The world stops giving birth. What will happen to the emptying countries and who is the future of humanity?

The ideology of “yuppies” who love only themselves has begun to spread in Russia

"I am 33 years old. Of these eight, I don’t live alone. I still haven’t had children and don’t plan to in the near future. I'm fine without them. However, my relatives and friends do not think so. “Well, haven’t you given birth yet?” — former classmates who met by chance ask the first question. And when they hear a negative answer, they begin to feel sorry for me. “Come on, give birth, otherwise it will be too late!” - Mom nags endlessly. “When will it finally be too late?” I think every time. And every time people start talking to me about my supposed children, I am perplexed: why is it considered that I must want, dream, crave to have a child?!”

A letter with this content was sent to the Vecherka email address. We first talked through the computer, and then met with the author.

Elena is a candidate of medical sciences and heads a department in a fairly well-known Novosibirsk clinic. He loves his job. He doesn’t complain about lack of money.

Lena has a spacious three-room apartment, a small Jeep "Yavrik" and a cat Murka. Our heroine never buys cheap cosmetics, she dresses only in Max Mare, or, as a last resort, in Beneton. She never vacations at the dacha or in NSO sanatoriums - always abroad. “That’s why I don’t want children,” explains Elena. - Firstly, I feel sorry for the time spent in sleepless nights, washing rompers, running around for milk formulas, suspensions and rattles. Secondly, I love money very much, and I like to spend it on all sorts of good things and entertainment. Diapers, playpens and ABC books are not included in the list of entertainment. Thirdly, I categorically do not want to plunge myself into a state of paranoid anxiety for the rest of my life: how is he (or she), what’s wrong with him, where he disappears, what he’s doing. What if he becomes a victim of a maniac, falls into bad company, gets into a fight, tries drugs... Fourthly, I don’t want to depend on my responsibilities towards the child: first, feed him on time, change diapers. Then take him to kindergarten on time, buy toys, and take him to a speech therapist. Then take him to school, buy textbooks, take him to a tutor. Then demands for expensive things will begin, so that they are “no worse than others,” and they will also need to pay for university education. Then the child will start a family, and I will have not one “backbiter” on my neck, but at least three. At the same time, expecting that a child will provide me with prosperity and care in old age is extremely naive. As a student, I did an internship in a nursing home. So, there are only a few truly lonely people there.

Elena’s friend Daria, in a conversation with a correspondent, outlined a number of policy statements on the topic “Don’t get married, girls!”

Daria is 35 years old. She's a classic old maid with glasses, a ponytail, a cat, a university diploma and a bookshelf lined with Dontsova's detective stories. And she is proud of her status.

- Why does a woman need a husband? - Dasha argues. - Put on a wedding dress once and ride in a limousine. Receive a dozen tea sets as a gift. Get a mother-in-law. Master the professional skills of a cleaner, laundress, cook and prostitute at the same time. Regularly, if you don’t watch, then listen against your own will to football and Formula 1 turned on at full volume.

Dasha’s opinion is confirmed by medical specialists. According to their observations, married women are three times more likely to suffer from depression than their unmarried friends, and die 10-15 years earlier than the latter. Men, on the contrary, benefit from family life. Married people get sick half as often as single people. No wonder. Sociological studies show that in large Russian cities, women spend an average of 6 hours on housework every day, men - 40 minutes.

In fact, Daria is sure, the myth that every woman must get married was invented and cultivated by men in every possible way. Otherwise, how can they, poor creatures, get a job? Only by creating an unhealthy buzz around their own people. “Hurry up to buy! Shortage! Only the most selected grooms! Discounts for wholesale customers! What is it, woman? Don't like the product? Ugly? Unintelligent? You know what? If you don't like it, don't take it. So go ahead and be an old maid. Let people laugh at you..."

“Why didn’t Tatyana Larina wait until Onegin got over the English blues and returned to her? - Daria continues. “Society pushed and spurred her on, instilling in her: every man who appears on the horizon is a super value that cannot be missed. As a result, her only personal benefit from the marriage was that she no longer faced the threat of her reputation as an old maid.

How many destinies and how many lives have been ruined for the sake of dubious moral standards!”

Oddly enough, Elena and Daria have many like-minded people, both female and male. Sociologists talk about the “yuppie” ideology, which is very widespread in the West and has now come down to us.

Yuppie - Young Urban Professional. Young Urban Specialist. To put it in Russian, a yuppie is a young man or girl with a good education, a promising, well-paid position and great expectations. Yuppies love their work and do it with pleasure, which means they don’t waste their time. A working day of 12–14 hours is normal for them. The most typical yuppies are designers, editors, journalists, and programmers.

Yuppies declare one type of love - for themselves, for their loved ones: to earn as much money as possible in order to spend it on their own entertainment, on their beauty, on personal comfort. The yuppies are experiencing a complete breakdown of family values. “Why get married? - thinks the yuppie. — So that my wife flashes before my eyes every day? At the same time, she threw tantrums about my chronic absence from home and constantly demanded money? What about children? These are truly the fiends of hell: they scream endlessly, poop and pee everywhere, and break things. How is it possible, when you come home from work tired and exhausted, instead of lying on the sofa, turn on the football and drink beer, make a whistle, check your homework and at the same time listen to what kind of fur coat your husband bought for neighbor Zinka and what wonderful beauty salon opened on the corner? »

One of the author’s acquaintances, thirty-two-year-old Boris, argues something like this. He has two higher educations: electrical engineering and management. Works as a mid-level manager in the energy sector. He has a cottage in the suburbs, a new “ten”, and a “sophisticated” computer. He doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t go to arcades, but he can handle a hammer, drill and other household tools very well. Boris's house is clean, beautiful, and there is always something tasty in the refrigerator, and these are not semi-finished products from the store. In a word, not a groom, but just a treasure. Despite this, Borya was never married, and no matter how many times my husband and I offered him my friends as brides, Borya rejected everyone. He still claims that he does not feel the slightest need to start a family.

It is noteworthy that among the supporters of Elena, Daria and Boris there was not a single machine operator, livestock breeder, mechanic, turner, salesman, or teacher. In general, not a single person with a secondary education or average income.

Why women don't want to give birth

“When God sends a woman such a miracle as pregnancy, he gives her a chance to make this world better, brighter, cleaner. But how a woman uses this gift depends only on herself,” say the sages. But are children always happiness and a miracle? You, dear readers, probably have a protest in your soul and are already ready to respond. But listen to some women's opinions about why they don't want to have children. Their point of view may remind you of the global “childfree” movement, when women realize that life is not only about family and children. What makes young girls give up the path of motherhood? Read on!

Olga, 24 years old: I have always had an extremely specific relationship with children. I really don't like it when they cry. The “scenes” in the store are especially irritating, when a child breaks into tears throughout the entire shopping center because they didn’t buy something for him. The urge to spank him immediately arises. No, I'm not a baby hater, I just don't like crying and screaming. I clearly understand that I don’t want to in the near future because I’m not ready to pay a lot of attention to my children. I still want to travel around the world, work, taste the joy of life, and not sit all night long with a crying baby. I don’t understand at all why society is obsessed with the fact that having a child is a woman’s responsibility. I don't want. I have other interests.

Natalya, 40 years old: I don’t have children, and I’m not completely sure that I would like to have them. Until the age of 35, I did not intend to have a family and give birth to children, probably simply because there was no man near me with whom I would like to create my own “unit of society.” And since there is no head of the family, then I don’t want to give birth to children, simply for my own sake or out of necessity. Now I’m 40 years old and I’ve come to the idea that I wouldn’t mind hearing children’s laughter in the house and walking with a stroller, but I’m so used to living alone, without hassle, that I’m unlikely to be able to change my mind.

Photo from the site

Valentina, 23 years old: I don’t want children. I have a boyfriend and we have been together for 3 years. He dreams of a son. He constantly tells me how he will take care of me when I am pregnant. In a children's store, he looks with tenderness at cribs and toys for boys. Sometimes he even tells me how he will raise his son. Everything would be fine, but I'm not ready for this. As soon as I imagine the hellish pain during childbirth, ruptures, bleeding, I immediately feel terrible. Then I think about the fact that I will become “bloated” during pregnancy and, perhaps, will remain this way after childbirth, then it becomes generally sad. Moreover, I don’t like the idea of ​​having to sit at home for 3 years on maternity leave. During this time, you can do and see so much, but you have to sit within four walls.

Maria, 27 years old: I don’t want children, period. I'm so tired of my relatives and parents constantly blaming me for not being married. I understand that they dream of grandchildren and nephews, but I don’t want to go through 9 months of visiting doctors, labor pains and then a long recovery just for the sake of their desire. I’m generally afraid to have a child, because what if it turns out that the baby will be born with disabilities or, God forbid, with a serious illness. I simply cannot ask people for money and live with this pain. I don't want to be a single mother, so I don't need a child. I see the happy eyes of mothers on the street and admire them, but I don’t want to be one of those who just gave birth because it was necessary or because it happened by chance. I will probably decide to give birth to a baby only when I have a reliable man behind me, when we have a stable situation in the family and, most importantly, harmony. Too many children are born into trouble or deprivation. This will not happen to my child!

Any mother would find an objection and counterargument to each of these stories:

• If you are afraid to give birth, then you just need to think about the good . Our medicine is quite developed. Everything will quickly pass and be forgotten. In addition, this is a natural process established by nature, and nothing bad will happen.

• If there is no man nearby, then you have to wait. He will definitely be found. You just have to believe.

• If there is a fear that the figure will not return to normal, then this can also be solved. There are a whole bunch of remedies and medications that change a woman after childbirth for the better. You just need to work on yourself a little .

• If you don’t like screaming and crying, then you just need to raise your child correctly and all this can be avoided.

• If you are afraid of losing 3 years of your life, then you need to look at this situation differently. Firstly, it's only three years, in exchange for joy for the rest of your life . Secondly, you can find remote work at home and earn money. Also, while being close to your child, you can continue to develop with the help of distance courses.

Photo from the site

You can come up with a lot of arguments “for” children, but is it necessary? If a woman does not want to give birth, maybe she has the right to do so ? However, we are accustomed to considering her “not like everyone else,” a feminist or a careerist. You shouldn’t look with condemnation at girls and women who don’t admire children and don’t express a desire to give birth to them; you shouldn’t judge them by yourself. Each person is an individual with his own established views and values. Maybe if we stop thinking stereotypically “woman = mother = housewife,” we will discover something new for ourselves, because the world is not only diapers and children or work and money.

A good deal won't be called marriage?

Psychologist Lyudmila Borundukova believes that marriage, at least official, is not at all a derivative of love. From ancient times to the present day, people have united into families to survive.

The woman did not know how to chase a mammoth with a spear, but she needed to eat something. Therefore, she was looking for a man to be her life partner. The man could not sit in the cave for days on end to keep the fire going. So he looked for a woman.

Today, only the external factors that encourage people to enter into marriage have changed. A woman cannot earn enough to meet her needs. In addition, she needs to have a unit in the house for carrying heavy loads. That's why she's getting married. The man is too lazy to wash his socks, he doesn’t know how to cook borscht and has no idea how to wash the floor. Well, then, in general, it’s clear.

“Thus, self-sufficient people who can earn their own living, serve themselves, who do not need moral support and advice, they do not need life partners,” says Lyudmila Borundukova. — Self-sufficient people, as a rule, are highly intelligent, educated and wealthy. It turns out that individuals whose offspring could improve the gene pool of the nation, who could provide their children with high-quality medical care, normal development, good upbringing and education, and most importantly, pass on their genes to them - the genes of successful people, these individuals do not reproduce.

In the countries of America and Western Europe, the demographic problem has been acute for several decades. The experience of all European countries shows that as soon as a woman has the choice “not to give birth,” the birth rate curves sharply creep down. Up to thirty, “correct” Americans and Europeans get an education and make a career; from 30 to 40, they “live for themselves.”

When at the age of 40–45 the parental instinct nevertheless awakens, it turns out that it is no longer possible to produce one’s own heir. And then all these American, Swedish, German, Danish yuppies go to Russia and adopt our orphans

Diagnosis: psychological immaturity

The director of the Novosibirsk Center for Psychotherapy and Sexology, doctor Igor Poperechny, on the contrary, welcomes the yuppie ideology.

Isn’t it a very nice “product of Soviet propaganda”?

— The focus on early marriages and large families is a product of Soviet propaganda. The state, instilling in its citizens that every girl should get married as early as possible and give birth to as many children as possible, pursued two goals: first, to wean people from thinking. After all, when you have “seven people on benches,” there is no time to talk about the fate of your homeland, listen to enemy voices, read samizdat literature, and even gossip in the kitchen with your neighbors. Secondly, the state needed to constantly reproduce the army of workers and soldiers, says Igor Poperechny.

According to Igor Yuryevich, a fundamental reluctance to have children is, of course, a deviation from the norm. For the main instinct of any living creature is the instinct of reproduction. Another thing: the higher the intelligence of a living being, the less susceptible it is to the influence of instincts. And it is very good that in our society there are more and more people who, before realizing their instincts, think: what can they give to their children, whether they need these children or not.

“There are very few real “lone wolves” who really don’t need anyone,” says Igor Poperechny. “In these cases we are talking about a pathology called psychological immaturity. Psychological immaturity can be perfectly combined with two or three higher educations and even academic degrees, management work and high incomes. With this diagnosis you can live to old age.

Among the main reasons for psychological immaturity, Igor Poperechny names “deviations” of parents: “For example, a father says to a teenage daughter who has begun to be friends with a boy: “Look at me! If you bring it in the hem, I’ll kill you!” In fact, this is a pathology for the father, who so zealously guards the girl’s honor: he subconsciously sees himself in the role of her sexual partner. Or the mother endlessly repeats: “Don’t you dare go out with the boys! You will be raped! “If you look into the mother’s subconscious, it becomes clear that she is not so much afraid for the child as simply jealous of her daughter for her youth and beauty. But what happens to the daughter? She begins to fear men, sex and her own children - after all, her father instilled in her the identity between the birth of a child and her own death. Also, the cause of psychological immaturity can be the absence of a father, because it is he who prepares the child for life.”

However, when parents simply decide everything for their entire life, even for an adult child, this also leads to the latter’s psychological immaturity. He will be able to start a family only if mom and dad choose a bride (groom) and propose. As for children in such marriages, of course, everything is very confusing.

“As a rule, those who at the age of 25–30 put forward policy statements: they say, I will never get married and give birth, by the age of 35 they are mature enough to create normal full-fledged families,” continues Igor Poperechny. “So, in my opinion, remarks about the danger threatening the gene pool of the nation do not have any compelling reason.” As for the few “lone wolves” that we talked about at the beginning, it will be good for society if they do not give birth to offspring.

Fertility rate in Novosibirsk and region

According to the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Novosibirsk Region, in January-June 2005, 14,226 children were born in the Novosibirsk region. In Novosibirsk there are two times less - 7173. And here is another interesting statistical fact: about 36% of Muscovites live alone. Most are between 25 and 50 years old and have above-average incomes.

Each state forms its own demographic policy. In China, having a second child is fined and deprived of career opportunities. In Japan, when they were fighting against large families, they exhorted women not to give birth to a second child, since in this case it would be impossible to pay enough attention to the development of the first, relationships with their husbands could worsen, and their health could deteriorate.

What are they telling us now in our country? The Russian nation is degenerating, there is no one to serve in the army, empty social niches are occupied by migrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia, who have no problems with reproduction. Has our maternal instinct been forgotten, or have we simply begun to value human life more, to think about its quality and the right of a little person to live in prosperity, prosperity and, most importantly, love.

“If you don’t want to give birth to slaves, get out of the country”: How the Internet responded to Vodonaeva, who called for abortions

Implementation of Putin's decree on demographics is unrealistic

Rosstat presented a demographic forecast for the period up to 2035 inclusive, according to which, even under an optimistic scenario, natural population decline will continue. Nevertheless, with the so-called high forecast, the number of Russian citizens will increase to 150.126 million. At the beginning of 2020, a population of 146.741 million people is taken as the starting point. Migration growth will compensate for the natural population decline.

With the “average” forecast, there will no longer be enough visitors from other countries - by 2036, the number of Russian residents will decrease to 142.993 million. The situation is even sadder with the most pessimistic forecast. Natural population decline will continue to grow from year to year, and by the end of the analyzed period, 134.277 million people will remain in our country.

Life expectancy in the optimistic version of the forecast will be 78 years for men and 84 years for women (average - 81.6), in the average version - 75 years and 82 years, respectively (79.1), in the pessimistic forecast - 71 years and 79 years respectively (75.4). None of the average life expectancy indicators reaches the parameters set out in the presidential decree, according to which it should be 78 years by 2024, and 80 years by 2030. The highest forecast for 2030 came closest – 79.7.

Reducing mortality is not enough

However, the main conclusion can be drawn not even from these forecasts, but from the data for the first nine months of the outgoing year, which were announced earlier. The excess of the number of deaths over the number of births was a record for the last decade and amounted to almost 260 thousand people. At the same time, mortality over the same three quarters decreased compared to 2020 - by 27 thousand people. It becomes clear that the low birth rate is primarily to blame for the natural decline.

Photo: M-SUR/

Leading researcher at the Pacific Institute of Geography FEB RAS, Candidate of Economic Sciences Yuri Avdeev is sure that we can talk as much as we want about material incentives for childbearing from the state, but the new generation will give birth less for objective reasons.

For simple population reproduction to occur, there must be 220 births per 100 women. Of these 220 children, at least 100-140 should be born girls. Now there are no more than 80 of them born,

– RIA Novosti quotes the expert.

Avdeev also noted that two- or three-room apartments are not enough for large families to have comfortable conditions. In his opinion, it is necessary to establish low-rise construction and provide a house free of charge upon the birth of the fifth child. The expert believes that it is necessary to start with the Far East, where the demographic situation is especially deplorable. However, the Ministry of Labor believes that the Russian government is taking enough measures to support the birth rate and reduce mortality. The department emphasized that they are updated annually.

Economist and political scientist Mikhail Delyagin, in his author’s program on the Tsargrad TV channel, expressed the opinion that liberal reforms lead to a catastrophic extinction of people, and the fact that even in an optimistic scenario, according to Rosstat’s forecast, population growth will be only 3.4 million in 16 years, can't make you happy. The expert called this increase “pathetic.” At the same time, Delyagin does not consider this scenario realistic.

“Why these optimal demographic processes will suddenly arise, how, under the influence of which, with the destruction of healthcare and the destruction of the social sphere as a whole, life expectancy will increase is unclear. I don’t consider this forecast realistic given our current policy, but it exists,” the expert said, adding that a reduction in numbers according to the pessimistic forecast is most likely.

“These 15.8 million are the price of the current social policy. And if we continue to carry it out, it means destroying the country, destroying the population,” the economist emphasized.

Wrong mood of society

In turn, the head of the commission on health and social policy of the parliament of St. Petersburg, Elena Kiseleva, commenting on the demographic forecast of Rosstat, said that it is necessary to work in several directions at once. According to her, not only financial assistance should be provided, but also social and educational assistance. The deputy suggested paying attention to those families who, from the point of view of legislation, are not considered to be in need, but in reality their life is difficult.

We need people not to be afraid that things won’t work out for them. We need to think about the mood of the whole society on this issue, then we will have a good chance to improve the situation,

— Elena Kiseleva noted in an interview with IA Regnum.

And this is precisely the problem with this attitude. Including “thanks” to popular bloggers like model Alena Vodonaeva. In the middle of this week, she published a post in which she called on her “girls” from among subscribers “not to give birth to slaves for this state,” that is, Russia, but to live for the sake of their loved ones. She also opposed the ban on abortions for non-medical reasons, arguing that this is a personal matter for each woman. “Unfortunately, we live in a poor and greedy country, and if you are not sure that you can provide knowledge and medicine, food and clothing for yourself and your child, then simply do not give birth,” Vodonaeva wrote. In addition, in her opinion, either rich people or uneducated cattle give birth in Russia.

The model separately noted that, according to statistics from her profile on the social network, her readers are the main “mother fund” of our country. At least part of it, that's for sure. And among these girls, Vodonaeva provokes a rejection of traditional family values. If we put aside rude phrases and emotions, we can partly agree with the blogger, but only that with all the potential capabilities of our state, people really should live better, and officials only get in the way. However, the author of the post did not seem to think about the fact that a country cannot exist without people - it is human capital that is necessary for its development.

"Do not make money among slaves"

I would like to write that Vodonaeva’s subscribers “inundated” her with negative comments, but it’s not that simple. Among them, unfortunately, there were many who approved of her “brave” position, which “others are afraid to express.” But, on the contrary, isn’t it cowardice to shy away from the slightest difficulties? Millions of young mothers around the world face problems to one degree or another, and this does not prevent most of them from raising their children with love and care.

Photo: zffoto/

However, there are a lot of condemning comments on the Internet.

“Then do not live among slaves and do not earn money here. Get out... Get out of the country! – wrote @seostock.

“Vodonaeva? Is this the one who was even kicked out of “House-2” in disgrace? And she still opens her mouth for advice?” – Sergei Tsopov was surprised.

Actress and TV presenter Evelina Bledans noted in an interview with Tsargrad, commenting on Vodonaeva’s scandalous statement, that she knows many artists who acted on her advice and had an abortion. As a result, no career, no children, “they are now sitting in some Mukhosransk.” Bledans also warned women that having once had an abortion, you could forever lose the opportunity to have children in the future.

“Alena is just a provocateur. She wrote such a post, now all the media will talk about it,” the actress concluded. Of course, we will tell you, because it is simply impossible to ignore such essentially anti-state statements. If you think about it, there is almost more harm from them than from the actions of some corrupt official.

The influence of “silicone wallets”

And it is not at all surprising that actor Ivan Okhlobystin reacted sharply to Vodonaeva’s post, publishing his response on the VKontakte social network.

“It would be nice to introduce a certain qualification on television channels for the position of TV presenters - to protect compatriots from ladies with reduced social responsibility,” he wrote.

The star of the series “Interns” added that everyone who does not like living in “this” state can go to “that”, where it will be better. “And there they can even marry dogs,” Okhlobystin drew the line.

Komsomolskaya Pravda military correspondent Andrei Steshin commented no less harshly on Vodonaeva’s words in his Telegram channel. According to him, as long as “silicon wallets” have the opportunity to influence the female audience using their capabilities, there can be no talk of any increase in the birth rate.

The only thing I can’t understand is who in the state is responsible for this area and whose authority it is to turn on such fountains of wisdom,” Steshin is perplexed and immediately adds: “I think no one.” In no one's.

Of course, you wouldn’t wish anyone to raise children in poverty. But advice that you first need to make a career, achieve financial stability, and have an abortion along the way, is the other extreme. The task of the state and its people is to jointly find a middle ground in which the population will grow not at the cost of increasing the number of poor, but through improving the general well-being of the country. But if the government, to one degree or another, does not fulfill its obligations, this does not mean that it is necessary to shift all responsibility onto it at all costs. Otherwise, everything will completely lose its meaning.

Why modern women... are afraid of their children

Candidate of Medical Sciences, gynecologist Nadezhda Khodyreva, who devoted her dissertation to studying the reasons why Novosibirsk women do not want to give birth, states: almost all ardent feminists who declare that they do not produce offspring only because they do not want to, in fact have objective physiological or social reasons why they cannot do this.

“Many women, especially those over 30, are afraid of having a sick child,” says Nadezhda Khodyreva. “Considering that among potential mothers there are practically no healthy ones, these fears are not unfounded. Moreover, very often, when a child is born with a pathology, protective fathers abandon the family. Young girls who refuse to give birth fear not so much for the child’s health as for their own. Although medical propaganda claims that pregnancy and childbirth have a positive effect on health, in reality this is far from the case. All chronic diseases “dormant” in the body become aggravated. For women suffering from diabetes, hypertension, heart or kidney pathologies, pregnancy and childbirth are a life-threatening risk.

“I don’t want to give birth, because it’s disgusting to be pregnant, it hurts and I don’t want to spoil my body.” “I am afraid of childbirth, as the first experience was surprisingly painful. I didn’t expect such pain!” Nadezhda Khodyreva heard these statements from visitors to the abortion clinic.

“Another reason why they refuse to give birth is distrust of the children’s fathers,” continues Nadezhda Sergeevna, “women do not rely on men in terms of parenthood. When they think about whether or not to have a child, they evaluate only their own capabilities, without distributing parental responsibilities between themselves and their partner.

Another observation by Nadezhda Khodyreva was quite surprising. It turns out that many women are simply... afraid of their potential children. “The situation in society is such that no amount of upbringing and education, even the best, can protect a child from drugs, alcohol, and violence. I will spend my life on him, and then he will put a knife to my throat and say: mother, give me a pension, I don’t have enough for vodka!” “I don’t observe any particular joy from serving a child and communicating with him from my friends, more often irritation, screams, and even suppressed hatred. I didn’t observe any spiritual closeness with children either. Most of my married and “children” acquaintances call their closest person, at best, a girlfriend, at worst, a cat or dog. I don't think things will be different for me. Meanwhile, being lonely with living children is a hundred times more offensive than without them!” These are also statements from abortion clinic patients, collected by a gynecologist.

Complete demotivation

Girls, before Tatyana figures out how to motivate us, let’s explain to her why we’re not giving birth?

  • We don’t give birth because we are not ready to lock ourselves in a ghetto of pacifiers, diapers and cereals for several years. We don't want to lose social connections.
  • We are not giving birth because you raised the retirement age, and now our grandmothers will not be able to help us with children.
  • We don't give birth because we are not ready to lose our source of income and job. Things that make us financially independent from men.
  • We don’t give birth because we know how things are with alimony in Russia. We don’t want to work three jobs in order to support our children alone after a divorce.
  • We don't give birth because beatings, rapes and murders happen around us every day, because schoolchildren beat up schoolchildren, and students blow up students. Because we don't want to go crazy worrying about our children.
  • We don’t give birth because the authorities are isolated from the people, they mock us through the media and talk about us as slaves. And we don’t want to give birth to new slaves for you.
  • Yes, we don’t give birth because we don’t want to reduce our quality of life. Because we don’t immediately have a desire. Maybe we don’t see much meaning in children.
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