What will happen to your skin if you give up makeup, or Why you shouldn’t do this: expert opinion


Beauty and appearance

Cosmetics are the weak point of any woman, at any age. No matter how the fashion for dresses, jackets and trousers changes, cosmetics are always in fashion! There are, of course, categories of women who have completely abandoned cosmetics, arguing that natural beauty is more important, and many, having simply gotten married, have decided that now their destiny is the kitchen, washing machine and children. And some men also claim that kissing a woman with makeup is tantamount to eating lipstick yourself. I would like to be sarcastic about this: if a man correctly wins over a lady, she will quietly clean her lips of lipstick before the kiss, and those “men” who are used to everything at once - let them “eat” our cosmetics.

And yet, which category of women is right, those who desire natural beauty, or those who, without light makeup, will not even go out to buy newspapers?

How do cosmetics affect facial skin?

If you use cosmetics incorrectly, they will, of course, harm your skin. Constantly applying foundation to your face clogs your pores from lack of oxygen and can cause allergies. Lipstick changes lip color over time. Mascara helps weaken eyelash bulbs and cause them to fall out. In general, as you age, your skin will become wrinkled and saggy.

Okay, why then does the facial skin of rural women age prematurely? They are constantly in the fresh air, eat a large amount of vitamins, many of them have no time to use cosmetics, and it’s not serious to go to a pigsty, a cowshed or a field to put on makeup and sweat. It would now be appropriate to return to the beginning of our discussion.

Why does foundation or powder negatively affect facial skin?

Because we usually start using “tonals” from a young age, when the body has not yet formed. The pimples that girls cover so diligently with foundation should be treated medically, not with cosmetics! It is not recommended to apply foundation all day, because the skin does not breathe! The cream should not just be washed off the face, but treated with a cleansing lotion, otherwise its remnants will remain in the pores of the face and cause irritation!

How does lipstick contribute to lip darkening as we age?

Why don’t the lips darken in young women who use lipstick as “plaster”? Shouldn't we look for reasons in our health? By the age of 50, who can boast of exceptional health of the liver, pancreas, stomach - (only 10% of women out of 100% by this age are not bothered by any of these diseases), and hence the unnatural complexion, and dark lips, and dark circles around the eyes.

Decorative cosmetics – harm or benefit?

Games for big and little girls

Mascaras and lipsticks, eye shadows and blushes, pencils and varnishes - these are the main characters of our cosmetics bag. So beloved and so quickly replaced by newer and more interesting ones, but always subject to even the lightest whiffs of the mischievous fashion.

How often do we change our image? How long have we been looking for a style? That very individual touch that will make you feel cozy on a walk in the morning, or comfortable in the evening. How many mistakes do we make during the development of individual taste, what endurance tests do we subject our own faces to? And again we experiment, experiment, experiment. Let's try to figure out whether we harm the skin with such transformations?

Foundation and powder - pros and cons

Is the myth about the dangers of foundation creams, which is instilled in us almost at the genetic level, true? Do all our changes in decorative products really lead to early skin aging? And are we really all becoming hostages of advertising brochures and commercials in which a brand is replaced by a brand, and everything depends on the brightness and beauty of the packaging?

How often can you hear something like this? And how many misconceptions and phobias are hidden in these doubts, to refute which, one should first conditionally classify modern decorative cosmetics into classes: “mass market”, “Lux” class and medicinal dermatocosmetics.

The first, accessible and relatively inexpensive, at best do not cause harm and give the skin the desired shade, but at worst, with poor quality, they can lead to pigmentation, acne and dehydration.

When it comes to luxury decorative cosmetics, which belong to world-famous manufacturers and have been on the market for many years, such incidents happen extremely rarely. And problems may be associated with improper use and storage of the products themselves, which often depends on the consumer.

Powders and foundations of this class moisturize the skin, protect against ultraviolet rays, absorb excess antioxidants and anti-radicals, stopping the effect of photoaging. Which already refutes the legend about the harm caused to the skin. While relatively recently, medicinal decorative cosmetics, which appeared in pharmacies, completely erase stereotypes and bring into a woman’s life products that not only visually eliminate skin imperfections, but also have healing abilities.

Look into the eyes through the mirror of the soul.

We have all been familiar with this well-worn and rather tired phrase for a long time.

But how many people, having heard it, think about the eyes themselves, and not about the method that led to the “mirror effect”?

Pencils, eyeliners, eye shadows and of course mascara are our faithful friends in the struggle for beauty and inimitability. The very zest by which we are recognized and remembered. Which fans fall in love with and for which rivals sometimes hate.

Our colorful world, from time to time, is reflected on our eyelashes and eyelids, acquiring new shades and colors. Fluffing and lengthening, waterproof or hypoallergenic mascara, recommended by makeup artists of fashion films or girlfriends, will never become a means of mass use, suitable for everyone without exception.

As well as the color of shadows and pencils. Such a choice is individual, like all of us, and therefore the main factors of preference belong only to us and our mood. However, there are points that are worth paying attention to when choosing this type of decorative cosmetics.

Namely: Any mascara contains wax. Used in production: lanolin (wax of animal origin); beeswax; ceresin or petroleum jelly (mineral wax); as well as waxes of plant origin.

Lanolin can cause allergies. Therefore, if you have a tendency to such reactions, when purchasing, be sure to pay attention to what kind of wax is included in the composition.

The choice of color also, oddly enough, depends on the tendency to allergic reactions. The synthetic pigments included in the composition, which provide a variety of shades from shimmering to classic tones at the same time, are the strongest allergens. And therefore, owners of sensitive eyelids should choose mascara with mineral coloring pigments.

You should also pay attention to the nutrients included in the carcass. Vitamins A, C, E, special complexes for restoring keratin, silk proteins and panthenol - with their properties can restore vitality to eyelashes.

Each of the components performs its own functions, and therefore, the presence of one or another in the composition is selected individually depending on the requirements for this type of decorative cosmetics. Nylon threads, silicones and polymer components that add volume to our eyelashes and lengthen them are most often inert and very rarely lead to negative reactions. And irritating particles of mascara that get into the eyes are a consequence of improper application or excessive use.

Lipstick and gloss - expressing feelings

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then what do lips emphasize? Lipstick plays the most versatile role in decorative cosmetics. With its help, we express our attitude to a particular fashion trend, emphasize our individual style and demonstrate our sexuality.

Lip pencils help us create a clear contour. And glitter makes our faces memorable. But are these types of decorative cosmetics just decoration? Modern lipsticks not only color us, but also take care of our lips. Manufacturers of luxury and mass market decorative cosmetics every season release new products rich in vitamins, moisturizing and nutritional additives, as well as ultraviolet filters. Excellent quality that is not capable of harming the lips.

When choosing a lipstick, you should remember that it should not dry out your lips or be dry, nor should it be too greasy or runny. But it should be opaque, that is, sufficiently pigmented. And which one to give preference to - pearlescent, shiny, varnished or matte - depends on you and the desire for what effect you want to get.

Let's draw conclusions.

Modern decorative cosmetics eliminate the shortcomings given to us by nature and are not a means of deteriorating our appearance. Negative results in the use of mass market and luxury cosmetics can be caused by individual incompatibilities, which most often arise due to inattention to the instructions accompanying this type of cosmetics, as well as the expired shelf life of the product. But that's a completely different story...

Alisa Romanova


If you abuse it and put it on your eyelashes so thickly that it’s hard for your eyes to hold them, then your weak eyelashes will fall out in a year (they won’t survive old age).

So what has cosmetics done wrong to the fairer sex, the fact that they don’t know how to use it? Then let us remind women once again: modern cosmetics undergo tests, they are made from the best medicinal herbs, approved by the country’s Ministry of Health and only then appear on the shelves. When buying cosmetics, especially medicinal ones, ask specialists what type of skin you have. Now there is a lot of information about which cosmetics contain the ingredient you need, and use it for your health! And don’t forget to follow all the tips for using the cosmetics you choose!

Myths and truth about decorative cosmetics – what to believe?

There are many myths about a wide variety of surgical and cosmetic procedures and products, for example:

  • about Botox;
  • about plastic surgery;
  • about contour plastic surgery;
  • about liposuction of the abdomen, etc.

However, if such procedures have many nuances and risks, then the familiar means of decorative cosmetics, it would seem, have long since become firmly entrenched in the life of every woman. Despite this, many still cannot figure out whether it is true that:

  • powders and foundations spoil the skin;
  • lipstick causes lips to lose color;
  • expensive cosmetics are better than cheap ones;
  • mascara affects eyelash growth;
  • Do not apply cosmetics with your fingers.

Myth #4: Mascara slows down eyelash growth and can cause eyelash loss.

Firstly, eyelashes, like the hair on your head, fall out regularly. The loss and growth of new hairs on the body alternate in such a way that we simply do not notice when a new one grows in place of the old one. Excessive eyelash loss may be due to failure to properly remove makeup, the habit of rubbing your eyes, a lack of vitamins, or other health problems. However, mascara, as a rule, does not negatively affect eyelash growth. If you are not satisfied with the length, thickness or fullness of your eyelashes, try special products that improve their condition.

Myth No. 3: Expensive cosmetics are always better than cheap ones

Expensive products may contain expensive components, and the price of a cosmetic product may be influenced by the “promotion” of the brand and other factors. Indeed, some expensive cosmetic products are distinguished by their high quality, durability and content of components beneficial to the skin. But this does not mean that there are no worthy products among non-luxury cosmetics. To choose the right product, you must first take into account the characteristics and needs of your skin, with which a competent cosmetologist will help.

Myth #2: Over time, lipstick causes your lips to fade.

The kiss of death was the name given to lipstick, which was made in Ancient Egypt when bromine- and iodine-containing components, which were life-threatening, were added to the composition. Fortunately, we do not live in Ancient Egypt, and the safety of the composition of decorative cosmetics is monitored. As for lip discoloration due to the use of lipstick, this phenomenon can be explained from a psychological point of view. When we get used to bright lips, removing makeup, we notice a sharp contrast, which can be misleading - and it seems to us that the lips are discolored. Actually this is not true. However, there are several real reasons why lips can turn pale - age, illness, improper care. But it’s true that long-lasting lipsticks dry out your lips, so it’s not recommended to use them daily.

Beneficial properties of natural ingredients in cosmetics

Cosmetics with natural ingredients are quite expensive products, since the costs of their production are much higher. Natural cosmetics use plant extracts, fruit acids, raw materials of animal origin, mineral ingredients, natural oils, natural or similar to natural preservatives - citric acid, sorbic or salicylic. Let's take a closer look at these components.

Extracts and extracts from plants

Cosmetic preparations containing plant extracts and extracts are highly effective. Because plant components contain special substances with rapid penetrating ability. The ingredients that ensure the effectiveness of natural cosmetics are obtained from medicinal plants - chamomile, calendula, aloe, burdock, celandine, nettle and others. To extract useful components, manufacturers use special natural-based solutions.

Essential oils

They are valuable components in natural cosmetics and have unique properties. For example, argan oil is a rich source of vitamin E and perfectly regenerates and rejuvenates the skin. And lemongrass essential oil will help normalize the fat balance and tone the skin. Essential oils used in natural cosmetics are obtained from anise, lavender, geranium, bergamot, pine and other plants.

Vegetable oils

Modern cosmetology uses various oils, each of them has its own unique properties. Oils are produced by cold pressing, using fruit seeds, seeds, grains, nut kernels, and fruits.

Thanks to vegetable oils in the composition of care products, the skin retains moisture, does not dry out, and is protected from aggressive environmental influences. Traditionally, natural cosmetics use grape seed oil, olive oil, shea oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil and others.

Animal Ingredients

Cosmetics with natural ingredients of animal origin are very popular. For example, anti-aging creams with snail mucus extract, winter care cream with mink oil. Cosmetic preparations with honey, propolis, milk (goat, camel, etc.), fish caviar, quail eggs, royal jelly and other components have proven themselves to be excellent.

Natural preservatives

Any cosmetic product contains preservatives. Natural cosmetics are no exception. To combat pathogenic flora and extend the shelf life of the product, manufacturers use preservatives of natural origin, such as:

  1. Wax, honey, propolis. These substances have bactericidal properties.
  2. Alcohol of plant origin - ethanol obtained from wheat, fruits, berries, potatoes, sugar cane.
  3. Plant extracts - yarrow, elecampane, ginseng, St. John's wort, tea, eucalyptus and other plants.
  4. Essential oils – cedar oil, tea tree oil, geranium oil, etc.
  5. Organic acids – glycolic, citric, stearic, salicylic, palmitic.

Myth #5: You can’t apply cosmetics with your finger.

The method of applying decorative cosmetics is your personal choice. If it is more convenient for you to apply shadows with your finger, for example, feel free to do so. Just remember that your hands must be clean. By the way, this also applies to special devices for applying decorative cosmetics - dirt particles also accumulate on them, so it is necessary to sterilize all the brushes with which you apply makeup at least once a week (or better yet, every day).

Indeed, finding suitable cosmetics of the right quality is not so easy. However, you shouldn’t believe in myths about decorative cosmetics either. To avoid the potential negative effects of cosmetics, you must choose them responsibly, taking into account the characteristics of your skin and age, and also never use products that have expired.

See how to do flawless makeup in 5 minutes

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