Why some people eat and don’t get fat, while others limit themselves, but still get fat: how stress becomes overweight

The fight against excess weight is perhaps one of the pressing problems of our time. Many people, especially women, are actively trying to lose weight. True, there is a big difference between getting in shape, tightening your figure, and getting rid of excess weight.

Excess weight is a serious problem. And the point here is not even that excess weight interferes with a person, but that it negatively affects health. Because of this, there is a heavy load on the cardiovascular system, and diabetes mellitus may develop. And this is only a small part of what can befall an overweight person. Therefore, of course, you need to pull yourself together and start losing excess weight without waiting for Monday or a new day. And right now. After all, being slim is not only beautiful, modern and fashionable, but also good for health. So, let's understand the reasons for excess weight and the possibilities to cope with the problem.

What causes excess weight. Why people gain excess weight: 5 reasons

What causes excess weight. Why people gain excess weight: 5 reasons To combat excess weight, first of all, you need to identify the cause of its occurrence.
You can quite clearly define these causes of excess weight: 1. The main and most common cause of excess weight is poor nutrition.

Often every person has a light snack in the morning, and in the evening after work he eats to his fill and goes to bed. Nutrition is unbalanced. The body responds to this by storing excess fat.

2. Excess weight is often a consequence of some illness.

There are many diseases in which body functions and metabolism are disrupted. People are treated with pills, lie down and eat a lot. Due to low mobility, excess weight is gained.

3. Women often become overweight after pregnancy and childbirth.

What causes excess weight. Why people gain excess weight: 5 reasons 01
During pregnancy, a woman eats for two and does not control her diet. There is no harm from this to the baby, but this behavior is reflected in full on the mother’s figure after the birth of the child.

4. The tendency to be overweight is often determined by somatotype.

The tendency to be overweight depends not only on acquired genes, but also on the type of structure of the human body (somatotype). A tall, thin-boned person is less likely to gain excess weight than a squat, heavy-boned person. And it is accordingly much easier for him to lose weight. If at least one of the parents is inclined to be overweight, then the person has every chance of being overweight. Again, some people's bodies burn fat faster than others.

What causes excess weight. Why people gain excess weight: 5 reasons 02
5. The reason for excess weight often lies in various emotions.

After quarrels and conflicts, people are always drawn to food - to eat up their grief. Some people want sweets, others want fatty foods. Favorite foods can help relieve stress. And a good mood increases your appetite. This can be seen in newlyweds; after the wedding, both usually get fat within a year if everything is going well in their family life.

We must always be careful about what we eat. After all, our body consists of what we eat, drink and what we breathe.

Why does excess weight appear?

It seems that this is a trivial question; excess weight is gained due to overeating and poor nutrition. But it is a mistake to think that this is the only reason. This also includes a sedentary lifestyle.

There are other reasons for being overweight:

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, ovaries
  • Inherited tendency to be overweight
  • Low content of minerals and vitamins in the blood.

Moreover, a fat person can have these reasons all at once, as well as individually.

What causes excess weight in women. 7 reasons why women gain weight quickly

Why do extra pounds stick to a woman’s figure? Look for the answer in the article, find out 7 reasons why women gain weight quickly and always be in great shape!

What causes excess weight in women. 7 reasons why women gain weight quickly

Hand on heart, we have to admit that we... Such injustice sometimes brings tears to my eyes!

Moreover, we are more susceptible to the desire to look fit and have a slim figure.

But why does this happen? What makes us so prone to gaining weight?

Today I want to talk about 7 reasons why women quickly gain extra pounds. I hope this information will help you make changes in your life and allow you to always stay in great physical shape.

1. Love for chocolate

Yes, we have to pay bitterly for our sweet tooth.

The love story between women and chocolate is endless and too romantic to end quickly.

Lady, let's face it - we need chocolate. This is a fact that cannot be avoided.

However, you should not overeat this delicacy to the point of fainting, and if you indulge yourself from time to time, you should choose only a 100% natural product.

2. Climax

Menopause is another reason why we gain weight faster than men.

Each of us at some point in our lives will be forced to go through this period.

You can't argue with nature.

However, you should not let excess weight get the better of you!

As you approach menopause, start tracking your nutrition and try to add more healthy foods to your diet.

Also, exercise regularly or simply take a walk every day.

The benefits will be enormous!

What causes excess weight in women. 7 reasons why women gain weight quickly

3. Reduced metabolism

For some reason unknown to us, God blessed women with a metabolism that is not as fast as that of men.

Perhaps this is explained by the need to nourish the growing child inside, or simply because God likes “donuts” more.


I don't know why this happened, but it's a fact.

In our case, the only way to speed up metabolism is to take vitamins and minerals. One of them is niacin, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

My advice to you is to include it in every meal.

4. No breakfast

I have learned from my own experience that skipping breakfast is the reason why many women quickly gain excess weight.

We're most prone to making this mistake because of the endless responsibilities of getting the kids ready for school every morning, making sure they don't forget anything, and generally worrying about how their day will turn out. It is not surprising that in such turmoil, the first meal occurs only at lunch.

Research shows that a healthy, balanced breakfast helps you lose weight!


Because the sooner we start the metabolic process, the more calories we will burn during the day!

What causes excess weight in women. 7 reasons why women gain weight quickly

5. Less muscle, more fat

The average woman is generally less physically active than a man (although there are, of course, exceptions). And less muscle mass means more fat.

To change this unpleasant proportion, build muscle mass through training.

At the same time, you will burn more calories, and therefore fat deposits.

Plus, get a great figure as a bonus!

Of course, this requires effort, patience and consistency. However, the result in this case is guaranteed.

6. Staying in the kitchen for a long time

One of the reasons for rapid weight gain may be spending a long time in the kitchen. The responsibility for preparing food, including its constant tasting, lies on our shoulders!

To spend less time cooking and avoid unnecessary temptations, try involving your spouse in this process.

Genetics and behavioral strategies

They often say that genetics is to blame for weight gain and nothing can be done. This sounds too hopeless - then many women would be doomed to suffer forever. In practice, excess weight always means the body’s attempt to protect itself in a stressful situation with the help of fat.

But why do some eat and not gain weight, while others are afraid to allow themselves an extra piece after 6 pm and still gain weight?

It is generally accepted that the problem is in metabolism - but this is only a consequence, and the reasons lie in our strategies for responding to stress, which are passed on to us genetically from generation to generation.

If your ancestors starved, or, for example, they were dispossessed, then the strategy of defending and accumulating will be especially strong in you. Your parents or grandmothers might have told you about this as a child, thereby triggering an unconscious reaction in your body. For the same reason, we always get sick only with those diseases that we learned about from somewhere.

Evolution has taught us that we need to store. So we all overeat a little. But not everyone ends up gaining extra pounds, because different people will have different strategies for responding to the same life situations.

What causes excess weight gain from fats or carbohydrates. Do fats or carbohydrates make you fat?

Do fats or carbohydrates make you fat?

What causes excess weight gain from fats or carbohydrates. Do fats or carbohydrates make you fat?

To answer this question, let’s first understand what fats are and what carbohydrates are.

Fats are building materials for the brain and nervous system, which contribute to the development of immunity. They are stored in the body in reserve, and are used if the body lacks food or there is a large expenditure of energy.

Fats are classified according to the presence of healthy fatty acids. Basically, the product is very high in calories, but is beneficial for the body. They are necessary for lubricating joints, stopping the absorption of cholesterol, saturating with vitamin E, and improving brain function and memory.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They include fiber, sugar and starch. After all the breakdowns, carbohydrates are converted into glucose.

  • simple carbohydrates, or fast carbohydrates as they are also called. They are found in processed foods with sugar, buns, cakes, fruits, carbonated drinks and so on;
  • complex carbohydrates or long ones. They are included in plant products and cereals.

What causes excess weight gain from fats or carbohydrates. Do fats or carbohydrates make you fat?

What carbohydrates make you fat?

Scientists have proven that people gain weight from both complex and simple carbohydrates. It all depends on the number of calories, the time of day of eating foods rich in carbohydrates and regular physical activity.

Nutritionists recommend consuming complex carbohydrates in the morning. So they split for a long time and at the same time constantly release energy. Porridge and durum pasta are best. And for dinner, eat a light vegetable salad. It is better to avoid simple carbohydrates as much as possible. They are processed very quickly by the body and release a huge amount of energy, which the body does not have time to use, and again requires “feeding”. Thus, a story that is painfully familiar to us emerges. I bought a cookie, drank tea, and an hour later I wanted to eat again. Sound familiar? Of course, there are low-carb diets. They are based on the idea that there is a large release of insulin, and since it does not disperse throughout the body on its own, it is deposited in fatty tissues. There are diets of a different nature. Basically, carbohydrate diets, like protein diets, are suitable for people who engage in active sports not at an amateur level. As for regular weight loss, for example, before the beach season, nothing can be better than counting calories.

What causes a girl to gain excess weight? Physiological causes of excess weight

In first place among the physiological causes is improper metabolism. Scientists have proven that in people who are prone to obesity, the body slowly processes nutrients that enter the body with food and are subsequently converted into energy.

From this we can conclude that excess is deposited on the human body in the form of fat reserves. In order to restore normal metabolism, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the causes that provoked it.

In second place is Human Genetics. You've probably heard stories that if everyone in your family is inclined to be overweight, then sooner or later you will join their ranks. All this is true, if not for one BUT - your genes are not responsible for the excess fat formed on the body, however, the heredity that you possess only determines your physique and nothing more.

The third cause of excess weight is disease. If all your attempts to lose weight are unsuccessful, you need to contact a competent specialist. After conducting the examination, you need to start treatment.

Diseases that cause excess weight include diseases of the endocrine system: hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus and many others. Also, do not forget that excess weight itself leads to the development of many diseases. The cardiovascular system is affected first, then the musculoskeletal system, etc. Many people do not take the reason for gaining excess weight with the help of psychotropic drugs seriously enough. Very in vain. After all, the mechanism of the effect of antipsychotics on body weight has not yet been sufficiently studied. Perhaps this is precisely due to the craving for everything sweet during the period of use of these medications.

What causes a girl to gain excess weight? Physiological causes of excess weight

Another physiological reason for gaining extra pounds is an imbalance in the production of female hormones. In many cases, disruption of the hormonal system becomes an obstacle to ideal weight. After all, it is your hormones that regulate all the functions of cells and glands. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that your body produces them in the right quantity, but not in excess.

Last on our list, but not the least important, we put pregnancy. During pregnancy, serious changes occur in the body of any woman: accumulation and construction processes begin to predominate. This metabolism is quite normal for a pregnant woman, because she is programmed by nature to give away nutrients for the birth of new life in her womb, and then during breastfeeding

It is quite often observed that this type of metabolism remains after pregnancy, which results in the accumulation of fat deposits. You can get rid of them by revising your lifestyle and diet.

How to lose weight in a specific place

Very often people ask how to lose weight in a specific place - remove fat from the waist, legs, arms, and so on. We have to disappoint you - local weight loss is only possible through surgery. The fact is that the fat and muscle systems are not directly connected.

The fat layer covers the human body like a blanket. If you do so many abdominal exercises that your daily calorie consumption exceeds your caloric intake, then the amount of fat will begin to decrease, but not only in the abdominal area, but throughout the body. But active training of the abdominal muscles will lead to an increase in the definition of this zone due to the greater tone of these muscles. As the thickness of the “fat blanket” decreases, cubes will appear through it. The more trained any muscles are, the more prominent your body will look. You may already have abs on your belly, they're just hidden from view under a layer of fat.

You can increase the volume in a specific place by developing specific muscles. The only limitation is that you cannot significantly increase, say, one arm without training the other, or the upper body without training your legs. There is, of course, a certain resource of “unbalanced growth,” but it will inevitably “resect” the body’s need to maintain certain genetic proportions.

Of course, there are people with some body features that are genetically predetermined. For example, some women have a “thin top” and a “heavy bottom.” Such genetic characteristics of the physique can be compensated by training according to a program to increase the muscle mass of the leaner part of the body, and the “heavy” part can only be kept in good shape with a set of aerobic exercises.

Even with a large initial disproportion, some imbalance will still remain. But there are many examples of such an exemplary correction of some minor genetic inconsistencies in the development of certain muscle groups or areas that it inspired everyone around them to “correct” nature.

What causes excess weight in men? Causes of excess weight in men

Excess weight is often the cause of various diseases in people. Moreover, having such a figure in our time is not prestigious.

What causes excess weight in men? Causes of excess weight in men

Fat people may have psychological problems due to this. And although, according to statistics, women suffer more from the problem of extra pounds, it does not bypass the stronger half of humanity.

The causes of excess weight can be different. What causes men to gain excess weight? Let's list the main reasons.

Stopping active sports or physical activity

When men, for some reason, stop actively participating in sports or physical activity, whether this is caused by injuries, or due to age or changes in living conditions, this often leads to excess weight gain.

It's not difficult to explain. The body is accustomed to living in a certain mode, suddenly physical activity decreases sharply and the calories simply have nowhere to go.

What causes excess weight in men? Causes of excess weight in men

In this case, a person simply needs to take into account the changes in his life. Try to somehow compensate for the decrease in physical activity, adjust the amount and calorie content of the diet.

Gaining high status

A person achieves some kind of career or material success, sits in the chair of a boss, investor or employer. They feed him, water him, take him around, treat him, try to make friends and please him.

And if a person does not immediately realize the danger of such a lifestyle, then problems with excess weight and health are guaranteed.

Quitting smoking

Men often gain weight when trying to quit smoking. A person tries to compensate for smoking with something, and one of the most accessible methods of replacement is food.

What causes excess weight in men? Causes of excess weight in men

Men begin to eat much more, which leads to excess weight gain.

How to lose weight on your own

Every person can lose excess weight on their own. How can I do that? I'll tell you one working method. According to the laws of nature, food in the human stomach is processed on average within 4 hours.

This figure may vary depending on the amount of food consumed and its composition, as well as on the individual characteristics of the person. But the average figure is 4 hours.

What causes excess weight in men? Causes of excess weight in men

In order to reduce consumption, you need to regularly eat a small portion of food every 3 – 3.5 hours. That is, this must be done until the brain receives a signal that the person is hungry. I remind you that the portion should be small and not high in calories.

After about a week, the body gets used to this regime and the person’s weight begins to gradually decrease.

It is recommended to reduce the serving size gradually, without jerks, so that the weight loss process is more comfortable and painless. The optimal rate of weight loss should be no more than 2-3 kilograms per month.

This is an affordable and healthy way to lose weight not only for men, but also for women.

Faleev's weight loss system

Not everyone succeeds in losing weight on their own; it is very difficult to do. If any conditions are violated, there is always a risk of breaking down and returning to your previous lifestyle.

What causes excess weight in men? Causes of excess weight in men

Alexey Faleev's weight loss system can provide you with a guaranteed and comfortable positive result.

On the site you will find useful materials and recommendations for solving problems with excess weight.

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