How to remove a ring from a finger if it won't come off

How to wear rings correctly?

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger
Preference should be given to products made of precious metals. But even they shouldn’t be worn all the time. It is recommended to remove all jewelry from your hands while doing dirty work, prolonged contact with water, and before going to bed. Remember that rings get dirty too. Wash them regularly in soapy water and use special solutions to remove plaque. If you notice that the ring is becoming too small for you, it's time to replace it with another one. Also, many jewelry shops offer resizing services. When purchasing new jewelry, choose ones that fit snugly enough without being too tight. In this case, you don't have to think about how to remove the ring from your finger. In hot weather, at elevated body temperatures, and during pregnancy, women are advised not to wear this type of jewelry or choose ones that are too large.

How to get rid of jewelry

How to remove a ring from your finger without hurting yourself? Jerks should be abandoned immediately. Several attempts, and the finger will swell even more:

  • If there are no available means, the most that can be done is to moisten the skin with saliva and rotate the ring slowly and carefully towards the nail. Perhaps the attempt will be crowned with success;
  • A more progressive technique is to lubricate the skin with Vaseline, oil, cream, or soap foam. In general, any liquid substance that can act as a lubricant. Then the ring is wrapped in a rag - the hand will slip off the oiled surface - and they act according to the algorithm described above;
  • The swelling appeared in the morning. An error in the diet is most likely to blame for this. Don’t immediately rush to pull off the accessory. By mid-day the swelling will subside. If you want to speed up the process - by the way, excess fluid accumulates not only in the fingers, but also under the eyes - you can drink something with a diuretic effect. There is no need to act radically and grab furosemide or something similar, just brew some herbs: corn silk, lingonberry leaves, currants, rose hips;
  • My fingers are swollen due to the heat. You need to raise your arms so that they are above the heart line. The swelling will go away within half an hour;
  • One of the laws of physics says: when heated, objects expand, and when cooled, they contract. You can try holding the brush in cold water, sometimes it helps, especially if you alternate between cold water and raising your hand up. But you need to take into account that not only the body, but also the metal reacts to cooling. Even if only slightly, the size of the ring may decrease. Therefore, it is advisable not to immerse the entire hand in cold water, but to apply a piece of ice to the finger. You should try not to let it come into contact with metal;
  • Sometimes it is enough to ask someone to pull back the folds of skin on the knuckle. It is difficult to cope with this action on your own;
  • Brine will help reduce the size of a swollen finger. Salt has the property of attracting water and removing it from tissues. The salt is dissolved in water at a temperature of 10-12ºС;
  • When swelling on the finger appears after an injury, medication will help get rid of the accessory. Procaine or any other local anesthetic reduces swelling by reducing sensitivity;
  • No medications – no problem. They will be replaced: aloe juice, strong infusion of oak bark, alcohol. In this case, the medicine lasts longer, but after 2-5 hours the swelling will subside.

These methods will no longer help if the wedding ring, which has not been removed for a long time, has literally “grown” into the skin. There is a rather “ancient” method.

They try to thread a thread under the ring, preferably silk. This is done like this: a needle with a long thread threaded through it is inserted with the eye forward. Then the thread is wrapped around the finger in tight turns - there should be no gaps left.

Next, you can try to remove the accessory - the thread reduces the volume of the finger, but if that doesn’t work, then they begin to unwind the thread from the base of the finger. When unwinding, it will lift the ring up, and it can be removed.

The main thing is to relieve swelling

Remove the ring from a swollen finger
Before you think about how to remove a ring from a swollen finger, try to understand why you fell into this trap? If the jewelry is the right size and there were no problems with it before, we are dealing with banal swelling from an excess of fluid in the tissues of the body. Focus on your condition. If the skin is of normal color and there is no pain, then you can wait a few hours until the swelling subsides on its own. To enhance the effect, take a diuretic or eat a product that speeds up the removal of fluid from the body. You can significantly speed up the process. To do this, place your hand in a cool solution of table salt. Keep your hand in this bath for about ten minutes. Once the swelling subsides, try removing the ring.

How to save your brush and decoration

There is no need to wait until you have to solve the problem of how to remove a ring from a swollen finger.

The ring has become too small, you need to either replace it with another piece of jewelry, or go to a jeweler to have it stretched. When purchasing a ring, immediately choose one that is easy to take off and put on, fits tightly, but does not squeeze your finger or get stuck on the phalanx.

It is advisable to remove jewelry at night, as when working with detergents, even if your hands are protected with gloves. And you shouldn’t wear jewelry in the heat, especially if you know you are prone to swelling.

If it is difficult to get used to “bare” fingers, then you need to have an accessory one size larger for “special” occasions.

There is no need to be indignant when you hear this advice: “Am I a millionaire!” It is rare to find women who have only one ring. So why not, when purchasing jewelry, get it “for all occasions”?

Determining the appropriate temperature regime

In hot weather, your hands swell more. It is useless to try to remove a ring from a swollen finger when the air temperature is very high. But if you have nowhere to hide in the cool, try using ice. Metals expand in the cold, so only the skin above the ring needs to be cooled. Try not to touch the ice cube to the jewelry. You can place your finger under cold water. But this method will not help with severe swelling, as the ring will increase in size. If your finger is not swollen too much and the temperature conditions are normal, try lubricating the jewelry. Liquid soap, Vaseline, oil and other compositions with a similar texture are suitable. The ring needs to be moved smoothly; it is better to spin it several times rather than try to jerk it off.

To remove the ring from your finger, you need to cool your finger and hold your hand raised

It is also related to physics. To reduce swelling of the finger, you need to immerse your hand in cold water for 10 minutes, and then raise it up above your head, which will increase the flow of blood from the swollen finger. This action can be simplified by wearing a bandage with crushed ice and holding your hand up above your head.

To remove the ring from your finger, you need to cool your finger and hold your hand raised

This will reduce the venous inflow and will not interfere with the arterial flow of blood to the finger, which will quickly decrease in volume and make it possible, using lubrication, to safely remove the ring stuck on the finger. Considering the physical effect of cold on the ring, the ice bandage should bypass the ring itself so that it also does not decrease in volume. It must be admitted that this is not an absolute method, but on occasion it can be justified.

This method is more effective in difficult cases. We are talking about a bloodless finger injury. If there is a violation of the skin with bleeding, there is only one way - to the doctor. This method is also known in everyday life, but not everyone has seen or applied it themselves how to perform it exactly.

Most popular method

Remove a ring from a swollen finger
Today even in school they teach how to remove a ring from a swollen finger using a thread. You will need a thin needle and silk thread. Pass the thread under the ring towards the tip of your finger. Next, wrap your finger tightly around the ring. Using a thread, you should swaddle it, while reducing the diameter. Try removing the ring by sliding it across the bandage. You can wind the thread, leaving its initial end free below the decoration. Next, you just need to pull it, and the ring will begin to move. If you can’t pick up a piece of jewelry with a needle, try using medications. The most affordable option for homemade products is a napkin soaked in procaine. This is an anesthetic for external use. After a compress with this drug, the swelling will subside a little, and you can try to remove the ring from the swollen finger yourself.

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger

If the ring is stuck on your finger, under no circumstances should you pull it, it will only get worse! The main thing is to remain calm and not aggravate the situation.

First, let’s evaluate the problem: if your finger is normal or reddish in color, then first try to do it yourself; if your finger turns blue, don’t waste time, immediately contact a specialist.

Ways to remove a ring from a swollen finger yourself

There are a lot of ways to remove a ring from a swollen finger, some of them will definitely help.

Just raise your hands up and hold it for a few minutes, the swelling will subside, and try to remove the ring with rotational movements.

Oil, soap or cream - lubricate your finger with oil, shampoo, cream, soap... and try to remove the ring with rotational movements. Hold the ring through a towel to prevent it from slipping.

Remove the ring using cream or cold water

Cold - put your hand in a container of cold water or apply ice, after a while try to carefully remove the ring with twisting movements.

A simple strong or silk thread - you need to thread the thread under the ring and wrap your finger as tightly as possible to the joint, then slowly pull the tip of the thread, the ring should slide down the thread.

Salt water - make a strong salt solution and put your hand in it, hold it for a few minutes and try to remove the ring with rotational movements.

Where to go for help

If nothing helps and the ring cannot be removed, it’s okay, without wasting time, go to a medical facility, emergency room, ambulance, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a jewelry workshop, specialists will help you without fail.

Of course, in this case, the jewelry will have to be sawed, but, as they say, health is more valuable.

What to do if nothing works out?

How to remove a ring from your finger
Have you tried several methods, but the jewelry still sits firmly on your hand? Just don't panic. You can contact a specialized workshop. There the ring will be removed - sawed or cut with wire cutters. It is not recommended to perform such manipulations at home; you may damage your hand. There is no need to worry about the fate of the jewelry; cut rings can almost always be restored. If you managed to free your finger, but there were some wounds, try to rationally assess your condition. Normally, swelling should completely disappear after 5-6 hours. If it persists the next day, you should immediately go to the hospital even if there are no external injuries. If there are open wounds, they are all treated with a suitable antiseptic solution. Remember, doctors will always answer the question of how to remove a ring from a swollen finger. In a medical facility, you can get rid of jewelry without even damaging it. Perhaps a local injection with a drug that relieves swelling or applying a tourniquet will be enough. If, after trying to get rid of the ring on your own, your finger changes color, loses sensitivity, or, conversely, begins to hurt a lot, you need to call an ambulance. If you continue treatment at home, it won’t take long to lead to amputation. This is the case when you cannot refuse to go to the hospital.

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