How to find out the gender of your unborn child without an ultrasound. How to plan the gender of the unborn child, by the date of conception, by the blood type of the parents, by signs, by the date of birth of the parents. Planning the gender of the child according to the table

Pregnancy is not only a time of joy and agonizing anticipation of meeting the future baby, but also that period in life when the expectant mother begins to become interested in many nuances that did not worry her before, before conceiving a child. One of these moments is the question of who will be born to her: a boy or a girl?

And in order to find the answer to it, many couples today resort not only to a proven method - medical ultrasound examination, but also to numerous folk methods of determining the sex of the unborn child, which from time immemorial have been passed down from generation to generation and have come a long way, proving their efficiency and accuracy.

How was the gender of a child determined before?

Many women today are interested in the question of how in the past, when ultrasound and other medical developments were not very developed, future parents determined the gender of the child using folk methods?

The first thing that is always paid attention to when a woman is pregnant is the shape of her growing belly. It was believed that if it itself is round and wide, then it is worth waiting for the birth of a girl, if it is more pointed and sticking out forward, then it is a boy. Today, many doctors laugh at this sign, since the shape of a pregnant woman’s belly, of course, in no way depends on the sex of the baby. A big role here is played, first of all, by the physique of the expectant mother, the size of the fetus and the way it is located in the womb.

At one time, there was another way to determine the sex of the unborn child by the appearance of the abdomen. It was generally accepted that if a pregnant woman’s belly initially tilted more to the left, then this also predicted the birth of a girl, and if it tilted to the right, then the birth of a boy. A similar interpretation concerned the area where the expectant mother felt the first movements of the fetus: in the left part of the abdomen - towards the girl, in the right - towards the boy.

Belly shape

The second thing that did not go unnoticed was the nutrition of a pregnant woman. Since ancient times, it was generally accepted that a woman expecting a boy has an increased appetite and eats quite a lot, as if for two. At the same time, the food that she consumes is, for the most part, quite salty, sour and mainly consists of meat products.

A woman carrying a girl inside her, on the contrary, eats little and in small portions, and chooses mainly fruits, pastries and sweets for her diet. However, she does not experience toxicosis, unlike those women who are expecting a boy.

And finally, the appearance of a pregnant woman was of great importance in determining the sex of the unborn child. It was believed that if a woman during pregnancy began to look worse than usual: her hair or skin deteriorated sharply, her nails peeled off, pimples and blackheads appeared on her face, and in general she took on an unhealthy appearance, then all this was the “tricks” of the girl , which grows inside her. And today there is even a scientific explanation for this: the future daughter, roughly speaking, sucks all her external beauty from her mother, taking away certain female hormones from the latter and worsening her metabolism. Due to the last two reasons, the appearance deteriorates.

It's the opposite with boys. A pregnant woman, in most cases, begins to blossom, becomes unusually beautiful and attractive, and arouses sincere admiration from the people around her.

Of course, there are other folk signs, but, unfortunately, they are not so relevant at the present time. Here are some of them:

  • the sex of the child at birth will be opposite to the sex of the parent who was more active during sexual intercourse when conception occurred;
  • if a woman becomes more irritable and nervous during pregnancy than usual, then she should expect a girl, otherwise, a boy;
  • if a woman becomes clumsy in her movements, then this is for the birth of a boy, more graceful and graceful - for a girl;
  • if a pregnant woman during this difficult period of nine months prefers to sleep turning on her left side, then it was believed that she would have a boy in the future, but if on the right, then a girl;
  • if a woman in position, when asked by another person to show her hands, holds them out with her palms up, then you should wait for a boy, and vice versa, with your palms down, you should prepare for a girl;
  • if the year in which the pregnancy occurred and the age of the mother at the time of fertilization are both even or odd numbers, then it is worth waiting for the birth of a girl when one of them is even and the other is not; if it’s the other way around, then it’s a boy;
  • if for a woman the conceived child is not the first, then you can remember what word was first uttered by the baby who was born earlier: if “mother”, then most likely a girl will be born, if “father”, then a boy will be born.

Determining the sex of the child

How to tell if you're having a boy based on your eating habits

They say the first sign that parents are having a girl is toxicosis. That is, there can be no talk of any food in the first few weeks. It turns out that the absence of toxicosis is a sign that a boy will be born. Once again, it is worth mentioning the fact that every woman’s body is individual, and even more so during pregnancy. Therefore, even if the majority experiences such sensations, there will definitely be those mothers who will say that all this is nonsense.

So, how to determine the gender of your unborn child based on food preferences? If a woman constantly wants meat, sausages, hot and salty things, then according to legends she will give birth to a boy. Men, even those who are still resting in their mother’s belly, prefer strong and solid food; they may be drawn to fried steaks and barbecue, as well as uncharacteristic sauces, such as ketchup or real fiery adjika. Drinking large amounts of water is typical, since a woman is almost always hot when carrying a boy.

What methods are still relevant today?

Today, when asked how to find out the sex of a child using folk methods, all three of the above methods of determining the sex of an unborn child are still popular: by the shape of the abdomen, by the appearance of the expectant mother and by her taste preferences. Many women often try to predict the gender of their unborn baby, focusing on these folk methods of determining the gender of the child. Some do this as a joke, while others take such signs seriously.

But, in addition to the methods described above, there is another method that evokes considerable confidence among many couples in love - this is the technique of predicting gender by blood renewal. This method is based on the cycle of the blood renewal process of a man and a woman, which is directly dependent on the date of their birth.

As you know, the cycles of two opposite sexes - male and female - are absolutely different and represent strictly defined time periods that begin to count from the very moment of a person’s birth. At the moment when the state of the blood in the human body of a man or woman changes from its maximum value to its minimum, the so-called blood renewal occurs.

So, whose blood, male or female, is stronger and younger at the time of conception, determines the gender of the unborn child.

Attention! Since the moment of blood renewal can be calculated in advance, since it is tied to certain dates, it is not difficult to predict the gender of a child conceived on a particular day of a certain year.

In addition, some doctors who have quite a lot of experience in monitoring pregnant women determine gender by the fetal heartbeat, assessing its frequency and rhythm. The heart of an unborn boy, as a rule, tends to have a slower, more uniform heartbeat, while the heart muscle of a girl tends to be active and chaotic. But not all obstetricians take this method seriously, considering it complete nonsense.

Well, judging by popular signs, the moment of conception itself, or rather the sexual act in which it occurred, is also of no small importance. If this process took place on the day when a woman ovulated, then this meant that she should prepare for the birth of a son. If sexual intercourse occurred before the ovulation period in the female body, then it is worth waiting for a girl.

Methods for determining the sex of a baby


The opportunity to find out the sex of the child more reliably than with the help of omens has recently appeared for parents. Now you can not only examine it using ultrasound diagnostics, but also get a photo as a keepsake.

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But this does not happen with every baby - for example, it may be positioned incorrectly. Some parents deliberately refuse ultrasound diagnostics. Therefore, methods of finding out the sex of a child using omens are still as popular as in former times.

Determination of gender can even occur by the gait of a pregnant woman, as well as by her appearance. Even if young spouses do not believe in omens, the majority still listen with interest to their relatives’ interpretations on this topic. They will have to check the accuracy of the predictions very soon.

Which method is the most effective?

Despite the fact that many folk methods of determining the sex of an unborn child are supported by many years of research and experience of past generations, you should trust only one method - medical ultrasound. And even then, even it is not able to predict the gender of the unborn baby with an accuracy of one hundred percent.

Of course, you can use some of the methods described above if, for example, a couple already has one male child, and the urgent question is how to get pregnant with a girl and guess the gender of the child 100 percent. In this case, folk remedies, such as a wooden spoon and scissors under the bed mattress and a pink bow under the pillow at the time of sexual intercourse, can give confidence to both parents. And confidence is, as they say, half the battle.

Attention! As statistics from recent years show, if both parents passionately desired to conceive a child of a certain gender, then in almost 80% of cases they managed to do this.

How to find out the gender of the unborn child by the date of conception?

To conceive a child, one condition is needed - ovulation. That is, the date when a woman’s egg reaches the surface of the ovary. At this moment, a sperm is needed to connect with the cell and fertilize it.

Pictures on request ovulation

As you know, a woman produces only X chromosomes, while a man can produce both X and Y chromosomes. As soon as the female X chromosome combines with the male X chromosome, the result is a girl; when the X and Y chromosomes combine, the result is a boy. One thing to consider about the date of conception is that the chromosomes responsible for the birth of girls live 4 days longer than the Y chromosomes.

Pictures upon request fertilization

The male chromosomes in turn combine with the female egg on the same day. Thus, if you want to give birth to a boy, make love directly on the day of ovulation, if you want to give birth to a girl, then make efforts 2-3 days before ovulation. To do this, you need to calculate the moment of ovulation, which usually occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation. The accuracy of this expected event can be calculated by measuring your basal temperature or by purchasing an ovulation test at your local pharmacy.

Pictures on request ovulation test

Test to find out the gender of the unborn child

As we know, the most reliable source of information on determining the sex of a child is ultrasound. And then, after the birth of the child, the results may not be confirmed. Expectant parents happily rush to the diagnostics and await the results. To avoid languishing, try taking the test in the photo below. Only “yes” or “no” answers are accepted.

Arm yourself with a pen or pencil and write down the answer option under the question number. If you have less than 50% negative answers, then you will have a boy; if almost all the answers are positive, you will have a girl.

Pictures on request pregnancy

How to find out the gender of the unborn child using the Chinese table?

Chinese teachings are used in modern times and should be given their due. The Chinese were among the first to learn the basics of medicine. For more than three thousand years we have been using their knowledge and applying it in practice. Once upon a time, a burial place was found in China, where documents and manuscripts were discovered. Among them was a Chinese table.

Pictures upon request Chinese manuscripts

A few days later, scientists found that this table helps to calculate the gender of the unborn child. And later they learned that it was the tomb of a local monk who lived as a hermit and studied the basics of medicine. It was from his writings that the Chinese table came into modern times, according to which the sex of a child can be determined. To do this, you need to use the mother's age and month of conception.

In the leftmost column, find the mother's age; on the right side are the months of conception. Find their intersection and find out the result. M is a boy, D is a girl. Let's look at it in more detail using an example. Let's say the expectant mother is 22 years old. Conception occurred in March. It follows that at the intersection of these indicators there is M, which means there will be a boy.

Whether to trust the described theories or not is a personal matter for each parent. Not all theories are accurate; in addition, the health of the mother, just like the father, can be influenced by factors such as blood loss, illness, even an incorrectly recorded date of birth can give an erroneous result. Therefore, trust your heart and be patient until the baby is born. Once he appears, all your doubts will disappear. Good luck in counting and good health!

How to find out the gender of your unborn child using an online calculator?

A real assistant in determining the sex of a child are online calculators of various contents. There are countless of them on the Internet; we suggest using several constructors at the same time, by which you can determine the desired result.

All you need is the date of birth of both parents and the expected date of conception. Enter them in the designated fields and click on after calculation. An equally popular method for online calculation is calculating the blood type of future parents. If you know these indicators, then use this method.

How to find out the gender of the unborn child by the blood of the parents?

The theory of blood calculations to determine the sex of a baby is based on two indicators: the blood type and the Rh factor of both partners. Below is a table showing the results of different combinations. If you trust this theory, then if both partners have blood type I, then the conception of a girl is most likely to occur. If the father has blood type II, and the mother has blood type I, then it is most likely that the result will be a boy.

The same method works on the Rh table. From our diagram it can be seen that if the partners have the same Rhesus, they get a boy, but if a woman has a positive Rh and a man has a negative, a girl will be born, and vice versa.

Pictures upon request who will be born to the mother

How to find out the gender of the unborn child using the Japanese table?

The Japanese have long been considered a wise people who made discoveries in various fields. It is their theories that are followed in the field of medicine. So today, when considering the question of how to find out the sex of an unborn child, the most accurate answer will be hidden in the Japanese table.

Pictures upon request Japanese gender determination table

It would seem a simple table, however, it is worth deciphering. The basis will be the month of birth of the mother, the month of birth of the father and the estimated month of conception. The table is divided into two parts, in the first of which you need to find the intersection by month. For example, the mother was born in June, the father in October, the values ​​intersect at the number 10. With this number, we turn to the second table. We look for the top line with this value, now we go down through the cells and look for the probable month of conception. For example, in our case, conception occurred in June. We are looking for the result, according to our data, a boy should be born, since the largest number of crosses is located in the male column.

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