How to seduce a man without words: effective poses and gestures. Women's body language, or How to understand that she is seducing you

How to seduce a man without words: effective poses and gestures

Do you still think that a man should take the initiative when meeting someone, and a woman, like an indestructible fortress, should not show the slightest interest? Be prepared for annoying disappointment! In an era of gender equality, a girl with such convictions risks being left broke at a time when her more enterprising friends take the first victorious step towards their happiness. And men are only happy about this, they are pretty tired of being in the lead roles. Courageous on the outside, but fragile on the inside, also love when they are shown signs of attention and seduced. Tips on how to seduce a man are more relevant today than ever!

It is a well-known fact that in the process of personal communication about our counterpart, we receive only 20% of the information from words. The remaining 80% is formed in the subconscious from his facial expressions, gestures and other visual data. Experts in the field of nonverbal communication say that you can win a man over without uttering a single word! And all thanks to the multifaceted sign language. So, some useful recommendations for your arsenal of ways to conquer men’s hearts or how to properly seduce a man without words?


Daniel Craig

Pisces men are willing to make contact, and if you are interested in them, they will definitely tell you about themselves and their hobbies. It is unlikely that the conversation will be about something secret, but keep in mind: if Pisces speak with enthusiasm, they clearly want to impress you. Know that for men born under the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, this is already a significant step. The Pisces symbol itself contains a contradiction, and the nature of these men is also contradictory. Their motives and aspirations are in constant internal conflicts, so you should not expect any targeted courtship or signs of attention. In the sexual sphere, Pisces are demanding and unpredictable. They do not have specific preferences, but nevertheless, we should expect that the preferences of each individual representative of the Pisces sign will turn out to be some kind of extravagant fantasy, which not every woman will come to terms with. What it will be - cross-dressing, ankle worship or having sex in public places - is impossible to predict, but if a representative of this zodiac sign has won your heart, then these desires are unlikely to become a serious obstacle to love.


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Eye contact or on the object - or!

“Shooting with the eyes” is a common facial technique that is actively used by representatives of the fairer sex on the warpath for the attention of the male they like. The formula is simple: “in the corner - on the floor in front of you - on the man.” However, few take into account additional conditions that largely determine the effectiveness of the technique. For the “shot” to be effective, the girl must be in a sitting position and look at the man from the lowest point. Also, at each point the gaze must be held for different periods of time. In order: angle - no need to focus your gaze, look absentmindedly for 2-3 minutes; the floor in front of you - devote a split second to this point; man - here you need to not just linger, but draw a confident line with your gaze from your heels to your eyes. Make eye contact and slowly look away.

Mastery comes with experience, so before you use your abilities on the object of desire, it is better to practice on an unknown man and test the reaction.

Advice: movements should be smooth, only the eyes can “work”, you don’t need to help yourself with the rest of the facial muscles, don’t chew or talk to strangers at the time of shooting.

What is our gaze capable of?

This nonverbal signal carries maximum information and energy. This is the most powerful weapon in your nonverbal communication. It is with your gaze that you can show a man your special attitude towards him.

Catch his gaze and don't look away for 3 seconds, then lower your eyelashes. Psychologists have experimentally determined this duration to be optimal for attracting attention. The fact is that a three-second glance on one side will be noticed and highlighted by those at whom it is directed. It contains a certain challenge, since it lasts longer than the usual social glance (the 1.5-2 second contact that we exchange with acquaintances) and clearly indicates interest. On the other hand, the challenge is not excessive and is not perceived as a manifestation of aggression, as would be the case with longer eye contact. To make sure a man is convinced of your interest, accompany your gaze with a barely noticeable smile.

When communicating with a man, glances should not only be long, but also frequent. It’s good if the total duration of visual contact is about 70% of the conversation time.

This is the most comfortable mode for establishing an emotional connection between interlocutors.

Advantageous position

More than a dozen books have been written and hundreds of films have been made about how to seduce a man with a pose. Basic principles: look relaxed and take an asymmetrical position. What does this mean? In relation to the object of increased attention, a woman should not sit or stand strictly frontally with symmetrically positioned legs and arms.

Position yourself semi-sideways (optimally, 45 degrees), cross your legs, rest your chin on your hand (your back should be straight), etc.

If seduction occurs in an informal setting, for example, at a party or lunch break, you can playfully swing one shoe while sitting in an armchair or on an upholstered chair, but only if the feet are in well-groomed condition.

What's your winning cleavage area? Place yourself on the edge of a chair, bring your knees together, rest your hands on them and lean your torso forward a little - the best position so as not to vulgarly show off your bust.

A classic of the genre in the art of seduction is slowly crossing your legs over your legs, throwing back a strand of hair, stroking your neck with your fingers. Few people know that they will be effective only if they are natural to a woman. Making them “on purpose” with natural expressiveness is very difficult. In most cases it looks comical and has the opposite effect.

In answering the question of how to seduce an adult man, the main rule is naturalness and ease.

An important part of personality perception is gestures

Gesticulation is almost as important in the art of being attractive. Try to exclude pointing, chopping “suppression” gestures. Get rid of closed postures:

  • crossed arms and legs,
  • head pressed into shoulders,
  • look at the floor.

Gestures of anxiety and fussiness look unattractive - fidgeting in a chair, coughing, rubbing your hands or fiddling with the tip of your nose.

The gestures of an attractive woman imply some demonstrativeness: you need to catch a person’s attention, ignite it. Try the technique of slowing down the movement - place the cup on the table so that there is no knock from contact. Or, on the contrary, slowly and carefully, carefully take the object as if it were a furry animal: cute and cuddly, but can bite. Practice these movements in front of the mirror - at the right moment you will definitely demonstrate this bewitchingly feminine movement.


Individual postures and body position of a man will tell about his interest in you. For example, representatives of the opposite sexes met in the office corridor to say a few phrases. The position a man is in will allow his attitude to be calculated. A tilt of the head towards the interlocutor, legs spread wider than usual and thumbs tucked into the waistband of trousers are sure signs of sympathy. Arms hanging along the body, toes of shoes directed in the direction opposite to the woman, indicate the man’s indifference.

Down with bad habits

How can you seduce a man at the initial stage of communication? Oddly enough, psychologists recommend “neutralizing” your individuality. We are talking about parasitic gestures that can irritate and distance the interlocutor from you. The most common ones are cracking knuckles, banging nails, and scratching the nose. Gestures that “play into your hands” are folding your palms one on one in a “monastic” manner and turning more than half of the body towards the interlocutor. Crossing your arms over your chest, legs, clenching your fists are gestures of fear and protection.

Ambitious young girls often roll their eyes in a mannered manner, demonstrating their superiority to everyone around them. In psychological practice, such a gesture is called the “empty face.” Abuse of it obviously will not add points in communication with the person you care about.

Never forget your smile

A smile is your personal little sun. It creates the feeling:

  • youth,
  • health,
  • freshness.

It illuminates not only your face, but also reflects on the faces of the people around you. Your smile gives a feeling of joy to those who are next to you and... increases their self-esteem. According to experiments by French psychologists, people tend to come to the aid of a person smiling at them. The reason for this is simple: those around you unconsciously want to maintain the positive attitude they received from you, and are ready to work hard so that you continue to smile at them. People want to feel their importance indefinitely, which is why a sincere bright smile, like a magnet, attracts others.

The importance of the influence of nonverbal communication on others cannot be overestimated. If a person's gaze, gestures, postures and facial expressions do not correspond to what he is saying, nonverbal signals, not words, will be decisive. Use your body language to confirm again and again to yourself and others: you are the most charming and attractive, agrees

Body parts

In the art of seduction, all means are good - eyes, hair, neck, arms, legs and even breathing will help to win over even the most unapproachable representative of the stronger sex. Sight. Which people are most conducive to communication? Filled with positivity and joy! A sincere radiant smile (without artificial tension) and an open look is a simple answer to the question of how to seduce any man.

According to statistics, most men imagine their beloved with long flowing curls, from which a pleasant aroma emanates. Are you the owner of long hair? So why not show them off in all their glory? Leave the hairpins and elastic bands for home. Try to shake your hair more often, straighten it casually; before leaving the house, it wouldn’t hurt to sprinkle your hair with perfume. A winning tactic is to play with curls, for example, you can twirl them around your finger and let them go. Repeating the procedure several times has a bewitching effect on men.

Demonstration of a bare neck should be unobtrusive. Tilt your head languidly to the side, adjust your jewelry, or lightly touch while playing with your hair.

For a date, it is better to choose things with an open neck; knee socks and turtleneck sweaters are not the best option.

The wrist is the most seductive part of the hand, refined, with soft velvety skin. Decorate it with a miniature bracelet or watch, play with it during the evening, carry out simple manipulations with the sleeve to present the inside of the wrist to a man’s gaze.

A free and relaxed gait “from the hip” attracts attention. Experienced seductresses call such movements preparing the panther for a jump.

Before you take the first step, it is important to take the correct position: straighten your back, spread your shoulders to the sides, raise your head, place your chin parallel to the floor.

Start the movement in small steps, slightly swaying your hips. To do everything right at the critical moment, you can practice at home. A very narrow floor-length skirt will do; in extreme cases, you can simply tie your legs at knee level with a rope. The basic rule of a beautiful gait: the movement begins not with the body, but with the leg.

The back should be straight, regardless of the position - standing or sitting. You can also practice at home. You need to stand close to the wall, rest your head, shoulders, shoulder blades, elbows, buttocks and heels against the wall, do not raise your chin. Freeze, hold in this position for 3-5 minutes, remember it. Now you can move away from the wall and move around the room, maintaining the adopted position.

Breathing, postures and gestures

A person will be more inclined towards an interlocutor in whom he sees a kindred spirit - speaks the same language, has common interests, shares views, etc. You can start with something simple - copying gestures and poses. Did he rest his chin on his hand? Do the same. Did he lean back in his chair? Repeat! Just not in the first second, movements should be natural and not arouse suspicion. It is important not to cross the fine line between unobtrusive repetition and antics - in the latter case, a person may regard such gestures as ridicule. Psychologists recommend even trying to breathe with your interlocutor, this will allow him to relax, feeling safe.

Interest in a person will demonstrate the special placement of the legs. During a conversation, the toes of a woman's feet should be directed towards the man. This is a direct hint of sincere interest and trust. Your arms should be relaxed, there is no need to cross them (this is a position of defense and withdrawal).

What methods are most effective in seduction?

Of course, being understanding and sympathetic is very important. But if you limit yourself to only this, then you can turn into a “mom” or just a good friend for a man. We must not forget that a woman’s sexuality is very important to a man. Speaking about the secrets of seduction, we should not neglect the elements of seducing a man. By seducing, you can always warm up a man's interest in you.

The most famous way to seduce any man is to leave him unsatisfied. If not all of his desires are satisfied, then he will only want to see you again even more. What is the main task of a woman who wants to rekindle a man’s interest in her? We need to give him an adrenaline rush. And this must be done in such a way that the man does not even notice that you are making any attempts to interest him!

Let's not beat around the bush - let's get acquainted with some of the subtleties. The most necessary condition for wielding enchanting power is that you have some idea of ​​what disarms a man. In order to be an excellent seductress of men's hearts, you need to understand your sexual needs and desires. And of course you need to familiarize yourself with the tips below for seducing men:

  • Modesty is the first step to conquering men!
    This is true - guys love frank, uninhibited girls, they like to visit various discos and strip clubs. But this does not mean that they go there in search of their soulmate - they want to satisfy their other needs. We are talking about something else! The girl should be inaccessible. A man must go through the path of your conquest.
  • If you want to seduce, be unpredictable!
    Don't forget to bring new sensations into the relationship. From time to time, surprise your partner with unexpected actions: show a desire to spend time together fishing, playing football (depending on what he prefers). Try wearing sexy, revealing underwear instead of casual pajamas, or invite your man to have sex in an unusual place. Every time you bring pleasant innovations into your life, you will force your loved one to react in a new way. Who knows what will happen if you decide to open the door to your bedroom like a hot and horny prostitute? A? Try it!
  • Sexuality is a natural mechanism of seduction!
    If you don't feel your sexuality, you will never be able to seduce a man. Sexy is not about the size of your breasts, or your looks. Sexuality is a psychological attitude. You must grow to this point when, looking in the mirror, you can easily say: “Yes, I am a queen!” Until you are confident in your abilities, you will not be able to deserve the attention of the person you are interested in.
  • Take the initiative in bed!
    For many men, taking a leading role in a relationship is very important. But sometimes you need to become a dominant seductress for a man - this will only improve your relationship. Learn to behave more relaxed in bed, take the initiative into your own hands and offer your loved one something extraordinary.
  • Conquer a man with a magical look!
    The mirror of a person's soul is his eyes. Let your chosen one feel the mystery and drown in the endless lakes of your eyes. Attract him with your gaze and intrigue him with your depth.
  • Laughter will add charm!
    As you know, laughter prolongs life. Use this in your relationships too. Sexy, playful laughter will leave a positive impression of you.
  • When seducing a man, play with his tie!
    If your man wears a tie, you are very lucky. Light flirting, which is accompanied by stroking and playing with a tie, can bring a man to very strong intimate desires. And this is exactly what you need.
  • A powerful weapon of temptation for men is the neckline!
    A woman's breasts are the most desirable beauty for a man. When men see a woman's breasts, a slight chill runs through their spine. Beautifully emphasized, slightly exposed, but at the same time hidden female breasts will bewitch your chosen one. But, be careful not to overdo it - you don’t need to look vulgar!
  • Seduce a man with the beauty of your legs!
    Surprise your man with your beautiful slender legs. At home, wear a short, tight dress and a sexy thong, and then, at the right time, accidentally drop something on the floor. Bend over for the fallen object and enjoy the effect produced and how excited the man is.
  • Whisper in your ear!
    It's very tempting and exciting at the same time. The kind words that you whisper in your loved one’s ear will awaken additional attraction in him.
  • Seduce by caressing with your hands! Caressing your man’s body with your hands, tell him how big and beautiful his muscles are. Touch different parts of the body - shoulders, hips, buttocks, knees. Light touches are very sexy.

  • Try sucking on something!
    This must be the most effective way to tempt men. Looking at you while you are playing tricks and games with sucking objects (a straw in a glass of juice, candy, a finger, etc.), a man will automatically feel aroused. So you can use this simple and simple trick for your own purposes.

In conclusion, let's summarize. The process of seducing men, which is accompanied by various unforeseen consequences, will always be very fun. Put your fear aside, be content with your skills, improve and just enjoy!

Thoughts shape reality i

The process of seduction is an action, the success of which largely depends on the right attitude. How often it happens that a woman who does not shine with beauty at all attracts men, and a delightful beauty is used only as a work of art - it’s nice to look at, but you don’t want to approach her. There are two “big secrets” at work here.

The first king of Saudi Arabia had sexual contact with 44,530 women in his lifetime.

First, a woman should simply radiate confidence in her feminine attractiveness. This can be achieved by simple self-hypnosis: “I am attractive”, “I drive men crazy”, “All the men I meet want me”, etc. There can be a lot of options. The main thing is to find the appropriate wording.

The second secret is that an unapproachable appearance seriously reduces the chances of successful seduction. To seduce, a woman must exude desire herself. To do this, it is not at all necessary to hang yourself on all men, the attitude is enough: “I agree to meet you, I am ready to continue communication” and everything in the same spirit.

Gymnastics, dancing and yoga: how these activities help seduce 2

When the necessary mood has been developed, you can move on to “physical” preparation. This is not about going to the gym and working on the inches of your waist and hips. It is much more important to awaken natural grace, plasticity of movements, the ability to feel and control one’s own body.

For women, dancing, yoga, and gymnastics can be called indispensable helpers in this matter. You can study at home on your own, you can go to special classes - it’s not so important. Another important thing is the desire to “make friends” with your own body. In addition, all these activities give self-confidence and a good mood, give a feeling of happiness and harmony. This is much more important for seduction than a good figure and ability to dress.

Emphasis on lips 4

Opening the mouth, licking and biting - all these manipulations give emphasis to one of the erogenous zones, which remains visible almost always. If you use them during a conversation with a man you like, his level of sexual arousal will gradually begin to increase.

For some reason, this simple technique is often forgotten, but scientists have long proven that a smiling person looks more attractive. Therefore, sometimes a fleeting glance and a smile are enough to start the seduction process.

"Erotic" look 6

A lot has been said and written about how to seduce a man with your gaze. “In a corner, on your nose, at an object,” look closely from under your eyelashes, etc. However, such techniques usually do not cause anything other than suspicion of female strabismus in men. It is much more important to use physiological signals that indicate sexual arousal.

Usually the secret of a “magical” look lies in dilated pupils. This is a direct signal to the male libido - dilated pupils are a clear sign of sexual arousal. Achieving dilation of the pupils is simple: you need to look at an object that is located far behind the man’s back, and then quickly move your gaze to the object of desire.


Bradley Cooper

A Capricorn man never tries to hide his interest in you. He avoids being in the center of the company and can often stay away altogether, but if he chooses you from among others, he will make it clear in the most direct way. It’s quite natural if once on a date Capricorn stroked your knee under the table. Women who know Capricorns closely are aware that this act is a moderate way for a Capricorn man to demonstrate his interest. In fact, his sexual demands are very great, since the representatives of the Capricorn sign themselves are too demanding. Such men are characterized by various sexual experiments, including cruel ones that can cause real physical suffering. However, you should not see this as a real threat. Capricorns are distinguished by their tendency to plan everything in advance, including scheduling a sexual program, so that nothing unexpected is expected in it, something that could get out of your man’s control. First of all, Capricorns appreciate your efforts to satisfy all his needs, but this process should be kept within strict limits, since Capricorns often do not know the limits in their intimate desires and can go too far.

Stroke and touch 9

Touching yourself is a failsafe technique. It consists of stroking the arms, neck, shoulders, knees as if it were the touch of a lover. Such a simple technique shows a man that a woman is comfortable with him, and she doesn’t mind him moving from talking to stroking.

This same group of seductive gestures includes touching a man. Lightly stroking your hand, brushing away an invisible speck of dust, straightening a strand of hair. All touches should not be intrusive. Their goal is to show the object of seduction that the woman has a desire to touch him and perhaps move on to more daring caresses.

Seduction without words: poses and gestures

Once, during a consultation, one girl, Veronica, asked me a question: “I’m already 25 years old, but, to be honest, I don’t know how to meet men at all. If I like someone, I immediately get embarrassed and look away, and generally try to stay away. It’s as if I’m ashamed to show my interest.

I know that I’m doing everything wrong, that men can be indecisive too. But what to do? I try to take care of myself, buy myself only expensive clothes, constantly change my hairstyle, but nothing helps. The wrong men are meeting me. Help get someone you like interested.”

An interested look is like a revelation with another person: “I like you, look at me too!” Veronica is not used to gestures of seduction, so such frankness (openness) causes her embarrassment.

Meanwhile, with the help of body position, gestures and facial expressions, you can influence a person’s subconscious and easily interest him. It is not even necessary to have long conversations . How to do this?

Overcome prejudices and complexes

It is necessary to discard all prejudices that it is indecent to be the first to seduce a man. This is wrong. Men also love to be seduced. They may also have low self-esteem and may also be embarrassed to take the first step. Help them with this, start first.

Don’t engage in self-flagellation like: “I’m completely unattractive, who would meet someone like that?”, “Or maybe he doesn’t like me?”, “Or maybe I’m not dressed like that?”, “Why did I cut my hair like that? This doesn’t suit me at all”, “Here we go again

The influence of facial expressions on human perception

The most important and most difficult thing is to wean yourself from negative grimaces:

  • frown gloomily
  • frowning painfully,
  • wrinkle your nose as if in disgust from your interlocutor.

If you think that this problem is not yours, try talking in front of a mirror. Better yet, record your conversation on video. In most cases, people are surprised to find that in reality they do not look as they expected. And they don’t make the impression they expected. Having seen your own mistakes from the outside, you will understand why others perceive you this way and not otherwise - and begin to work on your facial expressions.

By the way, by eliminating negative grimaces, you will be surprised to discover how the overall emotional coloring of your life will improve.

This is explained by the theory of facial feedback - when imitation of a certain emotion leads to its occurrence. And vice versa, by prohibiting yourself from facial expressions of grief, you will reduce the strength of the subjective experience of this negative emotion.

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