The grandmother is tired of her daughter bringing her grandchildren every morning. One day she didn’t open the door and began to watch what would happen next.

Step-grandson: “Grandma, take me too, please.”

Angelina Pavlovna experienced such grief that words cannot express it and it is difficult to survive. Her only son Denis and his wife Lisa died in a car accident.

They saw him off on his last journey, cried... The grief never went away. But I had to move on with my life. Moreover, Denis and Lisa have three children left. Vova is ten years old, Kiryusha is three years old, and the youngest, Nadya, is only one year old.

So to speak, only the two youngest are Denis’s children. And Vova is Lisa’s son. Not to say “from my first marriage”. Because Lisa had never been married before she married Denis. And that Vovka was born when Liza had just turned eighteen - well, this happens too. And not to say that it is rare. And who the boy’s father is is also a mystery, shrouded in darkness.

Angelina Pavlovna, understandably, did not jump with delight when her son told her that he was marrying a woman with a child.

- What do you mean, aren’t there enough normal girls? - she swore at Denis. - There are so many of them walking around - young, beautiful, free, childless. And you found a trailer with a trailer. Why do you need to raise and support someone else's seed? Do you think he will at least thank you when he grows up? Well, keep your pocket wider! Nooo, raising other people's children is wasted work.

- Mom, stop, otherwise we’ll have a fight! - Denis flushed. - I love Lisa and will marry her. This is not discussed. I love Vovka too, and he’s taken a liking to me. So try to somehow accept this fact. And if you can’t, then I won’t be able to communicate with you. I don’t want my wife and child to have their noses poked at them as if they are somehow inferior.

Angelina Pavlovna sighed and cried into her pillow. But she resigned herself. After all, she has only one son, and there will never be another. And in general they have no more relatives. So there is no reason to quarrel with your only relative and close person, especially your own son.

Angelina Pavlovna often came to visit the young people, and always tried to praise and encourage Liza, and talk to Vova, play with him, take a walk. She never came empty-handed - she brought gifts, toys, sweets. In general, Vovka quickly became attached to Angelina Pavlovna and began to call her grandmother. Moreover, he never knew other grandparents - Lisa had been an orphan for a long time.

And soon Lisa gave birth to Kiryusha, so tiny, so cute, so similar to little Denis. And this finally reconciled Angelina Pavlovna with her daughter-in-law.

Angelina enjoyed taking care of her grandson. There are grandmothers whom you can’t drag with a lasso to their grandchildren. Like they are still young, they have their own lives, they want to relax, live for themselves and other nonsense like that.

Angelina Pavlovna was not one of those people. She really enjoyed babysitting the baby. Well, since she came to her son’s house, she also hung out with Vovka. So he is a smart, inquisitive boy. So interesting. Well, not my own, so so what. Although she did not have the kind of reckless, unconditional love that Angelina Pavlovna felt for Kirill for Vovka. Just a sweet boy and a pleasure to talk to. But nothing more.

And the birth of Nadya was simply a gift. Now they don’t have only boys, they also have a girl. It’s so nice to dress her up in a dress, give her dolls and various bows and hairpins (for growth when her hair grows, but you can give her now!).

And then that catastrophe happened...

There were three children left, orphans. What will happen to them? Of all the relatives, as it turned out, there is only one Angelina Pavlovna. She is already retired, but not old yet. Moreover, she retired long before the age of fifty-five, using preferential seniority. Quite cheerful and strong. Naturally, she didn’t want to hear about putting the children in an orphanage.

She began to formalize guardianship, especially since she was assured that in her case all this would be without problems - and an unpleasant surprise.

It turns out that Denis and Lisa did not formalize Vovka’s adoption. They were all getting ready. But first, Vovka had to enroll in first grade; they were afraid that they would not have time to complete the documents. Then, one after another, Kirill and Nadya were born, there was no time for that either. And then there’s this situation.

So, they say, take the younger ones without any problems. And the eldest goes to an orphanage.

“Like going to a boarding school,” Angelina was confused. - Is there any reason to separate brothers and sister?

- So, these are the laws.

- And what will happen to him?

_ We don’t know. Maybe he will be lucky and someone will adopt him or take him under guardianship. He is a homely boy, healthy, without developmental disabilities, from a good family. These are in demand. But he’s already big, so there may not be guardians. Many people are afraid to take on teenagers.

“Oh my God, it’s like he’s talking about puppies!” The device is in good hands,” Angelina Pavlovna was horrified.

I returned home, thought about it, and went to see my friend Polina Andreevna, whose son was a lawyer and owned his own legal clinic.

Vovka was taken to an orphanage. But Angelina Pavlovna was allowed to visit him. She comes, brings gifts - and Vovka roars:

- Grandma, take me home, please! I want to be with Kirilka and Nadenka! And with you! I feel bad here!

And of course it’s bad. Such a home child, he never left his family - and here it is.

It’s good that Polina Andreevna’s son took it upon himself to arrange this matter. And he ensured that Angelina Pavlovna was given guardianship over Vova. A natural step-grandson. She took him in with her, and now they all live together. Maybe it’s a little hard, and there’s not always enough money. But they are happy. Money is such nonsense! But all together.


Bad experience

Olga Alekseevna tried to convey to Natasha that the boys were very restless, noisy, and hyperactive. They don’t listen to grandma; they need an eye and an eye. An elderly woman, due to her age and limited mobility, cannot cope with her grandchildren. Their constant hooligan antics cause her blood pressure to rise and her health to deteriorate.

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The boys were really very naughty. One day Natasha decided to take them to kindergarten. Not only do they walk around all day and get sick all day, but they also managed to break a shelving unit and some toys in the garden. The teacher was indignant and asked the parents not to bring their children to the kindergarten anymore, citing the fact that she was not able to pay full attention to them, and they were doing such things that it was not far from an accident.

Favorite and least favorite grandchildren

Long post... The topic is probably not new. But still. I just want to talk it out. I foresee condemnation against me in advance.)) Names have been changed. We'll talk about the mother-in-law. My husband's parents live an hour and a half away by car from us. Not that far at all. The mother-in-law has 2 sons: the eldest, he has 2 children - a 9-year-old daughter and a 4-year-old son. Her youngest son is my husband. We have a 6.5 year old son and a 1.9 year old daughter. The eldest son and his family live next door to his mother-in-law (in the next house). We rarely see my mother-in-law, once a month, at most 2 times. We also rarely call each other: once a week, and then only if I call. And usually the conversation comes down to the grandchildren of the eldest son. She sees his children 5 days a week, or even more often. They are completely on her: she takes her eldest granddaughter to clubs, to school, from school, rehearsals, performances. He takes his youngest grandson out of the garden, walks with him, feeds him, sits with both of them, waits for their parents. And parents arrive at 21, 22, and 23 o'clock, i.e. The children are with their mother-in-law all day. She knows everything about them down to the smallest detail: who pooped, how they ate, who’s success. For example, we come to visit her, she starts telling us about them: Masha got a 5, they put it on the honor board, and Petya is such a diligent boy and everyone in the kindergarten loves him so much. And he lays it out to us in detail for an hour. Why? We are not interested and bored listening to this, to be honest, neither me nor my husband. If you tell her about this, she will be offended. And the same thing on the phone, I’ll call to tell you about my children, she starts telling me about those grandchildren. I have to listen

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