How to pump up your butt at home forum

Girls, for many of you, a butt like a nut is a true dream, so the question of how to pump up your butt in a month is increasingly asked in my publications. Let's talk about the time frames you can set to achieve your dreams. And the first thing I want to tell everyone is that the results after a month of working on yourself are real, if only you put maximum effort into it.

In general, I accept only one comprehensive method of pumping up the gluteal muscles - proper nutrition, physical activity and caring for your skin with the help of cosmetics. Experts note that during regular training, the body begins to get used to and rebuild after 21 days. Therefore, the period for pumping the gluteal muscles can be 1-2 months at a minimum, and a maximum of six months.

The structure of the gluteal muscles

The biggest problem why the gluteal muscles are not developed is that they are practically not involved in our lifestyle. And the shape of our butt (which is determined genetically) can only be influenced through exercise.

The gluteal muscles are three paired muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus.

If you look at the picture, it immediately becomes clear that the large buttock is responsible for volume, the middle one gives roundness to the hips, and the small one allows you to get more volume in the upper part of the butt.

If there is enough volume, but there are strong depressions on the sides, then your training is dominated by exercises for the development of the gluteus maximus muscle and not enough exercises for the gluteus medius.

Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle include deep squats, Romanian and deadlifts, leg presses, pelvic lifts, barbell bends, and leg kicks.

Exercises for the gluteus medius muscle include leg extensions in a machine, various variations of leg abductions to the side.

The gluteus minimus works in tandem with the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles and is developed by the same exercises listed above.

The best basic exercises for the buttocks

Basic exercises help not only build muscle mass, but also burn a large number of calories due to their high energy intensity. Here is a list of my favorite basic exercises aimed at developing the buttocks. The quadriceps hardly work, which means growth is not possible.

  1. Reverse hack squats

One of the most effective basic exercises with a high degree of isolation. Serious weight and a long trajectory of movement allow you to pump up the buttocks well, while the work of the quadriceps is completely excluded. For those girls who want to pump up their butt, this exercise can be an excellent replacement for regular squats.


  • set the working weight;
  • stand facing the back of the machine, placing your shoulders under the pillows;
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart at the near edge of the platform;
  • lift the weight and remove the supports;
  • slowly, while inhaling, begin to squat, moving your butt back;
  • linger at the bottom point and push with your heels, exhaling and rise up;
  • Having completed the required number of repetitions, return the stops and attach the machine to them.

2. High-stance platform press

In this exercise, foot placement plays a decisive role. The higher you place your feet, the more your hip flexion increases and the less range of motion your knees have. This means that to focus on the buttocks and turn off the work of the quadriceps, place your legs so high that only your heels are on the platform.


  • set the working weight;
  • take a comfortable position in the machine, pressing your lower back tightly against the back;
  • Place your feet at the top of the platform, shoulder-width apart (toes peeking out);
  • straighten your knees, lift the weight and remove the supports;
  • as you inhale, begin to bend your legs and lower the weight (you don’t need to lower it deeply);
  • with an exhalation, perform a platform press, but do not extend your legs completely;
  • Having completed the required number of repetitions, return the supports and attach the platform to them.

If you put your legs wide and turn your feet to the sides, the inner thighs will come into play. You can try another variation of the press at different angles, when one leg is on the platform. In this case, we work separately on each side of the thigh, working the outer part of the gluteal muscle.

3. Romanian deadlift in Smith / dumbbell / barbell

The movement is multi-joint and several muscle groups take part in it to varying degrees: hamstrings, back extensors, lumbar muscles, gluteal muscles. Unlike deadlifts and deadlifts, the Romanian specifically loads the gluteus maximus muscle, which is why this exercise has become number one among girls.


  • take the starting position: grab the bar with a straight grip shoulder-width apart, place your feet narrower than your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together;
  • as you inhale, begin to bend over, moving your pelvis back (the bar slides over your hips, your legs are straight or slightly bent at the knees);
  • Having dropped just below the knee line, exhale and return to the starting position.

Key point: the movement should not be carried out by tilting the body forward, but by moving the pelvis back.

4. Good Morning Exercise

Another interesting exercise that all girls will definitely love because it does not exclude the work of the quadriceps and works exclusively with the posterior group of leg muscles.

This exercise is similar to the Romanian deadlift and uses the same muscles. Only the bar rests on the shoulders, as we usually do in squats.


  • place the barbell on the trapezius (the exercise can also be performed in a Smith machine);
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees;
  • bring your shoulder blades together, slightly arch your back at the lower back - this is your starting position;
  • bend forward, moving your pelvis back;
  • Having reached the level of parallel with the floor, return to the starting position, bringing your pelvis forward.

Important! You need to not just lean forward, but rather move your butt back. If it stays in place without moving, the main load will shift to the back.

How I shake my butt)

After giving birth and being discharged from the maternity hospital, I wanted to run to the gym right away, but the doctor threatened me with all sorts of terrible things and told me to wait at least three months! And now exactly three months later (I had just returned to work) I immediately started going to the gym!) Now I work out once a week, while the child is very small more often than not (And I work out exclusively with a trainer - for my personal reasons. Alone and by myself I give myself such loads that in the gym I feel dizzy/nauseous, then I really can’t walk and even lie down hurts) Like, let a fool pray to God - he’ll bruise his whole forehead))) And it’s not always possible to do the exercise correctly, and with my scoliosis, lardosis and kyphosis, I need to do everything right.

In general, I believe that all female beauty is concentrated in the ass) The butt should be large and elastic, and the waist should be thin and narrow) This is apparently because nature did not reward me with boobs))) So I became fixated on my fifth point as the center universe)

And so this is what I mean by all this! Every Sunday, while Vadim goes to bed for a 2-hour lunch nap, I start my workout at home!

I start the workout with the press, it’s like a warm-up for me) 4 sets of 30 repetitions.

And here are my favorite exercises for a beautiful butt:

Exercise one.

The first exercise to warm up is squats. Place your feet wide and squat as deep as possible to get the most out of your glutes. While squatting, push with your heels, you can even lift your toes a little. I do 4 sets of 30 repetitions.

Exercise two. The next exercise will be aimed as much as possible at working the buttocks—lying up the pelvis. It is performed lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet placed close to the buttocks. For greater efficiency, you can place your feet on a hill to increase the amplitude. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, straining the buttocks. I will do 4 sets of 40 repetitions.

Exercise three. The next exercise for a beautiful butt is lunges. It’s better to do them with weights, but the effect will be there even without it. During lunges, your legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, keeping your back straight. The knee of the back leg cannot rest on the floor. Try to include your buttocks as much as possible. I do it with dumbbells of 3 kg each. I do 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

Exercise four. Deadlift. You can do it with a barbell, or you can do it with dumbbells. I do it with a barbell.) This exercise is mega-effective. It comes in 4th in my arsenal for bombarding the buttocks. It kind of cuts the muscles of the buttocks, making them CONVEX, and since the load also falls on the back of the thigh (biceps of the thigh), this is another advantage in the form of an expressive transition from the legs to the buttocks, such a beautiful transition effect is obtained. I do 4 sets of 25 repetitions.

Exercise five. Lift onto the bench with one leg at a time. This exercise works the entire lower body, including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. By the way, the higher the step in the exercise, the more the buttocks will be involved. I do 4 sets of 30 repetitions.

Exercise six.

Swing your leg to the side while lying on your side. This exercise uses the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles. It is worth noting that when performing, you can use both partial and full range of motion, as well as apply isometric force (occurs due to a short pause in the upper phase of the exercise). I do 4 sets of 30 repetitions.

Exercise seventh.
Plie squats. This type of squat focuses on the buttocks and inner thighs. Place your feet wide and bend slightly at the knees. Turn your socks out to the sides as far as possible. Wrap your arms around your waist and take the starting position. As you inhale, lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and as you push off the floor, exhale. I do 4 sets of 20 reps.

Girls, if you know effective exercises for the buttocks, share! I will be very happy!!!

PS don’t forget about PP) You can’t go anywhere without it)))

Isolation exercises for the buttocks

The base is the basis for the growth of the buttocks, and isolation of lagging muscles is needed in order to obtain the coveted roundness. Isolation exercises work only one muscle group and one joint. With their help, you can work out a specific muscle well. Now let’s name the best isolating exercises for the buttocks.

  1. Glute bridge on a bench

The bridge refers to conditionally basic exercises with isolated training of three paired gluteal muscles. Allows you to increase muscle mass and is as effective as many basic exercises. Perform the bridge next after the base, as a finishing exercise, squeezing the buttocks at the top.

My favorite way to do a bridge in Smith is with your back resting on the bench. If the range of motion of the machine does not allow you to lower your pelvis low, place your feet on a hill.


  • place the bench so that when you take a lying position, the bar is on your hips;
  • lie down with your shoulder blades on the edge of the bench, place your feet on the platform (if necessary);
  • as you inhale, begin to lower your pelvis down;
  • As you exhale, rise up, squeezing your buttocks at the end point.

2. Kneeling leg raise

To make the exercise effective, you need to come up with an additional load. This could be a fitness band, leg weights, or doing it in a machine where you can rest on your knees and lift your leg up.


  • kneel down, rest your palms or forearms on the floor;
  • arch your lower back and pull in your stomach;
  • bend one leg at the knee and, as you exhale, lift it as high as possible;
  • hold for a second and, as you exhale, lower your leg, but not all the way, so as not to relax the muscles of the buttocks.

3. Taking the leg to the side on the lower block

An isolated exercise for the gluteus medius muscle, which, although it lies under the gluteus maximus, plays an important role in shaping the appearance of your butt.


  • stand sideways to the machine;
  • put the cuff on the ankle of the far leg and attach it to the cable of the lower block;
  • grab the exercise machine with your hand for support, transferring your body weight to your non-working leg;
  • slowly move your leg to the side and slightly back using the gluteus medius muscle;
  • hold for a second and slowly lower your leg;
  • After a given number of repetitions, do the exercise for the second leg.

Key point: don't use momentum, try to abduct your leg using isolated force from your glutes, and don't lift your leg too high.

4. Kneeling leg extension to the side

Another great glute medius exercise that you can do with weights. This could be leg weights, a dumbbell held in the knee, or a fitness band.


  • kneel down, rest your palms or forearms on the floor;
  • arch your lower back and pull in your stomach;
  • bend one leg at the knee and, as you exhale, move it to the side until it is parallel to the floor;
  • hold for a second and lower your leg as you inhale.

5. Breeding legs in the simulator

And of course, one of the best exercises for the gluteus medius muscle and giving the hips a rounded shape is the leg raise in the simulator. The body can be held straight or leaned forward. Try different options to understand in which position you feel the work of the gluteus medius muscle better.


  • sit on the exercise machine seat;
  • the machine is designed for both abducting and abducting legs, so switch it to the correct mode;
  • position your hips between the side supports;
  • clasp your hands in front of you or grab the handrails, you can tilt your body forward;
  • As you exhale, spread your legs apart;
  • hold for 1-2 counts and slowly, while inhaling, return your legs to the starting position, without completely relaxing the muscles.

We try to train the problematic muscle group 1-2 times a week. Not more often! Alternate between hard and light workouts. On the day of heavy training, we do 2-3 basic exercises with maximum weight and fewer repetitions, then we include isolation. On a light training day, do 1-2 basic exercises with less weight and more repetitions, then move on to isolation.

You should always start your workout from the base! It is wrong to use isolation at the beginning of the workout to activate the gluteal muscles and better feel their work when performing basic exercises. Research shows that pre-fatigue of muscles with an isolation exercise reduces the degree of their participation in the subsequent basic exercise. You will feel your glutes better in the same squats, but only because they are already exhausted from isolation, and not because they are more actively involved in the work.

The most effective exercises for the buttocks

First of all, I want to tell all my readers who want to pump up their butt in a month, the basic rules for performing such exercises. Start with a minimum number of repetitions and sets, you can use weights only after a couple of weeks, when the muscle corset gets stronger, watch your breathing. Start with squats, which maximally affect the buttocks area, and then supplement your training with other exercises.


A good exercise to give your butt a rounded shape. Moreover, experts have developed several variants of lunges that can be alternated and over time performed all at once. Namely:

  • classic lunges - take a big step forward, squat on the front leg at a right angle, and bend the back leg at the knee, then return to the original position;
  • reverse lunges - take steps using the same principle, but only backwards, bending the front leg at an angle of 90 degrees, and placing the shin of the back leg parallel to the floor;
  • Bulgarian lunges - place the back leg of the feet on a chair, and bend the front leg in front of you at a right angle, then return to the original position.

You first need to do the exercise a certain amount on one leg, and then repeat the principle of work, but with the second leg. Start with 10-15 repetitions on each limb in 3 sets.


Each of you probably knows how to do squats. But few people pay attention to the basic rules for performing this exercise, namely:

  • the press is kept tense;
  • keep your back as straight as possible;
  • when using dumbbells, they are held in the hands parallel to the floor surface;
  • feet are not lifted off the floor;
  • the knees do not extend beyond the line of the feet;
  • sit down while inhaling, stand up while exhaling.

Do 10-12 squats in one repetition; you can repeat the exercise after 2-4 minutes of rest. The loads are increased gradually, initially the squats are done shallow.

Even earlier, I already talked in more detail about squats for the buttocks at home, about the monthly squat program and squats at Smith.

Raising the torso

Take a lying position on the floor, keep your arms along your body, and bend your legs at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. Now try to slowly raise your pelvis to the maximum possible height, without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor. At this point, fix the body for 30-60 seconds, after which lower the pelvis down, but do not touch the floor. Immediately repeat the exercise for 10-15 repetitions in 3 sets. Over time, you can place a water bottle and other weights on the abdominal area.

Swing your legs

By performing leg swings, you can pump up the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. Make swings while standing on all fours, alternately throwing each leg as far back and up as possible, and then pressing it to your chest. In the same position, you can swing with bent legs (90 degree angle) in different directions. Lie on your side, resting on your elbow, then lift each leg to a 45-degree angle. The exercise is performed 10-15 repetitions in 3 sets for each limb.


First, let's jump with a jump rope to train the necessary muscles. Over time, you can use a low step or other elevation, but as stable as possible. You need to jump on it, fixing your hands, and then walk down. Start with 10-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets, and remember that cardio training helps burn excess fatty tissue in the buttocks.


This exercise is a universal way to pump up a group of muscles at once, including the buttocks, thighs, and even the lower abdominal muscles. To perform the “bicycle” exercise you must:

  • lie on your back, place your legs and arms straight along your body;
  • then throw your hands behind your head;
  • raise your shoulders while pressing your lower back to the floor;
  • At the same time, raise your legs, bending them at the knees;
  • perform alternating circular movements with your legs, imitating riding a bicycle;
  • at this time, try to touch your elbows to your knees, but in a cross direction.

Perform the exercise smoothly, without sudden jerks or haste, while breathing as freely and evenly as possible. Make sure that the surface underneath you is hard and take a half-minute break between approaches. It is important that there is no tension in the neck area, and that your legs do not fall to the floor while performing the bicycle. The higher your legs are, the easier it will be on your neck and lower back.

Walking on your buttocks

To perform this exercise, sit on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head, and keep your back as straight as possible. Lift the hip of your right leg, take a step forward in the air and lower the limb back to the floor. Now repeat the step, but with the second leg. In total, you need to take 20-25 steps on each leg to tighten your butt and increase its size in 1 month.

How to pump up your buttocks without weakening your legs

There are some points on which the result of your training will depend. Read attentively!

  1. Train your buttocks a maximum of twice a week to prevent overtraining and, as a result, stagnation in growth.
  2. In your training program, use basic and isolation exercises. This way you will simultaneously build muscles and give them the correct shape.
  3. Basic exercises should be performed with a maximum weight of 3-4 sets with repetitions of 8-12 times. Isolation - with lighter weight, 3-4 sets with 15-25 repetitions.
  4. Eat right. If you work out but don't eat right, there will be no results. Training triggers future muscle growth, and growth itself depends on the quality of nutrition.
  5. To avoid swinging your legs, limit exercises such as squats and lunges (targeting the quadriceps and hamstrings). 1-3 sets with light weights, not to failure, once a week is enough.
  6. Try to do any exercise to failure if you want to pump up big buttocks.
  7. Some cardio machines can add volume to your quadriceps. Therefore, if their development does not interest you, refuse to exercise on a stair simulator, walk on a stepper and run on an incline.
  8. After 3-4 months of regular exercise, muscles adapt to the load, which will certainly lead to stagnation in results. To do this, periodically change your training program (changing the exercises themselves for others, increasing the intensity, performing them in supersets).
  9. It is very important to learn how to load exactly the target muscle group. Learn the mental connection with your muscles, otherwise your quads will grow exponentially, but your butt will not.
  10. In isolation, additionally squeeze your buttocks and hold them in a tense state for 1-2 seconds.
  11. And be sure to stretch at the end of the workout. Believe me, this is very important! If you want to get sculpted, slender legs, then be sure to stretch.

In general, building training is an individual process. If your friend walks around the gym with dumbbells every day and her butt grows from lunges, this does not mean that this will happen to you. Listen to your body, feel the work of your muscles, try different exercises, change your technique - do everything so that you really feel your butt.

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