What to do so that a child is born a genius. What affects a child's intelligence before birth? Advice for women who want to give birth to a smart child

What to do so that a child is born a genius

In our age of scientific progress and increasing intellectual growth, every parent thinks about the future of their child and dreams of raising a real child prodigy.
Therefore, the question: “What to do so that a child is born a genius?” is becoming more and more relevant, young married couples believe that a child prodigy can even be planned! And, what’s most interesting, scientists support them in this and even answer their question! So, in our article we will give you some tips that will help you give birth to a truly smart baby! And the question “What to do so that a child is born a genius?” will disappear on its own. Scientists believe that parents who are planning to give birth to a real genius need to calculate the time of conception so that the birth occurs in February-March, because social research confirms the fact that most geniuses were born in late winter and early spring. This is explained quite simply: during the period from February to March, increased activity is usually recorded on the Sun, and if this also coincides with a specific level of radiation, it affects the activation of brain activity.

There are also certain conditions for your residence - preferably, it should be 60 latitude, and even better - if there is an active volcano or mountain range near your abode.

Here is such advice, which, rather, is a happy, but absolutely random circumstance, since it is very difficult to predict the activity of nature at one time or another.

Tip two.

The age of the parents is also important in this matter, according to genetic scientists. Without fail, the mother of a child genius must be much younger than her husband. Thus, it is noted that most often a child was born a genius when his mother was very young - about 13-15 years old. However, this does not mean at all that all 15-year-old parents are necessarily carrying a child prodigy in their wombs. After all, the age of the father is important! Calculating the ideal age difference is simple: divide the father's age by two, add seven - and get the desired mother's age. However, what does this mean? In order for a child to be born a genius, it will be necessary to marry not for love, but according to the age norm. Whether it's worth doing is up to you to decide.

Do not think that in order for you to be born a genius, you only need a happy coincidence of circumstances - not only the child’s intelligence is important here, but also your general, family intelligence. It has been proven that the higher the arithmetic average family level of intelligence, the higher the likelihood that the baby will be born a genius. Just determine the IQ level of each family member, add it up and divide by the number of people. The higher the value, the greater the chances of giving birth to a genius. But there is also such a pattern: the more children there are in a family, the lower the average IQ - accordingly, it will be much more difficult to give birth to a genius. Although there have been such cases in history, most often either the only children in a family or the youngest “branches” of parents with many children are born geniuses.

Tip four.

The story goes that the overwhelming majority of geniuses were men, so those who are expecting a boy are luckier - they have a much higher chance of getting a real genius. The boys show their abilities mainly in military affairs and mathematics, architecture and physics. But this does not mean that those who are expecting a girl will necessarily be unlucky - after all, there are real nuggets and talents among women, especially when it comes to the field of literature.

Doctors gave several recommendations on how to conceive a child of a genius

With the help of simple actions and habits, you can help ensure that your baby is born not only healthy, but also... brilliant!

Almost every parent thinks about the future of their child and dreams of raising a real genius, or at least talent. Question: “What needs to be done for a child to be born strong, and even talented?” is becoming more and more relevant. Young couples even believe that genius can be planned! And for good reason, because scientists support them in this. Moreover, doctors give advice that can help give birth to a gifted baby.

Time of conception and place of residence

Experts are confident that parents who plan to give the world a genius need to calculate the time of conception correctly. It is ideal if the birth takes place in February-March, because many social studies say that the vast majority of geniuses were born in late winter and early spring. There is an explanation for this - for the period from February to March, increased activity is recorded on the Sun, which affects the activation of brain activity.

The living conditions of the future parents are also important - according to scientists, it should be 60 latitude. Even better if there is a mountain range or even an active volcano near where you live. It’s up to you to believe it or not, but today it has already been proven that there are places of energetic power on Earth, that there are both favorable and unfavorable areas for people. It is logical to assume that a gifted child is more likely to appear to parents who live somewhere in the mountains or in an environmentally friendly place than in a stuffy and polluted metropolis.

Choosing the “right” companion

Do you want your offspring to surpass Mozart or Baudelaire? Then the age of the parents will also be important, geneticists say.

The mother of a genius child must be significantly younger than her husband. Scientists have calculated that most often a child was born a genius when his mother was very young - she should have been... fourteen to fifteen years old! True, this does not mean at all that absolutely all teenage parents are carrying a future child prodigy. In this case, the age of the father is more important.

It’s easy to estimate the ideal age difference: you need to divide the father’s age by two and add seven - the result will be the desired age of the mother of a genius child. This information from geneticists is not very reassuring. After all, it follows from it: in order to make the world and your family happy with a new talent, you will have to marry not out of love, out of convenience. But don't take it too seriously. The main thing is that the child is desired and born into a loving family.

If it is not always possible to provide for the difference in the ages of spouses, then the following condition can still be met. It turns out that in order for you to have a talented baby, your overall family intelligence is important.

It has been proven: the higher the arithmetic average family level of intelligence, the higher the likelihood of a genius appearing in the family. It is quite possible to determine the IQ level of each family member, then add and divide by the number of people. The higher the value, the greater the chances of giving birth to a genius, experts say. So increase your level of intelligence - then your children will be talented!

Diet of the future Leonardo

Every expectant mother who wants her baby to be born healthy knows about proper nutrition during pregnancy. But proper nutrition is also one of the prerequisites for the birth of a talented baby.

The expectant mother should eat as many foods as possible that contain lecithin, a substance that develops the fetal brain and memory. These are mainly dairy products, as well as egg yolk. Thanks to a sufficient amount of lecithin, the child will do better at school.

It is not enough to have a varied diet and eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. The diet must include liver, meat and eggs, as well as foods that contain folic acid - green leafy vegetables, carrots, legumes, bran, cereals, yeast, oranges, and those that contain excess zinc and iron: buckwheat, nuts , cheese, milk and fish. Doctors especially insist on the usefulness of fish. It has long been noticed: children whose mothers often ate fish and seafood during pregnancy grow up to be more sociable. Also, mothers who dream of a child genius should definitely eat spinach, cranberries and cabbage.

Create - and a creator will be born!

While the mother is enjoying her pregnancy, she should not forget about creativity. During pregnancy, you may discover talents that you never knew you had. And it's just wonderful!

A baby's first impressions of the world are formed from the impressions his mother experiences during pregnancy. The traditions of different nations preserve the knowledge that a pregnant woman needs to come into contact only with the beautiful sides of life. Then the baby will be born beautiful and talented.

When the expectant mother admires nature or masterpieces of world painting, is engaged in creativity or simply enjoys life with all her heart, then the baby in her womb feels what beauty and harmony are. This knowledge helps him in his development and facilitates his birth.

Today there are a huge number of methods for prenatal child development. They teach a pregnant woman to communicate with the world of art in a way that will benefit the future genius. You can not only go to exhibitions, listen to classical music or read poetry. The expectant mother herself may well begin to fully engage in creativity.

Why exactly during pregnancy do psychologists recommend that a woman try to become an artist or writer? By revealing your creative abilities, you will thereby create all the conditions for a child to be born with more developed intellectual potential.

During your creative activities, communication with your baby begins. You feel better about your child’s world and through songs, drawings, embroidery or crafts, learn to express love for him even before he is born.

Finally, every pregnant woman experiences a special period of increased emotionality. And art helps you to be at peace with yourself, not to get nervous over trifles.

Baby can hear you

Don’t forget about music – it has a positive effect on the development of the fetus. Something from the classics, Chopin, Mozart, Vivaldi, Beethoven, is best. Choose according to your taste, the main thing is that you like the music, it is calm and inspiring. If you are not a great connoisseur of the classics, listen to programs selected for pregnant women. There is music written specifically “for the tummy” - it promotes the development of a child’s ear for music even before birth. Experts believe that children's favorite musical instruments are the flute, guitar and harp. But the best melody for a child is the mother’s voice. Talk to your baby, sing lullabies or songs from cartoons. Tell him whatever you want, talk about your experiences and dreams. This is very important, because only a baby with whom the mother maintains constant contact will be able to reveal his talent.

Everybody dance!

Dance is also a great way to quench your thirst for creativity. Many pregnant women believe that they need to limit their movements as much as possible. This is wrong, since the mother’s movements stimulate the baby’s motor activity. If the mother moves a lot, then the baby trains in the stomach and by the time of birth becomes strong, childbirth is much easier for him.

Pregnancy is a fertile time to start physical training. But if the thought of gymnastics makes you sad, there is a much more enjoyable way to improve your physical fitness and mood - just start dancing. The free movements of dance accustom the body to spontaneity - a quality that will come in handy during childbirth, when you have to move a lot, intuitively helping the baby adapt to the birth canal. But dancing is not just a workout, it is an immersion in the world of musical images and a manifestation of one’s own individuality.

You can dance in classes for pregnant women or at home, or you can go to a club with close friends. Unfortunately, fear of the opinions of others forces pregnant women to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Don’t let the fear of being funny stop you, because dancing will help make your body flexible and strong, and your mood joyful. And this is only good for the child!

Ekaterina Taranova

Source: km.ru

How to give birth to a smart child - tips for expectant mothers

Let's talk about how to give birth to a smart child. Heredity is an important factor influencing the intelligence of the unborn child. However, the environment of the developing baby is an equally important factor. She has a great influence on his intellect. A pregnant mother's diet, fitness, and emotional state can affect the baby's brain development.

There are many things a mother can do to increase her child's IQ and ensure that her little one has a strong brain.

“How to give birth and raise a genius.” Prenatal education.

“How to give birth and raise a genius”


Prenatal education for parents.

An old parable is widely known. A mother and father came to the sage, who had a baby who was only five days old. The parents of the newborn asked the sage a question: “Please tell me when should we start raising our child?” To which the sage replied: “You are exactly nine months and five days late...”

Initially, Man is an amazingly harmonious being, and all that is required of parents is to follow this Harmony, learn to see It and live in It.

Every action performed by parents, be it drawing, singing, dancing, a fasting day, gymnastics or going to the conservatory, affects a number of qualities and abilities of the child.

It is very important that the main motivation is the desire to raise a happy, harmoniously developed Personality, but not the desire to realize one’s ambitions through a child.

Special classes with a psychologist, art therapy (drawing), figurative choreography classes (musical classes with singing, dancing and play psychotherapy), music classes (information about the influence of various musical works on the baby’s condition), special trips to nature (on individual assignments), correct diet (has a huge impact on physical and intellectual development), thoughtful physical activity (special gymnastics, swimming pool classes) and much more allow future parents to give their children maximum opportunities.

But in addition to developing the baby’s abilities, the mother has a real and very significant chance to give her child a bright and sunny perception of the world, the ability to set goals and achieve them, faith in victory, perseverance, patience, and optimism. Information about how the period of pregnancy and the course of childbirth can influence many personality traits of the unborn child, how to independently influence childbirth, harmonize the birth process and thus influence the formation of the character of your baby.

At the end of the 70s. XX century A new branch of psychology, pedagogy and medicine has appeared - prenatal education. With the creation of new medical equipment (ultrasound, fiber optics, hydrophone acoustic audio recording systems), it became possible to monitor the behavior and condition of the fetus.

In 1982, Japanese scientists using a hydrophone determined that in utero the child hears everything that happens both inside and around the mother. At the same time, all sounds are muffled, losing up to 30% of their volume. The loudest sound was the sound of the mother's heart.

The famous American scientist Stanislav Grof identified four “basic stages” of the prenatal period. The first of them is related to the intrauterine development of the fetus. Various complications, stress, improper behavior or nutrition - everything that can cause various negative experiences in the mother is embedded in the unconscious of the unborn child.

The remaining three stages occur during childbirth itself. First, this is a kind of premonition of “expulsion from paradise”, then the test of enormous physical and mental stress, the ultimate struggle for life and, finally, exit into the air - a triumph, a victory for life. According to Grof, the natural, correct passage of all these stages adapts the child to existence outside the mother, gives him the hardening necessary after the bliss of “paradise”, and forms resilience in life. At the same time, some failures can have a negative impact. For example, there is evidence that children born under anesthesia tend to turn to drugs in difficult situations.

Therefore, the most advanced Western and domestic scientists argue that raising a child should begin from the moment of conception. Moreover, even the moment of conception can influence the further development of the child.

Indeed, preparation for conception is an important factor in the formation of a child. Modern medical and psychological research has shown that the preparations and moods of parents before conception directly affect the course of pregnancy and the intrauterine development of the child. A desired and long-awaited child, especially one not conceived by chance, is programmed in advance for happiness. Such people, when they grow up, become successful in any field they choose, as well as in their personal lives. Popular wisdom says that children of love are beautiful children . Based on the above, we can conclude that before conception, you, parents, should prepare.

The most important thing during this period is peace and tranquility in the family and, at a minimum, friendly relations between the future parents. A child, nurtured in an atmosphere of love and goodwill, experiences, as psychologists call it, “the experience of heaven,” which has a very positive effect on his entire future life.

Forming the spiritual world of a child must begin in the prenatal period, especially since during this period information is most firmly “fitted on the shelves.” To do this, you yourself need to choose from a large list of what to listen to, what to drink, what to eat, what to look at and what to do. It is known that sound and color have certain physical properties and can influence a person. They affect the endocrine and vascular systems of the mother and her child. Sounds also influence the formation of the intellectual abilities of the fetus. This means that you yourself can form that picture of your child’s world, give him those abilities and opportunities that you consider necessary for his future future.

Your main task, your goal of upbringing before birth is to lay in the child the foundation of high qualities, abilities and potentialities that he can develop in the future, influence his tastes and preferences.

The basic principle on which the upbringing of a child before his birth is based is that a baby who is in a close emotional connection with you is able to perceive a wide variety of information, and is even capable of learning.

You should know that children who have completed antenatal education:

• They are born physiologically more mature.

• Adapts more easily to the environment at birth (born with eyes open, screams less, eats better, sleeps well).

• They get sick much less often in the first year of life.

• They are less likely to develop chronic diseases over the next few years.

• Infant breastfeeding rates are increasing.

• They develop faster physically and mentally (they have a greater amount of attention, memory, etc.).

• Typically have a higher IQ.

• They reach developmental milestones earlier, have better expressed creative abilities, and have a higher level of readiness for school.


It has been proven that our thoughts influence our life, and even largely determine it. This explains the enormous importance of optimistic or positive programming of life. If a pregnant woman lives with positive and joyful thoughts about herself and the upcoming birth, then the child will inevitably be “included” in this life-affirming process of interaction. The absolute manager of this process is the mother. Where she will direct him, along what path (productive or destructive) the interaction will take place, depends on her. From the very beginning of pregnancy, the mother’s thoughts participate in the formation of the “life foundation.” And it is very important, with increasing pregnancy, to strengthen this “foundation” for the subsequent “superstructure”. Otherwise, it can easily be deformed by negative thought images.


In the period from three to six months, the baby’s sense organs and corresponding brain centers develop in the mother’s belly. At this time, it is advisable for the expectant mother to live in the world of art and beauty.

To do this, she needs to spend as much time as possible in nature and imagine that her unborn child is admiring the beauty of nature with her. Try to attend art exhibitions, visit museums, theaters, and read beautiful literary works.


Mom needs to learn to focus her attention on sensations. To develop this skill, expectant mothers can practice the following exercises (the exercises are given according to A. M. Ilyin and L. P. Ilyina).

Exercise “Knowledge of objects in the surrounding world.” Take an object in your hands, for example a pen, twirl it in your hands, become aware of the sensations - weight, material, shape, function. Place the pen on the table and, looking at it, mentally perform the same operation. Become aware of the sensations. Close your eyes, remember the sensations you felt from this object, and pass them on to your child. Take the next item (iron, needle, light bulb, glass vase, etc.) and do the same operation. Touch as many objects as possible, be aware of the difference in sensations between cold and hot. Imagine that you, like a child, are rediscovering the world around you and this is extremely interesting to you, you are curious like a baby.

Exercise “Voices”. Determine the sensations of the human voice. Listen to the voices of two women talking, compare. Listen to the voices of two men, compare. Compare a man's and a woman's voice - realize the difference in how they feel. Listen to the sonorous voices of children, rejoice in them.

Exercise “Working with flowers.” Take colored paper:

a) look at the color red, close your eyes, remember the feeling of this color and convey this feeling to the child. Same with other colors;

b) try to understand the difference in sensations between blue and red, yellow and green, etc.;

c) take the color red and compare it with other colors. Red - blue, red - green, red - yellow, etc.;

d) the same thing, but take green as a basis, then yellow, etc.;

e) arrange the colors in a row according to the following principle:

• choose the most pleasant one from all the colors, then the most pleasant one from the rest;

• the same thing, but put the most unpleasant color first, etc. Working with colors stimulates mental and physical development, as well as the development of the hemisphere responsible for non-verbal thinking. Exercises with sounds also contribute to this.

Exercise “Listening to sounds” . Press any key in the center of the piano keyboard. Become aware of how this sound makes you feel. Release the key, remember the sensations. Then do the same with the other key, etc.


This touching the belly and the parents’ idea at this moment about what kind of future child he is (the first thing the child begins to pick up are thoughts and feelings) ultimately affect his physical and neuropsychic development.


Mother's nutrition has a significant impact on the health of the unborn child. If a pregnant woman’s diet is unbalanced, then the lack of essential food ingredients and the abundance of waste materials inhibit the development and formation of the baby’s brain cells. The use of alcohol, drugs, nicotine and other potent substances by the mother leads to even more disastrous results - the formation of chemical dependence and drug addiction in the child. The mother’s eating style shapes the child’s taste for certain foods, national dishes, even the rhythm of eating.

Love for a child from the moment of his conception is an indicator of his importance and value in this world. It is she who shapes his self-esteem, activity and maturity, his behavior and attitude not only towards himself, but also towards the world around him.

What to do during pregnancy so that your child is born smart

During pregnancy you need to eat healthy food so that the baby is born smart

Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables is critical to healthy fetal development.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also required for embryonic brain development. Here are examples of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids.

  • fish
  • walnuts
  • beans
  • greenery
  • hemp seeds
  • mustard oil
  • melted butter
  • flax seeds
  • chia seeds and seaweed

How to give birth to a smart child - do physical exercises for pregnant women

Staying fit and active during pregnancy helps your baby develop a smart brain. Exercising releases endorphins, which are beneficial chemicals. They penetrate the child, helping the development of the brain.

Exercise also causes the body to release the hormone cortisol. Research has shown that moderate amounts of cortisol help a child's brain development. Exercise increases blood flow to the uterus and this is very beneficial for the healthy development of the baby.

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