tissue.

How to do injections with hyaluronic acid, watch in this video:

The substance eliminates wrinkles by attracting water molecules. Not only the lips become elastic, but also some areas of the skin around them.

A “Gioconda smile” appears on the face, that is, the corners are pulled up. If the amount of the drug is correctly calculated, its expression remains natural and friendly. The effect will appear immediately and will be quite noticeable.

An even more pronounced result will occur 1–3 days after the procedure, when hyaluronic acid is activated. It will last for 6 - 12 months, after which the correction will have to be done again. This method, unlike the previous ones, also has contraindications. After the procedure, you need to stay away from the heat for a couple of weeks, don’t grimace, and don’t take medications or alcohol.

How to lift the corners of your lips: exercises and cosmetological methods

It's no secret that a smile plays a very important role in our lives and, in particular, in our appearance. Smiling people are attractive and pleasing to the eye. Some people have the corners of their lips slightly raised upward from birth, which is why they always maintain a smiling expression on their face. But what about those who are not so lucky, and the corners of their lips, on the contrary, are lowered? There are several ways to get rid of the eternal sad “mask”: from ordinary exercises to surgical intervention.

How to raise the corners of your lips
How to raise the corners of your lips

How to lift the corners of your lips with makeup

The easiest and fastest way to visually lift the corners of your lips is to apply makeup correctly. To do this, you will need foundation, lipstick and a lip pencil a shade darker. To make it more accurate, you can use a brush to apply lipstick. So, apply foundation all over your face and on the downturned corners of your lips to disguise them. After this, draw the outline of your lips with a pencil, making the corners raised. Apply lipstick carefully without going beyond the contour. Of course, it’s impossible to wear lipstick all the time, so this is an emergency solution.

How to lift the corners of your lips with makeup
How to lift the corners of your lips with makeup

How to raise the corners of your lips: exercises

Special gymnastics can help, which will increase muscle elasticity.


Imagine putting on a turtleneck or collared sweater with painted lips and not wanting to get them dirty. To do this, you need to retract your lips. Squeeze forcefully for 10 seconds and then relax.


Purse your lips into a tube, inhale through your nose and exhale sharply through your mouth.


Pull your lips out and then smile broadly.


Make the sound “o” by tensing and rounding your lips.


Exhale air through the left and right corners of your lips alternately.

Each exercise must be repeated several times, and the more such approaches per day, the better.

How to raise the corners of your lips: exercises
How to raise the corners of your lips: exercises

Cosmetology: you can lift the corners of your lips using 3 methods


- this is the introduction of your own adipose tissue taken from other places into those parts of the body that need to be corrected. With this procedure you can not only change the shape of your lips, but also enlarge them. The advantage is that there is no risk of rejection, because it is not foreign tissue that is being introduced. However, you must understand that you need to carefully choose a specialist, since it will be extremely difficult to correct poor-quality work.

Hyaluronic acid injections

is a well-known procedure that everyone has probably heard of. Acid is injected into the area around the lips, it fills the areas in the corners and creates a beautiful shape. Just as in the case of lipofilling, the lips themselves can be enlarged at the same time. The main thing is not to get carried away, because removing excess volume is much more difficult than adding it.


is a substance that is injected into the skin to smooth out facial wrinkles. This method is suitable for people whose lip corners have drooped with age due to the appearance of wrinkles. The procedure is extremely responsible, and if an inexperienced specialist performs it and even misses a little, then there is a risk of asymmetry, which will be eliminated only after about six months.

Cosmetology: raise the corners of the lips
Cosmetology: raise the corners of the lips

Plastic surgery

The most radical way is plastic surgery. Small incisions are made in the lip muscles, and then they are stitched so that the corners are raised up. Unlike all the other methods listed above, the results here will last a lifetime. However, before you decide to have surgery, you need to consult a doctor, calculate the risks and plan for everything, otherwise, instead of beautiful lips, you may end up with serious health problems.


How to remove drooping corners of the lips in a more painless way? This can be done using . Often, an “offended” expression on the lips is formed due to wrinkles. And they appear during active facial expressions, which become so habitual that it becomes impossible to relax the muscles responsible for them on your own.

Lifting the corners of the mouth with Botox injections

Botox has the ability to reduce their contractility and make them tighter. The muscles involved in supporting and moving the corners of the lips become shorter. The substance is injected into the appropriate areas of the face.

The first effect will be noticeable immediately, and over the next 3-4 days it will intensify.

Gymnastics for the face, consisting of various movements of its muscles, will help make it more pronounced. The effect is the disappearance of folds on and around the lips, tightening the skin in the nasolabial triangle. It lasts up to a year, then more Botox injections must be done.

  • Cutting a muscle.
    The lowering of the corners is due to the fault of one of them. If you perform manipulations on it, making the muscle shorter, the lip line will change. The corners will rise up, and the seams will not be visible; all cuts are made from the inside. After such an operation, which also lasts no longer than 40 minutes, there are no visible scars left. The sutures are removed on the 6th day. During this time, you should avoid hard, chewy foods and rinse your mouth with antiseptics several times a day.

Both interventions are performed under general anesthesia, sometimes local anesthesia is also chosen (painkiller injections). You can paint your lips after any operation only after 7-10 days.

Both of them provide an effect that lasts for several years and are compatible with hyaluronic acid injections and other salon methods.

How to tighten the corners of the lips is decided individually in each case. But if you tackle the problem at a young age, before it becomes large, you may not need radical methods. And if a woman decides to undergo injections or surgery, with a good specialist, there is no doubt about the result. All ways to restore aesthetics to lip lines have been tested many times.

A friendly facial expression always evokes sympathy among others. However, middle-aged people cannot always boast of a youthful, perky smile. Drooping corners of the lips create a feeling of gloom and dissatisfaction with life. What to do in this case, how to correct the situation? Cosmetically, defects in the perioral area are associated with loss of muscle tone in the lower part of the face and a decrease in the layer of subcutaneous fat.

Why do the corners of the lips droop with age?

A little anatomy - before you decide how to raise the corners of your lips, you need to know which muscles pull them down.

The corners of the mouth are pulled downwards by depressor muscles:

  • DAO
    – depressor anguli oris muscle;
  • Platizma
    – subcutaneous muscle of the neck.

Depressors are directly involved in facial expressions, therefore they are very mobile. During negative experiences, the corners of the lips droop, giving the person a sad appearance. Subsequently, traces of emotions disappear without a trace, and the mouth takes on a natural shape. This is typical for young people.

However, over time, muscle elasticity decreases, and a mournful smile becomes a constant companion. This is facilitated by the force of gravity, under the influence of which all facial tissues seem to “slide” down.

Due to the thinning of subcutaneous fat, the lips become flattened and lengthened. When smiling, the lower row of teeth is visible, which is not typical for young people. Characteristic folds form in the corners of the mouth - marionette lines. To lift drooping corners of the lips, exercises and home remedies alone are not enough; more active intervention is required.

How to correct drooping corners of the lips - all correction methods:


  • filler injections;
  • lipofilling;
  • administration of botulinum toxin preparations;
  • subcutaneous installation of corrective threads.


  • partial removal of muscle and skin areas above the corners of the upper lip (corner lifting);
  • resection (excision) of the DAO depressor muscle;
  • a combination of several surgical methods.

How to lift the corners of your lips with filler

In injection cosmetology, medium-viscosity fillers are used to lift the corners of the lips. The amount of the drug depends on the severity of the cosmetic defect and does not exceed 0.5 ml.

The main ingredient of all fillers is hyaluronic acid (hyaluron). The gel does not come off and is evenly distributed. Viscous products have a long disintegration period, so the result is noticeable from six months to a year. Hyaluronic acid fills the space under the folds in the perioral area and pushes them out. The areas under the corners of the lips rise, so the facial expression ceases to be mournful.

Hyaluron has the effect of revitalizing the skin.
Powerful hydration and activation of the formation of elastin fibers allow you to get rid of small folds - marionette lines in the corners of the mouth. Hyaluronic fillers for correction of the perioral area

Juvederm Ultra 3, Juvederm Ultra Smile and Juvederm Vorbella are highly concentrated products. The line of drugs contains an anesthetic ingredient – ​​lidocaine, which makes the procedure less painful. From 6 months to a year, the corners of the lips remain raised.


Surgiderm 24 XP is suitable for patients over 35 years of age. The product is distributed into tissues without forming compactions and gives results that last throughout the year. Surgiderm 30 XP is a more concentrated drug that provides a prolonged effect for one and a half years.


Belotero basic contains hyaluronic acid of varying densities. Micro-implants made of viscous gel are formed under the corners of the lips. A loose filler is distributed around them, which restores the skin and fights wrinkles. For a year, the drug does not allow the corners of the lips to droop.

How is correction done with fillers?

The area to be corrected is treated with an antiseptic, after which an anesthetic cream, for example Emla, is applied. The anesthetic will take effect within 20 minutes. Using a syringe with a thin needle, filler is injected into the area of ​​the drooping corners. The procedure takes 30 minutes.

To prevent the product from moving under the skin, it is necessary to avoid facial massage in the first days after the session. Physical exercise and heat accelerate the breakdown of the injected product. During the first week, sports and visits to the beach should be kept to a minimum.

Benefits of fillers:

  • biocompatibility with tissues of the perioral area;
  • long-term effect (up to one and a half years);
  • instant results.

Side effects of fillers:

  • swelling and hyperemia at injection sites;
  • painful sensations when touched;
  • seals that disappear within a few days.


The difference between lipofilling and filler injections is that the patient’s adipose tissue is injected into the area under the corners of the lips. Fat cells are collected from other parts of the body. The cells are turned into a homogeneous substance, which is injected with a syringe with a thin needle.

The procedure requires frequent repetition, as the fat is absorbed over time.

The advantage of the method is that the adipose tissue is not rejected.

Botox injections

Clients often ask whether Botox can lift the corners of their lips. Yes, excessive activity of depressor muscles can be eliminated with the help of botulinum toxin preparations. These products block the drooping of the corners of the mouth, thereby preventing the development of a cosmetic defect.

However, you cannot inject directly into the corners, because this will turn off all facial expressions of the lower third of the face. The patient will not be able to smile, and his face will turn into a mask. Therefore, the injection site is chosen carefully.

To inactivate the DAO muscle, an injection is made into the superficial layer a few centimeters below the corner of the mouth and slightly to the side of it.

The administered volume is determined individually, but it is better to start with the minimum dose. If the drug does not work, you can give an additional injection later.


Even with the correct choice of injection site, there is a high probability of botulinum toxin entering neighboring muscles. This is due to the ability of the product to spread throughout the surrounding tissues. In this case, a change in facial expressions when smiling and talking is possible.

Correction threads

In case of pronounced drooping of the corners of the mouth, bioreinforcement is performed: polymer threads are installed under the skin with the help of needles, with the help of which the skin is raised. Products made of polypropylene, a non-absorbable material, provide a long-term effect. Caprolactone threads create a strong frame, but after 2 years they completely disintegrate, after which the procedure is repeated. Hypoallergenic materials of products are safe for health and do not provoke rejection.

The filament veins are securely held under the skin thanks to notches on their surface. The springy structure makes the threads invisible during the manifestation of any emotions: they stretch and contract when the facial muscles work.

Products are foreign objects for the skin, therefore, after installation, fibrous tissue is formed around it, preventing the dermis from shifting. Injected into the middle dermal layer.

Manufacturers of threads add substances to the material that stimulate rejuvenation processes. For example, the Light Lift Spring line from Aptos developers contains polylactic acid, which activates neocollagenesis (collagen production). The substance enters the tissue in doses throughout the entire period of stay of the threads under the skin. In terms of impact and final result, bioreinforcement is incomparably higher than procedures such as biorehabilitation and mesotherapy.

How is a perioral area lift performed?

The thread is installed from the corner of the lip along the cheek towards the earlobe or above. It is inserted through a small puncture using a cannula (soft needle). All manipulations take no more than 30 minutes. Bioreinforcement is carried out at a depth of up to 5 mm, so damage after the procedure is minimal. Immediately after the session, the first results are noticeable - the edges of the lips are lifted, and the perioral wrinkles are smoothed out. After 2 months, the thread frame is firmly fixed in the dermis and prevents tissue sagging.


  • prolonged effect;
  • absence of external damage in the form of cuts;
  • short recovery period.

Excision (resection) of the DAO depressor muscle

The operation is performed from the oral mucosa, therefore, there are no signs of resection from the outside. Before the procedure, it is necessary to outline the future incision. Marking is done on the outside of the cheek under local anesthesia. To do this, the doctor uses a thin needle. Using a cutting instrument, a section of the cheek is dissected from the inside, exposing the fibers of various facial muscles.

The DAO depressor muscle fibers are located under the cheek muscles. Excision of the DAO is carried out to the subcutaneous fat layer, after which the wound is sutured with absorbable sutures. As a result of the operation, the area under the corners of the lips retracts, as it loses the volume that was previously occupied by the excised area of ​​muscle tissue. The cavity is filled with filler or the patient's fat cells.

Advantages of the surgical technique:

  • long-term permanent results;
  • the ability to correct cosmetic defects of any severity;

Disadvantages of the surgical technique:

  • long recovery (more than a week);
  • difficulty chewing in the first 7 days;
  • If the operation is unsuccessful, quick correction is impossible.

Additional information
The main criterion when choosing a method for correcting drooping corners of the mouth is age and the severity of the cosmetic defect. Middle-aged people should start with temporary correction methods due to their non-traumatic and reversible results.

Surgical methods are more effective, but involve surgery. Therefore, before carrying out any procedures, it is necessary to assess all risks and consult with a specialist.

After 30 years, it is difficult to retain your former beauty and hide your bad mood. Your emotions are often “written” on your face, but sometimes the corners of your lips creep down on their own, regardless of your desire and internal state. The corners of the mouth droop, nasolabial folds appear. AnySports will tell you how you can get rid of the “mask of sadness.”

Contour plastic

To lift the corners of the mouth, injection cosmetology has a variety of fillers based on hyaluronic acid: Juvederm Ultra 3, Princess Filler, Belotero Intense, Yvoire Volume. Viscous gel-like products are not rejected and are evenly distributed at the injection site. They have a prolonged effect due to their long decay period.

After contouring, you can lift the corners of your lips, eliminate fine marionette lines, and remove the dull look from your face.

These fillers have a number of advantages - they are biocompatible with tissues, effective for 1-1.5 years, and the results are immediate.

The contouring procedure is performed by a qualified cosmetologist who will select a suitable filler and, after the anesthetic has taken effect, inject the filler under the drooping corners of the lips with a thin needle. The procedure takes about half an hour.

Why do drooping corners of the lips appear?

The corners of the lips are that part of the face that signals our mood and age. Over the years, the volume of the cheeks becomes smaller, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, the face begins to sag, sliding down. Over the years, this part of the mouth begins to deform and becomes a literal headache. After all, a woman with drooping corners of her lips looks stern, tired, weary, and also looks older than her years.

There is an opinion that a bad mood or mental imbalance leaves its mark on the face. Worries about a failed exam at a driving school or a missed deadline at work, a painful breakup with a partner, or simply despondency and sadness form the so-called “mask of grief.”

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Why does your mouth literally tighten when you're in a whiny mood? The fact is that at the moment of experience, many muscles on the face are activated, which “imprint” such a sad image. Another common reason why the lip droops on one side or on both sides at once is the congenital shape of the nasolabial folds. To delay the moment of aging, you need to smile more often, relaxing the triangular muscle.

Considering the location of the muscles on the face, it becomes clear that the triangular muscle is attached to the orbicularis muscle. It is in this place that she experiences maximum tension. The cheek and zygomatic muscles are also included, which are constantly in motion (in static tension). Initially, all this tension is uncontrollable, but over time the muscles themselves become hostage to this position: they are tense, while the rest are relaxed and gradually atrophy.

On this topic:

How to treat spots on the corners of the lips

If you have consulted a doctor about seizures, in the hospital the causative agent of the disease will be identified or excluded by laboratory scraping. It may be streptococcus, staphylococcus, yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida, etc. Once confirmed, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment, selecting medications taking into account the characteristics of your disease and your body. If no serious pathogens are found, and the seizures continue to bother you, visit your dentist. The reason may be carious teeth, large deposits of tartar, as well as poor-quality crowns or dentures (if available, of course). Cure all problem teeth, change crowns, replace dentures.

If you smoke, try to give up this habit for at least 2-3 days. If the spots gradually disappear, think about whether it is worth continuing to smoke and enduring for this reason these eternal cracks on the lips, their periodic suppuration and inflammation.

Buy products at the pharmacy that help fight seizures - Teymurov paste, Levomikol, Iruksol or tetracycline ointment. Use medications as directed in the instructions.

If all these actions do not help, try to get rid of jams using folk methods.

Lubricate the corners of your lips several times during the day with vegetable oils (one or a mixture of several) - olive, linseed, sea buckthorn, rose hip and tea tree oil. In addition, goose fat, melted beeswax, a mixture of equal parts honey and butter, and oil solutions of vitamins A and E can soften cracks and relieve inflammation.

Make herbal infusions from chamomile, celandine, calendula, string and sage (1 tablespoon of crushed herb per glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes) and use as lotions. Soak cotton pads in the infusion and apply to the corners of your lips for 10-15 minutes. During the treatment period, do not eat spicy or salty foods so as not to irritate painful areas.

If you have Kalanchoe in your home, use it as a remedy. Cut a leaf of the plant, chop it finely, crush it (so that the juice comes out) and apply the resulting pulp to the jams. In the same way, you can prepare a healing remedy from fresh celandine, plantain. Those who are especially brave use garlic, but this is a rather painful procedure.

You would be wise to enrich your diet with vitamins. First of all, B vitamins and especially B2 (riboflavin), which is found in bran and grain bread, nuts, legumes, cabbage, egg yolk, poultry, fish, cheese.

Maintain good oral hygiene, do not lick your lips on the street, drink more clean water. These simple rules will help you never encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as sticking in the corners of your lips.

How to lift the corners of your lips using face fitness

If there is already a problem with drooping corners of the lips, it needs to be solved in a painless, safe and preferably non-surgical way, without harm to health and while maintaining your own budget. Face fitness will help you exchange the “mask of grief” for a happy face!

Some people try to hide the problem with lip liner, but sooner or later you may end up with a clown smile. Don’t indulge yourself with a short-term solution to the problem, try face fitness. After all, training the facial muscles is the key to longevity of beauty and good mood.

A set of special exercises that have no age restrictions allows you to take care of yourself at home, correct cosmetic problems, or use them as a preventive measure. With daily exercise for 10–15 minutes, face fitness gives stunning results. Here are a few exercises that can easily help you get rid of drooping corners of your lips:

  • Fold your lips into a “tube” shape and pull them forward as far as possible. Feel the muscle tension. The main rule is to watch the position of your chin, it should be motionless.
  • With your mouth slightly open, turn your lips inward as much as possible, as if clasping your teeth. And now, from this position, try to smile at your reflection.
  • Blowing yourself a kiss is a great workout for facial tone, as well as an effective method for lifting your mood.

How to lift the corners of your lips: a simple exercise at home

No wrinkles spoil a woman more than a dull expression on her face with drooping corners of her lips. Gravity is to blame for this, which pulls facial tissues downward with age - even against our wishes. But you can raise the corners of your lips - even at home. The lip rejuvenation exercise “Cheerful Corners” can be done once every two to three days.

How to rejuvenate your lips and tighten their corners? Several muscle groups are to blame for their descent. Firstly, triangular, under the corners of the mouth. Then - the muscles that raise the corners of the lips and the zygomatic muscles. All of them are weakened.

To restore a cheerful appearance to your face, the muscles that pull your lips down need to be relaxed. And those that raise the corners should be strengthened. This is what we will do now.

muscles responsible for drooping corners of the lips

Muscles whose changes lead to drooping corners of the lips

This exercise already includes warming up the muscles, so there is no need to further warm up your face before it. But what you need to do is wash your hands and clean your face.

Prepare additionally:

  • mirror;
  • a cotton swab (if you have asymmetry in the lip area: one corner is lower than the other).

Initial position. Standing or sitting in front of a mirror. The back is straight, but without tension, the shoulders, stomach, head, and face are relaxed.

Step 1. Warm up the muscles of the mouth.

Dynamically retract and extend your lips 10 times.

retract and extend your lips

Gently bite the lips and corners with your teeth.

bite your lips and corners with your teeth

Step 2. Imagine that there is a speck of dust in the center of your right cheek and you need to blow it off through the right corner of your lips. The movement should be minimal, as if you were pulsing the corner. Do 20 of these pulsations. Now imagine that there is a speck of dust in the center of your left cheek and you need to blow it off through the left corner of your lips. Do 20 of these pulsations.

raise the corners of the lips

Step 3. Now your task is to blow away dust particles from both cheeks at the same time with both corners of your lips. Do 20 of these pulsations.

If this step causes deep wrinkles to form on your cheeks, near your lips, gently press into these areas with your palms.

If you have asymmetry in the lip area (one corner is lower than the other), place a cotton swab between your lips. Use it to align the corners so that they are on the same line. And now blow off the dust particles by slightly nudging the corners with a cotton swab. The task is to use a stick to align the movement of the corners.

If you have very strong asymmetry and it is difficult to move both corners symmetrically even with a cotton swab, follow only steps 1, 2 and 5.

Rest for 20–30 seconds.

Step 4. Strengthen muscle work. Gently press the pads of your index fingers into the corners of your lips. You again need to simultaneously blow off dust particles with both corners from both cheeks. But now use your fingertips to create slight resistance to the corners. Do 10 such pulsations.

If during step 4 deep wrinkles form on your cheeks near your lips, place your fingertips into the corners of your lips and gently press down on the areas where the wrinkles form.

Step 5. Relax the worked muscles.

1. Inhale through your nose and as you exhale, vibrate your lips and cheeks like a horse. Rock your head gently from side to side. Repeat 2 more times.

2. Using the tip of your tongue, massage your lips from the inside (above the upper lip, under the lower lip, under the corners, above them).

3. Using the pads of your index fingers and thumbs, gently knead the upper, lower lip, corners of the lips, and especially carefully the area above the corners of the lips and under the corners of the lips.

The exercise strengthens the muscles that raise the corners of the lips, zygomatic muscles; increases blood circulation in the mouth and lips. As a result, you will get raised corners of your lips and return your lips to a bright and rich color.

levator anguli oris muscles

Zygomatic muscles and muscles that raise the corners of the mouth

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