Slave to the chair: how to maintain health during sedentary work

A sedentary lifestyle has recently been equated with smoking and excessive drinking: if we spend 6 hours or more in a sitting position every day, we cause the same damage to our body as if we smoked a pack of cigarettes. Even worse, sitting for long periods of time also makes us dumber—literally! And if earlier we could all at least somehow combat physical inactivity by walking during the lunch break or after work, then what should we do now, when many of us are in quarantine? We have some tips! We tell you what you should do in the evening to restore the health lost during a “sedentary” working day.

Take care of your neck

First, equip yourself with the right workplace. The monitor of your computer or laptop should be positioned so that the middle of the screen “looks” exactly at your chin. Secondly, check that your screen is bright enough so that you don't have to zoom in to see small details. Finally, thirdly, get up from the computer every hour and do a little exercise for the cervical spine: pull your chin forward as far as possible, tilt your head back as far as possible, tilt it to the right and left. Repeat five to seven times for each exercise.

Proper nutrition

Read also – 5 key points for lunch in the office (recipe)

An 8-hour workday includes only one lunch break. And therefore it must be taken very seriously. It is ideal if the office has a kitchen, and food can be taken from home and heated. But even if this is not possible, you should not rely on fast food, dry sandwiches and sweets to suppress your hunger. Replace this with healthy snacks of dried fruits and nuts, and try to eat a full meal at lunch.

Prevent depression

Middle-aged women who spent more than seven hours a day sitting were more likely to report signs of depression, according to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Now we are all at increased risk, and therefore it is especially important to do some anti-stress practices every day without fail. Yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, handicrafts, aromatherapy or playing with a pet - it doesn’t matter what exactly, the main thing is that you make sure to find at least half an hour for it every day.


How to Stay Healthy in the Workplace

8 Tips for Staying Healthy in the Workplace

When your job requires you to sit at a desk for most of the day, you may have difficulty figuring out how to stay healthy. We invite you to learn some important tips on how to stay healthy both physically and mentally while working in the office every day! We also provide training for office workers, which helps them maintain high energy levels throughout the day!

1. Bring your lunch to work

This will help you with your health and your budget. Buying lunch means you'll likely spend extra money and time, and your meal will still not be as tasty or healthy as if you took it from home. Yes! Just take the time to do this in advance. It is very important! Prepare lunch for yourself the day before so you don't impulsively go out in the middle of the workday and eat something unhealthy with your co-worker!

2. Try gentle exercise or yoga in the morning.

Almost all of us have a friend who gets up at 5 am to go to the gym before work. This isn't realistic for most people, but there are some things you can do in the morning that will improve your mood throughout the day and improve your long-term health. For example, stretching is extremely important for people who regularly work in an office because your muscles can become very tight and stiff from constant sitting. Choose for yourself a set of stretching exercises or basic yoga exercises that you could easily use during the working day (for example, bending, turning, muscle stretching, i.e., everything that will be quite simple to perform, and at the same time safely).

3. Take the stairs more often

Climbing stairs is one of the few ways in which you can get physical activity at an office job (of course, if you do not periodically deliver water and office supplies to the office or replace computer equipment). This may seem insignificant, especially since taking the elevator is as much a daily temptation as unhealthy eating habits. But your body, moving a lot more every day, even if it's just walking up the stairs, will thank you very much later. And all because consciousness and body are a single system, and even psychological health trainings always include a physical component and certain activities.

4. Bring a bottle of water with you

Offices, as a rule, have fairly dry air, which is accelerated by air conditioning. Therefore, drinking water becomes the only way to replenish the deficiency of oxygen and moisture in the body. You may not even notice it, but when the room is stuffy or you feel even a little thirsty, it can lead to a decrease in your productivity, which manifests itself in behavioral reactions such as additional errors, decreased alertness, headaches and many other symptoms. Don’t let this happen, drink good, clean natural water without gases!

Ask a question

5. Always eat breakfast

Research has shown that breakfast leads to a more productive day. Getting a boost of energy before you start working will make it much easier for you to overcome whatever challenges the day ahead has in store for you. In addition, it will make you want to achieve greater results, and will relieve the strong feeling of hunger that may occur closer to lunch.

6. Plan and give yourself enough sleep

Depriving yourself of sleep means your daily schedule is disrupted and your body goes into stress mode. You may not notice it, but the body will in any case find ways to compensate for the energy it lacks. And the main thing is that you do not find yourself driving at this moment. The issue of adequate sleep is more than serious, and even a few days of lack of sleep can lead to negative consequences.

7. Buy yourself a pedometer

It seems like such a simple thing, but once you have statistics on how many steps you take during the day, for some reason it starts to motivate you in a completely magical way. No one wants to be overweight or feel like they are not active enough. The pedometer has one remarkable feature - it allows you to compete with yourself every day, see your real results, and also periodically show what you are capable of.

8. Avoid a lot of candy and sweets

There are always someone's birthdays or holidays celebrated in the office, and they usually involve a lot of junk food. And all you need to do, when your hand once again reaches for a tempting piece of cake, is to put the plate down with a willful effort in order to eat a banana, an apple or some other fruit that will give you more energy than one full of carbohydrates and other harmful substances a beautiful and sweet piece of sweet.

What to do if you tried all these tips, but nothing helped you? Then it’s time to think about why you are now in a place that does not give you the opportunity to take care of your health, takes up time and energy, and in the long term leads you not where you want! Then what to do? As a first step, we recommend taking a look at (an international job search system), which will allow you to be aware of the current situation on the labor market and find a job that will be as beneficial for your physical and psychological health as possible!

Order health management training for your office!

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Drink plenty of water

When you sit all day, your muscles don't work either. If muscles are constantly inactive, you lose them: they gradually begin to become unusable. Be sure to drink plenty of water at work to fuel your muscles and keep them toned. Dehydration caused by not drinking enough water also leads to headaches and poor health, which in turn prevents you from working productively. Drink at least 8-10 glasses a day to stay healthy and feel good.

Avoid fried foods

There's nothing worse than eating a couple of pieces of fried chicken and then feeling uncomfortable for 4 hours or more. Fried foods are full of fat, calories and salt. They can even lead to serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Avoid these problems by eating light, nutritious foods for lunch, such as chicken or tuna salad.

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Psychological health

It’s hard not to get nervous when you’re running out of deadlines, your counterparties are sending documents with incorrect details, an important employee suddenly quits, and a quarterly report with numbers that your boss is unlikely to like looms ahead. Such puzzles disturb you not only during the day, but also at night, when you can’t fall asleep at all. With such a disrupted routine, you don’t feel rested in the morning, tasks at work are completed at a crawl, and additional difficulties arise that continue to keep you up at night. Liquid con for happiness will break the vicious circle.

“Happy People” is a synergy of useful substances: banana peel extract, B vitamins, gamma-aminobutyric acid, zinc. A powerful vitamin cocktail increases the level of the happy hormone serotonin in the body:

  • promotes deep healthy sleep;
  • increases self-esteem;
  • improves psycho-emotional state;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • helps maintain a good mood, gives a feeling of happiness;
  • adapts the body to time zone changes.

Keyboard and mouse

Microbiologists have found that an average keyboard that has not been cleaned for a long time is five times higher than a bathroom combined with a toilet in terms of the number of harmful bacteria.

Other sources of bacteria in the office are door handles, elevators, buttons on the printer and kettle, and friendly handshakes.

In addition, long typing increases the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, which leads to nerve damage and muscle atrophy. A similar problem with a computer mouse, if you are used to keeping it in the same place, this can cause injury to muscles, tendons, and nerves from repeated stress.


Hours of tête-à-tête with a monitor are not only harmful to the eyes. The skin suffers, and more specifically: collagen production decreases, which accelerates cell aging. Add to this the dry air created by air conditioners. How to protect your skin?

The Taiwanese drink “Beauty Shine” not only stimulates collagen synthesis, but also reduces the formation of melanin, evens out skin tone and increases antioxidant protection by 3 times. This means: fewer wrinkles, age spots, more elasticity and healthy hydration.

Improve your quality of life with innovative Doctor Van Tao drinks! Read more about nutraceuticals on the MeiTan website.


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Rhinitis, lacrimation, sore throat in the absence of other cold symptoms and appearing only upon arrival at the office most often indicate the presence of allergens in the room. A computer, a printer, a split system, papers and books - a huge number of typical office supplies can accumulate both dust and other allergens that are not noticeable to the naked eye.

Minimize stress and nervous tension.

Preventive measures boil down to regular wet cleaning and ventilation of the room. Allergies often indicate an imbalance in the functions of the immune system, which begins to react to the most common substances as dangerous, launching corresponding protective processes. Pay attention to your body's defense mechanisms - minimize stress and nervous tension.

Sedentary lifestyle

How to stay healthy if you are an office worker - photo 1


Is it worth saying that office workers move much less than representatives of other, more mobile professions? This is an obvious fact, which, it would seem, can be solved simply by adding physical activity to a person’s schedule.

But it's not that simple. The fact is that many people don’t even think about the fact that an office employee’s working day begins with the road to work. So, the greater the distance from home to work, the less healthy a person can be called.

Nowadays there is even a special term - “ commuter ” - a person who commutes several hours to work. And this definition conceals very real health hazards: increased blood pressure, increased levels of cortisol (“stress hormone”) and adrenaline, a negative impact on heart function. In addition, commuters have consistently high levels of stress, irritability and apathy.

Solution : Ideally, find a job closer to home or vice versa. But if this is not yet possible, then you need to move more (for example, get off a couple of stops earlier and walk) and engage yourself in something interesting along the way (listen to music, read a book, knit socks).

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