Is it possible to effectively lose weight and tone muscles with the help of yoga?

When you meet a person who has had some or no contact with yoga, who, upon learning that you are a yoga teacher, first of all asks how you can lose weight quickly with yoga.

Previously, I tried to somehow explain to a person what to do, what asanas and vinyasas to perform. But then I realized that this was not the case.

Yoga is not about losing weight. If you want to lose weight, go to the gym, go to nutritionists, run, go to extremes. Better yet, eat less and move more. Why do people get fat? Because they burn less energy than they put into themselves.

Why they do this, we will figure it out another time. That's not what we're talking about now.

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga?

Definitely yes! But if you choose yoga for weight loss, you shouldn’t approach it as simply losing extra pounds. Excess weight will go away only if you improve your body, cleanse it of toxins, improve the functioning of all internal organs and, finally, achieve harmony between body and spirit. Weight loss in yoga is achieved not through physical training, but through an integrated approach to a healthy lifestyle. A slender, toned body is not the goal of yoga, but just one of the indicators of a healthy person.

Why do people get fat

First, let's find out what causes excess weight. There are many of them:

  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of adequate physical activity;
  • constant overeating and a large amount of fatty, sweet, salty, smoked, flour in the diet, which causes its excess calorie content;
  • improper diet, in particular, late, heavy dinners;
  • frequent stress and “eating” stress, especially in the evening and at night.

As you can see, all these reasons are due to improper lifestyle and nutrition. However, there are also medical reasons - a number of diseases cause metabolic disorders, which leads to extra pounds.

These hated kilograms often appear in women after pregnancy and during menopause. Sometimes excess weight is caused by genetic factors.

Related article: “Urdhva Mukha Svanasana”

So, should we give up, give up on ourselves and lead the same lifestyle, simply buying clothes in ever larger sizes?

But don’t you want to look at your reflection in the mirror without disgust, catch interested glances from representatives of the opposite sex, and just love your body?

The most popular poses in yoga

Parvatasana (Mountain)

Crocodile pose

Urdhva Prasarita

Ardha Navasana

Parighasana (Latch)

How to lose weight with yoga?

We have already dealt with the question of whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of yoga, now we will find out how to do it. Regular yoga practice helps reduce stress hormones in the body and increase insulin secretion. This leads to the body not storing food as fat deposits, but using it as fuel. Yoga adherents carefully plan their diet, exclude fatty and unnatural foods from it, and, if necessary, perform cleansing procedures.

is it possible to lose weight with yoga reviews

If you decide to follow this method of improving your body and life in general, like yoga, then remember that such exercises require consistency, patience and full awareness of your actions. Ideally, for the first lessons you need to find an experienced trainer. He will tell you how to lose weight with yoga in the most beneficial way for your body.

Anyone who has purchased a diploma can call themselves a coach and mentor, but in practice there are only a few true professionals. Don't worry about this. You can find out the real level of a trainer literally at the first training session, evaluating his methodology and understanding that losing weight is not only physical activity, but also mental training and proper nutrition. To see your first successes, you need to follow the clear rules and principles of yoga for several months. And these results will be lasting, as will your attitude and well-being. No diet gives such an effect.

Asanas and complexes for weight loss

It will be very good to perform Surya Namaskar every day. This warm-up complex is very good at starting movement in the body, and if your life is rather passive, then this is exactly what will help you start your day with movement.

You can read more about Surya Namaskar here.

Padangustha Kriya

By performing this dynamic kriya, you give stress to your stomach and sides, due to which this part of your body begins to work and expend the energy stored there. Do this exercise every other day and you will feel its effect.

Utthita parsvakonasana

This asana perfectly stretches the sides, which makes them work, effectively burning fat. Perform this asana every day, during morning or evening practice.

  • Stand up straight
  • Place your feet wider than your hips
  • Turn your right foot toe forward
  • Bend your right knee so that the shin of your right leg is perpendicular to the floor and your thigh is as close to parallel to the floor as possible.
  • We lower our right hand to the floor next to the right foot
  • The left arm rises vertically
  • We lower the thigh lower so that the left leg meets the body like a straight line
  • We try to turn around face up.
  • Looking at the left hand
  • We remain in this asana for 20-30 seconds, then repeat the same on the other side.

Side extension. Utthita parsvakonsana


Before you start classes, the trainer will definitely tell you about contraindications. The opinion that yoga is suitable for people of any age and level of health, which exists in society, is completely wrong. Therefore, before you start exercising, if you are not sure about your health, it is better to consult not only a trainer, but also a doctor.

Is it possible to lose weight by doing yoga?

In general, yoga is contraindicated for people with:

  • radiculitis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • blood problems;
  • oncology;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cardiopathy.

Types of Yoga

There are quite a few types of yoga. The classic versions are Hatha yoga and Kundalini yoga. When these complexes were combined and partially diluted with modern methods for losing weight, such areas as Ashtanga yoga, Bikram yoga and power yoga appeared.

Is it possible to lose weight and tone muscles with yoga?

It is these three types that are most effective for losing excess weight. Those who decide to lose weight with the help of yoga can choose the most suitable and suitable complex for themselves. Let's talk about each of them separately.

Ashtanga yoga

This is the most dynamic variation of yoga. It is suitable for those who have good physical fitness and endurance, but are looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to lose weight with yoga. Asanas (static body position) here change quite quickly, in a clear sequence. Between them there are vinyasas - ligaments. The first complex of Ashtanga yoga consists of 90 asanas, in each of which you need to hold from 0.5 to 2 minutes. 70% of the complex is static exercises. The rest are dynamic.

Bikram yoga

Bikram yoga is perhaps the most exotic variety. The fact is that it requires the creation of Indian climatic conditions. The training room must be at least 40 degrees Celsius and 40% humidity. The essence of the exercise is profuse sweating, which rids the body of toxins and excess moisture.

how to lose weight with yoga

The Bikram yoga complex includes 26 classic asanas and breathing exercises. This type of exercise helps burn fat deposits better than others. Therefore, it is suitable for those who want to lose weight intensively with the help of yoga. People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system or lungs should always consult a doctor before starting to practice Bikram yoga.

A set of yoga exercises for weight loss

Moving from simple to complex, you should start with easier asanas to perform. And, of course, don’t forget about relaxation after training. Below we present a complex consisting of 10 yoga exercises for weight loss, suitable for beginner yogis. Subsequently, continuing your classes, you can increase the number of asanas or change their set (best of all - under the guidance of a trainer).

Tadasana, or Mountain Pose (general body strengthening, posture improvement)


Legs are straight, shoulder-width apart, arms are raised up, fingertips are connected. The head is thrown back, the back is arched.

Breathe through your nose, try to feel the main muscles of your body.

The pose is recommended to be performed between other asanas. You can perform the exercise separately to improve the tone of the back muscles.

Uttanasana – bending forward from a standing position (stretching the thigh muscles)

Legs are straight, stand no wider than shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, you should slowly lean forward and lower yourself as low as possible. It's good if you reach the floor with your hands. If not, clasp your shins with your hands.

Maintain this position for 30 seconds.

The pose also has a beneficial effect on the state of mind, calming and relaxing.

How should you practice?

Yoga exercises are performed several times a week. Those who cannot or do not want to study with a mentor can do everything on their own at home. All the necessary information is quite easy to find.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to home workouts. The advantages include a free schedule and no need for special clothing and equipment. Light cotton clothing and a simple mat are sufficient for a home workout.

The main disadvantage of self-studying is that it tends to be less effective. The thing is that it will be quite difficult for an inexperienced person to choose the optimal program and load level for themselves, as well as master some exercises. Therefore, experts recommend working with a trainer at least at first. Having mastered the necessary techniques and learned to feel your body, you can safely begin home exercises without worrying about your health.

Class rules:

  • Before starting the training complex, be sure to ventilate the room.
  • Exercises must be done on a mat.
  • It is best to practice either early in the morning or in the evening before bed.
  • You need to breathe exclusively through your nose.
  • Before training, you should not eat for at least three hours.
  • During training, you should not strain your muscles too much, causing pain.
  • The principle of mastering techniques is “from simple to complex.”

Basic Recommendations for Doing Yoga at Home for Weight Loss

How to do yoga for weight loss at home? How should the training be done, how many times a week should the exercises be performed to lose excess weight with yoga? We will now answer all these questions in detail.

Below is an effective yoga complex for weight loss that will allow you to get the figure you dream of at home. But first, the basic rules! The main thing is regular training (3-4 times a week) and correct technique.

As for the time of classes, there are no clear recommendations - choose a convenient one for yourself. Experts advise choosing the morning or evening hours, before going to bed. At this time, classes will be most effective.

Of course, to achieve your goal, you shouldn’t forget about proper nutrition. At a minimum, you should avoid high-fat, high-calorie foods and alcohol. It will be easy to get used to a new lifestyle - after all, you are striving to become slimmer, and this is the best motivation!

Yoga classes should take place in a ventilated room. You should also have a special exercise mat. Like any other type of physical activity, yoga does not tolerate practicing immediately after eating - this is harmful and difficult for the body. Therefore, it is optimal to do yoga a few hours (at least 3) after eating. A few more tips:

  • Before class, you need to prepare your body by doing stretching exercises.
  • You should start with simple physical exercises, moving on to more complex ones
  • During exercise you should breathe only through your nose
  • do not overexert your muscles, your movements should be measured and smooth
  • After training, devote 5-10 minutes to relaxation (if you practice meditation, you can meditate)

A mini-set of exercises that will allow you to prepare for class:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms above your head, grasping one thumb behind the other. The whole body should be extended upward, legs straight. Bend alternately in one direction and the other. Tilt - while exhaling, lifting up - while inhaling.
  2. Interlace your fingers behind your back. Arch your back slightly and stay in this pose for 3-5 seconds. The head should be raised up.
  3. Extend your arms above your head. Sit on an imaginary chair, legs bent at right angles. The back is straight. Maintain this position for 30 seconds.

Also effective, from the point of view of preparing for yoga classes, will be bending down, pulling your knees to your chest, jumping “arms up - legs apart” and other simple exercises for warming up.

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga: reviews

Reviews show that yoga is the most beneficial way for the body to lose weight. Many people include it in more active sets of exercises: swimming, running, step aerobics, dancing and others. Such a synthesis will bring nothing but a positive effect. But people who practice yoga do not think primarily about losing weight, but about gaining physical and spiritual health in general.

lose weight with yoga

If you exercise with this exact goal in mind, you will be rewarded with not only a toned body, but also excellent health, as well as a positive outlook.

Benefits of Yoga

The effectiveness of classes will be noticeable only if you regularly perform the techniques and review your approaches to nutrition. But already from the first workout you will feel “muscular joy,” as the physiologist Pavlov said - a new, more flexible, stronger, toned body has begun to form.

The advantages of this type of physical activity are as follows:

  1. Constant focus on breathing and your internal state increases the effect of training compared to other types of fitness.
  2. energy-intensive asanas alternating with relaxation are suitable for sedentary Western people.
  3. this system can be compared to a sculptor: the excess disappears, the body takes on harmonious, beautiful forms.
  4. restructuring and healing of the whole organism occurs; improvement of metabolism.
  5. stress resistance increases, the functioning of the nervous system improves. This also has a positive effect on your figure.

Yoga and weight loss are closely related. Regular practice leads a person to external changes, improves the functioning of internal organs, harmonizes the state of mind and relationships with the outside world.

Having overcome excess weight, many continue to exercise, embrace the ancient philosophy, cleanse the body and lead a healthy lifestyle, without returning to old habits that led to obesity. True yogis understand that a good figure is the result of a healthy mind in a healthy body.

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