Morning ritual that preserves the beauty and youth of your skin

Ritual 5: Roll your eyes and say goodbye to negativity

In a dream, a person's eyes are slightly rolled up. Therefore, with your eyelids closed, “look” up and proceed to the last life hack before you fall asleep. Imagine that you are sitting on the bank of a fast and quiet river and looking at the flowing water. Imagine grass, trees, birdsong and rustling leaves around you. After this, begin to list for yourself the events of the past day, and mentally pick up each event that you consider negative and throw it into the river and try to imagine how the negative events gradually float away on the water far, far away from you.

Art is to be beautiful))

One of the purposes of a woman is to be BEAUTIFUL!

Yes, yes, female beauty is a very important aspect! Any man always wants to see a beautiful, well-groomed, charming and attractive woman next to him! When a man gets married, he dreams that his wife will ALWAYS be as beautiful and well-groomed as before the wedding.

Being beautiful is work, and daily and regular. Very often a woman who has become a mother forgets about her sacred duty and switches completely to the baby, forgets that self-care is a foundation on the building of which a lot depends: her well-being, your own self-worth, relationship with your husband, etc. The main rule: devote at least 30 minutes to yourself every day. If you can do more, that’s a huge plus! And it doesn’t matter what you do: lie in the bathroom, tidy up your hair or get a manicure. This is your time and you need to learn how to allocate it and use it wisely!

What are the basic rules of beauty: Keep a Beauty Diary , where you will keep your relevant entries, enter all sorts of reminders and recipes. Women's beauty is completely incompatible with cigarettes and alcohol. The female body should be flexible, movements should be smooth - dancing, yoga - to help us

Start every morning with a glass of water (with honey, lemon or to your taste) Proper and healthy nutrition! Last meal - no later than 18.00

Sleep schedule - early rise and not late bedtime, and for mothers with babies - just get enough sleep Posture!!! Preventive visits to doctors: dentist, gynecologist, etc. So, let's go through daily beauty rituals: MORNING BEAUTY RITUALS Shower. Better contrast. Not only wakes you up from sleep, but also gives a healing effect on the skin and the body as a whole! A glass of water on an empty stomach (moisturizing the skin “from the inside”) Ice cubes for the skin of the face and neck . If there are no contraindications!!! After 25 years - has a rejuvenating effect, tones the skin!

It is better to wash with settled water at room temperature. Afterwards, you can blot your face with a disposable towel or an immaculately clean towel. Skin care for the face and neck : along the massage lines - tonic, cream. After 25 years - skin care around the eyes - eye cream.

Care for teeth and lips (lip massage with a toothbrush), lip balm Hand skin care (put hand cream in your purse or cosmetic bag) Tidy up your hair , create a hairstyle! Makeup depends on your mood and plans (Mascara + lip gloss - and I don’t feel undressed) Healthy breakfast! Sweets in the morning (improves mood for the whole day) - for a woman - a must

EVENING RITUALS: Makeup removal (remove all makeup, cleanse the face): milk, cleansing lotions, foams, etc. Warm shower - relieves fatigue, restores energy, cleanses the skin. After the shower, use body milk, oils, mousse or body cream. Care for the skin of the face and neck: - self-massage of the face, preferably done daily, once a day, preferably in the evening, after cleansing the face:

Frequent combing of hair, head massage, aroma combing Hand cream. Foot cream. Dinner no later than 18.00. Everything that is eaten later contributes to intoxication and slagging of the body. OTHER BEAUTY RITUALS: Phys. loads - yoga/dancing/fitness - individual schedule Cleansing the body - fasting days/special. diets/one-day fasting, etc. Steam bath (regularity depends on the type of facial skin) Face mask - 2 times a week Before the mask, you need to exfoliate. awns Manicure once every 7-14 days Pedicure once every 7-14 days Depilation/epilation - as needed Hair mask - once a week Breast mask - once a week Skin care for the neck and décolleté area (peeling, mask ) - once a week. Bath with a therapeutic effect - once a week Intimate gymnastics - daily! It is important for a woman to maintain the tone of her intimate muscles.

What means can and should be used? — skincare cosmetics — foam for washing, milk for removing makeup (you can remove makeup simply with oils — wheat germ oil or coconut oil). Instead of store-bought face creams, use oil compositions with essential oils; hand cream; lip balm; - oatmeal - use oatmeal for washing and just oatmeal for breakfast; — ground coffee is an excellent scrub for the whole body, except for the facial skin! brewed coffee is used for ice cubes! - herbs - chamomile, mint, sage, nettle, calendula - for rinsing hair, and for making masks, and for drinking tea! - clay (blue/white/red) - for making masks, for baths; — vegetable oils — a variety of them — jojoba, coconut, wheat germ, olive, shea, castor — the range of uses is very wide! - essential oils - jasmine, lavender, lemon (a drop of lemon oil + toothpaste - excellent for whitening teeth), tea tree oil - the first thing in the medicine cabinet, ylang-ylang, etc.; — rose water is an excellent tonic, skin moisturizer + antiseptic properties — also widely used! - honey - for preparing face masks, hair masks, and lip care. - sea salt - for general strengthening baths and baths for strengthening nails)) - decorative cosmetics - mascara, lipstick, lip gloss, foundation, powder, etc.

What are your beauty secrets, share them in the comments?

Evening rituals for a happy tomorrow: prepare your day in the evening

Have you ever fallen asleep excited? Or angry? Or upset? And the next morning you immediately start thinking about this problem - is that an unlucky start to your day? You start the morning with negative thoughts: “Today you will have to deal with your boss; will I have enough money until the end of the week; I hate my job; my children will drive me crazy; when will my husband stop watching TV so much; I need coffee, I'm so tired that I just want to spend the whole day in bed..."

Your thoughts before bed set the tone for the next day. Your consciousness works on them all night, like a dog holding a bone in its teeth...

But you shouldn't wake up stressed. You can set the tone for the coming day before bed.

Stop listening to yourself

Do you know that the most common reason for your failures is that you listen to your consciousness: instead of turning to yourself, you simply listen to all your thoughts, as if this voice in your head is your authority? This is wrong. So what is talking to you? It's your FEARS , not you... you feel worse only because of fear!

Start talking to yourself in a positive manner. Instead of listening to fear-based chatter (centered around problems and what can go wrong), you control the conversation. Whenever a thought bothers you, replace it with a positive one. Overcome your fears. In the example above:

  • “I'll have to deal with my boss today” (potential fear of getting fired) becomes “I'll have a productive meeting with my boss today.”
  • “Will I have enough money by the end of the week” (fear of ruin) turns into “I will pay more attention to budget allocation this week.”
  • “I hate my job” (fear of living a life without happiness and satisfaction) becomes “Through my work, I make a valuable contribution to the life of humanity.”
  • “My kids drive me crazy” (fear of not being a good parent) becomes “I am a loving, patient and understanding parent.”
  • “When will my husband stop watching so much TV” (fear of worsening relationships and loneliness) turns into “I’m coming up with a lot of creative and fun things for my husband and me to do.”
  • “I need coffee, I’m so tired I just want to stay in bed all day...” (fear makes you feel powerless, helpless and hopeless) becomes “I will wake up refreshed and full of energy.”

Over time, you will learn to focus on the positive aspects of life. Repeating positive thoughts literally rewires the neural pathways in your brain and old fear-based pathways atrophy.

Stop ending the day complaining about what's wrong in your life, regretting, wishing, or thinking about something you don't have.

Wanting what you don't have is counterproductive. Always remember that what you focus on multiplies in your life, and when you desire that you have something, you focus more on the fact that you don't have it - and so you will attract the lack of what you wish . Be happy in the present because what you want will only bring you momentary happiness and you will soon start wanting more! Choose to focus on what can go well!

End the day with gratitude, especially for lessons and blessings that were completely unexpected! Appreciate what you have and it will make you happier here and now. When you're happier, you sleep better, and if you focus on the good things you already have, more good things will come to you!

Stop ending your day thinking about your problems.

It may seem like the right thing to do, because the mind can spend the whole night looking for solutions to these problems. But when you focus on a problem, your consciousness begins to look for more and more ways to make this problem your reality.

Start ending your day thinking about solutions—the ideal scenario you want to bring to life—instead of constantly dwelling on your problems. Ingenious solutions will arise in your mind if you point it in the right direction; This direction is not a “problem”, but a “solution” . Focus on the ideal situation, and at night your mind will search for ways to make this decision a reality!

Stop going to bed angry

If you have any conflict with your relationship partner, friend or family member, try to resolve it before you go to bed. Don't go to bed angry.

Start going to bed with thoughts filled with love. If you can't resolve a conflict, spend a few minutes sending unconditional love to that person. Forget about what happened and send him love... No matter how hurt you are or how angry you are, you won't feel any worse for sending him love. You'll feel better—and you won't wake up hurt or angry!

Start and end each day with love, and no matter what happens in your relationship, it will improve the situation!

These small evening rituals will help you get a better night's sleep and set the tone for the next day.

Thanks for the material:


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Spall, Xander: Morning rituals. How successful people start their day

About the book Morning rituals and habits of successful people, business leaders and professional athletes - from meditation and breakfast to training.

Among the heroes of the book are Arianna Huffington, Marie Kondo, the president of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios Ed Catmull, other leaders from various industries and world-class athletes.

Most successful people never leave their mornings to chance. How your day will go, whether it will be productive and creative, depends on how you spend the first hour after waking up. Correct morning rituals will charge you with energy and positivity for the whole day. This book is based on more than three hundred interviews about morning routines. It also features 64 conversations with a wide range of successful people, from a retired US Army general to a three-time Olympic swimmer. You will learn about the amazing similarities in their morning rituals and improvisations in this field.

Some rituals are based primarily on physical activity and a spartan lifestyle, while others are more relaxing. You'll learn a wide range of practices that you can try at home, from sleep patterns and eating habits to approaches to using electronic devices and sports.

With this book, you can find your morning rituals and develop new habits that will develop you. The first hour after waking up is the foundation on which the whole day stands. Remember: you do not work for rituals, but they work for you. Don't rely on fate, take control of this important part of your day, and let it bring you happiness and increase your productivity.

Who is this book for? For everyone who wants to start and spend every day productively.

For those who lack vigor, energy and a positive attitude.

From the Authors The purpose of this book is not to convince you that there is one right way to start the day. Instead, we want you to experiment and ultimately create a morning routine that works for you and leaves you feeling rested, energized, physically and mentally healthy, and set up for a great day, even if you're not a natural morning person or have little ones. children and if you work a lot and have to get up with the sun every day.

It is known that the small household chores and tasks that we perform day after day have a very serious impact on our personal growth and the kind of people we become. In the words of John Lennon, “Life is what happens to you while you are busy making plans.” What defines us as individuals often begins with what we do unconsciously. And these actions begin with our morning rituals.

Your morning routine will—and should—adjust as you move from one stage of life to the next. By reading this book, you will learn to take control of these changes, make them intentional, and align them with your most important life values ​​and changing priorities. We'll teach you how to create the basic elements of good morning rituals, offer you the ideas you need, and inspire you to add things to them and get rid of things over time.

About the Author Benjamin Spall and Michael Xander are the founders of mymorningroutine, an online magazine that features interviews with successful people about their morning rituals.
For their book, Benjamin and Michael selected 64 interviews with the most successful people and analyzed them, collecting summary statistics on habits. Hide

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