“I don’t know how to decide to get pregnant,” at what age is it better to give birth?

Half a century ago, girls learned the joys of motherhood from a young age. 30-year-old women giving birth for the first time were rare. Contemporaries do not strive to have children early. I want to live for myself, earn money for a car, an apartment, and see the world. And few people manage to completely plan the exact time of pregnancy. Therefore, the 40-year-old woman in labor no longer surprises either those around her or the doctors. However, no one has canceled the “biological clock”. And doctors still recommend giving birth to the first and subsequent children within a certain age range.

When to have children according to science


Scientists and obstetricians-gynecologists say: the earlier a woman becomes pregnant, the higher the chance of an easy birth and the birth of a healthy child. For the female body, pregnancy is stressful at any age. But in her youth, the girl is not yet burdened with chronic diseases, and recovery after childbirth will be faster.

Another argument in favor of early childbirth is the decreasing number of eggs with age. This biological material is irreplaceable. And if we take into account that some girls lead an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, poor diet, promiscuity), then the quality of the eggs noticeably deteriorates. Unlike the stronger sex, who can “work” on their biological material and improve it, women do not have such an opportunity.

A physiological sign of a girl’s readiness for pregnancy and childbirth is the presence of menstruation. This period ranges from approximately 12-13 to 49-50 years.

The optimal age for the birth of your first child is from 20 to 28-29 years. If a family does not plan to have more than one baby, then doctors call the extreme upper age limit 35 years. The more children a woman wants, the sooner she needs to give birth to her first child.

Those who “postponed” having a child until age 35 may be disappointed. Firstly, the likelihood of pathologies in a child, including the development of Down syndrome, is much higher. Secondly, the woman’s body no longer has the reserves of energy and health to carry and give birth to a baby without any problems. Chronic diseases appear that can cause miscarriage or stillbirth.

The risk also increases if the child’s father has crossed the 30-year mark.

When is the best time to get pregnant: 5 conditions

After a successful marriage

I am convinced that every woman should think about offspring only after she meets a worthy man. This is built into your biological program. You have the right to choose a strong, responsible alpha male to be confident in the future of your children.

I know many stories when young men and women tie the knot for love, without understanding the common values ​​and aspirations of their partner. They give birth to children, and after two or three years they get divorced. Do you want this outcome?

Then take your time with your choice, don’t get stuck on the first person you meet. And let everyone around you say that it’s better to give birth before 35. The truth is up to you. And the truth is that you want to create a happy family with a reliable man.

After receiving education

Before you think about the optimal age for pregnancy, decide on your professional education. Ideally, you should get it before starting a family. Firstly, you will be able to work fully. Secondly, you increase your intellectual rating. Successful men prefer interesting, smart girls, not stupid dolls.

When you have a stable income

I'm not saying that you have to work hard. But having a financial cushion is simply necessary. But a man must provide for his family and earn money. Otherwise, you risk carrying everything on yourself, and your beloved will simply sit on your neck. To prevent this from happening, praise your spouse more often and support him in all his endeavors.

When your spouse is also ready for children

To avoid misunderstandings in this matter, it is necessary to negotiate “on the shore”. It happens that a man is not ready in principle to “have” children or to ask to wait with a child until he “gets on his feet.” In any case, the desire to give birth and raise children should be mutual. Please remember this.

Pregnancy before age 20: pros and cons

An unplanned pregnancy before the age of 20 is dangerous for a girl’s fragile body. And that's why:

  • the formation of the girl’s body is not yet completely completed;
  • metabolism is too active;
  • the nervous system is still immature;
  • hormonal levels are unstable.

Despite the fact that the body is formally ready for pregnancy, in reality it is difficult for it to endure all the changes that occur during this period. Early pregnancy can have a negative impact on the baby:

  • Miscarriages are more common in the early stages;
  • the baby may be born premature;
  • The baby's immune system may be weakened.

At the age of 18-20, few girls are psychologically ready to exchange their carefree youth for diapers and undershirts. And not every family has a young mother who receives the support of her parents or grandmothers.

But there are still positive aspects. Pros of early pregnancy:

  • little difference with the child, which means that the mother will look good when the baby goes to kindergarten and school;
  • the health of the young mother is stronger;
  • Having given birth early, the mother can receive an education and get a job without interruptions for maternity leave. About such people they say “shot back.”

However, for a happy outcome, early pregnancy must still be conscious and planned.

Pregnancy from 20 to 30 years: ideal time

This ten-year period for conception is considered the most successful in all areas: both physiological and psychological.

  1. The formation of the woman’s body is complete.
  2. Reproductive functions are at their peak.
  3. Age-related diseases have not yet been acquired.
  4. The hormonal background is stable.
  5. The birth takes place without damage or complications.
  6. The body recovers in a short time.
  7. Children are most often born healthy.

And the psychological mood for expanding the family during this period is much higher than in youth.

Of course, if a woman has bad habits and does not take care of her health, then problems may arise with bearing a baby even during this favorable age period.

Pregnancy at 30-40 years old

Modern women are increasingly putting off the joys of motherhood, setting the goal of building a career. Or not having a faithful life partner. Of course, if it is possible to give birth earlier, you should not delay it. And it’s better to conceive a baby before the age of 35.

Why you shouldn’t delay pregnancy at this age:

  • the risk of complications during childbirth increases;
  • the possibility of developing pathological abnormalities in the baby increases;
  • During pregnancy, chronic diseases may appear in a woman’s body or existing ones may worsen;
  • There may be problems with conceiving and carrying a baby.

But even in this case there are nuances. If a woman led a healthy lifestyle, ate well and took care of her health, pregnancy and childbirth will not only go well, but will also rejuvenate the woman’s body.

What age is best to give birth to your first child?

Many people still argue about what age is considered ideal for the birth of a first child. Some people believe that you can become a mother both at a young and adult age. The main thing is to know all the risk factors and try to avoid them. From a medical point of view, the best age for childbirth is considered to be 20-25 years, when a woman’s body is completely ready for such changes. But it happens that a girl can become pregnant at a younger age. About 80% of pregnancies among 17-19 year old mothers are unplanned; at this age they do not yet fully understand the full responsibility entrusted to them, and most often go to extreme measures - abortion. Such manipulation of the body can lead to serious consequences in the future.

If they decided to leave their baby, and did the right thing, then all responsibility suddenly shifts to the grandparents, since at a young age girls do not reach psychological maturity, and pregnancy is a huge stress for many. But there are always exceptions to every pattern.

The great difficulties of early motherhood lie in the fact that a young girl’s body has not yet fully formed, it continues to grow, and pregnancy at that age is a serious stress and test for it. Among young pregnant women, especially teenagers, according to statistics, the risk of premature birth increases by 2 times, severe toxicosis - by 3 times, compared with others. The incidence of pathologies during pregnancy, as well as mortality before, during and after childbirth, is 2-3 times higher compared to more mature women.

Very young mothers are more likely to give birth to a child with low birth weight (hypotrophy) or developmental pathology.

By the age of 20-25, a girl’s body is most prepared for bearing and giving birth to a child. He has gone through all stages of growth and development, and is capable of new changes. At this age, young parents are already ready for full responsibility to their child. Many people often consciously plan the birth of a baby, and prepare for this event with a full understanding of everything that is happening.

This age is also good because by the age of thirty you can have a second child without any health risks.

But from a psychological point of view, many believe that the ideal age for pregnancy is 30 years.

At this age, a woman is more mature and she approaches motherhood more subtly. She carefully plans her pregnancy and approaches the upbringing of her child with full responsibility. Mature women are less likely to spoil their child for no reason. When deciding to have a baby, they undergo a thorough examination, monitor their weight, adjust their diet and consult with a geneticist. In most cases, these measures help initially reduce the risk of complications.

But you should never forget that after 30 years the natural aging process of the body begins. Organs at this age begin to function differently, and a woman’s immunity decreases. The process of pregnancy and childbirth becomes the most difficult; doctors most often use a caesarean section.

Also at this age, all hereditary and acquired diseases become more obvious, which can also affect the baby’s health. After 30 years, and even closer to 40, the risk of having a child with birth defects increases: the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, heart, and often with Down syndrome. Of course, there is no complete relationship between age and pathology, but it is at this age that deviations during pregnancy and childbirth are most obvious.

But you should never despair, because if a woman is healthy, then the chances of giving birth to a full-fledged and absolutely healthy child are possible at any age. And if you really want to have a baby, start rebuilding and healing yourself long before the planned desired pregnancy.

Get rid of bad habits, spend more time in the fresh air, drink a vitamin complex. Do a test in time and get medical genetic consultation, all this will help reduce the risk of having a child with congenital diseases. Immunological and genetic laboratories at clinics will also help you.

First child after 40

It is not recommended for a woman to deliberately delay pregnancy until this age. And there are a number of reasons for this.

  1. The risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy increases significantly.
  2. The likelihood of having a child with pathologies or defects increases.
  3. Complications may occur due to hypertension.
  4. The birth process may be complicated, and the recovery period may be delayed.

In addition, after the 40th birthday, the body slowly begins to prepare for menopause. After all, it does not come in one day. The chances of conceiving at the age of 40+ decrease every year, despite the fact that reproductive function is maintained until the very moment of menopause.

When to “go” for the second and subsequent children

If spouses are planning a large family, then the first child should be born no later than 23-25 ​​years old. The question of the difference between an older and a younger child depends entirely on the wishes of the parents and the capabilities of the woman. If the body quickly recovered after the first birth, then why not allow yourself children with a small difference? But in this case, the family should prepare for the difficulties that will arise in the initial stages. After all, two small children are difficult.

Some families give birth to children with a large age gap - 5 or even 10 years. In this case, not only the parents, but also the older child need to prepare for the birth of the baby.

When exactly to give birth to a second (third) child depends on the wishes of the mother and father. As a rule, subsequent births, even after 35 years, are tolerated normally by a woman.

During adolescence

Very early pregnancy is both beneficial and a risk factor. What it actually turns out to be depends on environmental support (or lack thereof).

One of the advantages of early motherhood is the small age difference between mother and child. When a 40-year-old becomes a mother, as is increasingly happening thanks to medical advances, the generation gap between her and her child is enormous. Sometimes passers-by confuse this mother, asking if she is carrying her grandson or granddaughter in a stroller.

Older parents wonder if they can keep up with a two-year-old, how they will get to school assembly or whether their teenage children will not be embarrassed by them? Often the responsibility for caring for aging parents falls on the little ones left at home with them.

This type of dilemma is unknown to mothers who are only a few years away from their children. Early parents will have many common interests and speak the language of their children. After all, mothers remember very well the time of their youth.

The body of a teenager or twenty-something can better withstand the enormous challenges and burdens of various conditions, childbirth and the postpartum period. These young mothers are less likely to give birth to children with birth defects, and miscarriage is also less common in this age group. And, if they want another child or children in the future, they will have enough time to do so.

Young girls generally don't like the prospect of burying themselves in diapers for the next few years. Their peers are taking exams in high school, studying, traveling, in short - they enjoy life, and they have the impression that premature motherhood has caused an irreversible loss of freedom. However, with appropriate support from a partner, parents (preferably from both sides), and with the support of the school or university administration, problems and discomfort should not arise. If a young mother manages to complete her schooling and gain a profession, she may have an advantage over her friends who have not yet had children.

Employers are reluctant to hire young mothers, and even though they shouldn't, girls are sometimes asked about pregnancy plans as early as job interviews. Women who gave birth in their teens also have another advantage - good organization, multitasking, self-confidence, responsibility, "forward-thinking" that they just had to learn. It is not a myth that most minors grow up early because they are forced to do so by being responsible for another person.

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