What men value in women: an unexpected truth


  • 17.10.2017


    Thanks a lot. very interesting and useful article, I agree with the suggestions, and the truth is that everything makes sense well, but in moderation. Thanks again.

  • 18.10.2017


    I’ve been married for 4 years now and the article definitely says that a man needs both attention and care, sometimes it’s difficult to always be beautiful, because we already have children, everyday life, work, and all this slowly extinguishes the romantic feelings that were there in the first place. But I am sure that if a woman wants, she will do everything possible so that her man is always passionate about her alone. Thank you for your articles, they are all very useful, they are all very correct.

  • 19.10.2017


    Just the other day I was talking to a friend; she has an 18-year-old son and a 13-year-old daughter. So my daughter wants to do absolutely nothing, learn to cook or clean her room. In response to all the arguments, she says that she will marry a rich man and the cleaning lady will do everything for her. And the son, in turn, when asked by his mother why he won’t find a girl to live together, says that 90% of girls are like his sister, and he doesn’t need them like that. So you need to be able to do everything, but in moderation so that the man can see that the girl is not white-handed, but it’s definitely not worth carrying everything on yourself. And of course, where without care, men love attention towards them. The most important point is not to forget to take care of yourself, because a man loves with his eyes.



      Curious. Since childhood, seeing what my brother was like, I also looked at men without any enthusiasm and didn’t really want to meet them. And nothing worked out until I saw the good in them too.

  • 05.11.2017


    A few years after marriage, my husband admitted that he was attracted to me by my thriftiness and caring nature. One day he got sick and I came to him - I cleaned the apartment, prepared dinner, and gave him herbal tea. This moment captivated him) All his exes were obsessed with their loved ones and were not even able to wash the dishes, let alone cook anything.

  • 08.11.2017


    Whatever men say about women’s thriftiness, most of them always look at a beautiful and well-groomed woman, and only then pay attention to her other abilities. Of course, a woman needs to be able to cook deliciously and take care of the house, but she should not completely lose herself in this activity, otherwise there is a risk of losing her value and attractiveness in the eyes of a man. A little bit of everything, and if these rules are followed, there will be harmony in the family.

  • 17.11.2017


    No matter how funny it may sound, it’s really so sad. Nowadays, it’s true that most girls don’t know how to do anything other than use an iPhone. And alas, everyone is so successful in life, so such ladies should carefully read the words above and start working on themselves. A minimum of skills and knowledge has never hurt anyone in life. But at the same time, be careful not to fall into the hands of some gigolo.

  • 23.11.2017


    It seems to me that, first of all, a man values ​​understanding and the ability to listen. Of course, at the first meeting, appearance plays a role - whether you hooked a man. But then the conversations begin. If you know how to listen carefully, if you have common interests with him, then the man will want to meet with you again. Often a man has problems at work and it doesn’t matter whether he is a bank manager or a plumber, but he has no one to share with. This is where you are needed. Or he has planned something and even decided, but he needs someone who will support him in his decision. A man will always need you.

  • 29.11.2017


    An inaccessible image has a side effect - you can simply be lonely because of it. There are plenty of examples around. You need to emphasize in your image that, yes, you are spectacular and you won’t just let someone approach you, but you are READY to give a chance.

  • 09.12.2017


    But it seems to me that all men should not be put under the same brush. They are just as different and each with their own taste, just like girls. For some, beauty is important first and foremost, and that’s the majority. But there are also those who value intelligence.

  • 17.12.2017


    First of all, a man appreciates in a girl the ability to be herself. If you are modest, shy and timid, then trying to play a bitch will fail. And vice versa - a sharp-tongued, lively person will not be able to become quiet even for a while. Well, from my own experience I can add that a sense of humor is always appreciated. The ability to joke, including at yourself.

  • 31.12.2017


    I don’t know, somehow everything was simpler for me. If I fell in love, I simply told the man about it. Or she made it clear. I have fallen in love twice in my entire life and both times ended in marriage. I only realized that I needed to stay in shape and some kind of riddle when my second husband started going for walks. Looking at his mistress, I realized that I looked much worse. You need to love yourself and not spare money on manicures and fitness.

  • 15.01.2018


    Oh, I don’t know what men value first of all, one is appearance, the other is the manner of communication. When I met my husband, outwardly I was not in the best shape - simple clothes, no makeup, hairstyle - so in general, to put it mildly, quiet horror. But for some reason I was attracted and liked the way he speaks now - at first sight. But I didn’t immediately like him, I behaved normally, not trying to please him, I just talked as if I were a pleasant interlocutor. Perhaps she won his heart with her naturalness and communication.

  • 21.01.2018


    I would argue with the author of the advice in the part where he claims that a girl’s natural quality is thriftiness)) After all, the 21st century is here - I thought that men had stopped associating femininity with thriftiness))

  • 26.02.2018


    Above all, they value modesty, neatness, and the ability to cook and feed deliciously; it’s not for nothing that they say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.



      Well, I agree with tasty food and neatness, but modesty is unlikely. Gone are the days when downcast eyes and a quiet voice were valued in girls. Now self-confidence, the ability to stand up for oneself and independence are the qualities that will interest a man.

  • 21.03.2018


    Nowadays, men love in women self-sufficiency and the ability to behave culturally, so that they would not be ashamed to show off to friends and, at the same time, brag. Of course, no one has canceled a well-groomed appearance and the ability to dress.

  • 09.05.2018

    Victoria Yudacheva:

    At different stages of a relationship, a man values ​​different feminine qualities. And if at the first stage (acquaintance) he is impressed by beauty, positivity and easy disposition, then everything becomes more complicated. Requirements change, and a man becomes interested in thriftiness, caring, kindness, agreeableness, fortitude, and the ability to compromise. Those. those qualities without which life together is impossible.

  • 11.08.2018


    Even psychologists contradict each other on the question of what kind of women men like. You write that it’s good to include the role of the mother. But most family coaches recommend not to do this, not to become comfortable like a mother.



      Everything should be in moderation.

  • 25.11.2018


    Somehow I haven’t met men whose knees knock against each other on a date. On the contrary, everyone became arrogant and dissolute.

  • 09.08.2019


    The topic is not new, a lot has already been written, but everything is somehow about the personal experience of the writer. Therefore, I did a survey, collected the opinions of different people who answered the question in the title of the article: what do men value most in women?

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