Where do men sew silicone?

How do men feel about silicone breasts?

Recent surveys among the male population have shown that it is impossible to clearly divide the stronger sex into those who are “for” and “against” such changes in women’s appearance. The respondents were conditionally divided into 5 groups:

1 group

. Absolutely against silicone breasts. This attitude is motivated by the fact that it is harmful to health (by the way, such an opinion is quite justified). In addition, according to them, artificial breasts feel less pleasant to the touch than real ones. Still, tactile sensations are more important to these men than size.


group. It is believed that if a woman decides to have breast enlargement, it means that she is about to take on a new lover. They express fears that their partner will become more demanding of them.

3 group

. They will never allow their beloved woman to undergo such surgical intervention. This is motivated by the fact that their “other halves” are dear to them not because of their breasts. These men have in the foreground the care and feelings that they value most.

4 group

They have nothing against improving the appearance of their friends, and in many cases they not only finance such an operation, but also visit specialized clinics with women to choose the size and shape of their future breasts.
As a rule, these men are pleased to be near a woman who is a desirable object for other members of the stronger sex. They sincerely enjoy the envious glances and admiring compliments addressed to their friends. They unconsciously believe that a beautiful woman with impeccable curves gives them position, weight and status among others. 5 group

. Most often, men in this group are not only not against breast augmentation operations, but sometimes they themselves invite their companions to take this step. They do not hide their opinion that everything in a woman should be beautiful - both soul and body.

As can be seen from the survey results, there are a great many opinions regarding men’s attitude towards silicone breasts. Therefore, if you decide to take such a drastic step, then first of all you should consult with your lover and find out his opinion on this matter.

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Morning exercise figure. Physical exercises for hernia of the white line of the abdomen. Spice therapy.

men and silicone

Signs of a woman who will never marry “I am young, beautiful, successful, I provide for myself, and well. I have a lot of hobbies, a nice apartment and an expensive car. I'm also great in bed. But I can’t find the man. Normal men have emerged..."Texts with similar content appear on social networks with enviable regularity. They are really true: a great many beautiful and successful girls cannot get married. Why this happens, and whether something can be changed in this sad situation, psychologist and sexologist Oleg Shevchenko told us. “It only at first glance seems paradoxical - that a woman, seemingly woven from nothing but merits, remains lonely. In fact, there are explanations for this, says Shevchenko. — What girls consider their strengths are actually their weaknesses. I'll list the five main ones - I'm sure that the "successful losers" will see that all of these points apply to almost each of them.1. A good job, a high position, big earnings - all these signs of a successful woman in the eyes of men are not at all attractive in relation to the one they want to see as their future wife. Of course, gigolos don’t count - but none of the girls are looking for them. A successful career speaks of such character traits as toughness, self-confidence, and high activity. Believe me, overly active women scare men away.2. The same successful girls like to talk about being goddesses of sex. It is unlikely that such a statement will attract a member of the opposite sex. Firstly, because knowledge of the chosen one’s great experience in bed acts like a cold shower. Secondly, there is a fear of not being a “god” yourself - next to the goddess!3. A woman pays a lot of attention to her appearance, often visits cosmetologists, hairdressers, uses silicone in different parts of the body, etc., etc. For most men, touching such a woman is scary. They are subconsciously afraid of damaging such artificially created beauty; they cannot relax and feel natural.4. Most of the girls of the type we are considering are very demanding of their partners. Of course, if a woman considers herself perfect, then the man next to her should be corresponding. But criticism always has a bad effect on relationships. Even if a man is able to meet all the requirements of a lady, the very fact of having these requirements kills love.5. The girl takes courses in three foreign languages, enjoys rock climbing, dances salsa and rumba? Who told you that all these are her advantages? A man needs a beloved woman who will be next to him, and not rush around courses and trainings. Family life is not a quest!

Silicone for men?



Man's health

The so-called velvet revolution took place in the world long ago: men declared their own rights to the territory, which for the time being was exclusively female.

In America and Europe, an increasing number of men are gradually becoming involved in the beauty industry. Nowadays, visitors to fitness clubs, many beauty salons and solariums are no longer divided by gender: the number of men who take care of their own appearance is gradually equal to the number of women. Such representatives of the stronger sex have nothing to do with homosexuals (despite the fact that it was gays who were the first in history to pave the way to beauty salons). It’s just that men who have adopted a healthy lifestyle liked it, and they began to take more care of their appearance.

Following women, men also discovered plastic surgery . Now in the world, approximately 17% of visitors to specialized plastic clinics are men. Do you think that these are exclusively pop and film stars who are supposed to look their best based on their rank? You are wrong. If even Silvio Berlusconi, the former Prime Minister of Italy, quite openly declared that he had undergone a face lift, what then remains for us mere mortals? That's it, there's nothing to be ashamed of anymore.

In this sense, Russia is practically no different from the West. “Now a lot has changed, people’s mentality has changed, if you like,” famous plastic surgeon Vladimir Tapia explains the new fashion. — Previously, the real male type was always represented by a rude, unkempt guy with a short haircut, who could swear loudly and well. But now times have changed, and the man becomes different.

A type of people has emerged with a new way of thinking: a man needs to dress well, look good, and be well-groomed. Previously, this was considered an exclusively female privilege. But now men take care and think about themselves, even go shopping with pleasure. These new type of men have completely changed their big ugly belly and their habits: they began to pay attention to their appearance, monitor their health, and, as a result, their lifestyle has changed - yes, now they visit beauty salons, go shopping, buy themselves cosmetics and recommend a reliable plastic surgeon to each other.”

In connection with such trends, a hot time is coming for plastics. If there is demand, then there is supply. And from now on, doctors have to work much more, because before, almost no one thought about men, technologies and new products were one or two for them. And now the field of plastic surgery is already divided into female and male. A new niche has emerged in the market. New technologies and techniques in male plastic surgery are already being perfected, everything that has ever been offered to women is being offered, and amazing operations are being performed.


They perform not only operations to increase a man’s sexual dignity, but also to completely restore it, for example, after injuries suffered by a man. This newest operation has only just begun to be practiced in world surgery, but has already managed to shock the male population of the planet.

“The operation is complex, but effective and interesting,” explains Vladimir Tapia. “Silicone is injected into the patient’s testicles, and it is even impossible to guess that the person had any problems. Surgeons came up with the idea that with the help of a very simple device, a man can cause an erection at his own request: you press on one testicle, which acts as a pump, and there you go. Moreover, you can cause an erection as many times as you like! And if the reproductive function has not been affected due to some kind of trauma, then the patient can easily acquire offspring. It is extremely important for a man to please a woman, and when his male function is lost, it becomes a tragedy. That's why doctors came up with such an operation as phalloplasty. And today they are honing their methods to perfection .”

Of course, phalloplasty is a new operation. But according to the stories of plastic surgeons, there is already an incredible demand for it.

Plastic surgery for men: who has already tried it?

Vladimir Tapia states,

that now the most popular areas of attention among men are the chin and stomach.

Deputies, politicians, governors, businessmen and people simply taking care of themselves turn to clinics with the desire to get rid of a double chin. They often undergo liposuction (suction of excess fat) and lifting in this area. Almost everything is the same as for women.

The stomach is a completely different story. Men from the age of 35 come to the doctor for appointments with bellies. Why is it so late, if often the belly grows back by 30? According to surgeons, this is explained by the fact that before the age of 35, a man still has the opportunity to cope with excess weight on his own. For example, he can easily head to the gym. Those who work 24 hours a day need radical measures with instant results. An operation on a man’s abdomen differs significantly from a similar operation on a woman’s abdomen: after all, the anatomical structure is different. If a woman’s shape must be round, then for men it is ideally a “chocolate bar”. Therefore, different technologies are used.

“Yes, now plastic surgery can make a real Apollo out of a man,” Dr. Tapia says enthusiastically. “We can artificially create “squares” on the stomach, simulating real muscles. This work is performed at the level of fatty tissue. In general, today plastic surgery offers a lot of interesting things and opportunities for men.”

For some time now, an operation that creates pumped up muscles has become very popular. For example, breast prosthetics are in use to create relief and volume. True, in contrast to female prosthetics, males are given denser and more rigid muscle-shaped prosthetics. The result is a complete imitation of an inflated chest.

Another popular operation for men is lifting . The age of lifting in men is much older than in women. Men's skin is less susceptible to time, it is rougher. Therefore, a man usually looks much younger than a 40-year-old woman of the same age,

and if at this age a woman can already have a lift, then a man doesn’t even think about it for another ten years. He remembers lifting when he was closer to 50 years old.

“However,” notes plastic surgeon Vladimir Korczak, “men have not yet fully appreciated the benefits of this operation. There is a simple reason for this: they do not particularly like the postoperative period. After all, it is necessary to wear bandages, and if a woman can hide them under a wig, scarf or scarf, then wearing a post-lifting bandage for a man without removing it, and even for two weeks, is sometimes truly unbearable. But those who nevertheless decide on a less short-term rehabilitation period get excellent results.”

Doctors also predict a boom in blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) among the male population in the near future. Already today, this operation is a huge success among men. Men want to get rid of those ugly bags under their eyes and look great. True, unlike women who, using blepharoplasty, strive to look younger and prettier, men come to their doctor with one single phrase: “Doctor, I don’t drink at all, but I look like I’m an alcoholic. Do something." And indeed, they do. If you could guess how many famous people are looking at you from the TV screen with their new eyes.

But the most popular part of the face is the nose. The man loves to redo it. But most likely not even in order to be beautiful, but simply because a man’s nose often becomes deformed (falls, fights, injuries). Hence the problems with the heart and breathing. In this sense, a man looks at rhinoplasty as a life-saving operation not to improve his own appearance, but used for health improvement.

Risks of plastic surgery for men

What is the risk for every man who goes under the knife of a plastic surgeon? The same as a woman. You should always contact a professional, since any operation performed by non-professionals, even something as simple as removing a wart, has a potential danger.

But even if we are talking about professionals, it is still impossible to guarantee a 100% result.

There are a number of operations that are potentially dangerous if not properly prepared for. Often these capricious operations cannot be accurately corrected, and it is necessary to know the subtleties well and be able to calculate everything correctly. Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is considered one of these operations. Doctors consider it a treacherous operation, because if it is not thoroughly prepared, it can create a lot of trouble. Judge for yourself: in the process of such an operation it is necessary not only to remove excess fat and make a “chocolate bar”, but to literally create a new navel!

Blepharoplasty is also tricky. All people have different skin, and it has its own age-related characteristics: for some it has little stretch, while for others it is like rubber. It stretches and stretches on the operating table, and the inexperienced doctor wants to remove as much and in addition as much more. And then it may happen that a person’s eyes do not close.

And the third very delicate thing is rhinoplasty (nose job). It just seems that there is nothing to do in the nose: the doctor often looks at the patient after surgery and concludes that everything turned out great, but if the calculation is incorrect, after two weeks the nose may move to one side or droop. Experienced surgeons say that you can make real candy out of any nose; the doctor just has to have excellent command of the technology.

Men recover equally as women, sometimes even faster. The only difference is in the technology: for example, the seam in a male lift is laid in a completely different way, because the hair growth line at the auricle of a man follows a completely different trajectory.

One thing may be obvious: the man has won his own right to plastic surgery. And this, first of all, means that science and surgeons are looking for new ways, new rules and new technologies. Typically masculine, created only for men.


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