Children and autumn colds: how to quickly and effectively get rid of the disease?

How to avoid autumn colds?

During these first few autumn days, many managed to complain of a runny nose, cough, sore throat and fever. It is in the fall, according to doctors, that the likelihood of colds is highest. How not to get sick?

A decrease in air temperature, gusty winds and frequent rains in the autumn period lead to hypothermia of the body, which causes a decrease in immune defense, which in turn leads to acute respiratory viral diseases.

In the autumn period, human nutrition also changes: not only do water-soluble vitamins of eaten summer fruits, berries and vegetables do not accumulate, in the fall the amount of foods that are sources of vitamin C also decreases (vitamin C remains in the body for no more than two weeks) and a number of other biologically active compounds, which also reduces the body's protective properties. In addition, autumn is, as a rule, the post-vacation time, when many return to work, and schoolchildren and students begin their studies. Often this period is accompanied by stress, which negatively affects the state of the immune system. Autumn is also a period of exacerbation of a number of chronic diseases that weaken the body, thereby creating conditions for the penetration of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

Nutritious food

The diet in the autumn should be as varied as possible. Give preference to foods that contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Include fish, eggs, meat, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits (you can use frozen ones), as well as freshly squeezed juices in your menu. Rosehip infusions and herbal teas will be useful.

autumn food

How to protect yourself from colds during pregnancy?



Apply axolinic ointment or laundry soap to your nose. After communicating with patients, eat garlic or onions, or at least breathe over chopped onions. By the way, you can do this with the baby later when it is born.


Not a lot of onion, lemon, honey and, if possible, one teaspoon of cumin oil. . According to Vice Muhammad Cumin is a cure for all diseases except death

Natasha Kazmiruk (Smirnova)

It is best to drink more tea with lemon and honey. Ventilate the room more often. The best thing to do is to put on a cotton-gauze bandage, or ask them to do it)))) Protect yourself and your child!!!

Irina Sergeeva

Buy a mask and wear it there. I don't think anyone will laugh.


You need to tune in to the fact that no matter how much the people around you are sick, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!!! After all, you can catch acute respiratory infections simply by going to the store; If it's fate, you can't escape it. Think you won't get sick. And if you feel bad in the evening, then you will take measures: eat raspberry jam, drink tea with honey and lemon, gargle with soda, chamomile or chlorophyllipt. Do not worry! Health to you and the baby!


Oxolinic ointment in the nose, oscillococcinum in the pocket. around the neck a bag (rag) with garlic. And don't kiss.


In order to prevent infection with influenza, you can use oxolinic ointment and drugs with interferon, for example, suppositories and Viferon ointment. These same remedies are also suitable if you still cannot protect yourself from the virus. But it’s better to forget about rimantadine, a traditional drug for preventing type A influenza, during pregnancy. All “chemicals” should be replaced with natural vitamins and “antiviruses” - juices, vegetables and fruits. If during pregnancy you constantly travel on public transport, go to work and generally often visit crowded places, then it is easier and more reliable to get vaccinated against the flu. But keep in mind that vaccination is recommended not at the very beginning, but after the 14th week of pregnancy. It takes 2-4 weeks for protection against the virus to form after vaccination. So you should take care of vaccination not at the height of the epidemic, but in advance. Remember: old influenza vaccines cannot be used by expectant mothers. It is better to take new ones - they do not contain possible harmful components. There are imported vaccines “Influvac”, “Vaxigrip”, “Begrivac”, and the domestic vaccine “Grippol”. However, if you are allergic to chicken egg whites, you will have to refuse vaccination. Happy people get sick less often. This is a reliable fact that has a scientific basis: joy, happiness, peace and other positive emotions create a favorable hormonal background in the body and increase immunity. Expecting a child is not a reason for joy? So rejoice, rejoice in this every day. Wake up with a smile, live with a smile, fall asleep with a smile - and be healthy.


Tanya, please put a sterile bandage on your nose and mouth, it may be uncomfortable, but wash your hands effectively and often, germs are transmitted through your hands. Be healthy!

Humidify the air

The heating season usually begins in mid-autumn, and it is often during this period that a surge in colds is recorded, especially among children. Why is this happening? The thing is that in heated rooms the air is dry, and the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is correspondingly dry, which makes it much easier for the virus to penetrate the respiratory tract. Therefore, in order to reduce the likelihood of infection, use humidifiers, or at least ventilate the premises frequently.

Effective ways to avoid autumn colds

Effective ways to avoid autumn colds

Mid-autumn, which is accompanied by a decrease in air temperature and prolonged rains, opens the season of colds. In addition to the fact that the approach of November is replete with precipitation, the human body’s defenses begin to weaken, and depression and overwork, on the contrary, become more active, negatively affecting one’s physical condition and causing runny noses and coughs. Is it possible to avoid autumn colds?

Why does the risk of getting sick increase in the fall?

A particularly rapid spread of ARVI is facilitated by the educational process in schools and the presence of large groups of people in enclosed spaces. It is unlikely that you will be able to dissociate yourself from viruses that spread through the air through coughing and sneezing, so the only effective way to avoid autumn colds is to work on increasing your immunity.

How to support your immunity?

The easiest way to support the body's defenses in the fall is with the help of nature's gifts of this generous season. Apples, carrots and cabbage, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, should not disappear from the daily menu, but during the rainy season you can supplement your diet with exotic citrus fruits and bananas.

So how should you eat to avoid autumn colds? A varied diet, which does not exclude meat and fish, contains fermented milk products as another means of strengthening the immune system, can be supplemented with energy drinks - fresh juices, rose hip tea with honey, etc.

Effective ways to avoid autumn colds

What to drink to strengthen your immune system?

In autumn, green, ginger and linden teas, as well as chamomile infusion and fruit compotes, will be useful. Mono and multivitamins should be taken on the recommendation of a therapist and remember that while building the defense of the immune system against viral enemies in the fall, a person is also working to strengthen resistance to ARVI and influenza in the winter.

Don't forget about hardening

Hardening will help you avoid colds in the fall, which should continue strengthening the body's defenses in the summer. You can continue to practice contrast showers and dousing with cold water, unless you can cancel your morning jogging during the period of active rains.

Colds are caused by overwork

In autumn, in order to prevent colds, you should especially listen to your body, avoiding overwork, which is known to reduce resistance to colds, but give preference to outdoor recreation, choosing walks in the park area, outside the city, mushroom picking and fishing.

Effective ways to avoid autumn colds

What else should you pay attention to?

To avoid becoming a patient of an immunologist, once the heating season begins, experts recommend taking special care of the microclimate at home and in the workplace. You can humidify the air in a room using special devices, but you should not underestimate the benefits of regular ventilation and wet cleaning.

Special preparations containing sea salt will help avoid drying out the mucous membrane of the throat and nose, strengthening the body's protective functions, and mandatory hand washing after a walk and before eating can prevent the spread of many viruses and infections.

To prevent a cold from spoiling the joys of autumn, you should carefully select your wardrobe, that is, dress in accordance with the weather conditions, and do not forget to bring an umbrella at home. According to the principle of “God takes care,” it is better to avoid crowded places, especially during the peak of the growth of ARVI diseases, and postpone the fight against excess weight until more favorable times, so as not to add stress to the body.

How to protect yourself from colds?

I take herbal teas and berry infusions not during illness, but daily. The rose hips are ripe, I pick the berries and a couple of times a week I brew this tea for myself and drink it in the evening. Most often with honey. But always without sugar.

I add fermented fireweed tea (I prepare it myself), oregano, and St. John's wort to the purchased tea leaves - alternately or together. I drink once a day or every other day. I don't use tea bags.

I can drink cranberry juice once a day. I don’t boil the berries, I throw them into boiling water and crush them with a spoon. Or I add the juice of other berries to boiling water: red and black currants, serviceberry, lingonberry. I drink apple compote and make jelly. I store berries and syrups for future use.

I sometimes brew tea from blackcurrant leaves, strawberries, linden flowers and other herbs.

I don’t remember the last time I was sick, so this cold prevention helps me.

Over the years, I have probably experienced everything possible on myself, on my family, friends and acquaintances. And here are some useful recipes that turned out to be the most effective...

Photo: Depositphotos

1. When you feel the first signs of malaise, drink a raspberry decoction or an infusion of rose hips at night.

I harvest raspberry branches when the first berries begin to turn pink. I dry it in the shade. I brew it weakly. I put a small twig in heated (warm) water, bring it to a boil, leave for 10-15 minutes and drink a glass of hot broth with a spoonful of honey dissolved in it at night. You need to be well covered and sweat. In the morning, I quickly wash off the sweat in a warm bath (you can wash off the sweat anywhere, in any room, as long as you don’t freeze, but under no circumstances should you walk around sweaty).

For those who love precision: take 1 tablespoon of chopped raspberries per 0.5 liters of water. I just break a twig in my hands and throw it at my eye. I infuse rose hips in a thermos. If you are hypothermic or frozen, it helps quickly.

2. With a stuffy nose, neither onion nor garlic, no matter how much I inhale, helps me. I put red beetroot juice or half-diluted honey into my nose (1 spoon of honey mixed with 1 spoon of boiled water). The procedure is not pleasant (it stings a lot), but it is effective. Movement and various exercises that warm up the muscles and body also help.

3. When children cough, I make lollipops from burnt sugar and let them dissolve. Cold water with sugar, which should be sipped during a coughing attack, also helps.

4. Propolis tincture helps adults against tracheitis, bronchitis, and sore throat. You take a slow sip and feel the heat burn, and the cough quickly disappears.

5. For any cold, I use cranberries. I crush the berries, pour boiling water over them, leave for 5-10 minutes, add a little sugar and drink. Oregano tea with St. John's wort also helps.

  • Remember that St. John's wort can only be used in the cold season and in cloudy weather.

Photo: Depositphotos
My youngest son does it simpler: when he feels unwell, he stops eating. At all! At first I tried to persuade him, but he only agrees to water and herbal tea, and then in small quantities. He was the one who recovered the fastest in our family.

Before using honey and medicinal plants as a means of preventing and treating colds, be sure to consider the possibility of an allergic reaction and individual contraindications. If you have serious health problems, never self-medicate, be sure to consult your doctor!

Tags: cold treatment, colds, colds, cold prevention, healthy recipe, herbal tea

What to do if you are already sick?

In order not to waste money, you don’t need to run to the pharmacy for antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, because their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. If a person has contracted a cold, then treatment should be symptomatic, where actions are aimed at helping the body fight viruses. In turn, the body independently produces antibodies that eliminate the disease without any medications. Here are some simple but effective tips for all occasions:

  • If you have a sore throat, you should gargle regularly with tinctures of eucalyptus or calendula. Also drink plenty of fluids, but not more than 3 liters per day. Do not forget to dissolve the lozenges;
  • For nasal congestion and runny nose, use drops and do not forget to soften irritated skin;
  • If the patient has a fever, do not try to bring it down below 38°C. As is known, viruses die faster at elevated temperatures;

  • Don't neglect rest. First of all, the body needs strength to begin an independent fight against infection;
  • Use essential oils (preferably those that contain several varieties), this will help disinfect the air and along with it the respiratory tract.

Simple recommendations for every day will help protect yourself from unwanted diseases and colds. They will also simplify treatment and promote rapid recovery without stress for the body.

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