Pleasure, pain, love, hate and blood: why the new advert for sanitary pads promises to be the best campaign of the year

How did you manage without gaskets before?

For many centuries, representatives of the fair sex were forced to use improvised means as devices for collecting menstrual blood: moss, wool, fabric or cotton wool. Now there is no reliable information about who invented and patented the first gaskets.

The appearance of disposable products for women is associated with the First World War, when cellulose bandages began to be used as dressing materials, absorbing several times more blood than their cotton counterparts.

In the early 20s of the 20th century, a revolution took place in the world of fashion, one of the results of which was the appearance of closed, tight-fitting underwear. This led to the beginning of mass production of feminine hygiene products and a change in their design: the products became more compact and thin, and were attached to panties with pins or rubber straps.

Only 50 years later, prototypes of modern disposable pads were developed, which had an additional absorbent layer and a self-adhesive surface. Over the past decades, hygiene products have improved significantly, becoming more convenient, practical and affordable.

How to choose pads for a teenage girl?

The unexpected appearance of blood on panties causes horror in a child. The girl thinks she is dying. This is all very scary. Therefore, mothers and grandmothers need to slowly prepare their child from the age of 10 for the fact that she is growing up and will have menarche. The main thing is to explain that this is a normal, obligatory phenomenon.

Ask your child to let you know as soon as this happens so that you can help her carry out her first hygiene procedure and teach her how to use pads. Remember that even a prepared girl will be scared by the sight of blood.

More tact, positive emotions and calmness - this is what is required of you as an adult, intelligent, experienced woman.

Photo 1 Help the girl figure out what this “new beast” is - a gasket

Together with your daughter, buy a pair of special panties for menstrual days. It should be underwear made of natural (at least breathable) fabric, always with a wide gusset.

The gusset should be double-layered and long (from 1/3 of the butt to 1/3 of the pubis) so that the padding fits evenly. Go to the store with your child and show and tell what types of pads there are and for what occasions. Explain what the droplets on the packages mean, the moon.

At first, a girl may be embarrassed to buy pads on her own. Therefore, the first trip to the store will take some time. Show the girl all the products - she should be able to navigate the assortment freely.

In the table you will find answers to the young lady’s main questions.

Can I ask the saleswoman what to choose?You can askThe seller will help you find what you need
What types of gaskets are there according to their purpose?Daily: night, dayVery thin, small. Night ones are a little longer
For menstruation: daytime;The packaging is light in color, as the manufacturer intended
nightThere is a picture of the moon on the packaging or the color of the package is dark blue
How are they attached to underwear?With wings and adhesive tapeThere is a glue line along the bottom of the pad and on special wings that are wrapped under the gusset of the panties
Without wings, but with adhesive strip;Without adhesive stripsThere are only adhesive strips on the bottom of the pad (usually with daily journals)
Long and short – how can you tell by the packaging?The manufacturer usually indicates the dimensions of the product in cm. But the night ones are always longer and wider than the day ones. Each company has its own sizes, but sometimes the woman’s weight is written on the packaging. For teenagers, some brands produce special small pads
What is the surface of the gaskets?The gaskets are all multilayer. The internal contents absorb moisture. The surface is different for everyone, but always porous, breathable On the package, in a circle, the manufacturer shows in an enlarged form what material was used
How thick is the product?The easiest way is to search for the word “Ultra”. If it is not there, look through the transparent part of the bag - the thickness is clearly visible
Why are drops drawn on the packaging?The shaded droplets on the packaging indicate how much liquid the gasket can absorbFor scanty periods - 1-3 drops; 3-4 drops - average amount of discharge (change 3-4 times a day); 4-6 drops for heavy discharge (night ones can be used during the day, but they are a little longer)
What do the English words on the pack mean?For a girl, it’s enough to know a few words that will help her choose the thinnest, smallest ones from the entire assortment.Ultra – thin daytime Ultra night – thin night; Deo – with fragrance that blocks unpleasant odors

Ask your daughter, right in the store, to tell you how she will choose the right sizes.

Photo 2. Long or short – how can you tell by the packaging?

What pads to choose for a girl 11 - 12 years old

A wide range of women's sanitary pads in terms of price, surface area, and size. This is the same situation when “if you don’t try it yourself, you won’t know,” especially for a girl of 11–12 years old.

Most companies produce a separate line of sanitary pads for girls. These products, according to manufacturers, are more sterile, hypoallergenic, and natural.

Kotex, Bella - offer products specifically for teenagers. Large girls, and more than half of teenagers are like that, prefer to choose from regular pads. Thin ones, which girls really love, are produced by almost all companies of feminine hygiene products - Libresse, kotex, belle, always, Natalie, Naturella.

Photo 3. Variety of pads for teenagers

All modern gaskets consist of five layers. The very first one is like a membrane - liquid passes through it, but does not come back out. This layer is porous, like a mesh, clearly visible on Olweiss pads.

There is another type of surface: made from natural materials. The liquid is absorbed and immediately turns into a jelly-like mass, almost like in baby diapers.

For the first menstruation, special teenage pads are suitable. They are small and thin. Just right for a miniature children's figurine. Of course, the mother knows better the build of her child - perhaps the girl is large. The abundance of discharge can be determined only after the onset of menarche. Therefore, mom needs to stock up on several types of absorbent products.

If your daughter is interested in seeing what the pad is made of in reality, cut it lengthwise and crosswise together, fill it with colored liquid and cut it again. Some children are natural scientists. They need to know all the ins and outs about things.

After the experiment, such a girl will instinctively change the hygiene product on time (with some third instinct she will calculate the volume of liquid and the filling time). Other young ladies change strictly by the hour, while others need to link the change of hygiene products to an event.

For example, I brushed my teeth - I changed them, I returned from school and changed them, my mother came home from work - it’s time to change them, etc.

Photo 4. What layers does the gasket consist of?

On the first day of menstruation, the discharge may be scanty, but in the evening or at night it will increase. It is necessary to have different sanitary pads so that the girl does not feel guilty and ashamed for soiled underwear.

When sending her to school, offer her pads with 2-3 drops, in case she unexpectedly starts to leak. Take 2 more with you (in reserve). Now they sell very cute boxes for pads.

Photo 5. Rubber belt (pants) for pads

Note to mothers: in pharmacies you can buy special rubber belts for pads. They look like in photo 5. Some girls feel more secure in them.

Photo 6. Gaskets specifically for teenagers from Kotex

Can a teenage girl use tampons?

Tampons are personal hygiene products for menstruation that are inserted inside the vagina. These little cotton “fingers” have many disadvantages and contraindications. Even adult women need to change tampons every 3 hours maximum, and it is strictly not recommended to use them at night.

Tampons absorb all moisture, including the natural, necessary lubrication of the vagina. This can cause dysbiosis - a disruption of the natural flora of the vagina.

A very young girl will have problems much earlier than an adult woman. Therefore, if you can do without tampons, do not experiment on your child. Let him use suitable pads.

In addition to the danger to the girl’s health, there are other physiological barriers. The hymen varies, so one girl can use vaginal hygiene products without problems, while another cannot.

The hymen is of several types according to its structure:

  • ring-shaped (Annular);
  • cloisonne (Septate, Bifenestrate, Subseptate);
  • lattice (Cribiform, microperforated);
  • dentate (Dentate);
  • cruciform(Fimbriated);
  • moon-shaped (Pasterior, Anterior Lunar);
  • solid (Imperforate).

Photo 4 shows that the use of tampons is not suitable for the girl in all cases. The mother can, of course, take the child to the gynecologist, check the structure of the hymen and buy small tampons.

But all doctors unanimously oppose the use of hygiene products by teenagers that need to be inserted inside.

In the most extreme cases, when a child is involved in a sports swimming section, if the coach insists, then tampons can be used after consultation with a gynecologist.

Photo 7. Types of structure of the hymen

In this case, it will be necessary to explain the rules - how to insert, for how long, how to remove. It is very important to ensure that the young girl does not forget to remove the tampon.

This type of hygiene product can be kept inside for no more than 3 hours. It will be better if after playing sports the girl removes the tampon and continues the day with regular pads.

Gynecologists never advise using tampons, even for adult women. They allow it, but they don't recommend it. Moreover, the opinion of doctors in relation to teenagers is clear: tampons can be used sometimes, only in very extreme cases, and for a short time.

It should be noted that sports coaches rarely require girls aged 11 to 13 to use tampons. The date of menarche is taken into account. Coaches may require the use of tampons 1.5 years after the start of a girl's menstruation. Regardless of which training group she belongs to. Health comes first.

Panty liners for girls. To use or not

Another question that concerns both mothers and daughters is whether it is correct to use panty liners or should not be done? The answer cannot be clear-cut.

For example, a mother actively uses panty liners - she feels discomfort if they are not there.

With the onset of the first menstruation, a caring mother told and showed how to monitor one’s cleanliness during menstruation and every day, what changes occur, and what a woman should be like throughout her life.

But my daughter adopted everything except her love for panty liners. She never liked this type of feminine hygiene.

When the mother said that the panties should be clean, she replied that she was ready to change them several times a day, but would not use pads. Which one is right? Both.

Whether or not to use daily journals is a purely personal matter. The main thing is to use it correctly and keep the laundry clean.

It is important to explain to the girl that panty liners are called that not because they are changed once a day. Just the opposite - you need to change your daily routine after each visit to the toilet, or every 2 - 3 hours.

According to doctors, this is necessary so that in a humid, warm environment the accumulation of microbes and E. coli does not provoke the “walk” from the anus to the vagina and urethra. This can cause cystitis and other genitourinary problems.

Photo 8 Teenage pads from bella Ultra deo

Pads for teenagers are distinguished by the delicate texture of the covering material, they are thin, and much smaller than usual. Not all girls like these sizes. So buy one pack for teenagers, the other for regular Ultra. For the first time, you usually can’t do without trying several species.



Daily routines: benefit or harm?

Some gynecologists do not recommend that women use daily pills because they can create a greenhouse effect. But this is not always correct. Indeed, some pads have a layer that does not allow secretions to pass through, preventing the panty from leaking and preventing optimal air exchange.

The solution to this problem is to choose products without such a layer, such as Carefree®. By changing pads regularly (every 3 hours) throughout the day, you can maintain optimal hygiene and maintain a feeling of dryness and comfort. In any case, it is better to let the discharge be absorbed by a daily routine that can be changed than underwear in which you will have to walk around all day.

The difference between panty liners and regular pads

Since daily diapers are not designed to absorb large volumes of secretions, they have some differences from classic hygiene products used during menstruation.

CharacteristicPanty linersProducts for critical days
Length10-15 cm17-25 cm
Thickness2-4 mm0.8-2 mm
Volume of liquid absorbed2-3 mlUp to 30 ml or more
Presence of wingsNoNot really
Presence of gelling componentsNoNot really
The presence of extensions, absorbent grooves and other design elements for better absorptionNoNot really
Surface type"Soft""Soft" or "dranet"
The presence of an additional impermeable layer that prevents liquid leakageNoYes

Despite significant differences, products for every day and for absorbing menstrual flow have almost the same layer-by-layer design. The main absorbent material in both cases is cellulose.

Why do you need panty liners?

The main function of daily hygiene products is to keep underwear clean and fresh throughout the day. They can be used in the following cases:

  • for insurance before the onset of menstruation;
  • to absorb residual spotting during menstruation, at the final stage of lochia or after surgery;
  • for additional protection when using tampons;
  • with heavy discharge, with the exception of menstruation (during ovulation, use of certain medications);
  • to maintain cleanliness in the absence of the possibility of timely intimate hygiene (on the road, etc.).

What happens if you don't change the gasket for a long time?

The health of the genitourinary system depends on the quality of hygiene during menstruation, since in case of untimely replacement of pads, menstruation can cause the development of inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

How many pads per day during menstruation is normal depends on the woman’s age, intensity of bleeding, individual characteristics, as well as lifestyle and personal preferences.

Normal blood loss during menstruation

The volume of discharge during menstruation depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. The norm is considered to be between 15 and 55 ml per day. Such blood loss is not considered pathological and does not have a negative impact on health and well-being.

Signs of normal menstruation

The total amount of blood loss also depends on the duration of menstruation. On average, the duration of critical days normally varies from three to six to seven days.

If the discharge continues after a week, on the 8th day and beyond, you should consult a doctor, since this condition may indicate new bleeding.

Normal periods are distinguished from pathological ones:

  • cycle regularity;
  • normal volume of discharge;
  • duration up to 6–7 days;
  • no pain;
  • lack of discharge between menstruation.

Pathological blood loss

The following factors indicate a violation of women's health:

  • more than 70 ml of blood comes out in one day - such blood loss can be dangerous to health, causing a drop in hemoglobin levels, causing dizziness and even loss of consciousness;
  • in one calendar year the number of cycles was less than 9;
  • The duration of the menstrual cycle is more than 45 days; on average, a duration of 28–35 days is considered normal.

The volume of blood loss changes significantly immediately after childbirth. Lochia can last from 20 days to 1.5 months. With their help, the body is cleansed, the remains of dead epithelium are removed from the uterus and placenta, and the reproductive system prepares for a new conception.

During this period, blood loss of up to 50 ml per day is possible, decreasing every day after birth. The heaviest discharge is observed in the first few days.

What are the daily routines?

All manufactured products for daily use differ in two main parameters.

Form . Most panty liners have a straight or anatomical design (tapered in the middle). Recently, improved hygiene products have appeared on pharmacy shelves:

  • V-shaped for tanga or thong panties;
  • shortened, covering only the gusset of the underwear;
  • with a front opening for panties made of translucent fabric or lace.

Additional functions:

  • with or without flavoring;
  • white or black depending on the color of the linen;
  • with increased absorbency due to the improved composition of the top layer;
  • with perforation for additional air exchange.

Feminine hygiene products for every day are produced by the same manufacturers as products for critical days. According to sociological surveys, the rating of panty liners is as follows:

  • "Naturella Light" (the most breathable).

  • "Descreet Normal" (best absorption capacity).

  • "Ola!" (affordable price).

  • "Kotex" (convenient packaging).

Which panty liners are best for me?

Just like menstrual pads, panty liners vary in thickness and size depending on your needs.

Panty liners can be roughly divided into 3 sizes.

  • Ultra-thin is ideal for small daily discharges. They are so thin and flexible that you will hardly feel them! They protect your laundry from stains and help keep you feeling fresh all day long.
  • Regular panty liners can usually absorb more moisture than ultra-thin ones. They should be used during periods of heavier daily flow, such as during ovulation.
  • Large daily journals are longer, wider and absorb even more than regular ones. They are great for use at the beginning or end of your menstrual cycle, for minor incontinence, or just for extra comfort and protection.

An excellent solution for girls with sensitive skin would be daily aids with aloe or cotton extract. For women who value the flexibility of their daily wear, there are special pads that perfectly adapt to any type of underwear - from regular panties to thongs. Regardless of which type you choose, remember that hygiene products should be changed throughout the day. Keep a few in your purse; there are daily journals in individual envelopes for this purpose.

Top quality postpartum pads

The postpartum period is accompanied by heavy discharge, so it is recommended to use special hygiene products during this time. They are larger in size and thicker, which provides a feeling of comfort at such a sensitive moment. First of all, the pads must absorb the increased volume of secretions well. However, the material from which hygiene products are made is no less important. In order not to provoke inflammatory and infectious processes, pads should be chosen only from natural materials. Hygiene products from unscrupulous manufacturers may cause complications in women during the postpartum period that overshadow the happiness of motherhood.


The company produces several sized options for postpartum pads. Therefore, they can be used at different periods after childbirth. Their inner part consists of 3 absorbent layers, which ensures not only the absorption of large amounts of moisture, but also reliable odor neutralization. The surface of hygiene products is made of non-woven material, which can protect women's health and maintain a balanced flora. A high-quality adhesive layer and a shape that follows the curves of the body increase comfort during use.

Approximate price – 410 rubles.

Molimed gaskets


  • anti-allergenic;
  • high level of absorption;
  • product quality is at the highest level.


  • lack of individual packaging combined with a high price tag.

Helen Harper

The brand has made it to the top of the best gaskets thanks to its high-quality products and low price. Hygiene products are large in thickness and size. The manufacturer also provided them with comfortable elastic bands on the sides. All this allows the products to absorb large amounts of liquid without leaking.

Estimated cost – 230 rubles.

Helen Harper pads


  • comfortable shape;
  • natural ingredients;
  • high level of absorption;
  • comfortable wearing;
  • good fixation.


  • not identified.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

Like any pads, panty liners have both advantages and disadvantages. Positive qualities include the ability to:

  • keep underwear clean;

When using daily sheets, the laundry will remain clean

  • protect underwear from staining before or after menstruation;
  • set the color of the discharge if the color of the laundry does not allow this;
  • establish the approximate volume of intermenstrual discharge;
  • protect yourself from leakage of menstrual blood when using tampons;
  • keep the perineum clean.

Many doctors are against regular use of hygiene products. Such gynecologists believe that regular use of daily pills disrupts the natural microflora. In addition, the risk of infection and the development of various gynecological diseases increases.

The likelihood of allergic reactions when using pads increases. Many doctors recommend using daily pads only when absolutely necessary, or at least removing them at night.

What is the opinion of gynecologists?

The justification for using gaskets is questionable. This is not an essential item and you can do without it. Most gynecologists are of the opinion that hygiene products should be used only as a last resort.

Constant wearing has a negative effect on the genitals. If you prefer regular use of pads, you need to at least occasionally take breaks and give your body a rest.

Gynecologists strictly prohibit choosing options without individual packaging. Such pads, even with a lot of advantages, can be harmful to women's health.

Contraindications to the hygiene product also include individual intolerance to the components present in the composition.

How to choose women's pads

So, what should you consider before purchasing a pack of hygiene products? What to buy - products from a well-known brand or what more experienced friends recommend? Let's try to figure this out.


This moment is one of the important ones. It is advisable that each of the gaskets have individual packaging. In this case, until the very moment of use, it will not have contact with the environment. This is convenient: the tiny envelope will fit in your purse and you don’t have to worry about soiling the surface.


One of the purposes of sanitary pads, regardless of type, is to neutralize unpleasant odors. Whether to buy products with fragrance is up to you. Many women like the scent as long as it is not too strong and intrusive.

Others prefer products that are completely fragrance-free. In this case, neutralization of odors is achieved through the middle layer, which converts the liquid into a gel. Under no circumstances should the products smell like paper, chemicals or plastic.

You need to be careful when buying products with balms and plant extracts. Of course, they have a therapeutic effect, but we must not forget about possible individual intolerance.

Degree of protection

The specific choice depends on how abundant the discharge is. You can get your bearings by the number of drops shown on the packaging:

  • 3 - scanty discharge;
  • 4 - normal. Products labeled with 3 and 4 drops are used by adolescents and adult women in the first days of menstruation;
  • 5 - abundant;
  • 6-7 - large products for night use.

The degree of protection is increased due to the presence of additional features:

  • wings. Help securely fix the pad to the underwear, minimizing the risk of leakage;
  • Velcro. Another way to fix it. Often used in urological and postpartum models. It is necessary to pay attention to the chemical composition of the glue. It is desirable that the adhesive layer be natural, starch-based;
  • anatomical configuration. Pads that follow the contours of the body not only fit well, but are also invisible from the outside;
  • sides. Additional protection in the form of small elevations along the edges of the product. They prevent leakage when the gasket is already wet.

Manufacturing materials

One of the most important points is the materials from which the top layer is made and, accordingly, its properties. There are hygiene products with a soft and mesh top part. Which option is better is a matter of personal preference. “Mesh” absorbs secretions better, and products with a soft surface are the choice of women prone to allergies.

Another point is the breathability of materials. To ensure comfort in the intimate area, you need to purchase products made from vapor-permeable materials. In this case, comfort is guaranteed.

When choosing “daily items” you need to pay attention to ensure that the materials are predominantly natural and harmless. At the same time, not only comfort during the day is guaranteed, but also good skin condition.

Main types of feminine pads

There are the following types of feminine hygiene products:

  • classic models of varying thicknesses, used to absorb blood during menstruation. There are thick (1-2 cm) and thin (up to 1 cm) products;
  • urological Used for urinary incontinence of various degrees, as well as after childbirth, with a temporary weakening of the tone of the bladder;
  • medicinal. The surface is impregnated with extracts of medicinal plants. These products are used in gynecological practice (not as an independent treatment, but as an aid);
  • anionic. When used, these hygiene products produce ions with a negative charge, which are harmful to pathogenic microflora;
  • daily. They are used every day (except for critical ones to protect underwear from biological fluid. You can use them in the last days of your period so that the discharge (not as intense as in the first days) does not stain your clothes. They are small, thin and completely invisible;
  • test pads are products used during the prenatal period for timely detection of amniotic fluid leakage. In this case, the indicator changes color to blue;
  • postpartum. Convenient for use in the maternity hospital. Products with an antibacterial effect are used after gynecological operations.

Rating of TOP 10 pads for women

I analyzed the characteristics and features of feminine pads from different manufacturers. Based on the results obtained, a rating of the best remedies during critical days was compiled:

  • Always Platinum Ultra Normal Plus;
  • Always Ultra Normal Plus;
  • Naturella Camomile Classic Normal;
  • Always Ultra Night Secure;
  • Kotex Ultra Normal;
  • Kotex Young Normal;
  • Libresse Ultra Normal DUO with soft surface;
  • Always Ultra Super Plus;
  • Bella for teens ultra energy deo fresh;
  • Ola! Classic Wings Super mesh surface.

Let's take a closer look at the presented tools.

Always Platinum Ultra Normal Plus

The product provides maximum comfort and a high level of protection against leaks during critical days. Due to the fact that the pads are ultra-thin, they are completely invisible under clothing. Despite their thinness, they do an excellent job of absorbing heavy secretions.

In addition, the product perfectly blocks and neutralizes odors. Each pad is packed in an individual pocket. There are locking wings and protective sides along the edges that reliably protect you from leaks. The inner layer is able to quickly absorb blood and transform it into a gel.

Mesh surfaceYes
Number of drops4


from 79 to 437 rub.

  • do not leak;
  • comfortable;
  • comfortable;
  • reliable.
  • not found.

The most comfortable and reliable women's pads. I don't worry about leakage when I sleep. I have been using these for a long time and have no plans to change to another manufacturer. They are also very convenient during the postpartum period.

Expert opinion

Yulia Dukhanina

Ask a Question

Some manufacturers organize promotions and distribute sanitary pads to girls on the street for free. It is not recommended to take hygiene products from promoters, since neither the storage conditions of the product nor its expiration date are known.

The test of the product is presented in the video

Always Platinum Ultra Normal Plus

Always Ultra Normal Plus

Ultra-thin pads are designed for moderate discharge. They are equipped with a mesh surface. Manufacturers used a unique wavy 3D structure here, thanks to which the surface has minimal contact with the body and does not stick to it. At the same time, it provides better absorption, preventing leakage. The technology used to neutralize unpleasant odors is also used here. The gaskets not only mask them, but also seal them well.

Mesh surfaceNo
Number of drops4


from 70 to 429 rub.

  • inexpensive;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • excellent absorbency.
  • none.

I try to buy these pads when they are on sale, as they are very affordable. Cool, they absorb perfectly, even if you can’t change them for a long time. Great shape and design. Maximum comfort, pleasant aroma.

Always Ultra Normal Plus

Naturella Camomile Classic Normal

Soft sanitary pads are designed to absorb normal to moderate intensity discharge. They guarantee maximum comfort and protection against leaks. The product contains a lotion that prevents irritation.

The pads are impregnated with a chamomile scent. There are special flower-shaped absorbent grooves on the surface. Absorbent fibers intelligently distribute liquid inside, ensuring dry and comfortable skin. Each hygiene product is packaged in an individual package, so it is convenient to take them with you on the road.

Mesh surfaceNo
Number of drops4


from 47 to 248 rub.

  • quality;
  • soft;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • not found.

An excellent hygiene product. With them I am sure that nothing leaks, there is no unpleasant smell. This brand has excellent value for money. The pads are comfortable, soft, do not move during movement, and smell pleasant. We have never let you down yet.

Naturella Camomile Classic Normal

Always Ultra Night Secure

The hygiene product guarantees reliable, increased protection, especially at night. This is achieved due to the enlarged rear part of the gasket. The product has protective sides and a gel that effectively absorbs and retains secretions. The pads are equipped with technology to neutralize unpleasant odors.

The wings have six stretch zones that are securely attached to the briefs and do not move, even if you toss and turn. Despite the fact that the hygienic product is quite thin, it will reliably protect against leaks while you sleep and provide comfort.

Mesh surfaceNo
Number of drops7


from 90 to 305 rub.

  • wide;
  • long;
  • comfortable;
  • thin.
  • not found.

I have used different pads throughout my life, but I understand that this model is universal. Always helps. I wear them during the day, and at night they are simply an irreplaceable thing. It does not leak, despite my heavy menstruation, the smell is pleasant.

Expert opinion

Yulia Dukhanina

Ask a Question

Since bacteria rapidly multiply on the surface of pads in a warm, humid environment, it is recommended not to sacrifice your health, not to skimp on it, but to change your hygiene product on time. Otherwise, you can develop inflammatory gynecological diseases.

Review presented in the video

Always Ultra Night Secure

Kotex Ultra Normal

Sanitary pads have modern, convenient packaging, a soft surface and an improved absorbent center. Convenient wings are securely attached to the laundry, do not come off or slip. Thanks to its aesthetic shape, the surface does not wrinkle or curl. Despite the thinness of the hygiene product, it reliably absorbs liquid.

Mesh surfaceYes
Number of drops4


from 82 to 295 rub.

  • soft;
  • do not come off;
  • absorbs well;
  • hold tight.
  • not found.

These are my favorite pads. They have never failed, leaked or moved. They do not provoke irritation and are comfortable to wear. It is important for me that they do not contain all sorts of flavorings, which usually cause thrush in me. The surface is pleasant to the touch.

Review presented in video

Kotex Ultra Normal

Kotex Young Normal

The pads are suitable for use by young girls. They are ultra-thin, characterized by a stylish design and reliable protection on critical days. The gasket has a good absorbent center that prevents leaks. The soft wings securely cling to the laundry and do not come off during wear.

Mesh surfaceYes
Number of drops4


from 90 to 167 rub.

  • quality;
  • absorb well;
  • comfortable mesh;
  • soft surface.
  • none.

Good quality gaskets at a great price. I buy these for myself and my daughter. Comfortable, reliable hygiene product. They fit comfortably, do not twist or slip. Absorption is good, no leaks.

You can watch the review in the video

Kotex Young Normal

Libresse Ultra Normal DUO with soft surface

Ultra-thin gaskets have a soft surface and triple protection against leaks. Made from high-quality cellulose, which is well ventilated. The ultra-thin hygiene product has a quickly absorbing center. Barriers around the edges provide additional protection.

Mesh surfaceNo
Number of drops4


from 90 to 292 rub.

  • thin;
  • comfortable;
  • absorbs well;
  • good quality.
  • not found.

The Libress brand is cool, with bright, attractive packaging. The pads do not irritate the skin, are easy to attach, absorb normally, and are suitable for summer. The wings stick on easily and do not come off on their own while you are wearing them.

Libresse Ultra Normal DUO with soft surface

Always Ultra Super Plus

Ultra-thin pads have a top mesh layer, thanks to which the surface remains dry. The hygienic product is effective on the days of the most intense discharge. The wavy 3D texture practically does not come into contact with the surface of the body, providing better protection and absorption.

A large package is enough for two menstrual cycles. The pads contain gel granules that absorb liquid and block unpleasant odors. Thanks to the durable wings, the hygiene product is firmly held on the laundry and does not slip.

Mesh surfaceYes
Number of drops5


from 72 to 389 rub.

  • quality;
  • do not leak even at night;
  • thin and long;
  • do not irritate the skin;
  • invisible under clothes.
  • not detected.

The pads are delicate, absorb well, and retain liquid and odor well. There is no feeling of discomfort, do not irritate the skin, are not noticeable under clothes, and do not rustle.

Expert opinion

Yulia Dukhanina

Ask a Question

Feminine pads should not be stored in the bathroom, because high humidity can cause the sanitary product to become damp and lose its absorbent properties.

A detailed overview is presented in the video

Always Ultra Super Plus

Bella for teens ultra energy deo fresh

Scented sanitary pads have a pleasant, citrus aroma. They are very thin and not noticeable at all even under tight-fitting clothes. They have a silky, soft mesh that completely absorbs moisture. A vapor-permeable, breathable layer is also provided.

Ultratone cuesYes
Mesh surfaceYes
Number of drops4,5


from 65 to 112 rub.

  • thin;
  • invisible;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • don't irritate.
  • not found.

The pads are suitable not only for teenagers, but also for adult women. I use them regularly, although I am no longer 20 years old. The product itself is comfortable, dense, reliably absorbs, and does not leak. They are small in size, but I don’t like huge sheets, especially since my menstruation is not particularly heavy.

Review presented in video

Bella for teens ultra energy deo fresh

Ola! Classic Wings Super mesh surface

Thick sanitary pads are designed for heavy discharge during menstrual periods. Reliable protection against leaks is provided thanks to the elongated shape with wings and the absorbent layer. Dryness is ensured by the mesh. To prevent night leaks, the rear part has a wider surface. Each hygiene product is packaged in an individual bag. Due to the large adhesive area, strong fixation to the laundry is ensured.

Mesh surfaceYes
Number of drops6


from 59 to 92 rub.

  • comfortable;
  • inexpensive;
  • practical;
  • no allergies.
  • not found.

Good gaskets, slightly elongated, do not leak at night. They don’t cause irritation, nothing bothers them. The skin really breathes.

Ola! Classic Wings Super mesh surface

The best women's pads for critical days

The most popular category of products under consideration is menstrual pads, and which ones are better will help determine the opinions of gynecologists, experts, as well as the women themselves. Dozens of brands and models differ from each other in materials, shape, design, ability to absorb and protect the microflora of the intimate area. Based on these characteristics, high-quality, affordable, and most importantly, popular gaskets were selected.


Despite not the cheapest prices, pads from this brand occupy the first positions in demand and popularity. In the line you can see several varieties for daytime and nighttime use, classic, ultra-thin forms.

On average, they guarantee protection for 12 hours, the mesh layer is soft and comfortable for delicate skin. It is this that guarantees instant absorption of secretions.

The flexible shape perfectly adapts to the anatomical features and body contour. They are firmly attached and do not move even during active activities. They are breathable, preventing the growth of bacteria.


  • Fast absorption without smudges;
  • Adaptation of shape to body contour;
  • Strong fixation;
  • Protection up to 12 hours;
  • No odors;
  • Testing by dermatologists.


  • The large mesh of the top layer adheres to the skin;
  • Price.


Such products belong to the budget segment of the market, since their price is significantly lower than that of most analogues. Naturella is used by women of all ages, as well as teenagers.

The main advantage that the manufacturer emphasizes is a soft top layer that prevents skin irritation. Many types of pads have a pleasant natural scent of different herbs and flowers.


  • Organic hypoallergenic fibers;
  • Wings for secure fixation;
  • Slim shape;
  • Caring balm on the top layer;
  • Air permeability;
  • Low price.


  • Not suitable for heavy menstruation;
  • Requires frequent changes.

Bella Perfecta

These are ultra-thin pads for critical days with a breathable top layer. The manufacturer guarantees that the composition contains only natural materials that fit well to the body and do not rub the skin. The degree of absorption is optimal due to the mesh surface.

In the line you can see day or night products. In addition, this is a budget option that allows you to save a lot on monthly costs. The small thickness will allow you to hide the presence of a hygiene product under clothing as much as possible. With a rather mediocre design, you can see an elongated shape here.


  • Fast absorption;
  • Air permeability;
  • Low price;
  • Classic shape;
  • The width is only 2 mm.


  • The wings may rub the bikini area;
  • Feeling wet.


Another popular brand for most women is Libresse. In its line you can see different series, for example, classic models for critical days, daily thin options, reinforced pads for the night, etc. Most of them are thin, which ensures comfortable wearing.

After testing, a good degree of moisture absorption was revealed; a special inner layer guarantees its uniform distribution without smudges. By retaining odors, Libresse prevents the proliferation of bacteria with all the ensuing consequences. Reliable fastening of the wings does not leave any traces of glue on the fabric.


  • Breathable materials;
  • Minimum thickness;
  • Tight, comfortable fit;
  • Two types of surface – soft or mesh;
  • Good degree of absorption;
  • Hypoallergenic;


  • The level of moisture absorption of the product does not correspond to the labeling.

What pads are best to use during menstruation for teenagers?

Why are feminine pads needed? It seems that the answer to this question is simple and quite unambiguous. They are needed for protection during critical days, when the body is more vulnerable and sensitive to manifestations of the external environment. They were originally created to perform this function.

But scientific advances are moving forward, and in order to satisfy the needs of all customers, different types of gaskets are being developed that can be suitable for any purpose.

Today there are several types of them, these include products for daily hygiene; urological, medicinal, and also those that are used after childbirth have been developed. It is worth considering several types of these products to understand which pads are best to use during menstruation.

Every woman has faced the problem that for one reason or another, wearing a pad from a certain company brings her discomfort, or, more simply put, is not suitable.

Period pads

What pads are best to use during menstruation? Maintaining hygiene during these few days is very important. Since sensitivity increases, and with the wrong hygiene product, you can even get an infection.

Therefore, manufacturers pay the greatest attention to this type of gaskets. Gaskets are in greatest demand because their main quality is versatility. Every woman used them more than once.

Each type of product has its own characteristics and properties.

All gaskets are different sizes. It all depends on the volume of discharge that occurs on menstrual days. There are scanty, moderate and abundant. Small-sized products will be needed if the discharge is moderate. If the discharge is more abundant, then you need to choose larger pads, and night pads are selected separately.

Construction of gaskets and their features

The design of different types of products can also be different. Some have special grooves, due to which the blood does not spread, others have wide wings, which also protect against leaks and prevent staining of linen and clothes.

Some species are designed in such a way that they do not have wings.

But what kind of pads are better to use during menstruation, if not those that protect better and with which a woman will feel more confident?! The choice of pads should be approached in accordance with her individual preferences and body characteristics.

Materials from which these hygiene products are made

The materials from which gaskets are made can also vary. Some may have a cotton component inside. But such products are less and less in demand among women, since they are not always reliable. Others have a special sorbent that perfectly retains moisture and turns it into a gel.

Differences may be in the top layer. Typically this is either a synthetic porous material or fluff pulp. Like any material, each layer has its pros and cons.

In the first case, the discharge is quickly absorbed without leaking, but after using such pads, irritation may occur.

In the second case, they are not so practical, but they are advised to be used by women who have increased sensitivity of the genital mucosa.

What type of fragrance do sanitary pads have?

During menstruation, the discharge is not completely odorless. Therefore, pads have been developed that can be used to neutralize and disguise it. They usually have a floral or herbal scent. For some women, these hygiene products are more preferable.

Types of gaskets and their descriptions

Pads are produced with varying degrees of absorbency. This is the main criterion for choosing this hygiene product. It is this feature that plays a key role when purchasing gaskets. Gaskets come in the following varieties:

  • Should be used by women who have scanty discharge. The packaging usually says Light and has a design of five droplets, three of which are painted over.
  • For moderate discharge, Normal pads with four colored droplets are suitable.
  • If there is heavy bleeding, it is better to use Super and Super Plus, as they absorb well and protect well from leaks. The treasured five drops are depicted on the packaging.
  • Since there can also be discharge at night, special pads were created for this time of day. They absorb well and are slightly larger in size than daytime ones. Usually called Night.

Popular sanitary pads for women and girls

The most popular and high-quality menstrual hygiene products, according to women, today are:

  • Always;
  • Libresse;
  • Naturella;
  • Kotex;
  • Helen Harper;
  • Bella;
  • "Natalie";
  • Ola.

Girls' first periods and pads

What pads are best to use during menstruation for girls 12 years old? More on this later.

With the first menstruation, girls begin a new stage in life. The body matures, the body begins to take on the proportions of a woman. At such a sensitive moment, someone should educate the girl about how important it is to maintain intimate hygiene and choose the right products for this.

At such a young age, hygiene products must be chosen very carefully. What pads are best to use during menstruation for 10 year old girls? Anatomical characteristics and individual characteristics of the body are the two main parameters by which you need to select pads.

A very large selection of products for use during menstrual periods will make even an adult woman confused, what is it like for girls? Which pads are best for teenagers to use during their periods if they don’t yet understand the differences between them? Here it is important to properly advise the child. This shouldn't be too difficult.

Which pads to choose for a girl?

What pads are best to use during menstruation for teenagers 12 years old? The entire use of the pad consists of simply gluing it onto the underwear, but the choice consists of several points:

  • The selected products must be of high quality. When using pads made from cheap and low-quality materials, allergies and skin irritation may occur. While it is unknown about the reactions that may occur on the skin, it is better to avoid pads made from unknown materials. It is better to start with hygiene products with a hypoallergenic surface.
  • Teenagers weigh less than adult women, so to begin with, pads for heavy bleeding will be unnecessary. Everything here is purely individual: the volume of discharge and the girl’s weight. In this case, you need to tell what the differences are between these means. Explain the difference between sizes and number of droplets. And next time you don’t have to worry about what the girl will choose.
  • Purchasing several packages at once. Let it be different brands and sizes. A teenager who is menstruating for the first time needs to know that the amount of discharge depends on the day of her period. Therefore, in case the gaskets from one package do not fit, you can use others.

You need to be careful when visiting school on such days. Since staying in one place for a long time can lead to heavy discharge and it can leak onto your clothes. What pads can be used during menstruation? For long periods of sitting motionless in one place, large pads are suitable.

Some types of pads, due to their cotton component, seem thick; if this causes concern that they will be visible under clothing, then thin hygiene products can be used. These are usually packages labeled Ultra.

Pads for girls aged eleven. Their distinctive features

Typically, manufacturers do not produce separate products for women and girls. Only two companies are exceptions in this regard. These are Kotex and Bella.

Due to their convenience and bright design, Kotex Young Normal Deo and Bella For Teen pads are in great demand.

What pads are best to use during menstruation for 11 year old girls? This question should be asked by every mother who is concerned about the health and comfort of her daughter.

They must have the following distinctive features:

  • so that the liquid is absorbed better and faster, they must have a special mesh coating;
  • there should be an absorbent area in the center of the gasket, which will provide protection against leaks;
  • neutralization of odors with the scent of aloe;
  • should not cause discomfort, therefore products for girls were designed in such a way that they are narrower compared to hygiene products for women;
  • they are invisible under clothes due to their small thickness;
  • minimizes irritation due to cotton covering.

Kotex hygiene products for teenagers fully meet these requirements. Therefore, when wondering which pads are best to use during menstruation for girls 12 years old, pay attention to the products of the Kotex company. There is only one drawback to this product.

This is a high cost compared to other types of the same products. What pads are best to use during menstruation for girls 14 years old? Kotex products are also suitable. The pads are completely suitable for the girls' build. Therefore, despite the price, they are popular.

Hygiene rules for a girl who is menstruating

It’s not enough to choose the right pads; on critical days, you also need to follow certain hygiene rules. During such a period, the female body needs special attention. Basic recommendations that a girl should follow when her period begins:

  • Water procedures twice a day. Since the genitals quickly become dirty during menstruation, germs multiply many times faster. To avoid inflammation or infections, you need to carefully monitor your intimate hygiene. What pads are best to use for 14 year old girls if there is no way to take a shower? In this case, hygiene products do not affect this. You can use wet wipes instead of a shower.
  • On such days, it is better to choose a soft cleanser with a special composition that will reduce possible irritation. It is recommended to use intimate hygiene gel; it kills all harmful bacteria and leaves you feeling clean for longer. What pads are best to use during menstruation for girls 16 years old in this case? You can also use ordinary hygiene products, which are always used. If cleansing occurs with soap, then it is better to choose hypoallergenic pads, since soap itself can cause irritation, and other menstrual products will only provoke it more.
  • Gaskets are usually changed at least every 6 hours. Sometimes this needs to be done more often.
  • What pads are best to use for girls 12 years old if they experience excessive sweating in the genital area during menstruation? They can be used as usual, you just need additional talc or baby powder.
  • It is advisable to wear underwear made from cotton fabrics, since synthetics do not allow air to pass through well and make it difficult for the skin to breathe. And during the beginning of the menstrual cycle, this is especially important.

Every girl should know these rules as soon as she has her first menstruation.

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