How to build relationships in a team in a short time

Creating a favorable climate

The psychological climate can be favorable or unfavorable. The first is characterized by:

  • friendly attitude of participants towards each other;
  • camaraderie;
  • adequate mutual exactingness, which determines creative and effective activity;
  • mutual assistance;
  • joy from communication and openness of communications;
  • safety and comfort;
  • optimism;
  • self-confidence and team confidence;
  • the opportunity to think freely and creatively, to discover and realize one’s own potential.

But it is worth noting that a combination of mutual demands and mutual assistance is mandatory. Mutual assistance alone will turn into permissiveness, a “brotherly” attitude, which over time will create an unfavorable climate.

An unfavorable or unhealthy climate includes the opposite characteristics:

  • pessimism;
  • mistrust and disrespect;
  • coldness and secrecy in relationships;
  • inhibition of personal potential;
  • irritability;
  • tension and conflict;
  • uncertainty;
  • misunderstanding;
  • fear of error, punishment and rejection;
  • suspicion.

It has been noted that a healthy climate increases productivity and labor efficiency. Unfavorable climate causes frequent incidents of safety violations and reduces productivity by 20%.

A healthy climate satisfies the needs of its members and does not conflict with social norms and values. For example, in a criminal group there may be a unity of opinions, views and beliefs, but for society the activities of its members are harmful, in fact, as in the end for the participants themselves (they just don’t know it).

A favorable climate is formed where participants clearly see the goals of the team, clearly understand and accept them. At the same time, they have a flexible system of means and ways to achieve them.

The higher the level of development of the team, the more favorable the climate. However, even at a low level of development, a favorable climate can be created.

Team working environment

It is important to maintain the unity of motives, interests, beliefs, ideals, attitudes, needs of the participants and correctly combine their individual characteristics.

A favorable psychological climate cannot arise by itself. This is the product of the coordinated and hard work of the entire team, and the competent organizational activities of the leader.

Purposeful work must be carried out to create a favorable climate. This is a responsible and creative undertaking that requires knowledge of human psychology, the ability to predict likely situations in relationships, and understand emotions and their regulation.

Creating climate begins with changes in each individual person. In order for interpersonal relationships to develop favorably, you need to:

  • work on your own negative character traits;
  • to form positive moral qualities (respect for people, recognition of their dignity and honor, attention, recognition of the beliefs and interests of other people, trust, observance of politeness and rules of behavior, objective assessment and self-esteem, tact);
  • use polite words and phrases, observe etiquette;
  • master methods of emotional and mental self-regulation (necessary for the prevention and elimination of irritation, resentment, burnout, nervousness, anger, fatigue, agitation, apathy);
  • know strategies for behavior in conflict situations and be able to resolve them competently;
  • avoid maximalism in judgment and behavior, egocentrism, labeling, categoricalness, inflated expectations and ideas.

Each member of the team should be valuable, unique and positive in their own way, and in a group setting they should complement each other, not interfere or overshadow each other.

How to build relationships after conflict? Psychologist's advice

An effective method called visualization will help correct the situation and build new relationships after a conflict situation. Human thoughts are material, which means that the power of human imagination has the ability to move a negative situation towards a positive one. First of all, you need to calm down and relax, and then mentally look for good qualities in the character of the offender. This is unlikely to be easy, given that at this moment the level of negativity towards the opponent is simply off the charts, but it’s still worth trying. And over time, the conflict situation will be forgotten and perhaps the development of relations with this employee will reach a new, better level.

Some delve into all the subtleties of the internal life of the work team to such an extent, taking all the events that happen there to heart, that this harms their personal interests and even career growth. How should you behave if you really want to express all your complaints to an employee? In this case, the psychologist advises to calm down and look at the situation from the position of an outside observer. By acting in this role and putting aside emotions, you can control the situation without giving your opponent a reason for aggression. Many people start a conflict with the goal of bringing the interlocutor out of balance and in this way achieving their goal. Balance, calm, decency and a sober look will destroy all the intentions of the aggressor and disarm him.

Relationships are a real art, and their main secret is sincerity and honesty. By showing real interest and respect for people, you can create favorable and friendly relationships in the work team. And do not forget that the most important tool in resolving conflicts is politeness.

How can a boss improve relationships in a team?

The head of a department is chosen not only for his professional skills. A competent boss manages staff, resolves conflicts and develops employees. In addition to trainings, educational programs and corporate trips, the manager is recommended to observe the behavior of subordinates. People are divided into types, under which certain behavior is hidden.

  1. If there is a subordinate employee who is ready to argue about any issue, then he belongs to the rigid type. Such a person challenges the decisions of the boss, gets into quarrels with the team, defending what is right. How to manage such a subordinate? Present tasks not from a specific person, but give instructions or a set of rules. Such people do not listen to specific opinions, but respect the accepted rules.
  2. If an employee impresses you with his accuracy and attention to detail, then do not rush to get rid of him. Limit the person's communication with other employees. Load it with tedious and painstaking tasks. The employee’s pedantry is enough to resolve issues in the best possible way.
  3. Artistic personalities are everywhere.
    And although office rooms are not a theater stage, they need attention. Such people give their best if the result impresses others. To control the demonstrative type, surround such a person with attention. Get unexpected results.
  4. Quiet employees who are ready to carry out any task unquestioningly seem to be a godsend at first glance. Over time, conflicts arise in the team. Such a person forgets about assignments, fails, and starts projects. To prevent this from happening, take advantage of the openness and sociability of such an employee. He will fit into the team perfectly if a person is placed above him who will control the execution of the work.

Don't forget that the atmosphere in the team depends on your behavior. If you call an employee into the office and discuss other subordinates with him, then expect gossip about you. Do not single out any employee in the team. This will not encourage others, you will only make it clear that this person is your favorite.

Such a situation will create an unhealthy atmosphere in the team. If a new subordinate has not joined the team, then help him. Dismissal is the last resort. Accept this event as a failure in your leadership role. A competent boss does not change a person, but directs his aspects and character traits in the right direction.

Who benefits from gossiping?

Natalya Storozheva, general director of the Perspektiva business and career development center, teacher at the Russian School of Management, regretfully admits that gossip is an integral part of social life and office life as well. Whether we like it or not, gossip exists, no matter what the team is - even if it consists of three people.

— There are teams that are more prone to gossip, and in some places such behavior is even encouraged — for example, if a middle-level manager himself is not averse to discussing his colleague. More often, male managers have a negative attitude towards gossip and try to stop it. But in this case, such conversations go into an uncontrolled “gray” zone, and people continue to gossip - in smoking rooms, break rooms, during lunch or business trips of the boss, etc., says the expert.

The employees themselves (depending on their education and cultural level) decide how important this is for them and how appropriate it is to participate in it. An intelligent person can neutralize gossip if it is unprofitable for him, or he can use it to solve his problems. After all, the struggle in offices is for influence, money, popularity, etc. But some use this tool pragmatically and cunningly, while others gossip unconsciously and trustingly. The latter are more often victims of gossip. Therefore, one should not underestimate the impact of gossip on a career - it can destroy it.

— Last year, when a wave of layoffs swept across Russia, there was a rumor in one of the companies that 15-20% of employees would lose their jobs. Therefore, in the logistics department, where there were 7 people, everyone decided to protect themselves in accessible ways. So, one of the employees brought a pregnancy certificate a week later. And the remaining six employees began to write memos to the boss against each other. About colleagues being late, about someone leaving the office during working hours (isn’t she going to interviews?), etc. The head of the company did not appreciate such “dedication”; on the contrary, he was shocked by the relationships that had developed in the team. And in the end, those who lied the most were fired.

Who won in this situation? We can say that the manager identified the most unreliable people in the company, but whether this benefited the business is unknown.

— From the employee’s point of view, perhaps you will be able to achieve what you want with gossip. From the point of view of a manager, of course, with the help of gossip you can get a person fired. From a business point of view, I cannot say that the more gossip, the better for business,” Storozheva summed up.

A similar opinion is shared by the recruiting sales director Konstantin Bryauzov. By encouraging gossip among employees, a manager may be able to achieve a certain tactical goal, but in a global sense, this is a destructive format of interaction in a team. In addition, very few people are able to be effective workers in a state of constant stress.

— In this case, the employee’s guideline is not his own self-confidence, which allows him to achieve results, but the opinions and criticism of his colleagues. This directly affects the efficiency of the company itself: the overall goal and focus on winning are lost, since each individual player is aimed not at performing his immediate tasks in the best possible way, but at maximizing his reputation and maintaining it in the eyes of his colleagues. In addition, it is worth noting that an aggressive environment is actually created in the team, which, willy-nilly, is projected onto the client, since it is almost impossible to separate the external from the internal.

How to improve relationships in a new team?

Starting a new job is a certain stress. In the first days, a person just takes a closer look, accepts the amount of work, and learns. The established procedures and relationships between employees are still not clearly understood. A new person is not always received with enthusiasm. Perhaps you came to the position of an employee with whom you were friends.

  1. Don't try to be friends with everyone. Still, working relationships are different from friendly ones. Communicate with other employees kindly and confidentially, but do not reveal family secrets. In every team there is a person who knows how to win over and draw out a frank conversation. Such an employee will sympathize, give advice and can become your best friend for a while. But, any work scandal where you find yourself on opposite sides of the barricade, and the whole team will know about your personal and family life. There are exceptions to the rules. It is at work that one meets a life partner or best friend. But before you trust a person, get to know him better.
  2. Be polite and friendly.
    Don't forget about the simple rules. Wait for the person running up to the elevator, hold the door for another employee. If your company occupies several floors in a building, then say hello to everyone you meet. It is not necessary to know the person personally; it is enough that you work in the same company and are colleagues. Make small talk while waiting for the elevator or while in the meeting room waiting for the manager.
  3. Don't pay attention to gossip. Be prepared that in the new team you will be discussed. If you hear whispers behind your back or notice that your colleagues become silent in front of you, do not be upset. This is the fate of all new people. Also, resist the temptation to discuss other employees. If you notice that intrigues are woven around someone, do not get involved in such dubious activities. Do not participate in the conversation, move the conversation to another topic, or leave under an important pretext.
  4. Don't indulge your colleagues' requests. They like to push tasks that they are tired of or don’t want to do on a new person. Psychologists' studies have shown that sympathetic individuals do not occupy high positions. While such people solve other people's problems, their work remains untouched. If you don't know how to say “no,” then it's time to learn. Perform only those tasks that are included in your job description. For other requests, refuse and refer the employee to the boss. Let the manager make such a decision. Do not think that in this way you will make enemies; on the contrary, you will earn respect.

Don't ask colleagues insensitive questions. One of these is salary information. Rarely does anyone answer such questions. And the person being asked feels awkward, especially if he has agreed not to disclose salary information.

How to maintain discipline in a team?

23 Feb 2011 As the great commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov defined once and for all, “discipline is the mother of victory.” Therefore, in addition to questions about how to find, persuade, and motivate staff, you as a manager will definitely be faced with the need to maintain law and order within your area of ​​responsibility. In recent years, we have been difficultly brought up within the framework of a system of democratic, and more often pseudo-democratic ideas. Where the leader, of course, is a “democrat”, and his main values ​​are “honesty and openness”. These are the kind of pearls that can be found in training manuals and serious textbooks on management. We obviously do not want to return to the “totalitarian past”, but it is necessary to recognize that not all issues of organizing personnel work are resolved by democratic methods. Someone still needs to take responsibility and stop “being nice.” And most likely, it will be you – an effective leader.

So where is the dividing line between democracy and authoritarianism? What distinguishes a leader from a “connivance”? Only discipline. And she does not tolerate compromises. Do not count on the internal discipline of your employees. If you do not take care of discipline, then even the most responsible people, raised by parents, school and army, will find themselves in the minority. Roll up your sleeves and...

Start with yourself

Discipline always starts with the manager, and no instructions, corporate codes, fines, public reprimands, boycotts or calls to the carpet will help if the manager himself refuses to follow them. If you are late, lamentation over one-time and massive lateness of employees is an empty shake of the air. If you work carelessly, do not be surprised that labor productivity drops until it drops to a critical level. If you are chatting with your family on your mobile phone, your threatening glances towards your sociable colleagues are completely useless. And so on ad infinitum. For any significant questions.

The leader sets the general tone, style, and finally makes the difference. They look at you and look back. They rely on your opinion, and are guided by your behavior. Therefore, do not complain about the imperfections of human nature and start discipline with yourself. After you have agreed with yourself, follow a few more simple rules.

Keep your distance

Despite all the diversity, there are only two options for action, as a result of which you can become a leader. Option one is when the manager goes through all stages of the career path in the company from an ordinary employee to the head of a department. Option two is when a manager takes managerial heights in a new organization. However, here any manager may face a new difficulty - everything (or almost everything) he wants to do will immediately collide with the corporate culture of the team he must lead.

In both the first and second cases, the key tool for promoting one’s management decisions is distance, because it is a mandatory element of management. In managing subordinates, this element allows the manager to see the situation from the outside, not to “get involved,” to exercise control and find opportunities for maneuver. Distance also significantly influences subordinates, setting guidelines and boundaries of acceptable behavior, cooling hot heads and restraining the impulse to demand justice. In general, distance forces staff to behave correctly and decently.

However, we should not forget that showing concern for subordinates, working together on new and interesting projects, creating a festive mood, etc. are also important elements. Distance in no way means that others should be treated arrogantly and with contempt. Distance is an upbringing option that allows you to work and have fun. Therefore, if there is no distance, the leader must restore it. If there is a distance, there is no need to test its strength.

Ready solutions

Do you know the difference between management and orienteering? In orienteering you are looking for a solution and in the process of cross-country running you realize your talent and have fun. But in management, the decision must be made in advance. And not only for you, but also for your subordinates.

This, firstly, means that all rules, procedures, acceptable and unacceptable actions, performance criteria, as well as measures to support and encourage them, must be known to the employee before starting work. He shouldn't guess, shouldn't search. He must know not only how to act, but also the limits of his own powers. According to the Pareto principle, in 80 cases out of a hundred - how to cope on your own, in the remaining 20 - how to cope with the help of management. Secondly, knowledge of the conditions and principles of work must be sealed with consent. Therefore, it is customary to introduce all work rules, job descriptions and orders “under signature”. This has a deep bureaucratic meaning. Now not only you know what is good and what is bad, but also your employees.

Important “little things”

There are still a number of details that need to be discussed.

1. Having given your word, hold on. Don’t make empty promises, and if you do, keep them, since keeping promises and discipline are directly related things.

2. Switch to “You”. This should be done regardless of whether you are younger or older than your subordinates, whether it is customary in your team to call everyone by their first name or patronymic or simply by their first name, whether you have known each other for a long time or have recently met. A simple and respectful “You” has a huge influence on subordinates and disciplines well. 3. Keep your face up. Undoubtedly, the more successful a leader is, the more nasty things he will hear about himself. The more powers he has, the more difficult decisions he will have to make. And here it doesn’t matter at all what people think, and especially what they say. Therefore, you should react to all situations with restrained goodwill. 4. Take the hit. Without a doubt, the manifestation of such ordinary human emotions as surprise, anger, confusion, weakness makes any leader more humane. But you don't have the right to do this. You should keep your doubts to yourself - at home or with a psychotherapist. 5. Tone makes the phrase. It is an indisputable fact that all subordinates are afraid of the manager’s shouts, because none of the staff wants to be drawn into a conflict or be publicly insulted. At the same time, subordinates know that the manifestation of such emotions on the part of management is a signal of loss of control. Remember that any conversation in a raised voice will one way or another show your vulnerability, which in turn will reduce the corporate distance.

6. The manager “burns down” the house. Management should not drink and play with subordinates. Naturally, some people need more control, while others just need help or just have fun. However, unfortunately, in most cases, the joint pastime (leisure) of management and subordinates divides to a greater extent than unites. Therefore, no matter how much the manager wants to “ignite”, one should maintain a distance.

Example: the CEO of one company was convinced that Friday evening was a unique opportunity not only to relax the dress code. Friday evening is a great chance for team building. Therefore, on Friday, all department heads gathered in the meeting room to get another dose of team interaction. Evening meetings ended at different times with varying results, including the loss of company property and broken noses among employees. But the general director persistently stuck to his line. He was sincerely convinced that this led to friendship, mutual understanding, cooperation, and did not want to notice that not only office ladies, but also representatives of the stronger half were preparing for Friday get-togethers as an unbearable, but obligatory duty. However, two comments and consultations were enough to stop. This was a real general director, so the decision was made solomonically: an order was issued about the inadmissibility of staying in the office after the end of the working day. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Accounting and control

So, you are collected, and your employees are armed with useful information. In general, everyone is ready for work achievements. But this is not enough for discipline; it requires constant attention and support, accounting and control. At first glance, people are difficult material to take into account, since there is a lot of subjectivity in them. But discard emotions, that is, be interested not in the inner world, but only in one behavior, and behavior related exclusively to work discipline. The rules of behavior are always simple.

1. Time

To maintain discipline, consider time first. It’s a familiar picture – work deadlines are regularly pushed back, everyone works late, gets tired and complains. And it may seem that the amount of work is inhuman. But what is it? Go to the monitors - everyone is on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. Listen to telephone conversations: “Everything is as usual... Have you eaten?... She has such a terrible character... I haven’t seen you for a long time... Why are you talking to me like that?” Call the employee’s internal phone - it’s silent. We find out: he smokes or has lunch.

Time tracking will always show how busy your staff is. Time is the most objective and neutral indicator of what is happening. "Accuracy - the politeness of kings". Therefore, all temporary norms must be complied with: he came, he left, he promised - he did, he did not have time - he warned. And it’s okay that our Labor Code measures everything in broad strokes of being four hours late. If your employees respect time, everything goes according to plan. If things get messy over time, something needs to change.

2. Dress code

The uniforms of doctors, installers, and sales managers once and for all close the gigantic gap in the discrepancy between the appearance of employees and accepted corporate standards. Clothing of the brands sold by sellers is a requirement of companies that are leaders in luxury trade. A bank employee of any gender can be easily identified by his strict blue suit. You will recognize a middle manager of a large international company from a thousand... by his pink shirt. And even civil servants - wearers of corporate suits of inconspicuous colors - are forced to introduce rules of appearance not only for themselves, but also for visitors.

If everything is simpler for you, then the classics of the genre will do - white top, black bottom, covered shoulders and neckline. Taking into account that the main trend in the dress code in recent years is liberalization, just make sure that everything is neat: your hair is clean, your shirts or turtlenecks are fresh, your shoes are polished.

3. Speech

To prevent language from becoming an enemy, everyone monitors speech, always and everywhere. Linguistic violations of rituals and traditions at work traditionally include profanity. It would seem that speech without non-normative inclusions is an immutable norm and a mandatory rule, but even here everything is not so simple. There have been situations when employees of well-known organizations claimed that for them profanity was the norm. Another important criterion of disorder (just don’t be surprised) is lying. Deception even in small things is alarming. This means that employees are either afraid to tell the truth or are hiding serious problems from management. In both cases, the lie demonstrates a lack of loyalty, trust, and the possibility of a crisis at any moment.

Two words about assessment

Sometimes it seems to managers that comments are not enough to control discipline and evaluate the performance of employees, and then they decide to take an extreme measure - an assessment. Today, assessment tools and procedures are the subject of close attention and discussion in the professional press. This fashionable and popular trend reflects the hope for objectivity in assessing staff performance.

Indeed, for accounting, control and planning of activities, various processes and procedures can be provided, which, on the one hand, make it possible to manage large teams, and on the other hand, to see inconsistencies and points of growth in a large enterprise. But there is one “but” here. The fact is that assessment is only possible for powerful players. Modern assessment tools and procedures are designed for large companies with very strong differentiation of functions and specialization of labor. The strength of the brand, reputation, and extensive social opportunities allow us to balance the tools of control and evaluation.

Any attempts to transfer the experience accumulated in large businesses to small and medium-sized businesses lead to a very strange result - people get offended and leave. The assessment tools are tough, and the real sector does not have the resources to retain people in conditions of tough assessment: salaries are small, the social package is conditional. Therefore, without special tasks and sufficient resources, it is not worth testing the team’s strength. He can't stand it.

Drawing conclusions, we can say that discipline in a team can be achieved only through the education of both the leader himself and the education of his subordinates. In this case, such important factors as distance, time, speech, dress code, behavior and psychological preparation should be taken into account. It was not for nothing that Suvorov said that discipline is the mother of victory.

Climate levels

Climate has two levels: static and dynamic.


This is a stable attitude of employees towards work, constant interpersonal relationships. The climate is stable and tolerates external influences well. It is not easy to create a climate at this level, but then it is easy to maintain. Team members feel this stability, which makes them more confident in their own position. Climate correction is practically not required, control is occasional. This level is also called the socio-psychological climate.


This is the changing nature of the team. The climate changes daily due to the changing moods of its participants. This level is also called the psychological atmosphere. It changes faster and is less felt by the participants. As changes accumulate, it can create an unhealthy climate in the team.

How to improve relationships in a team at work?

It happens that a person who has held a position for more than one day encounters difficulties in communication. Changes occur as a result of changes in management, promotions, and the addition of new tasks. It happens that a trivial work issue leads to a real war between departments. How to improve relationships in a team at work?

  • Analyze the situation. Remember when your relationship with your colleagues went wrong. What is the cause of the conflict. If you were at fault, apologize to your colleagues. Then think about why the rift occurred. Perhaps you are tired, tired of work, burdened by a position or a list of responsibilities. The reasons may be personal, family troubles, a quarrel with the husband, illness of close relatives. All these factors affect performance and mood. Learn to abstract yourself from personal troubles and focus on work issues.
  • Be natural. It will not be possible to improve relationships right away, especially if you are the culprit of the quarrel. Artificial use will not work. It’s not the best option to come the next day with a cake or pastries, treat your colleagues and pretend that nothing happened. The treats will be eaten, but the relationship will remain tense. Act carefully, after apologizing, offer to help with a difficult issue, help with a report. If you don’t get results right away, don’t go to extremes. The wrong path is to search for like-minded people and divide them into warring groups. If you do not feed the situation, then over time it will be forgotten.
  • Don't complain to your manager about other employees. Resolve issues in a businesslike manner. Send requests, offer to meet, schedule meetings. If your requests are related to work issues, then another department is obliged to fulfill them. The most important thing is not to get personal. Relationships will not improve immediately. Over time, employees will see that you don't engage in debates that don't involve work. Gradually the relationship will improve. If the situation escalates to the limit and you are fired, then show your boss evidence of your professionalism: correspondence, requests, answers from colleagues.
  • Don't start shouting. As a rule, such behavior is forced by bosses who are accustomed to expressing dissatisfaction in a raised tone. Calmly listen to the manager, give a reasoned answer, say that you will prepare a report by such and such a time. Don't show that you're annoyed, much less shout back. A tyrant manager will fire you, and a normal boss will then make it clear that he was wrong. To relieve stress, leave the office, have lunch, drink a cup of aromatic coffee, get distracted and let go of the situation. This way you can get back to work and complete the task efficiently. If you go to discuss the situation with a colleague, you will only make things worse. The work will be left to chance, you will screw yourself up even more. As a result, you will receive another scolding from the boss.
  • Start with yourself.
    Pay attention to how you communicate with colleagues. You arrogantly defend your point of view because you have been working in the company for 15 years. Or maybe tell each employee the truth, believing that sincerity is your main weapon? Think about how you would react to such behavior from a colleague. It is much easier to convey your opinion if you back up your words with facts and evidence, rather than offend and humiliate others.

When establishing relationships in a team, start with yourself. Remember that each person is an individual with character, habits, and work experience. Don’t put pressure on your colleagues, don’t give in to provocations, forget about gossip and gossip. The main task at work is to perform efficiently the tasks assigned by the manager. To do this, it is not necessary to be friends with colleagues and fulfill requests. Treat each employee with respect while maintaining a business-like relationship.

Building working relationships with colleagues: the best ways

Developing relationships with our co-workers reduces tension and stress in the workplace. Makes the environment free and comfortable for work. This, in turn, increases the efficiency of our work. You weren't looking for a job to argue with your colleagues, were you?

Below are relationship tips to get to know your colleagues better, create good relationships with your colleagues:

Meet your teammates

Always take the time to get to know your teammates better. You never know what common interests you both will share, inside and outside of work. It's almost impossible for an introvert to share everything with a complete stranger. In such cases, give him time to get to know the team. When he needs expert advice, you can easily lend a helping hand and start communicating. You never know which of them may seem like a genuine and good colleague. And perhaps a good friend in the near future.

Follow common interests

A good and easy way to build a positive relationship with your office colleagues is through a shared interest between them. There may be several cases where two people at once showed interest in working on a common project. At the same time, they had a common interest in a certain hobby. These things can happen quite often if you communicate openly with your colleagues. Focus on an interest that can be of common interest to both of you. What may seem like a rambling conversation could lead to you becoming best friends in the next few days. An invaluable advantage in employee friendship is psychological comfort. When you can hear advice from a colleague or share various news, the day flies by. In this case, energy will not be wasted on conflicts or endless squabbles.

Work not to earn money, but to build trust

This is not a vague statement, but a truth of life that most people tend to ignore. You need to work not only to earn money, but also to earn the trust of your colleagues. You need to learn to build trusting relationships with them; there should be a positive environment in the workplace. Trust is the foundation of all relationships. Therefore, you need to learn to trust even those with whom it seems difficult at first.

Speak positively

You should speak positively about others, especially your colleagues, including your manager. This gives a positive vibe in the workplace. Even those who are not friendly enough or are reserved also tend to melt after your compliments. A person must know how to deal with critical situations and thus gain the trust of his colleagues. Provide quality feedback to everyone. This will restore the quality of relationships and create a healthier workplace environment.

Supporting other people's work

This is the main key to success when building strong relationships. You need to know how to effectively deal with any situation. At work, you need to appreciate and complement other people's work, be it good or bad. This encourages the other person to get to know you a little more and will therefore add effectiveness to your relationship. Also ask how you can help your colleagues with their work. This will ultimately lead to a closer, deeper connection with you and allow your relationship to become one of friendship. These things, in turn, will bring peace and loyalty in the work environment.

Share knowledge

Share your knowledge with your work colleagues. This will not only expand your knowledge, but also create an impression of you as an employee who is always ready to help. Share your knowledge with information about work, as well as with things outside of work. This will make your relationship with your colleagues more friendly.

Be positive

Positivity is something that every person should exude every day. If you have a positive mind, nothing can stop you from achieving what you set out to achieve. It is common knowledge that positivity is contagious. If one person in a team is always in a great mood, he can easily solve professional problems. He inspires others to think positively and act more effectively.

Introduce yourself at social gatherings

This is the easiest way to build relationships with colleagues and with anyone. A lot of people warm up the corporate spirit. All you have to do is attend public meetings. This is the best place to meet someone, share your interests and knowledge. Events such as lunch and dinner with co-workers are quite useful for building camaraderie. Casual conversation and a positive attitude will show you as a friendly and peaceful person.

Be honest

Honesty in communication is the best way to win people over. An open heart is the key to success. Honest people tend to develop closer relationships with colleagues compared to those colleagues who are less honest. You need to encourage yourself to be honest, both with yourself and with the other person. You can understand what is going on in another person's mind just by looking into their eyes. All of this helps build healthy relationships at work and take them to a whole other level.

Another important rule: do not try to be friends with all your colleagues or offer friendship to those employees if you do not have a sincere interest in them. In this case, it is better to maintain a working relationship and show business politeness than false friendship.

Thank your colleagues

Thanking people for their generosity is the bravest way to build relationships. By expressing gratitude, you are sure to build trust with your colleagues. This will give your colleagues the opportunity to help you in the future on unfamiliar projects and solving a variety of problems.

Having friends at work also helps you get through the tough work days. Creating healthy and good working relationships with your co-workers will open doors for promotion. This allows those who work with you to have confidence that you are capable of handling any situation. But you should never forget that no matter what the company’s relationship style is, your most important task is to professionally fulfill your direct responsibilities.

Climate diagnostics

Team working environment

The socio-psychological climate in a team is an indicator of the level of development of the team. Therefore, it is important to regularly carry out diagnostics and monitor dynamics, to identify the properties that hold the team together or destroy it. For this purpose, the method of assessing the level of psychological climate of A. N. Lutoshkin’s team is suitable.

The subject is asked to answer 13 statements regarding the team in which he is located. The score can be from -3 to 3.

Answer form

22 points and more – highly favorable climate.

8-22 points – moderately favorable climate.

0-8 points – low favorable climate.

From 0 to -8 – initial unfavorability.

Psychology at work

From -8 to -10 – moderately unfavorable climate.

From -10 and more – pronounced unfavorability, unhealthy climate.

Each team member takes the questionnaire. When summing up, all points are summed up and divided by the number of people surveyed. The final number is the overall score of the team. You can also calculate an overall score for individual criteria.

Signs characterizing climate

Externally, you can judge the climate of a team by the following signs (useful for those applying for a job):

  • staff turnover;
  • product quality;
  • level of discipline;
  • claims and complaints, negative feedback from employees;
  • frequent breaks from work;
  • negligence and carelessness.

The better these indicators, the more favorable the climate. Signs of a favorable climate also include:

  • trust and high demands in relationships;
  • kind and constructive criticism;
  • freedom of speech and opinion;
  • providing initiative to employees, lack of managerial pressure;
  • awareness of participants in team issues;
  • satisfaction from belonging to this group;
  • mutual assistance and highly developed empathy;
  • responsibility for yourself and the entire team.

What affects climate

Team working environment

The climate is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. Type of organization, team. Open or closed, private or public, scientific or industrial organization. Family, class, criminal group, charitable association.
  2. The image and standard of living of the team members.
  3. Micro (everyday for a particular person) and macro (city, country, culture of society) conditions: normal, complicated, extreme.
  4. Rational organization of work, compliance with the regime and rights, taking into account the capabilities and characteristics of each team member.
  5. Team structure.
  6. Informal leaders or groups in a team.
  7. Leadership style and features. A favorable climate requires attention from the manager not only to production issues, but also to the personal problems of team members. That is, the democratic style.
  8. Individual psychological and personal characteristics of team members. Personal opinion, mood and behavior of a person contribute to the overall climate. This is based on passing external factors and events through the prism of one’s own character and personality.
  9. The combination of the characteristics of all participants forms a new collective quality - the psyche of the collective. Therefore, the psychological compatibility of the participants, primarily in terms of temperament, plays a big role. Psychologically, people must be compatible in terms of psychomotor reactions, emotional and volitional manifestations, the work of thinking and attention, and character. Incompatibility causes antipathy, hostility, and conflicts.
  10. Self-assessment of each participant. His self-awareness and the correspondence of claims and achievements.

The leader has a great influence on climate formation. You should pay attention to his personal qualities, attitude towards other participants, authority, leadership style. A positive climate is created by a leader who:

  • principled;
  • responsible;
  • active;
  • disciplined;
  • kind, responsive and sociable;
  • has organizational skills.

Rudeness, selfishness, inconsistency, disrespect, and careerism have a negative impact on the health of the climate.

The conditions that dictate the climate also depend on the leader. Necessary:

  • be friendly and respectful in relationships;
  • provide employees with the opportunity to choose their own area of ​​activity;
  • notice and celebrate the activity and creativity of employees;
  • promote employee interest in self-development;
  • motivate employees for career advancement with the aim of not only material gain, but also to gain prestige and recognition from the team;
  • be a good qualified leader and a kind mentor.

What a leader can do for a favorable climate:

  1. It is justified from a psychological standpoint to select personnel.
  2. Organize regular training and certification.
  3. Study and practice the theory of psychological compatibility, that is, have a good understanding of people.
  4. Contribute through practical activities (through organizing events) to the development of interaction and relationship skills.

How to become part of a new team?

  1. First of all, don't rush. Don’t expect to be greeted with open arms, accepted as “one of their own” and immediately privy to all the secrets. This is unlikely to happen (although it is still possible). But in most cases, it takes much longer to “integrate” into the team. This process can take several weeks or even months, so be prepared and patient.
  2. How to behave in the first days at a new job? Do not worry. Relax and just be yourself, then people will be drawn to you. If you are constantly in tension, then this state can be passed on to your colleagues. In addition, you may be considered a nervous, unbalanced or even inadequate person, and this will also not be good for you.
  3. Don’t try to show that you want to make friends with your colleagues, don’t impose yourself or “suck up.” Not only is this very annoying, but it can also make you look bad as a person and as an employee.
  4. Follow the dress code and try to be like everyone else. Work is not a place where you can stand out from the crowd and shock. Employees who are too bright are often perceived as unserious, so they are treated with skepticism.
  5. Find out and follow all the rules in force in the team, both those established by your superiors and the unspoken ones. Now you are part of the system, and for it to work smoothly, each employee must obey certain laws.
  6. Respect the leader, even if you don't like him. No, you shouldn't try to become his friend or fan, it will only turn other colleagues against you. But be sure to listen to his opinion, ask for advice and seek help (but not too often, if absolutely necessary).
  7. Don't be too eager to show your boss how good you are. And don't be arrogant under any circumstances. In the end, if you are truly an experienced and talented professional and master of your craft, then this will certainly be noticed, but in due time. And “showing off” and demonstrating your skills will irritate your new colleagues and make you look like a braggart and a “boob.”
  8. Don't gossip, no one likes that! Even if you are actively provoked into gossip, you should not take part in it. No, you should not refuse to talk, otherwise your colleagues may think that you are indifferent and arrogant. But say only what you are sure of. And never insult, condemn or criticize anyone, even if all this is completely justified. It is advisable to keep your subjective (and even objective) opinion to yourself.
  9. Don't join groups. In some companies, the team is divided into coalitions, and a new employee can become a new potential member of the group and a real “tidbit” for leaders. But the main goals of forming such associations are often to seize power, gossip, and privileges from superiors. Probably in the future you will join some kind of group, this is often inevitable, and it is always very difficult to be a loner. But for now, take a closer look, analyze and reason.
  10. Don’t complain to your superiors, they don’t like sneakers anywhere. Try to solve all questions and problems yourself, for this they will respect you.
  11. If there are representatives of the opposite sex in the team, do not flirt with them! Firstly, this will inevitably lead to rivalry. Secondly, office romances interfere with work and climbing the career ladder.
  12. If you were hired for a new position “through an acquaintance,” you should not advertise it.
  13. Carry out your duties, try to learn quickly and grasp everything literally on the fly.
  14. Show sincere interest, not only in what is happening in the company, but also in the personal problems of your colleagues. But you shouldn’t become a “vest”, it will greatly disturb you and bother you in the future.
  15. Express your opinion, but don’t be an “upstart”.
  16. Take part in social activities unrelated to your professional responsibilities.
  17. It is worth being friendlier, more responsive and more welcoming.
  18. Try to find an adviser or even a mentor who will help you and help you find your place in the team.
  19. Maintain jokes and develop a sense of humor, this helps to relate to everything easier and speed up production processes. But there is no need to joke all the time or use “black” humor.
  20. Do not behave provocatively and vulgarly, try not to attract everyone's attention.
  21. Even if the new job seems very difficult to you, don’t whine or complain, “whiners” are not liked anywhere.

Satisfaction as a criterion

The basis for climate assessment is people’s satisfaction/dissatisfaction with relationships in the team and the activity itself. However, you need to understand that satisfaction can be subjective and objective.

It often happens that one person is completely satisfied with the team, while another is not at all satisfied with the working conditions. This is subjectivity in assessment. Differences in experience, conditions and quality of life, interests, character of people and other individual characteristics contribute. The principle of subjective satisfaction is the relationship between the parameters “I give” and “I receive”.

Dissatisfaction with delayed wages, regular punishments, non-compliance with labor standards, violation of rights is an objective indicator.


Psychological climate is sometimes identified with socio-psychological or moral-psychological, which further emphasizes its basis. The basis of a favorable climate is the unity and similarity of values ​​among team members.

Mutual aid

The nature of the climate affects the individual: whether or not it stimulates work, joint activities, raises or lowers the mood, instills faith or self-doubt in one’s own strength, cheerfulness or despondency, stimulates or suppresses activity.

It is very easy to guess the nature of the climate. It is enough for its participants to only answer the questions “like - don’t like”, “satisfied - doesn’t suit”, “would like - don’t want to be in a team.”

Learn about what the psychological climate in a team is and how to create a favorable climate from the specialists of the Synergy University of Self-Development.

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