Studying under restrictions: what awaits teachers, children and their parents from September 1

For your information, laziness can manifest itself in a child from birth. Many scientists even talk about its genetic origin. By instinct, a newborn is supposed to scream to let him know that he is hungry or wet. But some babies (of course, there are few of them) show passivity. They remain silent, and as a result they lose weight and become weak. And these are already signs of the disease.

With age, laziness manifests itself in the reluctance to perform basic self-care activities: sit on the potty, get dressed, put away toys. When entering school, it grows into a serious problem - reluctance to learn.

Lack of clear motivation is laziness.

Sometimes even an adult does not always understand why he is doing something. A child, in the absence of life experience and the need to make independent decisions, does not at all understand the real goals of what adults ask or demand of him.

Also, children's laziness can be caused by a natural instinct of self-preservation, a subconscious need to save energy. If a child is tired or sick, he will not run, jump, or play. For many parents, this behavior is a signal to action.

Social laziness is common in schools. A child who is active at home hides in class and tries to behave unnoticed. He doesn't violate discipline, but he doesn't do much of what other children do. He just quietly withdraws from public activities. The teachers don't scold him because there's no reason to. But one day he may show himself in a completely unexpected way. Dual behavior is often dangerous.

In most cases, children's laziness develops from the incorrect behavior of adults.

In the family - from excessive care on the part of parents, in kindergartens and schools - from the passivity of teachers. Most often, idleness affects those children in whom they did not believe, their freedom and independence were limited.

How to deal with childhood laziness?
  1. The true hard work of both parents will show the child that it is impossible to remain idle all the time. If, for example, dad works from morning to evening, and mom chats on the phone and lies on the couch (or vice versa), proper upbringing will not work.
  2. Involvement in joint activities is a good way to develop a hardworking and responsible individual. Asking for help gives the child confidence that he is needed and useful to the family or other adults.
  3. Independent execution of assigned tasks develops not only hard work, but also ingenuity and the ability to make decisions. Parents must show tact and patience. After all, the child has no experience, which means he has the right to make mistakes. The adult’s task is to suggest and show what should be done in order to get a good result.
  4. Encouragement and praise for any type of activity from a very young age. Every person should have an incentive. The child definitely needs it. But in this situation, it is important to avoid blackmail: “You won’t go for a walk until you do this.”
  5. Any business should bring pleasure. If a child does not yet understand how he benefits from the work he does, but sees how adults are happy, he feels satisfied with himself.

Raising a hardworking person is not easy. But adults, that’s why they are adults, is to help the child not become a drone, a burden for the family and society.

Studying under restrictions: what awaits teachers, children and their parents from September 1

On September 1, schoolchildren will return to their desks. Ceremonial ceremonies will not be held everywhere - only in those regions where the epidemic situation allows. The lesson schedule will be designed so that students of different classes do not overlap with each other during breaks. Temperatures will be taken at the entrance to an educational institution, and in some schools teachers will teach lessons behind a special protective screen. According to the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova, infectious risks remain. But information about coronavirus and prevention methods is already quite enough to return to full-time education. Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov also agrees with the head of Rospotrebnadzor: according to him, all schools and kindergartens are ready for the start of the school year. Vesti FM correspondent Ekaterina Kosinets will tell whether children will have to wear masks during lessons.

The educational process this year will be a little unusual - taking into account the very requirements and recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor. We will have to change the lesson schedule, internal routine and even the purpose of some school premises.

Whether or not to hold traditional ceremonial assemblies on Knowledge Day - each region will decide independently. This was stated by the Minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov. The epidemic situation in cities varies, and the decision will depend on the incidence rates.

For example, in the capital there will be no “live” lines. Because on September 1, the Rospotrebnadzor ban on mass events will still be in effect.

Kravtsov assured that in those regions where a similar decision is made, other celebration formats will be used, but the general atmosphere will certainly be preserved.

For the first 2 weeks of the school year, a health worker will be on duty at each school, the Minister of Education said. According to him, the training will begin with a lesson in which they will be reminded of the rules of sanitary safety and talk about preventive measures.

KRAVTSOV: On September 2 we will hold a joint lesson “Health”, where we will once again explain to everyone the requirements necessary to ensure the health of schoolchildren, teachers and parents.

Schoolchildren will be divided into parallels. Everything is done to ensure that students of different classes intersect with each other as little as possible during the day.

The school day will start at different times: some will start earlier, some will start later. The earliest first lesson is at 8 am, the latest is at 10:30. Many parents who have several children studying at the same school are concerned that they will have to come several times in order to bring each child on time.

First-graders will be the first to arrive at school, and secondary school students in grades 7-8 will begin their lessons later. And these are teenagers who, as a rule, go to school on their own. Before the start of classes, everyone’s temperature will be taken: if the thermometer shows 37 or higher, they will be sent home. Also, additional entrances will be opened in educational institutions (where possible) in order to disperse the flow of students as much as possible. There, students will be offered masks and gloves (children can use them if they wish), and containers with sanitizers will be installed.

But teachers and other school employees are required to wear protective equipment the entire working day. Some schools have already reported that they have purchased special screens that will separate teachers from students during lessons. In addition, whenever possible, educational institutions will equip additional wardrobes.

Each class will have its own office, just like in a primary school. Now teachers will come to children, and not vice versa. Exceptions will be made for lessons in physics, chemistry, biology, technology, computer science and a foreign language - that is, for subjects that require specially equipped premises.

Physical education will be carried out mainly outdoors (weather permitting). Moreover, on the day when physical education is on the schedule, students will be allowed to come to school in sportswear. The locker rooms will remain closed for now.

The duration of the lesson will vary: for some – 40 minutes, for others – 45. Changes will last from 10 minutes to half an hour. On them, children will be able to go out into the corridor only according to a schedule determined by the school: while some are resting, others continue to study. And we all remember well what recess is: when the bell rings, the classroom doors fly open and the corridors are filled with an avalanche of children who were forced to sit still for 40 minutes.

By the way, about calls - there will be none. All for the same reason: all classes will study and relax according to their own schedule.

There will be parallel lines to the dining room. For example, grades 5 and 6 will be able to have lunch at the same time. But children will have to sit at a safe distance.

If a student misses several days for family reasons, then he will have to bring a statement from his parents, in which they guarantee that during their absence the child did not come into contact with coronavirus patients. If a student misses more than 5 days, he will be allowed into school only with a doctor’s certificate.

Extended day groups will be made up of classes of the same parallel. This restriction will be in effect until October 1.

Things are more complicated with additional education. For now, it mostly remains “remotely”. From October 1, only those groups whose participants are also studying in the same parallel class will be able to study in person.

Parents are not allowed to go to educational institutions yet. All communication with teachers or the director is online only. Many schools and kindergartens have already held parent meetings via video conference.

All teachers will be offered a coronavirus vaccine. This was announced by Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko. According to him, teachers, like doctors, are included in the priority groups for vaccination.

MURASHKO: Medical workers and teachers are included in the priority groups with which we will start. We will offer vaccination against coronavirus infection. And since teachers of different ages work in schools, of course, first of all, we recommend that older teachers get vaccinated.

There is no children's vaccine against coronavirus yet. And, as the Minister of Health said, it will not appear in Russia this year. While doctors continue research.

In turn, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova noted that most children already have immunity to coronavirus. Moreover, they mostly suffered from the disease asymptomatically. And the presence of antibodies in their bodies became known as a result of a large-scale study conducted in 27 regions. She also said that the majority of those who died from COVID-19 in Russia were people over 65 years of age. That is, all measures taken are aimed primarily at protecting teachers and adults with whom students come into contact.

Under this regime of restrictions, schoolchildren will have to study for several months. And according to some forecasts - until the end of the school year. The head of Rospotrebnadzor noted that although the epidemic situation is stabilizing (compared to the end of March, the incidence rate has decreased 60 times), the risks of the spread of infection remain. The virus has not gone away and will not go away, she emphasizes.

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