Restoring a child’s immune system after taking antibiotics

How to boost your child's immunity at home

There are now many drugs being advertised that boost immunity. They cost a lot of money, and their effectiveness is controversial and doubtful.

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Adults face a difficult task: how to boost a child’s immunity at home without medications? Solving it is quite possible, because previously there were no tablets and syrups of such a level as now. People were looking for other ways to improve their health and found them.

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Characteristics of immunity at 4 years

The leukocyte formula is the ratio of the concentration of lymphocytes in the blood to neutrophils. From birth to the 4th day of life, neutrophils predominate in the blood of newborns (60%), and lymphocytes contain 3 times less.

On days 4-5, the first crossover of the leukocyte formula occurs - changes in which the concentration of lymphocytes in the blood increases (up to 60%) and the number of neutrophils decreases (up to 20%).

A high concentration of lymphocytes up to 4 years of age is necessary for the body to strengthen the child’s immunity, since the immune system is still learning to recognize foreign microorganisms.

Second leukocyte crossover

An increased concentration of lymphocytes is observed until the age of 4–5 years, when the second leukocyte crossover occurs. From the age of 4, lymphocytes become about 20%, and the number of neutrophils increases to 60%, which corresponds to the characteristics of adults.

From the age of 4, the leukocyte formula of the blood gradually acquires the reactivity of an adult; the body continues to improve immunity until the age of 16.


The development of humoral immunity is not completed yet at four years of age. Although the relative concentration of IgG and IgM corresponds to the content of these immunoglobulins in adults, IgA still circulates in the blood insufficiently.

An increased amount of IgE is found in the blood of a 4-year-old child, which increases the allergic mood of the body. And the lack of free circulating IgA explains the increase in the frequency of acute infectious diseases in children 4 years old.

When can you start boosting your child’s immunity?

A weakened child’s body will open up to illness. In addition, the child constantly feels tired and apathetic. This is the signal “to fight.”

headache in a child

You can determine that a child’s immunity is not working at full strength by the following signs:

  • The baby is constantly tired and indifferent, his mood is depressed.
  • He often complains of headaches and is susceptible to colds.
  • The skin is faded, with a grayish tint, hair grows, nails crumble and break.
  • The child is either sleepy or suffers from insomnia.
  • Dark circles appear under the eyes.
  • Often complains of pain in muscles and joints.
  • Digestive function is impaired.
  • There is a tendency to allergic reactions.

A significant decrease in immunity is manifested by the fact that the child is constantly sick. How to boost immunity and break the vicious circle of incessant sick leave is the main question for parents of such “sick” children.

How to boost immunity for a 1 year old child

Children are susceptible to colds and viruses during the cold season. And parents are thinking about how to boost their 1-year-old child’s immunity so that he gets sick as little as possible.

Protective ointments for colds

To increase the body’s resistance in a one-year-old child, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before going outside, lubricate the child’s nasal passages with protective ointments (Oxolinovaya, Viferon).
  • After each walk, rinse your nose with saline solutions (No-salt, Aqua-Maris or regular saline).
  • If you are sick, wear a gauze bandage to protect your baby from infection.
  • Walk outside as much as possible, with the exception of winter with temperatures below 10 degrees below zero.
  • Eliminate stressful situations and be as positive as possible.

Dress your baby according to the weather, do not wrap him up so that he does not rebel. Children are very active; excess clothing only disrupts heat exchange. These are the main points on how to boost the immunity of a one-year-old child.

How to boost immunity in a 2 year old child

The body's ability to resist external stimuli in two-year-old children is quite weak. How to boost the immunity of a 2-year-old child is a pressing question for all caring mothers.

child vaccination

To ensure that the little person gets sick as little as possible, they resort to the following methods:

  • Prophylactic vaccinations are given; this is a fairly effective way to avoid infectious diseases.
  • They correct the nutritional diet, maintain the body’s water balance, and take a course of multivitamins.
  • They use traditional medicine recipes. You should not resort to pharmacological agents, which can cause various side effects.

Teach your son or daughter the rules of personal hygiene. Washing your hands after returning from the street should become a habit for your child.

How to boost the immunity of a 3 year old child

When a child is three years old, a crucial moment comes when he goes to kindergarten. Parents should pay maximum attention to strengthening the child’s body’s defenses.

hardening of children

How to boost the immunity of a 3 year old child:

  • Find out the causes of regular illnesses (perhaps the problem is not in the immune system).
  • Follow the rules of dress. There is no need to wrap your child up too much; be guided by the weather and how you dress.
  • The children's diet should consist mainly of healthy, natural and fresh foods.
  • Perform hardening procedures (morning exercises, regular walks, contrast showers). Teach your child to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Children should not be given drugs that enhance immunity without consulting a doctor. Such drugs are indicated in cases of immunodeficiency. The doctor must conduct the necessary examinations and, based on the results, give appropriate recommendations.

By the age of three, a child’s immunity is already sufficiently developed. The main task is not how to increase the child’s immunity, but how to provide preventive support for the protective function. If your son or daughter gets sick no more than six times during the year, then this is considered normal.

Caring for a child in the acute phase of ARVI

Respiratory viral infection most often occurs in two stages. In the acute period, fever, headache and muscle pain, sore throat, and profuse nasal discharge are possible. For the first three to four days, the child may experience weakness, sleep more than usual, and set himself to bed rest. After three to five days, the temperature usually subsides, the child becomes more active, but the body will need another week or two to get rid of the runny nose and cough and regain strength. How to properly care for a child at each of the two stages of the disease?

In the acute period of ARVI and influenza, the main thing for a child is rest and plenty of fluids. It is better if it contains vitamins - unsweetened compotes and fruit drinks from cranberries and other healthy berries, rosehip infusion, herbal teas with lemon. It is important to ventilate the room and, using available means or a humidifier, maintain air humidity at 50-60%.

When they have a headache, a sore throat, and their nose can’t breathe, children often refuse to eat. Do not try to feed your child by force - the body of a preschooler and primary school student will not suffer if left without food for a short time. However, make sure that during illness the child eats only healthy foods: when appetite is reduced, “junk” food is especially unacceptable. First of all, provide your child with easily digestible protein (chicken, turkey, eggs), fiber (fruits, stewed or steamed vegetables), and foods containing live bacteria (kefir, yogurt).

Experts also recommend supplementing the child’s diet with therapeutic and preventive nutrition with a complete composition of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, for example, Clinutren® Junior (Clinutren Junior). It’s easy to make a delicious cocktail from the dry mixture, which even a child with a sore throat can drink without effort. A serving of this drink replaces a full meal, and one can of dry mixture is enough to prepare 10-12 servings of cocktail.

In addition to nutrition and vitamins with Clinutren® Junior, the child receives probiotics and prebiotics, which restore digestion that suffers due to infectious intoxication. Clinutren® Junior is based on easily digestible proteins (50% casein and 50% whey protein). Whey protein is rich in essential amino acids that a child needs to restore muscle strength and immunity. Casein provides a feeling of fullness.

How to help your child recover faster after ARVI

How can you boost your child's immunity?

The main way to boost a child’s immunity is to saturate the child’s body with the missing vitamins and microelements.

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An important role is played by the activation of the child’s motor activity and staying in the fresh air. Temper your baby, but remember not to let the body become too cold. There are many options on how to boost your child’s immunity and keep it in good condition.

Proper nutrition

proper nutrition for children

Remember, our immunity is healthy if our intestines are healthy. The correct menu is one that meets the growing needs of a growing body for vitamins and other useful elements.

The ideal option is to feed babies breast milk. It can only be replaced with mixtures with probiotics and prebiotics. The child's diet includes dishes made from vegetables, fruits, and dietary meat.

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It’s good if these products are natural and home-grown.

Fatty, sweet foods, as well as flour products, should not be offered to young children. Such food contributes to the accumulation of excess fat, which negatively affects the immune system.

Drugs to enhance immunity

A caring adult is looking for a way to safely and quickly boost a child’s immunity. There is no single approach, everything is individual.

Drugs that normalize immunity include:

  • Herbal: Immunal, Schisandra chinensis, Ginseng, Echinacea.
  • Bacterial origin: Imudon, Broncho-munal, Ribomunil, IRS19.
  • With nucleic acid: Kavesan, Ridostin, Deritan.
  • Immune interferon: Viferon, Arbidol, Anaferon.
  • Immunostimulating: Vilozen, Taktivin, Timalin.
  • Synthetic stimulants: vitamin complexes.

The doctor will tell you how to boost your child’s immunity after an illness using medications after an examination and passing the necessary tests.

Daily walks in the fresh air

How to boost a child’s immunity without drugs? The effect of O2 on the human body is invaluable. Oxygen has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves appetite and sleep. Walks should be included in the baby’s daily routine for at least three hours.


Walk in the fresh air

Normal development of a child is impossible with a lack of sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D3 is produced, without which calcium cannot be absorbed.

Active lifestyle

An active lifestyle helps boost your immunity. It is good for children to swim, walk a lot, run, and engage in sports - dancing, gymnastics. Teach your child to do morning exercises every day.


Let him ride a scooter, a bicycle, and play with children on the playground. Physical activity increases blood circulation, while leukocytes move more intensely and do not “ignore” viruses and bacteria that have entered the body.

Vitamins for immunity for children

A child's body needs the required amount of vitamins.

Essential elements for health include:

  • Vitamin A, C, D3, E.
  • B vitamins (B2 or riboflavin, pantothenic acid - B5, pyridoxine - B6, cyanocobalamin - B12)
  • Selenium, zinc, iron, magnesium.
  • Omega-3.

Children who do not suffer from vitamin deficiency are much less likely to get sick.

How to boost a child’s immunity using folk remedies

How to boost your child’s immunity using folk remedies yourself?

treatment with folk remedies

Use popular tools:

  • Infusions of medicinal herbs, adaptogens of plant origin - echinacea, ginseng.
  • Vitaminized mixtures.
  • Propolis.
  • Decoctions of immunostimulating herbs - chamomile, calendula, lemon balm, linden.

Give all these remedies to your child with caution, preferably under supervision or after consultation with a doctor.

Folk remedies.

Children with weakened immune systems need to be given more vitamins, everyone knows this. Moreover, it is better if these are seasonal vitamins, fresh, and not in the form of tablets and capsules. In summer, fresh black currants, raspberries, cherries and apples are useful for general strengthening. In the winter season, you can give your child compotes, teas and decoctions of frozen berries, dried fruits and medicinal herbs.

It is better to avoid alcohol infusions; they are contraindicated in children. It is best to prepare the products yourself, at home. If you don’t have the skills to collect and prepare healthy herbs, you can always buy them inexpensively at any pharmacy.

From our website:

Below, in the list of the best folk remedies there is nothing complicated and nowadays they can be found everywhere, and will be useful not only for children, but also for adults.

Honey and propolis.

Bee products should not be given to children with acute allergies and a tendency to allergic reactions in general. It is not advisable to give honey to children under three years of age. To boost immunity, you can add honey to any tea you prepare for your child, to milk, and to almost any decoction and herbal infusion.

From our website:

It is better to purchase propolis at a pharmacy in the form of an aqueous solution. Children are given a few drops, depending on age, 2-4 times a day.

Although, my parents always gave me propolis once, in the morning and only in winter. This component should also not be abused.


We gave this drug to the child only when seasonal epidemics of ARVI and influenza began.

Echinacea preparations should not be given to children under one year of age; other children are allowed to take this medicinal plant orally in dosages that are appropriate for their age.

From our website:

Many questions are raised about home preparation of the product and its dosage regimen.

How to boost a child’s immunity after an illness

The child is sleeping

In order to restore immunity after an illness, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Immediately after recovery, avoid contact with sick people.
  • Dress warmly, do not freeze.
  • The baby needs to get a good night's sleep, at least 8-10 hours a day.
  • To walk.
  • Eat fully and correctly. The child's appetite and stool should be normal.

Do not overload children with physical activity, follow a daily routine.

How to boost immunity after chickenpox in children? Follow the recommendations listed above, and your baby will quickly recover from illness.

Visiting a kindergarten or school

If parents cannot “sit on sick leave” with their child longer because they urgently need to go to work, then they should ask the grandmother or nanny to stay at home with him for a few more days. Pediatricians do not recommend sending your child to kindergarten or school immediately after recovery. After the illness, his immunity is still weak, and he will not be able to adequately resist new viruses or bacteria that can “attack” a person recovering in a crowded group of children.

While the child is recovering at home, it is necessary to gradually re-accustom him to the desired daily routine. After all, during an illness, the baby’s daily routine changes, he sleeps longer than usual, and a sharp change in his sleep schedule can lead to increased physical and emotional stress.

Where can I buy chewable vitamin C for children cheaper?

The best price and range of chewable vitamin C for children is offered by the most popular joint shopping site. Here you can find the highest quality products at good prices.


You can restore it:

  • Pharmacological drugs - Acidolak, Bifiform.
  • Consumption of fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits.

Talk to your doctor about how to boost your child’s immunity using folk remedies. For an infant, breast milk is an indispensable product.

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