How to effectively and safely fight sleep

Food to go

To stay energetic throughout the working day, you don’t need to eat cookies like everyone else and eat food from a local cafe or canteen, but take home-made meals with you to the office. Feel free to bring your own culinary creations with you and treat your colleagues. It is not necessary to prepare full meals with first, second and dessert. It can be buckwheat or any other cereal, or smoothies, nuts, dried fruits, whole grain bread with olive oil or honey.

Don't start the day without charging

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Exercise is just a few minutes that change your mood and add vigor for the whole day. No one is forcing you to do a full range of complex exercises or twist into the lotus position and meditate for half an hour (although that would be just great!), but you will have enough time to do some light stretching, stretch your joints and do a couple of squats and lunges about 10 minutes, which manages to add tone to all muscles and clarity to the head.

Those tasks that sometimes compete in time with exercise can be moved to the evening - prepare clothes in the evening and prepare ingredients for breakfast. And if in the morning the choice is to have breakfast or do exercises, then it would be more logical to do the latter, because you can have breakfast in the office, but you won’t be able to stand on the mat there.

How to avoid falling asleep at work - 15 ways

There are ways to help you avoid falling asleep at work. described below.

Method number 1: smells

Use your sense of smell to stay awake. A strong smell, good or bad, can make you more alert very quickly. Aromatherapy often recommends essential oils to stimulate the nervous system and reduce fatigue (open bottles or containers of scent and breathe in the scent whenever you feel sleepy). The following smells will help you stay awake at work:

  • rosemary essential oil;
  • eucalyptus essential oil;
  • peppermint essential oil (studies have shown that the scent of peppermint can reduce fatigue by 15%, increase alertness by 30% and reduce frustration by 25%);
  • the smell of coffee (beans or boiled coffee, according to research, can quickly awaken a person); pine essential oil;
  • petrol;
  • ammonia, etc.

Of course, not all of us have essential oils stored in our filing cabinets at work, but using hand-held lotions or candles with the same scents can be a good way to help yourself.

Herbs, like rosemary or mint, can often be found fresh or dried at the grocery store. As soon as you want to sleep, take a pinch, roll it in your hands and smell it.

Method number 2: using acupressure

Any of the following massage points will quickly improve blood circulation, relieve fatigue and help you stay awake at work:

  • head massage (light finger tapping);
  • massage of the back of the neck;
  • hand massage (between the thumb and index finger);
  • massage just below the knees;
  • earlobe massage.

You can easily do a massage yourself without anyone's help.

Method number 3: take a nap or rest

If you have time to sleep, even just 15-20 minutes, it can well increase your alertness. You can also relax and drink coffee instead of sleep. But it’s better to sleep or at least take a nap.

Method number 4: chew ice

Chew ice. If you chew ice, you will never be able to sleep. Ice cools the brain and keeps you always alert, even if you are very sleepy. This is a great way to help keep you from falling asleep at work. However, be careful not to get sick!

Method number 5: bright light

Also, a great way to stay awake at work is to expose yourself to bright light. Expose yourself to bright light, preferably natural light. The body's internal clock and circadian rhythms are regulated by exposure to sufficient light.

Even if you work in an environment where there is no artificial or natural light, the brighter the better. If you can step outside your workspace (even on a cloudy day) or look out the window for even one minute, you will be more alert. Wherever you work, you can replace the light fixture or add a lamp that will brighten up your workspace and prevent you from falling asleep at work.

Method No. 6: Always keep yourself in an uncomfortable position

Stay on your feet as much as possible. If you have time to sit down, get the most uncomfortable chair you can find. Try not to sit at all or sit on something that is uncomfortable and causes discomfort or even pain. Make sure your back is always upright, forcing you to sit very straight. Don't let your head lean at all - on your hands, table, wall, etc.

Keep it cold so you don't fall asleep on the job. When you're cool, you feel less sleepy. Take off your sweater or jacket, open a window, put on a small fan, turn on the air conditioner, etc. The cold quickly makes people stay awake.

Method number 7: exercises

Do various exercises at the computer or at your workplace to avoid falling asleep at work. Just because you're sitting doesn't mean you can't use your muscles. You don't have to get up to do this.

Method number 8: eat less

Avoid heavy meals and a full stomach. Use snacks throughout the day instead of soup, main course, etc.

The main thing is not to get a spike in sugar consumption (with subsequent inevitable problems). The same applies to caffeine. Hunger prevents you from falling asleep, but take regular breaks when consuming coffee or sugar, and also consume them in small doses. You shouldn't ruin your health in order to stay awake at work.

Apples, due to their aroma and acidity, will be the best, healthiest and healthiest choice in this situation.

Another good way to stay awake at work is to chew on sunflower seeds. But not the purified ones. By peeling the seeds yourself, you get carried away and your brain forgets about sleep. Cleaning the seeds using your teeth and tongue requires enough active thought and tongue movement to keep you awake, and the salt on sunflower seeds is invigorating and stimulating.

Raisins and apricots are also good at discouraging the desire to fall asleep at work.

Method number 9: music

Listen to music that energizes you and, if possible, dance or sing. This will quickly revive you and discourage the desire to fall asleep at work. Music can also irritate co-workers. If this is the case, use headphones so as not to disturb your colleagues. You can't think only about yourself.

Method number 10: invigorating actions

Every thirty minutes, do one of the following to help stay awake at work:

  1. Physical activity for 2-3 minutes (jumping, squats, push-ups, running in place or walking).
  2. A splash of cold water on the face.
  3. Drinking a glass of ice water (the cold will invigorate you and you'll have to get up every half hour or so to go to the toilet; you won't be able to sleep on a full bladder);
  4. Chew gum. Chewing gum stimulates the facial muscles, increasing blood flow to the head, helping you stay alert and active for a long time.

Method No. 11: container with cold water

Place a container of cold water on your face, front or back of your neck, and back.

Method number 12: blood circulation

Stretching and twisting body parts or skin can also help improve blood circulation, which can help you stay awake at work. Rubbing your head/neck for 20 seconds can help quickly.

Method number 13: mind control

Mentality, reason and willpower are a large and important part in the fight against sleep. It sounds harsh, but don't let your mind get ahead of you. When your mind starts to go blank and you start to feel sleepy, immediately start thinking about something, be it a joke, a movie, anything that gets your mind working. Even thinking about something that drives you crazy can be extremely helpful in keeping you awake at work. Don't let thoughts of sleep overwhelm you and convince yourself that you don't want to sleep. Also imagine an angry boss who sees that you are sleeping.

Method #14: Listening to Quiet Music with Details

When listening to music to stay awake, there is a common misconception that explosive and loud sounds make you wake up. In fact, quiet, calm music is more effective. It forces you to try to listen to every word, hear instruments, different sounds, etc. If you have difficulty with demanding texts, then you are already doing everything right, because this characterizes the way the mind works.

Method number 15: follow the regime

Make sure you have regular sleep and healthy eating habits in your life. The brain and body can greatly benefit from a proper schedule and routine. If you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, your brain knows when it's time to sleep and when not to. Getting the right nutrition will also ensure that the body always has its own energy during the day, without resorting to naps during the day for extra strength, this will help to avoid falling asleep at work.

Get up every 30 minutes

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The fact that we sit at the computer for a long time every day does not add any benefit to our body. The consequences of long periods of continuous sitting include blood stagnation, cellulite, headaches, heart problems, back pain and other troubles. At the same time, it doesn’t matter how often you run in the morning or go to yoga. To get away from your chair and screen more often, there are special programs, such as Dejal Time Out and EyeLeo, that will remind you to take a break every 20, 30 or 40 minutes.

You can also stretch your legs by walking to the water cooler, jogging to the distant trash can, and walking to your colleague in the next office to discuss some work issues out loud, rather than exchanging messages with him while sitting over the wall.

Breath of air

No air conditioner can compare with the air outside. Even in the center of Moscow, the air outside the room will be healthier than the air inside an apartment or office. Instead of distracting your colleagues with an urgent phone conversation with your mother or business conversations, it is better to go outside to talk on the phone. When it’s warm, you can combine an important telephone conversation with sunbathing and a dose of vitamin D. When it’s cold, put on a coat and breathe in the freshness.

Not everyone has an office on the ground floor with its own exit to the street, but during lunch break everyone can afford to go out into the air for at least 10 minutes. If you work from home, all phone calls can be made from your balcony.

With my eyes closed

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Sit with your eyes closed for a few seconds (this is especially recommended for those who constantly work at the computer). Take two deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Closing your eyes, imagine a pleasant picture, for example, your past vacation or upcoming holidays, a quick change of image, whatever. This way the work will seem less tedious and the problems less serious.

Prepare the ground

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To avoid feeling overwhelmed by unhealthy office snacks like cookies and chocolates, you need to be prepared with a supply of healthier alternatives - bring nut bars, home-baked oatmeal cookies, or just a bag of almonds and dates. Leave delicious tea, whole grain bread and a jar of your favorite honey at work. If you are the only one on a “healthy wave” in your office, don’t wait for others to catch up, but create comfortable conditions for yourself.

How to cheer up when you are sleep deprived

So, you didn't get enough sleep. At all. At 6:30 your alarm clock rang, and you once again realized this fact with horror. Perhaps you couldn't sleep due to obsessive thoughts or were at a party until two in the morning. In any case, there is a difficult work day ahead, and your body will need help for maximum concentration.

We will tell you what to do if you find yourself in such a situation.

To drink coffee.

If you don’t drink coffee with tons of sugar and milk, then this drink is a good and well-known solution for a sleep-deprived person. You can drink it even just to wake up, as it improves concentration and gives you vigor. If you don’t abuse coffee, then a few cups a day are completely harmless and effective.

Take a walk.

If you're really exhausted from a sleepless night, the idea of ​​going for a walk won't seem particularly appealing. But a walk around the office during your lunch break or before work can do wonders: fatigue will go away, you will become more focused, your body and brain will be saturated with oxygen, and the coolness will have an invigorating effect on you.

If you can take a nap, don't miss the opportunity.

Yes, of course, taking a nap for 20 minutes at your office desk is not the best option. Surprisingly, even a short nap can help you concentrate for several hours. Maybe your office has sofas in a secluded place where you can sit down during your lunch break, or you have a car parked nearby - take every opportunity to take a nap, even for half an hour.

Breathe deeply.

Taking a deep breath has great power. It increases cerebral blood circulation, which helps you cope with the desire to constantly yawn. Therefore, if you feel yourself falling asleep, try to breathe deeply for some time, or better yet, while walking.

Eliminate distractions.

If you have a hard day at work, and there is a phone in front of you that is constantly vibrating from SMS and messages on social networks, this is a recipe for failure, even if you are not tired. If you want to focus today, you simply need to eliminate these factors. Friends and comments can wait.

Sitting less.

You probably haven't heard the new phrase that is happily spreading across the planet: "Sitting is the new smoking." And this is true, because in terms of health, sitting for a long time is equivalent to smoking. If your office has a high desk or bar counter, then you can put down your laptop and work while standing for an hour or two. If not, we return to the walk option.

Take a shower.

There is nothing more pleasant than a hot shower in the morning. Therefore, on those difficult days when you did not get enough sleep, do not deprive yourself of this pleasure. Also rinsing your face with cold water throughout the day is a good idea. This will help you feel refreshed for a while.

Eat nutritious food.

When you are exhausted, you often crave fatty and sweet foods. Fast food, all kinds of donuts and chocolates will really give you energy, but only for a short period of time. Try to watch your diet and eat foods that will give you strength throughout the day: grains, vegetables, meat. If you have a snack, then, for example, a sandwich or a light salad with avocado.

Good luck to you! And try to get some sleep today.

Mindfulness instead of coffee

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Coffee is not the worst of evils, but its invigorating effect is often followed by irritability and anxiety, and regular consumption of coffee acidifies our body, impairs the absorption of essential minerals, can negatively affect the functioning of the adrenal glands and contribute to the depletion of our nerve cells. Green tea contains theine, which activates physical and mental activity, increases performance, but is generally milder than the caffeine in coffee. Another invigorating alternative to coffee can be drinks with natural cocoa, chicory, Japanese matcha tea and freshly squeezed vegetable juices, which add not only energy, but also a portion of vitamins, minerals and beneficial enzymes.

For many, a cup of coffee works like an ambulance after a sleepless night or an overly rich lunch. Although coffee helps restore vigor, it does not help to understand the cause. Why didn't you sleep well last night? Where did your energy go after breakfast? Which ingredient does your body digest poorly? Or was the lunch portion too large? The more attention we generally pay to our lifestyle, our regimen and nutrition, the less often the need for stimulants appears.


how to cheer up in the office, how to cheer up at work

Self-massage is another tip on how to relieve “office” stress. Do a light massage of your hands, neck, face. Massage your earlobes, ears, temples, eyebrows, each finger, and wrist. Touching the earlobes and neck can be used as a flirting tool (as one of the methods of distraction in the workplace).

Guests in the house

10 simple rules for cheering up at work!

Checking the symptoms: do you constantly feel sleepy during the day? Don't you want anything in the evening? And on weekends the only joy is to sleep? The diagnosis is lack of energy.

It has been scientifically proven that a change in activity occurs in the human brain every 1.5–2 hours. At such moments, our performance decreases for about 20 minutes. To cheer up at work and be constantly in good shape, there are several rules. If you adhere to them, then work will be a pleasure, no drowsiness or fatigue.


Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Oatmeal works very well. It contains fiber and complex carbohydrates. This is a natural method of dealing with stress and depression. Boil it in milk, add dried fruits, honey and nuts.


Don't forget about morning exercises. To wake up your body, just do a few squats and stretches, or cook breakfast to music and dance.


Orange juice will help you cheer up at work. This is a real find for sleepyheads. As you know, this juice contains a large amount of vitamin C, which fills the body with energy. You can also use lemon or lime juice diluted with water and add ice. This drink is very popular in the summer: it will invigorate and refresh!


The best snack is a banana. It will quickly restore your body's energy levels. Therefore, this is the No. 1 fruit for all athletes. But don't forget about the calorie content of a banana.


Now summer is the season of health. Use this time. Berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries) are natural stimulants. Plus, they are calorie-free.


Avoid hearty and heavy lunches, because after eating you always want to take a nap, but at work, unfortunately, you don’t have such an opportunity. Therefore, for lunch, a light soup and a small portion of side dish are best.


Drink more fluids, but don't try to tone yourself up with coffee. Two cups a day will be enough. After lunch, green or herbal tea will help you cheer up at work, preferably not bagged tea, but real leaf tea. You can add several spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, cardamom. This tea is suitable for any day when you are not in the mood.


Fatigue often occurs due to lack of oxygen. Therefore, during lunch, take a walk; if this is not possible, then ventilate the room in which you are.


Self-massage is another tip on how to relieve “office” stress. Do a light massage of your fingers, starting with your little finger, knead your neck and earlobes. Stand on your toes and try to stay in this position for as long as possible.

RULE #10

Ginseng helps with fatigue and weakness. It is called the elixir of infinite power. Those who suffer from chronic fatigue are recommended to undergo a whole treatment course: take ginseng tincture 10-15 drops half an hour before meals for 3 weeks.

If possible, follow these rules and there will be no chronic fatigue. And remember, you are your attitude for the day. Therefore, read useful books, watch interesting films, communicate more often with colleagues and put more flowers in your workplace.

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Glass of water

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Water is the source of life, which must always flow somewhere nearby. Place a glass of water on the table and when the urge arises, take a couple of sips. For taste and interest, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. This is a great way to cheer up at work both in the summer heat and in winter, when the monitor is “burning” in front of your eyes and the stove is nearby.

How to deal with sleepiness at work

Boring and monotonous work inevitably causes a person to lose energy and reduces his concentration. This is especially true for office work, where you can spend hours filling out the same papers or viewing monotonous reports. today will share with readers several ways to cope with sleepiness in the workplace .

Why do you want to sleep at work?

First, you need to establish the cause of increased fatigue, which prevents you from thinking and completely takes over your consciousness. This may be general overwork if you have not been on vacation for a long time or have to work for a long time without days off. Here you can’t do without a good rest : you won’t be able to deceive your body for long.

Perhaps certain aspects of your work are making you drowsy (adjusting contracts, filling out databases). Then you need to switch gears for a while and find a more dynamic activity that will help you cheer up at work.

Monotonous music, radio, or the voice of some of your colleagues can cause drowsiness. Just abstract from them or include something more rhythmic, positive, bright. By identifying the cause of fatigue, you can quickly deal with its consequences.

What you should never do

If you really want to deal with sleepiness in the workplace, then immediately forget about things like cigarettes and instant coffee. They dilate blood vessels only for 5-10 minutes, after which fatigue will attack you with renewed vigor.

In the same way, you need to avoid synthetic products (instant soups, instant purees, chips). They create an increased load on the digestive organs, liver, kidneys, and the brain will automatically switch to standby mode to save its energy. It’s better to cheer up at work immediately than to drag out this state for the whole day.

We also do not recommend that you drink alcohol. They, of course, will cause a surge of energy, but they may cause you to lose your job. In addition, many professions require extreme concentration and absolute sobriety. Pills are widely sold on the Internet, which are designed to discourage the desire to sleep and “give” the body energy. You should also not use them, because they are very harmful to health and can even cause serious illnesses.

Energetic drinks

The body always requires a lot of energy in order to be active. Therefore, at the first signs of fatigue, try to give him an additional portion of strength. Energy drinks , which are sold in any store, quickly cope with drowsiness in the workplace Guarana extract, which is included in most energy drinks, causes a surge of energy and improves well-being.

True, there are also side effects: increased stress on the heart, liver, kidneys. Such drinks are not recommended for people with chronic diseases. And under no circumstances should you drink them every day, because many substances accumulate in the body and are harmful to health.

Coffee, tea and sweets

Work is just work

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No matter how important what you are doing is important to you, you should try not to exaggerate the significance of what is happening. Work is a part of your life where you can benefit other people and realize your talents. Taking your favorite projects too seriously does not always have a positive effect on the results, but it always adds stress and obsession with perfectionism. The absence of mistakes is only possible when we do nothing and lie on the couch. If we take on something new, we bear responsibility, mistakes will definitely happen. The task is not to perceive every mistake as mourning, but to draw conclusions and move on. Appreciate what happens in life outside of work. Instead of stress, add more joy to your interactions with colleagues. When you leave the office, be able to switch your mind from work matters and truly relax on the weekend so that you can start work with pleasure on Monday.

Based on materials

Why do you want to sleep at work? Finding out the reasons

Women strive to get everything done and work themselves to the maximum - after all, they need to be a valuable employee at work and have a lot of things to do at home. Very often there is not enough strength for everything, and therefore the reason for increased fatigue is general overwork. If you haven’t been on vacation for a long time or have been working at the limit for many months, then you can’t do without a good rest. You can, of course, come up with different ways to arrange short-term relaxation, but you won’t be able to deceive the body for a long time - fatigue will be your constant companion in all matters.

It is possible that certain aspects of your work make you despondent, for example, some kind of work that you simply cannot stand. Try switching to something else for a while, look for a more dynamic activity that will help you cheer up.

Monotonous music, and even the voice of your colleagues, can make you sleepy. Switch your attention to something more rhythmic, bright, if working conditions allow - put on headphones and turn on upbeat music.

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