A woman needs good sleep

Dream of beauty

beauty dream

The universally recognized beauty Sophia Loren does not hide her main secret for her stunning appearance: “Dream, dream, and more sleep”

- she says.
This same method, known for centuries, is now widely promoted from the pages of glossy magazines, called beauty-sleep in the foreign manner. Which translated into Russian means “early sleep”
“beauty sleep”.

So why is sleep so useful, and how can you make it an assistant to your beauty?

Science has long established that sleep is necessary for every person to restore strength, regenerate tissues and damaged cells of the body.
Sleep is the main means for restoring the skin after ultraviolet irradiation and preventing inflammation. During sleep, the body produces more protein, which is the building material for all cells, muscles, and hair. Know that stress for the body is not always associated with personal experiences: it’s enough just not to get enough sleep, and the blood sugar level immediately rises, the body’s functions begin to work in an increased mode, wear and tear, which causes an increase in blood pressure, hormonal imbalance, metabolism, on the contrary, it is slowing down.

If diets don't help you, then perhaps a simple 8-9 hour sleep

. Research has shown that people who sleep less than seven hours a night are much more likely to be overweight. This is due to the fact that those who do not get enough sleep increase the production of hormones responsible for appetite - ghrelin and leptin.

Now you understand that being slim with good skin and beautiful hair without at least 8 hours of sleep every day will be catastrophically difficult.

What are the rules of beauty sleep?

1. Go to bed at the same time every day, with the expectation that you will have 7-9 hours of sleep.
If you feel good after 9 hours of sleep, then do not reduce them to the average 8, for fear of seeming sleepy or wanting to do everything in the world. 2. Don't oversleep! And this, it turns out, is possible. I think that everyone is familiar with the feeling of being “broken” on a weekend morning followed by a migraine. This happens due to a shift in the usual routine, because if we have the opportunity to get enough sleep the next day, we try to go to bed later. Oversleeping has the same negative impact on our health as not getting enough sleep, so always get up at the same time.

3. To quickly fall asleep and get a good night's sleep, any type of physical activity will help: fitness, yoga, tennis, swimming, walking. But don't push yourself at least three hours before bed.

4. Avoid caffeine after 16:00 – it overinvigorates the nervous system.

5. Do not smoke or drink alcohol at least 4 hours before bedtime. Both of these substances take a lot of energy from the body, and, for example, after a glass of wine you will initially feel sleepy due to increased blood sugar levels. If you fall asleep, then after a few hours, when the alcohol is processed by the body, you will wake up and are unlikely to fall asleep again, which is why your sleep pattern will shift again.

6. Sleep in a dark, well-ventilated room. Darkness promotes the production of the hormone melatonin, which regulates the entire sleep-wake process, affects the activity of the endocrine glands, regulates the menstrual cycle and slows down the aging process. Melatonin also lowers the level of leptin, a hormone that causes hunger.

7. To get a good night's sleep, you need to eliminate all sources of noise and disturbance in the bedroom. Scientists have found that the optimal temperature for sleep is approximately 16°-20°. By installing a humidifier in your bedroom, you will sleep better and look better when you wake up.

8. Before going to bed, you need to eat and drink. Yes, yes, I didn't mix anything up. You can drink, but only a glass of milk with a spoon of honey - this will speed up falling asleep. It's better to eat a piece of wheat bread. The fact is that milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid from which the “happiness hormone” serotonin is formed. For its formation, carbohydrates are needed, which are present in bread.

9. Take soothing baths before bed. An hour before going to bed is the optimal time for water treatments, which will cleanse the skin and strengthen the entire body. A bath also promotes good sleep, but take it no more than 2-3 times a week.

10. Apply night cream, and by morning you have every chance of waking up looking beautiful. It has long been known in cosmetology that active ingredients are best absorbed at night. The body itself, restoring the skin at this time, increases their effectiveness. Creams for nutrition, hydration and anti-aging effect are especially effective at night.

11. If you have a terrible dream, you should not immediately search the Internet for Freud’s dream book online and look for an interpretation of the dream. Just switch your thoughts to the positive, and the bad dream will soon be forgotten. As soon as you begin to follow these simple beauty-sleep rules, a good complexion, the absence of dark circles and inflammation on the skin will delight you every day.


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Dream and your youth

What is the most desired thing for humanity since the day of its creation? Of course, eternal youth, but sleep can prolong it. Sleep is not only vital, it is also the most effective and completely free way to maintain beauty. It is during sleep that active cell renewal and tissue restoration occur. Scientists have found that sleep is of fundamental importance for humans. Its systematic reduction can lead to nervous system disorders. Moreover, the quality and quantity of sleep directly affects your appearance.

Sleep is associated with the production of the hormone melatonin, which indicates to the body that it needs to rest and sleep. Sleep is of great importance for the body. If you sleep well, your brain rests and your memory and thinking abilities improve. If you spent a sleepless night, then the next morning you are irritated, cannot concentrate on work, and physically feel “out of shape.” During sleep, proteins and hormones are produced that ensure the functioning and protective functions of the body.

How much sleep do you need to have for your sleep to be considered normal? Some experts say that a person spends a third of his life sleeping, i.e. The minimum amount of sleep you need is at least 5-6 hours a day. However, it is known that Napoleon, Edison, Einstein, Mirabeau, Schiller slept only four hours or less, and Sophia Loren needed nine hours to sleep. Goethe could sleep for 24 hours straight.

Of course, sleep duration is an individual indicator. But doctors believe that women aged 20 to 40 years should sleep on average at least 7-8 hours a day. In summer, the duration of sleep decreases, and in winter the body requires it to increase – by about an hour and a half. Each person needs their own amount of sleep. For some people, six hours of sleep is enough to fully restore their strength. Others feel groggy if they sleep less than eight hours. What is more important is not the quantity, but the quality of your sleep. If you sleep without awakening, if after sleep your skin becomes pink and smooth, the circles under your eyes disappear, and your body is full of energy and vigor, then your sleep is of very high quality. If not, then it’s worth figuring out what’s preventing you from sleeping well at night.

In addition to fatigue and poor health, a sleepless night leads to swollen eyelids, pallor and bruises under the eyes, and hand tremors. Good sleep is the best skin healer. At night, the skin recovers from stress as its cells are saturated with oxygen. Oxygenated cells increase their metabolism, ability to reproduce and regenerate, which means in practice healthy and youthful skin.

Before a night's rest, at least a ten-minute quiet walk in the fresh air is extremely useful. A warm, but not hot, general or foot bath won't hurt either. You can add a few drops of lavender oil or infusions of chamomile, linden blossom, and peppermint to the water. For those who have trouble falling asleep, an intense massage of the calf muscles with a powerful stream of hot shower will help. But it is not recommended to take a general shower and rub your body before going to bed - these invigorating procedures should be saved for the morning.

There is even a special technique for rejuvenation in sleep. To do this, before going to bed, you need to mentally imagine yourself 15-20 years younger. You can look at a photograph of yourself from those years and keep your image in your thoughts until you fall asleep, and do this every day. The authors of the method claim that positive results will be noticeable within a week! And after two months of daily exercise, you will look 10 years younger.

Research shows that lack of sleep in the body can disrupt the balance of hormones responsible for burning calories. Experts are unanimous in their opinion that diet or exercise without adequate sleep will not achieve magical results. Therefore, get enough sleep, look good and look younger!

Sleep is the most beneficial rest

The benefits of sleep are not only a rested body, but also a good appearance.
Women know firsthand that lack of sleep makes itself felt immediately the next day in the form of red eyes, bags under the eyes and dull skin color. It’s especially unpleasant when colleagues notice this and pester you with questions. If the lack of sleep lasts for several nights, then such a neglectful attitude towards one’s health no longer affects the face, but the state of health in general. With regular lack of sleep, a person begins to experience dizziness, the skin becomes dry, appetite disappears and hair begins to fall out. Therefore, the benefits of sleep are not only important, but even vital for our body. How much sleep does a person need to feel healthy and beautiful?

Many will immediately answer “8 hours” - 1/3 of a day. But this truth has long been outdated, since the rhythm of life and external living conditions have changed. Moreover, some people claim that they feel fine even after 5-6 hours of sleep and this does not bring them any negative consequences. For some, sleep is something sacred, and sleeping less than 10 hours a day for them is tantamount to torture. And in the current conditions of a crazy world, this is normal, since the biological clock in the body of each of us is different, and therefore the needs are different.

Recent studies have shown that the body will receive optimal benefits after 7 hours of sleep. Fewer hours spent in bed can really affect your overall condition and skin, but too much sleep can indicate problems with your hormones.

Many experts say that there are also benefits to sleeping during the day. It should last from 15 to 30 minutes and it is this kind of blitz sleep that will help recharge your batteries for the rest of the day. In the United States, there are even companies in large office buildings that provide a place to sleep for just such a short period of time, assuring that such sleep increases stress resistance at work.

The benefits of sleep are primarily important for female beauty. The skin is the first to suffer from lack of sleep; it is sleep that provides the skin with all the necessary elements. Healthy sleep is sometimes even more important than cosmetic products and procedures. It is worth remembering that the production of collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, accelerates during sleep. Also, during sleep, the water balance of the skin is restored, and this is an important component of young, wrinkle-free skin. During sleep, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for metabolism in the body, which means that extra pounds will not be deposited and the benefits of sleep also affect maintaining a figure in good shape.

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